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Eur o p e

Destination: Timeline By Edmund 3

News 6 Progress 59 Incident. By: Colin German Police Foil Boston Marathon Style Bombing. By: Marguerite Are Migrants Dying to get to Europe? By: Colleen Russia's Ruble Conquers Eastern Ukraine. By: Edmund Philipson .pg.13 Check Out These Volunteering Programs in Europe. By: Marguerite Six Activities to do in Europe By: Colin Going Somewhere By: Colleen

Pg. 1

Eur o p e Arts Anarchy in Marseilles By Colin Portofino Provides the Perfect Italian Honeymoon Destination By: Marguerite Where to go with Kids By: Colleen Is a Vacation in the Swiss Alps for You By: Edmund 31 Souvenirs you Need to Buy in Europe By: Marguerite Naschmarkt Vienna By: Edmund Minding Your Manners in Italy and the UK By: Colin What to Watch By: Colleen

Pg. 2

Euro 1950


World War 2 Sept ember 1 1939 Sept ember 2 1945 Germany, Italy, and Japan try to conquer the world, Britain, Russia, and US prevent that.

World War 1 - Jul y 28, 1914 - November 11, 1918 - The German Empire's aggression conquers Europe before being defeated by the Allies.

Pg. 3

ope 2015

1990 The Berlin Wall Falls Oct ober 3, 1990 - East and West Germany are reunited and the Federal Republic of Germany is born.

The Fall of Soviet Union December 25, 1991 - The Soviet Union crumbles and 15 separate countries are formed.

European Union founded November 1, 1993

Progress 59 - May 7, 2015 - Progress 59 burned up in Earths atmospshere.

Ukraine Crisis February 23 2014 Ukraine has an out brake between Pro-Russian and Euro-maiden people.

Immigrants German Police from Libya Foil Boston seek refugee Marathon in Italy due to Style Bombing war and - April 30, persecution 2015 March 2011, current l y coninueing.

Pg. 4

Edmund Philipson

Pg. 5

NEW S Pg. 6

Progress 59 Incident Colin Girvan Last Friday the Russian Spacecraft Progress 59 reentered Earth?s atmosphere after losing control after jettisoning the third stage of it?s Soyuz launcher, causing the spacecraft to rotate uncontrollably. Progress 59 was meant to bring supplies to the international space station. The spacecraft was carrying two and one half tons of food, water, and supplies. The Progress 59 was orbiting 160 miles aboveto between trust the the earth and rotating 360 degrees every five seconds. The incident has caused severe criticism of the Russian space agency ESA. The incident with Progress 59 caused panic in England as one estimate approximated the reentry of the spacecraft to occur over London and possibly crash into the Thames River, But surely the ship would disintegrate in the atmosphere, not according to Holger Krag the head of ESA?s space debris office?With every reentry of a large object from space you can expect a small fraction to survive? but ? the area over which the debris will fall is huge and mostly unpopulated.? The malfunction of Progress 59 cost the Russian space agency ESA 51 Million dollars and has caused severe scrutiny of the Russian space agency. Which is a Pg. 7

Debr is of the Pr ogr ess 59 space cr aft as it disintegr ated in Ear th's atm ospher e.

massive blow the ESA and NASA. In addition to breaking trust between NASA and the ESA the malfunction of the Progress 59 raises questions whether the progress 59 or the Soyuz booster is the cause of the malfunction and if the Soyuz booster rocket is to blame, what will the future be for the booster rocket. The crew of the space station will still need supplies and an other unmanned spacecraft to resupply the space station, hopefully without incident, it has not been announced who will be sending the craft to the international space station. One thing's for sure the astronauts will need food and water soon. The malfunction in Progress 59?s computers occurred when the Progress 59 separated from the third stage of it?s soyuz booster rocket. The cause of the

malfunction is currently unknown but Russian officials in the ESA are working to find the cause of the malfunction. As Russian officials continue to search for the cause of the malfunction. ESA have gained a bad reputation and need to prove that they are reliable enough to launch spacecraft without incident. Pay attention to these events as the ESA continues to try and figure out this malfunction. This 51 million dollar blow to the trust between the ESA and NASA will take time to remedy itself

Pr ogr ess 59 as it tr aveled uncontr olably ar ound the ear th


Pg. 8


German Police Foil Boston Marathon Style Bombing Marguerite VanDenburgh ?According




information, we have prevented an attack,? said Stefan Mueller, the chief of police for western Hesse State. During the late hours of April 30th, a suspected terrorist, 35, and his wife, 34, were arrested in Oberursel, Germany. The couple were suspected of plotting to commit an act of terror on an annual May Day bike race. Police confirmed the couple had 100 rounds of ammunition, a machine gun and a pipe bomb in the

Police searched wooded areas along the race track for any dangerous weapons or bombs.

strike during the event. Police first became suspicious of the couple when they purchased an alarming amount of hydrogen peroxide from a gardening center. German law requires stores to

apartment they shared.

report any large purchases of hydrogen peroxide because it can be a crucial Nearly 200 bikers participate in the


in many bombs.


annual May Day race. Hundreds, if not

figured out who had bought it and it was

thousands, of spectators join together to

decided to act fast," said Stefan Rojczyk, a

watch the contest. The race starts in

German prosecutor. After several months

Frankfurt and ends in Oberursel, where

of surveillance, the police finally arrested

the couple lives. The race has been

the two in in the middle of the night. The

cancelled and authorities are debating

plan created by the suspects is extremely

rescheduling it. Some fear that the


couple had an accomplice that could

Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The

Pg. 9






suspected that the couple had ties to the Islamic State, Sharia4Spain, Al Muhajiroun and AQIM, Al Qaeda?s North African affiliate.






confirmed by German police, but it is believed they targeted the bike race. The Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were

male suspect was caught on surveillance

responsible for planting a bomb during the

scouting locations to place the bomb in

Boston marathon which killed three people.

the woods near the bike course.

Tsarnaev brothers bombed the Boston Terrorism in Germany has been a

Marathon, in 2013. The duo are Islamic extremists. The

serious issue for authorities lately. Roughly

male is believed to have been the leader

700 German citizens have travelled to

of the plot. Police commented that the

Syria in the last year. Out of the 700 that

male suspect is a trained chemist. The

have made the journey, the German

couple is of Turkish descent. Due to the

government believes about 90% joined

fact that the couple likely had Turkish

the Islamic State. 70 to 80 of the 700 have

passports, it would be very easy for them

been killed. One third of the travellers





Syria, where





extremists are creating political unrest.

The fate of the couple remains unknown.

Authorities believe the couple may have

It is likely they will spend their lives in

travelled to Syria before and could have


been in contact with the Islamic State.

breathing a sigh of relief, but the battle with

The names of the two could not be released, due to German privacy laws. It is








over. Islamic

extremists continue to be a serious threat to the western world.

Pg. 10

Are Migrant s Dying t o get t o Europe? Colleen Daly Imagine you are a migrant, from a war

Europe, but why?

stricken country and you're trying to flee. You

Most migrants trying to get to Europe

can not make it there on your own, so you get

are coming from Syria, Libya, or Iraq. They are

on a boat, with thousands other migrants

fleeing because of the war in Syria, unrest in

trying to get to Europe. Safe right? Or is it?

Libya, and the rise of Islam in Iraq. Is what

Migrants that are trying to get to Europe are

their face on land in their home countries really worse that what they face on the water? Anywhere from 90 to 100, or more, migrants are piled per boat, with barely any room to move, so they just sit and wait. Until the weight of the people gets to be so much, the boats start to sink and the migrants cling for their life and wait for a rescue boat to come.

M igrants are stuffed into rubber boats, sometimes against their will, with little room to move.

being piled into rubber boats to travel across the Mediterranean. Migrants are ?dying? to get on these boats because they think it will bring them to safety, but what they don't know is that many of these boats are so overcrowded they sink. So think about it, migrants really are ?dying? to get to

Pg. 11

What happens to the migrants? Many of the migrants drown when the boat sinks or they could get caught under the boat and drown. The migrants that do survive probably lost a child or family member in the wreck. Who saves them? The governments of Italy and Europe have sent out search and rescue missions to save any migrant boats they

find.Over 3,500 people died last year in 2014

saved by the search and rescue. Both the

making it one of the deadliest years of all

mother and daughter were nursed back to full

and in the first 3 months of 2015, 480 people

health and the mother named her daughter

have died of gone missing.

Gift. This





On Sunday morning, of May 3, a rubber

humanitarian crisis for Europe, they have

dinghy sank, holding over 100 migrants. 40

tripled their budget, but critics still say it is

migrants had already drowned by the time the

not enough. The death toll for migrants is

rescue boats came. When the migrants saw

shooting up, now more that 1,800 people and

the boats they started climbing, dangling

still rising. 6,000 people were rescued this

from ropes, unaware that they would throw

week alone, how many people will it be this week, or next week? "The scale of this crisis is just Heartbreaking? said Will Turner, a Doctors Without Borders worker. Everyday people are dying trying to get to Europe, when will it stop? More importantly what is Europe doing to reduce the amounts of sinking boats that are killing them?

M igrants cling to the rescue boats for safety, trying to pull themselves aboard.


down latter?s, migrants were toppling over

M acaroons

each other trying to get to this boat. When all the migrants were saved, the boats took them

in all of

to land where they were helped by Doctors Without Borders and nursed back to health. Among the other migrants on this boat there


was a pregnant woman who was in labor for 6 hours, overnight on the dinghy. She gave

L a DurĂŠe

birth to a little girl in the morning and was Pg. 12

Marguerite VanDenburgh

Russia?s Ruble Conquers Eastern Ukraine Edmund Philipson In recent months Russia?s ruble has been devouring Eastern Ukraine. Ruble is Russia?s currency and with Pro-Russian Separatists controlling Eastern Ukraine, and being isolated from Ukrainian items they have turned to ruble as their currency




Russia uses ruble as their currencey.


Ukrainian currency.

have opened ruble only check stations, to

With Ukraine becoming more and

make the conversion easier. All the

more unstable due to the uprising of

Ukrainian goods that used to be on

Pro-Russian Separatist, their country and

shelves are all now Russian. You cannot

their economy have become torn apart.

find any goods from Ukraine, that?s how

You would think that Russian military

isolated from Ukraine they are.

forces would be conquering Ukraine, but

Gas stations are now paying their

instead it is their currency conquering

employees in ruble, because the rebels

Ukraine. Donetsk is the biggest city

are frequently filling up their jeeps and

within Separatist control. Since Donetsk

they only pay in ruble. Gas stations are

is not controlled by Ukraine, they have no

not the only places where ruble is being

way of getting food, clothing, or anything

used, many stores are doing the same

except by going through Russia. Instead

thing, because they only have access to


buying Russian goods with the

Russian products and this way is easier.

Hryvnia, some people in Eastern Ukraine

In Donetsk not only do gas stations

have changed to using ruble to buy

accept ruble, but buses and trains also

goods from Russia. Ruble has become so

only accept ruble. Many estimates show

popular in Donetsk that supermarkets Pg. 13

Separatists are still paying pensions to retirees and these pensions are being paid at the Ukrainian amount not the Russian. ?We pay out according to the pension law, simply multiplied by two because we?re paying out in Russian rubles.? according to Galina Sagaidakova. Galina is head of the rebels pension fund in Donetsk. She was Pro-Russian fighter in Donetsk stands in front of damaged building.

asked the question of where the pensions are coming from, because Ukraine is not paying them. She declined the answer that

that 1/10 of the Donetsk population are

question according to Russian Insider.

using ruble and they believe that number

Galina and her comrades claim that Ukraine

will grow in the near the future. In the self

should be paying their peoples, pension, but

declared Lugansk People?s Republic about

Ukraine has turned this down, because they

85% of the population uses ruble compared

are not in control in Donetsk.

to Donetsk. In a few months Donetsk could have that number too.

Clearly Ukraine is in a wobbly point in time, but if they do not take any serious

With ruble in high demand, in a

action they will lose Eastern Ukraine to the

hoarded region, this has made many people

Russians. Having ruble in Eastern Ukraine

go months without receiving pay in Eastern

gives the Russian?s lots of influence and

Ukraine. Since ruble is hoarded in Ukraine,

gives them power there too. If they can

many stores don?t have the resources to

control what goods are sold, and where

give change. According to Natayla: ?They

they are sold the Russian should be able to

don?t always have change, but they can give


you chewing gum or a cigarette lighter

economics. If Ukraine does not act Russia


will. The bottom line is that the ruble is

Despite getting rid of the hryvnia, the



slowly conquering Eastern Ukraine. Pg. 14


They're m ean. They're gr een.

They're crocs. Marguerite VanDenburgh

Pg. 15

I t' s Y ours, I t' s D ior

By: Colleen Daly

Pg. 16

Check out these Volunteering Programs in Europe! Marguerite VanDenburgh 1.Teach English to underprivileged kids! Location - Romania Goal - Teach English, French, art and sports to underprivileged kids While your there? - Check out Bran Castle, outside of Brasov! Where to sign up -

Bran Castle is also known as Dracula's castle!

2.Sea turtle conservation! Location - Peloponnese, Greece Goals - Raise public awareness on sea turtle extinction - Monitor daily nesting of sea turtles While you there? - Try windsurfing in the turquoise waters, while in Peloponnese. Greek sea turtles are at very high risk of going extinct.

Where to sign up -

3.Take care of abused bears! Location - Romania Goals - Teach locals about the bears at the sanctuary - Help tend to over 80 rescued bears While your there? - Check out the world famous Palace of the Parliament, which cost about three billion euros to build. Where to sign up -

Pg. 17

The bear sanctuary is the largest home for rescued bears in Eastern Europe.

4.Volunteer with infant orphans! Location - Ukraine Goals - Take care of kids at understaffed orphanage - Office work While your there? - Check out the drop dead gorgeous St. Volodymyr?s cathedral, near Kiev. Where to sign up - The kids at the orphanage are in need of attention.

5.Teach orphans English! Location - Northern Albania Goals - Office work - Work in nursery at orphanage - Teach English to older orphans While your there? - Enrich your knowledge on Albanian history at the National Historical Museum. Where to sign up -

You can choose to do office work or work with the kids at the orphanage.

6. Volunteer in the mountains of Poland! Location - Tatra mountain village of Zakopane Goals - Tutor underprivileged kids after school - Tend to mentally disabled children While your there? - Go for a hike in the gorgeous Tatra mountains. Where to sign up -

The Tatra Mountains are considered some of the most beautiful mountains in the world.

Pg. 18

Si x A cti v i ti es to do i n Europe Col i n Gi rv an Hop on the London Eye and see London from above

Walk Prague's Charles Bridge at dawn The London Eye is one of Londons most famous attractions and gives a new perspective on England's capital city.

Tour The Plitvice Lakes Natoinal Park in Croatia Charles Bridge is a 14th century bridge that has 30 unique statues spanning it's length. At dawn this bridge looks like a something that would only exist in a world of fantasy.

These lakes look like something straight out of Alice and Wonderland, these lakes are absolutely breathtaking and touring this national park is a must.

Pg. 19

Kiss the Blarney stone in Ireland

Visit the Chocolate Museum in Bruges, Belgium

More properly known as the stone of eloquence it is said those who kiss it will be blessed with superior persuasiveness.

The chocolate museum in Bruges is truly a wonder. The museum features many exhibits on how to chocolate is made and many elaborate creations made entirely of chocolate.

Tour Bran Castle in Trannsylvania, Romania

This castle is truly dracula's castle It is not only related to Vlad the impaler it is also the inspiration Bram Stocker's Dracula.

Pg. 20

Goi ng Somewh er e? by : Col l een Dal y Going somewhere in Europe? Here are some of the places you should definitely visit:

Va t i c a n If you're Cath olic, th en you kn ow you w ill en d up visitin g th e Vatican . Hom e to th e pope, it is on e of th e m ost popular places to go in Rom e an d if you don 't believe God, w h o cares, th e Vatican is still beautiful. An yon e w ill appreciate it's beautiful arch itecture an d detail.

K REMLIN Th e Krem lin , in Moscow , is th e Russian govern m en t buildin g. Th ough it looks like a gian t gin gerbread h ouse, n ot like a govern m en t buildin g, it's great for pictures! Th e buildin g itself w as build w ith extrem e detail an d color, you could see it from a m ile aw ay.

Sa n t o r i n i Th is array of beautiful can dy coloured h ouses an d w h ite buildin gs h ave a fron t row view to th e beautiful sun set over th e islan d. Th e peaceful streets an d black san d beach es are great for roam in g, just don 't get lost in th is islan ds beauty. Pg. 21

Eif f el To w er W h en ever you fin d your self in Paris you h ave to visit th e Eiffel Tow er. Th e lin es m ay be lon g but th e view from th e top is totally w orth th e w ait. Lookin g dow n , th e people w h o w ere on ce your size are n ow an ts an d th e cars too! Th e view is breath takin g an d on e of a kin d an d you w ill probably n ever see an y th in g like it again .

St onehenGe Th is preh istoric m on um en t in W iltsh ire, En glan d h as baffled scien tist for years. W h ile it is beautiful to look at, it also h as a m ysterious backgroun d. Th e rocks in th e outer circle cam e from local quarries but th e in n er circle of rocks cam e from Preseli, W ales 200 m iles aw ay.

Edinburgh Castle Scotlan d's n um ber on e paid for attraction , Edin burgh Castle, sits guarded on its h ill. Million s of people go th ere every year to adm ire its beautiful structure an d detail. Th e castle is h om e n ation al sym bols like th e Crow n Jew els, an d th e ston e of destin y. Pg. 22

Pg. 23

A Rt s

Pg. 24

A n a r c h y i n M a r sei l l e Co l i n Gi r va n Marseilles is a variable cornucopia of diversity, creativity, art, and history, but under this lively front lies a deeply implanted web of corruption, organized crime, drug trafficking, and homicide. Marseilles is a major city in France and is home to one of Europe's largest ports. The city produces most of it's income in fishing and tourism, and is a place often chosen by immigrants to be their new home. Marseilles is beautifully nestled between the Mediterranean Sea and the French Alps creating breathtaking scenery. Built on the highest natural point in Marseilles is Notre dame de la garde a staggeringly beautiful Roman catholic basilica built in the 1600's. Much of the crime in Marseilles is due to conflict between rival gangs, many of which are made up of descendants of Algerian immigrants to France in 1962, which results in Marseilles surmounting to one third of all homicides in France. Many Gangsters use automatic weapons such a Kalashnikov AK-47s. Gangsters and thugs having access to

Kalashnikov r ifles confiscated dur ing a police r aid on a gang m em ber s house .

Pg. 25

At fir st glance M ar seille appear s to be a peaceful har m onious and beautiful place.

military grade weaponry such as AK-47s, sniper rifles, and light machine guns create massive difficulties for french police officers while attempting to confiscate drugs or firearms, because they don't know if they are facing heavily armed gangsters and need to send swat or are dealing with a small time thug and only need several standard police officers. Marseilles is not only plagued by organized crime, drug trafficking, and corruption nearly 40% of Marseilles' youth are unemployed and one fifth of it's residents are below the poverty line. The city's poor north region, which is scarred by violence, has it's own underground economy run by gangs, is almost completely isolated from it's wealthier southern region. Marseilles is a very beautiful city with amazing diversity with such a dark underbelly of organized crime and homicide. It is recommended that if you travel there that you remain in the southern region, but if you do travel to the northern region of Marseilles be weary and pay attention to your surroundings, and try to avoid any contact with the cities gangs they do not discriminate a tourist from a normal citizen and if they want to attack you they will.

Ca t c h a r id e o n t h e Lo n d o n Ey e.

Buy your Fast pass ticket in advan ce: Adults £28.35 Ch ildren £28.35 Ch ildren (Un der 4) FREE Fam ily of Four £100.80

Pg. 26

Scan t h i s QR co d e t o t ak e y o u t o o u r o n l i n e w eb si t e w h er e y o u can b u y t h e t i ck et s i n ad v an ce

Port ofino Provides t he Perfect I t alian Honeymoon Dest inat ion M arguerit e VanDenburgh Portofino, Italy sits in the hills of the Italian Riviera, overlooking the sea. The gorgeous turquoise waters, incredible sunset and hidden beaches create a romantic feel that is perfect for an Italian honeymoon. Gorgeous, pastel buildings line the harbor of the fishing village. The village is a favorite among artists, hollywood stars and millionaires. Portofino appeals to couples that want to do everything and couples that want to do nothing. Active couples will love hiking, boating and diving. The area surrounding Portofino offers 20 dive sites. The waters are pristine due to the marine preserve on the waters in the area. San Fruttuoso is an eleventh century village two hours by foot from Portofino or a quick boat ride away. The village is extremely remote and practically untouched by tourists. A statue of Jesus Christ sits beneath the waters to protect fisherman. The statue is a favorite among divers. Couples that are jumping to relax can unwind on the rocky beaches or rent a boat for the day. Pg. 27

Tourists love jumping off of the cliffs into the crystal clear water.

All couples will love visiting Castello Brown, a castle which sits on the top of a hill overlooking Portofino. Women will love the fabulous shopping the town has to offer. Dior and Chanel have boutiques in the town center. Hotel Eight and Hotel Splendido are among popular hotels for tourists. Hotel Splendido is isolated and very romantic. The Splendido is the only resort in the area with a pool. Accommodations are on the pricier side; there is certainly a shortage of affordable hotels. Do not visit during

July or August because it does get rather warm. Hotels are more affordable during the summer. Seafood and minestrone soup are specialties in Portofino. The seafood is impeccably fresh and fish is a food staple for locals. Tourists love the classic wine and pizza too. Reservations are needed for almost all of the restaurants there. Dinner does not start until eight at the restaurants. Avoid the restaurant Sottocoperta and try the Winterose wine Bar. The gorgeous hills, buildings and water provide an environment any couple will adore. Do not forget to sample the freshest seafood and the native

Yachts fill the harbour of Portofino during the spring.

minestrone soup. Enjoy soaking up the sun and adventuring around the Italian Riviera in the picturesque fishing village.

Seaworld does not care...

Get the facts Marguerite VanDenburgh

Pg. 28

Where to Go With Kids Colleen Daly London with the kids, is a must! London is great for all ages, especially for kids, there is such a wide variety of activities to do and so many sites to see you will never get bored! First things first you, have to take a ride on the London Eye. The view of St. Paul?s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, and Westminster Abbey is amazing, but remember, the line is long, so get there early. Even with kids of all ages you just have to stop by Madame Tussaud's wax museum because even though it is about as tacky and touristy as it gets kids love it, but really who doesn?t love taking picture with wax figures of your favorite celebrities? If you have younger kids

At M adame Tussaud's you can take pictures with wax figures of your favorite celebrities!

you should definitely stop by the London Zoo, it may be small by American standards, but it is home to the reptile exhibit from Harry Pg. 29

The Warner Bro's studio in London has all the sets props and costumes from Harry Potter you can imagine, including a small model of Hogwarts castle.

Potter and the Sorcerer's stone, and was home to the black bear Winnie that was the inspiration for Winnie-the-Pooh.

If you love Harry Potter, I know you will be dying to check out the 13-hour tour of filming sites and the Platform 9他 where your kids can take a picture pushing a shopping cart through the wall! If you loved that you have to check out the Warner Bros studio exhibit Making of Harry Potter where you can take a self guided tour through all the sets, including props and costumes, and if that is still not enough Harry Potter go the the gift shop and have a shopping spree of all things Harry Potter!


Another must do is going on the day river cruise to Greenwich, Royal

Observatory where your kids can take picture on the Prime Meridian with one half in each hemisphere! They can even print out a certificate that says the exact time you stood on the Meridian for only one pound, good deal right? For those older kids, do not forget to check out MI6 headquarters and the Royal Air Force museum where they can see WWI bombers. There is so much to do in London as a family you can never go for just one day.

Greenwich, London is home to the Prime M eridian, the longitude line tat separates the northern and eastern hemispheres

In a sky high view of the London skyline, you can see everything this beautiful city has to offer, including the London Eye, Big Ben and Thanes river.

Pg. 30

Is a vacation in the Swiss Alps for you? Edmund Philipson Do you want to check out the capital for extreme sports? If you said yes, then you should book your flight to Switzerland now! YES, Switzerland is home to fine chocolate and a stable people pleasing government, but Switzerland has so much more. The Swiss have the beautiful Alps! The Swiss Alps powdery white peaks.

The Swiss Alps are quite unique, they can be your cold outdoor playground in the

skydiving over the Alps for scenic views.

winter or your scenic summer river ride. In If you aren?t the type to use these

the winter the Swiss Alps offer a variety of different activities. You can go ski kiting, which is the winter sports version of

opportunities to the fullest than maybe you should keep your two feet on the ground,

windsurfing. If you aren?t a man of the surf,

but these activities are only offered in the

the Swiss Alps has other activities like skiing

summer. If you are in Geneva or the



surrounding area why not find a guide to take

powdery white mountains. Switzerland offers

you hiking in the mountains surrounding

a variety of mountains for beginners and

Geneva or jump in a canoe and paddle down

more experienced skiers like Champex-Lac

a mountain.



ski area near France or the Matterhorn area is

If you are a man of having a blast no

Eastern Switzerland near Germany. Suppose

matter the elevation, then you should check

you are a man of making the fullest of the

Interlaken. Interlaken is a majestic village in

opportunities presented then maybe you

the Swiss Alps.

should consider going

Pg. 31

It is on the top of a mountain and is

The Swiss Alps are a wonderful place to be

surrounded by two lakes. At Interlaken there

during the winter and summer. They have so

are many activities to chose from. They offer

many extreme sports that make you want to

canoeing, bungee jumping, whitewater rafting

live there. Book your flight now! While tickets

and more! An awesome activity to do is a


canyoning tour. A canyoning tour is when a guide will bring you up a mountain and he takes you down it walking through rivers and splashing around waterfalls. These tours are truly stunning.

Gevena has as beautiful blue harbor for the yacht races they hold.

Pg. 32

Souvenirs You Need to Buy in Europe Marguerite VanDenburgh 1. Are you a food lover travelling Europe? In England, do not buy the cliché little red phone booth. While shopping in English stores look for an aromatic tea. Spain produces wonderful olive oil. Olive oil is perfect for a traveller because it does not spoil! When in the Czech Republic try Karlovy Vary Spa wafers. Karlovy wafers are similar to massive, thin and crispy cookies. Prices for the olive oil and aromatic tea varies, but for the most part they

Karlovy Vary Spa wafers often have a design etched into them.

go for under $50. Karlovy Vary Spa wafers cost2. Bring home the perfect souvenir for the art around $1.40 per cookie at the lowest. lover! When in Paris, look for local artists on the Seine. Most artists sell watercolors of the Seine, Eiffel Tour or the Champs-Élysées. The best part is the gorgeous watercolors are budget friendly and sell for about 30 euros. Occasionally, the paintings go for higher. Museums provide an opportunity to take home your favorite piece of Artist line up along the Seine hoping to sell their work.

art. Check a museum gift shop for a great magnet or piece of stationary. It might be a cliché, but it is a great way to remember your trip! Pg. 33

3. For the fashionista! Designers in England never fail in designing adorable raincoats. Some of the best known designers include Burberry and Barbour. These run on the expensive side, costing about $300 for a coat. France is famous for the fabulous shops, brands and clothing. You cannot walk two blocks without spotting a designer store. The Galeries Lafayette is a ten story department store, that is a favorite among tourists. Look at the Galeries Lafayette for luxury gifts and souvenirs. Try stores such as Zara, Gap and American Apparel for more affordable clothing options. Though Gap and American Apparel are found almost everywhere in the United States, across seas the style tends to be quite different. When in Scotland or Ireland pick up

Kate M iddleton is a long time supporter of Burberry.

a wool sweater. Prices vary when it comes to sweater, depending on quality.

Pg. 34

Edmund Philipson

Nasch mark t V i enna Edmund Ph i l i pson

500 years ago a small market called

Despite having many international

Naschmart was born inside the city of

foods, they also have many local delicacies,

Vienna. Now this market is enormous and

like Uhudler (Austrian wine) and Austrian

is a food eaters paradise with more than

honey which is used many Austrian foods.

20 food stalls open everyday of the week

Wine and honey aren?t the only beloved

and a flea market open on Saturdays.

local delicie, there are others like stone chocolate and for salads aromatic oils and vinegar, made from various local produce. If you are new to the market, there are exclusive tours for up to 10 people. In these tours your guide will give you some in depth history of the market and show you around. During these tours you have the opportunity to taste test these foreign

The entrance to the Naschmarkt can be easily recognized by the Austrian flag and the pictures.

The Naschmarkt is home to many different kinds of cuisines, like Asian and Mediterranean food. A majority of the food stands sells fresh produce like fruits and vegetables,





restaurants that sell different food from all over the world. At the Naschmarkt market you can only expect the freshest fish from

foods. The Naschmarkt is open everyday of the week, but is less crowded on weekdays. On






opportunity to meet the sous-chefs at these stands. The weekends always pack the market for the delicies. On weekdays the market is open from 6:00 AM to 6:30 PM and on weekends it opens at 6:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM. Gl端cklich Essen!

Danube Canal everyday. The best spot for

[Happy Eating!]

fish is Umar. Pg. 35

Min din g Your Man n ers W h ile in th e UK an d Italy Colin Girvan

Waiting in lines is

In Italy It is very important to

optional and chewing

introduce yourself by looking whomever you


are greeting in the eye and give them a firm

smoking is prominent

handshake and say "buon giorno" (good morning) or "Bouna Sera" (good evening).

and respected even in no smoking sections

Remember to

In the United Kingdom punctuality is

by referring to by

The Gelateo is the most famous guide to italian manners

very important, but at dinner parties it is acceptable to be fifteen minutes late. When

"Signore" (mister)

A guide to drinking tea

in resturants.

show respect


is vulgar, yet

saying "how do you do" or "pleased to meet



you". When drinking tea add milk once the tea

(miss) Many

is brewed, stir gently, to taste sip from the


spoon, then remove the spoon from the

speak very loudly and passionately so don't be

saucer. When drinking never slurp and never

alarmed if they gesture vigorously while

make eye contact with another guest During

speaking. When answering an Italian on the

social events you are expected to make small

phone say "Pronto" (ready) instead of "Buon

talk with the other people attending the

Giorno." Traditionally breakfast in Italy is very

event, some favorite subjects include how far

small and lunch is usually the largest meal of

you have traveled or where you have come

the day. Alcohol is almost never drank just or

from. Directly asking someone what their

pleasure it is almost always served with a

occupation is is considered clumsy and overt

meal, wine is to be sipped slowely. When

displays of wealth of social status are

eating Spaghetti don't slurp the noodles into


your mouth it is considered rude. In Italy

considered very rude and some people will

public image is very important, dress in nice

openly confront you . when going to dinner

clothes, usually dress shoes and pants .

party bring a nice bottle of wine.

Pg. 36






W HAT TO WATCH the Holiday Who doesn't love a good rom ance? The Holiday , alt er nat ing bet w een set t ings of Califor nia, and London, follow s t w o w om en Ir is and Am anda as t hey sw ap lives t o get aw ay f rom t heir ow n. Ir is and Am anda bot h init ially f led t o get aw ay f rom m en but t hey f ind t hem selves f alling in love w it h m en t hey m eat in t heir new lives.

Mamma Mia Music, dancing, singing, laught er, kids, and parent s, t his f ilm about a y oung w om en, Sophie, has aspect s t hat f it ever y t y pe of per son. The f ilm w ill follow t he life of Sophie as she get s ready for her w edding w it h her f r iends. It also follow s her st r uggle t o f ind out w ho her f at her is, t here are t hree possible m en t hat could be her f at her, so she invit es t hem all. Pg. 37

Love actually This beaut if ul, and f unny love st or y follow s t he lives of eight ver y different couples. We w ill get t o see t heir st r uggles in love and life in t he m ont h leading up t o Chr ist m as. No m at t er how old y ou are, y ou w ill love t his m ovie because it has people of all ages, it even follow s t he st or y of a kid w it h a

Har r y Pot t er This ser ies of eight m ovies, and books, follow s a y oung or phan boy Har r y Pot t er, w ho has a sect re, t hat he him self doesn't even know. He's a w izar d. At age 11, Har r y is saved f rom his aunt and uncle and brought t o Hogw ar t s w here he w ill lear n Wit chcr af t and Wizar dr y .

Die a n o t h er Da y This Jam es Bond f ilm , one of m any , follow s Mr. Bond as he is capt ured by t he Nor t h Koreans, and set f ree 14 m ont hs lat er. Lit t le does he know he w as t r aded for Zao, w ho had been capt ured by MI6. When Mr. Bond get s back he im m ediat ely set s off t o f ind Zao, but he get s caught up in anot her schem e...

a s a b o v e s o b el o w If y ou like hor ror, t his is a m ovie for y ou. It w ill follow a group of ex plorer s w ho vent ure dow n int o t he cat acom bs below Par is. What t hey uncover is bey ond w hat t hey im agine, t hey w ill discover t he secret s and dem ons t hat lie under t he st reet s of Par is. Pg. 38

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