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May 2015

Des t i n a t i o n

A m er i c a s



By: Farrell Chatelain

Contents 07



New s 07 Timeline 10 Tsarnaev Faces Trial for Boston Bombing 13 US-Cuba Relations Normalized After Years of Isolation 15 Rioting for Peace 17 Copa America 19 Where to Go 20 Flags Quiz 21 6 Must-Do Activities in the Americas 23 Travel to Change




43 Arts City Profiles 29 Buenos Aires 31 Boston 33 Tegucigalpa 35 Rio de Janeiro 37 Markets Across the Americas 39 Souvenirs 41 Manners 43 Movies in Americas

4 1


The Americas Timeline

On July 20th, On January 1st, Neil Armstrong Canada, Mexico, On September and the United On August 28th, stepped on the moon becoming Martin Luther 28th, Central States put the America won North American King Jr. led the the first man to walk on the march on their freedom Free Trade moon. Washington. from Spain. Agreement.

On September 11th, two planes crashed into the world trade center in New York.

1812 1994 1963 1969 2001 7

2010 2015 2015 2015 2015 On February 12th, the Vancouver Winter Olympics began.

On March 1st 12th, the Copa America Pregames were held in Chile.

On March 4th, Tsarnaev's trial began for the Boston bombing attack.


On April 10th and 11th, President Obama met with Raul Castro to normalize relations between the United States and Cuba.

On April 19th 28th there was a series of riots in Baltimore, Maryland as a result of the death of Freddie Grey.

Tsarnaev Faces Trial For Boston Bombing By: Grace Allen On April 19th, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was found hiding in a boat in Watertown,


Dzhokhar and his brother, Tamerlan, carried out the Boston Bombing of 2013. Tamerlan was later killed after a shootout with the police but Dzhokhar was arrested. He is now in trial and has been convicted for 30

counts from

the bombing

including 17 that could send him to death row. The next trial will determine if he faces the death penalty. Two pressure cooker explosives were set off near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, on Boylston Street. Tamerlan and Dzhokhar were seen placing two packages on the ground and walking away. There were two explosions, the second one right after the first, that killed three


people and injured 264. Medical

tents meant for runners became emergency

counts from the 2013 attack. ?Today?s verdict

tents for bomb victims. Many people turned

will never replace the lives that were lost and

to help the injured by carrying them to safety

so dramatically changed, but it is a relief, and

or wrapping their wounds. The two men

one step closer to closure,? said Jeff Bauman,

disappeared into the crowds and the search

who lost both legs in the bombing. On the


next phase of the trial, the jury will decide

The brothers killed MIT security officer Sean

whether Dzhokhar will be in jail for the rest

Collier while on the run. The police caught up

of his life or face the death penalty.

to them and engaged in a shootout that left

The prosecution depicted Dzhokhar and

Tamerlan injured. He died soon after when his

his brother as a terrorist team that wanted to

brother hit him with a car trying




nightmare.? The " Today' s defense argued Ver dict will never that he was r eplace the lives that wer e following the lost and so dr amatically lead of his changed..." older brother, Tamerlan. They are - Jeff Bauman

to flee. Police took Dzhokhar custody

into later

that day. ?The incidents


those days have forever left a mark on



City,? Governor

trying to get him off of Charlie

death row. The defense flew in his

Baker said. Many people saw it as a terrorist

Russian relatives who have all described him

attack and thought they were motivated by

as a sweet boy who always looked up to his

terrorist organizations. Later on, it was

brother. They also described their family as

believed that they wanted to die as martyrs.

joining the Islamic faith and how his brother

Now, it is seen that the brothers were

was completely radicalized the last time they

motivated by religion and had no terrorist

saw him. ?There was never an occasion when


he didn't have a smile on his face," said Naida Dzhokhar?s trial started on March 4,

Suleimanov, who used to babysit the boys.

2015, where the jury convicted him on 30


The second trial that determines if Cont inue reading on pg. 25.

By: Nigel Tatum

Get Lionel Messi's new signature soccer cleats Pibe de Barr10 from the There will be Haters collection

U.S.-Cuba Relation s Norm alized After Decades of Isolation By: After half a century of isolation,

This meeting was the first time the top

Barack Obama, President of the United

leaders of Cuba and the U.S. met in 50

States, and Raul Castro, President of Cuba,




better will

believe relations benefit


and the U.S. began as a result of the Cold




years after the


countries. Obama first mentioned


The tension between Cuba


Cuba because they both




between the U.S. and

years. ?This is obviously an important



Evie Gom ila


relations in December, but the


Cold War ended, the




friction still remained. Cuba and the U.S. cut off all interactions with each other,

two leaders did not meet until April.



trade. When



leaders of these two countries broke the

Obama and Castro have begun to

standstill and met for the first time in 50

normalize relations and are both optimistic

years on April 11th, Obama stated his belief,

about the future. Both Obama and Castro

?It [is] time to try something new,? and that

believe that this mending will take time

?[Cuba and the U.S.] are now in a position

and that there will be disagreements. ?We

to move toward the future.? Both leaders

are willing to discuss everything, but we


need to be patient, very patient. We might







disagreements and focus on the future. As Cuba and the U.S. relations begin to heal, changes are being made to connect the once estranged countries. Airplane flights to Cuba are beginning to be scheduled more often, and ferry trips from Florida to Cuba are being arranged. ?This is a big hurdle to overcome,? Joseph Hinson, president of Baja Ferries, says in reference Obama and Castro Shake hands wile meeting in Panama.

to the progress being made in the ferry business from Cuba to the U.S. The most significant change in politics, however, is Cuba?s removal


the U.S. ?State

Sponsors of Terror? list, a list of countries who sponsor terror. This decision took careful consideration from both Obama and The State Department. Changes in policy will

continue to

be made as both

governments work toward the common goal of ending the tension between the

disagree on something today on which we could agree tomorrow,?Castro said referring to the uncertain aspects of the new interactions between the two countries. Obama believes, ?[T]here is a strong majority both in the United States and in Cuba that says our ability to engage, to open up commerce and travel and people to people exchanges is ultimately going to be good for Cuban people.?

countries and normalizing relations. The renewal of relations between


Cont inue reading on pg. 25.

Riot ing For Peace Welcome to Baltimore, the city where

extreme amounts of force to get him into

riots have been taking place as people go

the van and that injured but the six officers

to the streets because of one man's death, Freddie Gray. On April 12th, 2015 25 year old Freddie Gray was taken



custody because he was



switchblade in a bad part of town where drugs are trafficked daily. There

By: Farrell Chat elain


"Th e

otherwise. The six

claimed that Mr. Gray did as he

c o mmu n i t y n eed s t o h ea r f r o m u s. w e h a v en 't been pa r t o f t h e so l u t i o n , a n d n o w w e h a v e t o ev o l v e. Now w e h a v e t o c h a n g e." -Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

were multiple bystanders


asked and the cuffed him and brought him to the



some force since he didn?t want to stand up and walk to the van but once they put him in the van he showed no

signs of injury. When Gray

but one claimed to know Freddie personally,

was let out of the van at the booking station

while the officers were arresting Mr. Gray the

with police they said he couldn?t breathe so

bystander claimed that the officers used

that called and ambulance. Freddie Gray was


in the hospital from

cameras installed in Baltimore to prevent

April 12th to April

these incidents from happening and to lower

19th when he died

crime rate. Just before the riots occurred


though, Mrs. Blake made a key mistake by







saying ?We would understand if the general


public went to the streets for venting their

and the six officers involved have been suspended


anger?, this led people to behave in a Freddie Gray


disgraceful notice.

manner. People flipped and

smashed cop cars, burned down small business, and looted and burned a CVS

Freddie Gray was a citizen of Baltimore born on 1985, he has had a very dark past

pharmacy before the police could fully stop the riot.

that overshadows him still to this day though. Since 2008, Mr. Gray has been convicted of 23 crimes and 12 of them have been distribution of narcotics (drugs) and another eight are related to narcotics. As mentioned Gray had a large issue with drugs, he had been caught 20 times dealing and/or possessing them as well. Freddie was also arrested in the part of town that he was typically caught dealing and possessing

Rioters destroying a cop car as a result of Freddie Gray's death.

drugs in so there was an added suspicion

The city where recent riots occur all

when he was seen with a switchblade.

because of one unknown and unclear mistake over one man named Freddie Gray.


He was taken into police custody and when

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said on the news

let out the van was unable to breathe so

that there will be many more security

they called an ambulance.



incident, the


Cont inue reading on pg. 26.

Copa America By: Nigel Tatum Central America is a very small, diverse

are planning on putting the cup final in

place filled with very interesting countries.

Estadio Nacional. Next year will be their 100

Soccer is most of these countries favorite

year anniversary.

pastime. The world of soccer consist of many

Copa America has 12 teams, each from the

great tournaments. Unlike the World Cup or

Americas (South America, North America,

the UEFA (Union of European Football

Central America). 10 of the 12 teams are

Associations) Champions League, there is

CONMEBOL members, which are, (Argentina,

also the Copa America. Copa America in

Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay,

Spanish means ?American Cup?or ?Cup of the

Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela). The

Americas?. This tournament takes place in the

other teams are a part of CONCACAF,

beginning of summer, and Central America is

(Confederation of North, Central American,

prepared for it. Chile is hosting the Copa

and Caribbean Associations of Football) like

America this year. There are eight cities in

the United States, Mexico, Jamaica, and Costa Rica. Many look on this as supporting their favorite team or players. Others look at this as a time for the Americas to come together as one. The held winner of this competition is Uruguay. People usually predict the results of the competition from earlier performance of the teams in the FIFA World Cup. Using

Copa America Trophy

this theory, they predict that Argentina or Chile, in which some of the matches are taking place. It is taking place in Antofagasta, La Serena, Valparaíso, Rancagua, Temuco,

Brazil may have a chance of winning. CONMEBOL





Football(soccer) Confederation. CONCACAF is

Concepción, Viña del Mar, and Santiago. They


the Confederation of North American, Central American,



The Copa America tournament was


founded in 1916 by Argentina. It was one of

Argentina holds the record for the most

the first soccer tournaments that have teams

points in the Copa America. The top scorer of

from central american, north american, and south American teams competing. It is the oldest




competition in the world. It is also one of the most prestigious and one of the most widely viewed sporting event in the world. Before this tournament included Central and North America, it was only South America that was involved in the tournament. This tournament actually used to be called Campeonato Sudamericano de Football or (South American Championship of Football). The Copa America this year is a huge impact for not just societies in the Americas, but

Ronaldo and Brazil win the Copa America of 1997

also a huge impact throughout the entire all-time in the Copa America is held by


Zizinho of Brazil and Norberto Mendez of Argentina. Uruguay



the with

record 15





Argentina holds 2nd for most championships with 14 wins. Brazil holds third with 8 wins. Many legendary soccer players like PelĂŠ, and Diego Maradona, and Ronaldo have played in this tournament once before. But, this is the first time that this tournament has ever been played outside of South America.


Luis Suarez kisses the trophy, as Uruguay won the Copa Amezrica of 2011.

W here to Go Yellowstone National Park, located in the USA, attracts many nature lovers. Its steaming geysers, multicolored pools, and hiking trails will never leave you bored.

Niagara Falls, a beautiful waterfall located on U.S.-Canada border, provides views that are unmatched. The 170 ft drop is the main attraction but is accompanied by museums, wineries, and casinos.

Tikal, Guatemala is filled with the remains of an ancient Mayan civilization surrounded by lush forests. The steep sided temples mixed with beautiful greenery creates an incomparable image that will stick with you for life.

The Galapagos Islands, located off the coast of Ecuador, are a terrific place for animal lovers and scientists who want to learn more about evolution.

Machu Picchu is one of the most well known Incan remains. This mystical city is located in Peru and can be reach by a train or by hiking. This beautiful, ancient society is sure to capture your attention.

Easter Island is the home of the sacred stone figures, the Moai. These ancient statues combined with the beautiful beaches make this Chilean Island the perfect place to visit.


W h at cou n tr ies do th ese fl ags bel on g to? By: Gr ace an d Evie







(An wer s: 1. U.S.A , 2. Br azil , 3. Col om bia, 4. Cu ba, 5.Can ada, 6. M exico


Six Must-Do Activities in the Amer icas By: Nigel Tatum

Climbing Mount Rainier is an activity that many will not experience again. Mount Rainier is the most glaciated peak in the United States. Every year thousands of people climb this 14,140 foot active volcano. Its an activity that is unforgettable.

Skiing or snowboarding in Colorado is a great activity for the whole family. Overall, Colorado has the largest ski resorts in the nation. Most ski and snowboard resorts open earlier and stay open later in the season than anyone else. (October to late April)

Hang Gliding in Rio is an activity that is fun for all ages. It is one of the best wind sports. The best thing about this activity is that it doesn't require any skill. You would just fly over the beautiful city of Rio.


Hiking in Yosemite National Park. Yosemite National Park is one of the most notable parks in USA. Hiking through the Yosemite Waterfall tall as a 200-story building. It has more than 800 miles of trails.

Surfing in Hawaii is one of the most popular activities in the USA. If guest don't know how to surf, there are surfing lessons. The best location to catch the biggest waves is North Shore of Oahu. Many gather in this area to ride the world's best waves.

Bicycle riding through Patagonia, Andes Mountains, and all over Argentina is a great activity. Bike riding is an activity for the whole family. Through Argentina's stunning rock formations and the rain forests. This bicycle riding adventure is one you will never forget.


Traveling to Change By: Farrell Chatelain

M aui Sur fer Foundat i on - M al i bu, Cal i forni a T he Surfer Foundation is a volunteer activity where anyone can help clean up the barrier reef and sea shores to help preserve the environment. T hey use boats and travel to the reefs where they pick up trash to help preserver the reefs as they are becoming extinct.

Habi t at For Humani t y - New Orl eans, Loui si ana For people traveling to Louisiana, you can help rebuild houses for the homeless in the U pper N inth Ward, Seventh Ward, N ew O rleans East, H ollygrove, the West Bank and Central City neighborhoods.

Tampa Bay Wat ch - Tampa Bay, Fl ori da Volunteers can help build clay filters for oysters to help maintain the clean water. T hese filter feeders help keep the ocean clean and feed oysters and adult oysters can clean up to 10 gallons of water too.


W WOOFi ng Worl dwi de Fi el dwork Canada If you are traveling to Canada, you can help grow plants organically. T he foundation W WO OF or World W ide O pportunities on O rganic Farms organization have created programs for volunteers so that they can help grow organic food for the people. If you specifically travel to British Columbia, Canada you will find 900 different organic farms to volunteer at.

PROBI GUA - Guat emal a If education and helping children learn how to do business and read is a big deal for you then this is the program for you. PROBIGUA or Proyecto Bibliotecas Guatemalan Library Project help kids learn how to read so that they can excel in classes. Anyone from around the globe can help the children learn how to read their books as well.

Have a W hal e of a Ti me - Hawai i For people who love the sea and can?t get enough of the island life this is the volunteer work you?ve been looking for. T his volunteer group sits on a high rock on H awaii and takes pictures of each whale they see, they also count the amount of whales seen to gauge what is happening with the population.


Tsar naev Faces Tr ial For Boston Bombing cont. fr om pg. 11 Dzhokhar lives or dies began April 21st and ended May 15th. The second trial was much longer than the first trial lasting 25 days. Dzhokhar is being held in the Federal Medical Center Devens in Massachusetts until he will be killed by lethal injection. When the verdict was announced Dz did not have a reaction and remained in his seat in silence. Victims from the bombing now rest assured

Tamerlan(left) and Dzhokhar(right) Tsarnaev

knowing that Dzhokhar won't live another day out of federal prison.

U.S.-Cuba Relations Nor malized After Decades of I solation cont. fr om pg. 14 Cuba and the U.S. has received mixed

Opening contact between the nations is a

responses. Cubans and Latin Americans are

very controversial topic that will continue to


be discussed.






Americans. Marco Rubio, a White House

Today, Cuba and the U.S. are still

Senator, calls the new movement, ?a victory


for oppression.? Former Governor Jeb Bush

relationship, and while progress is being

sees the actions being taken to standardize

made, this problem will not be solved





connections with Cuba as a ?policy misstep.? overnight. As policies continue to change, Not everyone agrees with Rubio and Bush. tension may rise, but Obama and Castro For Example, Senator Jeff Flake and Senator continue to remain hopeful and optimistic Dick Durbin proposed a bill that if passed

in the countries?futures as they normalize

will end travel restriction between nations.


Open h appin ess 25

By: Evie Gomila

NUANCEBy Salma Hayek

By: Evie Gomila

Rioting For Peace cont. fr om page. 16 After seven days in the

documentation of these events later in time.

hospital from April 12th to the 19th he died

So there are riots over one person dying and

of a spinal cord injury that was unknown of how the injury came around. After many protested





Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said ?We would understand if the general public went to the streets for venting their anger? and the people of Baltimore took to the streets vandalising houses and burning business and even flipping cars. After the police came, they arrested and ran off all the protesters a meeting was held with the mayor. She said that they would make sure there would be

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (left) defending the way she handled the riots at a press confrence.

our security systems couldn?t catch the incident and we are supposed to grant justice for all but is it always a guarantee?

more cameras installed so they could have


To u c h t h e sk y !

Call 1-800-SAILING For parasailing, snorkeling, and jet skiing

By: Grace Allen


Buenos Aires By: Grace Allen

Looking for an urban oasis for your honeymoon but do not want to pay the costly airfare? Well look no further! Buenos Aires is the honeymoon destination for you! You and your sweetheart can spend a romantic honeymoon in Buenos Aires without spending all your money. The modern shops and hotels are blended with the rich history of the city. Buenos Aires offers romance, fine dining and an incredible atmosphere. It even nicknamed ?The Paris of South America?. To start your romantic getaway, book a flight to Ministro Pistarini, the international airport of Buenos Aires. Once in the city, taxis are the best mode of transportation. Underground transportation is not the safest and is often avoided by the locals. Check in to the posh and upscale Recoleta hotel to start your vacation. Another romantic hotel is Alvear Palace which is surrounded by modern malls and quaint shops. A week is the perfect amount of time for you to fully experience Buenos Aires?rich culture. You can grab cocktails at Gran Bar Danzon or go to a wine tasting at the Four Seasons?Pony Line


Bar. If you are looking for a little more culture, you can head over to a tango club, like Salon Canning, to dance the night away. If you need to learn the moves before you take on the clubs stop by Alvear Palace for some dance lessons. If you want more of a show, check out Rojo Tango Cafe de los Angelitos or Gala Tango. Tango dancers in Buenos Aires

Need a break from the hustle and bustle of the city? Take an hour train ride over to Tigre. The city has a series of rivers and canals that allow for long romantic boat rides. You can even rent a cabin on your own private island for the night. In Los Bosques de Palermo, you can stroll through a garden with more than 12,000 rose bushes. With a lake surrounded by trees and a running track, it?s a peaceful place to rent a paddle boat or spend the afternoon. Not much of an outdoors person? Do not worry! El Ateneo is an old theatre that is now a bookstore. The stage was transformed into a cafĂŠ and the viewing boxes make quiet places to read. The world famous Teatro Colon is a must see on your visit to Buenos Aires. The gigantic opera house has stunning chandeliers




murals all along the ceiling. Not to mention, the acoustics in the theatre are superb. When booking your trip, do not forget that the seasons are the opposite of the northern hemisphere?s, so the best times to visit are March through May or September through November. During these months, the weather is perfect. Whether

Teatro Colon

you and your other half are dancing the night away or taking a relaxing boat ride, Buenos Aires will make the perfect honeymoon destination for you.



By: Evie Gomila

The city of Boston is filled with history but also many exciting activities for traveling families. Boston offers a wide range of activities for all ages. The city?s diverse population is filled with both academic individuals and resilient citizens who are ready for anything. Are you looking for historical landmarks, extraordinary museums, and action-packed baseball games? Boston?s mix of historical and innovative landmarks make Boston, Massachusetts the place to be! Boston played a major role in US history. English Puritans fleeing persecution first founded Boston in 1630. In 1639, the college Harvard was founded. Many old cemeteries from the 1600s can still be found in Boston, including The Old Granary Burying Ground. Many major events of the American revolution occurred in Boston, including the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea party, placing Boston at the heart of our country?s founding. During the 1800s, Boston attracted many immigrants, most prominently the victims of the famine in Ireland. Boston?s role in America?s history shows in its many attractions that are perfect for traveling families. The New England Aquarium is a famous attraction for kids and is appropriately located



the Boston

waterfront. The Boston?s

Children?s Museum is another must see while in Boston with your children. The BCM offers many fun activities for kids, including the beloved climbing structure. The Museum of Science and the Museum of Fine Arts are admired stops if you are looking for more sophisticated museums for older kids. If your family has fans of gardens and art, the Isabella The aquarium in Boston is a must see.

Stewart Gardner Museum is the place to go.

The Freedom Trail is a favorite for families to take part in. The Freedom Trail offers a tour of all of Boston?s most famous and historical locations while walking at your own pace. You can chose to take the tour with guide or follow the red trail on your own. Some of the well know stops along the trail are the Boston Common, the Boston State House, and the Old South Meeting House. Sports lovers should try to make it to a Boston Red Sox baseball game, a Celtics basketball game, a Bruins ice hockey game or a crew race on the Charles River. The walkways of Castle Island provide spectacular views of Boston Harbor and of incoming and departing planes in Logan Airport. The Wang Theatre and the Wheelock Family Theatre offer entertainment based on age and interest. Visitors during the summer should make the trip out to Wingaersheek Beach or to the famous Swan Boats.

The Boston Red Sox attract many tourists.

Lastly, visitors must find a place to stay and eat. The Fairmont Copley Plaza is a lovely hotel to stay in and is located in the heart of Boston. A less pricey option would be the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Boston Bayside. Seafood is a must in Boston. A local favorite is Legal Seafood. A family trip to Boston offers a wide range of activities for every age and for every interest.


Teg u c i g a l pa

By : Far r el l Chat el ai n

Looking to spend your hard earned money and vacation time in the Americas? Well Tegucigalpa, Honduras is the last place you want to go. Currently Tegucigalpa is the most dangerous city in the world with 20 deaths a day. Gangs and drug cartels run the country as a whole and operate out of Tegucigalpa. As you walk through parks with what may seem to you as an average cellphone out playing games or calling someone, children or adults will approach you with knives or guns just to take your phone. The most dangerous aspect of the trip to Tegucigalpa is the gangs and cartels. They will kill anyone who has a few dollars on them just because they want more money. Control is everything to them, when a man is stabbed or shot to death the citizens that say the murders won?t report to the police because many of the police are part of the cartels and gangs. In the last six months, 51 cab drivers were killed because they had enough money from the fares the gangs came and stole it from them and shot them. In almost every murder the gang members will use motorbikes to get to their target and flee the scene. The motorbikes are the most popular among the cartels and gangs because they can easily escape the insane amount of traffic in the inner city. While riding in taxis, many drivers won?t stop at the stoplights and stop signs because if they come to a halt


they may be carjacked or shot. If a person who is a regular taxi goer takes the same route every day the person has a very high probability of getting robbed no matter who he is or how much money he has. All large gangs have recons around town who just sit and plot paths of cars and their routines so they can rob the people Tegucigalpa has one of the most dangerous airports when they don?t expect it. This is why most in the world.

educated citizens will ask the driver to take different routes. Every person who lives in Tegucigalpa that is a non gang or cartel member is required to pay a sort of tax to them. These taxes are part of the idea of control where the people pay to park near the hospitals and police stations so if anything happens they can rush over to one or the other. As described by many citizens to the news, a man arrives in a black SUV with tinted windows to collect the wads of cash without saying a word and then disappears. If you don?t pay your taxes while vacationing in Tegucigalpa you will be Armed guards protecting a school in Tegucigalpa.

robbed or even killed.

If you do travel to Tegucigalpa be safe, but be warned you will be put in extreme danger where people are killed for a few cents and if you have the money to travel there you will be in danger. Be safe, be brave, and be vigilant because you never know what's coming next.

Spring Collection By: Grace Allen


Rio de Janeiro

By: Nigel Tatum

Considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Rio de Janeiro has many activities and attractions. Rio is the most visited city in the Southern Hemisphere. It is also a place that fits those that are adventurous. From the coast of Prainha through the crowded Copacabana Beach, and to botanical gardens and national forests, Rio is filled with many interesting places that brings out everyone's adventurous side. Are you looking to take on an extreme adventure through the most elaborate places of Brazil? If you are, than Rio de Janeiro is the right place. One of Rio's many attractions is surfing off the coast of Prainha. Surfing is one of the most risky sports in which anyone can participate. The giant waves there are extremely hard to ride. The waves make it a memorable site. Nearby is the Tijuca National Forest, a very dense rain forest in Rio. Tijuca is the world's largest urban forest. This forest was hand-planted during the 19th century to restore the damage caused by extensive coffee plantations. It includes many insects, birds, howler monkeys, and other endangered species. This area provides for many hiking trails, and adventurous jeep rides. Christ the Redeemer, is a statue built in 1931, out of soapstone and cement. It stand on top of Corcovado Mountain,


viewing the big city below it. If people would look at it, they would know that it is Jesus. Soccer, otherwise called football in this country, is Brazil's main sport. Many great players come from either within or around Rio, the home of Brazilian soccer itself. Maracana Stadium is Rio and Brazil's main stadium. It is where the 2014 FIFA World Cup was held and many others too. Soccer legends like Ronaldo, Pele, and






The stadium has a

surprising capacity of more than 200,000 fans. It will also host 2016 Summer Olympics. Being in the world's largest soccer stadium with 200,000 screaming fans, makes this Maracana Stadium is the largest stadium in the world.

experience an extreme adventure.

Sugarloaf Mountain, which consists of 395 meter peak. It is a long hike but, when you get to the top, you won't want to come back down. The breath taking view is beautiful. You can see many beaches, Christ the Redeemer, and the forests beyond. Hang Gliding is one of the most exciting things that tourists can do. Hang gliding is a wind sport, in which the pilot is mounted on a harness that hangs from the wing frame. In Rio, hang gliding happens on a beautiful mountain called Pedra Bonita. Options for water adventures include canoeing and kayaking on the large river system near Rio. Scuba diving and snorkelling can be found in Arraial do Cabo. Rio de Janeiro is a very beautiful and interesting place. It includes many interesting options for extreme adventure, from hang gliding to scuba diving. Now that you know about the best sites, go out on an adventure to find out more about these sites. Express your adventurous side.


Mar kets Acr oss the Amer icas By: Gr ace Allen

Tlacolula Tianguis 18 miles southeast of the City of Oaxaca, there is an indigenous farmers market where all the locals come to sell their unique products. This market sets up on the main street in Tlacolula, Oaxaca in front of a church. There, you will find many different stalls selling everything from black clay pottery to fruit sherbets to live turkeys. You can even try tacos at the meat stalls where charcoal grills are set up. You really get to experience the culture at this neat market.

Mer cado San Camilo In Arequipa, Peru, there is a two story market with different vendors, a cafeteria, and a couple restaurants. Products sold here include: meats, jams, bread, herbs, and river shrimps. The building where the market is held was designed by Gustave Eiffle, who is also the designer of the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty. One of the Peruvian delights sold here are queso helado. Do単a Rosa has been selling this treat for over 50 years.


Mar chĂŠ Du Vieux Por t On 160 Saint-AndrĂŠ Quai, in Quebec City, Quebec, you can find some of the freshest foods in Canada. Open year round, this farmers market is full of fresh produce and herbs, delicious seafood, farmstead cheeses, and various syrups and vinegers. There are always lots of apples for sale and also many apple based ingredients like apple butters, apple ciders, and apple brandy. Hearty meat pies called tourtiere's are a fan favorite and a Canadian special. The market opens at 9am and closes at 5pm on Monday through Friday and 9am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Char leston Far mer s Mar ket Every Saturday, from April fourth through November 28th, local farmers from all over South Carolina come to Marion Square to sell their products. From 8am to 2pm, vendors sell various cuisines and lots of fresh products. There is also live entertainment at every market and many featured artists selling handcrafted jewelry, original photography, furniture and much more!







Food or object?


By: Evie Gomila



North Am erica



$ or $$?



W h ere are you travelin g?


Man or Man woman?

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Take this quiz to see what you should bring back from the Americas!

Obj ect


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Food or obj ect?



Latin America


Canada is famous for its mapl e syrup. Its rich, sweet taste will remind you of your lovely trip through the Americas.

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If you are in to cheesy souvenirs, you should get an American f l ag mug. These mugs are not only useful, but will show off your worldliness to your friends and family.

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Baseball is ?America?s sport.? Bringing home an American basebal l bat is the perfect way to remember your trip and will last forever.


MĂŠxico is famous for its hats or ?sombreros.? Take a hat home with you and wear it to your next costume party!

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All throughout Latin America, beautiful, hand woven backpacks are sold in the city markets. These colorful bags are useful and great to bring with you everywhere.

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Ecuador produces some of the finest raw sugar in the Americas. If you make it to Ecuador, be sure to pick up a bag of sugar to take home with you.

Mind Your Canada

Canada is well know for the very polite and gracious ways which poses challenges for foreigners who have never visited.

- When first meeting someone you must always shake hands firmly and make eye contact, this shows your respect for one another. - While eating or talking, when a woman gets out of her seat to leave the room, the men always stand up until she has left and then sit back down. - In some cases, a older Canadian man may kiss the hand of another woman, this is common and don?t be shocked if it happens to you but if you are a male foreigner do not kiss another woman's hand as this is unusual and awkward. - Dress more professional and don?t show as much of your body as you may do in some other countries, this is disrespectful and considered ?low class?. - If asked to a party or dinner bring flowers, chocolates, or nice wine for the hostess, this demonstrates your thanks for being invited. Never bring roses to these events as the represent love for the other and don?t bring lilies as they are associated with funerals.

United States

The U.S. is well known for their progressive and workaholic lifestyle but manners are a entirely different subject.

- It is always a must when introducing yourself to shake hands and make eye contact, this shows your undivided attention to the other person. - In other countries it is okay to drive fairly aggressive but in the U.S. you want to be more cautious when you drive or else people will become uncomfortable with you and may not want to drive with you again. - If you ever feel the need to smoke, step away from your conversation and if in someone else?s house step outside of the house to show your respect for the family. - While attending restaurants always wait for the waiter to seat you unless a sign says otherwise and tip the waiter or waitress 15%-20%.While taking a taxi, pay the driver a 5%-10% tip.



By: Farrell Chatelain

Centr al and South Amer ica Central and South America are know for their soccer players but also for their unique culture. - Always ask permission by the house owners to be let into the house and if it is an office treat it with the same respect. - Always remove any hat before entering a building that is private or public. - Remove your shoes and leave them on a mat before entering another?s home. - Most Central and South Americans kiss friends on the cheeks at parties or on special occasions. - Don?t accept food offers from others instantly when they ask you to taste it, show that you would rather them have the food than take it for yourself. - Any style of clothing is accepted but remember to try and dress nicer than usual on special occasions.

e r ' u o y d l e o s u o a o C e t t r a l e v o ne c ho c f or By: Grace Allen


M o v i es i n t h e A m er i cas By : Ni g el Tat u m Rio is a family movie about an endangered blue macaw and his owner go to Rio de Janeiro to mate with an endangered female blue macaw to save their speices. This movie is recommended because it shows the Copacabana Beach, Christ the Redeemer, and the Amazon Rain Forest. This includes attractions like beach volleybal, hang gliding, and soccer. This movie exemplifies Rio's culture.

Big is a movie about a 12 year boy that wishes himself into being an adult, and his wish comes true as he is 30 years old. This movie is recommended because it shows viewers New York's sites like Yankees Stadium, Times Square, and Fao Schwartz on Fifth Avenue.


The Muppets take Manhattan is a movie about the Muppets graduating from college and going to the streets of Manhattan to sell their show to producers. Movies shows Empire State Building, Sardi's Restaurant, Cherry Hill in Central Park, and Broadway.

Fun in Acapulco is about a sailor that explores Mexico. Features Elvis Presley. It show La Costera, Pacific Ocean, Hotel Villa Vera.


Clueless is a movie about a teenage girl and her friends learn and live about social life in Los Angeles. This movie displays West Side Pavillion Mall, LA Freeway, and Beverly Hills.


American For a car that is out of this w or ld.

Airlines The banner of the American Dream

By Evie omila By: Grace Allen

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