ALT Magazine November 2014

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November 2014 | Vol. 8, Issue 11

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CONTENTS November 2014 V o l . 8 , I s s u e 11 Publisher/Editor Debbie Brower


Associate Editor Jaclyn Gooding

14 Have Faith 24 Loneliness 29 A LT B r i d e s 78 Catch a Break

Sales & Marketing Manager Charlie McMurphy 903.903.5797


Graphic Artists Lindsey Gordon

70 70 71 71 71 72 73

CASA Women of Courage G a b l e M o s s To u r n a m e n t s Te x a r k a n a A p r a x i a W a l k Salvation Army Survivor Art Wall Cattle Baron’s Ball David Haak Fundraiser

74 79 76

Jeans & Bling TAMU-T Alumni Event Te x a s H i g h 5 K D a s h


Photography Debbie Brower, Jaclyn Gooding, Lindsey Gordon, Kendal Dockery, Sylvia Jennings Feature Writers / Anne Fruge, Chad Matthews

United Way Campaign

Contributing Writers

k / On The Cover Happy Veteran’s Day November 11th!

WEDDINGS 33 42 50

Walter & Jasmine Clark Candace & Richard Lamson Courtney & Kristopher Lanier


A Degree of Distinction Calendar of Events Financial Focus F i s h Ta l e s Second Chances View from the Range

ALT Magazine

November 2014

Dustin Stringer

Mike Brower

If you have an event you would like to include in our Upcoming Events section, please email us at:

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14 200 Heather Dr. Texarkana, TX 75501 (903) 334-9605

Have Faith

REGULARS 62 82 66 64 80 68

Lisa Myers, Chuck Sanderson,

Special Advisor


38 Amanda Wooten to Nick Burt 40 Emily Bowling to Joshua Markle 44 Jessica Watkins to Jacob Ashford 45 Savannah Sealy to Bryan Prinsen 46 Brittany Moore to Aaron Graves 52 Ta y l o r M o n t g o m e r y t o Z a c h Pommer 53 Kim Murray to Parker Steele 54 Kourtney Birdson to Josh Holcomb 56 Mary Shaw to Kole Dellinger

Mike Brower, Thomas Johnson,

ALT Magazine is published the 1st business day of every month. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of ALT Magazine is strictly prohibited. ALT Magazine is distributed free of charge. Direct mail subscriptions are available for $42.00 per year. Contributions from our readers are welcome. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material.

©2014 ALT Magazine



For advertising information, call Charlie McMurphy 903.908.5797

KEEPING IT REAL From The Publisher

The best things in life are nearest: Breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of right just before you. Then do not grasp at the stars, but do life’s plain, common work as it comes, certain that daily duties and daily bread are the sweetest things in life. ~Robert Louis Stevenson It’s that time again...time to give thanks. I try to do that on a daily basis, thanking God in my prayers each night for the many blessings He has given me. This past year, I have had one really huge blessing -- the ability to breath! In the summer of 2013, I started having some slight problems with my breathing. I wrote it off to summer allergies, which I have had all of my life. When summer came and went, and the breathing problems were still there, I started going to physicians. I had self diagnosed myself with asthma as a result of my many allergies. Well, after trips to get medications and shots, I ended up at my wonderful gastro doctor, Dr, Laura Balmain. I had been told that my problem was not related to my breathing, it was acid reflux. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I couldn’t breath because of acid reflux. Well, after several tests, Dr. Balmain and I both agreed that we didn’t think I had acid reflux and she suggested I see a pulmonologist. I chose one in Little Rock a friend had been to and loved. Upon arriving at his office, with my records in his hand, he listened to my throat, did a few other tests, and told me he wanted to send me to the ENT he used and they were working me in. That afternoon was the beginning of diagnosis of Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis. Essentially, the subglottis, located just behind your vocal chords, has scar tissue on it that continues to grow and make the tracheal opening smaller and smaller. It was as if I was breathing through a straw! By the time I had my surgery, I could walk across my yard and have to sit down to catch my breath. I have never had such a great feeling as the moment I woke up from surgery and took a deep breath! Idiopathic Subglottic Stenosis is a rare condition. In fact, the “idiopathic” part made it even more rare. Why am I not surprised that if I were going to have something wrong, it would be something nobody else has! Unfortunately, the condition never goes away. I may have to have another surgery similar to the one I had in the spring if the condition comes back -- and chances are it will come back. If it is back enough, a major surgery is required. I have been told that I do not need to cough or clear my throat often because it will make it return quicker. With that in mind, I’m headed to the allergy doctor to be tested and hopefully get on shots to keep allergies to a minimum. The other thing I have had to do is stop singing in the choir. I can deal with all of the shots, but not singing is just hard! If our choir sings a song that I love and know, I sit and lip sync in the congregation and typically shed a few tears, knowing I can’t be there. So although there are things I can not do now, I still praise and thank God for all the things I can do -- especially breath! Of course there are lots of other things I am thankful for, and I sure let Him know that as well! I hope that you are well this holiday season and have much to be thankful for!


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November 2014

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Ninety two-year-old Louise Johnson, affectionately known by loved ones as “Johnny,” says that these are words to live by. Varied life experiences and taking risks are something that Louise knows a lot about. She has served her country as a Naval nurse in World War II, traveled all over the world, received her bachelor’s degree at age 58, and shot a hole-in-one at Northridge Country Club in May 1980 to name just a few of her accomplishments. Louise was born in Lackawanna, New York, but raised in Northborough, Massachusetts. Her father, Carl, was an immigrant from Sweden who worked as a carpenter and worked hard to become a U.S. citizen. Her mother, Bertha, was French Canadian and worked as a nurse. Louise first realized she wanted to become a nurse from her mother’s influence, and she even wrote about it in a paper for French class. She graduated as valedictorian of her class in 1940 and received a scholarship for the nursing program at Rhode Island Hospital. “Nursing has always appealed to me,” Louise says. “I just decided that was what I wanted to do. Of course, then we heard about the impending war in Europe. It was quite a time!” While on night duty December 7, 1941, Louise and her friends gathered around the radio and heard the news that Japan had bombed Pearl Harbor. “After that, we couldn’t wait to get through training and go to the service,” Louise says. “A lot of women in that time took jobs or went to the service. We had to pass our state boards in nursing first, and up to that point, it was a time

of sheer anticipation. Was I nervous? Not really. I didn’t really think about it. The whole country was getting involved, and I wanted to as well.” Out of the six girls who took the physical exams for the Navy with Louise, only Louise and another friend passed and were able to join. Louise was sent to training in Norfolk, Virginia, where she had the honor of being a platoon leader. She was then stationed at Newport Naval Hospital in Rhode Island. “Most people have no idea how we lived back then. Everything was rationed: sugar, gas and even nylon hose! We didn’t have computers or TV, so we would all be glued to the radio so that we could hear what was happening,” Louise says. “It was an exciting time, but it was a trying time. I’m glad that I was a part of it, and it was so easy to get caught up in it. When I look back, I think it was exciting, but we also had some scary times in Newport.” Louise remembers hearing the torpedo boats go by patrolling Narragansett Bay. Most nights all the buildings along the coast would “black out” to avoid being seen by German submarines. While stationed there, Louise met a lot of new friends. The Navy nurses were in charge of administering the new miracle drug: penicillin. They were also in charge of treating a lot of soldiers, specifically from the south pacific. While she was there, Louise took care of a lot of men with gunshot wounds and diseases contracted from serving in the abysmal conditions of jungle warfare such as malaria and fevers. “One time, they decided that Rhode Island was too humid for these soldiers that were coming in,” Louise says. November 2014


“So I remember, they loaded them up and sent them all to San Diego. I got a letter in the mail from one of the men saying that it was even more humid in San Diego! He said that they had traveled across the country just to change sacks, which was what they called the beds.”

Mardi Gras parades after the war, and Peggy and I even got to ride on a PT boat. We called that our ‘sea duty.’”

Louise applied for anesthesia

After becoming certified by taking a national examination, Louise stayed and taught at Charity Hospital. While she was there, she met an anesthesiology resident doctor who served in the Army with Dr. John K. Laws, who was an anesthesiologist in Texarkana, Arkansas.

One day as a student nurse while in the operating room, Louise witnessed the work of a nurse anesthetist and decided that after the war, she wanted to pursue training in anesthesiology to become a nurse anesthetist. Then, Louise and her friend, Peggy, were sent to Naval District Headquarters in New Orleans and arrived several months before V-J Day in August of 1945. “When we heard the war with Japan was over, we put on our white dress uniforms and hats and went out on Canal Street,” Louise says. “It was like Mardi Gras! Sailors and marines were coming up and hugging us and kissing us saying that they had never ‘kissed a JG before.’ We were Lieutenants JG, or junior grade having been promoted from the rank of ensign. We had a lot of fun in New Orleans. We spent time at the Officer’s Club, went to

“I wanted to do something else besides just nursing,” Louise says. “I always felt like the nurse anesthetist had so much more responsibility. At that time, nurse anesthesia school was only nine months! So, I started training in January of 1947 and was finished the following September.”

school through the Navy, but she heard that it would be several years before she would be accepted. So, she retired from the Navy in 1946 and applied for nurse anesthesia school at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. She was told there was a waiting list, so she took a job as an operating room nurse in another hospital, but got a call on January 1 saying that an applicant had never shown up, and Louise could take her place.

“The resident told me that Dr. Laws was looking for a few nurse anesthetists for the anesthesia department in St. Michael Hospital and wondered if I was interested,” Louise says. “My friend, Lillian, and I both applied, got the jobs and moved to Texarkana.” When Lillian and Louise arrived in Texarkana, it was a “one-horse” town with a population of about 25,000. Their first apartment did not have air conditioning and the city was centered around the downtown area. “Back in that time, places like the Grim Hotel and McCartney were booming. They were really uptown,” Louise says. “Before the Interstate, I remember you had to drive down 67 to get to Dallas or to go to Little Rock. Over the years, Texarkana has seen a lot of changes.” Louise worked at St. Michaels for 31 years from 1948-1979 in the anesthesiology department. However, she always felt like she needed a college degree, so she started an External Degree Program in 1976. Working on lessons at home and attending a few seminars, she eventually received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Health Care Administration in 1980 from Ottawa University in Kansas, 40 years after she had completed high school. “My GPA was a 3.78, and I was very proud of that!” Louise says. “The job helped me get the Chief Nurse position at New Boston General Hospital, and I worked there until 1983.”

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November 2014

After this, Louise worked in several different capacities. She worked for the State of Texas monitoring Medicare records; she worked for the State of Arkansas as a nursing home

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and pop restaurant we went to down the street from our hotel with the best veal parmesan.”

inspector, and finally let her licenses expire in 1990. “I let all my licenses expire because I knew that ‘retirement’ is a myth and that I might be tempted to go back,” Louise says. “At this point, I had played golf for as long as I’d been in Texarkana, and I loved to travel, so I decided to focus on those things.”

Among Louise’s other hobbies, she worked at a friend’s bookstore for a while and even was employed as a teacher’s aide at Texas High School under Pam Townsend. She also sang with the Texarkana Regional Chorale

the pirate role, Louise had to even black out a tooth. “I always loved acting and thought it was really fun,” Louise says, “I don’t know how good I was, but Brian Goesl always tells me that I was one of the best Annie Sullivans in the Miracle Worker that he had ever seen.”

Brian Goesl, Executive Director for Texarkana Regional Arts and Louise started playing golf I’ve always believed you should Humanities Council, has known because “there wasn’t that much Louise since he was old enough to to do in Texarkana.” She took do the right thing, meet good people “bounce on her knee.” lessons from Don Murphy and and take time to smell the roses. played at Texarkana Country Club “My parents would invite these and then Northridge, where she incredible people from all different made a hole in one! She has taken professions and walks of life over to the two golf trips to Portugal and Scotland, from 1990-2010. During that time, the house for dinner parties or Thanksgiving and she has traveled with friends to group was able to perform at Carnegie parties, and the kids were allowed Alaska, Hawaii, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Hall twice and Montreal, Canada, once. to stay inside and visit,” Brian says. Italy and all over the United States. “We listened and had conversations Louise was also a very with these amazing people about “You know, I was from New important part of the only live theatre important topics in the world. It was England where everything is so group in Texarkana in the 1950s: provincial,” Louise says. “People need Texarkana Little Theatre. She served as an enlightening experience and a to change scenes, broaden their mind treasurer for the group and helped make great learning experience. This peer group of my dad’s included several of and see new things. I traveled with a sets, costumes, and props. The group the brightest women involved in the group one time, and a man on the trip performed at the Arkansas Municipal Texarkana community, and Louise is refused to really try anything. I kept Auditorium Stage. Louise first found a telling him, you’ve got to experiment love for theatre in high school where she one of the last of that original group. She is like another aunt, another family with the food. I mean we were in ITALY! played the part of Jo in Little Woman member to me. I grew up with creative, I will always remember this little mom and a part in Pirates of Penzance. For



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November 2014


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intelligent women and it affected me personally. I never saw women as anything but equals.” Texarkana Little Theatre even performed live at the Four States Fairs in the 1950s. These were ‘melodramas’-hero, villain and ingénuedirected by Martin Patterson. They would set up in a tent and perform a few times a night. “I can remember attending their shows. They had real footlights and everything,” Brian says. “This group was a great cross-section of people in the Texarkana community who loved theatre and helped keep theatre alive and well in Texarkana. In the entire time I’ve known Louise, she has always stayed active and involved in the community. She loves to knit, talk about football, and she is a voracious reader. I think all of these things have helped keep her alive and fresh and active.” Though there have been many defining moments in Louise’s full life,


ALT Magazine

November 2014

one of her favorites happened last year when she was able to go on an honor flight October 5, 2013. Louise’s nephew, Frank Tetreault, was a Vietnam veteran with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force, and agreed to escort her through the tour of Washington. Louise flew from Little Rock to Washington with other veterans where the group was greeted by a huge welcome crew with flags, music and a water cannon salute. Senator Pryor shook their hands as they disembarked and thanked them for their service. On the trip, they were able to tour several monuments including the World War II monument where soldiers from every state were honored. Louise’s name is on the memorial as a veteran from Massachusetts. Louise was able to pay her respects at the monuments that stand for so many lives and friends lost.

“I felt so honored on that day,” Louise says. “You know, we need better service for the veterans coming back from the war today. So many of them have sacrificed so much. They fight for us knowing that they are giving up their well-being, their sanity and in some cases, their lives, and many cases their return to civilian life is filled with problems.” Today Louise is still active at Saint James’ Episcopal Church in Texarkana. She still knits, loves to watch football, and attends TexRep productions and the symphony. She is also one of the founding patrons of the symphony. “I’ve always had a lot of interests, and I think that is a good thing,” Louise says. “I also have friends of all ages. I’ve always believed you should do the right thing, meet good people and take time to smell the roses. I’ve always thought you should not worry about accumulating a bunch of stuff and instead enjoy life.”

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ALT Magazine

November 2014



Coming low and searching from the empty street, wind pushes the derelict building I’m standing inside, sending the walls into a rhythmic sway––and for a moment I’m certain the entire structure will collapse, that days from now, on a sunny, windless afternoon, my body will be found beneath the wreckage of wood and nails. I kneel near the half-open door of a stairwell, the exhausted wood floors sighing beneath my feet. “Hello!” I call out. Something––a piece of wood?–– falls from above, so I look up to see the depressed ceiling hanging too low, entire sections of it torn away by time and nature, by still growing trees erupting from wood floors. “Anyone there?” I call out again. Nothing. Still kneeling, I lean forward and gently push the door of the stairwell and look in to see a decaying staircase. Two duffel bags lay open across the first two steps, clothes stiff and unwashed emerging from both. Someone carefully packed these bags and carried them here, into this forsaken space, believing they had no place else to go, no one else to turn to. I hear clicking, maybe someone tapping on metal, and then the sound of paper being torn. Is that wind? Now I hear breathing, a subtle moaning. There’s someone nearby. Or is that the last few breaths of a dying building? It must be wind. Of course it’s wind. But I don’t know. I cannot be sure of anything. I take a deep breath and look up into the darkened stairwell. I think of leaving, of carefully retracting my steps until I’m outside looking in, but I remember the phone call, the frantic voice, the urgent message.

* “Hello?” “This Chad? Chad Matthews?” “Yes sir. Who is this?” “A friend gave me your number. Hey––while I was at work today, this man came in crying, looking bad, really bad. He walked in and sat against the wall, his face all red. I tried to talk to him and he told me he was homeless.” “Today?” “Yeah, I work at the Save-A-Lot, and he just came in and was bad off. I gave him some food and asked if he needed anything, but he kept saying that no one would know if he was gone, that it was all too much or something like that.” “He say where he was living?” “Said something about a building

near a cigarette shop––I don’t know.” “What was his name?” “He didn’t say, but he said you and him were family.” “Family? He said we were family?” “I asked if there was anyone who could help him, and he said your name and said you and him were family. He mumbled something else, but I didn’t understand it.” “Alright––I appreciate it.” “Hey.” “Yeah?” “He looked really bad, man. Really bad. I hope you find him. You need to find him.” * Halfway up the stairs I begin praying muddled prayers, asking God to guide my steps as I navigate the fatigued staircase. Every step could be a bomb, an explosion of splintering wood that would send me down to I have no idea where, but I keep praying and praying and praying until there are no more stairs and I’m standing at the top looking down. I step out of the stairwell into a long corridor, the air murky and stiff. A barricade of overturned furniture forces me to walk north past rooms full of inky blackness, past stained mattresses leaning against walls, around piles of coke cans and unused toiletry items, towards a light at the end of the hallway, shining from the open door of the last room on the right. * Mother Teresa once said that the most terrible poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved. Great systems exist to alleviate physical needs. Soup kitchens fill hungry stomachs. Shelters protect from the elements. Training programs help prepare November 2014


for the future. For a person experiencing homelessness, however, systems cannot cure the disease of loneliness. Only you can. * Three feet from the doorway, just beyond the light’s reach, I pause and rub my eyes until they are watery and irritated, then I kneel against the corridor wall and wait for something to happen––for a shadow to shift in the light, for some sign that tells me all is well–– but I can only think of the reasons why I shouldn’t look into the room, all of which are ridiculous and completely possible. I stand and wipe dust from my knees, then step into the room where it takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light. I quickly scan the space in search of something––a body? Yes, I realize, that has been the fear all along, but thank Jesus, there is no body. But someone does live here. On the northernmost wall, beside an overturned chair in the corner, is a mahogany dresser missing its drawers, various notepads and cigarette butts strewn about the surface. In the center of the room, surrounded by moldy pillows, cigarette boxes, and sheets in disarray, is a yellowing mattress. At the edge of the mattress, amongst a dirty pair of socks and a tube of melted lipstick, lays a red card with bold, black letters that say HELP. I kneel and pick up the card. It doesn’t look real, but I’m holding it in my hand, feeling the thickness of it, reading the letters over and over and over to make sure I understand. Help, it says. That’s it. A red card with black letters that spell out HELP. Puzzled, I place the card back on the bed and step back, and that’s when I see the message written on the wall above the bed––I miss everyone, it says in pencil. Family, the voice on the phone had said. Living here, sleeping here, crying here. Leaving messages the world will never see. Help! I miss everyone! * In addition to serving at the soup kitchen and shelter this holiday season, invite those experiencing homelessness into your lives. Find creative ways to involve them in your holiday plans––invite them to a family dinner, or to your Christmas party, or take them to a movie with friends, or to look at Christmas lights or watch the Christmas parade. Befriend them, laugh with them and love on them, and don’t be surprised when they begin to love on you. They are people, just like you and me, not problems to be solved. Many of those experiencing homelessness are lonely. But you! You know so many people! So go and love! * I’m sitting on the curb beneath a bright-blue sky when I see a young man with ruffled orange hair enter the overgrown parking lot from behind the abandoned building. He looks up and smiles. “Hey,” he says. “Been looking for you,” I say. He shakes his head then looks back at the building. “Lonely in there.” After a short hug I ask if he’s hungry. He says yeah, so we go eat and talk about the messages. Then we laugh and pray, thanking God for family and food, then asking him to help us figure it all out.

Chad Matthews is the creator of the storytelling project Stories Still Breathing, a series of films that tell the story of homelessness, and the author of Dear Evelyn: A Memoir. He lives in Texas with his wife, Marjorie Matthews. Together they have three adorable kids. Watch Chad’s films at 26

ALT Magazine

November 2014

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

Complimentary Consultation Damon System Provider Burson Smile Rewards Flexible Payment Options

Walter and Jasmine Clark

Wedding Party Parents of the Bride: (late) Eddie Turner & (late) Cynthia Dennis Parents of the Groom: Frank and Carolyn Clark Matron of Honor: Schetovia Hamilton Maid of Honor: Kelly Muldrew Bridesmaids: Asha Floyd, Alexandria Moore, Erin Finney, Cheryl Turner, Whitney Betters, Elizabeth Clark and Demetris Clark Junior Bridesmaids: Alexandria Clark and Cy’Nia Maxwell Best Man: Keith Frank Clark and Darrell Hamilton Groomsmen: Dennis Clark, Tracy Holt, Courtney Cheatham, JaMichael Smith, Michael Clark and DeCoasta Holyfield Junior Groomsman: Walter Clark, II Flower Girls: JaNaja Hamilton and Nakiyah Wilbert Ring Bearers: Kaleo Anderson Pastor: Freddie Smith 34

ALT Magazine

November 2014

Wedding Vendors Band- DJ Hollygrove Venue- Special Events Wedding Coordinator- Le’Bells Fashions & Bridal Cake- All In Good Taste Caterer- Le’Bells Fashions & Bridal Videographer- Crystal Johnson Photographer- KJ Photography

Their Story

In 2011 Walter and Jasmine met through a mutual friend and began a friendship that would soon lead to an awesome love story. Many texts and calls eventually led to a date. Their first date consisted of a delicious dinner made by Jasmine and great conversation. The couple was inseparable after this and both realized that they had found a one of a kind relationship. God had placed them on this earth to be together forever. On December 24, 2012, Walter used a Christmas Eve Party to surprise Jasmine with a proposal surrounded by the people they loved most . With flowers and a ring, he took one knee and stated “From the moment I met you I told you my story and you told me your story, I knew it was love at first sight. Jasmine Kyunna Turner, will you marry me?” Jasmine said yes and they were able to celebrate this precious moment with their family and friends.

The Ceremony

Walter and Jasmine were married in a beautiful ceremony on June 21, 2014. When asked what made the wedding special to her, Jasmine said,“Knowing that today I would be marrying my best friend in front of God, our family and friends. Seeing all of our family and friends at the wedding supporting us and our relationship made this day one I’ll never forget.”

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

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Photos By: Jonathan West

July 11, 2015 at Ramage Farms

Bride’s Parents: Michael and Brenda Wooten Groom’s Parents: Scott and Kim Burt


Amanda Wooten 38

ALT Magazine

November 2014

Nick Burt



Weddings & Receptions


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Bride’s Parents: Mike and Charlotte Bowling Groom’s Parents: Paul and Karla Parrott and Gregg Markle

May 16, 2015


at Northridge Country Club in Texarkana, Tx

Emily Bowling

Joshua Markle

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

F.R.O.G. Fully Relying On God

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5911 Richmond Road

Texarkana, Tx 75503

Wedding Party

Wedding Vendors

Parents of the Bride - Joe Roberts and Tina Hallett Parents of the Groom - Diane and David Ardinger Maid of Honor - Amber Cowart Bridesmaids - Donyetta Cannon, Misty May (Sister-in-Law), Erika Wommack (Sister), Brittany Turner Best Man - Jared Turner Groomsmen - Daniel Lamson (Brother), David Ardinger (Brother), Rob May (Bride’s Brother), William Day Flower girls - Tiffany Ardinger and Katelyn Olvera (Groom’s nieces) Ring Bearer - Ryan Ardinger (Groom’s nephew)

Flowers - Bonnie Westbrook at Downtown Florist in Atlanta Cake - Robin Hamnett (Champion) of Robin Hamnett Cakes in Atlanta Food - Autumn Phelps with the help of her husband, Kyle Phelps Venue - Minor Mounds in Douglassville, Tx Decor - decorated by Crystal Olvera (Grooms sister), borrowed from friend Shelby Rowe Music/karaoke - Rob May (Brides Brother) 1st Dance Music - Rob May (Brides Brother) on vocals and Josh Arnold (Brides Cousin) on guitar Photographer - Front Porch Treasures Wedding Dress - Happily Ever After Bridal Boutique in Shreveport Rentals - Chairs from Special Events center and Bethal Cass Baptist Churc JP - Judge Lex Jones in Jefferson Unity - brand (made by bride’s cousins, Brandon Walraven and Michael Buster) Hair/Makeup - Nichole Jones (Groom’s cousin)


ALT Magazine

November 2014

Candace and Richard Lamson “We are so thankful to have been able to have all of our family and friends there with us to celebrate our day, it made our wedding even more special.�


Groom’s Parents: Kevin and Debbie Ashford Bride’s Parents: Corrie and Dawn Childress; Father the late: Billy Watkins


November 14, 2015 Jacob Ashford Holiday Inn Express & Suites Central Mall

4545 Cowhorn Creek Rd. Texarkana, TX 903-223-0008

Hampton Inn

5302 Crossroads Pkwy Texarkana, AR 870-774-4267

Family Visiting For The Holidays?



ALT Magazine

November 2014

Jessica Watkins

March 14, 2015 Photos By: Lindsay Hillyard

at Ramage Farms in Hooks, TX

Bride’s Parents: Donnie and Sarah Sealy Groom’s Parents: Bobby and Mary Worley


Savannah Sealy

Bryan Prinsen

November 2014


“Working with Micah and his staff was not only easy, but enjoyable! I knew I wanted the perfect bridal set and Micah helped my dream become a reality. From reshaping gold that has been in my family for 4 generations, to helping me hand pick the perfect diamonds, the team at Micah’s has earned my business as well as my trust and I would recommend them to anyone. Thanks Micah, we could not have done it without you.”

To Be Wed: October 17, 2015


Brittany Moore

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

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The best roses come inGold

Courtney and Kristopher


“What made our wedding special was being able to spend an entire week in paradise with wonderful friends and family.�

8/17/14 50

ALT Magazine

November 2014

Wedding Party

Wedding Vendors

Venue: On the beach at the Gran Porto Real Playa del Carmen Mexico Parents of the Bride: Kimberly and Stephen Collins Wedding Coordinator: Anat Rosengaus Parents of the Groom: Greg and Lisa Lanier Caterer: Gran Porto Real Playa del Carmen Mexico Matron of Honor: Brittney Quinn Photographer: Derrick Quinn amd Dane Satterfield Maid of Honor: Holley Collins Bridesmaids: Kimberlyn Collins, Jessica Satterfield, Starr Riley, Ceremony Music: Dave Barnes Nothing Fancy Brittney Frost and Michelle Ecker Kings of Leon Wait for Me Best Man: Greg Lanier Gary Clark Jr. You Saved Me Groomsmen: Will Murrah and Jake Ecker Blake Shelton Mine Would Be You Pastor/Officiant: Jerry Lineberger Wedding Dress: Maggie Sottero

November 2014


Photos By: Kendra Anderson

October 24, 2014 at Garrison Gardens


Taylor Montgomery

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720 Arkansas Blvd., Texarkana, Arkansas | (870) 773-0612 52

ALT Magazine

November 2014

903.306.0009 | 3203 Richmond Rd., Texarkana, TX


Kim Murray

Parker S teele

New Menu Items

“I had an absolutely amazing experience at Micah’s Jewelers! They made the process so enjoyable and fun. I can’t say enough good things about Micah and the staff! I came away with exactly the ring I wanted, and it was more beautiful than I could have imagined! Phenomenal work guys!”

Meatball Pizza

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Black Bean Burger

4312 Morris Lane, Texarkana 903-223-4644 November 2014


Photos By: Mallory Dauzat Photography

Parents of the Bride : Katye Birdsong & Stephen Birdsong Parents of the Groom : Lee Ann Holcomb & Wayne Holcomb


May 16, 2015

at The Barn At Blue Sky Ranch in Atlanta, Tx

Kourtney Birdsong

Josh Holcomb

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

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April 18, 2015

Bride’s Parents: Cindy & Darron White Groom’s Parents: Kris & David Dellinger

Photos By: Gayla Dellinger

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Kole Dellinger

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

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A Go-Getter from the Get-Go...

LaKeisha Willingham Willis WORDS BY LISA MYERS

When LaKeisha Willingham Willis was only four years old, she was running her own business. Granted, her business was located at her grandmother’s garage sales, but Keisha was a worker even then. Prior to the weekend sale, she would sort through her clothing and set aside pieces she’d outgrown. She would then price the jeans, coats, shirts and blouses, and dresses, too, one by one, making sure to list the price in the “catch the customer’s eye” range. Next, she would arrange the clothing on a table just right to show off the best aspects of each piece of clothing. At another station, LaKeisha set up refreshments for her customers and sold lemonade and sodas to help cool beading brows, something inevitable and always present for anyone venturing outdoors from May to October in Texarkana. I’m sure a little girl with cold lemonade and Coca-colas could count on healthy sales, especially in the summertime! It is hard to imagine such a child existing in today’s world, but for Keisha, she was simply following the example set by her parents, Bryant and Mary Willingham, who made sure she knew the truth about life and work. They taught her that nothing in life is free, and if she wanted to have the things she needed and some of the things she wanted, she’d have to work hard for it. These were not empty words for Keisha’s parents. Her mother worked long hours at various factories, and her father worked two and sometimes three jobs to make sure his family had what they needed and most of what they wanted. Keisha took note of their example and has been working hard ever since. Today, she works at Child Protective Services as a Family-based Safety Services Worker, and her other fulltime job is running her own business, not selling second-hand clothing or refreshing beverages this time, but running Luxurious Linen, a company that provides its customers with fine bedding. To look at Keisha, it would be easy to think she somehow lucked out in this world. She is married to a wonderful man, Phillip Willis, Jr., has three beautiful daughters, Kyana, Jalise, and Jade, has 62

ALT Magazine

November 2014

a job that is reserved for those with a college degree, and she even has her own business! But if you were to size Keisha’s life up to luck, you would be sorely mistaken in your assessment. When Keisha was a junior at Arkansas High School, she became pregnant, and while nothing could ever shake her love for her eldest daughter, being a mother at sixteen years old was hard, beyond hard. Each morning, the realities of life hit her square on as she juggled the responsibilities of being a mother, student, and worker. On many occasions, she felt like giving up, but she would not let herself do it. Running through her mind was her parents’ words, “Nothing in life is free. If you want to have the things you need and some of the things you want, you’ve got to work hard!” And work hard she did. On May 25, 2001, Keisha graduated from high school and accomplished what she at times thought would be impossible. Keisha enjoyed learning and tried on several occasions over the next several years to work on getting a college degree, but life kept interrupting her plans. It wasn’t until 2010, the year Keisha married Phillip, that she got serious about earning a degree. She was considering possible career options and quickly realized everything she wanted to do required a degree. She could one of two things: (1) give up and spend her life wishing she had a degree or (2) get up and go get her degree! Of course, the entrepreneurial spirit that coursed through that four-year-old little girl’s veins was still coursing, and in 2011 Keisha set out toward her goal and refused to look back or give in. Walking into a college classroom as a mature adult is quite different from walking into a college classroom straight out of high school. Sure, both experiences have their own set of expectations and fears, but for adults, the fears tend to be located under an umbrella of feeling substandard and out of place. They think, “I’m too old for this.” Or they ask themselves over and over, “Am I smart enough to do this?” For Keisha, her fear was of failing – not the course, but failing to stick to her goal and earn her bachelor’s degree. She had quit so many times before. Why should this time be any

different? For one thing, she had a tremendous support system. God, her parents, husband, daughters, as well as other family and friends, all encouraged her to stay the course, no matter what. Problems arose, some larger than others, and Keisha wanted to quit on more than one occasion, but her support system would not let her give in. They knew Keisha was made of so much more than the challenge at hand and reminded her of that time and time again. Sometimes truth seems truer when it comes from the outside. One such challenge came when Keisha was writing her Life and Work Portfolio for Psychology of Work, the foundational course in the BAAS program. There was so much to write, and she thought she would never finish it! It was the never-ending assignment of writing one paragraph after another, little by little, page by page, until finally in the spring of 2014, she completed the project and turned it in to be assessed for college credit. Much to her surprise, she earned 36 hours of college credit, and all of the sudden, all the hard work was worth it! Soon after completing her portfolio, Keisha finished her coursework and graduated in May 2014. For those who wonder if the work and degree paid off for Keisha… she is now in a position at work that pays $1,500 per month more than what she was making and is set for career advancement, something that is a must for Keisha’s drive for success. Most of all, she enjoys the sense of accomplishment earning her degree afforded her. There is nothing like pushing yourself beyond what you think you can do, and then doing it. A go-getter from the get-go. That’s LaKeisha Willingham Willis. Lisa Myers is a clinical faculty member at A&M-Texarkana and the Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS) Program Coordinator. She may be reached at or 903-223-3133. For more information about the program, please visit

November 2014


by Mike Brower

On The Water At this writing I am at Sam Rayburn fishing the BFL Regional. Since Debbie has sent me a text telling me that she needs my article, I’m going to tell you what I’m doing here to catch fish.

isolated grass patches. I had to idle slow and watch both the LCR and both sides of the boat to find the small grass beds which are about the size of a truck bed as there may be only a couple of stems sticking out of the water or they may be about a foot under the surface. I located 6 grass beds after about an hour and circled back to fish them. After making a pass through them I had 16 bites. I only stuck 4 fish, just to see how large they

Saturday was the first day of practice and I started out fishing some drops in 15-20 feet of water looking for a big bite. After fishing two ledges and a point with no bites, I moved to the shallower water (4-6 ft) looking for

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ALT Magazine

November 2014

were, and all four were keepers. The bite died after about 10:00 AM and went back to looking for deep fish. Sunday I found some grass and hydrilla mixed together and also found out they would smash a frog up during the day -- SCORE! The mid-day bite has been tough for me. Monday we were greeted at the ramp with storms and 30 mph wind to start the day, I put the boat back on the trailer, and went for breakfast and back to the room as the day was washed out. If you have never seen Rayburn with a 20+ mph wind, well, let’s just say you missed out. Now we are at the Tuesday practice and the day, I started out good with a 15 mph wind and 15 bites before 9 AM on a spinnerbait around some shallow drops. As the day progressed I moved further up the lake and got a few more bites. Then around 11:30, the wind shifted out of the NW and picked up to 20-25 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Now, let’s just say it got real “sporty” out there with the waves building to 4-6 feet. Now, I’m about 12 miles up the lake and had to run the waves all the way back -not fun. Got back without taking a single wave over the bow -- YEA -- but it was a tough ride back. Tomorrow is the last day of practice and I’ll try one more time to try to find some deep fish and If I don’t, I’ll be a grass runner on tournament day, which is better than nothing. Happy fishing!



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Submitted by Dustin Stringer Stringer Wealth Management LPL Financial

Tis The Season For Charitable Giving! Making a Charitable Choice The greatest benefit of charitable giving is the knowledge that you’ve made a positive contribution to others. At the same time, charitable giving can also provide tax breaks so long as you are aware of some rules and keep track of what you’ve donated. Choosing a Charity The first step is to identify an organization you wish to support. There are thousands of charitable organizations to choose from, supporting such causes as environmental protection, curing illness or improving the lives of children. Start by identifying what is most important to you. Next, you will want to do some research. If you want to claim a tax deduction for your gift, you’ll need to make sure that you are dealing with a registered charity to satisfy IRS rules. Your local Better Business Bureau (BBB) can provide information on charities. Once you have a short list of registered organizations, contact each one and ask for a copy of its annual report. This report explains the charity’s mission, lists its key personnel, and provides a breakdown of how donations are spent. Pay careful attention to marketing and administrative expenses, which can vary widely among organizations. You will probably want the majority of your money to go to those who need it. Keep in mind, however, that high expenses related to awareness campaigns are designed to educate the public and increase donations, so they might not be cause for concern. The BBB Wise Giving Alliance 66

ALT Magazine

November 2014

also provides independent evaluations of popular charities. These reports are available online at You can also request written reports by writing to BBB Wise Giving Alliance, 4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22203. IRS Rules for Giving You are free to give as much to charity as you like. However, you will need to follow IRS rules and keep records of your gifts to claim tax deductions. Monetary contributions are the easiest to report. Always pay by check and make the check payable directly to the charity. Ask for a receipt and save it along with your canceled check and your bank account statements. A deduction is no longer allowed for monetary gifts unless accompanied by a bank record or a written receipt from the charity indicating the amount of the contribution, date of the donation and name of the charity. If your contribution exceeds $250, either in cash, certain property or out-of-pocket expenses that are attributable to volunteer work, you will also need to obtain a written description of your gift. This description must contain an acknowledgement from the charity of your contribution, a description of noncash items donated, a statement of whether the charity provided goods or services in exchange for the donation and—if goods or services were provided—a good-faith estimate of their value. The IRS has ruled that the fair market value of goods and services should be deducted from any charitable contributions used to offset taxes. Keep in mind that fair market value may differ from what you pay for the goods or services offered. A good example of this is the popular practice of selling candy bars. As an example, say that you pay $2 for a candy bar to benefit a local school. The fair market value of the candy is actually $1 were you to purchase it at a local store. That $1 is deducted from your contribution, leaving you with a deduction of $1. To simplify your tax reporting, it might be best to turn down any goods or services of more than nominal value that a charity offers in exchange for your gift. Noncash Gifts To declare charitable gifts of certain noncash items worth more than $500 (such as used clothing or furniture), you must supply cost and acquisition information for the items given. When claiming single noncash gifts worth more than $5,000 (excluding publicly traded stock), you must include an appraisal of the gift’s value with your tax return. Two such gifts to carefully consider are used items and time. Items such as computers and clothing are subject to depreciation

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Dustie /

over time, so you won’t be able to declare your purchase price as a deduction. Time spent volunteering typically isn’t deductible; however, expenses associated with volunteering, such as transportation and materials, are deductible. Appreciable Gifts Are Best Items with the potential for appreciation are the best gifts for tax-conscious charitable givers. You can avoid capital gains taxes by donating assets that have appreciated in value. Outside of a charitable trust or foundation, this is one of the most effective ways to reduce taxes through charitable contributions. You can donate appreciated stock, artwork, antiques, collectibles or other noncash items as long as you have owned them for at least one year. You can deduct the full fair market value of the gift from your taxes, and any appreciation will escape taxation. Consider selling appreciable assets you have owned for a year that have lost value, with the proceeds of the sale donated to charity. This allows you to remove the full fair market value of the assets from your taxes while still claiming a capital loss on the depreciation. In addition to direct gifts to charity, other options include a charitable remainder or charitable lead trust or setting up a private foundation. However, complex rules govern the creation and maintenance of these vehicles. Thus, tax and legal advisors are necessary to determine if a trust or foundation is appropriate for your situation. Charitable donations are an excellent way to reduce your taxes and make a difference in the lives of others. And while it’s natural to consider charitable giving during the holidays or at tax time, it’s also important to remember that the need to help others lasts year round.

Terry Fischer, Owner Anita Burchett, Commercial CSR Diana Hall, Personal Lines CSR

Auto Home Commercial Life


885 Kings Way Texarkana, TX 75501

*This article was prepared by S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications and is not intended to provide specific investment, tax or legal advice or recommendations for any individual. Please consult me, a qualified tax or legal advisor if you have any questions. Because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications or its sources, neither S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications nor its sources guarantees the accuracy, adequacy, completeness, or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. In no event shall S&P Capital IQ Financial Communications be liable for any indirect, special, or consequential damages in connection with subscribers’ or others’ use of the content. Securieties offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC. November 2014


View from the


by Thomas Johnson



Hunting season is here. Every hunter is waxing or putting resin and chalk on their bow. Range time is important to sight in that new scope or rifle you just bought. Your dues are paid at the lease, the cameras have pics of your game and you’re ready. But, remember: SAFETY FIRST. Statistics indicate there’s an average of 1,000 accidental shootings while hunting in North America, and 10% of those are fatal. See: documents/ihea1994.pdf Already in Arkansas, there’s been a death attributed to a bow hunting and gun accident. This should not be happening. If you’re a responsible hunter, you’ve got to be vigilant. Know your target You watch television and complain how people just randomly blast away without care. Hunting requires much more. As a hunter, you’re going to have a shotgun or rifle, and that rifle will spit that micro missile over a mile with terminal velocity. Make sure you actually SEE your target. Remember where your buddy is, your son or daughter, and know they’re not in the line of trajectory or fire. Make sure there’s not a house, farmer or church 68

ALT Magazine

November 2014

down that flight path.


Careful with carrying your weapon


Accidental discharge is usually negligent discharge; a trigger gets hung on clothing, a gun falls over a fence, off the back of a truck or from a hunting stand. There are safety features in firearms, so use them. But the simplest safety feature is -- wait to load until you’re in position to hunt. Wait until you’re in that blind, tree stand or anchored boat. If you’re field hunting, keep your muzzle pointed away from you and your hunting partners, and keep your finger off the trigger. You can be ready, and if that hog runs by and you missed your chance, there will be 5,000 more. Believe me!

Maiming or killing someone is going to cost you: mentally, emotionally and financially. The results are staggering on you, your family, your friends and your reputation.

An unloaded gun does not exist So many gun accidents happen where people are shot with an unloaded gun. Really? That’s the explanation, but it’s obviously not true. Hunter safety and responsibility requires memory of this: Rule 1 Always treat a gun as if it were loaded. Rule 2 There is no such thing as an unloaded gun. Rule 3 Read rules 1 and 2 again and

If you shoot someone, it’s either intentional or negligent. Intentional is no accident and prison is the result. But even negligent shootings can involve the law. If your behavior is such that it could be criminal, your hunting days are over. The civil liability is heavy. You may or may not have insurance to cover your civil defense and pay a claim. Check with your insurance agent or the NRA about options. If you’re sued and can’t afford the cost to defend or pay the claim or judgment, it’s bankruptcy. A responsible hunter knows this. As a 2nd Amendment supporter, you should know these. But there are also the ones who are involved in these hunting accidents. You want to come home safely. You want your friend, brother, daughter, cousin or just a fellow sporter to enjoy life. So be vigilant, patient and responsible. Safety always, shoot straight and know your target!

November 2014





1 3










1. Melinda Bird and Suzy Heath 2. Billy Fox and Julie Fox Spears 3. Barbara Miller, Jeanie Nutter and Terri Harrelson 4. Danita Abernathy and Judge Jack Carter 5. Shawn Bigby and Terri Woodruff 6. Emily Muller and Bryan Thompson 7. Judy Morgan 8. Judge Jack Carter presented with Man of Courage award by Danita Abernathy 9. Keynote speaker - Emily Muller 10. Attorneys Kelley Crisp and Samantha Oglesby 11. Ben Franks presented with Man of Courage award 12. Judge Jack Carter presenting Judy Morgan with Women of Courage award





1 3










1. Moody Miller, Bryan Aumiller and Korey Keith 2. Tim Asimos and Ty Patterson 3. Todd Williamson, Amber and Zach Lawrence 4. Karen Cunningham Green, Christy Paddock, Darrah McGuire and Gay Moss 5. Mike Cook and Dennis Laker 6. Jake McGuire and Eddie Daines 7. Will Patterson, Sarah Jane Paddock and Grace McGuire 8. Rusty Tarwater and Gay Moss 9. Darrah McGuire and Janet Moss 10. Chad Dowd, Anitha and Kiran Kurichety 11. Lacy White and Melanie Dowd 12. Corie Gideon and Whitney Fuqua 70

ALT Magazine

November 2014






1 1 2


Patrons joined Buffalo Wild Wings Team, as they showed appreciation and support to the Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club. Buffalo Wild Wings donated 10% of their total sales to the local Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club. 1. Staff: Manger-Chaz Bowles, Cheyenne Glascok, Monica Simington, Quisha Archie, Robert Flagg, Victoria, Moraine, Nitra Grant, Mallory Martin 2. “Wicked” and Shan of Illusion Tattoo Studio 3. Russel, Tracie, Land and Chaney Richard





1 3







1. Jenny Blanke and Lindsey Duffey 2. Laura La Croix, Jane Davitt and Kathi Hickerson 3. Amber Lawrence 4. Artist: Mary Orr and Cathy Couch 5. Unveiling of Survivor Art Wall 6. Pam McDaniel, Donna Harrison, Kathi Hickerson and Barbara Henry 7. Chiquita Daniels and Novella Medlock 8. Angie Bean, Robert Bean and Kyle Bean 9. Pam Beck and Steve Thompson 10. Survivor Art Wall November 2014






1 3










13 1


1 15












1. Danny and Robin Proctor 2. Lenna O’Dell and Larry Mashburn 3. Robert Bunch and Becky Borgeson 4. John and Lawanda Rich 5. Mike and Tina Brown 6. Tracy Lilly, Jamie Cobb and Leanne Maynard 7. Cindy Porter, Roy Parker and Kandi Kraner 8. Mike and Linda Lilly 9. Billy and Diann Roy 10. Diann Roy, Leitha Herring and Sharon Bailey 11. Judy Cass and Terry Tidwell 12. Bill and Tracy Spradlin 13. Ty and Tanya Dunlap 14. Tom and Debbie Whitten 15. Kim and Willis Johnston 16. James and Simone Culp 17. Bob and Sonya Hubbard 18. Billy and Leslie Crumpton 19. Charles and Courtney Murray 20. Rusty and Shelly Baber, Barbara Walker and Missy Lichtenwalter 21. Jerry and Yulin Brewer 22. Anita Carver and Debbie Brower 23. Marshall and Jaclyn Gooding 24. Howard and Sylvia Jennings 25. Amanda Coe, Jennifer Hubbe-Jones, Debbie Brower, Anita Carver and Kandy Hirsch 26. Kyle Barrett, Ty and Tanya Dunlap, Tavo Cruz, Greg and Terri Giles


ALT Magazine

November 2014






1 3










1. Buddy and Carolyn Allen 2. Robby and Carrol Selph 3. Jack and Iretha Glover 4. Betty Terry and Alice Price 5. Mike and Olivia Huckabee 6. Bill Curtis and Janet Huckabee 7. Margaret Poynter and Mary Douglas 8. Billy and Amanda Manca 9. David and Debbie Haak and grandchildren; Mica, Haak and Reese 10. Linda Lou Vaughan and Joe Oliver 11. Tracey Prather, Bertha Dunn and Jeff Tarpley 12. Olivia Huckabee, Heather Phillips, David Haak and Linda Matthews



1 2




1. Cub Scouts Pack 208: Cedric Kennedy, Roland Hamilton, Joseph Ricks, Rene Leal, Jalen Jones and Zorien Jackson, joined by Mark Bledsoe 2. Rephonnie Roberts and Jo Ann Rice 3. Glen Boles, Dr. C. 6 Jack Smith and James Henry Russell 5 4. Ricky Oats, Lance Wharton, Antonio Mora, Dede Mora, Ashley Jewell, Robert Moore, Yolanda Thomas, Dee Ann Griswold and Peggy Wilkinson 5. Pastor Brad Morgan, Williams Memorial United Methodist Church - President/CEO of UWGT 7. Robert and Suzy Irwin - Campaign Co-Chairs November 2014

7 6. Mark Bledsoe





1 3










13 1








1. Marshall Freeman and Summer Rankin 2. Gerard and Debra Morse 3. Elaine Lindsey and Dr. Howard Morris 4. Larry and JoAnn Bunn 5. Sharon Washam, George and Betty Leake 6. Jim Bob and Michi Cass 7. Bruce and Jenny Blanke 8. Christine Bevers, Leasa Roach and Jessica Mooneyham 9. Riley Carper and Gayla Jordon 10. Split Decision 11. Sharon and Al Binning,

Brenda Dobbs - Dixie Diner 12. Meka Randle and Patti Neaves - Naaman’s BBQ 13. Greg and Denay Maheu - Taste & See 14. Vince and Peggy Senatore 15. Cindy Marsh and Stephanie Brazile 16. Naomi Turner and Rebecca Mahaffey 17. Tim and JoAnn Snider 18. Scott and Lisa Snipe 19. Keith and Nikki Laing 20. Dance Competition Winners: Bill and Jessica Miller


ALT Magazine

November 2014

Custom Pergolas Wood and Trex Decking Counter Tops Pet Feeders Custom Furniture Pressure Washing Acid Stains and Scoring Indoor/Outdoor Overlays


Give Thanks

ooding G decorative concrete

LEGE N D A R Y The best birthday parties in town!

Welcoming church groups, businesses, families, friends, birthday parties and individuals! Fun for everyone!

Offer Splatming JT for age aster Gro s 8-12! availaubp rates le f ages! or all


903.336.6139 925 Brower Lane, Texarkana, TX 75501

4 Playing Fields Fully Netted & Insured Gun Speed Tested Experienced Refs Shaded Picnic Area Private Parties Available November 2014





1 3










1. Texas High Student: Savannah Martin - singing the National Anthem 2. At the start line 3. Texas High mascot leading the 5K run 4. Ready. Set. GO!!! 5. 5K runners 6. Riders 7. Volunteers - Linley Murdock, Ali Richter and Cathryn Payne 8. Texas High band members Taming Eppes and Raven Morris and Texas High student - Sara Rogers 9. Front: Andrew Powell, Nathan Morriss, Maklain McCurrie, Megan Morriss; Back: Steve Morriss 10. Winner of 5K run - Grant Jarvis with time of 00:16:09 11. 5K runner - Ben Jones with time of 00:20:12 12. Jennifer Shelton and Jimmie Anne Graves 13. Kevin Adcock, Chuck Zach and Paul Norton 14. Brock Lomax and Linda Cooks 15. Rivers Moss, Gay Moss and Swan B. Moss




Call Charlie McMurphy to advertise your business in ALT Magazine! You will be glad you did! 903-908-5797 76

ALT Magazine

November 2014

The 2014 Stateline Stampede Cattle Baron’s Ball raised over $72,00! All proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society’s local programs and ground breaking cancer research. Please include Stateline Stampede Cattle Baron’s Ball in your 2015 nonprofit sponsorship budget. This party with a purpose will only get BIGGER AND BETTER with your help. Thank you to everyone who contributed or attended STAMPEDE!

Thank You To Our Underwriters and Sponsors: E-Z Mart

ORR Auto Group Sticks & Stones ALT Magazine Cavender’s Boot City BWI Electrique Corporation Shipp Outdoor Cooper Tire Rockin WH Ranch Hay Co. Christus St. Michael Health System Columbia Property Management Headmaster’s Salon Wells Fargo Commercial Banking Wells Fargo Advisors Dierksen Memorial Hospice Domtar Heritage Home Health and Hospice Alexander’s Jewelers Gray’s Jewelers Crocker’s Jeweler’s H&N Landscaping KTAL Channel 6 DPG Partners United Rentals 1st Bank Texana Bank Fikes Trucking Texarkana Funeral Home Heritage Construction Inc. Mike and Pete Mankins IBEW Blue Line Rentals Greg and Terri Giles Danny and Robin Proctor Special Thanks To Ready Ice, Classic Limo, B&B Portable Buildings, Eagle Distributing, Coors of Longview, Tom’s Jug House, North Forty, Miller Bowie ,Sylvia Jennings Photograpy, Big A’s Klean Kans, Texarkana Tractor and Richardson Waste

Thanks To Our Great Community For All Your Support! See You Next Year!

These pets can’t seem to


Every year in our area, hundreds of what should be loved, household pets (mainly dogs and cats) are rescued from homelessness or abusive/neglectful homes and freed from lives of fear and starvation, pain and loneliness. This worthwhile purpose is undertaken by the local animal rescue groups and the foster families that help them. The rescued animals receive treatment for their physical problems such as malnutrition, heartworm, and various injuries; and they also find comfort in the patience and care given to their damaged spirits and personalities.

a little extra attention, a lot of patience and heaps of healing love. As a foster family, you provide a wonderful ‘in-home’ transition between life before and life after adoption. You provide time for an animal to be placed with a forever home and you provide an invaluable service to the animal rescue and to the animal itself. A foster family may also give flexibility to allow potential adopters to see the animal or they make the animal available for visits. Foster families also work to socialize an animal that has been isolated by displaying kindness and, most of all, love, perhaps never before shown to an abused creature. Without foster homes, many more of these unfortunate animals would have to be euthanized for lack of physical space. Fostering rescued animals is a genuine way to give back to the community and gain a sense of accomplishment.

Our area rescue groups cannot realistically take in the overwhelming number of animals that are rescued without the help of foster homes. Foster homes are individuals and families who offer a warm bed and healing attention to an animal that may have never known a kind human touch or has long since forgotten it. The rescues need just a place for the animals to live until homes can be found. The rescues will often match foster dogs and cats to families, working as closely with that family as possible to give them exactly what works best. Some foster families take in a single animal only or an entire litter, while others may desire only grown dogs or just cats, or any mix between. Foster families may also need to transport the rescued animal to the vet when medical care is necessary and they need to let the rescue know if there are any behavioral problems that should be addressed. In the case of dogs, some light training may be requested. More often than not, foster parents are asked to show the rescued animal 78

ALT Magazine

November 2014

or dwell in the past.

The effects of such horrors are evident and deep, but not necessarily permanent, thanks to the “now” mindset of most animals and the inability to worry about the future

The amount of poor stewardship, abuse and neglect that occurs annually in this country concerning often harmless animals is staggering. You are indispensable in the battle for humane treatment of this planet’s furry citizens; they need you to take action for them. Make a difference in your life, the life of a rescued animal and even the life of the family who adopts sweet Rover or Fluffy: consider becoming a foster family for animals and shelters in need.

nice to meet you.

Visit to learn how you can forever change an animal’s life as well as your own.



PASSION FOR POOCHES (mostly small dogs)

JEFF TARPLEY RESCUE (mostly Dachshunds) on Facebook




MUTTLEY CREW RESCUE (mostly German Shepherds)

TOBY’S TALES (mostly wildlife)



The Texarkana Humane Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to re-homing orphaned animals, promoting the human-animal bond, preventing animal cruelty, educating children and adults about responsible pet ownership and preventing pet overpopulation. In order to reduce the number of unwanted animals and the euthanization of them at the shelter people need to spay/neuter their pets. The Texarkana Humane Society has a program to help individuals do this and urge everyone to get involved and tell your neighbor, family, and friends to be responsible and do their part in putting a stop to this problem here in our city. Have them contact us regarding our program. Call 903 838-6334 and we will be glad to help you. For more information, contact Sherrie Thompson, President, at 903.838.6334, or go to We’re also on Facebook!

1 1. RUSTY is a Chihuahua/Yorkie mix. He is neutered, a little over 2 years old, current on shots, chipped and weighs a whopping 8 pounds. This little guy gets along with other dogs and is doing great on his house training. If you are looking for a cuddle bug, this is the fella for you. Fenced yard only. Call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 2. DOBBY is a Chihuahua-mix born around February, 2013. He weighs 11 pounds, is neutered, fully vetted and microchipped. This little cutie gets along great with other dogs, cats and is housetrained. A fenced yard is required. For more info call Amanda at 419-466-4962. 3. Yes I am pretty! HONEY is a beautiful terrier mix and she is a year old. She is spayed, chipped and current on shots and is heartworm negative. This little lady weighs around 50 pounds.


ALT Magazine

November 2014





She rides great in the car, leash trained, gets along with other dogs and is house trained. Honey has been in obedience school and is passing with flying colors. For more info please call Rebekkah at 903-838-3847. Fenced yard only. 4. SASHA is a cute little Dachshund/Basset mix. She was born in January, 2013, is spayed, current on shots, and microchipped. Sasha gets along great with kids and other dogs, rides well in the car and she is housetrained. She would be a great addition to any family. A FENCED YARD is required. For more info call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 5. He is all dressed up and ready to go! SPUDS was born in March 2014. He is current on shots, heartworm negative, on heartworm preventative and microchipped. He gets along great with other dogs and is doing good on his housetraining.



Fenced yard required. For more info call Andrea at 479-2838264. 6. CASPER is a handsome little Pom born in February 2013 that was rescued from our local shelter. He is neutered, current on shots, heartworm negative and on preventive. He weighs a whopping 13 pounds and is housetrained, uses a doggie door, rides in car and gets along with other dogs. This little fella would be a great addition to your family. For more info call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 7. LIL PUP is a precious Shih-tzu that was born in September, 2013. He weighs less than 10 pounds, neutered, current on shots and is microchipped. He is doing great on his house training and is crate trained. A fenced yard is a requirement. For more info call Jerry at 903-824-8272.





We have LOTS of puppies! The above puppies are in foster care and ready for their forever homes!



You may have heard that there are some big changes taking place at the Animal Care and Adoption Center! Please stop by and see us! The mission of the Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is to be a technologically advanced, self sustaining, human and animal friendly facility that specializes in personal customer service from a team of knowledgeable, caring individuals who endeavor to achieve rapid placement of all adoptable animals. Check out our facebook page to see who is waiting for the forever home: www.facebook. com/AnimalCareAdoptionTXK




We are always in need of caring, capable volunteers to assist in with duties at the center, adoption events, fund-raising activities and more. If you would like to volunteer or find out more ways you can help please join our volunteer Facebook page: Volunteers for Texarkana Animal Shelter.

Harrison, Texarkana, AR, 71854. For more information, call 870.773.6388, or visit We’re open Monday-Saturday from 10:00 - 5:00. (But, check our facebook pages for updates! Our hours will soon be extended to provide more time for adoptions!)

Your tax-deductible donation will help care for and assist in the adoption of loving animals to good homes! Please contact our Friends of the Shelter group to find out how you can help!

Please note, all dogs adopted from this shelter MUST be spayed or neutered. Spays cost $89$104, neuters are $76-$92 depending on the weight of the dog.

The Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is located at 203 er Arklatex Cock Spaniel Rescue

ELLIE Atlanta A nimal Le a

We also have SPONSORED dogs and cats! This means someone has already paid for their vetting! Come see who’s waiting!


BOWMAN Poodle Patch Re scue

LEXI CHELSIE TXK Muttley Crew Rescue ue of sc e R r Boxe

PAT NIXON scue Jeff Tarpley Re


CHEWEY hes Passion for Pooc

SIMO Little Paw N s Rescue

November 2014

DRIVER Texarkan a Animal


SISSY Faithful Friends


November Calendar of Events NOV 6 - JAN 12


Texarkana Symphony Orchestra Pops I – Passport to the Movies. From the evocative Tango from Scent of a Woman to the rhythmic drive of the Symphonic Suite from Pirates of the Caribbean this is symphonic movie music at its best! Featuring: Kiril Laskarov, concertmaster Gardel/Williams: Tango from Scent of a Woman Jarre: Lara’s Theme from Dr. Zhivago Morricone/Gauthier: Theme from Cinema Paradiso Zimmer/Badelt: Pirates of the Caribbean Symphonic Suite. Concert Preview: 6:40PM. Concert: 7:30PM. Tickets: $40, $32, $20; half-priced student tickets available in all sections. Group Discounts (10 or more tickets) are available by calling (870) 773-3401.


Bloomburg “Cullen Baker” Festival. Event proceeds support the Bloomburg Volunteer Fire Department. Festival on Main Street. Arts & Crafts, Food, Country Store, live music, Parade, Little Mr & Miss Contest.




Will Allen, urban farmer an author of the book “The Good Food Revolution: Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities” at Texas A&M University TexarkanaEagle Hall from 7:00-8:30PM.


53rd Young Arkansas Artists Exhibition at TRAHC. In 1961, the Arkansas Arts Center hosted the first statewide Young Arkansas Artists Exhibition to ensure learning, inspiration, and creative expression. This annual young artists exhibition showcases artwork from students in kindergarten through 12th grade and arts organizations across the state.



SISTER ACT is Broadway’s feel-amazing musical comedy smash! The New York Post calls it “RIDICULOUSLY FUN,” and audiences are jumping to their feet in total agreement! Featuring original music by 8-time Oscar® winner ALAN MENKEN (Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Little Shop of Horrors), SISTER ACT tells the story of Deloris Van Cartier, a wannabe diva whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a crime and the cops hide her in the last place anyone would think to look-a convent! Under the suspicious watch of Mother Superior, Deloris helps her fellow sisters find their voices as she unexpectedly rediscovers her own. A sparkling tribute to the universal power of friendship, SISTER ACT is reason to REJOICE! 7:30PM at the Perot Theatre. Tickets: $65, $55, and $45 with $25 Student Tickets in the Balcony.

Alex Chavez Photography Art Show at TRAHC & Regional Arts Center. For more information, 903-7928681.

NOV 6 - JAN 15

Mid-Southern Watercolorists at TRAHC. Since 1970, the Arkansas Arts Center has enjoyed an active association with the Mid-Southern Watercolorists, a non-profit organization that includes approximately 250 artist members in 17 states. The mission of the Mid-Southern Watercolorists is to elevate the stature of watercolor and educate the public to the significance of watercolor as an important, creative, permanent painting medium. This traveling exhibition includes selections from the 44th annual exhibition at the Historical Arkansas Museum in Little Rock.


Texarkana Area Veterans Council meeting.


The Great Escape II, Tapas and wine tasting event from It’s time to “wine and dine” with us! 6:00-9:00PM on the beautiful grounds of HandsOn Texarkana, 1915 Olive Street, Texarkana, Texas. Enjoy fabulous Tapas plates prepared by Jeff Loving, elegantly paired with Red Road Winery offerings. Music by Candace and Cody. Tickets are $60 each or 2 for $100. Please RSVP to 903-798-3211 or 903-701-6032.


The Texarkana Area Veterans Council is proud to announce that it will host the annual “Veterans Day Parade” this year. It will start at 11:00AM at East Broad and Hazel streets. All area organizations, clubs, schools, churches, and businesses, etc., are invited to participate. Call either 870-773-8279 or 870-773-1078 or or to be included in the line-up. Show your support for the veteran -past-present-future! Come wave your American flag!! The theme this year is: “We Remember.”


First meeting for a local chapter of “The Compassionate Friends”, a non-profit self-help bereavement support group. It is open to parents, grandparents, and adult siblings that have had a child die in the family. 1:00 to 3:00PM. Williams Memorial Methodist Church Welcome Center, 4000 Moores Lane, Texarkana, Tx. Classroom 103. The group will meet at this location every 2nd Saturday of the month thereafter. For more information, please contact Cindy Sanford at 903-280-4130.


“A Night at the Museum” Main Street Gala at Silvermoon on Broad at 7:00PM. Silent auction, live music, great food and fun! Supporting downtown Texarkana! Admission: $100. Call 903-792-7191 for reservations.


The local Veteran of Foreign Wars # 4562, located on Hwy 82 on the east side of Texarkana in Arkansas will

have a special fundraiser from 2:00 pm till 6:00 pm. They will have two bands: Four Wheel Drive & Durango along with a rifle raffle and an auction. Part of the funds raised will be used for “Care” packages. For more information call: 870/772-1772.


Fashion Arena, a traveling fashion showcase, at the Texarkana Convention Center featuring fashion designer, artist, and writer, Antonio Wingfield who is also a native of Texarkana. Designer showcases, fashion inspired art, performance art and great vendors...It will be an experience in fashion of which you will never forget. 2:00-6:00PM. Tickets and information available at www. or call 214-962-6325.



Super Lecture: “Ruined and Lost” Spanish Destruction of the Pearl Coast in the Early 16th Century at Texas A&M University Texarkana-University Center 210 from 12:001:15PM. Featuring: Dr. Michael Perri, Associate Professor of History. For more information, 903-223-3194.


Merle Haggard at the Perot Theatre at 7:30PM. Tickets are $67, $47 and $37. Tickets can be purchased online at, via phone at 903-792-4992 or in person at the Perot Theatre Box Office (3rd and Main Street – Downtown Texarkana).


1st Annual Better Lives for Veterans 4-States Pow Wow 7:00AM at the Holiday Springs Water Park. Hosted by Bess Gamble-Williams.


Fallen Soldiers Memorial 5K from 8:00-11:00. The race starts in the parking lot of Trinity Baptist Church. Registration can be through the paper form or through online at Eventbrite:


Let There Be Design Gift Shop presents Fall Festival & Christmas Showcase. All florals 50% off. Bring a friend get an additional 10% off florals. Jewelry sale continues...$10 per jewelry. Refreshments served. Drawing for a $50 wreath or arrangement.... customers choice. 10:00AM-5:00PM at 1001 Texas Blvd (inside the Cervini Bldg. across from Wadley Health System doctor’s offices.) For more information, 903-2782428.


Junie B. in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells at the Perot Theatre. It’s holiday time, and everyone’s favorite first-

grader is back to celebrate! All of the students in Room One are happily creating the perfect holiday party... except how is Junie B. supposed to enjoy anything when she has drawn the name of her arch nemesis, Tattletale May, for her Secret Santa Gift!! But wait – the Secret Santa gift is the perfect opportunity to give May exactly what she deserves... Maybe. Saturday Matinee, 2:00PM. Appropriate for Grades PreK - 4th. For show reservations, call the Perot Theatre Box Office at 903792-4992. Ticket pricing is as follows: $12 per person for General Admission.


Vietnam Veterans of America # 278 Thanksgiving meal meeting to be held at the American Legion Post at 525 East Broad Street.


Schoolhouse Rocks LIVE at the Perot Theatre! A pop culture phenomenon returns to the musical stage! Academic subjects will never seem boring again when presented through megahits like “Conjunction junction,” “Just a Bill,” “lnterplanet Janet,” or “Three is a Magic Number.” Schoolhouse Rock explodes onto the stage with songs you loved updated for a whole new generation. 9:30AM & 12:30PM. Appropriate for Grades 3 - 5. For show reservations, call Shelia Smith at 903-792-8681. Seats for all shows are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Ticket pricing is as follows: $5 per person for ArtsSmart districts/campuses; $7 per person for General Admission


Operation Christmas Child Collection week for shoe boxes at Crossview Baptist Church at 3268 N. FM 2148 in Red Lick. The times are 10:00AM-5:00PM, except Sunday which is 2:00-4:00PM. If there are any questions call Billy or Carolyn Sparkman at 903-9085585 or 903-838-9797 or Gregg Boldebuck at 903-2936317.


FREE Workshop on BULLYING in the Workplace, Identity Theft in the Workplace, Social Media Misuse at ArkLaTex Council of Government (4808 Elizabeth Street, Texarkana, TX 75501) from 10:30-2:30. *Lunch Provided* Preapproved for HRCI Recertification Credit. Limited seating: please RSVP to wendybutler@ As part of our SHRM’s focus on Diversity and Inclusion issues in the workplace, join our guest speakers, Frank Mulcahy, Business Development Manager for The Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), along with Senior Human Resources professional, and Texas Bay Area SHRM Past-President and Diversity and Inclusion Chairman, Brian Hayes, as we explore this new topic that is dominating the national conversation landscape. Invite someone to join you for this relevant topic! At the conclusion of this topic discussion, participants will have a better understanding of what workplace bullying is, and a low-cost option and comprehensive solution to appropriately address this issue. For more information, 870-772-4039.


PHANTOM KILLER by James Presley. Meet the author! Texarkana Public Library hosts an author signing and reception for James Presley upon his return to Texarkana Public Library to discuss PHANTOM KILLER: Unlocking the Mystery of the Texarkana Serial Murders: The Story of a Town in Terror. (11/15/2014, Hardcover, Pegasus Press, 978-1605986425, 16 pages of B&W photographs) David Nelson Meeting Room from 12:00-2:00PM. Refreshments served. For more information, 903-794-2149.



Pages with Poochie from 4:00PM-5:00PM at the Texarkana Public Library. Gayle and Sketti Cates listen to you read in the Kid’s Place (Children’s Area).


Story Hour from 10:00AM-11:00AM. Texarkana Public Library Staff read what’s on offer in Kid’s Place (Children’s Area).









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ALT Magazine

November 2014

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