ALT Magazine October 2012

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Join them for Pink Out Texarkana Day October 12, 2012

October 2012 . Vol. 6, Issue 10



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October 2012 /contents

39 F E AT U R E S


F u r r y Ta l e s


TYTL - Molding To m o r r o w ’ s L e a d e r s


Real Estate


Resource Guide


We Have Zombies...


Second Chances

38 The Chemistry of Clean Water


True Light


Community Service

48 Uncorked


His World is “Growing”


The Man of C’s


65 The Leader Behind The Plate


K i d s f o r t h e C u r e Te e Shirt Contest



Te x a s A & M A n n u a l D i n n e r and Art Auction

I t Ta k e s a V i l l a g e

Chemistry and Water...

Dr. Mike Buttram teaches his Texarkana College classes with hands-on instruction.

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 2 / Vo l . 6 , I s s u e 1 0

Publisher and Editor / Debbie Brower Associate Editors / Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson Photography / Image Forward Photography, Debbie Brower, Jaclyn Gooding, Miranda Johnson, Rozana Page Sales & Marketing Manager / Charlie McMurphy


26 Legacy Back to School Bash


Editor ’s Letter

Graphic Artist / Rozana Page


Financial Focus

28 Literacy Council Luncheon


F i s h Ta l e s

43 Lucille McCuller 100th Birthday

Feature Writers / Jane Bouterse, Anne Fruge


Te x a r k a n a S y m p h o n y Orchestra Fundraiser


Darnell Brown Comm. D e v. G r a n d O p e n i n g

78 Gerald Haire Ribbon Cutting 80

Trinity Baptist Style Show


Duck Paddle Race

84 Holiday Park Ground Breaking



Leaders Leaders can be young or old...check out what these young leaders are doing for our community!


ALT Magazine

October 2012


UACCH-T Grand Opening


Dog Days of Summer

C U LT U R E 98 Calendar of Events 30 Te x a r k a n a , A R To u r i s m

Contributing Writers / Christine Amos, Mike Brower, Anne Fruge, Vincent Senatore, Dustin Stringer Advisor / Mike Brower If you have an event you would like to include in our Upcoming Events section, please email us at:

w w w. a l t - m a g . c o m 200 Heather Dr., Texarkana, TX 75501 (903) 334-9605 ALT Magazine is published the 1st business day of every month. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of ALT Magazine is strictly prohibited. ALT Magazine is distributed free of charge. Direct mail subscriptions are available for $42.00 per year. Contributions from our readers are welcome. We reserve the right to edit or reject any material.

©2012 ALT Magazine

EDITOR’S letter

Serving... How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank

I absolutely love it when the fall weather comes to

people would no longer suffer from such a terrible disease.

Texarkana. The cool temperatures are an indicator that fall

color will soon be here, too. It’s time for riding bikes, playing

lymphoma. Everyone told her that she would be okay -- that

paintball -- and much as no one wants to hear it, preparing for

if she had to have cancer, this was the best kind to have. I

the holidays! Wow! They seem to get here earlier every year.

am not sure that I agree that there is a “best kind” of cancer.

However, my mother is such a strong woman. She took

Fall is also a time to be thinking about helping our

This past year, my mom was diagnosed with

community. Whether you are involved in political campaigns,

everything that was thrown at her and she is cancer free today.

or preparing for Race for the Cure, October brings thoughts of

She still has some lingering side effects, such as tireness,

helping others.

weakness, and a few other symptoms, but I am so glad that

God brought her through this to be with us here on earth a

Community service is not a new thought to many

people in our community. In fact, Mike, my husband, tells me

while longer. Others are not so lucky.

that I tend to volunteer for too much and then work too many

hours. That’s probably true -- although I’m not going to let him

volunteering as a public servant, make sure you volunteer.

know that I agree that he is right! LOL However, that seems

Sometimes it’s as easy as making a donation. Sometimes you

to be true with many of us.

need to get out and do something! If there is a cause dear to

your heart, help. Don’t sit back and let someone else will do it!

With the election nearing, political commercials

Whether you are volunteering for a cause, or

abound. It takes a brave soul to run for a public office --

particularly on a national level. Even at the city level, it can

to do 100% of what needs to be done. Why is that? Why

be brutal. I commend those who have taken time out of their

don’t people want to help? Maybe it’s a time shortage -- I can

busy lives to help by running for public office. What better way

certainly attest to having that lately! Maybe it’s any number

to become involved and help people in their own communities.

of reasons. I would urge you to take a moment and consider

All of our area mayors work tirelessly to help all of our citizens.

helping someone else. The pleasure the other person

Their stories are varied, but their reasoning is the same -- they

receives will be far less than you will receive. Try it. You may

want to help.

just be surprised.

Texarkana’s Race for the Cure draws thousands of

The old saying is that 10% of the people volunteer

May God bless you!

volunteers racing to find a cure for cancer. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if, one day soon, a cure was found and so many Publisher/Editor 8

ALT Magazine

October 2012




Bright Ideas In Banking.

Texarkana • New Boston • Hope • Blevins • Lewisville

by Jane Bouterse


“Character trumps everything.” Former UN Secretary General and abortive peacemaker Kofi Annan remembers his father’s foremost dictate: “Character trumps everything.” His life has been guided by his father’s teaching, as are all lives who understand the wisdom of this advice.

As Annan emphasizes, this trait does not come with the newborn but must be taught and learned and practiced to be understood—a lifelong project. The young people who participate in Leadership Texarkana’s TODAY’S YOUTH, TOMORROW’S LEADERS program are fortunate for two reasons. As teen-agers they bring to the program an acquaintance with the idea of character; as participants, they learn how to define character in each of their lives as they see character in action. Indeed, they emerge from the TYTL program understanding that Character does, indeed, trump everything. Since its inception in 1995, the TYTL program has been conducted by volunteer Leadership Texarkana graduates. The mission statement of Leadership Texarkana, a component of the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce, explains their interest in fostering the TYTL program: “Cultivating, Connecting and Engaging Leaders in Working Together for Community Excellence, Pride and Progress.” The earlier leadership can be cultivated, the stronger our community can become.

Therefore, high school juniors and seniors are encouraged to apply for participation in TYTL. Since every high school, public and private, in the Texarkana area is invited to participate, applicants are chosen in a variety of ways. From the applications 30 high school students were chosen for the TYTL Class of 2012. The program began with a week long Leadership Academy, June 11-15 on the Texas A & M University –Texarkana,

Bringle Lake Campus. The students learned the importance of servant leadership and how to act as servant leaders. [Servant leadership is a term first used by Robert Greenleaf in The Servant as Leader, Greenleaf asserted that the “servant-leader is servant first.” The natural feeling is that one wants to serve first, followed by the ‘conscious choice’ that one aspires to lead.] Students were also introduced to Daniel Goleman’s six styles of leadership that get results, each “springing from different components of emotional intelligence”: 1. The Coercive/Commanding Leader—“Soothes fears and gives directions from a powerful stance. In a phrase, “Do what I tell you.” Overall Impact on Team: Can be negative 2.

The Authoritative/Visionary Leader— “Moves people toward a shared vision” telling them where to go but not how to get there. “Come with me.” Impact: Most strongly positive


The Affiliative Leader—Focuses October 2012


on collaborative efforts and on emotional needs over work needs. “People come first.” Impact: Positive 4.

The Democratic Leader—“Values input and commitment through participation.” “What do you think?” Impact: Can fail with too much listening; not enough effective action.


The Pacesetting Leader—Sets high standards for performance from everyone; sets the example. “Do as I do now.” Impact: Negative


The Coaching Leader—Focuses on future development of people and organization. “Try this.” Overall impact on team—Positive

The high school students quickly determined that their learning would be divided into three major areas: academics first; projects, next; finally, participation. They were introduced to leaders from all areas of Texarkana: politicians, judges, doctors, various administrators and volunteers. They were divided into groups and given choices of projects to which they could apply their own energies and leadership skills. Finally, as a class they chose to participate with Komen Texarkana in the Pink Out Texarkana Day, October 12, with “Pink Out Rallies” on each of their respective campuses. Their overall purposes are to encourage awareness and involvement among their classmates in the community’s battle against cancer. My good fortune has been that I have learned about TYTL through the eyes and experiences of some of those student

participants in the TYTL Class of 2012. They are strong representatives of their class, although this is not the entire group. I listened to Lindsey Grace and Allye Prather, Texas High; Erika Rodriquez, Ashlyn Ferguson, and Alex Miller, Pleasant Grove; Keandra Carroll, Liberty Eylau and Phoebe Randle, Arkansas High. Their reactions to their experiences are the best revelations of the power of the TYTL program. These students are obviously busy people. Several of them had their summer plans already underway or at least in place when they realized they had been chosen for the program. Some adjustments had to be made beginning with discovering the “fine art of organization.” The chorus of voices noted that time management has become the governor of their lives, and no one can survive without an ever-present calendar (“I cannot live now without a calendar.”) and lists (“I never made a list in my life.”) They also had to learn that showing up on time was their only choice, and they always had to be prepared with back-up plans. Another important discovery was the importance of dressing appropriately for the occasion. Whether digging in a recently uncovered garden or meeting a mayor, there is an appropriate attire for the occasion, and it MUST be worn. In the area of projects—for a start, they were given opportunities to work with the Texarkana area non-profit organization of their choice. Those “pitched” to them included:  Temple Memorial Rehabilitation Center  First Choice Pregnancy Center

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ALT Magazine

October 2012


October 2012


 Harvest Texarkana  Hands-On Texarkana  Literacy Council of Bowie and Miller Counties  CASA  Komen Pink-Out Projects Those organizations chosen included the following: At the Temple Memorial Rehabilitation Center (1315 Walnut/ 903.794-2705), TYTL volunteers created a catalog of the 1200 Precious Moments figurines recently given to the Center—a labor intensive project which will enable the center to raise funds by auctioning the pieces. The First Choice Pregnancy Center (602 Main St./ 903.792-5735) offers support for families facing unplanned pregnancies. TYTL volunteers are working with the center on a carnival day to raise awareness and funds which can be used to create mommy and daddy bucks to spend in the Pregnancy Center’s store for baby supplies. Harvest Texarkana Food Bank (3120 East 19th St./ 870.774-1398) created wooden forks to advertise the Taste of Texarkana, a major fundraiser. HandsOn Texarkana, Ben and Jane Collins Home (1915 Olive Street/ 903.798-

3211). This Texarkana landmark is managed by HandsOn Texarkana, which helps match needs with volunteers. TYTL volunteers uncovered and cleaned a long-forgotten garden in the Collins’ yard. With grants (which the students discovered) from Lowe’e, Home Depot, North 40 and Chicken Express, they acquired mulch, planted perennials and got very dirty in the process. At times, the TYTL folks even spent their own money, “I had no idea mulch cost so much.” In the process, they found and cleaned out an old fountain; discovered antique bricks and created a pathway, then filled the garden’s circle with patio tables. A new space to host

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ALT Magazine

October 2012


outside events has been made available. The Literacy Council of Miller and Bowie Counties utilized TYTL participants as tutors who promoted Stuff the Bus projects to gather school supplies for children starting school. CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates Services) of NE Texas clients will benefit from Operation Playhouse which recruited designs for a dream playhouse, especially appealing to Kindergarten through third graders for all the districts. Throughout the year, the playhouse will be built so that by year’s end a winner will be chosen for the actual structure. All of the projects with the non-profits were completed by August 6 (except CASA) and a graduation ceremony at the Perot marked the halfway point for the TYTL Class of 2012. Each of the service projects was explained by participants and displayed pictures taken during the process. Now, school projects will begin, followed through the school year, then explained at a special ceremony April 7 to the 30 members chosen for the TYTL Class of 2013. Completion of the total program will be recognized by the presentation of special cords to be worn with the TYTL member’s graduation gown. Successful completion means not only community and school projects have been created and fulfilled but there have been no absences during the program and dedicated participation by each member. No holding back. So what have these special students—most already leaders in their respective schools—learned as a result of their TYTL curriculum? Just listen to their sharing among themselves: “Cooperation gets the job done. Potentially everyone can lead.” “I never had to ask for donations before. To succeed, I needed to look professional; I had to do research. It is so important to know what you are talking about.” “I didn’t realize how much stuff costs until I had to find the money myself.” “I learned every person has to feel important.” “I was amazed at the leaders we have in our own community: Firemen who are willing to put their own lives on the line for others; Judge Morris, who is such an effective speaker and very wise; Mayors who developed the desire to help their own community; Knowledgeable doctors and state-of-the-art hospitals. They showed us you can start at home and be successful.” “I discovered the value of networking and was so encouraged to find a place and get involved in my own community. Doing the program makes me aware of where I can be a volunteer.” “I became a Junior Wadley Volunteer for the summer and just finished

my 100th hour. I got to go into radiology and learned so much. Being a doctor or surgeon is not the only place to be a leader, but all over the hospital. The smallest thing can make a difference.” “The smallest thing can make a difference.” This invaluable lesson is one that all the TYTL leaders are taking back to their campuses for involving more students in the Pink-Out Pep Rallies that, as a class project, they chose for their participation. The Pink-Out Pep Rallies will be conducted in concert with the Komen Race for the Cure Activities during October, specifically October 12. On that day the student bodies of area schools will be involved in projects to raise cancer awareness and money for the Komen Foundation. Projects are both short-term and long-term. For starters, everyone wears pink somehow. PGHS and LEISD will be selling, wearing and waving pink gloves and pink pom-poms. PGHS will be staging a pink fashion show while LEISD will be listening to the stories of cancer survivors. Long-term projects include a redo of the TISD Special Education Courtyard, including painting the rocks and getting a recycling program underway; TASD will be cleaning up the back campus, making benches and decorating trash cans; PGHS Hawk Action Team will be conducting book drives for the intermediate school’s library and fostering an art integration program and showcase. LEISD’s new motto: “It’s cool to care,” will be implemented in a series of five projects for raising scholarship monies

for TYTL seniors. All in all, a busy year for people already busy. None of these TYTL chosen shrink from their tasks, however. “If you want something done,” they agree, “there is always a way to make it happen. We’re learning to step out of our comfort zones.” “This program does give you courage and forces you to be responsible. There is no one to lean on, and you have to be accountable.” “Put everything into it, and you’re going to get it back.” “This program stresses it’s important to help others, not just for the rewards. After this you realize passion and thank-yous are worth it all. It’s a good feeling to know ‘We did that.’” “It’s good to know we did what we did for our world—not for ourselves.” “Pride.” The words and experiences of these chosen TYTL members show more than leaders or reporters can explain. They SHOW the importance of being involved in our community; the value of hard work and volunteering; the power of caring for others, and the stamina of dreams and passion. No one can really describe what they are like until they have participated in the experience. Each of these TYTL lives had already been affected, to some degree, by these elements, or they would not have been chosen to participate in the program. To be chosen as a TYTL class member is an honor—extended to a few

unique individuals. An application should be considered seriously, as being chosen means work—hard work, sometimes physical labor, all times working with relationships. Participation may require rearranging schedules, perhaps even postponing anticipated activities. BUT… Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Leadership Texarkana alums and 2012 TYTL Academy Directors Tiffany Beck and Debby Sutton backed by the capable volunteerism of Mary Alice O’Ferrell, the Class of 2012 will complete an unforgettable year. Their attitudes, work habits, knowledge and goals will be forever changed and more effective. To look at these teen-agers, one sees a microcosm of future leaders. This group has come to share their experiences and that is what they do. Somehow the purple hair and flip flops and abbreviated summer attire fade into the land of inconsequential. What stands out is their enthusiasm, their abilities to express their ideas, their excitement about their discoveries and the people they have met. Most of all, like Kofi Annan, they now understand: Character trumps everything. Their responses signal they have also added to their understanding a knowledge of the importance of caring and community. These TYTL participants have met the opportunity, seized the moment and are equipped to change the world. How fortunate they are to have a supportive community! How fortunate their community is to have the benefit of their commitments!


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ALT Magazine

October 2012

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1. Tonya Davis and Grace McGuire 2. Darrah and Jeff McGuire, Jake McGuire and Grace McGuire 3. TMS Art Teacher Shea Phillips and Grace McGuire 4. Amanda Graham and Kaci Hopper 5. Eddie and Jane Daines 6. Cindy Hubbard, Rita Williams, Tonya Davis, Christy Walls and Terrie Arnold 7. Kim Harbin, Paul Norton and Cindy Hubbard 8. Christy Walls and Tonya Davis 9. Tonya Davis, Grace McGuire, Terrie Arnold and Christy Walls 10. Darrah and Jeff McGuire, with Terrie Arnold 11. Darrah McGuire, Jeff McGuire, Eddie and Jane Daines. Front row from left Jake McGuire and Grace McGuire











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ALT Magazine

October 2012

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ALT Magazine

October 2012


1. Richard Reynolds and Lena Butler 2. Tim and Trish Reed 3. Robert and Carla Sanderson 4. Mayor Bob Bruggeman, Lisa and Kelly Mitchell 5. Frankie Milligan, Summer Nelson and Katelyn Blackledge 6. Jennell Ingram and JoAnn Rice 7. Dr. Jim and Judy Morgan 8. Keith and Nancy McFarland, Congressman Ralph Hall and Richard Reynolds 9. Julie Tidwell, Sara Weber, Ashley Lee and Sissi Coker 10. Sonya Freeze and Shelby Brown 11. Ron and Deborah Mills 12. Mary Jo Essex, Margie Kemp, Janet Barnes and Jena Howell 13. Carla and Joe Nichols 14. Monica and Collins Bruner 15. Congressman Ralph Hall and Richard Reynolds












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by Anne Fruge

There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man. John 1:9

The doctors at Mayo Clinic in

Rochester, Minnesota, call Rowdy Green “a miracle.” With each check-up they are in dismay that the same person they nearly lost on the operating table in 2006 is now cancer-free. “I’m not special and I never have been, but God gave me a second chance at life,” Rowdy says. “I tell you, this cancer is the greatest gift I’ve ever had because I know more than ever that God is real, and He can change your life.” Rowdy was born Tommy Green, but his grandfather bestowed him with the nickname that quickly caught on. He grew up in Genoa where three generations of his family have been raised and attended school at Genoa Central. “I was a believer in God at a young age. I learned from my mom and dad and read the Bible as a kid, but as I grew older, I guess you could call me a ‘rowdy’ guy,” Rowdy says with a laugh. “I always tried to control my life myself instead of asking the Lord to help me. The greatest thing God has done for me is not to heal my body but to heal my heart and soul.” It was in Genoa that Rowdy met “his anchor,” Belinda, his wife of 26 years. In fact, Rowdy has known Belinda all his life. Her mother was Rowdy’s second grade teacher, and when Rowdy was in her class, she was pregnant with Belinda! Rowdy also has three children, Thomas Green, Calyse


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Green and Rowdy Green along with three grandchildren, Arin, Faith and Braylon. “My family and friends mean so much to me,” Rowdy says. “They were there for me and praying for me the whole time. My wife, Belinda, never left my side. This whole experience has shown me how much

we take for granted in life, and I never want to take a single day for granted again.” The day that changed Rowdy’s life was December 21, 2005, when Dr. Balasekaren in Texarkana told Rowdy that he had renal cell carcinoma, and he needed to visit specialists at Mayo Clinic. “I remember that night so well,” Rowdy says. “I woke up in the middle of the night scared to death. I got out of bed and fell on knees and asked God to heal me, but I could hear him saying to me, ‘Rowdy, what good would it do to heal your disease if I don’t heal your heart?’ So many times I think we pray for the wrong things, but He showed me that praying for physical healing wasn’t what I needed.” Belinda and Rowdy packed up Christmas Day and headed to Mayo Clinic, and on January 2, 2006, the doctors there performed surgery to cut out as much of the cancer as they could. Radiation and chemotherapy are not effective with this type of cancer, so the doctors attempted to remove as much as they could from his kidney. They also cut an artery that was wrapped around the tumor. This led to Rowdy having to have several pints of blood. Rowdy went home for the next seven weeks where he spent most of his time in Wadley Hospital with numerous blood clots. After a hellish seven weeks, Rowdy returned to Mayo for tests. “The look on their faces scared me,” Rowdy says. “I just knew it was bad news, but they looked at me and said, ‘Mr. Green, we can’t find any cancer; it’s gone. We see the scars, but you don’t have cancer anymore. My wife and I started crying, and I knew I was seeing the hand of God in action.” Rowdy was told that his

cancer had a good chance of returning one day, but Rowdy knew that there was still more on this earth that God wanted him to do, and he was ready to do it. He returned to work as an industrial millwright electrician at Cooper Tire, and he started giving testimonies at churches about what God had done in his life. “People ask me after I give testimonies how it felt to go through all this, and I tell them that before all this happened I had a hard heart against life,” Rowdy says. “I held grudges; I had a temper. But, God put love, forgiveness and compassion in my heart. When I was a child, I used to wonder at the things God had put on this earth. I used to watch the water in the creek and the clouds and the animals, but as I grew up I started concentrating on money, a house, a car. I wanted to be somebody in the world’s eyes, but now I feel like I’m a kid again. I feel such joy in God’s creation and in God’s people, and I feel love in my heart like I never have before.” With his new outlook on life, Rowdy was led to two unique opportunities to continue to serve people. First, he became a deputy sheriff for Miller County where he’s had the ability to protect and serve the people of his community. In his line of work, Rowdy is able to talk to people who are in trouble and share his testimony. “I try to tell them that life doesn’t have to be this way,” Rowdy says. “I try to pray with them and to help them if I can. I love people, and I love hearing their stories.

I never in my life thought I would be in law enforcement, but now I want to pursue law enforcement full time.” Rowdy also decided to build a community park in Genoa called Brenda’s Hideaway, named after Belinda’s sister, Brenda, who died at age 16 in a car accident. “I have this dream that it will be a beautiful place in our community where people can gather for birthdays, weddings, church outings, or just a place for families to go fishing and enjoy nature,” Rowdy says. Many people are shocked at the fact that Rowdy is donating the land instead of selling it for a great profit. “It’s a greater gift to me that I can see people laughing, smiling and having fun,” Rowdy says. “As people we get so upset about the little things that don’t matter…they just don’t matter. I realize that now.” Now, Rowdy is working at Cooper Tire, at the sheriff’s department and is clearing land and building a pavilion for the park at night. Three years after his diagnosis, the doctors couldn’t find a trace of cancer in his blood, and every time he goes back for a check-up the doctors marvel at their “miracle” patient. “I just want to share my story and tell the world what God has done for me,” Rowdy says. “I can never repay God for what he’s done for me, so until God takes me, I’m just going to help people any way I can.”

October 2012


Why not have a little creepy fun with your Halloween Party this year? Fill your guests with fright and delight at a zombie theme-party! Ominous invitations, words of warning and grusome goodies should work!

“ Zombie Apocalypse Party Pack of 30 Shortbread Cookies: Maple or Almond “Zombie Parts” shop:Scrumpalicious

1 package (17.3 ounces) frozen puff pastry 3 cups filling of your choice (savory or sweet) 1 egg, beaten red food coloring small paintbrush 1. Thaw puff pastry according to package’s directions. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F and line a 9x13 baking pan with parchment paper. 2. Divide each sheet of puff pastry lengthwise into 6 strips. Lightly flour an expansive counter or other surface and lay each strip next to one another. Press and seal the seams between strips. 3. Spread your filling of choice down the entire length of the dough, leaving a bit of space on each side to pinch closed. 4. Pinch the entire length of the dough closed, stretching the dough slightly around the filling as you go. 5. Carefully lift intestine onto baking sheet, seam-side down, and form an “intestine-like” pattern. 6. Brush puff pastry with beaten egg. Dip small paintbrush into red food coloring and draw ”blood” in the creases. 7. Bake about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

Yield: 6 shooters 1 pkg lime jello powder 6 canned or fresh lychees 6 maraschino cherry 6 slices of black grape

Zombie Parts Cookies

Eye Ball Shooters Pastry Intestines

1. Stuff a maraschino cherry into the lychee without breaking it. 2. Cut slice from outside of grape and place over red part of “eyeball.” 3. Prepare lime green jello according to directions. 4. To suspend eyeball in jello, pour jello half way up in a square shot glass, large enough to hold the lychee with room around the edge and let set. 5. Place the ‘eyeball’ on the set jello and pour remaining jello into shot glass. 6. Cover and let set.

1. Fill a powder-free rubber glove with water and secure opening with tight rubber band. Put glove in freezer until solid. 2. Cut away glove, and place ice hand in red or green punch.


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Zombie Handprint Punch

Name Brand Scrubs:

Grey’s Anatomy Dickies Sketchers NRG

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Legacy Back to School Bash EVENT


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ALT Magazine





October 2012

1. Cheryl and Calvin Moorer 2. Salina Andersson makes cotton candy 3. Challis Garrett and Josh Baker 4. Eric and Cindy Spink 5. Buster Dyer 6. Angelina, Salina and Allyah Andersson 7. Langdon Meredith and Halli Meredith 8. Aubry Ana Andersson 9. Madison Hager 10. Cheryl and Calvin Moorer on the grill 11. Makayla Spink 12. Halli Meredith









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Literacy Council Luncheon



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1. Richard Seymour and Judy Kinsey 2. Roy and Rebecca Epps 3. Laurie Burgess and Kelly Turner 4. Madison Magee and Robbye Magee 5. Heike and Manfred Hahn, Manuela and Charles Santifer 6. Jennifer Anderson, Nikki Crosswhite, Madeline Brown, Linda Weeks, Keron Torrence, Billy Lee and Ambur Tinsley 7. Monica McCaleb and Richard Seymour 8. Lahoma Hargrave, Robbye Magee and Mike Hargrave 9. Rita Nichols, Jason Green and Liane Nichols 10. Stephanie and Royce James 11. Jennifer Walker, Alayna Steele, Rylie Steele, Robbin Mounts and Brody Steele 12. Michelle Bittle and Donna Carozza 13. Eric Cain and Chris Goodsell 14. Trent Taylor and Robbye Magee











Like Us


5602 Richmond Rd., Suite 104 Texarkana, TX 75503 (Richmond Moores Crossing)


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Coming Soon to

Crossroads Business Park in Texarkana, AR

Fine Food. Family Atmosphere. Crossroads Business Park Texarkana, Arkansas


Lightning Lunch!

Served within 15 minutes from the time you order! Crabcakes & Shrimp Alfredo... Buffalo Spring rolls... & Lots More!

Mardi Gras Happy Hour Sun-Thur 4pm-5:30pm - 8pm-9:30pm

October 2012


Winds of Change Are Blowing Through

Crossroads Business Park of

Texarkana, Arkansas

Excitement. Convenience. Growth.

A catalyst for new growth, Crossroads Business Park is bringing new business to Texarkana, Arkansas. Conveniently located north of Interstate 30, between Stateline and Jefferson avenues, this 1,000 acre business park is booming! Two hotels are already serving the area -- Best Western Plus Texarkana Inn and Suites, and the Holiday Inn Express. The announcement of a new Holiday Inn Select and Convention Center will add to the choice selection for visitors to our city. The Best Western Plus Texarkana Inn & Suites offers the best in customer service & amenities. This brand new Texarkana hotel features 76 well-appointed guest rooms and suites, each featuring cable satellite television and high-speed Internet access. This 100% non smoking hotel also features an array of amenities including a complimentary full breakfast, free parking, a full-service business center and meeting space accommodating up to 10 people.


ALT Magazine

When you stay at the Holiday Inn Express® Hotel & Suites Texarkana East, you will have access to a great 24-hour Business Center and 1,200 square feet of event space for your use. Amenities, including an indoor pool, a 24-hour Fitness Center and free Express Start Breakfast Bar, to make your stay a great one. Each guest room is equipped with free high-speed, wireless Internet access, a 32-inch LCD HDTV and a spacious work desk. You can sleep like a baby in a plush king or queen bed with triple-sheeted bedding. The newest addition, the Holiday Inn Select and Convention Center, will be a “hub” for the area. From conventions, to weddings, to reunions, visitors will be able to take advantage of all the amenities that Texarkana, Arkansas has to offer. A water park, connected to the hotel and convention center, will add an additional enticement for young and old!

Naturally, with the increasing presence of new hotels, shops and restaurants are attracted to the business park! Copeland’s of New Orleans originated in a place with its own unique flavors, fashions and passions. Over 25 years ago, the tradition began that the family is proud to carry on today: to serve an authentic, hometown New Orleans taste and ambiance to guests who enjoy truly exceptional food and hospitality. A casually festive atmosphere combines New Orleans flavor and comfort with an upscale sensibility. From the Creole favorites that embody the heart and soul of Southern Louisiana, to the flavorful takes on seafood, pasta, salads, steaks and desserts, Copeland’s offers something for everyone. Aven Williamson, developer of the property, has met the standards set by the city, including underground utilities and upscale

landscaping. Harold Boldt, Texarkana city manager, says, “We are trying to carefully find the right partners. With a traffic count between 60,000 and 70,000 cars a day on I-30, which is expecting to double in the net few years, it is the ideal location.” With an ideal location full of beauty and modern charm, superior places to stay, and a new convention center and water park, the decision to locate at Crossroads Business Park is an easy one! Boldt hopes to attract additional businesses to build on the base already in place. A booming metropolitan area conveniently located halfway between Little Rock and Dallas, Texarkana is the perfect spot for travelers to stop and dine, enjoy the outdoor opportunities in the area, shop or just relax! Come see what is going on at Crossroads Business Park!


Gather at the Texarkana Convention Center at the Crossroads... SM

Rendering of Texarkana Convention Center at the Crossroads

Texarkana Convention Center SM at the Crossroads Once inside the Convention Center, the movable walls and ceilings of this stateof-the-art facility will allow rooms to be configured for large or small groups. Large doors can be opened on the side of the building to allow objects from very small--Volkswagens-- to full size SUVs and everything in between to be brought inside the Center for display. This space will prove ideal for flower or bridal shows or arts and craft displays. The Center’s ballroom can comfortably accommodate 1,000 people at one time or be divided into three meeting rooms providing space for about 300 people at a time, and one smaller room for 100 or fewer. Conventions, trade shows, weddings, parties and endless other events will come to life in this state-of-the-art facility!

Anticipated Opening - Spring 2013.

Weddings & Receptions Conventions & Expos Performances & Pageants Meetings Reunions Parties Charity Events


ALT ALTMagazine Magazine October 2012

The Thoughtfully Designed Upscale Landscaping of the Outdoor Courtyard and Garden Areas Skyrocket the Texarkana Convention Center SM to the Top of Every Bride’s Venue List!

Watch Your Wedding Dreams Become Reality...

architecture, a tranquil water feature and upscale patio areas to be enjoyed by a small group or a big group!

Exceptional beauty and design combined with ample room for seating and event equipment make the outdoor garden area of the Texarkana Convention Center SM the perfect place to enjoy time to yourself or host a social event!

Whether you are planning a private party, family or school reunion or an intimate or large wedding, the beauty and atmosphere of this outdoor space are simply impossible not to fall in love with!

Careful planning has gone into the design of lush landscaping, elegant outdoor

Contact us to book your event today!

870.216.2000 October 2012 335

Arriving at the

Crossroads Business Park Summer 2013... Featuring: 5 Rides 10 Slides Adult Lagoon Pool Wave Pool Children’s Leisure Pool Toddler’s Splash Pad Lazy River Outdoor Water Theatre Corporate Tents Available

& Much More!

Brannon Corp. Design 34

ALT Magazine

October 2012

October 2012


What I would do is look at my map and find humps and ridges that were between 3 and 15 feet deep on top and had REAL deep water around them. On the water, I would start out idling around to see if there was shad holding off the by Mike Brower sides. If there was, then I would back off and throw a crankbait that ran 5 feet deep at the hump and work it back. It never took long to catch some fish and after you caught a couple, they would start schooling all around the area. Not every hump or ridge had shad like to talk about fishing the different lakes around here and bass, but lots did and it was different to catch bass that are deep and clear for spawners a lot, but never suspended over deep water. seem to mention fall fishing on the same kind of lakes. So let’s change that. That’s what makes fishing so much fun, finding and catching fish doing something that is out of the norm. Last month I fished Lake Ouachita and got to catch fish a way I haven’t tried in a long time -- fishing over 40+ foot of Patman 2012 water with the fish suspended only 7 feet deep. The shad and bass would start out the morning down deep and as the sun rose, the shad would rise up to the 7 foot mark and Don’t forget that the BASS weekend series regional will the bass would feed like crazy on and off for the rest of the be on Wright Patman this month. Come out and watch the weigh in. There are several locals who have qualified to day. Now, let me say here they weren’t big bass, but were fish and I’m sure they would like the support. mostly keepers.

How Deep Are They?


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ALT Magazine

October 2012

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ALT Magazine

October 2012

by Anne Fruge

The Chemistry of Clean Water

Mike Buttram has been educating students in the Texarkana community for the last 41 years at Texarkana College; in fact, it’s the only job he’s ever had. So why does a chemistry major with a B.S. and master’s degree from East Texas State University and a PhD from University of Louisville return to his hometown and teach? “When you go to school as long as I did, you are comfortable in an educational environment, and you see real value in working with kids because someone worked with you and helped you find a passion in what you were studying,” Mike says. “I want to attempt to give my kids something extra as if they were in a bigger department at a big university, and I think all the teachers here strive to do that.” Though Mike never thought he would study chemistry, some of his very best

teachers were in the chemistry field, and he discovered that he had interest and talent in the subject. Now Mike is a fellow of the American Chemical Society and was part of only the second group of inductees. In 1987 he helped establish the Texarkana College Chemistry Club, which has gone on to be acknowledged as “outstanding” by

the American Chemical Society for the last fifteen years. “The students are making our community college a national focus,” Mike says. “We present at meetings, conventions, and this past year we were one of six chemistry clubs out of more than seven hundred groups across the nation invited by the American Chemical Society to run a booth at the National Convention in San Diego.” This year, Mike hopes to take a group of students to the convention in New Orleans. “The work these kids are doing has helped list Texarkana College in Chemical & Engineering News multiple times,” Mike says. “We hope we are providing opportunities to students in our community that they may not have had before, and what they’ve been able to accomplish says something positive about this school and this community.” In 1992, Mike heard about the October 2012


Texas Watch (now known as The Texas Stream Team), a group that provides volunteer monitoring for the State of Texas. His kids wanted to be involved in a program sponsored by the Caddo Lake Institute so we married the two and started volunteering. In 1999, Mike was able to help secure a wonderful service opportunity for his students with the Sulphur River Basin Authority to monitor streams and lakes in the Sulphur River Basin. “It’s a big opportunity for our

students to work with the Clean Rivers Program,” Mike says. “It really helps them get out of the classroom and see how chemistry and science is applied in the real world.” Students complete all the field work and data collection, including information such as water chemistry and stream flow, habitat analysis, and fish and macrobenthic organism (aquatic bugs) surveys. The results go into the state database, and then the Texas Commission on Environmental

Quality decides whether the water meets standards set by the TCEQ and approved by the EPA. “It’s amazing what you will pull up out of a stream,” Mike says. “The kids love doing electro shocking and seining as well as just getting out in nature. A real camaraderie builds up among the students.” The TCEQ takes the results from the students’ research and decides if action needs to be taken. “The work we do is important


903.792.0088 4012 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, Texas


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Elegant Hand Bouquets For Homecoming


not only because it’s required by the EPA for our state but also because we’ve helped establish a baseline for this area where there wasn’t one,” Mike says. “Some of the streams we’ve visited have never been studied before, and our area needs to know if there are water quality issues that need to be addressed.” Mike says most of the students are appalled at some of what they have found in the streams. “It’s amazing what people will throw off a bridge without thinking about it,” Mike says. “We spend a lot of time talking about the issues we see, and it makes them more environmentally aware. We hope that these students stay involved, and if they come back to this area, they will support environmental initiatives.” Because Texarkana College only offers courses for freshmen and sophomores, the Chemistry Club and Clean Rivers Project see a lot of turnover, and Mike and the rest of the staff are consistently recruiting bright and interested

students for volunteer activities. “Even though it’s hard to keep it going, getting to know the kids and encouraging them to get out there and do stuff is the best part,” Mike says with a smile. “Many of our students don’t even think they have an interest in studying chemistry or science, but once they start getting involved and going to meetings, conventions and doing volunteer work, some of them find a real passion.”

The Chemistry Club will be putting on a community event during National Chemistry Week at Central Mall on October 19 starting at 11:00 am. They will do demonstrations and activities for kids and adults involving density, conductivity, chromatography and more. “This event helps educate the community on how chemistry contributes to everyday life, but it also promotes the great kids and opportunities we have at Texarkana College,” Mike says. Many of Mike’s students have gone on from Texarkana College to pharmacy, nursing and medical schools as well as bright chemistry careers. Mike’s own family practice doctor, dentist, and pharmacist are his past students. “We have phenomenal students here who are doing great things for this community and school,” Mike says. “One of the best things about Texarkana College is the fact that if someone wants a great education, it is within their reach. The sky is the limit.”



tomorrows TEXARKANA COLLEGE 2500 N. Robison Road Texarkana, TX 903-823-3456 | October 2012


by Christine Amos

Celebrating Life, Love & Hope


t one time or another, we have all been touched by cancer. It may have been a friend or a family member or it may have even been you. Everyone has a story. Some have happy endings, others do not. I want to share a story with you that was recently shared with me.

we stood and talked for at least 20 minutes in the aisle there. She seemed such a peaceful soul. Considering what she had been through, she was so positive. I don’t remember her name but I won’t ever forget her smile or her story.

I was in the pet supply section of a local department store looking at the fish. A woman pushed her buggy past me and spoke to me about the fish. She apparently knew about them as she began telling me about hers and offering up advice. Our conversation went from fish to dogs. I helped her with her purchase on dog treats and her story unfolded.

I left the store and thought to myself how fortunate I am. I’ve been fortunate to NOT have gone through what she has had to go through, but how fortunate I was to meet her. She prays for a cure so others don’t have to suffer. So, to the lady that talked about fish, sickness and Boston terriers, you are an amazing person! I salute you.

She is a cancer survivor. Her story really moved me. She had lung cancer and functioned on only one lung. She told me that she was also a caregiver for another person. She smiled all the while telling me her experience. Her good attitude was infectious! I think

I don’t know if I will ever see her again but I do know that each year I am a part of a wonderful group of people who support the Susan. G. Koman, Race for the Cure. My sweet dog Georgia and I have walked together for 5 years now and will walk until a cure is found! We walk. We walk in honor of people like the woman I met. We walk in honor of our loved ones that have fought against cancer. We walk and wear our brightest pink in support of the event! Georgia and I encourage you to come out and support one another to raise awareness for cancer. We pray for a cure! Until a cure is found, we will walk with names like Kathy Kelley and Annette M. in our hearts and safety pinned on our shirt during the walk. Please join us on October 20, 2012, at the Susan G. Koman Race for the Cure, to support those currently battling cancer and those that are survivors and honor those that may have lost their battle. Christine Amos has over 30 years experience grooming pets and an owner of Georgia’s Pet Salon. She is a Certified Groomer, Master Groomer, AKC Canine Good Citizenship Evaluator, and Obedience Trainer. She is also Mom to Georgia (pictured), MoMo, and Annabelle!


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Lucille McCuller celebrates her 100th Birthday Lucille McCuller was born September 2, 1912. Her 100th Birthday Party was given by Bailey Creek recently. “Amazing Grace” was sung by a dear friend, Mrs. Wendy Greathouse LeGrand. The Texarkana Chamber of Commerce was there to present an plaque and Texarkana, Arkansas Mayor Wayne Smith declared September 2nd as “Lucille McCuller Day.” Ms. McCuller is a lifetime member of Fairview United Methodist Church, Texarkana AR. Many friends from Fairview UMC attended along with her friends from the Nursing Home. All had a great time.

October 2012


Symphony Orchestra Texarkana Symphony 1.2. Texarkana Andrew and Angela Clark 3. Janis Holliday and Mel Luebbert Orchestra fund raiser 4. Sue and Don Howren


Texarkana Country Club




5. Dr. George English and Michael Malek 6. Jane Daines and Teensy Parsons 7. Amanda Albright and Remica Gray 8. Nancy Price and Frances Holcomb 9. Ron Mills, Mike Mankins and Jeff Brown 10. Misc photo of Waltz lessons 11. Marc-Andre Bougie and Candace Taylor 12. Ernest Pender and Ann Nicholas









ALT Magazine


October 2012
















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by Dustin Stringer Stringer Wealth Management LPL Financial

Charitable Contributions From Your IRA – 2012 and Beyond At the end of December, 2011, the provision for Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) expired. That provision allowed the taxpayer age 70½ or older to make direct distributions from an IRA account to a qualified charity, bypassing recognition of the distribution as income. For more information on the expired provision, see the original article about charitable distributions from your IRA. With the expiration of this provision, you can still make charitable contributions of money distributed from your IRA. The difference is that these contributions are no different from a contribution that you’ve made from your savings account or regular income. In order to achieve a tax advantage from the contribution, you will itemize the charitable contribution on your tax return. Of course, in addition to this, if the money is from your IRA you’ll also have to recognize the distribution as income. Let’s look at both ways to fully understand what’s different now. The old way Under the expired provision if you qualified, you could make a direct distribution from your IRA account to the qualified charity of your choice. Then when you were ready to file your tax return for the year, you wouldn’t include the amount of the direct distribution to the charity as income. This could also include your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year, as well. By doing this, you didn’t have to recognize this income at all – which doesn’t seem so important until you see how it works in the new way. The new way Now that the QCD provision has expired, you can still make charitable contributions from your IRA, but it’s not as advantageous as the old way. Under this method (which can be enacted by anyone over age 59½ without penalty) you take a distribution from the IRA, and then send it to the charity of your choice. (In actuality, the distribution

doesn’t have to be from an IRA, but we’re doing a compare and contrast against the expired QCD arrangement, so that’s what we’ll use for the examples.) When you get around to filing your tax return for the year now, you’ll have to recognize the distribution from your IRA as income. Later on the return, you can include the charitable contribution as an itemized deduction, eventually lowering your taxable income by the same amount. However, since you have to include the distribution as income, this will increase your overall income (unless you have 8 Net Operating Losses from your business to offset the income), and will therefore also increase your Adjusted Gross Income (the bottom line of your Form 1040). The significance to this is that many tax provisions depend upon the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) figure. An example is deductible medical expenses – these are only deductible to the extent that they are in excess of 7.5% of your AGI. Miscellaneous Itemized expenses are subject to a similar “floor”: they must be greater than 2% of your AGI in order to be deductible. In addition, certain phase-outs are impacted by AGI level as well. So you can see that increasing your income can have a significant impact on your overall tax return. Here’s a quick example of how this could impact a taxpayer. Example Taxpayer is single, age 73, and is subject to RMDs from his IRA. He wishes to make a charitable contribution of $10,000 from his IRA funds to his church. If this were 2011, he could make his distribution directly from the IRA to the church. Here’s how his tax return worked out: Income (pension and IRA)


Adjusted Gross Income


Medical Expenses $10,000 Deductible Medical Expenses (above 7.5% of AGI) $6,250 Charitable Contributions (beyond the direct QCD)


Exemption $3,700 Taxable Income $39,050 Tax $5,888

Under the 2012 method, Taxpayer takes the distribution from his IRA and then sends it to his church. Here’s how the tax return works out now: Income (pension and IRA, plus his $10,000 additional distribution) $60,000 Adjusted Gross Income


Medical Expenses $10,000 Deductible Medical Expenses (above 7.5% of AGI) $5,500 Charitable Contributions (includes the additional $10,000 distribution)


Exemption $3,800 Taxable Income $39,700 Tax $5,955

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Under the new method in our example, the tax cost was increased by $67. This doesn’t seem like a lot, but if the circumstances were a bit different this could become sizeable – and who likes to pay extra taxes of any amount? Bear in mind that this provision has expired and subsequently been extended in the past, so it’s possible that it could be extended again at some point in the future. Stay tuned.

3535 South Lake Drive Texarkana, TX 75503 Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Posted in: 2012 tax year, charitable contribution, IRA, QCD. Tagged: 2012 tax year · QCD

Texarkana Gastroenterology Consultants and The Endoscopy center of Texarkana

October is Liver Cancer Awareness Month! Without treatment, the five year survival rate is less than 5 percent, but if the cancer is diagnosed early and treated aggressively, the five year rate is about 35 percent.

Liver cancer is preventable through measures that can significantly reduce ones risk such as vaccination for hepatitis B, screening for hepatitis C, and responsible consumption of alcohol. Control of weight and diabetes are also significant factors.

Stanley C. Knowles, M.D. John C. Cozart, M.D. Laura Balmain, M.D. James J. Boehmke, D.O.

The most important risk factor associated with liver cancer is cirrhosis, a condition that precedes 80 percent of all liver cancers. The most common cause of cirrhosis is chronic hepatitis C, excessive alcohol consumption, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.


Texarkana Gastroenterology Consultants 1920 Moores Lane . Texarkana, TX 75503


The Endoscopy Center of Texarkana October 2012


by Vincent Senatore

Popcorn is in the house...


merica has an obsession with Moonshiners and Bootleggers. We love to read about outlaws like Al Capone, Dutch Schultz and Lucky Luciano. Besides organized crime, what do all of these people have in common? They produced and distributed Alcohol - illegally. Further, some of our most popular movies and books glorified “Moonshiners and Bootleggers”. So, why are we enamored with Popcorn Sutton? What made this guy a Pop-Culture hero? Marvin “Popcorn” Sutton (October 5, 1946 – March 16, 2009) was an American Appalachian moonshiner originally from Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Sutton’s career in bootlegging and getting caught for it extended back to the 1970s. His grandfather and his father were moonshiners and Marvin was a real “chip off the ole block.” In 1999, Sutton published “Me and My Likker,” an autobiography and guide to moonshine production. Around the same time he produced a home video by the same name and released it on VHS tape. His first broadcast appearance was in a documentary, “Mountain Talk.” Sutton next appeared in the film that would become the cornerstone of his notoriety, “This is the Last Dam Run of Likker I’ll Ever Make.” Filmed and released in 2002, “The Last Run” quickly became a cult-classic and over time drew the attention of television producers in Boston and New York. The source footage from this project was re-worked into the awardwinning documentary “The Last One,” released in 2008. Sutton was featured in a 2007 documentary “Hillbilly: the Real Story,” on The History Channel. Sutton considered moonshine production a legitimate part of his heritage, being as he was Scots-Irish and descended from a long line of moonshiners. In January 2009, after an ATF raid led by Jim Cavanaugh of Waco fame, Sutton was sentenced to eighteen months in a federal prison for illegally distilling spirits and possession of a firearm as a felon. Sutton, 62 and recently diagnosed with cancer, pleaded with the U.S. District Judge Ronnie Greer to let him serve his sentence under house arrest. Several petitions were made in attempts to reduce or commute Sutton’s sentence, to no avail. Sutton committed suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning on March 16, 2009, apparently to avoid a federal prison term due to begin a few days later. On October 24, 2009, Sutton’s body was relocated from his original grave site in Mt. Sterling, North Carolina, to his home in Parrottsville, Tennessee, providing an opportunity for the first public memorial service to be held. He traveled to his final resting spot by horse and carriage. Sutton’s memorial grew in spectacle as country music singer Hank Williams, Jr., flew in to pay his respects. Later, Hank Williams, Jr., announced his partnership with J&M Concepts LLC and widow Pam Sutton to distill and distribute Sutton’s whiskey legally for the first time. Dubbed “Popcorn Sutton’s Tennessee White Whiskey,” it is produced on stills designed by Sutton using his secret family recipe and techniques Sutton entrusted to former 48

ALT Magazine

October 2012

Supercross professional Jamey Grosser of J&M Concepts. Country music stars attending the launch event included Martina McBride, Jamey Johnson, Randy Houser, Travis Tritt, Tanya Tucker, Zac Brown, Josh Thompson, Kentucky Headhunters, Little Big Town, Colt Ford, Montgomery Gentry, Jaron and the Long Road to Love and Lee Brice. According to press reports, Popcorn Sutton’s Tennessee White Whiskey will be initially distributed in Tennessee and throughout the southeast. The copper stills were handcrafted by Vendome Copper and Brass in Louisville, KY. The Mason jar (Collectors edition) filled Moonshine is now available in Arkansas and available at Vincent’s. The initial run of Popcorn Sutton’s White Whiskey (in the Mason jar) is very limited. So, if you have a “Yen” for some Moonshine. Popcorn is in the House…

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ALT Magazine





October 2012

1. Senator Steve Harrelson, Darlena Brown, Reuben Adams, Teresa Pribilski, Amanda Clift and Mayor Wayne Smith 2. Samantha Patterson and Jodi Griffin 3. Teresa Pribilski, Joe Kuhn and Amanda Clift 4. Lee Marvin Adams and Cody Bradley 5. Misc. photo 6. Lacy and Jimmy Parrish, with Richard Seymour 7. Lee Marvin Adams, Charlett Adams and Reuben Adams 8. Tina Cunningham, Richard Seymour and Brenda Hogan 9. Jimmy Clark, Darlena Brown and Danny Martin 10. Erin Scott, Charlett Adams, Jennifer Laurent and Patricia Watkins 11. Jimmy Clark and Robert Harrison 12. Bowie County Women’s Recovery Center: Arlina Gooden, Stephanie Ford, Sharon Whelchel, Andrea Tatum, Cayla Brown and Dianne Morgan









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Community Service We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents, Or our times or country of birth, Or the circumstances of our upbringing. We do not—most of us—choose to die But within all this realm of choicelessness We do choose how we shall live— Courageously or in cowardice, Honorably or dishonorably, With purpose or adrift. We decide what is important and what is trivial What makes us significant is what we do, Or refuse to do. We decide and we choose And so we give definition to ourselves. By Joseph Epstein

Many in our community choose to serve our citizens. They make a difference in the lives of so many. Here are just a few...


ALT Magazine

October 2012

by Jane Bouterse

His World is “Growing” Take fast and make it faster. Take smart and make it brilliant. Believe that no matter how well you do something, You can always do it better And chances are you will.

This Commitment to Excellence greets visitors as they enter the foyer of BWI Companies Corporate Headquarters on King’s Highway in Nash, Texas. To Robert Bunch, Chief Administrative Officer of the company begun by his father and mother with a borrowed $1,000, the plaque bearing these words is almost invisible. These familiar admonitions describe the way he lives his life. Since June 26, 1959, the day of his birth in Wadley hospital, Robert has called Texarkana home. After graduation from Texas Senior High School in 1977, the now 6 foot + Robert headed to Texas A & M, College Station for a degree in Industrial Distribution—useful in the family business he anticipated entering. Along the way he worked part-time cleaning stables and building fences at a ranch training Arabian horses and skied with the Texas A & M Water Ski Team. Beginning with potting plants in his parents’ Liberty Eylau greenhouses, he has worked in his family’s business—from manual

labor to decision-making. He has grown up as Bunch’s, the original retail business, has grown into BWI Companies, Inc. Robert’s business acumen has served him well. When he graduated from Texas A&M, he returned to Texarkana and represented the company in outside sales for five years, until he parked his truck and moved into the office to learn purchasing, eventually becoming the Purchasing Manager. From 1989 to 1992, Robert served BWI Texarkana as Transportation Manager. In 1993, a growing BWI moved into new corporate offices in Nash, and Robert became the Vice-President of Operations for the company. When Bob, his dad, retired in the early 2000s, Robert and his brother became Co-Presidents with clearly divided responsibilities. Today, BWI has grown into 16 locations from Homestead, FL, to Springfield, MO, with 600 employees. Robert Bunch continues to grow in his knowledge of how to run a business, manage people and

cooperate not only with a co-president but also people all over the country. In 2006, he was tapped by the Nash City Council to fill Tony Wright’s unexpired term. When his appointed term ended, Robert Bunch’s interest in city politics was growing; therefore, he chose to run for his own term on the Nash City Council. He ran, and he won. In his race for a second term, he was unopposed. Meanwhile, his Council colleagues chose him to serve as Mayor Pro Tem in 2007, a position he held until elected Mayor in 2012. During all of this time, the City of Nash has not stood still. “It’s fun to help Nash grow,” Bunch beams as he leans back in his chair, a smile dominating his face. “Nash is poised for growth, and I want to help be a part of those opportunities. I want Nash to do well. This community has one of the best small city governments I have ever seen.” There is no doubt Robert Bunch means what he says. In truth his actions do speak louder October 2012


than his words. For the past 10 years, he has committed himself to “grow” the community of which he is so proud—not just Nash but the entire area. He has applied his efforts and expertise to many boards and councils. For example, he has served on the Caddo Area Council Boy Scouts of America. No wonder, since many of his growing up years were spent in scouting. Josh Morris and Robert’s dad were the scout leaders who presided over his Explorer Scout trips to Philmont, NM, Charles L. Summers wilderness canoe base, Canada and even two weeks on an active duty Navy destroyer. The Texarkana Chamber of Commerce, NE Texas Workforce Solutions, ARK-TEX Council of Governments and the Metropolitan Planning Organization Boards have all benefited from his knowledge and leadership. But…. Robert Bunch beams as he talks about the Four States Fair Board and all the growing currently taking place in that invaluable community facility. “I really enjoy it. It is lots of fun. We are finishing our second new equine facility, updated restrooms, and all new lighting in the Entertainment Center. These improvements have been accomplished by funding from the Texarkana, Arkansas AP Commission and their ad and promotion money. The entire Four States Fair complex is booked-all but two weekends of the year. “I feel the dual convention centers

are Great for a growing Texarkana, since our emphasis will be more animal related. They are a real plus for the community and will bring in more events. [Once again] It’s lots of fun.” Obviously, Robert Bunch has a dual definition of fun. Working for his community and seeing his efforts, in combination with others, succeed are definitely fun for him. Riding Tanner, his palomino horse, in the company of his cowgirl daughter, Hannah, and Dad, and taking care of his Longhorn cattle are also included in his definition of fun. In addition he treasures days spent on Arkadelphia’s Lake DeGray aboard his houseboat, SUMMER OBSESSION. Fortunately, the boat affords plenty of room for his family, including older daughter Karaline, a recent SFA graduate, and friends—all at one time. In a more contemplative tone, Bunch notes, “I am passionate about whatever I do. I give it my all—100%. In my business and my life, I try to be honest, respectful, and fair.” Robert Bunch is a man whose world is “Growing”—whether larger, better or more beautiful. His success is evident in the erectness of his six foot frame, his firm handshake, the pleasing confidence of his smile and his results. The Texarkana area and Nash, in particular, are fortunate to have a Robert Bunch to plant the seeds of their dreams and nurture their growing.






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ALT Magazine

October 2012

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ALT Magazine

October 2012

by Jane Bouterse

The Man of C’s

The letter “C” has traveled through many languages—Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Italian, French, English—and experienced numerous adventures. At home in English now, “C” introduces words like Curious, Changeable, Caring, Contemplative and Comprehensive. Using these words and the ideas they represent makes getting acquainted with Texarkana, Arkansas, Mayor Wayne Smith pleasantly possible.

Wayne Smth arrived in Texarkana, Arkansas, when he was five years old. He attended Fairview Elementary, Jefferson Avenue Junior High and graduated from Arkansas High in 1967. Before he could enroll in college, he received his invitation from the U.S. Army and reported to Fort Polk, LA, where his conduct earned him a place in a leadership training course from which he graduated with honors. Since his brother was already in Vietnam, Smith was transferred to Bad Tölz, Germany, and selected to attend the 7th Army NCO Academy. Within 1 ½ years he was promoted rapidly from E1 to E5. Before his departure from Texarkana he and Brenda Herrington, his “love at first sight” sweetheart had made plans to be married. She was a 17-18 year old senior in Arkansas High, still living at home; Wayne was 18. The legal age for men was 21, so his parents had to sign for him. On December 21,1968, Brenda and Wayne became Mr. and Mrs., but Vietnam and Army paper work prevented their setting

up housekeeping on Ft. Sill, OK until April 1970. In October 1971, their son, Wayne, Jr., arrived. In February 1972, civilian Wayne Smith and his family returned to Texarkana where he heard the federal prison was hiring. Why not? He applied on Monday; interviewed on Wednesday and had a job by Friday. On May 14, 1972, he began his career as a prison corrections officer—a career spanning 40+ years behind either public or private bars. At the same time, the Smith Family became active in the Lowell Street Baptist Church. Eventually, the church needed at BTC Director, and Smith was offered the (volunteer) position. “Sometimes you don’t realize what you are capable of doing,” Smith admits, “when other people do.” His curiosity and courage spurred him into accepting the job. His duties expanded to Sunday School and Youth Director responsibilities. Meanwhile, second son Brian arrived in January 1975. As a test of his courage, Wayne

scheduled a church trip with 30 fourteen to sixteen year olds. The group went to Arlington for a Rangers game, and, while there, ordered $300 worth of pizza which he hoped would be delivered. When he was asked his name and replied, “Smith,” he was told he would have to pick up the pizza himself. These moments set the stage for the way Wayne Smith has chosen to live his life: “Responsibility—you see a need and step up. All of these were new jobs to me. I had never done any of them before. I just wish I had been more active in high school because I missed out on lots of opportunities.” Indeed, Wayne Smith’s courage to tackle new jobs has allowed him to discover the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that meeting a challenge provides. Wayne Smith, Brenda, Wayne, Jr. and Brian have lived all over the United States as they have moved from one prison to another: Leavenworth, KS (5,000 maximum security inmates); Otisviille, NY October 2012


(the middle of nowhere); Danbury, CT (the “Hell hole” of Federal Prisons); Kansas City, KS (Regional Office, Security Expert); McKean, PA (Associate Warden); Talladega, AL (Cuban Repatriation Unit); Florence, CO (Wayne, Jr. working there, too); Duluth, MN (cold, dead end of I35); California City, CA (start-up private prison);Tallahassee, FL (private prison for women). Enough. In each of these locations, Wayne Smith showed his caring. He learned to coach soccer because his sons wanted to play and even coached a girls’ team (never done that before) that went undefeated for two years. Wherever he went, he contemplated what he could do to make a difference whether it was beginning a vermiculture program or recycling mattresses to save prisons money or getting certified to teach in systems that needed help. In Tallahassee, FL, a retired Smith earned an early childhood education degree and began to substitute in fourth and fifth grade classes. When the school needed a kindergarten teacher, Smith accepted their offer, even though he had never taught pre-schoolers. “I was the only white male in the school,” he recalls. “After the first day I was exhausted, but that experience was probably the most rewarding point of my life experiences.” In December 2005 Brenda and Wayne Smith, minus their college graduate sons, decided to return to Texarkana to care for Brenda’s mom. He began to get a taste


ALT Magazine

October 2012

of political life. “We have the responsibility to return to our community what the community has given to us. The Texarkana area is responsible for me, and I wanted to be a part of its growth,” When long-time Mayor Horace Shipp decided not to run, Wayne Smith saw that as his opportunity. In August 2010, he announced his candidacy for the office of Mayor of Texarkana, AR, and in November, he won the election. Wayne Smith brings to the Mayor’s office the same qualities that have distinguished him throughout his life: •

Curiosity—“Why not?”

Compassion—“What can I do to make everyone else successful?”

Courage—“Never been done before? It’s worth a try.”

Conscientious—“Let’s do it right.”

Comprehensive—“Consider the whole plan.”

“Do I get pleasure from being successful,” Smith asks. “Of course, I do. My enjoyment comes from being able to do things for other people. I welcome challenge and seek growth, I made a commitment for four years at least. I want to be Mayor and I want to be Mayor now.”


ALT Magazine

October 2012

by Jane Bouterse

The Leader Behind The Plate

It is always a part of you, no matter how far away you may get in miles or in years. Contrary to expectations, its magnetic power grows stronger as its citizens grow older. In many cases, some never leave. The object of such power? One’s hometown.

Texarkana, Texas, Mayor Bob Bruggeman can acknowledge the power of this Mistress of the Past and Present. He was born in Texarkana in January 1962, lived on Connella Street in Beverly until he was 14 when his family moved to the Glenwood area. He has been a part of Texarkana’s growing and changing; booming and wilting. Through it all, he has managed to live a fulfilling life with an education, a family and multiple careers. He has also become an established leader who has chosen to give back to the place he has always called “home.” Bruggeman’s march toward leadership began in Beverly where he became a Cub Scout. He played flag football in the Beverly Boys Club and was pitcher for the Juris Jets, a Little League baseball team sponsored by ?—you guessed it--The Texarkana Bar Association, of course. “We were an average team,” he remembers, “not special, not terrible.” The Juris Jets provided a life changing

experience for Bruggeman. The team was coached by Bill Taylor. “He has been my mentor and inspiration,” Bruggeman acknowledges. “He is still important to me. He taught me the basic rules of life, morals and ethics, and the importance of being respectful. I have been very fortunate to have had him in my life. When I ran for mayor, he called me and we visited.” Another serendipitous event in Bob Bruggeman’s Texarkana upbringing was his attendance at both Westlawn Junior High in grades seven and eight, and a transfer to Pine Street to complete the ninth grade. That way he knew the kids from both schools when they all met at Texas Senior High School. In Texas High, Bruggeman played on the golf team, but as an Explorer Scout he became a police cadet. Since he really intended to be a policeman after graduation, he rode in Texarkana Arkansas Patrol Cars from 1979-1984. He logged over 3000 hours of patrol time and earned the rank of captain.

“I saw and did everything under the sun,” he says. “The only thing that really bothered me was suicide cases. I always wondered ‘WHY?’ How do things get that bad?” After graduation from Texas High, Bruggeman played on the Texarkana College golf team from 1980-82 then moved on to ETSU-Texarkana to organize the ETSU golf team and complete his BBA. Between golf and studies, Bruggeman worked as a meter reader for SWEPCO. He substituted during the summer and Christmas but intended to work for SWEPCO only until his 1984 graduation when he would enter law enforcement. Plans changed, however, with his marriage and a full-time SWEPCO job. “I still wonder where a speeding patrol car is going,” Bruggeman admits. “I wish I were with them.” SWEPCO encouraged Bob to become involved in the community, even United Way Chair and their credit union board. Nothing stays the same, however, so when SWEPCO began downsizing in October 2012


anticipation of new laws, Bob and Jackie altered their course. Bob was chosen to become Vice-President of Member Services at the Texarkana Chamber of Commerce; from there he moved to TAMU-T as Manager of Communications when Neil Ables retired. All the while, Bruggeman had followed closely the workings of the Texarkana, Texas City Council and the business of the city. Shortly after his appointment to the Texarkana Texas Civil Service Commission in 2005, he was asked to complete a city council term. He applied, interviewed and was chosen to fill the vacated position, so from June 2005-May 2012, he served on the Texas City Council, and twice as Mayor Pro Tem. He has been prepared well for his recent election as Mayor of the City of Texarkana, Texas. For 33 years, Bob Bruggeman has also worked as a high school baseball umpire. In 2010 and again 2011 he was chosen as one of the umpires to work the Texas UIL State Baseball Finals. Bob explains, “The late Durwood Merrill, a major league umpire for 24 years and from this area, served as my mentor and friend throughout my umpiring career. Durwood inspired me to always devote a 100% effort while I was on the baseball field.” Bob Bruggeman has served as President of the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana and Lieutenant Governor of Kiwanis Division 13, the Texas-Oklahoma District. His faith also plays an important

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role relating to his family and community service. Bob and Jackie, and their two daughters, Liz and Olivia, are active members of First Baptist Church where Bob serves as a greeter and usher. Bob Bruggeman’s varied, responsible positions have provided him an understanding of leadership which he believes must include:  Decision making-plenty of knowledge; seek good decisions for all the people  Communication skills—patience and listening  Willingness to be involved and to give back  Positive attitude  Courage—Deal with the unknown and try for the best decision  Cooperate—Work with internal and external forces “I have a deep passion for Texarkana U.S.A,” he declares, “This community has lots to offer with economic and educational opportunities to encourage folks to stay here.” Like all good leaders, Bob Bruggeman is setting the example. Like all effective umpires, he means what he says.

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October 2012

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October 2012



ALT Magazine

October 2012

by Jane Bouterse

It Takes A Village... He was known as “Vernon and Ruby’s boy” when he was growing up, but Jim and his younger brother, John thrived in their village, Wake Village, that is. Vernon Green, their dedicated dad, was the first Fire Chief at Red River Army Depot while his mom, Ruby, had plenty of opportunities to utilize her nursing skills with her two active boys. Both parents were involved in their growing community and participated in the numerous projects of their active boys.

Wake, Texas, the original name for this WWII community of 300 track houses, was built to accommodate many of the families moving to the area for work at Red River Army Depot. There were three different floor plans available, but only seven or eight three-bedroom homes among them. Shortly after the city’s name was chosen, another Wake, Texas, was discovered, so the Village was added to Texarkana’s Wake. All of the streets were named after events, people or places that were significant during WWII. As an incorporated town, Wake Village was authorized to establish its own city government, provide the municipal services required by its citizens, and organize its own schools. The original decisions were made and implemented. The “village” was able to look and feel like

a village community with neighbors nearby. “Wake Village was the greatest place in the world to grow up,” Jim remembers. The Green Family lived on Singapore Street across from the ball field which was named after their dad, and the boys attended Wake Village school’s first six grades; moved on to Westlawn Junior High in the seventh, then Texas Senior High School. Jim graduated in 1964. After his high school graduation, Green attended Texarkana College and worked at night at East Funeral Home where he frequently came in contact with policemen. “By age 21, I knew I wanted to be a policeman.” Even now Jim’s voice reflects the certainty of his decision. In October 1968, Jim began his career with the Texarkana, Texas, Police Department, first as a patrolman, then a detective in

the criminal division. The camaraderie of these years and the friendships they molded remain special to him. “There would be some nights we would go out with only one unit on the East Side and one on the West and a sergeant. Those sergeants were always good guys to have at your back, too.” After six years with TTPD, Jim moved to the Bowie County District Attorney’s Office as an investigator. The case most vivid in his memory is a homicide in Hooks, Texas. An Eagle Scout was working alone at a service station, and he was murdered for money. “It took a lot of people working together on that case, but the men who did it were finally captured.” That case was actually the first death sentence in Bowie County. His lowered eyebrows and shifting position suggest that Jim still feels the anguish of that entire event. October 2012


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ALT Magazine

October 2012

Eventually Jim decided to leave police work for a while and become the security manager of Sears, Roebuck and Co. Although his job began in Texarkana, he was required to leave the familiarity of Wake Village and transfer to Oklahoma— first to Oklahoma City, then to Tulsa. After nine years, the uncertainty of the corporate environment and, perhaps, a bit of homesickness brought Jim and his family back to the Texarkana area, specifically to Wake Village. He sold Farmer’s Insurance by day and returned to the Texarkana, Texas Police Department to work for three years at night. By now, Jim was weary of working for someone else, so he left Farmer’s and went into a partnership with Bockman Insurance Agency, which works in accordance with Red River Credit Union. “It’s really better being your own boss. That way I am not a captive agent and am able to offer different companies to get my customers the best policy,” Jim affirms. Back at home in his Village, Jim became interested in politics, so he ran for the Wake Village City Council. After serving on the Wake Village City council, supportive constituents encouraged him to run for Mayor. He did. In October 2010, Jim Green became Mayor of the City of Wake Village. His enthusiasm for his job is evident. “Wake Village is a super community on the grow. Our census shows a population

of about 7000, and we have room. The Village runs from the Loop to 2148 to Brower Lane and back to King’s Highway. My vision is working hand in hand with other cities to provide water and job opportunities to make the Texarkana Area a place where my grandson will not have to move to Dallas to get a decent job.” Since perseverance, “never give up” heads Jim’s list of leadership qualities which also includes “be bold and think ahead” as well as “be sensitive to people’s needs,” that vision is in capable hands. However… Brother John has the last word about this 6’6” older sibling. “You see that large chest between his head and his hips?” John asks. “He needs that large chest to make room for his BIG heart. He is a special brother and a good friend.” As for “Vernon and Ruby’s boy,” a.k.a. Mayor Jim Green: “I want to be remembered as a good man who loved his community and fellow man. We’re all folks. The Good Lord put us here for a reason.” Jim Green’s hard work, dedication and caring as policeman, businessman, and politician seem to acknowledge he has discovered some of his reasons for being here. They not only benefit his Wake Village community but also provide sterling examples of genuine leadership. The village—Wake Village—has reared him admirably.

Sheila Kegley Mayor City of Red Lick

Terry Purvis Mayor City of Fouke

1. Where are you from and what connections did you have with politics growing up?

1. Where are you from and what connections did you have with politics growing up?

I was born in Texarkana, Arkansas and raised in Red Lick in the same house that my parents have lived from the time they were married. We were not involved in the political arenas, aside from exercising our rights to vote. 2. Why did you get involved in the politics in your community? I have a long heritage and deep roots in this community, spurning a great love and appreciation for where I live. We have always been “country,” with great family values, and concern for our neighbors. Unlike many cities, our intention of incorporating was to ensure that we didn’t become a big city. We wanted to ensure that the country atmosphere remained intact. In order to keep it that way, you have to have leaders who share that vision and are willing to work to make it happen. With this truly being my lifetime home, I have a desire to help make sure we stay grounded and on track to continue what we started. 3. What do you want to accomplish as Mayor? I want to be able to pass the torch to the next generation, leaving it as good or better than when I carried it. I want to continue the financial soundness that we have enjoyed while keeping taxes affordable for our residents. I want to devise a plan to be a able to encompass all of the streets of Red Lick so that we can maintain them for the residents. Most importantly, I want to keep the rules to a bare minimum. I don’t believe that we should tell you what you can do with your own property, with few exceptions. 4. What are the three most important traits of a good leader? First, you have to be a good listener. In order to understand the needs of the people you represent, you have to hear what they need. Second, you have to be willing to get dirty. If a job needs to be done, you need to be willing to get out there and do it. And, probably most important, you have to be a good example. You have to remain true to your core values even though you may have to agree to do things you don’t personally want that the majority of the people do want. 5. What is the one word you would like people to use when they describe you as a Mayor? REAL. I always follow what I think is right when making decisions. I may change my mind about something, but I do it because I may have heard another side to the story that I didn’t think about myself. I don’t let money and stature compromise who I am. I don’t need the limelight or rubbing elbows with the “big dogs”. I don’t want you to treat me differently because you know I am the Mayor. At the end of the day, I am still Sheila, small town girl, living my life trying to be a faithful follower of God, taking care of my family, and doing what I can to help others. That’s the important stuff.

I was born in Denver, Colorado and grew up in East Moline, Illinois. My career in Electronics took me to Dallas, Little Rock, Texarkana, and then ended up moving to Fouke. I use to spend the summer with my Grandfather on a farm on Iowa. I would love to sit and listen to him talk about politics and world affairs. He was such a great inspiration to me growing up. He was a great Patriot of this Country and loved being an American. Though he never held office he inspired me to get involved in public service. He used to tell me that sitting on your laurels griping about the problems of our country and not working to solve the problems made you part of the problem. I’ll never forget that. 2. Why did you get involved in the politics in your community? I love Fouke and love living here. I love the great folks who live here also. I wanted to make a difference and bring pride back to our city. I sure didn’t want to be the guy sitting on the couch my Grandfather told me about. I wanted to work to make that difference. 3. What do you want to accomplish as Mayor? Bring pride back to our city. Build better relationships with Miller County, the cities of Texarkana and Garland. Working with elected leaders of our community to promote our community and to bring economic development. Build a better relationship also with Fouke schools and their administration. Wanted to bring our city together and build a better place to live and work. The main reason was to give the government back to the citizens of Fouke. 4. What are the three most important traits of a good leader? The main importance of a good leader is to recognize ones own faults and have the ability to build a team to compliment those faults. To listen to a persons problems with understanding not matter how small those problems my seem to you. To always treat people equally and fairly at all times no matter who they are or where they are from. 5. What is the one word you would like people to use when they describe you as a Mayor? Caring. October 2012


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Krause Service Company, Inc. 200 Industrial Blvd. Nash, TX 903.831.3912

Gayle’s 4059 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0056

Apartments Arista Apartments 3515 Arista Blvd. Texarkana, TX 903.255.7869

Banks Peoples State Bank 5600 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.2300

Legacy at Pleasant Grove 5911 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 888.763.2676

Red River Federal Credit Union 2700A University Ave. Texarkana, TX 75503 903-735-3000 800-822-3317

Richmond Oaks Apartments 2815 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.832.6150 Summerhill Woods Apartments 4501 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.793.7888 Westwood Apartments 101 Redwater Rd. Wake Village, TX 903.832.8446 72

ALT Magazine

October 2012

Texar Federal Credit Union Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.223.5626 Texarkana First Bank 3601 East 9th St. Texarkana, AR 870.772.0222 615 Sam Houston Dr. New Boston, TX

3625 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.793.6955 Wells Fargo Bank 3615 E. 9th St. Texarkana, TX 903.838.1187 1301 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 903.223.1545 2900 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.223.3516 Cakes Coldstone Creamery 4228 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.838.2653 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354 Reception Arts Becky Risinger Ashdown, AR 870.898.5273 Caterers/Private Chef Big Jake’s BBQ 2610 New Boston Rd. Texarkana, TX 903-793-1169

1521 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 870-774-0099 Big Jake’s BBQ (Continued) 603 W. Commerce Hope, AR 870-777-1000 170 N. Constitution Ave. Ashdown, AR 870-898-2227 Culinary Creations Pam Elliott 903.831.4674 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354 Sugar & Spice Catering Shari Frachiseur 903.276.4389 Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903-792-2700 Wendy’s 4201 Stateline Avenue Texarkana, TX 2902 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 3737 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 1615 N. Hervey Hope, AR 124 N. Loop Highway 59 Atlanta, TX Wingstop 2700 Richmond Road, Suite 14A1 Texarkana, TX 903.255.0090 4501 N. State Line, No. 106 Texarkana, TX 903.792.9464 Church Highland Park Baptist Church 2401 Hazel St. Texarkana, TX 903.792.6996 Clothing Abby Gayle’s 4012 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0088 Gayle’s 4059 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0056 Dental/Endodontics Texarkana Endodontics, PA Jason Michel, DDS 1826 Galleria Oaks Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.793.7411 October 2012


Dry Cleaning Holiday Cleaners Locations throughout Texarkana Area 870.773.4072 Electrical Services Mr. Electric 903.838.0161 Entertainment CableOne 855-692-4121 Legendary Shooting Sports 925 Brower Lane Texarkana, TX 903.334.9605 Texarkana Symphony Orchestra 903.792-4992 Tickets 870.773.3401 TRAHC 321 W. 4th Texarkana, Texas 903.792.4992 Event Locations Garrison Gardens Texarkana, AR 71854 870.773.0275 Regional Arts Center, Cabe Hall 321 W. 4th Street Texarkana, TX 75501 903.792.8681

Silvermoon on Broad West Broad at Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX Special Events 2101 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX 903.794.2101 Texarkana Convention Center Crossroads Busines Park Texarkana, AR 870.216.2000 Estate and Garage Sales Somewhere in Time 903.277.3392 903.278.2259 Financial Planner Dustin Stringer Stringer Wealth Management 1620 N. Kings Highway Nash, TX 903.223.0011 Fitness Centers Anytime Fitness Richmond Road 3415 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.794.5348

Florists Ruth’s Flowers 3501 Texas Bllvd. Texarkana, TX 903.793.6711 Twisted Vines Florist and Cafe 218 W. Broad St. Texarkana, TX 903-792-2700 Unique Flowers 4801 Loop 245 Texarkana, AR 870-774.1300 Funeral Home Texarkana Funeral Home 4801 Loop 245 Texarkana, AR 870.774.1200 3515 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX 903.794.1200 Chapelwood Funeral Home 1015 N. Kings Highway Nash, TX 903.838.5300 Furniture Oak Creek Furniture 8024 West 7th St. Texarkana, TX 903.832.0793 Gifts Dot’s Ace Hardware 3411 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.0059 Hair Care A Total Change 930 N. McCoy Blvd., Suite 6 New Boston, Texas 75570 903-628-6135 Serendipity Salon of Texarkana 4308 Texas Boulevard Texarkana, TX 903.255.0554 Style Studio Lisa Harris 3201 Kennedy Lane Texarkana, TX 903.223.1719 Hospitals Christus St. Michael Health System 2600 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.614.1000 Health South Rehabilitation 515 West 12th St. Texarkana, TX 903.793.0088


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Wadley Regional Medical Center 1000 Pine St. Texarkana, TX 903.798.8000

Holiday Inn Express & Suites 4545 Cowhorn Creek Road Texarkana, TX 903.223.0008

Hotels Best Western Texarkana Inn & Suites 5219 Crossroads Parkway Texarkana, AR 870.774.1534

TownePlace Suites by Marriott 5020 North Cowhorn Creek Texarkana, TX 903.334.8800

Clarion Lacross Hotel 5100 N. Stateline Ave. Texarkana, AR 870.774.3521 Courtyard by Marriott 5001 North Cowhorn Creek Texarkana, TX 903.334.7400 Fairfield Inn and Suites by Marriott 4209 Mall Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.838.1000 Hilton Garden Inn and Texarkana Convention Center 2910 S. Cowhorn Creek Loop Texarkana, Texas 903.792.1065

Insurance Farm Bureau Insurance 4413 Morris Lane Texarkana, TX 903.838.8707 911 W. US Highway 82 New Boston, TX 903.628.3451 Greg Cockerell State Farm Insurance 4807 Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.793.7502 Ron Morrow State Farm Insurance 3306 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.832.5505 Invitations I Do Wedding Favors Debra Jones 903.826.9879

Jewelers Alexander’s Jewelers 3701 Mall Drive Texarkana, TX 903.832.3557 Micah’s Jewelers 2812 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 903.735.2336 Make-up Gayle’s 4059 Summerhill Square Texarkana, TX 903.792.0056 Salon Visage Esthetique Mary Ann Robbins 4506 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.794.4007 Methadone Treatment Arkansas Treatment Services 408 Hazel St. Texarkana, AR 870.774.0421 Photographer Image Forward Photography 200 Heather Dr. Texarkana, TX 75501 903.334.9605

TX Lic # TACLA001315C AR Lic # HVACR100733 AR Lic # MP5292 TX Lic # M-19804

Only Factory Authorized Carrier Dealer in the Area!

Mike Carter, President

Why Buy From an Authorized Dealer? 100% Satisfaction Guarantee! All Technichians NATE Certified!

Carrier GreenSpeed Intelligence Enables Units to Deliver Highest Heating Efficiency Rating of Any Air Source Heat Pump on the Market 450 South Kings Highway Texarkana, TX 75501

903.832.1212 October 2012


Sage Duke Photography 870.571.0868 Pet Grooming Georgia’s Pet Salon & Boutique 101 Slaton Nash, Texas 903.223.8223 Physicians Advanced Bariatrics 1939 Morres Lane Texarkana, TX 75503

Carmony Oral, Facial and Implant Center 5305 Cowhorn Creek Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.791.8405 Express Care 5483 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.223.5931 Northfield Accupunture 619 E. 6th St. Texarkana, AR 870.772.8622 Vision Source 4401 Morris Lane Texarkana, TX 903.838.9063 Plumbing Central Air/Roto Rooter 450 S. Kings Highway Texarkana, TX 75501 903.832.1212 Real Estate Crown Leasing 6500 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX 903.792.6000 Gerald Haire Realty Kaci Bennett 3725 Mall Dr. Texarkana, TX 870.903.3049 Gerald Haire Realty Janet Willis 3725 Mall Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.748.5385 Impact Realty Bill and Tracy Spradlin 1200 N. Kings Hwy., Ste 104 Nash, TX 903.748.3186 903.748.2477


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Impact Realty Cody Sandone 1200 N. Kings Hwy., Ste 104 Nash, TX 903.276.7565 Teresa Liepman Remax 5120 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 75503 903.276.9464 Refreshments Bolls Distributing 700 E. Broad St. Texarkana, AR 870.774.9283 Vincent’s Fine Wines 6900 N. Stateline Texarkana, AR 870.774.7217 Rentals Dot’s Rentals 814 N. Robison Road Texarkana, TX 75501 903.792.7011 3413 Richmond Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.838.0551 Restaurants Big Jake’s BBQ 2610 New Boston Rd. Texarkana, TX 903-793-1169 1521 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 870-774-0099 603 W. Commerce Hope, AR 870-777-1000 170 N. Constitution Ave. Ashdown, AR 870-898-2227 Coldstone Creamery 4228 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX 903.838.2653

Daddy Dougaloo’s 905 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 75503 903.791.0172 Dairy Queen Locations throughout Ark-La-Tex Fish Creek 1514 Arkansas Blvd. Texarkana, AR 870.223.0595 Gusano’s Chicago Style Pizzeria 2820 Richmond Road, Texarkana, Texas 903.792.8646 Hopkins Icehouse Downtown Texarkana, AR Corner of 3rd and Wood 870.774.3333 Ironwood Grill 4312 Morris Lane Texarkana, TX 903.223.4644 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354 Shorty’s Donuts 2729 New Boston Road Texarkana, TX 75501 903.832.6686 Tasty Donuts 1443 N. Kings Highway Nash, TX 903.838.0422 Wendy’s 4201 Stateline Avenue Texarkana, TX 2902 Richmond Road Texarkana, TX 1615 N. Hervey Hope, AR 124 N. Loop Highway 59 Atlanta, TX Wingstop 2700 Richmond Road, Suite 14A1 Texarkana, TX 903.255.0090 4501 N. State Line, No. 106 Texarkana, TX 903.792.9464 Retirement/Assisted Living Home Edgewood Manor 4925 Elizabeth St. Texarkana, TX 903.793.4645 Heritage Plaza 600 W. 52nd St. Texarkana, TX 75501 903.792.6700

The Magnolia 4205 Richmond Meadows Texarkana, TX 75503 903.838.7319 Roofing Aqua Roofing Anthony Jewell 3523 Locust Texarkana, AR 903.244.5706 Spas/Salons All About You 4100 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX 903.803.2050 Salon Visage Esthetique Mary Ann Robbins 4506 Summerhill Rd. Texarkana, TX 903.794.4007

Silvermoon on Broad West Broad at Texas Blvd. Texarkana, TX Weight Loss All About You 4100 Summerhill Road Texarkana, TX 903.803.2050

Got a QR Reader on your smart phone? Check out the ALT website! Enjoy!!

Ultrasound Services Peanut Gallery Texarkana, AR 870.779.7688 Wedding Attire Bridal Castle 3209 Kennedy Lane Texarkana, TX 903.838.3886 Wedding Coordinators Abracadabra Wedding and Event Planning Debra Mason, Event Coordinator 903.748.4838 Heather Kiser Wedding Coordinator 903.314.1582 Wedding Favors Pop Pop Shoppe 2011 Mall Drive, Suite B Texarkana, TX 903.793.0209 Wedding Planners Abracadabra Wedding and Event Planning Debra Mason, Event Coordinator 903.748.4838 Wedding Rehearsal Dinner Locations Ironwood Grill 4312 Morris Lane Texarkana, TX 903.223.4644 Julie’s Deli 4055 Summerhill Sq. Texarkana, TX 903.792.3354

October 2012


Gerald Haire Ribbon Cutting

1. Gerald Haire Ribbon Cutting


2. Burt Clem and Deidra Bennett 3. Denise Rosser, Sharon Good, Shree Manning, Heather Haire Crittenden, Robbie 4. Kaci Bennett and Deidra Bennett


4609 Texas Blvd.

5. Jeff Whitten and Greg Bennett 6. Daphne Starks and Susan Shown 7. Christal Browning and Olivia Nimanaj


8. Wayne Cranfill and James Bramlett 9. Robbie Bevington, Burt Clem and Kaci Bennett 10. Melissa Massey, Burt Clem, Teri Sloan and Janet Willis 11. Jade Evans and Korey Keith 12. James Bramlett and Robbie Bevington 13. Richard Weber and Joe Yates 14. Korey Keith, Deidra Bennett and Ray Sandefur 15. Team Integrity Janet Willis and Kaci Bennett 16. Jeff K. Sanford, Mark Bledsoe and Cliff Guillot 1

17. Bryant Guillot, Brenda Rogers and George Carpenter










Texarkana’s Original Equipment Rental Company invites you to visit their 5,400 sq. ft showroom of party equipment and 6,000 sq. ft of banquet space now available for rent. An additional 10,000 sq. ft. of space will be ready to open in September 2012. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Four States Area since 1958.

- Jane Agan & Family

Call Today to Book Your Equipment Rentals! 903-794-2101




ALT Magazine

October 2012









What Will You Create?

It’s The Ultimate Ice Cream Experience. 903.838.2653 4228 St. Michael Dr. Texarkana, TX October 2012


Lynn Akins, Linda McDowell, Linda Willis and Trinity Baptist Church 1.Jauquita Hargus 2. Natasha Shipp and Crystal Thomassie Style Show



Trinity Baptist Church





3. 4. 5. 6.

Josh, Erica, Hollyn and Hadley Hawkins Debbie Shumake with Grace Adele bag system Brittney Graham and Beverly Gray - 47. Misc. Style Show





























ALT Magazine

October 2012



















October 2012


St. Michael’s Duck Paddle Race



Northridge Country Club



1. Susan Landreaux and Tammy McKamie 2. Sister Jeanne Connell and Chris Karam 3. Andi Darby, The Duck and Susan Landreaux 4. Vickers Fuqua and Thomas Orr 5. Kim Harbin and Clint Priest 6. Leslie Fike and Kelly Turner 7. Jim Pomeroy, The Duck and Alana Higgins 8. Gena Shipp and Kelli Ashbrook 9. Linda Remer, Trish Reed and Francine Frances 10. Sister Jeanne Connell and Eric Cain 11. Nikki Lang and Tina Green 12. Charlie McMurphy, Jenny Mitchell and Debbie Brower












12 82

ALT Magazine

October 2012

We LIVE here. We RACE here. We GIVE BACK here. We SAVE LIVES here.


making a difference.






The goal is to join together as a city and support an organization that educates the Texarkana area and helps fund breast health screening and education. Schools, churches, hospitals, businesses and Texarkana residents are encouraged to wear pink on October 12. The four major high schools in town are planning special events on their campuses such as pep-rallies and a balloon release. We encourage others to plan their own events or ceremonies to support survivors and patients. Please contact Tiffany Beck or Terrie Arnold about Pink Out Texarkana events. We would love to attend the events and we have a group of survivors that also can attend. We look forward to hearing from you and to a great Pink Out day. Contact Tiffany or Terrie at

Holiday Water Park Ground Breaking EVENT


Crossroads Business Park




ALT Magazine

1. Kristin Shackelford, Lori Yates and Teri Sloan 2. Mark Bledsoe, Carla Ward and Richard Reynolds 3. Charlie McMurphy, Harold Bolt and Debbie Brower 4. Bill Poynter and Charles Dieffenbacher 5. Bharti Patel, Mayor Wayne Smith and Nila Patel 6. Prissy Hickerson and Ann Haak 7. Dinesh and Bharti Patel, Prissy Hickerson and Ruth Davis 8. Teri Sloan, Bo Rester and Ellen Brennan 9. Dr. Hiron and Nila Patel 10. Mayor Wayne Smith with Horace Shipp 11. Charlotte Hartwell and Larry Burgess 12. Horace Shipp, James Thacker and Bo Rester 13. Jimmy “Smitty� Smith and Trent Hanna 14. Brian Matthews, Horace Shipp, Ruth Davis and Charles Nickerson 15. Prissy Hickerson, Erma Pondexter, Chris Thomason and Mayor Wayne Smith 16. Harold Bolt, Dr. Hiron and Nila Patel, Bharti and Dinesh Patel 17. Dr. Hiron and Nila Patel, Bharti and Dinesh Patel 18. Misc. photo of Ground Breaking 19. Misc. photo of Ground Breaking 20. Don Waloshin and Teri Sloan





















October 2012



Body Wraps

French Wax Hair Removal

Glycolic & Salicylic Acid Exfoliators

Salon Visage’ Esthetique face & body salon Owner/Esthetician, Mary Ann Pavey

Tightens, tones, and firms in as little as 45 minutes!

Tuesday-Friday: 10am-6pm

Progressive results for 72 hours after one application! Reduces the appearance of cellulite and skin slackening!

4506 Summerhill Rd Texarkana,TX 903.794.4007

Non-Surgical Facelifts Medical Grade Diamond Fusion Microdermabrasion Aruba Air Brushing Tanning October 2012


LEGE N D A R Y $5 off e Field Fe on Sundays!

Fall is PERFECT for: Birthday Parties Youth Groups Family Gatherings Business Groups

Group ra starting tes per plaayt $27 Al equip er! fees an ment, paint includded !

Thursday: League Night - Saturday: 9:00-7:00 - Sunday: 1:30-6:00

903.334.9605 925 Brower Lane, Texarkana, TX 75501

3 playing Fields fully netted & insured gun speed tested experienced refs shaded picnic area private parties available

Looking for a fun and exciting activity to do with your friends, family or group? Look no further! Paintball has made its way to Nash, TX with it’s own dedicated facility that opened in May, 2012. Legendary Shooting Sports will offer players two fields with blow up courses, one spool field, one woodsball field, as well as rental equipment and other necessary items. Don’t worry if you’re not familiar with the sport! It’s just as much fun for amateurs as pros. The game is a fairly simple concept: teams try to eliminate opponents from play by hitting them with paintballs shot from a compressed air powered gun to mark the opponents with dye. “Our main goal is to provide a safe environment where people of all ages can come have good, clean fun. Everyone has been very excited about this and we hope to be successful enough to add more courses and products every year. We can’t wait for Texarkana to reap the benefits of paintball,” says coowner Marshall Gooding. The benefits of paintball don’t just end as a fun activity, it’s great exercise. This physical activity burns calories as the player has to walk up on the enemy without being detected then has to run when retreating or charging. Paintball is also a favorite “team building” activity. A team needs to work together, learn from mistakes, make plans and strategies and learn how to coordinate these abilities together to have successful results. It is for such reasons that some corporations send their employees to play paintball to strengthen teamwork and solving problems skills. Many find it surprising that paintball is very safe. Research published by the Minnesota Paintball Association has argued that paintball is one of the statistically safest sports to participate in, with 2 injuries per 10,000 players annually, and these injuries tend to be incidental to outdoor physical activity (e.g. trips). Gooding says, “we look forward to working with the community as much as possible, whether it’s individuals, churches, community groups, businesses whatever! We’re excited about the opportunities ahead of us!” Learn more at

UACCH-T Grand Opening EVENT

WHERE University of Arkansas Community

College of Hope-Texarkana Campus







ALT Magazine

October 2012



1. Diane and Curt Green 2. Johnny and Barbara Riley 3. Brenda and Mayor Wayne Smith 4. Chris Thomason, Kathy and Russell Sapaugh 5. David Haak, Prissy Hickerson and Russell Sapaugh 6. Senator Steve Harrelson and Charlotte Hartwell 7. Remica Gray and Judge Sherry Hawkins 8. Charles and Linda Nickerson 9. Sandy and Bill Varner, with Ken Cowling 10. Kerry Ribble, Allen and Shelby Brown 11. Dr. Donald Bobbitt and Hayes McClerkin 12. Jimmy and Denise Hickey, with Frank Coleman 13. Brent Talley, Carlton Jones, Brent Haltom and Shane Broadway 14. Nick Bennett, Veronica and Sheriff Ron Stovall 15. Holly Ross, Jennifer Methvin and Lindy Franks











Billard Maintenance

Marshall Gooding - 903.277.0307

Over a Decade of Experience.

. Leveling . Felt Replacement . Cushion Replacement . Generic Repair . Moving October 2012


Dog Days Of Summer EVENT


Texarkana Country Club







1. Cody Adams and Jeff Brown 2. Melissa Cook, Dixie Wilson and Sue Hanson 3. Jack and Lauren Hehmeyer, Kay and Paul March 4. Connor Patman and Margaret Cobb 5. Suzy and Vic Hlavinka 6.Claudia Bright and Marilyn Lane 7. Maranda Ward, Taylor Parks and Niki Mizell 8. Peggy Lamon, Niki Mizell and Nell Glass 9. Niki Mizell, Scooter Raney and Beverly McDowell 10. Tina and John Collins 11. Cindylou 12. Helen Asimos, Erica and Eric Cain 13. Arwen and Mike McDaniel

OďŹƒce ! Back in the k your Call to boo ent appointm today!







Therapeutic Massage Marc Allred, L.M.T.

4534 Summerhill Rd 92

ALT Magazine

October 2012


Texarkana, TX 75503




Magic 94.1 is the new home of the New Boston Lions! Meet Tim Graham...your seasoned announcer for the games...

Tim Graham graduated from New Boston High School in 1985, and has been following New Boston Lion Football for as long as he can remember. He was fortunate enough to watch the Lions go undefeated in 1984, with the likes of Kim Phillips, Carl Brewer and Jeff Atkinson in the backfield. They had an outstanding offensive line in front of them, a superb defense to hold opponents in check, and together they created a winning combination that saw them go three games into the playoffs that year. Tim saw the spirit and the pride that infects the town of New Boston when the Lions are playing great football on Friday night, and there is very little else that can move a town as much. Yet, he is not alone when it comes to following Lion Football. There are many Alumni who have moved on to other careers in distant towns, yet they still want to hear how the football team is doing, and he is grateful that KPYN has decided to air the games this year. Last year during the playoffs, Tim had the opportunity to help broadcast the playoff games from Marshall, Commerce and Paris. There was nothing quite like the enthusiasm that surrounded the Lions’ exciting run last year, and the amount of fans from around the state that let us know that they had tuned into the games to cheer them on was encouraging. Coach Rick Barker and his staff have put together a series of good seasons, and this one looks to be no different. The players are always mentally prepared, and he seems to have put a program in place that produces winning results year after year. We are looking forward to another fantastic season of Lion Football, and helping fans who are unable to see the game share in the excitement of Lion Football.

Magic 94.1 plays adult contemporary music that targets women 25-54. On Magic 94.1 you will not hear a lot of commercials; just continuous music from your favorite adult contemporary artists including; Adele, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Kenny G, Lady Antebellum, Michael W. Smith, Phil Collins, Mariah Carey, Faith Hill, Michael Bolton, Billy Joel, Rod Stewart, Sheryl Crow, Cher, Jordin Sparks, Natalie Cole, Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, Norah Jones, John Mayer and more. Magic 94.1 will also play Christmas music from November 15th through Christmas Day. Plus, Magic 94.1 will broadcast the New Boston Lions Football games and select girls and boy’s basketball, boy’s baseball and boys softball games. Magic 94.1 is locally owned, with owners that live in Texarkana. Tiffany Taylor began her broadcasting career in 1995 working parttime at a local country radio station and fell in love with the job. Over the years she built her resume holding many different positions such as Music Director, Program Director, Traffic, and Production Director. In 2001 while still working in radio she began her career as a freelance voice-over artist and has had numerous commercials and voice projects airing all over the United States and in the Middle East. She still does freelance voice-over work today. In 2010 Tiffany left the radio industry to pursue a career in Education. She currently teaches Television Production (Razorback TV) with the Texarkana Arkansas School District on the Arkansas High/ TAVC campus. She adores this new phase in her life, sharing her knowledge and experience with her students and watching them discover talents in themselves that they never knew they had. She feels like she “hit the lottery” with her new career, and LOVES the Razorbacks! Tiffany recently returned to the airwaves with the new Adult Contemporary station Magic 94.1 where she now has the best of both worlds. Teaching and music! You can catch her weekday mornings from 7-11am on Magic 94.1.

For schedules or more info, visit our website:

Ms. Taylor’s career has been so rewarding but would not be possible if it weren’t for her tremendously supportive family. She is married to her high school sweetheart and they have 3 children Natalie, Jacob and Addison. October 2012


Making life better... with concrete countertops... Gooding Decorative Concrete is excited to be rolling out a new line of Decorative Concrete Countertops after completing intensive training from one of the leading designers and manufaturers of concrete countertops and furniture in the industry, Buddy Rhodes. Located in San Fransisco California, Buddy Rhodes has been creating custom countertops and concrete furniture for over 20 years. He has taken his vast knowledge of Concrete Countertops and the materials to create them and passed them on to us! We decided that if we were going to make Concrete Countertops part of our business portfolio, we were not going to just make the same old countertops everyone else makes. After researching the industry we found that most Concrete Countertop mixes were pretty much the same, you pick a color from about 8 and then had 3 choices of edge design and 1 choice of intregal/surface design. What we have done is expanded the color options to just about anything, added more edge designs,

and offer 4 intregal/surface options. Surface Options: Troweled: (one solid color) This is by far the most popular countertop look. The surface will have a solid color with no aggregates visible. Lightly Grinded: With this finish you will be able to see small aggregates(sandsmall quartz) in the countertop. Grinded/Ground: Similar to the first this finish makes visible more aggregates (sand-quartz-limestone-pea gravel). With this finish we can add various items to enhance the visual appeal. Crushed Glass, polished stone, even a college logo just to name a few.

Marshall Gooding, Owner

Pressed: (two colors) The pressed technique is a process created by Buddy Rhodes in which two contrasting colors are used to create a look that is quite unique in todays Concrete Countertop Market. With Concrete Countertops, each project is a one of a kind, handcrafted work of art. We work closely with each client to choose a color and design that is both fitting to its surroundings as well as practical for everyday use.

David Melson

For a free estimate, give us a call. We’d love to talk with you!

Other companies may talk about experience -- our quality and experience shows in our work! We will be happy to travel throughout the Ark-La-Tex! Call us today!


ALT Magazine

October 2012

ooding G decorative concrete

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Fall! -GDC Custom Pergolas Wood and Trex Decking Counter Tops Pet Feeders Custom Furniture Pressure Washing Acid Stains and Scoring Indoor/Outdoor Overlays


The Texarkana Humane Society is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to re-homing orphaned animals, promoting the human-animal bond, preventing animal cruelty, educating children and adults about responsible pet ownership and preventing pet overpopulation. In order to reduce the number of unwanted animals and the euthanization of them at the shelter people need to spay/neuter their pets. The Texarkana Humane Society has a program to help individuals do this and urge everyone to get involved and tell your neighbor, family, and friends to be responsible and do their part in putting a stop to this problem here in our city. Have them contact us regarding our program. Call 903 8386334 and we will be glad to help you.

The Texarkana Humane Society is always needing volunteers as well as foster homes. If you would like to get involved and lend a helping hand they would love to talk with you. They are also needing the following items to help with the care of all the babies that come into foster: Puppy and kitten chow, formula for the babies, animal baby bottles, as well as monetary or debit card donations. We have a big need for individuals who have the time to bottle feed some of these babies. It is so sad when we cannot take any in because we are full and would welcome a few more bottle moms. It is a great expereince as well as very rewarding taking care of these little ones. If you can help with donations or feeding call Sherrie at 903 838-6334.

Our goal is to place these animals in permanent homes with responsible, loving pet owners. All of our services are provided through private donations from our community. Donations are accepted and needed! Our animal friends appreciate you and your donations are tax deductible! (The Humane Society is all volunteers and all money goes towards the animals.) We’ve got a full house! Please come visit us! You might find the addition your family has been looking for! Do you have an animal that needs a new home? Please don’t neglect it! Call us and let us help you find a foster home. We will list your animal on our Facebook page at no charge. Let us help!

Volunteers who agree to provide a foster home for our strays are provided with medical care for the animals. The Humane Society pays for all immunizations and spays or neuters the animal.

Texarkana Humane Society

For more information, contact Sherrie Thompson, President, at 903.838.6334, or go to www. We’re also on Facebook!

Come visit us at Petsmart on the fourth Saturday of every month!



1. Gideon is a 3 year old neutered schnauzer. He has been fully vetted, current on shots, heartworm negative and has been microchipped. He is ready for his furever home. Gideon is housetrained, gets along with other dogs, and is very layed back. A fenced yard is required. For more info contact Amber at 870-653-6983. 2. Sam is a 55 pound, handsome boxer mix. He is neutered, fully vetted and on heart and flea/tick prevention. He is also housetrained. This boy is such a lover. He is well behaved, gets along with other dogs, kids and would be a wonderful addition to any family. For more info on him call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 3. Greenlee is a precious little Daschund/Terrier that weighs around 21 pounds, is less than a year old, spayed,


ALT Magazine

October 2012



microchipped, current on all vaccinations and negative for heartworms. This little lady loves to please and gets along great with other dogs. Greenlee and her pups were abandoned on the side of the road. Her pups have all been adopted and she is now ready for her furever home. A fenced yard is required. Call Lee Ann at 903-244-4847. 4. Feather is a 9 pound spayed Pom mix. She has been fully vetted, microchipped and is on heartworm/flea prevention. We are working on her housetraining is she is good with a puppy pad. She loves to play and gets along with other dogs. For more info call 903-838-4965. 5. ShyAnne is a 6 month old beautiful black lab. She has had all her shots, spayed, microchipped and on heartworm prevention. She loves kids, gets along great with other




dogs and would be a great addition to any family. For more info call Sherrie at 903-838-6334. 6. PJ is a a piebald Chi-Weeny that is 6 months old and weighs 8 pounds. PJ is fully vetted and micro chipped. He walks well on a leash and loves every one that he meets. We are currently working on his housetraing. For more info call 903-838-4965. 7. Al is a 6 month old heeler mix that has been neutered, current on all shots, microchipped and on heartworm preventative. He is a smart and sweet little fella that gets along well with other dogs, children and people. For more info contact Diana at 903-838-4965.

Editor’s Pick!





1. Buster is a male Corgi. He’s very loving and good with children and other animals. He’s been at the shelter since August and would love to be a part of your family! 2. Cayla is a sweet, shy female Chihuahua mix. She’s about a year old and weighs about 5 lbs. She’s been at the shelter since October of last year. 3. Chico is a male Terrier mix. He is ready for a family to

The mission of the Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is to be a technologically advanced, self sustaining, human and animal friendly facility that specializes in personal customer service from a team of knowledgeable, caring individuals who endeavor to achieve rapid placement of all adoptable animals. We are always in need of caring, capable volunteers to assist in with duties at the center, adoption events, fund-raising activities and more. Your tax-deductible donation will help care for and assist in the adoption of loving animals to good homes! The Animal Care & Adoption Center of Texarkana, Arkansas is located at 203 Harrison, Texarkana, AR, 71854. For more information, call Connie Slater at 870.773.6388, or visit www. We’re also on Facebook! We’re open Monday-Saturday from 10:00 - 5:00. Please note, all dogs adopted from this shelter MUST be spayed or neutered. Spays cost $89-$104, neuters are $76-$92 depending on the weight of the dog.




call his own. He’s been at the shelter since April. 4. Gus is a male Terrier mix. He’s just waiting for a loving family. He’s been at the shelter since August. 5. Frak is a male Chihuahua mix. He’ loves to play fetch and have fun. He’s been waiting at the shelter since August. 6. Harvey is a male Min Pin. You won’t regret giving this

boy a chance! He’s been at the shelter since July. 7. Jack is a male Schnauzer, about 2 years old. He’s very loving and playful and is ready for his forever home. His family left him at the shelter in July.

Editor’s Picks!




8. Legend is a mixed breed male, about 2 years old. He is good with children and other animals. Legend would make a great companion. He’s been waiting at the shelter since early August. 9. Rags is a Cocker Spaniel mix. Rags would be a great addition to any family and has been at the shelter since April. 10. Rosco is a male Shih Tzu/Pug mix. He is about 2 years old and weighs 9 lbs. He was an owner give-up and has been waiting for his new family at the shelter since last November. 11. Red is a male Labrador mix. He’s about 2 years old, good with

Who else can help? Artex Animal Welfare, Inc. (mostly horses) 903.824.1990





kids, leash trained, kennel trained, house trained and knows tricks. He’ll do anything for a home! He’s been at the shleter since August. 12. Rock is a male German Shephard mix and about 1 year old. He’s housebroken and great with kids, but not other animals. He’s been at the shelter since July. 13. Tyler is a male Pit mix. He’s just waiting for someone to love him! He’s been at the shelter since July. 14. Willie is a male Wirehaired Terrier. He is very friendly and playful. He’s been at the shleter since August.

We’ve got lots of kittens needing good homes right now!

Three Rivers Animal Rescue 903.490.4048 Poodle Patch & Friends Passion for Pooches (mostly small dogs) 903.832.8632 Texarkana Animal League 877.525.4825 Texarkana Reptile and Amphibian Rescue 903.809.3761

Want to help but can’t adopt? We are always in need of dry food for puppies, dogs, cats and kittens, scoopable cat litter and litter boxes, XS/S/M dog collars, heartworm and flea medications, gift cards and monetary donations. These donations are all tax deductible, as the Texarkana Humane Society is a 501c3 organization. If your are interested in donating, helping with events, fostering or working fundraisers call Sherrie at (903) 838-6334.

Wishing these two sweet babies the very best from life after being thrown away in a cardboard box like trash. Thanks to Laura for giving Rose a new home and Donna for giving Tiny a new home. Also a big thank you to De Ann Gregory for getting these to tiny dogs on their way to recovery. Courtesy of the Texarkana Humane Society

Happy Tails! October 2012


October Calendar

October 4

Black Tie Bingo. Join Main Street Texarkana for our signature Black Tie Bingo! Time: 7:00 PM TO 10:00 PM Dress up and enjoy entertainment, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and a “Silent Auction of Experiences!” Fabulous prizes, a suspenseful Wine Pull, and more. Nothing like it! Silvermoonon-Broad Downtown Texarkana - 211-217 West Broad Street Texarkana, TX 75501. Phone: 903.277.4603.

October 4

2nd Annual Fish Fry from 5-7 pm at the Center Of Hope Homeless Shelter at 316 Hazel Street Texarkana, Arkansas. Provided will be door prizes, a silent auction and an outdoor concert. Tickets can be purchased for $15.00 each or 10 for $100.00 at The Salvation Army Administration Office 400 4th. Texarkana, Arkansas.


October 5-7

Texarkana Renaissance Faire. Come take pleasure in Texarkana’s First Renaissance Faire! 16th century food, music, crafts, magic and more! Please visit our website for more information! Four States Fair Grounds.

October 6

The TEggsARKANA EggFest, now in its 2nd year, is a celebration of everything Big Green Egg. The Big Green Egg is a BBQ grill that has an extremely devoted, cult like following. An Eggfest is a gathering of passionate followers of Big Green Egg Cookers. Raving fans of Big Green Eggs get together to share food, recipes, and fellowship at regional Eggfests. There are two groups who attend Eggfests; Cooks and Tasters. Cooks bring their own food and cook amazing and varied offerings on provided demo eggs. Tasters show up and taste the amazing food that the cooks prepare on the eggs. Dots Ace Hardware is the largest dealer in this area. Last year, the TEggsARKANA EggFest hosted over 300 attendees cooking on 38 Eggs. Dot’s Ace Hardware 3411 Richmond Rd Texarkana, TX 75503 Phone: 903.838.0059.



“Jeans & Bling” features Live Music and Dancing, a Live Auction, Huge Prizes including a Florida


ALT Magazine

October 2012

Vacation, Drinks and Heavy hors d’oeuvres from the area’s Best Restaurants. Tickets are $50 each and all proceeds benefit Hospice of Texarkana’s Building on the Vision capital campaign. Fun event is hosted at the Ramage Farms Barn venue. Attire: Jeans & your favorite bling encouraged. Time: 7:00 PM. Ramage Farms, Hooks Texas. Phone: 903.794.4263.

October 13

Meagan Mauldin Love For the Cure. Pre-registration begins at 7:00 AM. Race starts at 8:00 AM at Spring Lake Park, Texarkana, TX. . All proceeds benefit the Meagan Mauldin Love for the Cure Fund. Early registration is $20 with T-shirt. Registration the day of the event is $25 with T-shirt. Contact Stephanie Hawkins at 903.280.5821 for more details.

October 16

The Taste of Texarkana is presented each fall to benefit the Harvest Texarkana Regional Food Bank. With a general admission ticket, patrons can sample tastes from over 40 local food and drink vendors. A demonstration stage provides food related entertainment including cooking and wine tasting lessons. This 20th annual event turns the Four States Fair Grounds into an indoor street party like no other. Activities and other games are available for children. Starts at 5:00 PM. For more information visit or call 870.774.1398.

October 18-19

14th Annual College and Career Fair - 8:30 AM TO 3:00 PM at Texas A&M University - Texarkana 7101 University Ave Texarkana, TX 75503. For more information, 903.792.7191.

October 19

Four States Cruise Nights. Cruise Nights are free and open to the public. All vehicles are welcome. There will be door prizes, a 50/50 Pot, raffles, music, and concessions. 3rd & Hazel, Texarkana, AR. For more information, 870.772.2886 or go to

October 19

Northeast Texas AKA Cluster Meeting hosted by Kappa Xi Omega Alpha Kappa Alpha at Country Inn & Suites 1918 University Ave Texarkana, TX

of Events 75503. For more information, 903.792.7191.

October 19-20

Komen Race for the Cure - Pasta Party on 19th at 7:00 PM and Race for the Cure on 20th at 8:00 AM at Four States Fair Inc. Loop 245 & East 50th St, Texarkana, AR 71854. For more information, 903.792.7191.

October 20

Gloriana Concert at Texas A&M-Texarkana University, Opening Act Kayla Conn. Presented by TEXAR. Concert starts at 6:30 p.m. East Lawn, Bringle Lake Campus, 7101 University Ave. Free Admission. Open to Public. $10 Parking Cash Per Vehicle. Alcohol Free Event.

October 20

Northeast Texas AKA Cluster Meeting hosted by Kappa Xi Omega Alpha Kappa Alpha at Northridge Country Club, 120 Bill Rogers Drive, Texarkana, TX 75503. 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For more information, 903.792.7191.

October 25

HandsOn Golf Tournament. Sponsored by Peoples State Bank. Four Man Scramble at Texarkana Golf Ranch. Entry Fee: $400/Team or $100/Participant. Super Ticket: $20/Player or $75/ Team. Includes 2 mulligans, poker hand, 2 roll the dice holes, longest drive/putt opportunities. Early Bird Registration by Oct 5th: $350/Team or $87.50/Participant. For more information, 903.798.3211 or

October 26

Scott Equipment Customer Appreciation Golf Tournament featuring a 4 man scramble benefitting the First Tee of Texarkana. Registration starts at 8am with an 830 tee off. For more information contact Michelle Miller 903.701.2641

October 31

Bill Spradlin Realtor 903-748-3186

Tracy Spradlin Broker 903-748-2477

Jan Williams Realtor 903-277-5771

Cody Sandone Realtor 903-276-7565

Karyn Baucum Justin Sandone Realtor Realtor 903-701-6721 903-278-3836

Jessica Snow Realtor 903-293-9183

Stephanie Maddox

Realtor 903-223-0710

Buying? Selling? We Can Help!

Residential . Land . Timber . Commercial . Recreational Property Click in 24/7 for all your real estate needs!

1200 N. Kings Hwy., Suite 104, Nash, TX 75569 117 N.E. Front New Boston, TX 75569

This home is Exquisite. One of the most Magnificent Luxury Homes in the area. The amenities in this home are superb. Game Room, Media Room, Exercise Room, in ground pool, butler’s pantry, granite countertops, marble floors in entry and formal living area, beautiful custom wood work, immaculate luxury home, sprinkler system, security system and more.

Gorgeous Custom 4 BR home in PG situated on two beautifully landscaped lots. Spacious living areas with high ceilings and beautiful woodwork. Large game room, master suite with Jacuzzi tub and ceramic tile shower. You don’t want to miss this one!

Beautiful two story home featuring Four Bedroom, Three Baths, Two living areas, formal dining and breakfast area. Gas log fireplace in family room, fabulous master suite with ceramic tile shower and jetted tub. Large landscaped yard with sprinkler system and covered patio. This is a must see..


Pleasant Grove two sets of duplexes for sale. Each have three bedroom, two baths, 1225 sq ft per unit. Call for details.

Breathtaking Hilltop Home featuring 4 BR, 3 BA, and 2 living areas on 160 acres. Amenities are too numerous to list. You need to see this home to believe it.





Immaculate 2 Story, PG, 4 bdrms, 3.5 baths, 2 gorgeous fireplaces w/gas logs in place, master bath w/whirlpool tub, tall ceilings throughout, open floor plan, landscaping, in ground pool. www.6606palisadestexarkana.

3 BR, 2 BA with tons of extras! Features include custom paint and textures, a spacious kitchen. Master suite with, a jacuzzi tub, a walk-in shower, new carpet in the bedrooms, ceramic tile in kitchen and dining area, The custom finishes and attention to detail make this house stand out from the rest!

Wonderful 4 bedroom home in Redwater ISD. Excellent condition and ready for you to move in!

New Construction, open floor plan, fireplace in family room, high ceilings throughout, granite countertops, ceramic tile and carpet flooring, large walk in closet in master, split master bedroom arrangement, dining area, covered patio with privacy fenced back yard, two car garage, near shopping, and restaurants.

903.223.0710 903.628.3186

Want a New Home in the New Year?

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ALT Magazine

October 2012

BOULEVARD Mortgage Group “Making 1019 North Kings Hwy Nash, TX 75569 903-334-REFI (7334)

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Arkansas Gems... One of a Kind, with a rich color palette and unique features such as surround sound in both media areas. Craftsman Styling and multiple roofs add character, and we have a dream Master closet with all the built-ins you could want! This one sits on a Lake, and there is plenty of room for a pool. Bonus room that can be used as an extra bedroom or a hide-away office.

Colonial Classic with fabulous style and finish work, added to a popular location, north of I-30. Yard turf is like a golf course and yes we have sprinklers. A Bonus area can be finished out for an extra 1200 sq ft. Large family kitchen with cabinets galore and hardwood flooring are just some of the many great features here.

3 Acre Lake Estate. Over 6,000 Sq. Ft. heated, and offers 4 living areas and a recently rennovated master with its own balcony! Rich woodwork and Mexican tile inside, and the serene lake out back insures a perfect Staycation for life! Your spacious and inviting game room will become a party hot-spot, and it is the perfect usable space for a growing family! Room to add a pool! This home is built to last! This Arkansas Beauty has 5 full acres of Park like setting, and is still in the city Limits. Newer home, city utiltities, low taxes and great neighbors! Separate Guest Bedroom just off kitchen and Open Living arrangement, with all eyes on the backyard area. Additional pad for the addition of a shop or extra garage.

903.276.9464 cell

Whether Your Dream is a New Home With Wide Open Spaces, a Lake, Media Room or Just a Fabulous Kitchen for Entertaining, These Homes May Fit the Bill. I Am Here to Help You When the Time to Move Up to Your Dream Home Arrives! Water Springs Ranch is a Christian-based Organization that shelters, clothes, educates and Loves Children that have no place to go. It is my pledge to donate to these children, on behalf of my clients, with each home sold. You will note the Watersprings Ranch Rider on each one of my signs. - Teresa

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