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Dest inat ions

Af r ica

Ta b le O f Contents News Boko Haram - Kidnapping and Killing.................................Page 6-7 Can We End Malaria?...............................................................Page 4-5 Ebola Slows After Killing Thousands...................................Page 8-9 More Xenophobic Attacks.................................................Page 10-11 Arts Did You See That?!?............................................................Page 18-19 Food Trip!..............................................................................Page 30-31 Most Dangerous City................................................................Page 24 Mind Your Manners............................................................Page 20-21 Timeline................................................................................Page 16-17 Things to See........................................................................Page 28-29 The Perfect Place for Honeymooning...................................Page 30 Voluntourism.......................................................................Page 26-27 Whatchya Doin?..................................................................Page 22-23

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Can We End M al ari a? By: Claire Morrison

Malaria is a major issue but scientists are coming very close to eradicating it. Scientists have been working to find more sufficient cures and vaccines for malaria. Recently, immunity to malaria has built up due to the more intense interventions of these scientists. On May 25, 2015, Malaria Day, the CDC foundation decided that because they have managed to control malaria, they were going to take another step forward and begin trying to completely eliminate it. CDC formed a grant with other malaria partners aiming to completely eliminate malaria from the island of Hispaniola by 2020.

Malaria mainly targets African children under five because of their weak immune systems and exposure to the disease.

Some symptoms of Malaria include fever, chills, and headaches. If Malaria is untreated within a specific period of time, it can become severe and the

Scientists are working to completely illigetimate malaria.

victim will likely die. In 2013, approximately 198,000,000 cases of malaria took place around the world. Out of all of those, approximately five-hundred thousand people died. Malaria has infected people in 103 countries worldwide. It has affected over 3,000,000,000 people. Still about 90% of deaths due to malaria, or other diseases caused by malaria, occur in the sub-Saharan region in Africa. If medical care is sought out, malaria can be overcome within a few weeks. Malaria mostly targets young African children under the age of five because they are typically more exposed to the disease, have weaker immune systems, and have less access to medical centers, in which the disease has been found curable. Despite this, malaria can infect anyone, but there are people who have been proven more likely to get more severe cases, than others. People with no immunity to the disease, generally foreign travelers who are visiting places

where malaria is common and come from places where malaria is not. Young children usually around 5 or under 5, are the most common targets of malaria. They are also the most common for contracting fatal cases of the disease. This is probably because they

After a mosquito with malaria bites a human the human contracts malaria. Every mosquito that bite that human while they have malaria then becomes a carrier of the disease. This is how malaria continues to exist after the victims are cured.

have a weaker immune system because they are so young, and because they interact with more substances that could get them sick. Pregnant women who are usually more than three months pregnant are very common targets of malaria. People around 75 and older often contract more fatal cases of malaria due to their weaker immune systems. People with any disease that weakens their immune system, like HIV, have been proven more likely to die from malaria. In rare cases, middle aged people with good health will get severe cases of malaria. This is usually because the parasite was carried inside of the mosquito for long enough for it too mature therefore making the disease more dangerous.

Malaria is also known as plasmodium infection, because it can caused by any of the four plasmodium parasites: Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium ovale. Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax are the most common. Plasmodium Falciparum is the most deadly. The degree of seriousness also depends on how developed the parasite is. For travelers coming from countries where malaria is uncommon, and travelling to countries where malaria is more common, there is a pill that can be taken to build up a low immunity to the disease and prevent contracting it. This pill is highly recommended, but not required due to the side effects that can be severe, or may not occur at all. The side effects of this pill in nausea, headaches, migraines, stomach aches, and strange, often vivid dreams. Malaria is a dangerous disease but scientists are working hard it to eliminate it from of all of our worries.

By: Claire Morrison

Boko Haram- Kidnapping and Killing By: Rivers Singley The terrorist group, Boko Haram, that was

The women and children who survive

formed in 2009, is aggressively trying to

Boko Haram attacks are living in communities

establish themselves as an independent

of abandoned buildings and refugee camps.

Islamic state within Nigeria. Tens of thousands

Refugees who live in the camps are subject to

of innocent people have been systematically

diseases and illnesses. There is hardly enough

murdered, thousands have been taken captive,

food for the refugees to survive, despite the

despite the many military efforts that have

humanitarian aid from the United States and neighboring countries. Those who are not in refugee camps receive no aid from the Nigerian

government. So, mothers


children must pay a small rent fare for wherever they are staying, and must find or buy food with any money left over from paying their rent. If they are able to survive, Boko Haram has recently pledged alliance with another terrorist group, ISIS. They are united under the same flag.

they will leave as soon as they have the money to, and flee from Boko Haram?s tyrannical wrath.

been made to put an end to their ruthless aggression. Recently, one of two large groups of women who were kidnapped by Boko Haram were found and rescued in the Sambisa forest, surrounding a reserve in Borno. With the recent partnership with ISIS, more and more events are resulting in the loss of lives, the false acclamation of territory, or just plain treachery.

Some of the survivors have been rescued by the Nigerian government, and some have died in the crossfire between Nigerian militia and Boko Haram fighters. Some women were hiding under trees during battle and were crushed alive by Boko Haram?s army tanks that didn't even know they were there. The senseless loss of lives

resulted from the fighting between the

although with an increased Nigerian military

Nigerian government and Boko Haram.

force comes a greater retaliation; Boko Haram has threatened the bombing of major cities, although their sources of weapons are unclear. The only source of their weapons comes from their partnership with ISIS. Boko Haram has been very successful in amassing weapons from willing countries as well as being supplied by ISIS. They are using these weapons to occupy villages as well as to

Michelle Obama, as well as thousands of people, are using the hashtag, "# BringBackOurGirls" to raise awareness about Boko Haram.

spread fear throughout Africa and the world. Unless this relationship is broken, or if one of the groups is shut down, more innocent lives will continue to be lost by mass

Boko Haram has unleashed some of the worst attacks the world has ever seen. With their recent pledge of alliance with ISIS, they have become even more of a threat than ever. Each day, Boko Haram plans and conveys attacks on tribal villages, cities, or raids on schools. Soldiers are known for calling out all the men, lining them up with the back of their heads facing a gun barrel, and then the soldiers pull the trigger. Next they call out the children, gun them down, leaving only the women alive. The soldiers give the women ten seconds to run, and then they are shot while they are running for their lives. Some counteroffensives have been carried


hundreds of

by Nigerian

officials, and

people have been saved,


Ebol a Sl ows Af t er K i l l i ng Thousands By: Alexander Favrot The Ebola epidemics started in 1976

doctors evacuated even though they weren?t

with a 53% case fatality rate in Sudan and a

infected. The doctor was admitted to the NIH

88% fatality rate in Zaire. Ebola is a virus that

Clinical Center on March 13th but was

is spread through physical contact and contact

eventually discharged with good condition

with body fluids of one that is either infected

after being successfully treated and was

or died because of the virus. The most recent

declared no longer contagious. Sierra Leon was

epidemic started in 2013 and has lasted to

one of the countries that was hit the hardest

early 2015 killing around 11K people in total

with more than 25K people getting infected

even though it infected more than 26K people,

and more than 10K people dying because of

the world got the better end of the deal. If the

Ebola. Health care workers also got infected

fatality rate was 90% like in 2002-2003 in the

more than 800 were infected with about 500

Republic of Congo a lot more West Africans


would be dead and many of the American doctors would have probably died to.

Ebola has slowed down since the big outbreak in late 2014 and early 2015. In Liberia, there are now record low numbers of cases per week. There were a total of 26,593 cases and more than 11,000 deaths and now Liberia is becoming Ebola free. This outbreak was 100 times bigger than than many previous

The Ebola virus is a very deadly virus that kills most of the people it infects.

outbreaks. Liberia is supposed to be Ebola free three days from May 6th. They have had 10

An American doctor has been infected

cases a week since the start of January 2015

with Ebola. Sierra Leon fully recovered, but a

and if it keeps decreasing the outbreak will be

special treatment unit will still be left open at

considered gone by May 9th.

National Institutes of Health (NIH). Sixteen

Liberia was declared Ebola free on

that it wasn?t stopped with drugs or vaccines

Saturday May 9th after 42 days of having no

it was stopped by isolating the infected

new victims. This doesn?t mean that the


effects of the outbreak are gone. Ebola can

Thankfully for Africa and the rest of the

come back any time by crossing the borders of

world, the Ebola epidemic has slowed to a

Guinea or Sierra Leon. One of the disruptive

screeching halt and luckily the doctors have

effects of having people get well was that

learned how to stop the Ebola virus from spreading. Since Ebola has been declared erased from Sierra Leon, the doctors there can finally come home, but they must always be ready because it is one of the most deadly viruses that we have seen. Hopefully when the next epidemic comes they are ready to stop it before it reaches more countries and

Ebola camp where the infected are isolated and possibly healed.

kills more people. All in all Ebola is a strong

vaccine programs were being suspended.

the next outbreak there will be a vaccine to

Many of the natives are scared of the clinics

protect the people in Africa.

virus that is very deadly but hopefully before

because of rumors most won?t even go in to be vaccinated for Ebola or go in to be checked to see if the have Ebola. Not getting the vaccines has create an immunity gap which leaves a large pool of susceptible children. World





Nations have started vaccinating children on Monday, There aim is to give 600k children vaccines against polio and measles. Experts from Southampton predict that 5k children could die of measles if not vaccinated. The weird thing about the Ebola outbreak was

By: Mae Cowden-Garofalo

M ore X enophobi c At t ack s i n Sout h Af ri ca? By: Mae Cowden-Garofalo Angry crowds of local residents in South

of people from other countries. These people

Africa burn down the shops of foreigners living

believe that all the people in Africa are brothers,

in their towns, in an attempt to send them back

no matter what country they are from

to their own countries. Throughout the year

The violent

uproars that

started in

there was frequent rioting from the locals, but

Johannesburg are spreading throughout South

on April 16th, police lost control of the mobs.

Africa. In the port city of Durban, six people were killed from the violence that was targeting immigrant shops. The people who died were two foreigners and three South Africans. The





threatened are Somali and Ethiopian.


Wednesday, April 15, a 58-year-old foreign national was killed by a mob that attacked the man at his home. These immigrants that are Xenophobia is intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

being attacked are accusing the police of not doing enough to protect them. However, the

They were forced to fire rubber bullets to

police have already arrested 112 people. South

disperse the crowds that were chanting, singing,

Africa's president, Jacob Zuma, ordered the

and swinging their machetes as they burned

police to work around the clock. He also

down the shops and attacked the foreigners.

denounced the anti-immigrant attacks and

The same day there were around 4,000 people

called for an end to violence. South African

chanting "down with xenophobia" and "a United


Africa" in response to the anti-immigration

experiencing xenophobic attacks and calls them

violence. Xenophobia is intense dislike or fear

"criminal acts."






African foreign nationals were told to

coming back again because the government

pack up and leave. Over 8,000 people fled and

did not do what it was supposed to do in

took refuge at police stations and makeshift

2008.? In 2008, there were deadly xenophobic

camps in major cities. They say the violence is

riots that left at least 62 people dead. Police

not just attacks, but it is institutionalized

arrested more than 200 people for various

xenophobia. The attacks are intensifying each

charges such as rape, murder, robbery and

day. Some foreign nationals say that they

theft. Somali groups say the attacks have

would rather die in South Africa than return to

been leading to hundreds of deaths in periodic

their countries of origin where there would be

violence since 1994. Throughout the years

even more violence.

there have been many outbursts of rioting

The attacks started because residents accused

against foreigners from the local South

African immigrants of taking their jobs and

Africans. The police are now getting involved

committing crimes. President Zuma said that

to try to put an end to the violent attacks,

some immigrants contribute to the nation's

before the lives of even more people are

economy, but others bring limited skill. The

taken. The government is trying to get a

Forced Migration Study Program at


better hand on the issue to resolve the

University of Witwatersrand estimated the

problem, so hopefully there will peace in

overall foreign population in South Africa


ranges from 1.6 to 2 million people, which is 3 to 4 percent of the total population. National unemployment was more than 24 percent at the end of 2014 and it was 15 percent in 1995. Unemployment plays a big role in the dislike of foreigners, because the majority of people who are attacking foreign businesses are unemployed. The South Africans are now calling the government to restore peace. A Nigerian street vendor says "the president isn't saying anything," and "this xenophobia thing is






HERSHEY'S B liss Chocolate Made Without Child Slavery

By: Alexander Favrot

Xenophobic attacks in South Africa, 1994 - today

Ebola outbreak in West Africa, March 2014

Malaria outbreak, 2013 - today

The number of water-related deaths continues to rise, from the beginning of time to now

Did You See Tha t?!? Movies to wa tch to g et into the mood of g oing to Africa . By: Claire Morrison

Th e Lio n K ing


4.6/ 5 stars

Simba goes on an adventure, after Mufassa, his father, dies at the hands of Scar, Simba's evil uncle. Simba learns what it means to live with his friends Pumba and Timone.

Out ofAfrica


3.6/ 5 stars

The beautiful love story of a plantation owner and a hunter in Kenya.

The Last Lions


4.2/ 5 stars

A film crew traces back time to make a documentary about how lions are going extinct.

TheJewelof theNile


3/ 5 stars

An adventurous film about the love story between a wealthy Jack and Joan, in which they work together and re-establish their love for one another.

Hotel Rwanda

PG-13 4.1/ 5 stars

The Story of Paul Rusesabagina, who housed over a thousand refudgees during their struggle against the Hutu militia in Rwanda.

The First Grader

PG-13 3.7/ 5

An 89 year old African man fights for his right to go to school.


Go r il l a s in t h e Mis t

PG-13 4.1/ 5

I nvi ct us

PG-13 3.7/ 5



Mandela: ALong PG-13 Walk to Freedom

Cry, T he B eloved Country

Sahara Co n go

3.6/ 5 stars

The story of a scientist who came to Africa to study the vanishing mountain gorilla?s.

Nelson Mandela in lists the national rugby team to win the 1995 rugby cup.

The true story of how Nelson Mandella became the first president of South Africa.

. PG-13 4/ 5

A South African preacher goes looking for his son, who is criminal.

PG-13 3/ 5

An explorer goes on an adventure to find a lost civil war battle ship in West Africa.



PG-13 2.5/ 5 stars

When an expedition to the Congo goes awol, a group of people go on an expedition to find out what happened.

M ind Your M anners By: Rivers Singley In south eastern Africa, the best way to present yourself is as respectful as possible. The more respectful you are, the more respectful people will be to you. When visiting major religious sites, it is best to be quiet, as it is in other places of the world. As far as communication is concerned, some people in the region speak English. The primary concern in Nigeria is the violence, especially Boko Haram, although Nigeria isn't the only country with religious conflict. Chad, Cameroon, Niger, and the Ivory Coast all are being threatened by Boko Haram. If you stay away from them, maybe you won't have your head butchered off on international television by an Islamic Jihadist.

The major religions of the region consists of Christianity, mainly Roman Catholicism, but the region also consists of tribal religions, like the Hausa and Fulani beliefs, which consist in the belief of one high God, with other lower deities. It is rare for any tourist to visit these practices, but there are some churches if you seek the worship of Christ while on vacation.

Most tourists arrive in Africa, and expect to be in either a desert, some tribal village, or on a safari. What they don't know is that people live ordinary lives, selling goods in a market or going to work as a lawyer. The issues that are addressed as crises in Africa do exist, but that is not all Africa is. The purpose of this article is to give a general overview of how to be polite and respectful while visiting Africa, but the tourists usually arrive with a mindset of what the media tells them. I, on the other hand, am here to tell you, that that is a reality for only some of the population. So if you want to be respectful, don't be stereotypical and have an open mindset to whatever you may see.

Why to Travel to South Africa By: Alexander Favrot Are you looking for an exiting vacation? A place where you can go scuba diving, kayaking, mountain biking, shark cage diving, abseiling down a cliff, bungee jumping, kloofing down a ravine, sand boarding down dunes, or sky diving? Then South Africa is the place for you.

Shark diving off the cost of South Africa.

The Radisson Blu Hotel Port Elizabeth is a beach hotel in South Africa that is perfect for the adventurous type because it is near all the exciting activities that you would love. To really enjoy all these adventurous activities it is recommended that you stay there for about a week, but if you enjoy it too much you can always move there. If you are feeling like you want to be on the water a popular choice among visitors is scuba diving, South Africa offers some of the best non-tropical dive spots in the world. A great way to get up close to unique and intriguing aquatic life, indulging in a scuba diving lesson will provide you with the opportunity to view dolphins, whales, seals, sharks and penguins. There are also some fantastic wreck diving spots a few minutes out of Cape Town. You could

also try the shark cage diving which is not for the faint hearted. This extreme activity allows you to view great white sharks in their natural habitat ? possibly at the expense of a limb. The sharks tend to differ in personality, so you can only pray that you don?t encounter a feisty one. If you feel like you want to tempt fate then try abseiling. South Africa is home to the worlds highest commercial abseil situated at the summit of Table Mountain. This is one great way to take in the idyllic views from the mountain, and will ensure that you remain fixated on the scenery and not the long drop below.

Abseilling down a cliff.

If you are feeling like it is time to do something that is going to give you a huge adrenalin rush then you must go skydiving. Which is a totally awesome activity, and one that may feel foolish. Skydiving is the ultimate fix for adrenaline junkies. Hurl yourself out of a plane 3000 metres above the ground and experience for a few moments what it feels like to fly. All in all if you are the person that wants thrilling things to do on vacation South Africa is the place for you.

WATCHYA DOIN? 6 Act ivit ies That You Must Do Whil e You Are in Af rica. By: Cl aire Morrison

Go cage diving wit h great whit e sharks of t he coast of Dyers Isl and. Go expl oring in Amber Mount ain Nat ional Park in t he Madagascar. Go on a saf ari in t he Serenget i. Go whit e wat er raf t ing on t he Zambezi River.

Go shopping at l ocal bazaars in Morocco. Cl imb Mount . Kil imanjaro in Tanzania


By: Claire Morrison

Cool Souvenirs From Africa

Lion Carving

African Painting



African Painting

Elephant Carving



African Tribal Masks $105

Most Dangerous City: Cape Town, South Africa By: Mae Cowden-Garofalo Despite being one of the most beautiful places

but the "coloured" (multirace) communities

in Africa, Cape Town is ranked number one on


the charts for the most dangerous city in the

heroin-based nyaope. Now that the gang's

whole continent of Africa. According to some


studies, Cape Town is number 20 out 50 most

12-years-old, there has been a lot more young

violent urban areas on the planet.

people joining the gangs. People are also









The likelihood of crime depends on a

want242436ing to become tattooed members

person's gender, race, age, and economic

of a gang because it helps with income,

profile. Most of the victims are young black

respect, a sense of identity, and a sense of

men and most of the women who are

safety that an organization promises to protect

murdered, are killed by their partners. It has

you. There are around 130 street and prison

been recorded that men are 6x more likely to

gangs operating in the Cape Town area and

be murdered than women.

Most of the

each have around 100,000 members. Another

murders occur from residents in low income

contributor to the violence is overcrowding, so

areas and the majority are not committed as

there is a lot of unemployment. Craven Engel,


a minister and chief executive of NGO First





acquaintances that leads to physical assault


fueled by alcohol and drugs.

thoughts on the issue. "Unemployment is

The next most likely reason on the list is gang-related violence. There is a lot of gang violence especially in residential areas, where there has been abnormally high murder rates for more than a decade. The "black" townships experience the highest murder rates overall





crazy ? 70% the last time I checked ? and poverty is crippling people. There's a lack of opportunity, and educational levels are also quite low, with school dropout rates terrible. This makes recruitment to gang culture very easy as there's derailed youth everywhere."

Most of the murders that occur in many parts of Cape Town don?t make the news, so these areas recognize the daily crime and violence as a part of their normal life. Last year there were 15,609 murders and a total 607,877



crimes, including

attempted murder, robbery, and assault. The central business districts also have very high risk areas of violence, especially robbery. Since Cape Town is so beautiful, there

Despite being beautiful.

dangerous, Cape



are many tourist areas that attract a lot of positive attention. There are many gorgeous areas with hotels, restaurants, etc. The city has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world that are wonderful for relaxing. Cape town




truly it

charming is




but most

dangerous city due to its high crime and murder


There is a lot of crime including murder, attempted murder, robbery, and assault.

There are many gangs in Cape Town

Most of the violence occurs in the poor parts of Cape Town

Voluntourism By: Mae Cowden-Garofalo

Many people who live in Africa are dying of starvation every day, are not protected because of the lack of clothing, or are not allowed to receive an education.

But , you can hel p! Poor ch il dr en ar e su ffer in g al l over Afr ica, especial l y in Sou th Su dan . W e m u st pu t an en d to th e star vation soon befor e m or e ch il dr en die. W e can 't do it with ou t you . Com e an d h el p feed th e ch il dr en th r ou gh pr ogr am s in Sou th Su dan . You can m ak e a differ en ce!

Ch il dr en in Afr ica don 't h ave en ou gh cl oth es, an d th ey ar e often n ak ed. Th is is a h eal th issu e becau se th ey don 't h ave en ou gh pr otection fr om en vir on m en tal h azar ds. H owever, th is can be h el ped. W h en you com e to Afr ica, join som e of ou r vol u n teer gr ou ps. W e give ou t cl oth es an d oth er su ppl ies to th e ch il dr en an d fam il ies. M an y wom en in Afr ica ar e for ced to get m ar r ied at ear l y ages, an d becom e pr egn an t. Th ey ar e u n abl e to tak e car e of th em sel ves an d th eir you n g. Eith er th e m oth er s, th e ch il dr en , or both su ffer fr om h u n ger. You can h el p th ese m oth er s an d th eir ch il dr en by join in g on e of th e or gan ization s we h ave. W e give th em food an d su ppl ies th at wil l save th e l ives of m an y.

Ou r vol u n teer pr ogr am in Ken ya h el ps th e par en ts of ch il dr en becom e m or e r espon sibl e so th at th ey can r aise th eir ch il dr en better. Th is gives th e k ids h ope for a better fu tu r e. Th e pr ogr am edu cates th e par en ts on th eir r espon sibil ities. Th is is a ver y im por tan t job becau se togeth er, we can m ak e a differ en ce in th e ch il dr en s' l ives.

In Sou th Su dan , th er e is a l ack of cl ean water. Th e dir ty water l eads to h eal th issu es an d often death . W h il e you ar e on you r tr ip to Afr ica, h el p th ese peopl e get access to cl ean water. W e bu il d water pu m ps th at give cl ean fr esh water. Th is is an en joyabl e pr oject th at wil l m ak e you feel gr eat abou t h el pin g.

Al l th r ou gh ou t Afr ica, gir l s ar e n ot abl e to r eceive an edu cation . Th ey ar e n ot abl e to go to sch ool becau se it goes again st th eir r el igion , th ey ar e m ar r ied, pr egn an t, or th ey ar e n ot abl e to affor d th e tu ition . Th r ou gh th e Let Gir l s Lear n In itiative, you can becom e a vol u n teer th at h el ps gir l s r eceive th e edu cation th ey deser ve.

Coming to theaters in America!

By Rivers Singley

Places You MUST See When Visiting Africa

Vict oria Fal l s on t he Zambia - Zimbabwe

The Great Pyramids at Giza - Egypt

Victoria Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in Africa.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are amazing and are 4,574 years old.

Fish River Canyon - Namibia

Okavango Del t a - Bot swana

The Fish River Canyon is very beautiful and it is 2,278 miles

The Okavango Delta is home to a lot of wildlife.

Ngorongoro Crat er Tanzania

Wil debeest Migrat ion

Ngorongoro Crater is 20kms across, 600 meters deep By:Alexander Favrot

The Migration occurs in the Masai Mara and Serengeti National Parks - Kenya & Tanzania

By: Mae Cowden-Gaofalo

ThePerfect Placefor Honeymooners By: Rivers Singley Praslin Island, with its stunning white sand beaches and picture perfect views, it is a great place for newlyweds to spend their first weeks together. The island offers convenient transportation to other tropical islands, as well as plenty of activities like snorkeling and exploring the island forests. The island is inhabited by a mere 6,000 people, and has the sense of a deserted tropical island. The island is known for its being laid back, and its laid back atmosphere. People have often heard of the island, thanks to any magazine that has published it in its ?Top Ten List of Honeymoon Islands?, and thus has a great reputation. Not only is it a great place, but new couples often leave, thanking themselves for going to Just on of the beautiful sand beaches on Praslin Island. Praslin Island. As far as budget is concerned, there is a range in prices as far as hotels go. If you are one who has a deeper pocket, there are several luxury resorts on the island which are practically built for royalty. If you are more of a light spender, go a little less with hotels like The Crown Beach Hotel with rooms starting at 168 dollars a night. The only major concern would be airfare, ranging from 3,000 dollars to 10,000 dollars, if you fly first class. With only so many tropical islands to choose from, Praslin Island is the one to go with. It may seem like just another tropical island, but what makes it special is it?s location. Just south of the Arabian sea, located north of Madagascar, this island has beautiful turquoise waters, bright white sand beaches, and typically warm, comfortable weather. So if its a tropical vacation you?re looking for, sure, this one is the same as the others. But if you are looking for a tropical island vacation on the more luxurious side, Praslin Island is the way to go.

Food Trip! By: Mae Cowden-Garofalo Whether you are vacationing or on a work trip to Africa, you will need to know where to stop to get a bite to eat. There are many wonderful restaurants and street markets scattered all over Africa. You can learn so much about African cultures just by eating the food!

Here are a f ew great rest aurant s: The African Cafe - Cape Town, South Africa

The African Cafe is a colorful restaurant that offers excellent food. It perfectly captures the African vibe and culture!

GOLD Restaurant - Cape Town, South Africa

The GOLD Restaurant is a unique restaurant that shows the culture of Africa by starting off dinner with a lively drum session followed by a hand washing ceremony.

MAMA AFRICA - Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

MAMA AFRICA is a more traditional African restaurant that offers great food. Guests have choice of selecting local cuisines like impala, ostrich stew, and much more!

Ocean Basket - Nelspruit, South Africa

The Ocean Basket serves delicious and affordable sea food, fresh from the catch.

Some Food Fact s: Since olive oil is often used in cooking, olives are a very important local harvest in North Africa.

Across most of Africa, cattle are regarded as a symbol of wealth.

West African cuisine tends to rely on heavy starchy foods because they provide energy. An example of a common food is Fufu.

Family Vaction: Mahale By: Claire Morrison Are





of the fun.

unforgettable vacation? A place where

Mahale's main attraction is it's

your kids can experience nature while

outstanding number of wild chimps in

fishing, swimming, or monkey watching?

one area. Tourists can go see these

Where you can relax on the beach, go on

chimpanzees on Chimp Walks.



breakfast everyone 12 and older has the

magnificent view; Mahale is the perfect

option of going on a chimp walk. Those

place for you!

who want to go wait at the lodge while

walks, or




Greystoke Mahale is in a beautiful

trackers are up the hill looking for some

national park in Western Tanzania on

chimps. Once the chimps are spotted the trackers radio down to the guides, who then take the guests through a vigorous hike up the mountain to see the chimpanzees. The hike is very beautiful, and there is lots of wild life to be seen during the trip. The forest is very lush and full of vines, some parts are so steep

Chimps love to play in Mahale.

Lake Tanganyika. The staff are lovely, and the activities are like no other.

you might need to use the vines to get up. Seeing these marvelous primates in their natural habitat is a once in a life time opportunity. It is mind blowing how

In order to enjoy to fully enjoy

comfortable these sometimes dangerous

Mahale, it is recommended to stay at least

creatures are just 2 feet away from you.

6 days. Mahale has many activities such

The chimps' behavior varies; they could

as Chimp walks, monkey tours, fishing, act as if you're non-existent, or could boat tours, and listening to the guides' have conversations with the guides, but incredible stories. Any shorter than 6


days and you wont be able to cram in all





While the adults are hiking to see

the deck for cocktails and appetizers

Chimps, the others can play cards with the

before an extravagant dinner. That is

kind staff, go swimming, fishing or play

when the days fish are eaten as sushi, and

with Big Bird the pelican who was


stranded in Greystoke Mahale and raised

adventures with the chimps.

by the owners.











amazing place you could vacation with your family. No matter what age, there is always something to do. Whether you enjoy adventure or relaxing, Mahale is the place for you.

Big Bird flies twice a day, once in the morning to come down from his purch, and once in the evening, up to his purch to get away from predators.

Lake Tanganyika is so clear that you can see up to 15 feet deep. This makes it perfect for kayaking, because you can enjoy the view while on the water. Lake Tanganyka is a fresh water lake, which makes it ideal for swimming. In a way, it is just like a massive swimming pool on a white sand beach. The fish range in size, but they are all delicious. The fish are fairly easy to catch, which makes it more fun for little children. These activities can be enjoyed anytime of the day. Once it is dark, everyone goes up to

Relax and cool off with an ICEE!!!

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