Destination Africa 2014

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Ubcmf!pg!Dpnufnut! Ofxt; #BringBackOurGirls; Nigeria Hostage Situation..................................................... 5 -Phoebe Roussel 6 Must See Destinations........................................................................................ 6 -William Sargent The Pistorius Murder Trial Continues...................................................................... 8 -William Sargent Twin Explosions Terrorizes the Kenyan Government............................................. 9 -Nick Tuleu 6 Must Do Activities in Africa ...................................................................................... 10 -Phoebe Roussel Somali Children in the Valley of the Shadow of Death........................................... 12 -Evan Hendricks Time line of South Africa from 1950 to 2014.......................................................... 14 -Nick Tuleu 7 Must Have African Souvenirs............................................................................. 17 -William Sargent

Bsut; Honeymoon to the Islands of Bissagos Archipelago.............................................. 19 -Phoebe Roussel 6 Must Eat Dishes.................................................................................................. 20 -Phoebe Roussel Movies Set in Africa.................................................................................................. 22 -Nick Tuleu The Ups and Downs of Traveling to Kampala........................................................... 24 -Evan Hendricks Cape Town is an Ideal Spot for the Family................................................................ 25 -William Sargent Voluntourism in Africa................................................................................................ 26 -Evan Hendricks Guide to a Cheap and Fun Trip to Mombasa............................................................. 28 -Nick Tuleu How to “Mind Your Manners” in South Africa.............................................................. 29 -Evan Hendricks

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#BringBackOurGirls; Nigeria Hostage Situation By Phoebe Roussel On April 14, 2014, over 200 Nigerian girls were kidnapped from their school in Western Nigeria. The school had been shut down because of terrorist threats, but the girls returned to take exams and were kidnapped then. It has been just over a month since the girls were kidnapped and about 56 have escaped, but the others are still being held First Lady Michelle Obama tweeted this picture on May 7 to show her support.

captive. Boko Haram, or Western Education is Sinful, admitted to taking the girls in a video

The US has put a 7 million dollar

sent to authorities on May 5. In the video the

bounty for Boko Haram’s leader, Shekau.

men threatened to sell the girls as slaves across Africa. Boko Haram doesn’t believe in western Nigerian president, Goodluck

education, they believe it is sinful. Boko Haram

Jonathan, just recently asked for help from other

means western education is sinful. They

world powers. This cry for help opened the

kidnapped these girls to make a point, it is also

world up to what has taken place. Goodluck

believed that they want to make a trade, the

Jonathan had not taken this kidnapping as a

girls for Boko Haram members who are in

huge issue, he saw it was an issue but not a big

prison. Boko Haram took these girls to make

one. Jonathan globalized the issue on May 4,

two victories for themselves. They wanted to

when he asked for help. After asking for help he

make a point, by showing how serious they are

realized the major issue and decided time was

about western education. Officials also believe

of the essence. Once Jonathan asked for help

they want

other countries stepped in and are still helping

members who are in prison.

to gain back some Boko Haram

locate these girls. There is now a $310,000 reward for any information on the girls. This reward




Other countries are helping to locate


the girls. The US has sent a specialized group of law enforcement and a group of military 5

See Hostage on Pg. 13

Six Must See Destinations By William Sargent

6. The Great Migration, Tanzania - Kenya This year round migration of the wildebeest and zebras where they travel from Tanzania to Kenya and back again.

5.Nyiragongo Volcano, The Congo The volcano is one of Africa’s most active volcano. It stands at a shocking two kilometers wide.

4.Table Mountain, South Africa The mountain that is in the outskirts of Cape Town shows breathtaking views of the city and the ocean from the top.


3.Sossusvlei Dunes, Namibia These dunes were formed over one million years ago from rocks and sediment from rivers and the Atlantic Ocean. You can climb to the top for a great view.

2.Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania The mountain is the highest peak in Africa at 5,895 feet above sea level.

1.Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe The beautiful waterfall was found in 1855 by David Livingstone.


The Pistorius Murder Trial Continues

that his house was invaded, or was it intentional because of an argument between the couple on the night of the killing. The prosecution tried to argue that Pistorius was lying about the sequencing of events on the night of the killing. They base their evidence off of the autopsy that stated that remains of cheese and vegetable matter were found in her stomach. This is relevant to the case because if the couple ate at seven, as Pistorius stated, the food would have already been digested and remains of food would not have been found in her stomach. Also, if they ate later, as late as 1:00 AM, they would have stayed up later, possibly arguing until the time of the killing. If they were up later arguing, something may have aggravated Pistorius enough to intentionally kill his girlfriend. The inconsistency between Pistorius’ time frame and the time frame of the autopsy, means that he lied about the events.

By William Sargent

In the early morning of February 14th, 2013, Oscar Pistorius, the South African double amputee sprinter and olympic champion, shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. On that Valentines Day, Pistorius believed his house was being invaded. Now in court, the South African hero relived the horrifying events that still haunt him to this day. Pistorius is on trial for the alleged murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. This is important because Pistorius is a national hero in South Africa and a great example of overcoming a physical adversity. Pistorius recalls the events of the night as follows: at around 7:00 PM, he and Steenkamp had dinner, then watched TV and ended up going to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 PM. At around 3:00 AM, Pistorius was having trouble sleeping so he went to the balcony to grab some fans. That is when he heard a noise coming from the bathroom, which made him worry that his house was being invaded because he thought that his girlfriend was still in bed. He reached for his handgun and entered the bathroom and fired four shots through the bathroom door. After he returned to the bedroom to alert Steenkamp, he suddenly realized that he had shot her.

After the 31st day of the trial, Pistorius had a psychological examination for an anxiety

Pistorius running on his prosthetic legs.

disorder dating back to his infancy. He suffers from a condition that is similar to PTSD, post traumatic stress disorder. The disorder may have been caused when he was a young child and had both of his legs amputated, as well as having a very dysfunctional family. When he was eleven

In the courtroom in Pretoria, both sides agree that Pistorius fired four shots and hit Steenkamp with three of them. However, the main question is if it was an accident, thinking 8

See Pistorius on Pg. 13

Twin Explosions Terrorizes the Kenyan Government By Nick Tuleu Recently, the Somali Islamists Militants have attacked Kenya on two different occasions in the same day. First, someone threw a grenade in a crowd of people at a bus stop, three were killed and many wounded. Second, there was a bomb planted in the Reef Hotel in Nayli, there were no recorded deaths but many were injured. There was also a third attack planned where they was a bomb planted in a movie theater, but wasn't successful. The attacks that the Somali Islamist Militants have planned has been caused by the Kenyan government wanting the refugees to leave their country.

and Somalia have had a very violent history due to many reasons. One occasion, in September the Somali Islamists Militants shot 67 people in a mall. Recently, the attacks have been more frequent and the government has started to care. The refuges have been asked to move back to Somalia, they didn't like this idea. The somali islamists militants have been attacking Kenya more frequently because of this, and they will not stop until they get what they want or a compromise. The refuges have been asked to move back to Somalia because they can't support themselves financially. The Somali Islamists Militants have also been attacking Kenya because they want Kenya to withdraw their troops out of Somalia. In Somalia, the Kenyan troops have been battling the Islamists insurgents for peace reasons. About 1.1 million refugees have been asked to move to Dadaab, a town on the border of Somalia. The government asked the citizens to, if they see a refugee to call the police so he can be taken away. Kenyan security think that the refuges have been using the camps to plan more attacks on Kenya. Because of this, the refuges have been attacking Kenya violently. The refuges, while they are being forced to move away, they will not stop attacking Kenya. Last year in January, the Kenyan Government relocated 100,000 Somali Islamists Refugees to camps. Unfortunately, Kenya cant do anything about this except for keeping the refugees in Kenya, but they chose not to do that. Or Kenya, could fight back but the government has chosen not to. To try to stop this, the Kenyan government have deployed troops in Somalia. So far, in the most recent attacks, two people have died, and many injured by the Somali Islamists Militants, and many more attacks to come if the countries don't 9 resolve their issues with each other.

Kenyan citizen being rushed to the hospital after he was involved in the attack.

Due to these attacks, the Kenyan government have already arrested 2,000 in trying to stop these attacks. Over the past years the government didn't really pay much attention to the attacks in the past. But now, because the attacks have been more recent, they have started to take it more seriously and are trying to stop the attacks. In two days, 2,000 people have been arrested and many more to come if the government doesn't stop this. Over the years the Somali Islamists militants have been committing attacks on Kenya. Kenya

Bungee jump of Victoria Falls, Bungee jump off the world’s greatest waterfall. You will get up and personal with the best view possible.

Hot air balloon over Serengeti plains, while you’re floating over the beautiful landscape make sure to keep an eye out for wild Zebra and wildebeest.

Track mountain Gorillas in Central Africa, You will be able to get close up with a few of the 800 wild gorillas left in the world.


Canoe down the Zambezi River, while canoeing in the Zambezi river in Angola make sure to watch for hippopotamus.

Climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Make sure to hike up the tallest mountain in Africa while your time there.

Safari in Etosha National Park, Etosha National Park in Namibia is famous for elephants, rhino, giraffe, and unique birdlife.

By Phoebe Roussel


Somali Children Suffering from Malnutrition

By Evan Hendricks

It’s been less than three since the

walked on foot. Hukun found a WFP center at

f a m i n e o f 2 0 11 a n d a l r e a d y 5 0 , 0 0 0

the border between Somalia and


malnourished Somali children are near death.

The people at the center welcomed Sadak into

A large drought in 2011 led to famine and now

their care. Within a few days Sadak started to

young innocent Somali children are dying

regain health. His sister,Iglan, was also

because of malnutrition. Almost two and a half

malnourished. The WTP center once again

million people in Somalia need aid.


provided care to this family. The people at the

people left the countryside to go to the capital

WTP center gave Sadak and Iglan Plumpy’

in search of food. Thousands of young somali

Sup. Plumpy’ Sup is a ready-to-use

children are suffering from malnutrition and it

supplementary food that helped restore their

crucial that the world understands the

health. Although the two children are still

importance of their situation and that they

moderately malnourished, they are still alive

require immediate aid.

and well and once again reunited with their mother and father. Sadak and Iglan received the aid they needed and so can other malnourished Somali children. Sadak went from a critical state of malnutrition to a jolly young boy in less than one month. People in the WTP centers like the one Sadak went to are working hard to end the malnutrition crisis in all of Somalia.

Sadak reunited with his loving parents

One third of all children in Somalia are acutely malnourished.

Sadak Hassan Abdi

For more than twenty years now

was an 18 month old malnourished Somali child who was close to death.

Somalia has been in a crisis. In 1991 the

His mother

people of

Hukun was worried that he would die. She

warlords. In 2011 there was a drought and that

traveled 14 days with Sadak to try to reach Ethiopia and find help.

let to famine that impacted the lives of thirteen

Hukun paid money

travel by donkey and some of the time she

Somalia were threatened by

million people on the Horn of Africa. See Somali on Pg. 16 12

`Hostage continued from Pg. 5 advisers to Nigeria to help with the hostage


Some people don’t favor

situation. France and Britain both said that they

the hashtag because they feel it is meaningless.

are sending a specialized group, they did not include what they are specialized in. Britain and

In a video message sent to authorities

China also promised anything picked up on their

Boko Haram took responsibility for the

satellites that could help Nigeria locate these

kidnapping of the girls. In the video they


threaten to sell the girls if no exchange was made. Since 276 girls were taken and 56 The social media has played a huge

escaped, 220 are still missing. In the future it is

role in trying to find these girls. The

hoped these girls are found or escape. In a

#BringBackOurGirls campaign has had over

press conference, Nigerian President Goodluck

1,000,000 tweets. The campaign was first

Jonathan said, "By God's grace, we will conquer

created in Nigeria in order to bring worldwide

the terrorists. I believe the kidnap of these girls

attention to the missing girls. This was very

will be the beginning of the end for terror in

successful in the US. First Lady Michelle


Obama has hugely helped the campaign gain national attention. On May 7, the First Lady tweeted a picture of her holding a sign that had

Continued Pistorius from Pg. 8 months old, he had both of his legs amputated at the knee which was an extremely traumatic experience for him because he could not talk and was not aware of what was going on.

Pistorius is a South African hero and a great example of overcoming physical adversities. If Pistorius is convicted of murder, he can face up to life in prison. If he is convicted of a lesser charge, such as culpable homicide, a crime in South Africa which is a killing that is not as serious as murder, he can face up to 15 years. In South Africa, there are no juries, so Pistorius’ fate lies with the judge. As the trial continues, citizens just want this tragedy to be over with and return to their everyday lives.

He also suffered with his alcoholic mother who forced him to try to be normal and fit in with other children. As a result of his childhood horrors, when faced with a fight or flight situation, his instinct is to fight, which may have given him a reason to take action into his own hands instead of alerting someone. Also one may believe that because of his impulsiveness, Steenkamp may have said something to him that really aggravated him and caused him to commit murder.


Timeline of Southern Nelson Mandela sentenced to life at prison

Nelson Mandela to prison 1964

1950 1960


Sharpeville Massacre Prime minister dead

Seventy black demonstrators killed at Sharpeville

Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd assassinated

Africa From 1950 to 2014 Mandela is released from prison after 27 years

Mandela is freed

South Africa holds the World Cup

World Cup is held 2010


2014 1994

Nelson Mandela

Mandela is elected president


Police fire at workers

police fire at workers at a platinum mine, 34 are killed By Nick Tuleu

Continued Somali from Pg. 12 Now, in 2014, children in Somalia are dying

Many young children all over Somalia are

from malnutrition. Health workers say that

moderately or acutely malnourished and it is

breastfeeding and washing dishes with clean

important that people realize and provide them

water not only help to prevent malnutrition in

with the aid that they desperately need. Children

their children, but in themselves too. Children

from poor families at generally at a higher risk

between six months and five years old are being

for malnutrition because they lack proper

treated for moderate malnutrition at a WTP-

sanitation and hygiene, have poor health, and

supported center in Mogadishu. malnourishment

little or no shelter. Somalia’s malnutrition rate is

is not only caused by by lack of food. Obese

at fifteen percent, which is the World Health

people can also become malnourished because

Organization emergency level. Health workers

it doesn’t always matter how much food people

are working very hard to stop malnutrition and

eat but, by what kinds of food people eat.

hope that the information they gathered can be

Pregnant women, young children, and nursing

spread all across the Horn of Africa to hope that

mothers usually have a higher risk of becoming

someday this crisis will end.

malnourished in families.

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William Sargent


8 Must Have African Souvenirs By William Sargent Inexpensive { Africa is known for their crafting such as jewelry, p o t t e r y, a n d d e c o r a t i v e pieces. This necklace shown is listed for $18.



Africa is famous for their pottery as well. These pieces range from $25-$50.


This handmade Zulu wired basket is marketed for $16.

This wooden antelope mask is marketed for $50.


This South African decorative box is listed for $295.

Very Expensive

This carving of what is believed to be a Pigmy prisoner or a figure of an ancestor is listed for $290.


Africa is also known for their wooden handmade masks. This mask from the ivory coast is marketed for $350. 17

Africa is famous for their paintings such as this one which depicts a wedding ceremony. This piece is marketed for $395.


Honeymooning in the Islands of Bissagos Archipelago By Phoebe Roussel When looking for a secluded destination for a romantic honeymoon, the isles of Bissagos Archipelago are the place to go. Bissagos Archipelago are a chain of 88 islands, made from the ancient delta of the Rio Grande and Rio Geba. They are located just off the coast of Guinea-Bissau. Out of the 88 islands only about 20 of them are populated. Together the islands only have a population of 30,000 people, this makes the islands one of the least populated places in the world. This leaves many private islands and resorts with beautiful white sand available. The islands have a very diverse ecosystem, this includes mangroves,palm forests, dry forests, savanna, sand banks, and aquatic zones.The islands can be accessed by an international airport in Bissau, the capital of Guinea-Bissau. From the airport you can take a short boat or canoe ride to the islands depending on how far the island you choose to go is. Once you arrive, there are many luxurious oceanfront cabins, for an affordable price. The islands have untouched white sand, palm trees, and a cool ocean breeze. The best time to go is December through March. While on your honeymoon make sure to go to one of the two National Parks, Orango National Park and Poilao Marine National Park.

Ocean view from one of the Bissagos Archopelago Islands.

They both are beautiful and have a large array of marine life, including marine turtles and hippopotamus. Make sure to try and go scuba diving in the Atlantic Ocean and don’t forget to relax on the beach. Bissagos Archipelago is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, which means there is a balanced number of people to animals living there. So there will be a good amount of wildlife. After your stay on the islands, try and stay a night in Bissau, the capital. Bissau is a small city, but you get to experience the culture of Guinea-Bissau. In Bissau make sure to pay attention to the impressive architecture and check out the local market. Don’t forget to have a nice dinner in one of the local cafe’s before you leave. Have a good trip!

Prices Start as low as


Senegal Airlines Cheap flights from Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport(MYS) to Osvaldo Vieira International Airport(OXB) in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. Phoebe Roussel 19

Seven Must Eat Dishes By Phoebe Roussel

Piri Piri Chicken, Mozambique also called Galinha Ă Zambeziana is a mix of African, Portuguese, oriental, and Arabic flavors. The chicken is cooked with lime, pepper, milk, and piri piri sauce, which is a spicy sauce.

Jollof Rice, Nigeria A simple dish made of tomatoes, rice, onions, and peppers. It is thought to be the origin of Cajun Jambalaya.

Fufu, Nigeria Fufu is a staple dish throughout Africa, it is made of mashed yams and flour. It is also called iyan.

Bunny Chow, South Africa Is a hollowed out piece of white bread stuffed with hot curry, It is one of the most favored street dishes.


Chambo with nismi, Malawi Is one of the most popular fish dishes in Africa and is a national favorite. Often served with Nisimi, a stiff porridge, a staple food to Africa.

Nyama na irio, Kenya is a mash of potatoes, corn, peppers, bean, and peas. It is commonly served with roasted meat on the side.

Namibian Venison, Namibia This dish has German and African Influences. It is often served with oshifima, a corn porridge.


Movies Set in Africa !





By Nick Tuleu

To get an idea of what the climate is in Africa, Madagascar 2 Escape to Africa is a movie that would be good suited for it. Madagascar 2 is a movie about a couple of animals that are flying to the U.S. from Madagascar, but their plane crashes in Africa and the animals have to try to escape.

Tarzan is a movie that shows the jungle climate in Africa. This movie is about a man named Tarzan that was raised by gorillas, and at the end has to choose if he wants to stay with the gorillas or go back home.


Another good movie to see what the climate and nature is in Africa, is the Lion King. This movie is about a young lion cub that separates from his dad, Mufasa, and Mufasa has to go on a journey to try to find his son.

Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom is a movie that focus more on the government aspect of Africa. Mandela is a movie about, a man named Mandela and his journey in becoming the first elected democratic president in South Africa. Blood Diamond is a movie that portrays the brutal side of Africa. Blood Diamond is a movie about a diamond smuggler from Zimbabwe, who travels with an escaped diamond slave to try to find his son who was captured by the RUF. 23

develop their social life. Kampala is filled with fun and exciting bars and restaurants with interesting people for them to meet. The majority of the city’s embassies, big hotels, large banks and offices are located on Nakasero Hill. Traffic usually gets thicker on the streets at the bottom on Nakasero Hill and people tend to see hawkers selling goods on the sidewalk. The Indian community has a large history in the city and has constructed many mosques and Hindu temples throughout the city and has a major role in the city’s economy. Although Kampala doesn't have many attractions, travelers should find time some day to go on the cultural Bugandan heritage tour. This tour begins with a visit to the Kasubi To m b s , t h e n t o t h e U g a n d a Museum, followed by a walk through the Kabaka’s Trial, which leads to the beautiful Ssesibwa Falls and this completes the tour. Kampala is an exciting and safe place filled with wonderful people

The Ups and Downs of Traveling to Kampala By Evan Hendricks Kampala, being the most populated city in Uganda, is also the capital. The terrorist attacks in in 2010 lead people to believe that Kampala is too dangerous for people from other countries to travel to. However, that is not entirely true. The citizens of Kampala say that Kampala is actually a safe city. Although muggings and robberies are still an issue, the people say that it is safe for travelers to walk on the main streets at night without having to be afraid of being robbed or mugged and this also means that private security is not necessary. Kampala has a large amount of clean water because it was constructed near Lake Victoria, which is the second largest freshwater lake in the world and is also the source of the Nile River. Kampala hasmany markets that sell different kinds of fruits and vegetables. The people of Kampala are nice and most can speak english, which is very helpful for western travelers if they need help with directions. The people of Kampala can also speak Swahili and Luganda. There is always opportunity for travelers to

The Grand Imperial Hotel in Kampala viewed from a distance.


Cape Town is an Ideal Spot for the Family By William Sargent through the elegant harbors. Another great attraction is Boulders Beach, where thousands of exotic penguins live. When getting away from the beach, you can go to Table Mountain National Park, named after the mountain that looks like a table top. You can take a cable car ride to the top of the mountain to catch some beautiful views. While upon the top of the mountain, you can go and hike on the many trails that the National Park offers. You can also go to Robben Island for a little bit of history in your relaxing trip. On the island, you can see the prison where Nelson Mandela was held for a large amount of his life. Also, you can go see the Gold of Africa museum, where over 200 years of goldsmithing is on display. For the sports fan in your family, Cape Town has the stadium where the 2010 Fifa World Cup was held that you can visit. If the beach, or the mountain is not your favorite thing, Cape Town has a very beautiful aquarium where the overall favorite destination is the predator exhibit where you can view many different species of sharks. All in all, when going to Africa with the family, Cape Town is an ideal location.

Arial view of the the city of Cape Town

When traveling out of the country to Africa with the family, there is not a single place with more family oriented activities than Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town is a city on the South West coast of South Africa, as well as the South West coast of Africa. Cape Town is one of the most predominant tourist destinations on the continent of Africa, also it is strongly influenced by Europeans culture with the cuisine, customs, as well as the language. While in Cape Town, there is obviously the gorgeous beaches with great surfing in areas such as False Bay. Although if your family wants to have a nice relaxing trip, you can head out to Bakoven Beach or St. James Beach. Those beaches are in a secluded cove that protects the beaches from the violent currents. Young children also enjoy the boat tours

The penguins of Boulders Beach


Voluntourism in Africa By Evan Hendricks

Working with children in a township near Cape Town: This trip is for compassionate travelers who love spending time with children. This trip may be challenging to some travelers. On this trip you will develop an understanding on life in a township and make a positive change in many children’s lives. So, if you’ve ever wanted to make a difference in the lives of others, nows your chance!

Surfing experience with disadvantage children in South Africa: On this trip, you will learn how to surf on Muizenberg Beach and then teach underprivileged children how to surf. This trip is not only fun for the children but also fun for you. You will also have the opportunity to do other activities such as soccer and hiking. By going on this trip, you not only we be making a difference in these children’s live, but have fun while doing it.

Community work with children near Mt. Kenya: The purpose of this trip is to help Kenyan children who have lost their parents to HIV. You will play fun games with the children and help teach them English. You will also help teach the children basic skills that they will later use in their lives and through all this teaching, you will develop friendships with all these wonderful children.


Building with underprivileged communities in Kenya: This trip is for travelers who want to get their hands dirty. You will help build homes with underprivileged communities like, Nakuru. This trip is not all work. On weekends, you can explore national parks and dance to catchy Kenyan music.

Help raise endangered big cats in South Africa: This trip is for travelers who love animals. The purpose of this this is to help save the endangered big cats such as, cheetah, serval, leopard, and lion. On this trip you help with research, blogging, feeding and sometimes nursing the animal. You will join game drives, go on adventures and see amazing South African wildlife.

Hands-on work with endangered birds and wildlife in South Africa: Similar to helping raise endangered big cats, this trip is also for travelers who love animals. On this trip, you will constantly be surrounded by all different kinds of animals from all over South Africa. You will learn how to prepare certain foods and feed the animals. This trip is perfect for travelers who love the beach because, some of the prettiest beaches in South Africa are only a couple miles away from the park you’ll be staying at!


Guide to a Cheap and Fun Trip to Mombasa By Nick Tuleu When wanting to go to Mombasa for a cheap price and fun things to do, it’s easy. First, you need to find a place to stay, the Severin Sea Lodge, a four star hotel and only $37 a night. This hotel includes a private beach and a jacuzzi. Now that you have a place to stay, you Beautiful beach in Mombasa.

need activities to do. In Mombasa, there is a very large range of things to do. The activities

sharks, and if you are lucky, you can swim with

range from diving with fishes to visiting religious

a large sea turtle. If you don't enjoy getting wet,

forts. This city fits everyone, and the prices are

but you like seeing fish, you can go to the

affordable. If you enjoy being in the wild, the

marine park and buy food to feed the fishes. If

Haller Park, the marine park, and tropic diving

you don't like interacting with animals, but you

are activities recommended. The Haller Park is

enjoy being outside, the Nyali Beach is a

a recommended place if you want to get up

beautiful beach to relax and there are massage

close and personal with the animals. The park

huts all along the beach. There are many other

sells food for 500 shillings, which is $5.71 in

activities to do if you don’t like interacting with

U.S. currency to feed the animals. If you enjoy

the environment, there are many religious

being in the water, the tropical diving is a must

monuments, museums, and historical sightings.

do activity. During your tropical diving

There is Fort Jesus, Mombasa largest tourist

adventure, you will get close with tropical fishes,

attraction, this was a fort built by the portuguese


in 1593. Another tourist attraction is the Sikh Temple, this is a temple that is very religious and you are forces to take your shoes off when you enter.

The Sikh Temple is esoterically

designed, only a few people know what the temple means or why it is there. Mombasa is a great place to go, if you want to have fun but also the trip not cost a fortune, Mombasa will fit that expectation very well.

The beach view from a beach side cabin.


How to“Mind Your Manners” in South Africa By Evan Hendricks

• Have a good background knowledge about South Africa before you arrive. The people of South Africa do not like to be asked to tell about the history of their country because, they expect you to know it already. • Don’t be a “fair weather” friend. The business community of South Africa greatly believes in the importance of long and good relationships. You must be committed to being friends with someone for a long time. • Many different languages are spoken all over South Africa. However, it is not necessary to learn another language. Many people can speak English fluently and English is the most common business language. • South Africans typically greet foreigners by smiling, maintaining eye contact, and shaking hands. Some women nod their heads instead of shaking hands. Wait for the woman to extend her hand before you extend yours. • Humor in South Africa doesn’t always have be used at appropriate times. In South African society, humor plays the role of the tension releaser. Humor can be used in difficult and serious times to help reduce stress. Don’t be worried to crack a joke when your friend is feeling down. • Always bring gifts such as flowers, a bottle of good South African wine, or chocolates when ever you are invited to a South African’s home. • You do not need to bring fancy, expensive clothes. The South African dress code is formal. For men, wear dark colored business suits. For women, wear business skirts. • Friendly business meetings will almost always be held at local restaurants. Hardly ever will a businessman invite his business partner over to his home for a meeting with dinner. First meetings are commonly used to tell if someone is trustworthy.



William Sargent

Come ziplining with us in South Africa Only 1,065 South African Rand that’s 103.39 US Dollar!

Evan Hendricks

Get face to face with great white sharks

Nick Tuleu

Go shark diving in Cape Town

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