A Century of War 2014

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A Century of War

May 13, 2014

By William Dodenhoff

By William Dodenhoff


News Articles: United States Thrusted Out of Great Depression……………………pg.9 By: Edmund Philipson American Persecuted for Having Japanese Heritage….pg. 10 By: Colin Girvan One Successful American General Dies…………………………..pg. 11 By: Price Leclercq World War II Creates Problems in Louisiana………………………pg. 12 By: Andrew Laborde Electing World War II’s President……………………………………pg. 13 By: Bobby Moore Looking Back on My Lai Massacre…………………………………pg.14 By: Bennett Mansour Events That Changed WWII ………………………………………………..pg. 15 By: William Dodenhoff

Historical Photo Essays Viewing World War I Photographs……………………………………………pg.20 By: Andrew Laborde The Leaders That Won World War II……………………………………pg. 21 By: Colin Girvan Important Figures That Changed the Korean War………………………………pg. 22 By: Edmund Philipson Learning the Important People of the Vietnam War………………………………pg.23 By: Bennett Mansour The Fighting in Gulf War……………………………………………………………pg.24 By: William Dodenhoff Actions Performed by Officials in Afghanistan War…………………………………pg.25 By: Price Leclercq Executing Operation Neptune Spear………………………………..pg. 26 By: Bobby Moore

Book Reviews Looking into the Life of a Chinese Boy in World War II……………………………pg.36 By: Andrew Laborde Taking a Look Into the Life of a German Soldier ………………………………………pg. 37 By: Bennett Mansour Family Lived During Cuban Missile Crisis……………………………….pg. 39 By: Price Leclercq Reading the Story Behind the Flag Raising at Iwo Jima……………………………pg. 41 By: Colin Girvan Stepping into the Shoes of a Young Vietnam Soldier……………………………………pg. 44 By: William Dodenhoff Experiencing the Life of a Navy Seal………………………………………………….pg.45 By: Bobby Moore Journeying Throughout Operation Iraqi Freedom…………pg.46 By: Edmund Philipson

Art Photo Essays Afghanistan War Leaders…………………………………………………….pg. 49 By: Price Leclercq Taking a Look at the Death of Ernie Pyle………………………………………………………pg. 51 By: Colin Girvan Taking in Arts of War……………………………………………………………………….pg.53 By: Andrew Laborde Viewing the Effects of Franklin Roosevelt’s Death………………………………………………….pg. 54 By: Edmund Philipson The Way One Poet Viewed War……………………………………………..pg. 55 By: Bennett Mansour Protesting the Vietnam War Through Music…………………………………pg.57 By: Bobby Moore The Fighting Green Berets………………………………………………………….…..pg.59 By: William Dodenhoff


A Century of Wars Timeline By: Colin Girvan and Price LeClercq

Americans leave their jobs to join the army and support the war effort Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party come into power in Germany

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor causing America to enter WWII

Germany invades france in the first World War

All Quiet on The Western Front is published




1933 pg. 7


America is forced to ration food due to war

President Roosevelt issued executive order No. 9066 banning all Japanese from the coastal area from Washington state to Southern Arizona



The My Lia Massacre- The U.S. army massacred hundreds of innocent men, women, and children in the small town of My Lia

The Manhattan project is finished

The Gulf War is declared and ends one year later

United States Thrusted out of Great Depression By: Edmund Philipson

need vehicles, ships, aircraft, and food for their


The Allies had won the Great War. In the

one to build the needed supplies, because

United States it was just the beginning of the

before the war, all the men had the construction

roaring 20s, young folks from rural communities

jobs. So, the women had to step up and take

were moving to urban communities and the

their fellow countrymen’s jobs. This would lead

American economy had started to boom. With

the United States out of the Great Depression

American production at its best, Americans were

into a new era of success. The United States

buying tons of stock. Everyone who could afford

and the Soviet Union would emerge as the two

stock bought it hoping to get rich, and live the

global superpowers after World War 2, only one

American of dream of beautiful homes on the

could survive.

soldiers overseas fighting for their countries freedom. With the men overseas there was no

coast and tons of money to spend. They were pouring all their money into investments, but

See: September 2, 1945 on pg.

little did the know what was to come. !

October 24, 1929 Wall Street crashes.

The American’s had received few warning signs, but didn’t bother to pay any attention to them. In March 1929 the stock market fell then rose again. The American era of great success finally ended and the era of the Great Depression began. Soon, every American was panicking in stress to sell all the stock they had, but with

By Bennett Mansour

minimal buyers the were stuck with stock. Banks and major investors tried to calm everyone down, but failed. Many Americans lost all of their homes and money and it would be almost 10 years later, until everything in the United States would change with the attack on Pearl Harbor. !

December 7, 1941, the Empire of Japan

attacked the United States Naval Base, Pearl Harbor. Later that day the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, announced to the American Citizens, that they had joined the war. Soon, all of the men were joining the military, but to win the war, the Americans would

pg. 9

sense of relief letting him live the rest of his life in

American Persecuted for Having Japanese Heritage

peace. !

After the trial Justice Owens Roberts wrote

in his dissent “That this is the case of convicting a

By: Colin Girvan

citizen as a punishment for not submitting to

On February 19, 1942 in the wake of the Attack

imprisonment in a concentration camp, based on

on Pearl Harbor President Franklin Roosevelt

his ancestry, and solely because of his ancestry,

issued executive order 9066 banning any person

without evidence or inquiry concerning his loyalty

of Japanese descent from the coastal area

and good disposition towards the United States.”

stretching from Washington state to southern

Showing that the entire executive order was

Arizona during the duration of WWII.

based on fear and racism caused by the


Fred Korematsu an american born citizen

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Another dissent

with Japanese ancestry refused to be taken from

was from Justice Murphy, J which stated “This

his home in San Leandro California to a

exclusion of all persons of Japanese ancestry,

relocation camp, he was arrested and convicted

both alien and non-alien, from the Pacific Coast

in local appeals court. After being convicted he

area on a plea of military necessity in the

appealed to the United States Supreme Court.

absence of martial law ought not to be approved.

The Supreme court ruled against Korematsu in a

Such exclusion goes over the very brink of

6-3 vote.

constitutional power, and falls into the ugly abyss


of racism.

During the trial Korematsu attempted to

convince the Justices that it is wrong to accuse




This was the story of how the

someone as a threat to the United States based

fear of racism after the Japanese attack on Pearl

on their Ancestry. Instead people should be

Harbor caused the useless persecution of tens of

judged on their actions against or for the United

thousands of innocent Americans with Japanese

States. However his argument did not sway the


justices’ opinions on the executive order to relocate and deport all people of Japanese descent from the coastal area from Washington State to southern Arizona. Korematsu was not allowed to return to his home until World War II was over and he worked to clear his name until 1988 when Congress made an official apology and monetary compensation for the survivors of the Japanese relocation camps and in 1998 President Bill Clinton presented the Medal of Freedom to Fred Korematsu giving Korematsu a

! !

Bill Clinton presenting the Medal of Freedom to Fred Korematsu. pg. 10

One of the Most Successful American

out of West Point. Patton had always wanted to be a hero, and he became more than just a hero

Generals Die

to most.

By: Price Le Clercq !

After graduating from West Point,

American General George Smith Patton

Patton started to seek out military positions. In

died in the service of his country shortly after he

1915 he found a great one. He was assigned

helped the Americans win WWll. Patton was in a

aide-de-camp (assistant) to General John J.

horrible car accident in Germany and

Bobby Moore

suffered a major neck breaking on

Pershing. During that same year Patton got his first experience in a battle. He

December 9, 1945. Germany George S. Patton

fought with Pershing along the Mexican-

died twelve days after spending his entire career

American border against Pancho Villa. His

and most of his life in the service of his country.

specific role was to lead a cavalry of soldiers

He is remembered for his success in WWll and

behind Pershing. He would stay with Pershing

his rigorous battle strategies. George Smith

until the end of WWl. It took him six years, but

Patton will always be known for for his loyalty, his

finding Pershing is the cause to his greatness

courage, and his rigorous battle strategies as

through what he taught Patton.

long as there is an USA. At a very young age, even for a boy, George S. Patton decided he wanted to become a hero. Patton was born in San Gabriel, California on November 11, 1885. Patton was born into a family that had a very long military heritage. Patton had military family all the way from the Civil War. He decided he wanted to become one of the many in the line of family legends and attended West Point Military Academy. Patton graduated in the class of 1909

Bobby pg. Moore 11

World War II Creates Problems in Louisiana By: Andrew Laborde


World War II had required many soldiers to

enlist in the war because it was so deadly. The U.S. army would send draft letters to states and to certain people asking them to join the war. Some people had no choice in enlisting and others were

During the harsh years of World War II,

scared that they would be chosen to enlist. People

Louisiana was having many issues about work and

who were sent draft letters did not have to enlist, it

not being able to supply food and items throughout

was their choice. In Louisiana, everyone was

the war. When the U.S. became involved with

frightened about the war. The war had taken family

World War II, many people started enlisting in the

members and created chaos all around. Even

army. People from around the U.S. were enlisting.

though the war was being fought overseas,

Many people wanted to help with the war efforts by

everyone in Louisiana was affected.

joining and trying to fend off the Nazi’s from taking


over the World. In states up North, the population

resources to be handed over to the U.S. army.

was greater than the population down South.

During the war, the army needed foods such as

Southern states such as Louisiana had less of a

meats and sugars. Also, the army especially

population than some of the larger states up North,

needed rubber and gasoline so they could


but still had a decently large population. !

When the U.S. joined the war, a good

amount of people from Louisiana enlisted in the

World War II required many foods and

drive their vehicles. Citizens of Louisiana were given ration coupons. People would

U.S. army. Since many people left to join the war,

use these coupons to buy foods that were

jobs in the field and in offices were left open.

rationed and items that were rationed.

Mostly, jobs in the field were not attended to. A

Every month, the citizen’s coupons were

new problem came up. Jobs in the field were not attended to, so cotton was not being picked as fast

refilled. This was a hard way to live. People

as it usually was. This started problems because it

were very hungry during these times and

was a hard time during the war and many

had trouble pushing through and surviving

resources and items were scarce. The troops

the war. World War II affected Louisiana in

fighting overseas needed cotton to make new uniforms. With all the harsh conditions, uniforms would be torn up easily. Without the necessary cotton, not as many uniforms would be created for

many ways by disrupting the peace, taking away foods and supplies, and leaving jobs open and unattended.

the troops and the uniforms would be created at a slower pace. To help this problem, the army would ship Japanese prisoners to help work in fields. This did not fix the problem, but at least helped.

pg. 12

Electing World War II’s President By: Bobby Moore

throughout the United States to recover from the Great Depression. !

World War II was one of the biggest wars in

On November 8, 1932, Democratic Candidate

the United States’ history and Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeated Republican

was president during almost the entire war which

President Herbert Hoover and became the 32nd

lasted six years. The United States joined the war

President of the United States of America.

after the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, which took place

Roosevelt served in office from 1933 to 1945, and

on December 7, 1941. The U.S. won the war and

led the United States through almost all of the

ended the Nazi regime. Roosevelt is greatly

Second World War. He served three full terms in

commended for his leadership during World War II.

office and the beginning of a fourth term before he


died of a cerebral hemorrhage. The election

in office for one term. He was in office when the

unfolded during the Great Depression and many

stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, also

United States citizens were in poverty. President

known as Black Tuesday, the start of the Great

Hoover was held directly responsible for the Great

Depression. Many United States citizens blamed

Depression, and many people despised him for it.

Herbert Hoover for the Great Depression and

When Franklin Roosevelt was elected, he flew out

despised him and that was one of the reasons that

to Chicago to accept his presidency, the first

he did not get elected for a second term in 1932.

president ever to do so. In his acceptance speech,


Roosevelt promised reform of the United States

1932. He promised the United States relief,

with the New Deal.

recovery and reform through the New Deal. Then,


When Roosevelt presented and promised

when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the

the New Deal to his people, he very briefly

United States joined World War II and he led our

described it, so people did not have much

country through the war. This is why he was a very

information. The New Deal was a series of

successful president by leading or country and

programs within the United States of America

persevering through some of the darkest times in

presented by Franklin Roosevelt during his first

the history of the United States of America.

Herbert Hoover was elected in 1928 and was

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected in

term as president. The programs were in response to the Great Depression and focused on the “3 R’s”: relief, recovery, and reform. The New Deal succeeded in reducing unemployment from almost 13 million to between 7 and 10 million. However, some people opposed the New Deal because to fund for it, Franklin Roosevelt raised taxes on the rich. Still, the New Deal was greatly supported

pg. 13

Looking Back On the My Lai

orders were to destroy the village and people in it. The false information led to the murder of


300-500 innocent people. !

By Bennett Mansour The My Lai Massacre was the biggest scandal in U.S. history during the Vietnam War. On March 16, 1968 Charlie Company led by Lt. William Calley massacred hundreds of innocent men, women, children, and elderly in the small village of My Lai. They were stopped by the heroic acts of Officer Hugh Thompson and his fellow crew members of his helicopter crew. The incident was covered up by high ranking Army officials until Ron Ridenhour learned of these events secondhand one year later. His story was released to the press by journalist Seymour Hersh in 1970. On March, 1970 William Calley was sentenced to 20 years in prison. !

Charlie Company had not been in Vietnam

long when many of their troops were killed by

Charlie Company entered the village and

met no resistance. The soldiers raped, and tortured many villagers before killing them. There was no bias in what people were being killed. Lt. Officer Hugh Thompson witnessed what was going on in his helicopter. He landed his helicopter in between the soldiers and civilians, and he threatened to open fire on the men of Charlie Company if they did not stop killing the villagers. !

High Ranking Officials were able to cover

up the Massacre successfully for up to a year. In March of 1969, Ron Ridenhour learned of the Massacre by a soldier who took part in it. He wrote several letters and sent them to Nixon, the Pentagon, the State Department, and several Congressman. See: His letters were ignored. on pg. 16

mines in close proximity to My Lai. The soldiers had a large amount of pent up frustration at this hidden enemy, when they received the orders to attack the village of My Lai. Charlie Company was told that the village was filled with Viet Cong sympathizers by Army intel. The Company’s

pg. 14

The Events That Changed WWII by William Dodenhoff !

making of an atomic bomb. The project was finished in May of 1945. The bomb was tested. The bomb made a 200 meter deep crater and they knew it was

WWII begins the US is hesitant to join the

ready the US threaten Japan to surrender or they

war. Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese on

will drop the bomb on Hiroshima which was called

December 7, 1941. Japan declared war and four

Little Boy. Japan didn’t surrender so they dropped

days later Germany and Italy followed Japan. 1933

another bomb on Nagasaki called Fat Man and the

the Nazi’s take over Germany, lead by Adolf Hitler

they surrendered.

whose about to become one of the most hated man


of all time. Hitler had good childhood compared to

knew he was going to lose the war. When Hitler died

some kids but it wasn’t enough for him. Hitler started

Mussolini tried to escape Italy but was shot and

taking away things from people that he never got like

killed. Italy, Germany, and Japan had lost the war.

books, music, art, etc. Hitler wanted every German

Hideki did not live very long after the war he was

citizen to have blond hair and blue eyes. He started

hung as a war criminal in 1948. War was changed

a genocide killing all the people that did not meet the

completely this war made wars with no fighting just

social standard. 6 million jews and another 7 million

fears of another bomb like in Japan.

Hitler committed suicide with is wife, when he

people were killed in the genocide from being burned to death, in gas chambers, or even worse. !

The United States needed to stop the

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genocide, but they couldn’t easily do it. The US had to destroy the Nazi regime. The Nazi’s were part of the Axis Powers which was made up of Italy and Japan. All the country in the Axis Powers declared war against the US this means they had to fight three wars in side one war. The US made allies with with Great Britain and the Soviet Union they called themselves the Allied Powers. The war went on, the warfare got more advanced and scientist Albert Einstein was being forced by the Nazi’s to make an atomic bomb but he escaped to the US. !

Einstein wrote a letter to US president

By Bennett Mansour

Frederick Roosevelt about the Nazi’s making a atomic bomb. Einstein and Italian scientist Enrico Fermi he created the Manhattan Project to secret

pg. 15

September 2, 1945, Continued From Pg. 7

September 2, 1945, World

succeed, due to the fall of the

War 2 had ended and the

Soviet Union and a strong new

soldiers of the United States


were coming home. Many American were fearing another Great Depression. Instead, the United States had a new booming economy, at least at a military standpoint. The country was back to its recreational vehicles, like automobiles and domestic airplanes. No more dive bombers and tanks. The United States came out of World War 2 as one of the two new global superpowers. The other being the Soviet Union.

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With the two superpowers ruling the world with booming economies, they both posed as threats to each other. The Soviet Union’s political system, communism began threatening the American democracy, creating tension between them. Both countries began to build huge powerful militaries with their new booming economy. But only

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the United States would pg. 16

When the U.S. continued from pg. 9

When the U.S entered WWl in

he did not stay with Pershing

1917 Patton and Pershing were

throughout his career, Pershing

both relocated off the Mexican-

helped him get to where he

American border to France to


fight in the First World War. In


France, Patton became the first

of the most respected generals

General to be assigned to the

in American history. His work in

new US Army Tank Corps. He

the army is looked upon as the

was soon realized for his

American Way: Confidence,

leadership and his knowledge

Intelligence, and Determination.

and his expertise of tank

The image that he makes for

warfare. This got him ranked up

every soldier is one to always

to the head General for the First

be looked upon as legendary.

and Second Armored Divisions

He will always be one of the

once WWll came around.

most respected generals in

Patton’s army was going to

American History.

attack the Atlantic side of

George Patton was one



Morocco which is where he gave his famous quote, “We shall attack and attack until we are exhausted, and then we will attack again”. This quote showed his battle strategies: ruthless, relentless, and rapid strikes on the enemy. Although

pg. 17

His letters were ignored, Continued from pg. 12

His letters were ignored. The Journalist Seymour

not get what he deserved, but others believed he

Hersh interviewed Ron Ridenhour. Ron told him

was just following orders.

about the events that took place in My Lai.


Seymour released the statements to the press. The

war scandals in the 20th century. The soldiers of

story spread like a wildfire across the news in the

Charlie Company killed 300-500 innocent villagers.

U.S. One month after news of the incident was

The Incident was well known nationally and

brought to the public’s attention, 14 officers were

internationally. Hugh Thompson stopped the

brought to trial for their actions. The only Officer to

Massacre. William Calley was accused of murder,Â

be arrested was William Calley. He was accused of

but he only served three years. The My Lai

murder and given a life sentence. He appealed and

Massacre made the public more aware of soldiers

got the sentence lowered to 20 years. He only

killing innocent people in the Vietnam War.

The My Lai Massacre is one of the biggest

served three years. Many people believed he did

Americas Navy, defending the homeland since 1775 By: Edmund Philipson

pg. 18

Send your boy salami

From Katz’s Deli in New York City, New York

pg. 19

Viewing World War I Photographs By: Andrew Laborde Woodrow Wilson was the 28th president of the United States. He was president during World War I. He wanted the U.S. to stay neutral in World War I, but the U.S. ended up getting involved in the war. Emmett J. Scott was a very important African-American during WWI. Scott created the first AfricanAmerican newspaper. Later in his life he was appointed special advisor of black affairs Secretary by President Woodrow Wilson. Robert Alexander served as a Major General during WWI for the U.S. He commanded the 77th infantry in France. William Shepherd Benson was an Admiral

Woodrow Wilson

in the U.S. army during WWI. Benson was the Chief of Naval Operations. He was in charge of all the naval operations in the army. William Wallace Atterbury was a Brigadier General for the U.S. during WWI. A brigadier is someone who commands a brigade which is a small battalion of troops.

Emmett J. Scott

William Wallace Atterbury

pg. 20

Robert Alexander

William Shepherd Benson

pg. 21

General Douglas MacArthur the lead commander of the liberation of the Phillippines

General Dwight D. Eisenhower the supreme allied commander in Europe

The Leaders That Won World War II By: Colin Girvan !


World War II was fought by many brave soldiers who accomplished

seemingly impossible tasks, but without the people who kept them organized, created their battle plans, and the president who with his cabinet and the leaders of other countries created a strategy to win the war. The soldiers would not have been able to accomplish these tasks. General Douglas MacArthur was an american general who commanded the Philippine Army during the liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese and when the war was over helped rebuild Tokyo. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the president of the United States during World War II, along with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin created strategies and plans for the entire allied forces concerning where, who, and when would attack. Dwight D. Eisenhower would make major battle plans during the war and would eventually become supreme allied commander in Europe, and oversee the D-day invasion of Normandy. pg. 22

General Douglas MacArthur leading his troops in the liberation of the Phillippines .

President Franklin Roosevelt at the white house in Washington D.C.

Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill at the Casablanka Conference.


The Important Figures That Changed the Korean War By: Edmund Philipson General Douglas MacArthur was the Supreme Commander of US forces. He got that title after he lead a U.S. invasion behind enemy lines almost to the Chinese border in WWII. The Chinese then pushed him back and he suggested that the Americans drop an atomic bomb. He was then fired by President Truman because the President feared another World War. He then faded away in the media until his death. Eisenhower was a WWII general who was elected for President toward the end of the Korean War. He said that if he were elected President of the United States, he would personally go to Korea to get a first hand account of the war. He did keep his promise and would later end the Korean War.Matthew Ridgway was appointed deputy chief of staff in 1949. He was sent over to Korea in 1950 and to take over the Eight Army because they were in retreat from a Chinese offensive. His job was to lift his new soldiers offensive and stop the Chinese offensive. Ridgway would later replace MacArthur because Truman had recently removed MacArthur from command. When WW2 was over the Americans controlled South Korea. When North Korea invaded South Korea, Harry Truman immediately sent forces to fight in the war. He put Douglas MacArthur in charge of the soldiers and would later fire him and put Ridgway in command due to MacArthur wanting to drop an atomic bomb. He would later lose the Presidential Race to Eisenhower, because Eisenhower said he would end the Korean War. General Mark Clark was at one point in time the commander of United Nations forces in Korea. He was the General that signed the treaty with North Korea and the Chinese. He would order bombing raid to the North Korean capital Pyongyang. He would later be appointed high roles in the CIA by past US presidents.

Douglas MacArthur

pg. 24

Mark Clark Harry Truman

Matthew Ridgway

Dwight Eisenhower

pg. 25

Lyndon Johnson

John F. Kennedy

The Important People of the Vietnam War By Bennett Mansour !



The Vietnam War was a war full of important political decisions that tore the

United States Of America apart. John F. Kennedy sent the first troops into Vietnam. Kennedy strongly believed in Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Domino Theory. The Theory stated that if one country were to take up communism as their form of government, other countries would become communist. McGeorge Bundy was President Kennedy’s and President Johnson’s National Security Advisor. He strongly pressed for heavy U.S. involvement in Vietnam. President Lyndon Johnson succeeded President Kennedy during the Vietnam War. Lyndon Johnson sent over 500,000 troops to Vietnam. Johnson heavily escalated the conflict in Vietnam. Richard Nixon was the third and final President of the Vietnam War. His campaign was based on ending the Vietnam War. In the end he succeeded, but it took him five years to end the Vietnam War. pg. 26

Richard Nixon

Dwight D. Eisenhower

McGeorge Bundy pushed for action in the Vietnam War.

pg. 27

The Fighting in the Gulf War By: William Dodenhoff !

The Gulf war took place from August 2, 1990 to March 8, 1991. Saddam Hussein thought

that Kuwait flooded the oil market so he invaded Kuwait. The US and several other allies helped defend Kuwait because they were a major oil supplier. George H. W. Bush ordered General H. Norman Schwarzkopf and 38 members to airstrike all Iraq communications. The airstrike was broadcasted on CNN and millions of Americans heads were glued to their TV to watch the first live tv war. March 3 Schwarzkopf meet with Iraqi and military to come up with a cease fire. The war ended five days later but Saddam Hussein was still at large and many Americans thought the war was not fully successful. Hussein remained powerful in Iraq and led to another Gulf War with a different George Bush.

George H. W. Bush president of the United States giving a speech about his goals in the Gulf War.

Saddam Hussein 5th president of Iraq.

pg. 28

US soldiers in gas mask because the air had been polluted by burning crude oil.

United States Air Force during an airstrike broadcasted on CNN.

pg. 29

Actions Performed by Officials in Afghanistan War By: Price Le Clercq There are so many people that were heavily involved in The Afghanistan War. All of the pictures are Americans except two of them are of the Afghanistan President, who was Hamid Karzai. The other person is none other than our United States of America Commander in Chief, Barack Obama. The third person was the leading General during this war, General David D. McKiernan. He was in charge of ¾ of all the major raids, attacks, etc. during this war. All three of these people were heavily involved in this war because of their ranking. Both of the presidents made all the final decisions to raid somewhere or bomb United States of America President Barak Obama.

somewhere and the leading generals would make it happen. Barack Obama had made some very important war decisions. Hamid Karzai had an overabundance of decisions to make just like any president during a war. There are many many people who were involved so much in the Afghanistan war, but these people I think were most heavily committed and loyal to their duties.

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai.

pg. 30

Hamid Karzai and Barak Obama meet to discuss war.

Photographic Portrait of American General David D. Mckiernan.

Hamid Karza

pg. 31

Executing Operation Neptune Spear By Bobby Moore

Osama Bin Laden was the founder and leader of Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda is the terrorist group responsible for 9/11. He was on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for terrorism for many years until he was killed on May 2, 2011 by a SEAL Team Six operator. William H. McRaven is a 4 star admiral in the United States Navy. He is credited for the planning and executing Operation Neptune Spear, the special ops raid that led to the death of Osama Bin Laden. Barack Obama is the President of the United States and played a big role in Operation Neptune Spear. He gave the final order to launch the raid and kill Osama Bin Laden.

Osama Bin Laden Admiral William H. McRaven addressing the Navy.

Admiral William McRaven pg. 32

Osama Bin Laden addressing his people.

President Barack Obama

President Barack Obama delivering a speech.

pg. 33


Vote David Vitter

By: Colin Girvan and Price Le Clercq

Looking Into the Life of a Chinese

the middle of the story, but gets progressively happier towards the end. The tone is exciting,

Boy Andrew Laborde Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet is a novel set during World War II and 1986 where war and death is not far away and people are scared. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet was written by Jamie Ford in 2009. The book’s genre is historical fiction. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet takes place in Seattle during World War II. The characters in this book make America’s past look different.

sad, and happy.

Henry goes through many

changes in his life and is in many situations to develop these tones. Love plays a key role in this story. Henry loves a girl named Keiko. Love is Henry’s motive to keep going on even when it seems that his life is in a terrible position. The reader will be affected by this book by its father-son conflict. The book’s generational conflict plays a major role in the story. Henry’s father is the antagonist of Henry.

The character’s show how people back then were treated, especially people of a different race. The main character, Henry, is a chinese boy. Henry shows how Chinese people were often mistaken with Japanese people and how they are disrespected throughout the war. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet will pull at the reader’s emotions and make reader think, “What if I was in this situation?” The time period in which this book is set has a huge impact on how the plot of the story turns out. Henry will make the reader realize how terrible war is and what war can do to a family, or to a whole city. This book often switches between the year 1942, and 1986. In 1942, Henry is

Jamie Ford

just a boy learning about how war can take everything you loved, and throw it away. In 1986, Henry is an older man who reflects on his childhood. This book is not the happiest in

Read rest of Looking Into the Life of a Chinese Boy in World War ll on pg.

pg. 36

the author’s description of the soldiers everyday

The Life of a German Soldier

lives and their numbness to death.

Bennett Mansour


Paul and his comrades show how

both sides of the War may be different, but the


young soldiers are all the same. They all have All Quiet On the Western Front by Erich

had their lives taken from them and forced to

Maria Remarque was published by Random

fight for reasons unknown to them, and most of

House Publishing in 1928. All Quiet On the

them would rather be home leading normal lives.

Western Front is historical fiction. The book is

All Quiet On the Western Front is able to change

about World War 1. The book takes place in the

the reader’s point of view on war, by showing

Front Lines of France and Germany throughout

war’s true colors. War is not romanticised by the

the years of 1914 to 1918. Paul is the

soldiers, it is actually looked down upon by many

protagonist and narrator of the book. He is a

of the soldiers. They don’t understand the need

young soldier in the German Army during WW1.

for war, and why people are not able to co-exist

He shows how young men are forced to grow up

peacefully. Paul and Kat blame the politicians

through the hardships and struggles of War. “We

and high ranking officials of Germany for the

are the Iron Youth.” says Paul. The quote shows

war. Erich Maria Remarque shows the jingoism

how the young soldiers view themselves, that

of the Army officials by writing about Paul and

they may be young, but they are as mentally

his fellow soldiers experiences in training camp.

strong as iron. Kat is Paul’s best friend and

They constantly wanted to make the German

fellow comrade in the trenches of France. Kat

Army look like they are indestructible and

has the ability to find joy in the small things while

undefeatable. The Generals and Officers were

living in horrible conditions with his life at risk

constantly punishing Paul if he did the slightest

each day. The Horrors of War are developed by

action wrong.

Erich Maria Remarque By: Bobby Moore

Live for now.

pg. 37

The book shows an accurate portrayal of the German soldiers day to day lifestyle on the Front Lines, in hospitals, on leave, and dealing with the constant loss of friends. The author gives


All Quiet on the Western Front is a novel about WW1.

descriptions of what it is like to be in the thick of a battle. He writes about bombardments, the use of gas, hand to hand combat, and what it is like to kill another human beings. Paul has multiple injuries that land him in the hospital. He experiences first hand of how horrible the hospitals are. “A hospital alone shows what war is.” said Paul. The hospitals in the book are nothing but death and suffering. When Paul goes on leave he experiences what the war has done to him, and how hard it is to lead a normal life after his experiences of War. Paul’s original company of 150 men is down to seven after the war. !

All Quiet On the Western Front is the perfect

book for history buffs and students alike. It shows the horrors of war in a detailed way. The book provides a realistic point of view on war. All Quiet On the Western Front has the ability to teach students about World War 1 in a non confusing, interesting way. This book may not be suitable to younger students due to the graphic images of war described.

The Snack that smiles back By:William Dodenhoff

pg. 38

Family Lives In Washington D.C. During Cuban Missile Crisis Price Le Clercq

Countdown is a historical fiction novel based during the week before and the week during the Cuban Missile Crisis in October, 1962. Countdown is written by


Deborah Wiles, published by Scholastic Press, and it was published in 1920. The general topic of the book is about a family who live right outside Washington, DC before and during the Cuban Missile Crisis. They are constantly dealing with fear that at any moment the ‘bomb alarm’ will go off and they could all die. I would

“It’s okay, the Russians are moving their missiles from Cuba, America can breathe now.”

say that 30-40% of the book is images in between chapters, all of which are historical allusions to everyday life shortly before and during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Being that the Chapman family lives right outside of the capital of the United States of America they are at a huge risk of dying at any moment. The Russians would most likely target the central piece of communication in America and they live right outside of it.

See: Family Lives in D.C. During Cuban Missile Crisis Page ! Deborah Wiles


pg. 39

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare 11.4.14 By:Bobby Moore


The Jeep Rubicon. Go Anywhere, Do Anything. Jeep.

By: William Dodenhoff


By: Andrew Laborde

Flags of Our fathers book review Colin Girvan !


Do you know the story of the famous

World War II photograph of the six men raising the American flag on the top of Mount Suribachi. Flags of Our Fathers was written by: James Bradley with Ron Powers Published In October of 2001 by

of Mike Strank, Harlon Block, and Franklin Sousley among thousands of other Marines killed in the assault of Iwo Jima. !

Flags of Our Fathers develops several major

historical themes such as: “The Horrors of War” and “The Fog of War”.

The book has a solemn tone

which is sometimes interrupted with moments of

Random House inc. Flags of Our Fathers is a non-

immense sadness and Great Triumphs. ! The book shows you the point of view of

fiction account of the Military careers of the six boys

the soldiers, which depending on what type of

who appear raising a flag on the top of Mount

person you are and where you are from could

Suribachi on the island of Iwo Jima. The book is split

make you feel a strong sense of Patriotism. The

into six sections, each section tells the story of one

recent redesign of the Marine Corps played a

of the boys: Mike Strank, Ira Hayes, Harlon Block,

major role in the Marines surviving in Iwo Jima

Jack Bradley, Rene Gagnon, and Franklin Sousley.

against troops who were familiar with the

These six boys would eventually be brought

territory and had superior defensive positions,

together as a team of Marines known ironically as

by having the Marines trained for any situation.

Easy Company trained in Pendleton Camp for six

The hazardous terrain of Iwo Jima hindered the

months and then Camp Tarawa for four months

Marines progress on many occasions Including

helped them become the ultimate fighting force.

on the first day of the invasion the wet, muddy,

Each of these boys played a vital role In the survival

volcanic sand which bogged down the Marine’s

of the others and the survival of their fellow Marines.

amphibious tractors.

Mike was a natural born leader and was able to lead


his friends away from danger and could keep the

of war such as the horrifying losses of war, the

morale of his friends and comrades. Ira was a very

confusion of war, and the triumphs of war.

caring individual who respected all of his fellow

Flags of Our Fathers is a great book for people

Marines and cared deeply for his friends. Harlon had

who are already interested in World War II or

a good disposition and could lighten the mood of

students who need to learn about World War II,

any situation with his antics and jokes. Franklin

Flags of Our Fathers is a great book and it is

had a strong sense of duty and would never

very informative, although some passages in it

back down from a fight. Rene was the

depict extremely gory and blood-filled scenes

youngest of the six flag raisers and would

Flags of Our Fathers captures Aspects

and some coarse language is used this book may not be suitable for young readers.

serve as a messenger in military engagements helping the group stay together. Jack “Doc” Bradley was the medic of the group and would lay down his life in a

pg. 41

Flags of Our Fathers

James Bradley, author of Flags of OurFathers


FAMILY LIVES IN D.C. DURING MISSILE CRISIS FROM PAGE The main character in Countdown is named

Margie become tiny Nancy Drews they have many

Franny Chapman. Franny is an eleven year old girl

disagreements which is what causes them to lose.

in the fifth grade. Her best friend is Margie Gardner

their friendship. The qualities that she displays as a

and they have been best friends for forever. Her

person living in war time are somewhat irregular for a

conflict in this book is more specifically Man v Man

girl in the fifth grade. In the book scenes that she is

but more vaguely Franny and Margie experience

in she shows no emotion towards the fact that she

violent arguments during the book and “break up”

could be turned to ashes any minute. !


and they become enemies. Franny has to constantly live with the reputation of being crazy (even though


Something unique about this novel is that it is

she is not) because of one of her family members

about 25% images. All of the images are historical

who does some mental acts during the book. During

allusions all the way from newspaper ads to pictures

war, especially in Franny’s position with the Cuban

of President Kennedy. If you care about and support

Missile Crisis, everyone is extremely scared and

anti-bullying you are going to want to read this also if

constantly on edge to pannick. Some events may

you’re interested in war you would want to read this.

cause her anxiety, but the way she contributes to the

The main historical theme in this novel is the threat of

overall theme of war is in her head right before she


goes to bed. Franny telegraphs a letter to Chairman


Krushchev of the Soviet Union asking him to not blow

contributes to the tone, characters, plot, and the

us all up with nuclear weapons. After it is all over she

theme. This book is a must read to anyone because

says “It’s okay, the Russians are moving their

it shows the true courage of kids and what life is like

missiles from Cuba, America can breathe now.”!H e r

growing up during such a time.

The tone is urgent and always constant The location of where they live

brother, Drew Chapman, is a boy who loves to read and play outside with the family dog, Jack. Drew has one conflict which more specifically is Man v Technology and more vaguely he becomes what some could say a mental wreck after President Kennedy gives his national tv speech telling the American people that pretty much threat is real and there are missiles and bombers in Cuba.


qualities that he portrays to the overarching theme of war is extremely typical in all kids. Once Drew becomes aware of the Cubans, the Russians, and the bombs he is scared out of his mind which is something overly common in a war. The foil to Franny for most of the book is Margie. When Franny and

Deborah Wiles pg.43

The Life of a Young Vietnam Soldier By: William Dodenhoff !

Fallen Angels was written by Walter Dean

through Richie Perry. The novel may not be

Myers in 1988. Fallen Angels is based on

suitable for younger children because the war

protagonist and narrator Richie Perry, a young

language but for anyone who can handle it the

African-American soldier in the Vietnam War. The

novel is highly recommend by major critics this to

novel is a historical fiction/war fiction novel during

you to read for fun, do a school project, just to

several months of 1967 and 1968 in Vietnam.

help you understand Vietnam better, this is also a

Richie Perry tells the story in first person. In

good book to read in a high-school social studies

Vietnam South Vietnam was fight a civil war vs


North Vietnam. During this in the US many people were against the US being part of the war, since it was not there war to fight in. Harold Gates “Peewee” as his friends back home called him was Richie’s closest friend in Vietnam. Lobel a member of Richie’s squad. Lobel is from California, is Jewish, and possibly homosexual. Lobel is the target nearly as frequently as the black soldiers. Johnson is a big African-American soldier from Savannah, GA. Johnson feels insulted by Peewee when he makes remarks about Georgia. Judy Duncan is a nurse that meets Richie on the way to Vietnam and get separated when they get to Vietnam. Captain Stewart is the commander of Richie’s company. Historical themes developed in the novel is the fear of war when Peewee and Richie talk about how they are scared of dying. The fog of war is developed in the novel when one by one people

Drink the Drink of Champions. Gatorade. #WinFromWithin

in Richie company was dying. Richie speaks with

By:Andrew Laborde

immediacy and poignancy about his fears and thoughts throughout the novel. The novel could change your point of view on war after reading the novel you will have learn the fears of war, the death, and the sadness. The events throughout the novel influence the tone of the novel. The novel captures the important aspect of the war


I Am A SEAL Team Six

Somalia among other reasons. This book takes place from November 8, 1961,

Warrior Book Reviews

Howard Wasdin’s date of birth, to after he

By: Bobby Moore

joined medical school in January, 2005. Howard Wasdin is faced with many challenges throughout the book. He is

I Am A SEAL Team Six Warrior is an

self-conflicted when he has to decide if it

intense autobiography written by Howard

is okay to kill other humans. Howard

Wasdin about his military training and

Wasdin gives the reader an insight to the

time in the U.S. Navy SEALs. It was

training, daily routines, and battlefield

published on April 24, 2012 by St.

situations of the Navy SEALs. All

Martin’s Griffin. The book is an

information about SEAL Team Six used

autobiography about Howard Wasdin’s

to be classified so this gives the public

time in the military. The book is in

new information that was never

chronological order from when Howard

previously told to them. The major theme

was born to the day he was honorably

represented in I Am A SEAL Team Six

discharged from the Navy and even his

Warrior is war. The tone of this book is

life after. The book opens with Howard

anxious because Howard Wasdin is

Wasdin in the heat of battle. The next

constantly awaiting his next training

chapter starts talking about his early life

exercise or mission. This book definitely

and time in the military. The first half of

pulls the readers patriotism out by

the second chapter talks about his Basic

explaining the brave and heroic actions

Training and Intensive Training in the

done by the United States Military.

Navy. Throughout Howard Wasdin goes to many different stages of training. The bulk of the book is about his training to eventually become a sniper in SEAL Team Six. Howard Wasdin goes overseas to Mogadishu, Somalia. He goes there to help end the Somalian Civil War to get food to the people of Somalia by taking down the Somalian Warlord Mohammed Farrah Aidid who controls the food supply. In Somalia, if you control you control everything, so Aidid needed to be taken down. This is the main reason why Howard Wasdin goes to


Civil Affairs Make Peace with the Iraqis

deaths of Americans and deaths over innocent Iraqis. Throughout the book your thought on all Iraqis being terrorists that want to burn down the

By: Edmund Phillipson

United States is changed. Walter Dean Myers


writes that some Iraqi people just want live and

Sunrise Over Fallujah is a war filled novel

from start to end. Sunrise Over Fallujah was

believe in their muslim faith with no war. He

written by Walter Dean Myers and published by

shows the medical needs for the people and how

Scholastic Press in 2008. The book is focused on

sick some children were. Some of the Iraqis were

Operation Iraqi Freedom lead by the United

scared of the United States and tried to kill

States. The genre of Sunrise over Fallujah is

Americans because they thought their would just

historical fiction. Sunrise Over Fallujah takes

be another Saddam Hussein about to come to

place in Baghdad and it’s surrounding areas in

power. Myers writes about the American War

Iraq in Spring 2003. Iraq has a desert climate

between the Iraqis and the truth is there were

with sandstorms and a little green. Robin Perry is

other wars between different Iraqi Muslim groups

the main protagonist. He is described in 1st

and the Americans were right smack in the

person narrative. He is always accompanied by

middle of it. Sunrise Over Fallujah captures war

his fellow Civil Affairs Alpha detachment

at it’s worst. Myers writes about how Americans

members, like Jonsey, Marla Kennedy, and

were getting their limbs blown off from IEDs and

Captain Coles. They are faced by an

there was nothing to stop it, because of all the

overwhelming group Iraqis throughout the novel.

IEDs hidden around Baghdad. He also covers

They never understood why the some of the

the pain, poverty, and sorrow the Iraqis face from

Iraqis had hated them, because the Americans

overwhelming diseases, to killing their own

had removed Saddam Hussein from power.

countrymen, and even to the unhealed wounds

These soldiers were in Iraq to help make peace

children face from the war. On the other hand

with the Iraqis so the Americans could help them

there is a sense of peace between the

create a stable democracy.

Americans and some Iraqis. Like when the Robin

The book was written to show what war was like

Perry and his CA detachment played soccer with

in Iraq during the rule of Saddam Hussein and

some local Iraqis and the medical squad of the

after the rule of Saddam Hussein. Sunrise over

CA Alpha detachment, helping the Iraqi children

Fallujah keeps you on the edge of your seat

heal their wounds.

while reading. Walter Dean Myers keeps you emotionally involved throughout the book with pg.46

Continued from pg. Looking into the Life of a Chinese Boy in World War ll For several years, Henry and his father

At Henry’s school, some of the younger

do not talk, but, this does strengthen the

kids call Henry a “white devil”, or say he

generational conflict shown in this book.

is Japanese. The teachers at Henry’s

In a way, Henry is fighting his own war

school do not even care. Since everybody

with his father and the kids at his school.

is going through a time of distress,

Henry gets made fun of at school

bullying is not a big deal to many adults.

because he is the only Chinese kid at the

Winning the war was their hope. This

school. This shows the difference

book captures wartime themes and gives

between people during World War II.

an accurate representation about what

People would not even sell to Japanese

life was like during a war, especially one

people and some would not even sell to

where most of the world is involved. This

Chinese people! Jamie Ford is trying to

book is a must read for everyone who

show how the war split people. During the

loves reading about wartime books and

1940s, racism was very abundant. In

readers who love history. This book is not

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet,

the easiest read because it switches time

the traditions of the time period influence

periods often. Also, some inappropriate

some characters to act in different ways.

language is used in this book so this book is not for younger children.

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

pg. 47

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Hiroshima: Before, During, and After By: Price Leclercq

Hiroshima during the bombing.

World War ll will always be known

houses that were completely blown away

as the war that gave birth to the most

by the explosion. Before, it was just a

dangerous type of warfare, Nuclear

normal place as any before the devastating

Warfare. The United States of America

day where that was changed. During the

launched a Nuclear Strike against the

bombing an unbelievable amount of

Japanese during the Second World War

civilians died and Japan would not

which helped them win the war. Nuclear

surrender until the next bombing of

Warfare was not something that the

Nagasaki. It has and always will be one of

Japanese thought fondly of when their

the most devastating and horrible attacks

grounds became the first place in the

ever launched during the course of history

history of the world to be attacked on by a

in war. World War ll will always be the start

nuclear strike. The nuclearpg. bomb 5 was first

of the most deadly form of war mankind will

thought of in America when Einstein started

ever see.

and completed the Manhattan Project. The damage was so severe in Hiroshima no one could live in it for a long period of time. To this day you can still go to Hiroshima where they have preserved some of the

pg. 49

The town of Hiroshima after the devastating Nuclear Strike during WWll.

The town of Hiroshima before the horrible day when the US dropped The Fat Man onto it’s soil.

pg. 51

Ernie Pyle before reporting in World War II.

information about the war. His death also Ernie Pyle Death of a Great Journalist ! ! by: Colin Girvan !

Ernie Pyle was an American journalist

who was known for reporting from Europe and

inspired the U.S air force to construct a B-29 Superfortress in, The Ernie Pyle, in honor of him and his journalistic excellence.

the Pacific during World War II. instead of writing his articles about the movements of armies and outcomes of battles he wrote his articles from the perspective of the soldier which helped him gain popularity and earned him the Pulitzer prize for journalism. Ernie Pyle died on the Pacific island of le Jima on April 18, 1945 by a Japanese machine gunner, his death saddened many of his fans and becoming one of the few civilians to die in the war. His death caused the public to pay

Ernie Pyle's dead body after being shot in the head by a Japanese machine gunner.

more attention to the war because they lost their way to see through the eyes so they sought other ways of obtaining unique pg. 51

Ernie Pyle relaxing with the soldiers after interviewing them.

The Ernie Pyle, a B-29 "SuperFortress" named in honor of Pyle.

pg. 52

Art of War

1943 to boost the attitude and

Andrew Laborde

morale of women workers workers.

The “I Want You For U.S. Army”

The war had depressed and

poster was created on July 6,

scared people, so this poster made

1916. The image was planned to

factory workers realize how

go on the cover Leslie’s Weekly.

important their jobs were. The

The poster was made to

Bombing of Hiroshima picture

encourage people to enlist in the

shows the destruction of the

U.S. army during World War I.

Atomic bomb. This made people

Later, this poster was brought to

realize how terrible this bomb was.

use again in World War II. The “We Can Do It” poster was made in

Hiroshima Bombing We Can Do It poster

pg.53 I Want You For U.S. Army Poster

Franklin Roosevelt’s Death By:Edmund Phillipson

Franklin Roosevelt Franklin Roosevelt was the President of the United States during World War II. He also lead the country through one of the toughest times in American history, The Great Depression. He died a few months before the wars end, on March 29, 1945, from a stroke. His health had recently not been well. His death sent the

public into shock. He had been the President for 12 years. He had led the United States out of the Great Depression and was leading a successful campaign overseas with the military while he had a booming economy back home. America was shocked.

Providence Journal

Chicago Daily Tribune Frantic Headline


Wilfred Owens

The Story of a World War 1 Poet

quick deaths are lucky. He returned to the front lines in 1918, but he tragically died while leading his men.

By Bennett Mansour

Wilfred Owens is one of the most famous poets during WW1, because of his unique poetry about the horrors of war different from many other patriotic

Wilfred Owens is a well known World War 1 poet. He


wrote about how horrible war was. In 1915 he enlisted in the English forces to fight in WW1. Wilfred Owens was wounded in combat and he went to the Craiglockhart War hospital. There Wilfred Owens wrote many of his most important poems, including “Anthem for Doomed Youth,” and “Dulce Et Decorum Est”. In his poetry he wrote about the horrors of warfare, death, and sorrow. One example of his poetry is ''Happy are men who yet before they are killed Can let their veins run cold.” In this excerpt from one of his poems he is saying that many soldiers who die have long painful deaths, and the men who die

pg. 55

WW1 hospitals were often places of suffering, filth, and death.

Battles were fought in trenches during WW1.

Soldiers were often stuck in trenches for days.

pg. 56

Protesting the Vietnam War Through Music

extremely popular. It reached number 3 on the Billboard charts and was number 17 on

Bobby Moore

“The 200 Greatest Songs of the 1960’s.” It

Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater

was released during the time in America

Revival is a protest song against the

when the military was drafting soldiers for

Vietnam War criticizing militant patriotic

the Vietnam War. The band did not support

behavior. This was one of very many protest

the draft and the war. So, to express their

songs against the Vietnam War as the war

ideas, they wrote song about it.

was greatly unsupported The song was released in 1969 as part of the album Willy and the Poor Boys. The song was

The album cover for Willy and the Poor boys, the album that Fortunate Son was released in.

pg. 57

Creedence Clearwater Revival in concert.

The members of Creedence Clearwater Revival (left to right). John Fogerty (vocals), Doug Clifford (drums), Tom Fogerty (guitar), and Stu Cook (keyboard).

pg. 58

The Fighting Green Berets By: William Dodenhoff


Richard Nixon

Star Trek star George Takei

wanted John Wayne to

was one of the main

make a pro-vietnam war

Vietnamese soldier. Green

movie. The Green Berets

Berets is 142 min long it

came out in in 1968. John

first premiered in Japan.

Wayne excelled in the movie included David Janssen and Jim Hutton.

The Green Berets movie poster.

pg. 59

John Wayne and camera crew during on break.

John Wayne and a soldier

pg. 60

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