Destination Asia 2014

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MAY 2014






CONTENTS ASIA NEWS Ferry Disaster Leaves 300 or More Dead or Missing By Hackett Cummins Trouble in Thailand: PM Facing Impeachment and Criminal Charges

By Arabella Peters

Missing Malaysian Plane Arises Controversy, as Well as Curiosity

By Christy Charbonnet

Two Women Kidnapped by Gunmen in Malaysia By Elizabeth Ruckman Asia Through The Years By Hackett Cummins

6 8 10 11 14

ASIA Travel Experience the Ultimate Spiritual Journey By Hackett Cummins Savoring Romance in Phuket By Elizabeth Ruckman Batken, Kyrgyzstan: Danger Throughout This Province By Christy Charbonnet Extreme Adventuring in Himachal Pradesh By Arabella Peters Six Destinations to See Now By Elizabeth Ruckman The Ultimate Guide to Must Do’s in Asia By Arabella Peters A Chance to Make a Change in Asia By Christy Charbonnet Hungry?

By Hackett Cummins

Memorable Souvenirs Necessary for Every Traveler By Elizabeth Ruckman From Thrillers to Romance, Here’s a List of Must-See Movies Set in Asia Travel Etiquette: Asia

By Christy Charbonnet By Arabella Peters

18 20 21 22 27 30 32 40 36 38 42

Created By Christy Charbonnet


Three people holding candles as a tribute to those who died in the Sewol disaster.

Ferry Disaster Leaves 300 or More Dead or Missing

regulated amount of cargo as well. This company made a risky decision to take the opportunity to

By Hackett Cummins

make more money. Loading extra cargo onto the ferries has gained the company almost three million dollars extra in annual income. This overload of

"Please help! The boat is sinking," a

cargo has been dangerous and very risky. The CEO

boy said through the phone to emergency

of the company, Kim Han-sik, was arrested on

services. On April 16, 2014, a

South Korean

allegations that he knew the ferry was overloaded

ferry, named the Sewol, sank killing over 270

and did nothing to stop it from leaving the port. Four

passengers. Over 25 people are still missing, and

employees of Chonghaejin Marine were also

bodies continue to be found by the day. More


than 80 percent of the passengers were high school students on a fieldtrip.

Most of the employees working on the ferry escaped to live before helping passengers. A

Many text messages have been

recorded 15 people have been arrested for negligence

recorded of people saying their final words to

and failing to protect passengers. The captain has

their loved ones. It is yet to be determined what

been indicted on charges of manslaughter. There is a

exactly caused the sinking of the ship, but it was

recorded phone call of the passengers being told to

most likely caused by overloading cargo.

stay down in the cabin, although the ship was

Chonghaejin Marine, the company that owns the ferries, had a history of carrying

sinking. The families of the lost passengers are devastated by the loss.

significantly more cargo than they are supposed

Kim Han-sik may have seen this as an

to prior to this incident. It was reported that the

opportunity to make more money, but he has now

ferry that sank had at least two times the

cost his company the expenses of an entire ferry and


PG. 8


Anti-government protesters carry signs against former Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra while marching in central Bangkok.

Trouble in Thailand: PM Facing Impeachment and Criminal Charges By Arabella Peters


Wednesday, May 7, Prime Minister

Yingluck Shinawatra of Thailand, was forced to step down and is now facing impeachment. She was accused of abusing her power through improperly transferring Thawil Pliensri, her national security chief, who was appointed by an opposition-led administration in 2012. The court ruling ousted nine cabinet members along with Yingluck. She is now facing impeachment because Thailand’s National

Anti-Corruption Commission found Yingluck guilty of botching a multibillion-dollar effort to direct global rice prices higher. Yingluck’s supporters of the Pheu Thai party, or “red shirts,” are preparing to protest her removal and support her ally and s u c c e s s o r, P r i m e M i n i s t e r N i w a t t u m r o n g Boonsongpaisan. The “yellow shirts,” or groups against Yingluck, are the urban elite who will not stand to have the Pheu Thai party perpetuating their power and will likely protest to stop them. The

PG. 9

NEWS conflict between these two groups will likely cause




more unrest in Thailand and could lead to a civil war.

On Thursday, May 8, the day following

Yingluck’s failed attempt to increase the

Yingluck’s ouster and removal from office, when

prices globally affected the economy of Thailand and

Thailand’s National Anti-Corruption Commission

its farmers. Farmers expanded their farms and the

found Yingluck guilty of bungling a multibillion-

government received their rice in exchange for

dollar attempt to increase global rice prices. The

payment as a part of the rice program. Unfortunately,

commission stated that Yingluck had ignored flaws in

many farmers are still waiting for payment on crops

the rice-price program. The rice-program was

they gave to the government. The rice program is

introduced in 2011 and led to more than $9.2 billion

also affecting the fragile environment in northern

in paper losses. In 2011, Thailand was the world's

Thailand. The rice program’s purpose was to buy rice

largest exporter of rice. The policy was very popular

from local farmers at above market prices and then

with farmers, who began planting more grain to get

warehouse the grain in an effort to drive up global

the most out of the program. Mr. Jaroen, a rice

prices and boost spending and income at home. As a

farmer, stated "I wanted to get more money. Many

result, many farmers expanded their farms to gain

other farmers in this district decided to do the same

more from the program. Subsequently, the total

thing by expanding the amount of land used to grow

amount of rice under cultivation expanded 3 to 4

rice. The government was offering such a good price.

times the normal level and is now s t r a i n i n g reservoirs and irrigation systems. On paper, the rice program was predicted to boost Thailand’s economy but the outcome of the rice program was

Yingluck’s supporters are still behind her despite her recent impeachment.


PG. 10


Missing Malaysian Plane Arises Controversy, as Well as Curiosity By Christy Charbonnet


March 8, 2014, a

Malaysian aircraft vanished en route to China, and traces are yet to be found. Malaysian Flight 370 was flying from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China. The plane held 239 people, and nobody has heard from anyone on board since March 8. The missing aircraft has gained international attention because many are

Search teams scour the Indian Ocean hoping to come across any evidence or debris.

curious about what happened and are wondering how to prevent a similar accident. Also, many family members are demanding answers about what happened to their missing loved-ones. Malaysian Flight 370 has confused everyone because of the unusual clues that were found. The airplane took off at 1:41 a.m. and was scheduled to land in Beijing at 6:30 a.m. The radar lost its connection while it was in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand, almost to Vietnam, which was at 2:22 a.m. It turned west, back over Malaysia, and then turned down south. Officials said this had to be intentional. The plane dropped altitude while flying

the plane wasn’t on radar. It was not until 5:37 a.m., that Malaysian Air Control officers pronounced the plane, missing. Many countries are helping in the search. Airplanes and ships scoured 2.96 million square miles in the southern Indian Ocean. Satellite images have been helpful in locating debris, although the debris wasn’t related to the missing jet. The Ocean Shield, an Australian defense vessel, towed a black box ping locator until last month. Four pings have been picked up, supposedly relating to the plane. The Ocean Shield also holds the Bluefin-21, the only unmanned submarine that scours the ocean floor looking for debris or wreckage. However, new

over Indonesia and Thailand, probably the reason


PG. 11


Two Women Kidnapped by Gunmen in Malaysia By Elizabeth Ruckman


April 2, 2014, two women were

kidnapped by seven men at Singamata Adventures Reef and Resort in the eastern Malaysian state of Sabah.

Sabah has has been known as a popular

vacation spot for Chinese tourists in the past years, but has encountered security issues. One of the women who was kidnapped was a Chinese tourist and the other woman was a Filipino hotel employee at the resort. This event created more tension between China and Malaysia. The two countries

side. If the U.S. choses to help fund for searching or finding the two women the U.S., by doing so, will help Malaysia. This will make China and the U.S.’s relationship more tense. No country has spoken about paying the kidnappers to release the Chinese tourist yet. Malaysia is working with the Philippine authorities to find the victims and kidnappers. The Chinese tourist was identified as Gao Hua Yuan, a 29-year-old student from Shanghai. Malaysian media reports that she was in her room when the gunmen forced her out and then guided her to a boat. The Filipino hotel worker was identified as 40-year-old Marcy Dayawan.The reports of the Filipino women are still unclear of how she was kidnapped. It is believed that she was abducted.


sources state that the two women were on a jetty, a small pier, at the time they were kidnapped. The kidnapper’s intention was to Malaysian police search for any gunmen after the kidnapping.

have already had a feud over the missing flight that contained mostly Chinese nationals. This could affect the U.S. because if the U.S. becomes involved by helping, they need to decide between China or Malaysia. Whichever country they chose, the other country will not be happy with the U.S. for choosing the other country’s

earn a profit by kidnapping the women. Mr. Zahid said their goal “was to obtain financial profit.” The kidnappers were asking for 500 million Philippine pesos or 11.2 million dollars for the release of the Chinese woman only. The kidnappers have not asked for money to release the Filipino woman yet. Witnesses near the incident said they heard gunshots and saw a group of


PG. 12


Ferry Disaster Leaves 300 or More Dead or Missing FERRY, CONTINUED FROM PG. 6

Trouble in Thailand: PM Facing Impeachment and Criminal Charges THAILAND, CONTINUED FROM PG. 8

the compensation of the families of the

It was much better than selling to rice

people who were lost in the disaster. Due to Kim

mills." Sadly, the program quickly took a turn for

Han-sik’s and the other authorities of the

the worst. Global rice prices fell when India

company’s hopes to make more money, they

returned to the market and Thailand began to run

caused the death of more than 270 people, most of

low on funds to support the rice program. Due to

them being high school students. Also this resulted

Yingluck’s mismanagement, the rice program

in the arrest of 15 workers who loaded cargo.


They now also have all the lost cargo that was on that ferry to pay for.

Yingluck is strongly opposed by the “yellow shirts” and they will not stand to have the

Although the company has exceeded the

Pheu Thai party remain in power. The “yellow

cargo limit many times, it only takes one ship to

shirts” are likely to protest against the Pheu Thai

sink and it will cost the entire company huge

Party, causing more unrest in Thailand and

amounts of money, and also the lives of innocent

possibly leading to a civil war. Although Yingluck

people, and thats exactly what happened. The

will no longer be in power and may be facing

company has overloaded their cargo more than

criminal charges, the Pheu Thai party will still be

125 times. The extra cargo was a choice that the

represented in the Thai government. Yingluck’s

company made, in doing so, they were risking

supporters are likely to vote again for a member of

people's lives for an increase in annual income.

the Pheu Thai party on July 20, 2014.

The search continues to find the missing victims of the incident. Rescue and search teams have been sent out. After almost 300 people have lost their lives just for a company to make more money, you may want to ask the Chonghaejin Marine company “Was it worth it?”

“The ‘yellow shirts’ are likely to protest against the Pheu Thai Party, causing more unrest in Thailand and possibly leading to a civil war.”

PG. 13


Missing Malaysian Plane Arises Controversy, as Well as Curiosity

Two Women Kidnapped by Gunmen in Malaysia



information and clues are found every day as the search progresses.

gunmen flocking the resort. The gunmen were then seen leaving the resort on steamboats with the women.

The missing plane is a controversial subject

Hong Lei, a Foreign Ministry

because of the costly search and a confirmed

spokesman told a Beijing news provider, "that

explanation of the incident which upset many.

local police fully put into effect rescue work on

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Najib Razak, told

the basis of guaranteeing safety and to ensure the

the public that the plane crashed in the Indian

safety of Chinese tourists there." "The Chinese

Ocean and there were no survivors. The families

foreign ministry will pay close attention to how

and friends were upset with this conclusion

the situation develops.”

because there wasn’t hard evidence to prove his theory. "If you find something: OK, we accept, but nothing just from the data, just from analysis,” a frustrated family member told BBC news. The

Malaysian reporters

stated that the kidnappers may have had “inside help” to enter the hotel. Even though China and Malaysia have had tension recently because the of the missing plane, this eventually could interfere with their diplomatic ties.


search will continue no matter what the cost is,

there is no one held responsible for the

the Malaysian government said. However, the


cost of the search is escalating. The new budget is

group, Abu Sayyaf, that is linked to Al Qaueda is

ninety million dollars, and new technology is

involved in this situation.

being developed in order to help locate the plane.

kidnappers was believed to be involved in the

Many believe the search should stop, in order to

Pom-Pom case that occurred last year. The Pom-

save money, however, the Malaysian government

Pom case involved a Taiwanese tourist who was

wants to help calm the families worries about their missing relatives.

Security experts suspect a violent

One of the seven

shot and his wife was kidnapped in Pulau Pom Pom, Semporna. The remaining kidnappers were involved in a kidnapping of foreign tourists on the Malaysian resort island of Sipadan in 2000.

Construction of the Great Wall of China begins under Emperor Qin Shihuang.

Asia  Through Japan surrenders from WWII.

Portugal becomes the first Western power to establish any kind of fortification in Southeast Asia. Qing Dynasty ends, becoming the last dynasty of China.

Construction of the Great Wall of China ends.

Shintoism becomes the official religion of Japan.

221 B.C. 206 B.C. 1511 A.D. c.1875 A.D. 1911 A.D. 1945 A.D.

The  Years Terracotta Army discovered in China.

The Vietnam War begins.

The Korean War begins.

Edmund Hillary becomes the first person to reach the peak of Mount Everest.

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is founded by Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

Great Britain returns Hong Kong back to Chinese power, therefore ending European colonization in China.

1950 A.D. 1953 A.D. 1954 A.D. 1974 A.D. 1997 A.D. 1967 A.D. By Hackett Cummins



Phuket, Thailand FOR THE ROMANTIC COUPLE, PG. 20


Himachal Pradesh,



Experience The Ultimate Spiritual Journey By Hackett Cummins

Preah Ang Thom (Big Buddha) reaching nirvana.

one of these mountains stands Preah Ang Thom, or

Want to go on the most amazing,

Big Buddha. Big Buddha is a huge statue carved

incredible, and sacred trip of your lifetime? After a

from sandstone that was built in the 16th century.

short 2 hour drive from the city of Siem Reap,

The Khmers, or natives, have religious festivals at

Cambodia, you can find yourself in one of the most

Preah Ang Thom. At the top of the mountain, where

amazing, beautiful, and spiritual sites you will ever

Preah Ang Thom is, there is one of the most

encounter, the Phnom Kulen National Park. This

spectacular views you will ever see.

park features incredible views and a variety of

Once you have seen waterfall after

wildlife. Throughout the entire park you can find

waterfall, enjoyed the peaceful sound of birds

breathtaking waterfalls and ponds.

singing, and stood in awe of the Big Buddha, take a

The whole park is in the Phnom Kulen

short 20 minute drive south-west. You can find

mountain massif, which is considered the most

yourself at Angkor Wat, Angkor Wat is a humongous

sacred mountains by the native people. At the top of

temple. This breathtaking temple is considered a

world wonder due its massive size and outstanding

tours through the ancient temple, or make your own

architecture. It is believed to have been built in the

adventures on foot.

early 12th century under the rule of King

After going to see the beautiful waterfall,

Suryavarman II to be used for the Hindu religion.

a sacred Buddha statue, and one of the oldest places

Later in the 16th century the temple was used by

in Cambodia, you will have had a completely

Buddhist monks. The temple is compared with the

unforgettable experience and one of the best trips

Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids because of its

you will ever go on.

breathtaking architecture for what time period it was built in. The entire temple has been preserved amazingly well by the Buddhist monks who have been there for centuries. You can take guided bike

The temple of Angkor Wat at night.

PG. 20


Savoring Romance in Phuket By Elizabeth Ruckman

360 Restaurant at Phuket Pavilions is a trendy hot spot for couples to enjoy delectable food with a view.


honeymoon in Phuket can only be

described as a luxurious romantic island getaway. This island in Thailand is surrounded by shimmering blue water and white sand beaches. Phuket is a trendy hot spot that is stunning and romantic due to the picture perfect sunsets, sparkling blue water, legendary nightlife, and more. Phuket has a wide variety of activities beginning from deepsea diving to wandering up a tortuous road to see the Big Buddha. Beginning with aquatic recreations,

The Big Buddha sits atop Nakkerd Hills between Chalong and Kata. This unbelievable site is still being constructed but is still available for visits.

Phuket has snorkeling, scuba diving, high-end

adventure with your loved one, try elephant riding at

diving, water skiing, and more. These activities

the Kok Chang Elephant Safari Trekking. You and

without a doubt will be one of the highlights of your

your loved one can feed bananas to elephants, and

idealistic honeymoon getaway. For an extravagant


PG. 21


Batken, Kyrgyzstan: Dangers Throughout This Province By Christy Charbonnet Exercising caution before traveling to

the U.S. Seismic standards, which means they are

Batken, Kyrgyzstan is strongly advised for multiple

not sturdy or reliable.

reasons. This province is known for civil violence,

risks of terrorism, and very high levels of crime.

among the Kyrgyzstan population. Hundreds and

Racial and religious tensions break out

When traveling there, avoid street allies, and large public gatherings.

Most of the time, they turn

violent and dangerous. Pick pocketing is common, especially in markets, restaurants, or buses.


natives specifically target any travelers, expecting they have the most for money. Driving is also a risk in Batken. The city lacks lighting, doesn’t enforce driving regulations, has old, undependable roads, and unknown livestock crossings. Some cars drive without any lights.

This can cause danger. The Kyrgyzstan

drivers are often careless and aggressive toward tourists. Turning without signaling the person behind you, is very common, as well as drunk driving. Landmines and earthquakes are a hazard for unaware foreigners. The houses in Kyrgyzstan do not meet

Batken natives watch as this house burns to the ground.

thousands of people are killed because of these fights. Looting occurs often in Batken because of the ethnic disagreements. Cars are lit on fire, flipped over, and broken into. The locals do this to one another when they are not agreeable on certain subjects. Batken, Kyrgyzstan is very dangerous, especially for Americans. The United States Embassy advises all United States citizens to be cautious in the urban areas of Batken. This is where the highest number of violent crimes against foreigners occur. Americans are recognized as

The roads in Batken are unpaved and dark.

having more money than most locals. This causes


PG. 22


Extreme Adventuring in Himachal Pradesh By Arabella Peters

Himachal Pradesh is a state in Northern India situated in the Himalayas. Famous for its natural beauty, Himachal Pradesh teems with deep valleys, fish filled streams, snow peaks, and mountains ideal for rock climbing; Himachal Pradesh is the quintessential adventurer’s paradise. It’s touted as “Sedentary or strenuous, for the experts or beginners, Himachal has a niche of adventure for everyone.” Just a bus trip from Delhi with no special training required for most activities, you will wonder why not add Himachal Pradesh to your extreme adventure repertoire? The Himalayas are world renowned for the trekking opportunities it provides. Trekking is available in the Dhauladhar ranges, the Pir Panjal ranges, and the trans-Himalayan tract of Lahaul, Spiti, and Kinnaur. The trails vary from very gentle to rugged and tough. There are about 270 trails that are all between 1500 to 6000 meters. Several agencies conduct treks and guides,

Trekkers in Himachal Pradesh.

equipment, porters, pack animals, and maps are available at major starting points. The whole of Himachal is ideal for mountain cycling because of its location. Specifically, Kangra, Una, Hamirpur, and Bilaspur are more gentler routes that are better for an amateur biker. While the rest of Himachal Pradesh is best suited to a more experienced biker. If you would like to spend more time in the great outdoors, a mountain biking tour can be coupled with camping for a deeper exploration of Himachal Pradesh. Mountaineering and rock climbing is very popular in the area around Manali, Manali forms the core of mountaineering in Himachal Pradesh. The Manali and Shitidar peaks, around the source of Beas, are suggested for amateurs. Chandrabhaga, Pir Panjal, and Dhalaukjujdhar ranges are deemed suitable for the experienced climbers. The Indian Mountaineering Foundation at Manali and its branch at Dharamsala conduct mountaineering tours.

Paragliding launch at bald peak of Billing.


PG. 23


Romantic Bonding in Phuket


then ride on top of them to get an out of this world view of the sunset. Phuket has been known for it’s active nightlife with limitless bars, night clubs, discos, and legendary full moon parties. A necessary activity in Phuket is hiking to see the 45-meter high statue, the Big Buddha. You can see this statue from the majority of Phuket. Traveling to this statue calls for wandering up a tortuous country road bordered by terrace banana groves. A must see picturesque beach in Phuket is Laem Singh Beach. This beach is located on a small bay at the bottom of forested cliffs. Laem Singh is known for having a private feel because it is sheltered by cliffs. Which makes it an excellent chill out spot for newlyweds. Lovers visiting the area would be foolish to miss out

South-west Phuket is known for its shimmery blue water.

on the opportunity of dining at the 360 Restaurant at Phuket Pavilions overlooking the bay. Besides the delectable food this restaurant provides, you can enjoy a nice breeze and a view of the sunset over the bay, while you dine with your spouse. After enjoying a bunch of recreational activities, make sure to stop by a spa to unwind and enjoy a couple Thai massage. Phuket is a more than suitable destination for newlyweds to getaway for a romantic yet memorable honeymoon.

Batken, Kyrgyzstan: Dangers Throughout This Province DANGERS, CONTINUED FROM PG. 21 them to be targeted more than locals. The United States Embassy does not allow their employees to travel through Batken because its employees are at risk of terrorist attacks. Batken is also easy to access from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, andUzbekistan. These countries are threatening to Americans.

Despite the instability of the country and inhabitants,

Batken can be a pleasure to visit for most people. The accommodations and food are not expensive. Kyrgyzstan is also one of the few Asian countries that has not been

Issyk-Kul is the largest lake in Kyrgyzstan and the second largest alpine lake in the world.

alternated by the western world. The variety of food is extreme, serving most foods from Russia, Turkey, and Asia. Hiking and horseback riding through the mountains is a common getaway for many tourists.

PG. 24


Extreme Adventuring in Himachal Pradesh


In Kufri, one of the oldest ski destinations in India, skiing, ski courses, instructors and equipment are available. Palasu is one of the only slopes where you can ski in summer and Solang Nallah hosts a national level ski competition. Heli-skiing, a unique form of skiing in which you are carried by a helicopter

“Sedentary or strenuous, for the experts or beginners, Himachal has a niche of adventure for everyone.”

to a snow peak, is offered at Hanuman Tibba, Rohtang Pass, Deo Tibba and Chanderkhani Pass near the resort town of Manali. Heli-skiing is very popular in Himachal Pradesh because of the compactness of area. In ten minutes, skiers can be carried to the top of a 14,000 feet high slope. The Maharana Pratap Sagar reservoir is perfect for water-skiing, surfing, kayaking, rowing, canoeing, sailing, and swimming. River-rafting and whitewater rafting are also very popular. Himachal Pradesh is known for Kangra valley, the venue for five national and three international hang gliding competitions. Kangra valley is considered one of finest sites in world for paragliding and hang gliding. The bald peak of Billing, above the Buddhist Monastery of Bir, is the jumping off point for paragliding and hang gliding over Kangra valley. Himachal Pradesh welcomes tourists, especially those interested in enjoying the entirety of its environment. Don’t wait! Make Himachal Pradesh your next extreme adventure destination!

Sponsoring and Leading Expeditions Since 1957

Created By Arabella Peters


Created By Arabella Peters

“Excellence in Flight”

Created By Arabella Peters and Christy Charbonnet



The Great Wall of China, a landmark that stretches over 13,000 miles in China.


1. The Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is an iconic monument in China that stretches over 13,000 miles of China. This is one of the seven wonders of the world. Travelers in Beijing are fortunate because they have easy access to the wall. Try to refrain from visiting the wall in the winter months and make sure to wear comfortable shoes to your visit. 2. The Golden Pavillion: The Golden Pavillion, or also known as the Kinkaku-ji is one of the most important places in Japan. The Pavillion belongs to UNESCO’s world heritage site. Each floor of the Golden Pavillion has a different architectural style. 3. Ang Thong Marine Park: The Ang Thong Marine Park in Thailand is an aquatic preserve near Koh Samui. This was an inspiration for Alex Garland’s novel, “The Beach.” This marine park offers daytripper ferries.

PG. 28


4. The Golden Temple in Amritsar: The Golden Temple in Amritsar in India is the most holy place for the Sikh religion. This peaceful temple looks like it is floating in the surrounding water. The temple has a vibrant and influential atmosphere. 5. Taj Mahal: The Taj Mahal in India is one of the main highlights of India. People recommend to visit the Taj Mahal at dawn. After you visit this landmark, be sure to go across the river to see the “Baby Taj.� 6. Victoria Harbour Cruise: The Victoria Harbour Cruise in Hong Kong is a wooden ship called the Acqua Luna. Enjoy scenic sky views over the water and drink an Asian-Style cocktail while you are on the cruise.

PG. 29

The Ultimate Guide

to Must Do’s in Asia Visit Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji is Japan’s tallest mountain.

Mount Fuji is known for its popularity among artists for its near-perfectly symmetrical volcanic cone and among trekkers for its 12,388 ft peak. Mount Fuji can even be seen from Tokyo on a clear day. Rail tours by the bullet train, from Tokyo, are available for those seeking to enjoy Mount Fuji’s beauty from a distance.

Spend Quality Time With The Elephants at The Elephant Nature Park The Elephant Nature Park is located in beautiful jungles of Northern Thailand. Its mission is “to protect and care for mistreated elephants rescued from tourism and logging industries.” The park cares for 36 elephants on 250 acres of wilderness. Visitors are able to feed elephants fruit out of the palm of their hand, watch elephants play in the mud, and get into the river to help give them a bath. The Elephant Nature Park is a non-profit foundation created by Lek Chailert, a native of the area who has dedicated her life to help care for the elephants. The Elephant Nature Park provides day trips and week-long volunteer opportunities as well, giving you the opportunity to help the elephants, while enjoying a rare experience.

Spend a Day at Jungle Beach

Jungle Beach is a tiny, secluded bay, surrounded by jungle. It is only a 30-minute walking distance from Unawatuna, Sri Lanka. Boats are also available, however walking will give you many opportunities to see various types of wildlife, such as monkeys, on the way. A coral reef begins 30 feet away from the beach ideal for snorkeling. Schools of fish, crabs, moray eels, trigger fish, barracudas, parrot fish, and even a turtle can be seen roaming the crystal waters of Jungle Beach. Snorkel gear can be rented in many shops along the beach and in Unawatuna. After a day of relaxing on the white sand and cooling off in the calm waters, amble up to Sunset Point. Sunset Point, located directly above Jungle Beach, is the perfect spot to watch the sun slowly fade on the horizon.

Wander Around the Forbidden City The Forbidden City was named one of China’s UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Sites in 1987. It is known as China’s most famous museum, and is located in the heart of Beijing. The Forbidden City housed the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties for over 500 years. Covering 720,000 square meters and containing 800 buildings with over 8,000 rooms, The Forbidden City is a necessary destination for history buffs and tourists alike.

Be Blessed by Holy Monkeys at Swayambhunath Stupa

Swayambhunath Stupa is a fifth-century temple in

Kathmandu, Nepal with sweeping views over the Kathmandu Valley. Swayambhunath Stupa, meaning “sublime trees”, is a variety of temples and shrines that make up a Tibetan monastery. Swayambhunath Stupa is also known as the Monkey Temple because primates live on the grounds. The monkeys are very friendly and

constantly on the prowl for food.

Sail Halong Bay

Halong Bay is a 580 square mile natural cove, containing 2,000 limestone islands. Trees, ferns, birds, and monkeys inhabit the islands. Its peaks inspired centuries of Vietnamese poetry and paintings.

By Arabella Peters

PG. 32

TRAVEL A Chance to Make a Change in Asia Friends for Asia Friends for Asia is an organization which specializes in placing volunteers throughout Bali, Nepal, Vietnam, and Thailand. In Thailand and Bali, volunteers mostly focus on women and children. Volunteers help in these countries by building homes for single women, teaching basic English and Math skills to children, giving love and affection to kids at the orphanages, and helping with children suffering from HIV. Friends for Asia volunteers support children in Vietnam by helping build schools, hospitals, and orphanages. Volunteers help out in Nepal by caring for women on the streets, as well as taking care of children at a Buddhist temple.

An American woman helps teach girls in Asia through the Friends for Asia Organization.

Volunteering Asia Caring for children and helping feed the children is the most common volunteer job in India. Teaching English to children and uneducated women is a frequent activity, as well, and Volunteering Asia is a company through which you participate in these activities. Volunteering Asia places volunteers with projects all over the continent such as this young woman working with small children in India.

GVI USA Laos is home to rare animals, such as elephants and gibbons. Through the Volunteer in Laos management, opportunities such as: helping with animals, helping street-children, and helping build schools are just a few of the projects available. A volunteer helps this handicapped raccoon try to gain back the strength in its legs.

PG. 33

TRAVEL I-To-I Java, Indonesia hosts multiple orangutan rescue centers. Assisting with the animals and helping the staff is one option available with the I-to-I organization. The animals at the establishment are usually close to being extinct or are not able to be released back into the wild for health issues. Panda conservations are p r e v a l e n t i n C h i n a . Through the I-to-I organization, helping the almost-extinct panda bears is common, as well as being involved with the Golden Monkeys, Red A volunteer helps calm a baby panda with its mother in Beijing, China. Pandas, and sheep.

Two volunteers prepare to release this healed turtle back into the wild.

Go Eco Sri Lanka is an island south of India and is home to many sea turtles and organizations. Fishing is popular in Sri Lanka, and sea turtles are often caught in the fishing nets. Many loose limbs which means they cannot live in the wild. Through this project, sea turtles will be helped in different ways. Feeding the turtles, cleaning the tanks, spending time with the turtles on the beach, collecting turtle eggs, releasing baby sea turtles, and rehabilitating the injured turtles are all options for this project.

By Christy Charbonnet



What to Wear:

Current Currency Exchange Rates:


Created By Elizabeth Ruckman


Hungry? By Hackett Cummins

Want a local bite to eat? These

food is Penang, Malaysia. All over

are some of the best chow down

Penang you can find small

places in all of Asia. The Tsukiji Fish

restaurants and food stands. Many

Market in Tokyo, Japan is the

of these places serve traditional

largest fish market in the entire

Malaysian noodles and meats. Some

world. In order to gain entry into

of the best restaurants are on small

the market, you will need to get up

side-alleys and back streets. If you

as early as 4:30 A.M. You can also

visit and are looking for a good place

find some of the best sushi stands

to eat, it is advised to look for the

near this market. Visiting the Tsukiji

restaurants where locals are eating.

Fish Market is considered one of the

Donghuamen Night Market in

top activities to do while in Tokyo.

Beijing, China is a very common

After visiting Tokyo, you can make

food destination. This is a huge food

your way down to Hanoi, Vietnam.

market with over 60 snack stalls.

All across this huge capital city, are

From spiders to seahorses, you can

Pho restaurants. Pho is a traditional

find almost any type of food at the

Vietnamese soup. Pho eateries such

market. If you are ever near any of

as: The Drive-by, Pho Tau Bay, Pho

these places, then you definitely

Gia Truyen and Pho LĂŞ are all hot

don’t need to worry about where

spots for locals and tourists.

you are going to eat.

Another amazing place to find local

The Donghuamen Night Market in Beijing, China.

Memorable Souvenirs Necessary for Every Traveler By Elizabeth Ruckman

1. Cambodian Silk Scarf: A Cambodian silk scarf is an inexpensive and beautiful item to buy on your vacation. This scarf is made from silk or fine cotton covered with unique and vibrant patterns. Cambodians originally wore scarves such as these to not only keep warm, but to keep away dust. This memento would be an ideal item for the fashionable traveler. Price Range: $1.50 - $15.00 Where to Buy: Siem Reap 2. Buddhas: Wood, metal, painted, or antiqued Buddhas are a perfect, quirky keepsake to grab during your stay in Thailand. The buddhas range from laughing, smiling, and meditating to big or small. This souvenir is labor-saving if you chose to buy a small buddha. Price Range: The price on the buddhas vary depending on the material and size. Where to Buy: Your best spot to buy a buddha figurine would be at a market place or a small local shop in Thailand. 3. Maneki Neko: A Maneki Neko is a Japanese welcoming statue. You may have recognized these beckoning cat statues at restaurants, shops, banks, or offices. This cat figure is known as a good luck charm because it attracts good luck in business or property. Maneki Nekos come in many different sizes. Price Range: Maneki Nekos are inexpensive so make sure to buy one!


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Where to Buy: Maneki Nekos are available at many gift shops, usually in Japan. The well known street, Nakamise Street, which is near the Senso-ji Temple has the best Maneki Nekos. If you are looking for the “real thing,” stop by the Gotokup-ji temple, which is also where the figure originates from. 4. Yukata: A Yukata is a casual, lightweight, cotton summer kimono. These kimonos are usually worn at festivals or at the Ryokan, a traditional Japanese Inn. In order to buy a good quality Yukata, stop by at a regular clothing shop. Where to buy: These kimonos are available for purchase at any major tourist destination in Japan. Price Range: $40 5. Beijing Lord Rabbit Figurine: A Beijing Lord Rabbit Figurine is a symbol of local Beijing culture that was used for worship on the mid-autumn day. These figurines surfaced in the late Ming dynasty when locals at that time had a tradition of making clay rabbits for worship. This unique artwork represents a lovely rabbit in a powerful prose. These rabbit figurines are now popular children’s toys. Where to Buy: You can find these figurines in the local stores of Beijing. Make sure to try at Nan Luo Gu Xiang 80, Dong Cheng District, which is where locals recommend to purchase these. Price Range: Vary from stores.

From Thrillers to Romance, Here’s a List of Must-See Movies Set in Asia By Christy Charbonnet

Anna and the King

Anna and the King was shot in Penang, Malaysia. Anna and the King starred

Jodie Foster and Chow Yun-Fat. Jodie Foster is a 1999 Academy award winner, and Chow Yun-Fat is a Hong Kong Star in kung-fu. Anna and the King was nominated for two Oscar Awards in 1999. Anna and the King is about a romance between the King of Siam and a widowed British school teacher. Anna and the King set in the 1860’s.

Chow Yun-Fat shooting a scene in Penang for Anna and the King.

Bangkok Harbour, where most scenes in Anna and the King were filmed.

Memoirs of Geisha Memoirs of Geisha is set in Kyoto, Japan. Kyoto is considered to be one of the most beautiful filming spots in Asia. It stars Zhang Ziyi, an award-winning actor, and Michelle Yeoh, Gong Li, and Ken Watanabe. Memoirs of Geisha is about a girl who opened up about her heritage, such as her old village fishing roots. She then Michelle Yeoh shooting a scene in Kyoto while wearing

become the most famous woman in Japan. This traditional Japanese clothing. movie won three Oscars and was nominated for over thirty awards.

The Karate Kid

This movie was budgeted at 40 million

dollars. It is about Dre, who was almost the most popular kid in Detroit, but his mother took a job in China. Dre starts seeing this girl named Mei Ying begins to like her. However, they are both living in ver y different cultures. Dre turns to the maintenance guy for karate lessons, so he can Dre practices on the Great Wall of China with the maintenance man from his school

attempt to beat up a school bully.

The Hangover Part II

The Hangover Part II is set in Bangkok, Thailand. This 80 million dollar movie is about

a bachelor party. The men wake up in a sketchy apartment with tattoos, shaved heads, and missing friends. Eventually, everyone is found, and the wedding goes on.

Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis stroll the streets of Thailand while filming.

Alan enters a monastery with his friends, while looking for the owner of a retired monk.

Transformers 4

Transformers 4 is set in Hong Kong

and Chongqing. It was the most anticipated movie to see in 2014. A father and daughter make a discovery, and brought down the Autobots and a crazy government official. Transformers 4, “Age of Extinction,� comes out summer 2014.


Paying respect to your elders is expected by young people. Especially in the Philippines, where your age determines your social structure. So, when meeting someone older than you be sure to bow to show respect.

Maintaining face is absolutely crucial, especially in China. Never shame or humiliate anyone in public. When you are asking for something and receive a smile it may not mean “yes,” it could mean one is nervous and embarrassed because they cannot give you what you are asking them for.

Haggling is allowed in markets everywhere and is usually expected, except in Japan, where all prices are fixed and non-negotiable.

• Blowing your nose in public is considered faux pas. • Interestingly, pouring soy sauce onto rice is considered unusual.


• It is very bad manners to be late and tipping is, in fact, rude. • Do not eat or drink while walking, as this is considered very disrespectful.


• It is considered rude to wear shoes inside someone’s house. • In public, it is improper to show affection. Women are also expected to dress modestly. • Eat with your right hand. When handing something to someone, use your right hand or both of your hands.

• It’s all about numbers in Korea, where the number four is unlucky while seven of any item is very lucky.

South Korea

• It is mildly offensive to blow your nose at a table. So, make a dash for the nearest restroom if a sneeze is imminent.


• Men, but especially women, should keep their shoulders covered at all times. • Haggling is expected, within reason, at outdoor markets. • If you are meeting someone worthy of respect, say “Namaste.” • Many tourists seem guarded, so keep your body language open and the natives will be much more welcoming. • There are set hours for lunch (at noon) and dinner (at six), dine at times close to these.


• Do not clean your plate, this means your host did not supply enough food and is considered a deep insult. • When having a conversation, avoid sensitive topics, such as the One Child Policy, which is still in effect. • Handshaking can be lengthy and is likely to continue throughout a conversation.

By Arabella Peters



Monsoon Season Weather Map

Created By Hackett Cummins



“Where the Brightest Gather”

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