ALT Magazine September 2015

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September 2015 | Vol. 9, Issue 9


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CONTENTS REGULARS 3 8 W h a t ’ s Yo u r E x p i r a t i o n Date 62 Financial Focus 64 F i s h Ta l e s 72 I n t r o d u c i n g Yo u r N e w D o g To Yo u r O t h e r P e t s 77 Calendar of Events

k / On The Cover


66 68 69 70

FEATURES 1 4 22 30 42


EVENTS Peace, Love & Bowling Haircuts For My Homies Law Enforcement Cooper Tire Big Bass

k / Pet Contest Winners

C a t t l e B a r o n s Ashley & Jason Pet Article Pet Contest W inners


Fall Fashion Guide 44

Keeping It Real Chasing Dreams

A LT M a g a z i n e F a l l F a s h i o n Spread 2015

ALT magazine

covering the ark-la-tex



Vo l . 9 , I s s u e 9

©2015 ALT Magazine For advertising information, call 903.334.9605 6

ALT Magazine

September 2015



Debbie Brower

Debbie Brower, Jaclyn Gooding, Lindsey Gordon,


Kelsey Key, Sylvia Jennings

Lindsey Gordon Feature Writers Associate Editor

Debbie Brower, Brooke

Jaclyn Gooding

Ferguson, Anne Fruge

Sales & Marketing

Contributing Writers

Debbie Brower . 903.278.4444

Mike Brower, Lisa Myers,

Lindsey Gordon . 903-824.8648

Dustin Stringer, Chad Matthews

903.334.9605 Graphic Design Jaclyn Gooding, Lindsey Gordon, Kelsey Key

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From The Publisher

I love going to school. I always have. When I was 7 years old, I had a horrible crash on my bike, which left my left food mangled. Even at that age, I was determined to do things on my own and rode my bike home to a horrified mother! Of course, a visit to the doctor was in order and once bandages had been put in place, I was put on home rest until it had healed

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Curt Green


ALT Magazine

September 2015

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“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.� -- J.R.R. Tolkien

As I am returning from a fun weekend getaway with my boyfriend and preparing for vacation with my mom, I am

reminded more and more how important it is to value the time I get to spend with my family, friends and loved ones. I sometimes

Lindsey Gordon Editor


ALT Magazine

September 2015


Texarkana Gastroenterology Consultants and The Endoscopy Center of Texarkana September is childhood obesity awareness month! Exercise!

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Cattle Barons Ball WORDS BY Debbie Brower

The American Cancer Society September 2015


Cancer. Such a small word for something that kills thousands of people each year. I can imagine that there is no one reading this that has not been affected by cancer in some way, whether a family member, friend or acquaintance. It is not choosy. It affects people from every stage of life, every race, every economic class. So what can be done to help? Well, the American Cancer Society is doing amazing things! When I began researching information for this article, there was too much information to include. Narrowing down the topics, research and prevention came to the forefront again and again. The American Cancer Society dedicates millions of dollars each year to fund prevention research. There are all kinds of new things on the horizon that hopefully will either allow prevention, very early detection or treatment options. Diet, Physical Activity and Cancer Prevention According to ACS, between one-quarter and one-third all cancer cases in the US could be prevented if people maintained a healthy weight, got recommended amounts of physical activity, and made the right changes to their diets, estimates suggest. Analysis showed, for instance, that people who follow the Society’s nutrition and physical activity guidelines most closely have a lower risk of death from cancer and heart disease than people who followed the guidelines least closely. A separate analysis showed that people who spend more than 6 hours a day sitting are more likely to die than people who spend fewer than 3 hours sitting. Society-funded researchers also are looking for ways to harness the power of fruits and vegetables against cancer. For instance, one researcher is searching for the specific components in sweet potato greens that may help prevent prostate cancer. Sweet potato greens are rich in polyphenols, a group of powerful antioxidants found in certain fruits and vegetables that help prevent cell damage. The hope is that pinpointing the exact compounds that prevent normal prostate cells from turning into cancer cells, vegetable-based preventive agents could be developed for prostate cancer. Colon Cancer Prevention/Early Detection Colon cancer is one of the few types of cancer that can be prevented with screening. And even if colon cancer does develop, it can often be cured if found early and treated. Yet only 59%of Americans age 50 and older follow recommended screening guidelines. The Society is funding important research in colon cancer prevention and early detection through several grants. A fecal immunochemical test (FIT) is a newer type of at-home colon cancer screening test that looks for occult (hidden) blood in the stool that could be a sign of colon cancer. To increase colon cancer screening rates, a new program is being tested -- “FLU-FIT Program” – a program that offers the fecal immunochemical test to eligible patients at the time of their annual flu shots. If it works, researchers expect the program could increase access to colon cancer

screening for millions of Americans. The Society is also conducting research that digs into the question of whether the century-old drug aspirin can help prevent colon cancer. Research suggests aspirin may reduce both the risk of developing colon cancer and the risk of dying from it. A 2012 analysis found that daily aspirin use was associated with a 16 percent lower overall risk of dying from cancer. Colorectal cancer was among the cancers seeing the largest benefit, with a nearly 40 percent reduction in the risk of dying. The Society does not currently recommend aspirin for colon cancer prevention because it can cause serious stomach bleeding, although aspirin is used daily by millions of Americans to prevent blood clots that cause heart attacks.

The American Cancer Society dedicates millions of dollars each year to fund prevention research.


ALT Magazine

September 2015

Statistics at a Glance: The Burden of Cancer in the United States

In 2015, an estimated 1,658,370 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States and 589,430 people will die from the disease. The most common cancers in 2015 are projected to be breast cancer, lung and bronchus cancer, prostate cancer, colon and rectum cancer, bladder cancer, melanoma of the skin, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, thyroid cancer, kidney and renal pelvis cancer, endometrial cancer, leukemia, and pancreatic cancer. The number of new cases of cancer (cancer incidence) is 454.8 per 100,000 men and women per year (based on 2008-2012 cases). The number of cancer deaths (cancer mortality) is 171.2 per 100,000 men and women per year (based on 2008-2012 deaths). Cancer mortality is higher among men than women (207.9 per 100,000 men and 145.4 per 100,000 women). It is highest in African American men (261.5 per 100,000) and lowest in Asian/Pacific Islander women (91.2 per 100,000). (Based on 20082012 deaths.) The number of people living beyond a cancer diagnosis reached nearly 14.5 million in 2014 and is expected to rise to almost 19 million by 2024. Approximately 39.6 percent of men and women will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during their lifetimes (based on 2010-2012 data). In 2014, an estimated 15,780 children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 were diagnosed with cancer and 1,960 died of the disease. National expenditures for cancer care in the United States totaled nearly $125 billion in 2010 and could reach $156 billion in 2020.

So with all of this research going on, hopefully a cure for cancer is not far off. However, research costs, and the American Cancer Society spends millions in grants to allow new ideas to come forth. This is where this year’s Cattle Baron’s Ball – Stateline Stampede comes in! If you have been to this event, you understand exactly how wonderful and totally different it is! Cowboy cuisine by Eddie Deen and Company will have you more excited than you have been about food since last year! With lots of entertainment, from headline entertainer Chris Cagle, to Texas Rebellion, an 8 piece country dance band, to a live and silent auction, to riding a mechanical bull or playing Las Vegas style gaming, there is something to keep you excited about being there! This year will prove to be just as wonderful – if not better – than ever before! The Stateline Stampede Cattle Baron’s Ball is now in its third year and will be held at the Four States Fair Entertainment Center this year. With no weather issues involved, attendees can expect to be pampered! Not only will they be in a new venue, but they have a new game for everyone to take part in! Remember Earl, the mechanical bull? Well, Earl will be back again this year, with his eyes (and nether regions) that light up! However, the new game will be team bull riding! Pick your team and get ready to compete to be the best bull riding team EVER! Get your boots on, bring your significant other, and make plans to attend! You never know – the research you help fund may just help you or your family in the future! For more information, please contact Christal Prince, at 903.278.9680. Tickets are on sale at Alexander’s Jewelers, Cavender’s, Crocker’s Jewelers, Gray’s Jewelers, and Rockin WH Ranch Store.


the cells from growing and spreading. This is different from standard chemotherapy, which involves more of a blanketing approach – killing not just cancer cells, but also healthy cells as a consequence. Targeted drugs work to correct specific problems in the cancer cells. Scientists are aggressively looking for more targets through which they can attack cancer with specially designed drugs. Immunotherapy Gaining Steam Another emerging area of cancer treatment is immunotherapy. These therapies either mimic or use the body’s built-in immune system to attack cancer. Personalized Cancer Treatment Takes Shape Personalized cancer therapy is a rapidly evolving new strategy for treating cancer. It is not about developing a new type of drug, rather it is about picking the best drugs – or combination of drugs – to treat a specific person’s specific cancer. For example, researchers can now take a sample of a person’s tumor, test it to see which genetic defects are present, and use that information to figure out which drugs would be most effective against that tumor. The goal is to take some of the guess work out of cancer drug treatment.

air? We’ve go p e r r t yo le k n i uc r p ov as er d e

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Don’t Fry: Preventing Skin Cancer Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types. More than 3.5 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States, and more than 73,000 cases of melanoma (the most serious form of skin cancer) are expected to be diagnosed in 2015. That’s why the American Cancer Society and the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention have designated the Friday before Memorial Day as Don’t Fry Day –– this year it falls on May 22, 2015. Although skin cancer risk factors are present every day, the dangers are greater during the long days of summer when you may spend more time in the sun. With all of the new prevention methods, we still have to treat those who actually end up with this horrible, life threatening disease. So what new treatments are emerging on the horizon? Targeted Therapy, Personalized Care, Immunotherapy The basic understanding of how and why cells become cancerous is the research step that leads to the development of cancer treatments. Targeted Therapy Taking Off Targeted therapy has been around since the late 1990s, but remains a developing area in the world of cancer treatments. The concept is to develop drugs that target the specific molecules that have gone awry in cancer cells to stop

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ALT Magazine

September 2015

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ALT Magazine

September 2015


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It’s The Little Things WORDS BY Anne Fruge

From a young age, we are urged came!” Jason says. to formulate a plan for our lives. Questions While Ashley finished college, Jason such as “What do you want to be when you was working at Red River as a mechanic. grow up?” or “What are you going to major But he knew he wanted more, and he was in?” are asked of even elementary and willing to work hard to get more. Jason had a middle-school age students. However, even desire to someday be his own boss. So when the best laid plans can run eschew and leave an opportunity came up to start a diabetic us wondering how we will start over. Jason medical supply business, Jason gave it all and Ashley he had. Cooper’s “I really plans for wanted to their careers see what “Jason and Ashley no longer look at the future as and lives I could a plan set in stone. Who knows what will come drastically do, what changed I could next? ‘We learned through our experience losing the at a time business to stay humble and enjoy the small things.’” when they thought they had it all figured out; however, in the span of these last few years, accomplish,” Jason says. “I wanted to have Jason and Ashley have discovered that plans a chance to grow things and build things. may change and still they could become When the opportunity arose, I jumped on it. I happier than they ever imagined. wanted a better life than I had growing up.” Jason was a 1998 graduate of The two built a life together in Hooks ISD who played college baseball at Texarkana. They operated the medical University of Central Arkansas where he supply business they owned called LifeCare majored in business management. He knew Medical, they owned two Anytime Fitness of Ashley, a 1996 graduate of Pleasant gyms in Dallas and Ashley taught first grade Grove who played college softball at TC at Liberty-Eylau. When they had time off, and finished her education degree at Texas they loved to go to Lake Narrows, go on A&M-Texarkana. But once they met back cruises, or spend time with their rescue up, they were inseparable. “The things dogs. With a heart for senior dogs or dogs I love most about Ashley are that she is that are not easily adoptable, Jason and structured, a hard worker, a problem solver, Ashley have adopted many dogs with she has a great work ethic, and a big heart. disabilities, including Hopey, a blind poodle, I could keep going on and on.” When asked and Trixi, a chihuahua who was sixteen the same question, Ashley said that Jason when they adopted her and had such matted is “an amazing man who is driven, a hard and infected eyes that she lost sight as worker, soft-hearted and strong.” After a year well. Today, the couple has twelve dogs: of dating, Jason and Ashley got married at eight chihuahuas, one poodle, two german Prissy Chrissy Ranch on November 5, 2005, shepherds, and one pit bull that Ashley opening day of deer season. “At the time, says “thinks she is a two pound chihuahua.” I was not a big hunter, but now that I am, Several are “foster failures” and others are I know it was a sacrifice for everyone who just ones they couldn’t leave at the shelter. 22

ALT Magazine

September 2015

September 2015


“Half of our dogs were not supposed to be alive much longer, and we had this calling to give them peace for the rest of their days, like a hospice care,” Jason says. “But, they start blossoming at the Cooper house! They are all doing great!” In January of 2013 another opportunity presented itself and the couple jumped on it. Jason and Ashley knew a couple who sold AdvoCare health and wellness products, and the couple encouraged them to attend a training convention called Success School in Fort Worth, Texas. The pair thought it would be fun to walk around the Stockyards and get out of town, but really were not sold on going to the training itself. When it came time to go, Jason faked a stomach bug to get out of it. “We were skeptical,” Ashley says. “But, that is such a funny part of our story with AdvoCare. We almost didn’t go!” Ashley ended up attending Success School that weekend without Jason and became inspired. “I saw normal, everyday people doing amazing things with AdvoCare, and I thought ‘If they can do that, I can,’” Ashley says. “I ended up signing up as an AdvoCare Independent Distributor, started sharing the products with friends and family having great success. After that, our AdvoCare business took off and since then, it’s been full throttle.” Within 5 months of signing up, Ashley resigned from her teaching job to work their AdvoCare business from home. Ashley says, “I became a full-time, work-from-home wife. Once I started staying home, I was so happy to have our dogs there. They are always so happy to see us and love us no matter what. I have twelve personal assistants every

day!” With their many ventures, Jason and Ashley enjoyed success early. It was hard to believe that anything would deter them from the paths they had forged for themselves. Jason had worked diligently on building LifeCare Medical into a multi-million dollar company from the ground up, and Ashley’s sharing AdvoCare of products was paying off. Little did they know that a change in policy would mean LifeCare Medical would have to shut down. In January of 2015, LifeCare Medical’s doors were irrevocably closed. “It is so crazy how things change,” Jason says, “I thought I would own this company and that it would be our legacy. However, it taught me that I’m not invincible. We were so successful so young that I forgot about a lot of the little things that make like what it is. The experience humbled us, and we are much happier now.” Jason is now a partner-owner at Superior Pawn and Auto Sales, but he says that “AdvoCare is our future, passion and purpose. It is what we do, and it was put into our life for a reason.” For months, AdvoCare has been the couple’s sole source of income. Over the last two and a half years of sharing AdvoCare products with others, Jason and Ashley have recruited a team of over 1,000 AdvoCare Independent Distributors from all over the United States, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico and Alaska which Jason says “shows the power of network marketing.” Jason and Ashley no longer look at the future as a plan set in stone. Who knows what will come next? “We learned through our experience losing the business to stay humble and enjoy the small things.”

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September 2015

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ALT Magazine

September 2015

Four States Fair

Fostering A Passion For Pooches WORDS BY Brooke Ferguson

How many of us have driven past a scrawny pup on the side of the road or scrolled past yet another animal on our news feed whose owner is relocating, overwhelmed, or simply nowhere to be found? While Sarah McLachlan’s “Angel” may seem a bit dramatic playing on your television screen, it serves as the soundtrack to a very real problem. Here in Texarkana and the surrounding areas, there are multitudes of dogs without homes, food, or proper care. Some will drive past the furry travelers without a second thought. Some will slow down and frown and feel bad, but they will ultimately roll past and feel guilty for a few miles. Maybe they will even snap a picture and post it on social media and feel absolved of their guilt. But there are some, the best of us, I think, that will take time out of their current task or busy day and call the smelly, neglected vagrant of a dog over and take it in. Without out a doubt, Dawn Smith belongs to the latter. Dawn Smith runs a small dog rescue called Passion for Pooches, although she is quick to add that the rescue will take any kind of dog that they possibly can. Charity work is often stereotyped as something a stay at home wife takes on to fill her day or try and give back in some way. Dawn Smith’s work with Passion for Pooches goes above and beyond all stereotypes. She is a nurse at Christus St. Michael and has worked there for 26 years. In addition, she and her “ever forgiving husband,” Jimmy, raised a son and a daughter, attended ball games and extracurricular events, and still she manages to make time to care for (either directly or indirectly) dozens of dogs who have no one else to care for them. As I listened to her spell out her busy schedule, I asked her how she managed to prioritize her time with her family, her career, and the high demands of the rescue. Her answer was simple, but at the same time it was powerful. “It’s a family effort; we’re all involved,” she said. Wow. Instead of playing tug of war with her time with her family and her dedication to the care of dogs, she has cultivated a lifestyle with her family that emphasizes the importance of giving back. Not only does Dawn find time to give back, but she is teaching her children (now young adults) how to be conscientious of sacrificing their time for a greater cause. As Dawn began to tell me about her Great Dane that

passed away nearly 19 years ago, she choked up. I knew then that she had a real heart for animals. She tells me about how she moved from the California sand and sun to a small town in Arkansas as a young girl and has never regretted it because she was able to be around her animals. That same energy still vibrates from her. She beams as she tells me about both the major and minor success stories of the rescue. One day, a female Pit Bull was found on the side of a highway under a bridge, (later aptly named Bridgette) lying next to her deceased mate. “She smelled like death,” Dawn commented, because she had so many abscesses on her body and was so neglected. Passion for Pooches rescued her and sponsored her treatment at a local veterinary clinic and a team of professionals nursed her back to health. Years later, Bridgette is a happy healthy dog and is quite in tune with how humans feel. Dawn noticed this quality in her and sought out a program that trains service dogs. Bridgette passed the program entrance test the first time and was accepted into the program. It was hard on Bridgette to be apart from Dawn after being rescued years earlier; the loyal animal “cried” not howled, but cried out when the two parted. Dawn freely admits that she cried too. As heartbreaking at that experience was, Dawn knew that she made a choice that was better for that animal and went beyond her own selfish desires to keep the dog close. Now, Bridgette is a service dog for a Vietnam Veteran who had not had a full night’s sleep in years due to his severe case of PTSD. Dawn has been notified that Bridgette gets to be with her owner all hours of the day, and her owner finally sleeps through the night with her by his side. Dawn did more that help out a stinky Pit Bull on the side of the road. She invested her time, money, and soul into the dog and made a difference in someone else’s life. Bridgette the Pit Bull is not the only animal in which Dawn invests her time, money, and soul, however. Passion for Pooches sponsored a Boxer named Tank who also went to training to be a service dog. He is specially trained as a night terror service dog. He notices if his owner is having a night terror (also another veteran) and gets up and flips on the lights and comforts his owner. There are also many small dogs who may not hold the prestigious title of service dog, but



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ALT Magazine

September 2015

September 2015


they have made a difference in the lives of the families that adopted them. That’s the thing that stands out in my mind most. We all think that we are making a difference in the dog’s life, and when you adopt, you are, but they also make a difference in our lives. Dawn will be the first one to correct my syntax to say that it is not simply her that invests in the care for the animals in the rescue. She organizes and collaborates with a number of people in our own community as well as communities in the Houston areas and up in the northern parts of the United States. There is a network of people who foster animals through the rescue until there is a permanent home for the dogs: Jim and Dianne Hand, Anita McCoullough, Gina Starky, Teresa Frady, Sheri Adams, and former foster parents, Carri Blackwood and April Brantly and her son Taylor. Kandy Hirsch is also a foster parent when there is a need, but she means even more to the rescue. She is the original founder of Passion for Pooches and yet another person who gives more of herself to help animals. The success of the rescue depends on more than foster parents;

it also depends on the kindness and helpful nature of businesses. Veterinary clinics like Westridge Animal Hospital go above and beyond to help the rescue by making time for the animals as well as discounted rates. Wisdom Animal Clinic and Pleasant Grove Animal Hospital are also more than willing to assist in the care of the dogs from the rescue. Other businesses like PawPaw Patch and PetSmart help Passion for Pooches by providing grooming at low rates and allowing adoptions by accommodating for space, respectively. There are often adoption days at PetSmart to help find a home for the dogs. Volunteers like Shanna Harrison, Marilyn Harrison, Lori Bolden, Caleb Bolden, Foxx Smith, and Ramzi Smith volunteer their free Saturdays to sit with the sweet, furry friends looking for a home. All of these members of our community are taking a step beyond what is required to help provide the care and environment these dogs need. I cannot help but be inspired by Dawn’s passion for all pooches in need, I had to ask myself, “what am I doing to give back?” What can the community do to help make a difference? Dawn explained

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ALT Magazine

September 2015

September 2015


that people often feel intimidated about getting involved because they do not think they could foster any dogs either due to their living arrangements or from fear of becoming attached. “There’s so much more people can do to help” beyond fostering dogs. Furthermore, Dawn readily announces that it is not only about helping Passion for Pooches, “it’s about helping dogs.” She encourages anyone who wants to help to simply find the rescue or shelter they feel most comfortable in working with. People who want to help lessen the burden of one of these organizations can do simple things like buy dog food (Victor, Authority, or Purina Pro Plan) or collars. Those


ALT Magazine

September 2015

who can help a little more can choose to sponsor a dog for grooming or sponsor a spay or neuter procedure at one of the local veterinarian clinics. But monetary assistance isn’t everything. Those who do not have the means to help financially can volunteer to help care for the dogs or even go to our shelter and simply spend some quality time with a dog. “Teach it a new trick,” Dawn challenges, this helps dogs increase their chances of being “adoptable.” There are numerous organizations trying to help the animal shelter keep up with the incredible demand of housing, feeding, and caring for animals. With little effort, we can all help lessen the burden of these

organizations, which helps them help more dogs. Dog owners are encouraged to be intentional about helping keep the number of homeless dogs down by getting their own dogs spayed or neutered. In the northern part of the U.S., there are stricter spay and neuter laws. These laws create real results. “People up there wait many months for dogs.” It is a rare sight to see a gaunt pack of homeless dogs running around. Future dog owners often avoid shelters and rescues because they feel they want a pure-breed or because they do not want a dog that is not a puppy. The truth is, there are multitudes of dogs in shelters and rescues all around that are pure breeds; even rare breeds are in shelters. You could save the lives of these animals. Just as Bridgette the Pit Bull and Tank the Boxer have taught us, quality time and proper care of these animals shows them they can trust you and will result in one of the most rewarding and reciprocal relationships you could ask for. Dawn explains that “there is a place for every dog,” and folks, it’s our job as good citizens and human beings to either provide such a place or help support the organizations that do. Caring for helpless creatures is part of what defines us as a society. Gandhi once said, “the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” The measurement of the character of a nation, of a community, is what we do when no one is looking. So if you have considered fostering an animal before and you are weighing out whether or not you can give that kind of time, just remember that “you’re not changing the world by doing this, but you are changing that dog’s whole world.” If you want to foster a dog, would like volunteer, give donations, and especially if you are interested in adopting, you can email Dawn at or visit the rescue’s Facebook page, “Passion for Pooches.” What a blessing you can be. What a blessing they can be. Let’s roll up our sleeves, Texarkana, and follow Dawn’s passion and take time for dogs.

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The Forest Festival WORDS BY Miranda Johnson

Behind the Northeast Texas “Pine Curtain,” excitement is building in a small town called Atlanta, Texas. There is an undertone of curiosity and anticipation in the air. Speculation is going around about the possibility of an intriguing rumor possible being true. There is a buzz around town, and people are talking about music, food, carnival lights, first dates, traditions and more of their most favorite memories from decades past- memories of the Atlanta Forest Festival. Although the last one was held nearly fifteen years ago, the Atlanta Forest Festival is something that most Atlanta Area citizens remember easily and fondly as a multi-day annual fair, complete with a large carnival, games and contests, pageant and parade, food and craft vendors, a running event and nightly concerts that drew thousands of people from all over the Ark-La-Tex region to little Atlanta, Texas. Plans for the original festival began in 1967 after a group of Atlanta residents formed Atlanta Festivals, Inc., a non-profit organization with the desire to start up an annual event that was focused on family fun and bringing excitement and tourism to the growing town. The group met and set a goal to bring visitors to Atlanta from a four hundred mile radius by presenting nationally known entertainment. Word 34

ALT Magazine

September 2015

traveled fast, and soon, Governor John Connally designated the event as the official Forest Festival of Texas. The Forest Festival was wildly popular, and just as planned, people flocked from miles away to attend. It was to the disappointment of many that the Festival eventually dissolved after the fair grounds that hosted it year after year were sold to a private owner, forcing the event to relocate without success. Fast forward nearly fifty years down the road from the first meeting of Atlanta Festivals, Inc., in 1967 to 2014, when another group of locals came together, also with a shared interest in starting up a festival – the same festival. In fall of 2014 the Atlanta Forest Festival Board of Directors was formed of just seven people with the same vision for family fun and tourism as the first group. Bringing back the Forest Festival meant a lot of work, time and money, but this new interest group was determined to make it happen. Atlanta Forest Festival, LLC was formed. The first thing to do was seek community support and funding. When word began to spread about the possibility of bringing back the festival, support was plentiful. The festival organization was able to get funding to cover the start-up costs of the event and bring in entertainers to boost

attendance. Finding and securing a new property to serve as the fair grounds was also at the top of the to do list. With things to consider such as demolition, grounds work, fencing and security measures and the installation of all new infrastructure- power and water, prepping the new grounds was no small task. Ultimately, plans were solidified and the funds, grounds and other details began coming together. October 7-10th, 2015, the Atlanta Forest Festival will make its long awaited return! After years of absence, the Festival will make a big splash into Atlanta, bringing back the pageant, parade, carnival, concerts, vendors and adding an SCA steak cookoff! Thrill seekers can expect thirty of the most popular rides and amusements, and if the carnival attractions aren’t enough, the nightly musical entertainment acts are sure to draw a crowd! This year’s week night entertainment lineup includes Texarkana’s own Oaklawn Opry Show, big name southern gospel group- the Freemans and a night of Johnny Cash- presented by the well known Terry Lee Goffee. Then, on Saturday night, fans will enjoy

rocking out to classic fan favorites during the Ultimate Eagles Experience as presented by Nashville, Tennessee groupSeven Bridges Band. All concerts are included in the low gate admission fee. More than just fun for the festival guests, many local non-profits and community groups will benefit from the four day event by setting up vendor booths to fundraise or spread the word about their cause. The Board of Directors wanted to ensure that the festival could truly benefit the community not only through a boost in tourism, but also through giving back. Local groups such as the Lion’s Club, Rotary Club, Public Library, Volunteer Police, various church groups and others will receive donations for helping facilitate the festival or take advantage of the opportunity to be an event vendor. Starting this big event back up is a process, and those behind the event plan for growth and improvement each and every year. Make plans to visit charming Atlanta, TX this October for a wonderful time in a great community. New favorite memories are just waiting to be made! For more information, visit:

4201 N State Line Ave, Texarkana, TX | (903) 792-7546

September 2015


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Special thanks to the Hilton Garden Inn & Texarkana Convention Center for a beautiful shoot location. Left Page: 1. The Open Window Right Page: 2. Gayle’s 3. Flanagan’s Shenanigans 4. Abby Gayles

2. 38

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September 2015

September 2015



Open Window 4.

Purple Amulet

Purple Amulet


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September 2015

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2. Left Page: 1. The Open Window 2. Racquet & Jog 3. Flanagan’s Shenanigans 4. Gayles Right Page: 5. OMG Lulu 6. Label’s Boutique



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Left Page: 1. Gayle’s 2. Gayle’s 3. Flanagan’s Shenanigans 4. The Open Window 5. Abby Gayle’s Right Page: 6. OMG Lulu 7. Label’s Boutique

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Left Page: 1. OMG Lulu 2. Gayle’s 3. OMG Lulu 4. The Open Window Right Page: 5. Racquet & Jog 6. Abby Gayles

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4058 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903-792-0088

2. 4.

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September 2015

September 2015




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3. Left Page: 1. Flanagan’s Shenanigans 2. Racquet & Jog 3. Racquet & Jog


Most Popular 46

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September 2015

Special Thanks to all of our incredible models: Debbie Brower, Sara Cantrell, Lindsey Gordon, Kelsey Key, Anna Moore, Autumn Saegert and Christi Whitlock Make sure and check out all these great boutiques and let them know you saw them in ALT Magazine: Abby Gayles and Gayle’s, Flanagan’s Shenanigans, Labels Boutique, OMG Lulu, The Open Window and Racquet & Jog

September 2015


When People Sing Your Song WORDS BY LISA MYERS

I suppose everyone at some time or another has yearned to be treated like a rock star. I mean, what’s not to like about throngs of people waving their hands in the air, so devoted to you and your work that they sing loud and long right along with you as you belt out your song. This past May, when Marvin Warren walked across the stage to receive his Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) from Texas A&M University-Texarkana, he experienced such a reception. The moment the speaker announced his name, pockets of roaring cheers across the auditorium erupted, and everyone in attendance knew Marvin was a man who was very special to a lot of people. The commencement speaker leaned in to Marvin while shaking his hand and said, “That’s quite a fan base you have there.” It is true that Marvin has amassed quite a following through the years, but such devotion from others wasn’t something that just happened. It was cultivated through a series of decisions and a single determination. Marvin grew up in a family that held high hopes for him. He was supposed to be the first person in his family to graduate from college. The plan was to go off to Pine Bluff, major in music, graduate, land a great job and live a wonderful life. Circumstances, however, rarely work out the way we intend, and Marvin’s early path in life certainly didn’t follow the prescribed map. Hanging out with friends, making new ones, and dropping in on parties were more important than attending class, and within a couple of years, Marvin could hear a swan song playing just over the horizon where he was headed. With a deep sadness, Marvin began to recognize he would not be the first in his family to earn a degree. He watched the inevitable approach, and he could hear his aunt’s voice warning him just as she always had, “Payday is coming,” and he knew she was right. Some might have accepted the swan song as the end of their dream, but Marvin looked at it differently. No, he wouldn’t be the first to graduate, but he would still graduate. He moved home and not only got a job at CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System, but also enrolled at Texarkana College and began the long road of a nontraditional student 48

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September 2015

picking up courses here and there along the way as life would allow. It wasn’t long until Marvin heard another calling, one from above drawing him into a ministry for Christ. He began pastoring a church, something he and his wife Sandra still do today. His new occupation as a pastor, however, did not take away his determination to graduate from college someday. He kept plodding along, one or two courses at a time. One night, Sandra and Marvin were discussing their children’s future. By that time, they had a son named Aaron and a daughter named Morgan, and it occurred to them that they were not setting the educational example they intended to set for their children. They wanted to do more than just encourage their kids to go to college. They wanted to show them how important it was – so they both pledged to commit all their efforts in completing their degrees as soon as possible, for themselves and for their children. At that point, Marvin had been working for Texarkana Arkansas School District (TASD) for some time, and a co-worker who had been a tremendous mentor in his life stopped him in the hallway one day and told him about the BAAS program at A&MTexarkana. Her name was Donna Harrison, and she said the program could get him to graduation much faster. She was not wrong, and Sandra was able to finish her degree in a relatively short time, and her husband wasn’t too far behind her. For Marvin, traveling the traditional path to a degree had proven to be a nearimpossible task for someone working a full-time job, pastoring a church, and raising a family with his wife. The BAAS program fast-tracked the process by offering courses at times when Marvin could take them, housing support staff and faculty who understand his needs as an adult student, and providing a way for him to earn credit for what he already knew. With all this, along with a degree plan customized to his needs, Marvin was able to finally experience his lifelong dream of earning his bachelor’s degree, and an incredible fan base – family, friends, church members – was there to cheer him on with unrestrained joy, approval, and admiration. They were singing out Marvin’s life song, and it was not a swan song by any means; it was a song of victory that will ring out through his children’s lives and many more to come. September 2015


ALT Cutest Pet Contest

1. Bella and Weezer Owner: Jennifer Solida

9 year old Boston Terriers


ALT Magazine

September 2015

2. Bentley Bo Fahr - Owners: Lauren Altenbaumer & Cody Fahr. 3. Max and Lily Mustain - Owner: Rosemary Mustain. 4. Vala Cracchilo - Owner: Lisa Cracchiolo. 5. Pixie Lou Authement - Owner: Rachel Authement. 6. Ricca - Owner: Pam Rogers. 7. Karley - Owner: Emily McCoart. 8. Gracie - Owner: Ashlee Edwards. 9. Toby Snipe - Owner: Shelbi Snipe. 10. Alli Thrash - Owner: Tracee Thrash.










September 2015


SEPTEMBER 26, 2015


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ALT Magazine

September 2015

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Submitted by Dustin Stringer Stringer Wealth Management LPL Financial

Social Security & Extra Work By Dustin Stringer

Do additional earnings on your record after retirement age increase your Social Security benefit? The answer, as with many of these calculation-type questions, is a fully qualified “maybe.” Working past your retirement age can potentially raise your Social Security benefit, although it may not be much of an increase, depending on your previous earnings and your work history. Let’s review how the Social Security Administration calculates your benefit. The SSA indexes each year of your earnings since you were 20 up to the year before you reach 60. For example, if you reach 62 in 2015, the agency arrives at what’s called your average indexed monthly earnings, or AIME, based on your earnings between 1973 and 2013. For 1973, the indexing figure (multiplier) is 5.9217. So, if you made $10,000 that year, the indexed earnings are $59,217. The SSA, however, does not adjust your earnings at or after 60. In any subsequent year that you have earnings from a Social Security-covered job, the SSA puts them onto the list of your

lifetime earnings at face value. It adds up the highest 35 years and divides the total by 420, the number of months in 35 years. The result is your AIME. After plugging your AIME into a formula that figures out your full retirement benefit, you get your primary insurance amount (PIA), the foundation of all benefit calculations. Now back to the question: Does working after retirement age increase my benefit due to the additional earnings?

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If this additional year replaces a lower earning year in your original list, then yes, your benefit may increase. For example, John has been working all of his adult life since he was 20. His lowest indexed earnings from prior years were $59,217. After reaching 62 in 2015, he continues to work and has risen to the position of manager, making $90,000 a year. So at the end of 2015, SSA includes the 2015 earnings in his AIME calculation. His new earnings from 2015 replace the lowest ones. As a result, his AIME rises from $5,000 to $5,073, and his PIA from $2,075 to $2,086.6. It isn’t much, but if you have significantly lower or zero earnings in one or more years on your list, working after retirement age may benefit you more. For instance, Sam, also 62, didn’t work outside the home for the first 18 years after he reached 20, pursuing his recording career and raising his children. He dropped his music dream at 38 and took a job in customer service, earning $24,000 per year. If Sam continues to work and makes $24,000 in 2015, the amount replaces an earlier zero-earning year on his list. His AIME will be recalculated, from $1,314 to $1,371, and his benefit grows by an $18.30 per month from $899.40 to $917.70, almost double the amount of John’s increase, even though John earns nearly four times as much. *The views and opinions expressed herein are the views and opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. LPL Financial does not provide tax or legal advice. The information contained in this report should be used for informational purposes only. The appropriate professionals should be consulted on all legal and accounting matters prior to or in conjunction with implementation of the plan. Securities and Advisory Services Offered Through LPL Financial - A Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA / SIPC.

September 2015



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by Mike Brower


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September 2015

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September 2015

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Luah and Elvis Cowhorn Creek August 8, 2015 1. James and Bettye Megason, Bill and Shirley Ware 2. Kathia Warren, Marguerite Williams and Peggy Wine 3. Mildred Proctor, Jane Larey and Edgar Parker 4. Bonnie McCrary, Bobbie Guillot 5. Gayle Sharp and Joy Morgan 6. Lupe Rodrigues and Mila Rodrigues 7. Katherine Mueller and Betty Jackson 8. Buddy Bobo, Jeff Jones and James Smith 9. Jimmie Ann Wallace, Pat Keener and Bitty Frazier 10. Maxine Taylor and Laurel Lee Cummins 11. Sue Asa and Patsy Foster 12. Jeff Jones, Lena Nix and Doolie Jones 13. Lindy Patillo - Rainbow of Challenge School of Hope 14. Ruth Anne Atterberry and Wanda Davis 15. Velma Rochelle and Dottie Hagemann 16. Anna Hawkins and Lynda Williams 17. Bitty Frazier and Elvis Impersonator 18. Elvis Impersonator and Kathia Warren 19. Elvis Impersonator and Bettye Megason 20. Shirley Ware and Elvis Impersonator























ALT Magazine

September 2015





OPEN TUES-SAT: 10:00-7:00, SUN: 1:00-6:00

September 2015




August 15, 2015- Texarkana, Texas- Amid the fun of New Boston Pioneer Days, Mike and Vicky Sandefur stood with Texarkana College students smiling at the crowd. At a check presentation on Friday, August 14, New Boston residents Vicky and Mike Sandefur made a commitment of $60,000 to the Texarkana College Foundation to support the College’s Presidential Scholarship opportunity for students from Bowie County’s West End. The presentation took place at the New Boston Pioneer Days Festival at 8 p.m., preceding the 8:30 p.m. concert featuring the Soul Tones. Vicky Sandefur, who served as a local pastor with United Methodist Church, along with her husband, Mike Sandefur, an investment manager of commercial real estate, timber and land development, are dedicated to the advancement of our community by providing resources that enable students to reach their potential through affordable access to higher education. “Mike and I first realized the potential of youth through our church, Red Bayou United Methodist Church. After seeing such promise, we knew we wanted to help their future,” said Vicky Sandefur. Since the successful annexation of Bowie County, New Boston and the West End have shown great support for Texarkana College. “We are all so thankful for the opportunity the scholarship has given us,” said Kristina Grider, New Boston High School graduate and Texarkana College student. “I’ve experienced so much personal attention. I feel like Texarkana College wants me to succeed.” The Presidential Scholarship Program, paid for by the TC Foundation, allows top graduating high school seniors to attend Texarkana College tuition free for two years. Of the 88 Presidential Scholars for the 2015 school year, 36 are from West End schools. Current Presidential Scholars from the West End joined the Sandefurs on stage during Friday’s presentation. For additional information about the Texarkana College Foundation or to make a donation, please contact Katie Andrus at (903) 823-3125 katie.andrus@

The summer temperatures have been extremely hard on our community. Is it truly any hotter than any other summer? For some, in our community, it does seem to be hotter than ever. Those who have found themselves without a home this summer are experiencing the heat like never before. Red River Federal Credit Union reached out to Jennifer Laurent, Executive Director of Randy Sams Outreach Shelter on July 27th and just simply asked if there were any “immediate” needs at the shelter. “From time to time, I will take items that I’ve gathered from my own home to the shelter, so I will check on what they need at the time to see if I have items I can donate personally,” stated Patricia Cunningham, Director of Marketing at RRFCU. Jennifer quickly responded to the message with, “Our biggest need right now is just more water. We are handing it out constantly right now and bottles work well because then they cannot get knocked over by their beds and they can refill them if they are out and about. Plus, we keep water for people who don’t live here, but may be in need during the day.” Within minutes, a message was posted for all the credit union employees throughout the region asking for support. The following day, cases of water and donations were coming in for Randy Sams. July 31st was the first delivery of water; Richard King and Shane Rainwater, both RRFCU employees in the Support and Facilities department helped Patricia deliver approximately 2,800 bottles of water. During the delivery, Jennifer explained that they are currently going through 5 to 6 cases of water per day so this delivery would help them for at least a week, maybe two. As it happens, when the bulk of the water was purchased, there was no more available at the lowest price point, therefore, there will be another shopping trip later this week or next week when it has been re-stocked to use up the rest of the donations that came in from the employees at RRFCU.



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Saturday, September 19, 2015 Texarkana, Texas 62

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September 2015

September 2015



Imagine handing out treats and name tags at the front door of your home for your new dog and your resident pets. Imagine happy munches and friendly woofs (and/or meows) as they blend and bond instantly and forever. Then blink twice and remember that you are living in the world of reality and not in an ideal parallel universe. But


ALT Magazine

September 2015








The Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is located at 203 Harrison, Texarkana, AR, 71854. For more information, call 870.773.6388, or visit: www. or www.facebook. com/AnimalCareAdoptionTXK. We are always in need of caring, capable volunteers to assist in with duties at the center, adoption events, fund-raising activities and more.




nima Atlanta A

BROOKS BRODY Muttley Crew Rescue



Poodle Patc

MOLLY Faithful Friends

h Rescue





n for Pooches



have this done for only $20! Please note, all dogs adopted from this shelter MUST be spayed or neutered. Spays cost $89-$104, neuters are $76-$92 depending on the weight of the dog. We also have SPONSORED dogs and cats! This means someone has already paid for their vetting! Come see who’s waiting! Arklatex Cocker Spaniel Rescue



imal Le Texarkana An




Your tax-deductible donation will help care for and assist in the adoption of loving animals to good homes! Please contact our Friends of the Shelter group to find out how you can help! www. We’re open Monday-Friday from 11:00 5:00 and Saturday 11:00 - 2:00. Is your pet microchipped? If not, come E LAEKANNLeague

ALEX Boxer Rescue of TXK



Texarkana Humane Society

IE SOPH scue ad Re P s ie t Kit


Texarkana Humane Society


September 2015


Reader’s Choice 2016 Categories Goods & Services



Apartment Complex Auto Service & Tires Auto Stereo & Accessories Band Bank Children’s Clothing Cleaners Credit Union Fitness Center/Gym Florist Furniture Garden Store/Landscaping Gift Shop Grocery Store Gun Store Home Builder/Home Improvement Investment Advisor Jeweler Liquor Store Local Pharmacy Pawn Shop Retirement/Assisted Living Community Shoes & Boots Salon Spa Tattoo Artist Urgent Care Veterinarian Clinic Women’s Clothing Yoga Studio

Wedding Attire Wedding Cake Wedding Caterer Wedding DJ Wedding Florist Wedding Indoor Venue Wedding Outdoor Venue Wedding Photographer Wedding Rentals Wedding Videographer

Artist Chiropractor Cosmetic Surgeon Decorator/Designer Dentist Insurance Agent OB-GYN Optometrist Pediatrician Photographer Realtor Volunteer

Community Charity Event Company To Work For Non-Profit Organization 68

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September 2015

Wine & Dine BBQ Desserts Fried Chicken Hamburger Mexican Pizza Steakhouse Wine List Wings Breakfast Brunch Business Lunch Date Night Restaurant Gourmet Dinner Happy Hour Locally Owned Restaurant Lunch Spot Outdoor Dining Caterer Chef


Calendar of Events

Texarkana Regional Arts & Humanities Council presents Art for Everyday – A Celebration of Functional Pottery, from August 20 – October 24, 2015. Featuring the work of local artist and potter, Chris Thomas. Open and free to the public. Call TRAHC at (903) 792-8681 for more information. Her strong devotion to clay has been growing ever since resulting in pieces exhibited in TRAHC’s Annual Juried Exhibitions and a thriving business producing functional pottery.


POW/MIA Vigil. Korea/Vietnam Memorial. 7th & Stateline Avenue. Opening ceremonies at 4:46 P.M. Candlelight ceremonies at 8:00 P.M.


POW Meal at 12:00 Noon. “Ride to Remember” & Balloon Release at 3:00 P.M. From Arkansas Welcome Center at Red River (HWY 71) leave at 2:40 P.M. to Korea/Vietnam Memorial. All street legal cars, truck, rigs, and motorcycles welcome. Closing candlelight ceremonies at 8:00 P.M.


Grandparents Day at Cowhorn Creek! James Michael Performance at 7pm! A World Class Baritone With An Engaging Performance Style Presents The Widely Acclaimed Singing Experience “ Melodies of Memories and Miracles Broadway Classics”


Amanda Fussell Woodman Memorial CASA Colorful 5k - Saturday, September 19, 2015. Texarkana’s only “Color Run”. Benefiting CASA of Northeast Texas for the more than 1,000 abused and neglected children in our area. We will have a children’s area with bounce house, magician, snow cones, face painting, ice cream and food. To join the race or become a sponsor go to

economic success.” Says Kaitlyn Flanagan, executive director of Junior Achievement. “A successful night of trivia will allow us to reach our goal of getting into new classrooms all while allowing the community members a night out of having fun. Financial literacy and work readiness are two components we teach in our classes. Smart money management and increased self esteem are just naming two things our classes could give the students. This is so important to our community. It is time we invest in our youth, help give them the skills they need to be successful our global economy.


Pink U! Girls can attend college for the day and get a crash course in living their best life. Join us on October 3rd from 10am-3:30pm to learn about fashion design, first aid, fitness, beauty, and health. We will end the day with a Pink fashion show so come dressed in your craziest pink attire. Girls of all ages welcome to attend, cost is $5 in advance, $10 at the door. Contact Emily at (870) 773-2151 for more information.


RDH Promotions & Grandpa’s Place present The Bowlings. Grandpa’s Place is a covered; outdoor music park! Cooled by god & the misting fans. Friday Oct. 16, 2015. 7pm. (pre concert at 6:30) featuring Then Came Sunday – vocal band & The Hendrix Trio. For more information please call 903-792-3011. Grandpa’s Place is located at: 1489 Hwy 355 East Hope, Arkansas. (Patmos community) Concessions are available. What a great way to spend your evening!


In a state known for its great craft beers and local breweries, Texarkana Friends of the Shelter is proud to host the First Annual Oktoberfest Texarkana in Downtown Texarkana! All proceeds go to benefit the Animal Care and Adoption Center of Texarkana. We’ll kick off the event with the timed Pork Chop 5K as well as a 1 mile Family Fun Run and Dog Walk! The festival will host many great arts and crafts vendors from the four states, as well as delicious food and a bier garten. Breweries from across Arkansas will have samples as well as beer avaible for purchase. The Front Street stage will feature many local singers, artists and dancers from the Ark-La-Tex, and fun contests! Wrapping up the day will be Texarkana favorite, Greg Gardner, performing some of his best country hits! This will be an experience you don’t want to miss!


T-Town Reunion Cruise at Trinity Baptst Church, 3115 Trinity Blvd., Texarkana, Ar. - from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. - Open to all Antique, Classics, Muscle cars & street rods. Features oldies music, door prizes & food concession. Free event & fun for entire family.

Above are the categories for ALT Magazine’s 2016 Reader’s Choice. With more than 70 categories to nominate your favorite businesses and people in the Ark-La-Tex, we are putting together the most comprehensive best list in Texarkana The top five nominees will be listed in November for you to vote for your choice for the top business around.

Visit: To Nominate Your Favorites Today!


5th annual Karen’s Kause Foundation Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, September 26th at New Haven Golf Course. Shotgun start at 1pm. For more details and pricing contact Karen Guyton at (903) 733-4403 or


SPONSORS AND PARTICIPANTS NEEDED! 4 Kids Golf Tournament. Indian Hills Country Club - Atlanta, Texas. Benefitting: A World For Children. Two player scramble. 7:30 A.M. Registration. Lunch provided. Entry fee - $50 per person.


4th Annual Texarkana Renaissance Faire September 26-27, 2015 Saturday - Sunday 10am-7pm Admission Adults - $10 Youth, 5-12 - $5 Children 4 and under - FREE Four States Fair Grounds 3700 E 50th Street Texarkana, AR 71854


Junior Achivement of Texarkana is holding a Trivia Night to raise money in support of its financial literacy programs for children. This year’s goal of $10,000 will enable the organization to teach 33 classes, reaching over 600 area students. “ JA Texarkana is trying to expand our reach and give more students the opportunity to own their

September 2015


Country Living at best.

Bill Spradlin Realtor 903-748-3186

Tracy Spradlin Broker 903-748-2477

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ALT Magazine

September 2015

Jan Williams Realtor 903-277-5771

1356 N. Kings Hwy., Nash, TX 75569

Tara Whelchel Realtor 903-293-1429

Karyn Baucum Realtor 903-278-3836

Stephanie Maddox Realtor 903-701-1341

Karen Hammonds Realtor 903-293-2020

Payton Laney Realtor 903-278-9176

Lee Hammonds Realtor 903-748-8858


Close to Home

HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Texarkana now offers a comprehensive lymphedema program for outpatient and inpatient services. This program focuses on alleviating swelling that occurs when the lymphatic system does not work properly, leading to immobility, pain and even infection. Based on each patient’s specific needs, its focus is to improve quality of life while teaching the patient and family how to manage the condition.

Treatment Benefits • • • • • • • •

Decrease swelling of arms, legs, face and abdomen Enable independence of daily living activities Enhance quality of life Improve skin quality Lower risk of infection and hospitalization Prevent open wounds Raise range of motion and exercise ability Soften tissue

The Joint Commission Disease-Specific Care Certification in Hip Fracture Rehabilitation and Stroke Rehabilitation

A Higher Level of Care®

Contact Us Finally, a lymphedema program that’s located near you. To learn more or make a referral, call 903 735-5011.

515 West 12th Street • Texarkana, TX 75501 903 735-5000

©2015:HealthSouth Corporation:1095548

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