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Table of Cont ent s NEWS 4 By: Myers Hogan

ISIS Becomes New World 10 By: Myers Hogan

The Persian Gulf 11 By: Beach Groome

Migrants Flee Libya to Avoid 12 By: Nicole Roach

Magazine Banned for Supporting White 13 By: Mary Mathews Parsons

You Have to See it to Believe it! 14 By: Mary Mathews Parsons

Recommended Activities to do in 16 By: Nicole Roach

Become a Voluntourist Today! 18 By Beach Groome

Table of Cont ent s Ar t s Sharm El Sheikh: A Honeymoon to 28 By: Mary Mathews Parsons

Are You Ready to Explore Dubai? 30 By: Nicole Roach

Get in Touch with Your Spiritual 32 By: Mary Mathews Parsons

Are you looking for a Harrowing, Hazardous Vacation? 34 By: Myers Hogan

Mind Your 37 By Beach Groome

Must Have 38 By: Mary Mathews Parsons

Are You a Foodie? 40 By: Nicole Roach

Get the Feel for 42 By: Myers Hogan

By: Myers Hogan

Libya becomes Ottoman

The First Crusade 1096 AD The First Crusade was called for by Pope Urban II to free the city of Jerusalem from Muslim rule.

The Exodus Expansion of Kushan 1446 BC Kingdom Moses leads the Isrealites out of slavery in Egypt.

16th century Libya becomes part of Ottoman empire along with Tripoltania, Cyrenaica, and Fezzan.

Akhenaton comes to power 1375 BC

78 AD

Akenaton possibly one of the more remarkable pharaohs, came to power in Egypt and taught the doctrine "One God" that still exists today.

Kanishka, king of the Kushan, enlarges the kingdom from Bactria into Uzbekistan, Kashmir and Punjab


WWI 1918

Formation of ISIS

WWI split the Middle East into numerous countries and territories ruled by European powers.

2014 The forces of ISIS began their attempts to make a fully united caliphate

Persian Gulf War Libyan Migration 1990 Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait. In retaliation the US fought back to help the invaded country

2011 After the Libyan Civil War, huge amounts of people began to cross the Mediterranean Sea by boat into Italy.


Magazine banned for White Marriage 2015 A woman's magazine in Iran was banned for the promotion of the marriage of white people.

Go Fur ther. By: Myers Hogan

Middle East news M.E.N.A.

North Africa

Libyan M igration



Woman's M agazine Banned

Islamic State of ISIS

Persian Gulf War

ISIS Becomes New Wor l d Thr eat

By: Myers Hogan

On June 29th, 2014 ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) declared it?s formation as an independent state, lead by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who rebelled against against the orders of Ayman al-Zawahri, the leader of Al-Qaeda. The announcement of a formal Islamic state made by insurgents in Syria and Iraq is a "declaration of war against the West

ISIS fighters use abandoned US Army vehicles to transport themselves over spaces of land.

hemisphere and al Qaida.? ISIS, as of now, is considered the most dangerous and most apparent threat in our world. Not only is their presence felt throughout the Middle East and Africa, it has been stated that there are also insurgents in Australia and many European countries, along with the United States. Just recently, fighters have taken the city of Ramadi, driving thousands of residents from their homes on search for safety. One year ago, on August 19, a reporter by the name of James Foley was executed on camera and the video

was then put on the internet threatening the death of another American if Obama did not cease all military actions in Iraq. Foley is not the only one, there have been many others since his death, all threatening more killings if their demands are not met. The murders are an effort to expand the Islamic State, or a caliphate, further into Iraq and Syria. Therefore, making all American citizens in Iraq or Syria very unsafe. Foley was seen forced into a car by armed gunmen and driven away. He was a reporter for the Global-Post and like many other young reporters, was drawn to Iraq after the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11. This trip however, lead to him being killed. Just recently the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have attacked the city of Ramadi. The city of Ramadi is 70 miles west of Baghdad and is the capital of the Anbr province which is smack dab in the middle of Iraq?s Sunni heartland. The fighters that we associate with ISIS are Sunni?s, who for hundreds of years have been fighting with the Shias. Both are sects of Muslims, but these groups were separated long ago, and now do not always agree. In Ramadi, the Sunni ISIS bombarded the city for days, killing many and ruining much of the city. At one point, even politicians and bankers


*SEE: ISIS, PG .20

r emember ing The Per sian Gul f War

By: Beach Groome

The Gulf war originally started between Iraq and Kuwait. Iraq had just come out of the Iran - Iraq war and was now being ?rebuilt?. But during this time period the dictator, Saddam Hussein, had been worried that his surrounding countries were stealing his resources. In 1979 the president of Iraq was replaced by Saddam Hussein and was automatically placed into war with Iran until 1989. In March 1989 Hussein signed an agreement with Saudi Arabia formalizing their border and the offered Kuwait the same agreement. Kuwait was afraid of destroying the new relations with Iran and refused to sign an agreement with Iraq. Saddam faced an economic crisis do to the over pumping of some Gulf States. He was mad that Kuwait exceeded the quota and sold its oil below the agreed floor price. The Iraqi government also said that Kuwait was stealing their oil. The Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz claimed Kuwait was illegally pumping too much oil from the Iraqi side of the border. Kuwait denied and stated the same allegations on Iraq. Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990. The Kuwaitis 20,000 man army was no match for Iraq's 100,000-man force and lost their capital in under a day. Within the first week of the attacks the UN security council called for the immediate withdrawal of all Iraqi troops out of Kuwait. President Bush imposed an embargo and tried to get the rest of the

world to accept it. Iraq did not comply with the demands set by the UN and the Gulf War started.

U.S. jets prepare for their air campaign.

By the second week the United States was sending 40,000 troops to Saudi Arabia and fifty war ships to the Gulf. In January the number of US and Coalition troops was over 500,000. The military coalition consisted of thirty-five countries. On January 16 coordinated air strikes began with stealth bombers against targets in Kuwait and Iraq including Baghdad. The allies launched a ground assault on February 24, within two days The Iraqi military was collapsing. On the 26th Kuwait said that we had driven Iraq out of the capital. The allies bombed the retreating Iraqis for forty hours. The Iraqi foreign minister Tariq Aziz flew to New York to work out a cease fire, and accepted the U.N. resolutions including




Thousands of migrants from Libya are

groups: the Nationalists and the Islamists.

fleeing the violence in their country by

The central government in Libya crashed,

taking small wooden or rubber boats across

and the United Nations is having trouble

the Mediterranean Sea to Italy. The amount

fixing it. Migrants are also fleeing because

of migrants fleeing Libya in May 2015 has

they are seeking asylum in

increased by 60% since the beginning of the

countries like Germany and Sweden. Khalifa

year. The journey is extremely dangerous, as

Haftar, head of the army in Tobruk declared

hundreds of migrants are forced onto tiny

that Libya will not work with the European

boats. From January to May 2015, around

Union unless the Libyan point of view is

1750 migrants have died, which is over 18

considered and included in their decision. In

times more than the 96 that died last year.

a EU meeting, it was decided that their plan


could include military efforts against migrant smugglers in the Mediterranean. Khalifa Haftar announced Libya would ?certainly not cooperate? if Libyans were not considered in the EU?s decision and that military efforts are ?an


decision.? ?The


approach will benefit Libya and its fight M igrants sail on the M editerranean in search of a better life.

against terrorism. And I repeat, that means

On the weekend of May first alone, more

lifting sanctions against Libya ? specifically

than 5800 migrants and 10 bodies were




army,? said


rescued near Libya from the small boats

Italy is one of the most popular

migrants travel in. Smugglers picked up over

countries in Europe for Libyans to migrate to.

6,500 migrants on busiest days of 2015,

An Italian island very close Libya receives

which were April 12th and 13th.

many migrants every day. The holding center

The people fleeing violence in Libya mainly flee from the conflict between two

in Lampedusa is housing around 1200 people, when it is supposed to hold only 250. Many migrants are forced to sleep outside. In



Magazine banned f or suppor t ing "Whit eMar r iage" By: Mary Matthews Parsons

Zanan-e Emrooz (Women of Today), a women?s magazine in Iran, was banned for supporting ?white marriage.? ?White marriage? describes couples who live together, but are not married. The magazine is said to go against the values of Islam and the national values of Even the cover of the magazine is Iran. The about ""White Marriage." issue?s cover depicted a young man and a young woman (clearly in a relationship) holding hands and walking back from getting groceries. The title stated ?White Marriage: Pain or Cure? and had articles about how ?white marriage? is becoming more popular throughout Iran and all of the world. The magazine?s readers, being mainly women, are angry about the banning of the magazine, but their opinions are not being voiced. The magazine?s founder, Shahla Sherkat, is accused of having ?western views.? She is also accused of being a feminist, which is rare in Iran. Sherkat was the founder of an older magazine

called Zanan (Women). Zanan was banned seven years prior to the opening of Zanan-e Emrooz, for support of women?s rights and for publishing articles about how women were not made to answer to a man?s beck and call. Zanan was Iran?s longest running and biggest women?s magazine ever, and many were outraged when it was shut down. Officials think Shahla is a nuisance and believe she needs to stop publishing her work. ?White marriage? is the practice of couples living together outside of wedlock. While technically not being illegal, many governmental officials strongly disagree with ?white marriage?, and many people are beaten and some are even killed. Officials call it ?ominous marriage? and say that it is against the values of Islam and the values of the nation. ?It is shameful for women and men to live together outside of marriage.? Although white marriage is frowned upon, a ?sigheh? marriage is allowed and supported throughout all of Iran. In a ?sigheh? marriage, a man and a woman are married temporarily, from a matter of minutes to 99 years. The number of ?white marriages?is wildly increasing throughout all of Iran. The reason why many couples are in a ?white marriage? is because these couples do not have the financial



You Hav e t o See it t o Bel iev e it ! By: Mary Matthews Parsons

Must See Dest inat ions Pet r a, Jor d an : Petr a is a city l ik e n o oth er. Its ar ch itectu r e is tr u l y u n iqu e becau se it was car ved fr om r ock by th e an cien t tr ibes th at on ce l ived th er e. Petr a is best viewed at su n set, as th e su n cascades r ays on to th e r ock s.

Cai r o, Egy p t : H ave you ever wan ted to see on e of th e seven won der s of th e wor l d? If so, you sh ou l d visit th e Pyr am ids of Egypt. Cair o is fil l ed with Egyptian cu l tu r e an d h as m an y m u seu m s th at wil l h el p you l ear n abou t An cien t Egypt.

Doh a, Qat ar : Th is r isin g city m ade it on th e m u st-see l ist for its im peccabl e sk yl in e. Its m oder n ar ch itectu r e pu ts a ch ic spin on you r tr ip to th e M iddl e East. Th is city is r isin g u p so qu ick l y th at it is even bein g cal l ed th e ?n ew Du bai!?


Du bai , Un i t ed Ar ab Em i r at es : Du bai is on e of th e m or e fam ou s M iddl e Easter n cities. It is h om e to th e tal l est bu il din g in th e wor l d an d th e l ar gest sh oppin g m al l in th e wor l d. If you wan t to feel l ik e r oyal ty, th is is th e pl ace for you ; it basical l y dr ips with l u xu r y.

Jer u sal em , I sr ael : Jer u sal em is a beau tifu l city to visit becau se of its spir itu al h istor y. W h eth er you ar e Jewish , M u sl im , or Ch r istian , Jer u sal em is an excel l en t pl ace to tr avel to.

Ist an bu l , Tu r k ey : On ce cal l ed Con stan tin opl e, Istan bu l is a beau tifu l city to expl or e. It is fil l ed with ol d r om an ar ch itectu r e th at is a site to see. If you wan t to l ear n abou t M iddl e Easter n cu l tu r e,




GO ON A HOT AIR BALLOON! Explore the desert of Dubai in a hot air balloon. Most rides take off right before dawn for a beautiful view of the sunrise. One of the best parts about these rides is that there is no set destination, so each ride is unique!

RIDE ON A CAMEL! If you find yourself by the Pyramids of Egypt, there is no better way to tour the area than on a camel! These rides are best during the sunset, where the incredible Call to Prayer from hundreds of Mosques around Cairo can be heard.


The Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world, which is why one of the most popular activities in Jerusalem is to float in the water. Floating on top the water is effortless and is a great way to relax.


SCUBA IN THE RED SEA! The Red Sea is full of colorful corals reefs that make for a stunning scuba dive! The thousands of fish and even sharks that inhabit the area will astound you and make you want to stay in the water forever.

Terres D?Amanar is an adventure park in Morocco that offers ziplining and dozens of other activities. The zipline is around 700 feet long and flies over a spectacular scenery of forests and rock features.


PARAGLIDE IN TURKEY! Kalkan, Turkey is a breathtaking place to go paragliding! The flight glides over the coast of Turkey at 600 meters high and lasts for about 30 minutes until you are safely landed on the ground.

Become a vol unt our ist Today!

By: Beach Groome

The "Summer Encounter" program is a 1 to 3 month volunteer opportunity in Bethlehem, Palestine. Participants study Arabic, live with a local family and work side-by-side with local schools, churches and nonprofits.

The Damascus Summer Encounter is a service learning and cultural immersion program for participants of all ages and nationalities. Participants volunteer with a local church, school or nonprofit; study Arabic through the Berlitz program; meet with local community and religious leaders; and explore the region through weekend trips to cities and sites of historical and cultural significance.

In Israel you can volunteer to join a workforce and build public attractions such as houses and schools. The cost of travel would be around 375 dollars to get into the volunteerism and stay for 3 months. You will use earth friendly building materials and will be working with local farmers and citizens to get in touch with the different culture.


Volunteers for peace or VEP offers a variety of project opportunities to volunteers. Volunteers can choose between two main types of trips, such as a long term and a short term. Short term is usually around 2 weeks while long term can be up to 4 weeks. Depending on what you choose, you could be farming, building, fundraising, or donating.

This form of voluntourism is meant to preserve and study the arts and visual accomplishments of countries around the world. The host of the project is a retired painter and most of the committee is made up of art enthusiast. But don?t let that stop you, this project is open to everyone and always getting bigger.

These opportunities are based around helping refugees in their situations. You will be raising public awareness about the refugees and support the centers that hold them. CEPAL and ACDI/VOCA are the most famous organizations that support these projects. Most of the projects are available in Gaza and the West Bank. While raising awareness the donations will be used to provide education to the refugees.



joined the fighting, alongside the soldiers and blue collar workers. Urgent need of military and security forces were needed. but in Iraq that is hard to come by. Citizens were quoted saying ?Just Allah knows if we will survive this.? Ramadi was

Executioners film the murders and post them on the internet to show to Western countries

eventually lost, and many lost homes and for some, their lives. ISIS is not entirely composed of just Middle Eastern extremists. Many British passport holders have been linked to the organization. Several of the filmed executions feature executioners with British accents.

It has been stated in many works of literature that, if the opponent is furnished with your own, it makes it all the more difficult to fight them. This is apparent here as well. At least 500 British citizens have decided to fight with ISIS against the Shia and against the West. Many professionals like Peter Neumann believe it is an enormous threat that will not blow over any time soon. ?The significance of today's announcement should not be underestimated,? he says. Also, ISIS?s appearance could also mean an end to America?s enemy (and the ones that carried out the attacks on the World Trade Center) Al Qaeda. If ISIS does succeed in remaking a united Muslim state, this will continue the peril of this Sunni organization upon the world.

Made in


Around the World


By: Myers Hogan



having to surrender its claims to Kuwait. On January 17th hours before the cease fire US air force bombers dropped 5,000 pound bombs on a command bunker outside of Baghdad in an attempt to kill Saddam Hussein but failed. Saddam was forced to agree on the cease fire and give up his nuclear and chemical weapons. Saddam reluctantly agreed to do so but only a short period of time past by before Saddam began to threaten other countries and the Iraq War began. The war was financed by counties that could not send troops to fight. More than fifty three billion dollars were pledged and received for the war effort. Saudi Arabia and Kuwait were some of the largest donors to the war effort and Switzerland also contributed to the allies.

Protester in the U.S. fighting against the choices of the government.

As majest ic as an eagl e...

...just 100 t ons more. By: Beach Groome



order to help Libya, Italy created a rescue

boat capsized. The temperature of the water

mission called Mare Nostrum, which rescued

often causes hypothermia. The survivors

17,000 people last year, but was shut down by the EU due to the cost. The EU started a new mission called Triton, which still rescues migrants, but on a smaller scale. The United Nations Refugee Agency believes more money should be spent on this issue, and wants to look into what the European Union Libyan migrants often leave from Tripoli and end up in Lampedusa or M alta.

is currently spending. Italy has also said it is willing to support a cease-fire, but this will

recounted being beaten or held at gunpoint

not happen until opponents in Libya agree

in order for more migrants to be loaded onto

with the decision.

the boat. Now that the weather is getting

Italy?s decision to stop Mare Nostrum

warmer, the number of migrants should rise

has been criticized due to the excessive

even more. Thankfully, the efforts being

amount of deaths in the Mediterranean

made by both Libya and Italy should

recently. Soon after the mission was stopped,

increase the safety of migrants and lower

approximately 800 migrants died when a

the death toll.

OBEY YOUR THIRST. By: Nicole Roach



stability to start a family, and therefore do not want to marry. Many people say that they cannot afford to pay for the rent that comes with a house big enough to hold a family. The people of Iran are suffering economically throughout the whole country, and this is what is thought to be causing the ?epidemic?of ?white marriage.? ?White marriage?is considered to Shahla Sherkat is founder of defy the values of Islam and the Zanan-e Emrooz and is national values of Iran, even though it considered a "western feminist." is not illegal, couples are punished with flogging. Although many government officials believe that ?white marriage? goes

against Islamic values, it is still a controversial topic, because many younger couples believe that ?white marriage? is necessary, because of their economic situation. Many women are angry that the magazine was banned, but their opinions are not being properly voiced.

R ead Al J az eer a! Th e best n ews com pan y in th e M iddl e East! By: Nicole Roach


By: Nicole Roach

Supplying you with high quality automobiles since 1962 By: Myers Hogan

Crude oil from a not so crude company. By: Beach Groome

Middle East Ar t s M.E.N.A.

North Africa


Baghdad, Iraq

Dubai, U nited Arab Emirates

Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt

M uscat, O man

Shar m El Sheikh: A honey moon t o r emember By: Mary Matthews Parsons

Just married? Well after planning an entire wedding for months and working 24/7, you deserve a break! Stay at one of the most relaxing cities in North Africa, Sharm El Sheikh! There are so many relaxing activities to do with your new spouse. Your troubles will just float away when you smell the beach air. Sharm El Sheikh, or Sharm, is the perfect honeymoon spot for relaxing and having fun.

Deep sea diving in Sharm El Sheikh is a must do. There is such a large variety of underwater life, it is like a city itself! The fish and the crustaceans are one a site to see, another great attraction is the amount of toilets in water due to a cargo ship sinking in the early 1900?s. There are beautiful coral reeves all around the water . You and your spouse will fall in love with each other even more after seeing a whole new world together, because new experiences are great for newly weds.

Not up for deep sea diving, but love the water? Try water skiing or Parasurfing! Para-surf with your significant other and admire each other up in the air with the wind in your hair, or watch each other slide across the water! If you don?t know how to water ski, take a beginners class with one of the many skiing classes available.


Rather be in the water than flying above it? Then how about swimming and playing around with the dolphins? Even share a kiss with one, but make sure your partner doesn?t get jealous. Simply relax in the water as the smell of the beach air relaxes you from head to toe.

Feel your stress melt away as you tan on the beach. The calm waves are just what you need after all that stressful wedding planning! The Sharm beaches are perfect for relaxing with your partner and if you want to swim, you can leave your phone behind! No more stressful phone calls from those pesky new in-laws!

Stay at one of many five star luxury hotels. The hotels are perfect for romantic getaways with room service, clean rooms, and beautiful views from windows looking straight to the beach. Calm and quiet, which is just what you need. After one of the most stressful, yet amazing time of your life, let the hotel staff take care of you and all of your problems. Eat some gourmet food at the many restaurants the hotels have. After all, you deserve it.


Ar eyou r eady t o ex pl or e dubai? By: Nicole Roach

Are you an adventure-seeking traveler who is looking for a city with enough extreme activities to suit your crazy interests? Whether you want to explore the water, the sky, or the desert, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has dozens of activities that will give you the adrenaline rush you crave.

If you want to travel the desert, try taking a desert safari. A four-wheeled car will take you on a fast pace course over the sand dunes of the desert. You can even try sand boarding, where you will be pulled along the back of the car on a sandboard and attempt to do stay on. There are plenty of companies that provide desert safaris, and some have the opportunity to ride camels, too!

Skydive Dubai, the best skydiving company in the United Arab Emirates, allows daredevils to jump out of a plane at 4,000 meters in the sky. A period of free-fall lasts for about a minute until a parachute is pulled and there is a less intense float to the ground. The whole experience is captured by a cameraman to make the memories last forever.


A similar alternative to skydiving is bungee jumping. Jumpers are attached to an elastic rope by their ankles and jump from over 50 meters high! Not only does this experience include a free-fall, but the bounce from the elastic rope adds yet another exhilarating aspect. A cameraman documents the thrill in this activity, too, and a Burj Khalifa backdrop can be set up for a more scenic photo.

Looking for an adventurous option that will keep you out of the Middle Eastern heat? Ski Dubai is an indoor skiing range with courses made for beginners, professionals, and anything in between. There is even a snowboard pipe that is 90 meters long for those who would prefer to practice their snowboarding skills instead. All clothing and equipment is provided.

Flyboarding is a new and entertaining water sport where participants are strapped onto a board and can fly about 10 meters above the water! The board is connected to a long water pipe that is then attached to a water ski. Once water pressure is exerted, the flyboarder is sent flying into the air! Boarders can leap and bound around the water, and with some experience, they can try flips and other tricks.


GeT iN t ouch wit h your spir it ual side By: Beach Groome

Looking for a spiritual place to get away? One where you are opened to your religion and others? Then how about a trip to Muscat, Oman! Oman is a great get away with plenty of culture and activities. Oman has been exposed to many different cultures. It was once controlled by the Portuguese and was involved with slave trade that brought different beliefs in. The British soon had control for a short period of time before it declared its independence.

Within Oman there are many different religious boundaries. Out of the nearly 3.5 million occupants 25% are Sunni Muslims because of the large amount of migrants from south Asia. Although law declares that Muslim is the state religion, there are too many foreigners to keep the law under constant control. There are areas that have been created to house religious freedom to all foreigners. These places are also considered their own states, such as The capital Muscat, Sohar, and Salalah. The states of freedom protect the rights of Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Hinduism, Shiva, Krishna and various Protestant congregations. How about some sites? Muscat contains many different fun and entertaining places and activities, but the main attractions is its collection of over five must see religious sights.

Al Alam Palace

Sultan Qaboose Grand M osque


Muscat is a great choice to relax and touch in with your spiritual side. After a day of exploring the holy, you can unwind at the Shatti al-qurm beach, or be social at Muttrah souq market which is famous for its vendors. The sites are perfect especially after sundown, then the town turns a dark orange brown color and the shadows are cast along the walls of blank white buildings that are magnificent to explore.

Bait al zubair

M uhammad al ameen mosque

Muscat is best to visit in late July through October so you will miss the heavy rainfalls and extreme temperatures. The daily price to live in Muscat is around 377 dollars, if you're an impulse shopper. So what are you waiting for? Book your flights today!


Ar e You Looking f or a Har r owing, Hazar dous Vacat ion? By: Myers Hogan

Of all the places in the Middle East or North Africa, Baghdad, Iraq is among the most dangerous to visit. Although it is a historically rich and diverse place, it?s streets are racked with danger , disease, and pollution. Since 2012, insurgent action has increased into a daily event. Most governments are reluctant to allow their citizens to travel there, on account of the severe security situation that is taking place in the city. Baghdad has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world and is the capital of one of the most hostile countries in the world.

The polluted water of the city makes drinking hazardous.

The landscape of Baghdad is somewhat countered by it's violence.

The city does not have a proper waste water treatment system and dumping causes many streams to become to polluted to drink. The roads of Baghdad are difficult to navigate, however it's historic sites can make it worth the drive . They are uneven and very dangerous to navigate, some more ticklish than others. Traffic and drivers make auto accidents common. Mosquitoes pose a real danger as they carry many lethal diseases (like malaria) and some types make large marks on the skin that can flake off and become severely infected., but other types of desert wildlife are much more pleasant to encounter. If not given immediate medical attention, these spots can scar and provide an exotic reminder of your spectacular visit to Iraq.


The biggest problem Baghdad is facing now is the presence of ISIS fighters in and out of the city and the rising insurgency of radical Muslims. Daily there are attacks upon the city by the insurgents. Car bombs, IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), and shootings wreak havoc across the city. Very few are completely safe and all need to be careful. Local leaders attempt to band together groups of men to fight this threat, but the population is divided between completely indifferent and radically passionate. A man was asked to obey and he answered "We don't take our orders from the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, even though he's a fellow Shiite," He says "No, we do not. We take our orders only from our leader."

ISIS is also wrecking havoc upon the once peaceful city of Baghdad. Fighters entered the country long ago, and have worked village to village to gain a foothold in Iraq. Foreigners are highly advised to be accompanied by guides, for the group has been known to behead Americans and then place the film on the internet.


ISIS fighters take many border towns that lead to the heart of the country, which just so happens to be Baghdad.

Car bombs are a very real threat in Baghdad, you may want to consider this before you travel here.

I would be very careful within the city of Baghdad. By the way, it just so happens to be a no fly zone too, so do not plan on taking a leisurely sight seeing flight over it either.


Buy St. Ives f ace wash!

It's microbead free!

By: Nicole Roach

By: Mary Matthews Parsons

By: Mary Matthews Parsons


By: Beach Groome

In m ost M iddle Easter n and Nor th Afr ican countr ies it is custom ar y to dr ess w ith your shoulder s and legs cover ed. Although the nor m al dr ess code is less for m al and, failur e to do so could be r esponded w ith insults and even spitting. Nor m ally w om en do not w alk alone.

It is also im por tant to have kind fir st im pr essions, EVERYONE is your fr iend. Respect is one of the m ost tr easur ed aspects, only shake hands and eat w ith your r ight hand. The left hand is r eser ved for anything that has to do w ith filth.

Befor e accepting gifts alw ays decline the fir st couple of attem pts and once they insist, then you should accept. If food is offer ed, do not eat the entir e por tion because that could show an insufficiency.

The r ole of the host is extr em ely im por tant. Hospitality could be show ed in differ ent w ays. Such as a visit to a m ar ket and buying item s that the guest w ants. W hile at the m ar kets, vendor s ar e know n to bar ter their pr ices and item s.


MUST HAVE SOUVENIRS By; Mary Matthews Parsons

Cam el 's M i l k Ch ocol at e: I t m ay sou n d str an ge, bu t cam el m il k

ch ocol ate is on e sou ven ir you h ave to br in g h om e with you . If you ar e tr avel l in g in th e M iddl e East, th is tasty decaden ce is a m u st h ave.

Car p et s: Fr om Ir an an d Afgh an istan , th ese beau tifu l l y col or ed car pets ar e a m u st h ave sou ven ir. Th is exotic piece of decor wil l spice u p you r fl oor wh er ever you l ive.

Dagger : A khanjar or tr adition al m iddl e easter n dagger th at is cu r ved. If you ar e l ook in g a tr u l y tr adion al M iddl e Easter n sou ven ir, a khanjar is th e way to go, bu t car efu l , th is is on e sou ven ir th at is n ot for you r car r y on . ..


for BE

W at er f r om t h e Dead Sea: It m ay seem str an ge to tak e a jar of water back h om e, bu t water fr om th e r ed sea is ver y sal ty, an d th is is th e sea th at m oses par ted, m ak in g it al l th e m or e special . H avin g a jar of water for decor ation is a gr eat con ver sation star ter.

Gol d Jew el r y : Becau se th er e is su ch an abu n dan t am ou n t in Du bai, th e pr ice of gol d is qu ite l ow. Th e ?Du bai Gol d Sou k ? is on e of th e l ar gest gol d m ar k ets in th e wor l d. Br in gin g h om e an exotic piece of gol d jewel r y is on e sou ven ir you can ?t pass u p.

Sp i ces : Th ese ar e n ot on l y for givin g you r food a k ick . Som e spices m ak e you r h om e sm el l am azin g, bu t som e spices ar e ju st so beau tifu l an d fu l l of col or, you wil l ju st wan t to pu t th em on a sh el f an d star e at th em .

Per f u m e: In du l ge you r sen ses with som e Ar abian per fu m e. Fr agr an t an d al l u r in g, th is is on e sou ven ir you can ?t l eave th e M iddl e East with ou t.


A R E YO U A By: Nicole Roach

Ab u

S h u k r i:

If you are interested in eating at a classic Middle Eastern restaurant, Abu Shukri is the ideal candidate. This restaurant in Jerusalem prepares delicious food in both an Israeli and a Lebanese style. A customer favorite is the humus, which is often referred to as the best humus in town! In addition to the amazing humus, Abu Shukri serves a variety of appetizers and salads that you won?t be able to resist!

B o o k s @Ca f e : Books @ Cafe is a small restaurant and bookstore just 10 minutes away from downtown Amann. This cafe is situated on top of a hill with a beautiful view of Amann, which makes it a perfect place to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee. One must-eat is falafel, which is a widely popular dish of both tourists and locals. Not only does this cafe have fantastic food, but the great service combined with friendly people will make for an amazing experience overall.

S OFR A : Sofra is a restaurant in Luxor, Egypt, that is located in an old 1930?s house. The restaurant is isolated from the tourists of the city and is full of truly beautiful Egyptian decor and furniture. Some of the foods offered include stuffed pigeon, duck, salad, and a variety of dips and appetizers. The cafe on the roof is a lovely place to stop if you are craving some tasty food but don?t have the time to stop by for a full meal.

L e

Pe t it

Be u r :

Le Petit Beur in Rabat, Morocco is a fabulous restaurant that is best known for serving their signature Moroccan and North African dishes. Some of the best meals offered are pastilla; a Moroccan meat pie, tajine; a North African stew, and couscous. At night, the servers transform into musicians and play excellent music that will turn your meal into an exotic dinner and show!



Here are some tasty restaurants that you have to try in MENA!

Humus from Abu Shukri

The outside of Abu Shukri

The upstairs cafe of Books@Cafe

The Egyptian decorations of Sofra

The inside of Books@Cafe

The rooftop cafe of Sofra

The entrance to Le Petit Beur

The dining area of Le Petit Beur



By: Myers Hogan

By: Myers Hogan

Before travelling, it is alw ays good to get a feel of the place you are going to. Below are several great movies that w ill help you understand the M iddle East and North Africa better in a fun and exciting w ay.

Law rence of Arabia is a tale of a young British officer that goes to fight in the M iddle East during WWI. This man divides up the M iddle East into w hat it is today, w hich w ere governed by different European pow ers.

In an airport in Amman, a group of children mistake a janitor for an airline pilot. The janitor, happy for company, entertains the kids w ith fabricated stories of his journeys around the w orld, w hile telling them to follow their dreams.


Filmed in Kalispell and M orroco, Hidalgo is the story of a retired Pony Express rider that journeys to the M iddle East to compete in a thousand mile long horse race.

Journey to M ecca is set in 1325 and follow s the character Ibn Battutah from Tangiers to the holy place of M ecca.

Taken 2 is set in Istanbul, Turkey, and follow s the story of Brian M ills and his family. After they travel to Turkey, he and his w ife are taken leaving his daughter to help them escape.

The Hurt Locker is the story of a young Explosive Ordinance Disposal in the Iraq War assigned to a Army bomb squad.


By: Nicole Roach

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