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Dest inat ion M agazine Asia Edit ion

Lear n about what is happening in Asia. Time l ine of Asia's Hist or y.

Find out mor e about Asian Cust oms.

Lear n about Asian f ood and what you have t o t r y whil e you ar e her e.

Best cit ies t o visit f or ever y t ype of Tr avel er . 1

Cur r ent Event s Michelle Obama Takes Promotional Trip for Learning Initiative


Lucy Bryan

Child Trafficking in China Causes Problems in the Adoption Industry


Eliza Nieset

Massive Earthquake Decimates Nepal Price LeClercq

Golden Triangle Causes Great Oppression in Southeast Asia

9 14

Hunter Williams

Appear s in ever y issue: Tr avel And Recr eat ion Looking for a way to make your trip count? 6 Voluntour! Lucy Bryan

What to See? What to Do? Hunter Williams and Price LeClercq Timeline Eliza Nieset

5 Need to See Movies

10 / 16 20

Eliza Nieset

Souveners From Your Trip Price or Hunter

Foodie? Come Here Lucy Bryan


Lucy Bryan

Lovers' Paradise is Now Ubud, Bali Price LeClercq



Price LeClercq

Mind Your Manners in Asia

Sydney: The Perfect Spot for Your Next Family Vacation


Explore the Hidden Beauty of Jakarta Eliza Nieset


41 42

View the World's Most Beautiful Skydive


Hunter Williams 2

Cur r ent Ev ent s


Fir st Lady Takes Pr omotional Tr ip for Lear ning Initiative


States, took a trip to Asia last March to promote her new learning initiative,

Uganda (source:

more countries to involve themselves by making this a ?foreign policy priority.? Let Girls Learn has three major goals: Increasing Access

Let Girls Learn. She traveled to

March 18-22, where she Corps

volunteers and politicians in order to discuss Let Girls Learn and raise awareness of




"A world in which girls are educated is a safer, more stable, more prosperous place"

Japan and Cambodia from


Mongolia, and the Obamas hope to inspire

Michelle Obama, the First Lady of the United



Mozambique, Togo, and

By: Lucy Br yan






Empowering Adolescent Girls and the initiative is working with the White House, the Peace Corps, and many other organizations



areas of the world to achieve

this issue. The First Lady, and many other people around the world, believes



the lack of educational opportunity for girls is a major issue in the world and needs to be

Michelle Obama visited Tokyo in Japan, where she worked on and promoted Let Girls Learn,


and Kyoto, where she was able to see a little Let Girls Learn is a government initiative intended to raise awareness of the lack of girls? education around the world and work towards fixing the problem. Many girls all over the world are not able to attend school due to violence, religious beliefs, cultural customs, including




pregnancies, and/or financial issues. There are already eleven countries involved in the initiative; 4





bit of Japanese culture. In Tokyo the First Lady met with the Japanese Prime Minister and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Abe, who share the same passion Mrs. Obama feels for girls?education. The Abes and Mrs. Obama worked towards strengthening



countries? bond

through Let Girls Learn, as well as promoting the initiative to help it gain popularity in more areas of the world. The First Lady and the Prime Minister?s wife then talked to Japanese college students about their educations and

past experiences. In Kyoto Mrs. Obama took

Siem Reap to meet with Mrs. Bun Rany, the

tours of two religious sites before leaving

Prime Minister?s wife, where they discussed

Japan and heading south towards Cambodia

some of the ?community-driven solutions?with

where she did more hands-on work with the

local high school students. While in Cambodia


the First Lady said ?Let Girls Learn is about giving [all you girls here] a voice in your communities and in your country.? Mrs. Obama then went on to collaborate with Peace Corps volunteers working in a training event.

Mrs. Obama finds this issue and her new initiative very important, which is why she Michelle Obama visited Cambodian high school students near Siem Reap, Cambodia with the Cambodian Prime Minister's wife.

went to Asia. The President is hoping that it

In Cambodia Michelle Obama visited schools

to work with the United States, they must make

just outside of Siem Reap and talked with the

girls? education a priority of theirs. Upon

Cambodian Prime Minister?s wife within Siem

announcing Let Girls Learn President Obama

Reap where she worked with Peace Corps

said ?And I am convinced that a world in which

volunteers as well. Many people in Cambodia

girls are educated is a safer, more stable, more

are using community, not government, led

prosperous place,? which is why he is so

solutions to the lack of girls?education within

determined to spread awareness of the issue.

their own communities in order to try to solve

The First Lady is hoping to inspire people all

the gender gap in Cambodia?s education

over the world to fight for girls with no

system. Many girls in Cambodia must drop out

educational opportunities, as well as people

of school early to help their family pay living

here in the United States to appreciate their

expenses, and many communities are coming

education and work hard to make use of it.

will be made clear to any country that in order

up with their own solutions to this problem. The First Lady observed these solutions in order to help other communities follow Cambodia?s example. She then traveled to 5

Lookin g for a way to make your trip worthwhile? Voluntour! By Lucy Bryan

Nepal Last April, N epal was hit by one of the worst earthquakes it has ever seen. M any people lost their homes and all of their belongings or were injured by falling rubble. You can help these people by volunteering to help rebuild their homes or help take care of them after they were injured by the quake.

In donesia M any people in Indonesia cannot afford homes, and H abitat for H umanity is working to eradicate that. You can spend two weeks in Bali, Indonesia helping to build houses for people that cannot afford to buy one themselves. N o experience is needed for the trip and there is time for you to visit different markets and villages while there.



V OLUNTOURISM : a form of travel n i which people volunteer, often for a charity

Thailan d

M any elephants in T hailand are taken from their natural habitat, mistreated by humans, or sold into businesses, such as circuses. By volunteering at the T hai Elephant Conservation Center you have the opportunity to work with elephants while helping the beautiful animals.

Cambodia Thailan d


In donesia

Globe Aware is a program working to help people in Siam Reap, Cambodia after their civil war. T here is a week long program in which you can help build wheelchairs for landmine victims and help children living in the streets, as well as see a part of the world you have never seen before.

T here is a major gender gap in Cambodia's education system that local Cambodians and Peace Corps volunteers are working to fix. If you value girls' education, volunteering at girls' schools in Cambodia is a great way to help.


Child Tr afficking in China Causes Pr oblems in the Adoption Industr y BY: Eliza Nieset


January 13th, thirty seven

infants and one three year old girl were rescued from a major child trafficking operation in the Shadow province of China. The majority of these children are unhealthy. This is one of the few world wide stories on child trafficking in China, but it?s a much greater issue than the C media is portraying it to be. Child Trafficking became a major issue in China in the 1980s. China has tried to combat this issue by creating an anti-kidnapping task force, but the number of crimes committed out numbers what the task force can do to make a real difference. Trafficking gangs have created efficient, untraceable systems of kidnapping and transporting children. But where do these children go? The children kidnapped are sold to families, lured into lives on the streets, forced into prostitution, forced into unpaid labor, or even sold to orphanages. The children who are rescued are going to end up in adoptive homes and orphanages.

What could have caused child trafficking to skyrocket? China is having 8

a major overpopulation problem, so in the late 1970s they created one child policies. These policies state that families can only have one child and if they have more children Chinese man r eunited with his son after police bust a child tr afficking the family oper ation in the Shadow Pr ovence must pay of China. high fees for these children. The demand for boys is very strong in China, because families want to carry on their family name. Boys are considered more important because they carry the family name and girls are just married off to another family. Sometimes it is easier for a family to buy a son than have one. Some families sell their daughters so they can keep trying for a see pg son without having to pay fees on their daughters. The rise in child trafficking has caused major problems for the government, Chinese families, and adopted children and families in China. Families are selling their children to make money or to keep from having to pay fees on their children. In order for the child

see page 16

Massive Ear thquake Decimates Nepal By Pr ice LeCler cq


April 25th in Nepal one of the

biggest earthquakes ever felt rocked Nepal to their knees. The death toll has risen past 7,000, experts and rescue rescue teams say that they are not done finding bodies trapped under all the debris. Rescue teams sent from all over the globe have reported that they are hearing the people under the rocks crying for help, but they can not get to them. Nepal sits on two major tectonic plates which have come together to create The Himalayas. As the plates continue to come together, it creates more earthquakes.

Thomas Bell is a resident in Kathmandu, when he and is wife were building their house people would tell them ?You are pouring money into the ground,? and when they were finished, they told them ?when the quake comes, leave your door open.? Earthquake preparedness has always been a big business in Nepal, especially Kathmandu. One of the biggest and only part of the small preparation that Nepal had for the quake was they used this industries to prepare hospitals and schools for destruction. Everyone in Nepal knew that quakes were coming, yet not many saw a quake of this magnitude bringing their country to it?s knees.

Earthquake splits road in half

?You ar e pour ing money into the gr ound,? and when they wer e finished, they told them ?when the quake comes, leave your door open.?

Citizens standing outside their fallen houses.

This natural disaster might be the most anticipated natural disaster of all time. The two tectonic plates that Nepal lies on give that region of Southeastern Asia a big amount of quakes. The movement of the tectonic plates was not very noticeable, the last earthquake being in 1934.

The magnitude of this quake blindsided the shaky government of Nepal. The quake shook the land and hearts of all, created avalanches all over the Himalayas, and produced more death than imaginable. The city in Nepal that saw the most death is Pauwathok, a city that sits atop a ridge 3,600ft above sea level that suffered a death toll of 2,560.

see page 19


Si x Need To See Dest i nat i ons I n Asi a By: Pr ice Le Cler cq

1. H on g K on g: H on g K on g i s t h e m el t i n g p ot of Eu r op ean cu l t u r e an d Ch i n ese cu l t u r e i n Ch i n a. W i t h a h u ge Br i t i sh i n f l u en ce, i t i s t h e m ost Eu r op ean Asi an t ow n i n Ch i n a. Br i t ai n obt ai n ed H on g K on g i n a t r eat y en d i n g t h e f i r st Op i u m W ar . H on g K on g i s a beau t i f u l ci t y, an d ev er y on e n eed s t o t ak e t h e ch an ce t o go an d see i t . Downtown Hong Kong

2. Gr eat Bar r i er Reef : Th e Gr eat Bar r i er Reef i s t h e m ost d i v er se p l ace on Ear t h i n t er m s of am ou n t of sp eci es. Th er e ar e 1,500+ sp eci es of f i sh an d h u n d r ed s of ot h er cr u st acean s, sp on ges, an d ot h er sea l i f e. Th e r eef st r et ch es 250 m i l es of f sh or e. Th e r eef i s beau t i f u l f r om a bi r d 's ey e v i ew or y ou can get cl ose an d p er son al w h i l e scu bad i v i n g or sn or k el i n g. Th i s i s on e ev er y on e n eed s t o ad d t o t h ei r bu ck et l i st . A turtle swimming in the Great Barrier Reef

Mount Everest (Middle)


3. M ou n t Ev er est : Th e h i gh est m ou n t ai n i n t h e w or l d i n t er m s of sea l ev el (29,035) i s t h e m ost br eat h t ak i n g of al l of t h e si x d est i n at i on s. Th e su m m i t of Ev er est i s al w ay s i n t h e jet st r eam ; w i n d s can be u p t o 200 m p h an d t em p er at u r es can be a st agger i n g -80 d egr ees f ah r en h ei t . Ev er est i s cal l ed Sagar m at h a by t h e p eop l e of N ep al w h i ch m ean s god d ess i n t h e sk y. Ev er est t r u l y i s t h e m ost br eat h t ak i n g (l i t er al l y ) of al l t h e d est i n at i on s.

4. Taj Mahal : The Taj Mahal is t he most

val ued piece of archit ect ure by t he Indian peopl e. It is t he same f or t he musl ims onl y behind t he great Mecca. The mast erpiece t hat is made compl et el y of whit e marbl e was const ruct ed in l oving memory of t he emperor Shah Jahan?s wif e. It t ook 16 years t o buil d f rom 1632 t o 1648. It is t he most val ued piece of archit ect ure in t hat region and it wil l be by you as wel l . The Taj Mahal

5. Sydney Opera House: The Sydney Opera

House is known t hroughout t he worl d f or her st range yet beaut if ul archit ect ure. Made by Danish Archit ect Jørn Ut zon it is t he f ocal point of Sydney?s main harbour and it is was everyone t hinks about when t hey t hink of Sydney. It was compl et ed in 1973 af t er t aking 16 years t o const ruct . It is so beaut if ul and everyone needs t o see it !

Sydney Opera House

6. Hiroshima: A must see dest inat ion f or anyone

has t o Hiroshima. This is one of t he most inf amous cit ies in t he worl d f or t he part it t ook in WWl l . Hiroshima, in August of 1945 was t he f irst vict im in human hist ory of t he at om bomb. It dest royed t he cit y wit h massive amount s of energy. There are st il l some houses t hat t he Japanese government has kept dest royed so t hat everyone can be reminded of what happened in t he dreadf ul past . This experience woul d change t he way you l ook at hist ory. Hiroshima Panorama


Asia Popul at ion Map

Key Peopl e per squar e kil omet er 12

BY Eliza Nieset



By Eliza Nieset 13

Golden Tr iangle Causes Gr eat Oppr ession in Southeast Asia

the most commonly cultivated crop in that region is poppy seeds. poppy seeds are cultivated and used to make opium, which is

By Hunter Williams

then put into heroin. The poppy cultivation in Myanmar and Laos alone was 63,000 hectares

The ?Golden

Triangle,? also known as

in 2014. From this, the region produced 762 tons of Opium, which most likely lead to the

the biggest drug trading rink in Asia, is the source of all drug trade in Asia, specifically in the Southeastern Asian region. The Golden Triangle is an area which covers Myanmar, Laos, China, and Thailand. Asia is one of biggest leaders in drug producing due to its manufacturing




synthetic man made chemicals


Cultivated poppy seeds that will be used to make opium.

Asia. The chemicals

Narcotics Control Bureau has upped security around Myanmar and Laos, watching for

year, the number of destroyed acres has increased by the hundreds. This has lead to armed militia guarding the farms. There are

are used to make popular drugs that are then throughout


continent, and out of Asia to other places around the world.

One of the most common drugs in the Golden Triangle is heroin, due to the fact that 14

will turn to the cash crop for money. The

to its location, which is near Myanmar. Each

most easily accessed


these families can find an alternative, they

of poppy farms in the Arunachal Pradesh, due

illegal chemicals are


income and support, which means unless

2014 - 2015, The NCB destroyed 2,530 acres

made legally. These


poppy growing is an important part of family

poppy growers who are making opium. In


in throughout all of

making of 76 tons of heroin. Unfortunately,

many reports of NCB members being attacked. The NCB is now starting new tactics of enforcing the developing laws that are Myanmar authorities seize heroin and opium worth millions buried in Golden Triangle.


drug risking




lives. However, currently progress has stopped because of the fear that the NCB will lose more members to drug smuggling militia.

Currently, meetings are being held in Bangkok with 200 government officials from 39 different countries around Asia that focus on preventing drug trade and ending the Golden





Triangle is located Asia, from there the drugs

The Myanmar officers captured the drug smuggling boat and the smugglers on it who killed 13 Chinese sailors in order to seize the boat to transport heroin.

are transported around the world. In recent months, little has been done on the issue of drug trade. However, there is a new project

M ercedes-Benz

that focuses on stopping drug smuggling in the Golden Triangle by rivers and other bodies of water. Due to crackdown on smugglers by land, many criminals turned to transportation by water. Asia is enforcing new navy tactics which are stopping smugglers. This project started on October 5th, 2011, after 13 Chinese sailors were killed by drug lords so that they could use the boat to transport heroin in the Kok River, the most commonly used river for transporting drugs due to the fact that many of its ports are in the Golden Triangle. This was also motivation for control centers in Myanmar. Currently there are Asia military ships guarding the Kok River.

T he best or nothing By Eliza N ieset


DD on't on't Just Just Visit Visit Asia, Asia,Be Beaapar part t ofof itit: : MM ust ust-do -doact activit ivities ies By By Hunter Hunter Williams Williams

1.1.Calligraphy CalligraphyClass Class If Ifyou youvisit visitAsia Asiaand andwant wanttotolearn learnabout aboutit'sit's culture, culture, you youmust musttake takea aChinese ChineseCalligraphy Calligraphy class. class.It Itis isa auniversal universalsymbol symbolof ofChinese Chinese cultural, cultural, and and a vital a vitalpart partof ofChina's China's history. history. You You can cantake takea atwo twohour hourgroup groupclass classwith withanan professional professionalteacher. teacher. InIn the the class, class, members members can can learn learntotowrite writeChinese Chinesesymbols symbolsand andforestry forestry paintings paintings with with calligraphy calligraphy brushes. brushes.AtAtthe the end end of of the the class class you you can can bring bring your your work work home. home.

2.2.Cultural CulturalPerformance Performance When WhenininAsia, Asia, you youcannot cannotmiss missout out onona a unforgettable unforgettable show. show. These These are are not notjust justany anyperformances, performances,these these are are traditional traditional Asia Asia culture culture performances, performances,with withdances dancesand anda a burst burstofofcolors colorsand andart. art. The Theprices prices range rangebased basedononthe thelength lengthand and quality qualityofofthe theplay playand andthe thequality quality ofofthe the theatre. theatre.

3.3.Go Gofor forananElephant ElephantRide Ride Take Takea atrip tripthrough throughthe thebeautiful beautifulKhao Khao YaiYaiNational NationalPark, Park, but butnot notjust justany any trip, trip, aa ride rideofofa aelephant. elephant.During Duringthe theride ride through throughthe thejungle junglelike likepark, park,you youcan can sample sampleexotic exotic fruits fruits and andlooks looks forforother other animals, animals, allallwhile whiletaking takingininthe thescenery. scenery. The Theprice priceforfora afull fullday dayininthe thepark parkis is $106.00 $106.00

Pg. 16

4. Watch a Tokyo Sumo Wrestling Tournament You can't miss the opportunity to watch a Sumo wrestling tournament, a real one, just like you see in the movies. The tournament is held at ?kokugikan,? a sumo ring located in Tokyo,. Tickets sell for $85.00 dollars on average.

5. Enjoy a day on Universal Studios Singapore You can purchase a full day pass for only $59.00 to Universal Studios, located in Singapore. Universal Studios is a amusement park with world famous tours and many activities to do. It also makes for a perfect way to entertain the kids for a full day.

6. Take a Martial Arts Class For the physically in shape travelers who like to stay active, why not attend a martial arts class for a day? The prices range depending on the quality of the class. A trip to Asia is the perfect chance to learn the traditional fight techniques of the Chinese.

17 17

trafficking industry to gain boys to sell, boys from lower class families are being kidnapped. Liu Liqin got a panicked call from his wife on day at work saying that their son, Liu Jingjun, had gone missing. On their security camera you can see a man taking Liu Jingjun out of their home. They went to the police, but they refused to take the case until 24 hours had passed. They have been looking People ar e pr otesting child tr afficking all over the wor ld.

Many childr en, mainly boys, ar e being kidnapped and sold, leaving par ents to sear ch for their childr en.

What is the US doing to stop the child trafficking in China? The answer is nothing. Many would assume the US is trying to stop it because it is affecting adoptions in the US. The adoption business between the US and China is a major money maker, so why would they jeopardize that business. In Conclusion, The child trafficking in China is an extreme problem that is not gaining the attention it deserves.

for their son in anyway possible for many years, but the case is still open.

"I dreamed of my brot her l ast night " Liu Jingjun's daught er says t o her f at her. She does not remember much of her brother. The trafficking is also causing problems for families adopting from China. Rose Candice adopted a girl, Erica, from China. When Erica got older she began asking questions about her birth mom. When Rose researched the question she found out that Erica was sold to the orphanage. They still have not found Erica?s birth mom.


continued fr om page 8

By Eliza Nieset

Sources told Hindustan Times that ?100,000 people were liable to crushed by the quake,? which is in Kathmandu alone, but only 1,622 died. The most heart wrenching part of the quake is that rescue teams sent from all around the globe report that they can hear the shrieks of people trapped under the rock. There were and are companies in Nepal that are completely dedicated to raising awareness to the general public of the danger of earthquakes where they live, and everyone always knew, but they had no idea what was about to hit them from surprise.

Rescue team searches for bodies under debris.

flow in, but Nepal can?t even use all the money. April 25th will go down in Nepal?s history as some of it?s darkest hours. The weakened nation is in rebuilding mode and is continuing to receive donations from every part of the globe. People continue to live with the knowledge that quakes WILL happen, and maybe next time they?ll be prepared. Nepal?s government doesn?t look like it improving anytime soon, but with the help of the rest of the world, can return to full strength.

Citizens of Nepal find places to stay after their houses have been destroyed

The very day the quake occurred in Nepal Australia, The United States, The United Kingdom, The UN, and many more major nations and international companies sent massive donations to Nepal. These donations were intended to immediately help Nepal rebuild back to full strength. Although, that is one of the big list of problems the depleted nation faces. Nepal is in such disarray they do not have a stable Young girl receives treatment for head injury. government to be capable of using all the donations. Even before the quake Nepal had a shaky government and was very poor for the most part. The help continues to 19 continued fr om page 9


Ti m e l i n e 4




By; El iza Nieset 2

The unit ed st at es bombs Tokyo, Japan.

1839- 1842; The Fir st Opium War

China and j apan sign a peace t r eat y. 4



5 3 1


The Gr eat Wal l of China is const r uct ed. 20



1839- 2015;

Dr ug Tr af f icking Becomes a big pr obl em in t he gol den t r iangl e.




1980- 2015;



Chil d Tr af f icking becomes a maj or pr obl em in China.

Kim Jong- il dies and his son becomes t he new l eader of nor t h Kor ea.

Nepal ear t hquake occur s.










The Ol ympics ar e hel d in Beij ing, China.

Michael Obama goes t o asia t o pr omot e "l et gir l s l ear n."

21 21

Now Everyone Can Fly Least Expensive A irline in A sia

by Price LeC

Boeing 787

100+ Desti nati ons, 22 Countri es, and Counti ng Fl y A i r A si a


By Pr ice LeCler cq

Tr av el and Recr eat ion


Five N eed to see M ovies set in A sia By: Pr ice Le Cler cq

Air America published 1990.

1. Ai r Am er i ca: M el Gi bson an d Rober t Dow n ey Jr . st ar i n ad v en t u r ou s f i l m set i n Vi et n am . Scen es al so t ak e p l ace i n H ae H on g an d M ae H on g Son , Th ai l an d . I t i s a m u st see w h en a f i r ed p i l ot i s h i r ed by Ai r Am er i ca w h i ch i s r u n by t h e CI A h as t o com p l et e an op er at i on . Fi n d t h e r est ou t f or y ou r sel f ! For som e of t h e f l y i n g scen e?s som e of t h e scen e?s w er e so d an ger ou s t o f l y t h e m ov i e h ad t o h i r e r et i r ed v et er an s t o f l y t h em . Th i s m ov i e i s a m u st see.

Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr waiting for a scene.

2. Ram bo: Sy l v est er St al l on e as Ram bo an d d i r ect or sh i n es i n Ram bo. Op en t o t h e p u bl i c on Jan u ar y 28, 2008. Ram bo w as l i v i n g a p eacef u l l i f e on t h e Th ai l an d bor d er af t er r et i r i n g a d ead l y sol d i er . Af t er r ecei v i n g an u r gen t cal l f or h el p h e goes i n t o t h e f or est s of Bu r m a t o go sav e h i s f r i en d s, w h i l e w r eak i n g h av oc. Al t h ou gh r at ed R i t i s som et h i n g t o

Rambo movie cover publish January 2008

Sylvester Stallone preparing to fight


3. The Beach: Leon ar d o Di Cap r i o d oes i t agai n . Af t er st ar r i n g i n t h e h i t m ov i e Ti t an i c h e i s sh ow i n g u p i n ev er y h i t m ov i e. Am er i can back p ack er t r av el i n g Th ai l an d on l y w an t s a good ad v en t u r e an d t o f i n d h i s t r u e m ean i n g i n l i f e. Gr eat m ov i e f or ev er y on e an d i s r ecom m en d ed t o go see i m m ed i at el y.

The Beach movie cover is Leonardo DiCaprio.

4. Th e M an W i t h t h e Gol d en Gu n : Th e n i n t h of f i ci al bon d m ov i e i s a k i l l er . Set i n K r abi , Th ai l an d w i t h scen es i n Ban gk ok an d Ph u k et , Roger M oor e d el i v er s on ce agai n . Bon d i s l ook i n g f or a m ach i n e t h at i s cap abl e of t u r n i n g t h e su n ?s l i gh t i n t o an aw f u l w eap on . En cou n t er i n g bad gu y s an d get t i n g h i s f ai r sh ar e of w om en i t i s t h e f u l l p ack age of ?Bon d , Jam es Bon d .? i f y ou l ov e Bon d , y ou w i l l l ov e t h i s. The Man With the Golden Gun is the ninth bond.

5. Tom or r ow N ev er Di es: An ot h er Jam es Bon d m ov i e f or t h i s l i st . Pi er ce Br osn an br i l l i an t l y t ak es ou t N ew s com p an y CEO El l i ot Car v er . Car v er w an t s h i s n ew s sh ow t o be seen by t h e en t i r e w or l d ?s p op u l at i on , bu t w h en Car v er i s r ef u sed by Ch i n a h e u ses h i s com p an y f or t h e w or se. W at ch i t t o f i n d ou t t h e r est ! Tomorrow Never Dies movie cover


As i a : Ci t y P r o f i l e s

Sydney, A ustralia for the family

U bud, I ndonesia for the romantics

J akarta, I ndonesia for the danger seeker

K anthmandu, N epal for the adrenaline junkie 26

K at h m an d u

J ak ar t a Ub u d

Syd n e y Lucy Br yan

27 27



cultural and lively city of

see both beautiful buildings and breathtaking

Sydney, Australia, in all of its diversity, is the perfect place for anyone to



architecture and unique animals only found



vacation. Many families are attracted to the




Sydney is home to many tourist


attractions known worldwide. Many

Sydney is home to both urban

of these are located at or near







Sydney?s famous harbour. Some of these attractions include Bondi Beach, Sydney Harbour Bridge, and Sydney Opera House.


Harbour is home to hundreds of amazing beaches with white sand and clear waters, and Bondi Beach Many people climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge purely for the clear, unobstructed view of the harbor.

attractions and beautiful, natural sites left untouched by man. You can


is one of the most frequented of these beaches by both locals and tourists because




surfing, swimming, and large farmers?

see page 36

Fresh Sal t, strai gh t f rom th e mountai ns of th e Hi mal ayas, and i t mak es f or a h eal th i er ch oi ce th an your av erage sal t!

Fine Pink Salt

Hi mal ani a速 By Hunter Williams


Lover s' Par adise Is Now Ubu d, Bal i By: Pr ice Le Cler cq Have

you and your new spouse

Ubud is a city that you will

ever wanted to take a honeymoon to a

want to see everything all in one day,

historic city with beautiful scenery, but

but if you follow this three day

can?t because of work? Well now is the

schedule, you?ll enjoy everything for

time to go to Ubud, Bali! Ubud is an ancient

city in the breath taking

Southeast region of Bali. It is the perfect place for newlyweds to come and their

longer, which keeps both of you happy for longer!

For newlyweds,

the first day after a dreadfully long day of traveling the first day should




with a blast! Bali is located in a large strip

be the one relaxing day where you and your enjoy

partner a



of islands Southwest of Indonesia. With

massage together or sit by the pool,


read a book, and have waiters serve





art, temples, and


both of you as many cocktails as you

TripAdvisor, Travel Blog, HotelClub Hotel

wish. Take this romantic trip for two

are calling the best massages in all of

one step at a time to enjoy it the

Asia, Ubud is the place to be for all of


you couples. The couples massages is something the Balinese people are


Day two can be your exotic day.

known for if you go you must take a day

On this day the best thing to do

of relaxation and get a massage. The

would be for you to would be to visit

place you would want to stay if you

Monkey Forest Park. Monkey Forest

were interested would the the The

Park is a quite large place where

Samaya Ubud Villas. You and your

ancient Balinese architecture stands

newly wed need this vacation, it is

in the forest and monkey?s ranging

waiting for you.

anywhere from babies the size of a

A temple glowing at night

newborn child, to being as big as a medium size statue. The monkeys

Ubud is a beautiful city and is

are usually referred as long-tailed

the perfect place for couples to take

macaques. There are tours



multiple times a day or you can go as just

" Tr i p A d v i so r , Tr av el Bl o g , Ho t el Cl u b Ho t el ar e cal l i n g t h e b est m assag es i n al l o f A si a, Ub u d i s t h e p l ace t o b e f o r al l co u p l es."

a sightseer. Make a



Repeat schedule

this as

many times as you wish. To get

reservation at the start of the day at

away from the desk, the 1,000 emails,

the Hotel?s signature restaurant with

and the stress of waking up and

a candle-lit table for two and the rest

rushing to work. Come to Ubud to

is history. The experience is only as

start your very long journey together.


everyone needs to visit.





Hindu Dharam Temple that resides in the forest. indonesia sits in Southeast Asia

31 31

JAKARTA Explore the Hidden Beauty of Jakarta BY: Eliza Nieset

The saying ?Don't judge a

independence in 1949 and Jakarta

book by its cover,? applies to Jakarta,

was selected as the capital in 1966.

Indonesia in many ways, but behind

The city now has a dynamic growth.

all that concrete and gridlocked

What are the best things to do

streets is a rich history and an

in Jakarta? You cannot go to Jakarta

exciting nightlife. The people are

without enjoying the wild nightlife.

good natured and the culture is

The Blowfish and the Empirica are

thriving. So think about travelling to

the best clubs in the city. The

Jakarta for your next trip.

Museum Sejarah Jakarta will give you

Before travelling to Jakarta it?s

an in deep look into Jakarta?s history.

important to know a bit of its long

The most popular museum is the

history. Jakarta was originally a small

Museum Wayang, which will teach

port city on the Ciliwung river. The

you all about puppets in Asia. If

city was first mentioned by the name

you're looking for a way to get in

of Kalpa in European records. The

touch with your spiritual side make a

Dutch then took over the area and

stop to Jin de Yuan, a Chinese

built canals and a city hall. The city

Buddhist temple. The most popular

started to grow rapidly. Three ideals

location to go is Potato Head, a bar

were set for the city ?One motherland,

and bistro. Potato Head has an

one nation, one language of unity.? artistic atmosphere and encourages The Japanese controlled the area from 1942-1945 and renamed the area





the music and culture of the area. What are concerns that you should have when travelling to

Potato Head is the best spot to eat or meet new people in Jakarta.



take an official taxi and avoid using

frequently. The attacks generally

your credit card. The roads are very



crowded and driving laws are not


enforced. The area has high chances

holidays like Easter and Christmas.

of flooding during the months of

They attack nightclubs and populated

December through March, so it is not

areas. Tourists should constantly be

recommended to visit the area at

checking the news and asking their

that time. Although it is a risk for

hotels what areas to ovoid. There is a

westerners to go to Jakarta, it?s a risk

high rape rate in Jakarta, so women

worth taking. The beautiful culture

should watch their drinks when they

and interesting history will keep you

are out in a club. Be sure to always

entranced. I suggest going to Jakarta.



westerners. more




33 33

View t he World's Most Beaut iful Skydive By Hunter Williams

"Eight out of 50 best organized adventures."

"The worlds most elite adventure."


KATHMANDU If you have a bucket list of adventures to

about afterwards. You can pay 20,000 dollars for

do before you die, this must be up there on that

the solo complete package, which includes a

list. Located in the city of Kathmandu, Everest

safety class a full recording of the dive and the

Skydive, enough said by the title. Everest Skydive

required gear. You also can pay around 30,000

is considered the world?s most elite adventure.

dollars for a group jump. It is a multi day trip.

CNN ranked the activity eight out of 50 on the list

The adventure begins when you arrive in

of best adventures organized throughout the

Kathmandu, spend the night at the local hotel,

world. The skydive allows

and the next morning the day

you to jump out of a AS350

begins with a trek up a pall to

B3 helicopter and view the

landing pad located a small

world famous Mount Everest

little ways up Mount Everest,

on your descent.

Skydivers diving in a halo formation over Everest.

where you board. The climb to

If you call yourself a thrill seeker, then you

this part of the mountains can last either two or

really can not miss out on this one. The

three days, and the divers camp on the way up.

adventure has two drop zones, both one of the

Then comes the most adventurous part, the dive.

highest drop zones in the world, Syanboche,

The divers, after jumping, have just completed

which is a drop from the altitude of 12,350 feet

one of the most exhilarating activities of their

and Amadablam base camp, which is located at

lives, and still keep in mind that they have an

an altitude of 15,000 feet. The trip is located in Kathmandu and is held only during the later part

intense walk back down the mountain. The skydive program started 10 years ago, and has been improving ever since.

of October, and if you can afford it, then it would an amazing way to really get you heart jumping, and would be quite the story to tell your friends


So w h at are you w ai ti ng f or, v i si t K ath mandu today, and tak e th e di v e!

Exper ience t he l ocal cul t ur e

At t he Sydney f ar mer s' mar ket @Bondi Beach, Sydney Har bour By Lucy Br yan


Sydney Opera House is recognized as part of the Sydney skyline worldwide.

market it presents. Sydney Harbour

architecture, the building is a key

Bridge is one of the most iconic

part of the Sydney skyline. Many

landmarks of the city. For families

people chose to take tours of this

with children over the age of nine, climbing the bridge as part of a guided tour is said to give-way to one of the best

views in


site as well, as many

Sydney Harbour: "The heart of Sydney, a must-see"

world. Similar to the


different tour options are offered. Not only can you take tours here, but you can see many varying types of shows.




yourself to be fooled by

bridge, Sydney Opera House is a

the name, Sydney Opera House does

landmark in Sydney immediately

not just perform operas, but all kinds

recognized all over the world. Due

of performances, including ballets

to its amazing and unexampled

and symphonies. There is countless

activity to be planned, food to


be eaten, and fun to be had in

People often choose to stay in



the city?s center or near the very

Sydney is also home to the

popular harbor. The top-rated


hotels in Sydney for visiting








Australia, Smith

International Airport, which is where all

options within Sydney.









Radisson Blu Plaza

arriving in Sydney

Hotel Sydney, which







different parts of

many of


the city, a great


'"Sydney has it all: airport you can take deep-blue harbor, conveniently near Sydney?s public train awesome beaches, , the harbor for easy system to many and world-class and quick access to famous

way to see much of the city is a

attractions. Since Sydney is such

short amount of time. The train

a popular choice for tourists, it is

can, at times, be difficult to use

not hard to find transportation

with children because of large


crowds, so taxi cabs and buses


are available for transportation

which makes planning a trip

as well. There are also so many

there easy and breezy!


continued fr om page 28




fits your budget,

37 37

MINDYOINUR M A N N E R S ASIA Greetings Most Asian cultures have accepted the western handshake, but be careful not to grip too firmly because it is a sign of disrespect. In the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore greet with a prayerful gesture. Do not ever refer to a person by their first name until a close relationship is established.

Formal Business Meeting Meetings are set up weeks in advance. Punctuality is critical. Meetings typically start with small talk. If you give someone your business card hand it to them face up with both hands. If you receive a business card read it before putting the card into your pocket.


Eating The oldest or highest up in static leads in sitting and taking the first bite of food. Be sure to leave a little food on your plate after you are finished because it is a sign of respect. Do not take seconds on food until it is offered to you. Do not point or gesture with your chopsticks. If you finish your drink allow another guest to pour you a refill. After they have done so, return the gesture by refilling their drink.

Open Happiness

By: Price Le Clercq

39 39

Visit the Ubud Mon key Forest Park today! An d experien ce a feelin g like n o other

Scan here for more n i formation or visit http:/ / www.mon

By Lucy Bryan

Tr avel er 's Guide: Souvenir s By Hunt er Wil l iams

1. Kendama A Kendama is perfect for any traveler looking to pass time in between activities or site seeing in Asia, or anyone who has an interest in traditional Japanese toys. These ball and stick game was made in Japan in the 1700. The average price for a Kendama is $10.00 (prices may vary).

2. Folding Fans Although you can probably find folding fans in many places in America, but you can also find real tradition, quality folding fans in Japan. This item targets the tourists with interest in antiques. The price for a quality folding fan is $8.00 (prices vary).

3. Calligraphy Brush(es) The Calligraphy brush, one of the most culturally significant objects in Asia, originally made in China. These brushes are used to make traditional Chinese paintings. The average price for a set of three is $13.00. 41 41 Pg. 41

The wet markets in Singapore compare to no other grocery shopping experience, as you can see a different and interesting culture while completing your chores. They are typically divided into two sections, wet and dry. In the wet section fresh meats and poultry is typically sold, while in the dry section powerful spices are herbs can be found. The Tekka Wet Market offers the most diversity in culture and the most booths China is known worldwide as a 'tea culture," which makes it critical to enjoy freshly brewed tea at least one time during your trip. Gizhou is a Chinese mountainous province that produces a large supply of the world's green tea. Since, the tea is grown in the mountains, it grows for a longer period of time, which causes it to soak up more nutrients from the environment and have a unique taste that you can only find in China.

Foodie? Come H ere By L ucy Bryan

Experience a whole new culture at the Bangkok floating markets, unexampled by anything in the world. At these markets, locals are selling some of the best and most flavorful food one can taste. The markets are known for serving the freshest seafood, such as grilled squid or roasted shrimp. The Bangkok floating markets are known for the food served there, and many people go to them just to get a taste of it. Want to get acquire a wider taste of Asian cuisine? Take a cooking class at the Sydney Fish Market to close out your trip. The class offers hands-on lessons with revered Australian chefs and freshly caught seafood. You can make dishes from all over the world; a Spanish paella, for example, or maybe the famous chili crab from Singapore. After you participate in the lesson and cook your meal, you are able to sample what you prepared along with a wine tasting to end your evening. The lessons at the Sydney Fish Market are the perfect way to end your trip! 42

By Eliza Nieset




Available now By Hunter WIlliams

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