Destination Europe 2014

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Table of Contents NEWS

Sw is s Muse u m Scores Big on R e c o ve r e d WWII S to l e n Ar t By Barret Williams

T wo Boa ts Sin k off Greek Co ast L e avi n g 2 2 D e ad ByWill Reynoir

Putin Announces Pull-Back of Russian Forces from Ukraine Border By Nico Salas

Eb ola V iru s S n ea ki ng To w ar ds E u r o pe By Adele Reynoir

Ex trava gan t F il m s Se t i n E u ro p e By Barret Williams

A Tri p T hr o ug h E ur op e’ s P ast By Barret Williams

V olun t eer Pr o j ec ts in Eur o pe ByWill Reynoir

Flag s o f Eur o pe By Adele Reynoir









City P ro f il e s 2 0 14 By Adele Reynoir, Will Reynoir, Nico Salas, Barret Williams

Do’ s and Don’ ts Wh e n V isi ti ng E u r o pe By Adele Reynoir

Mus t -se e ’s i n Eu ro pe By Adele Reynoir

Mus t D o ’ s i n E u ro p e By Nico Salas

To p Res tau ra nts in Eur o pe ByWill Reynoir

Ta ke H om e a Pi ec e o f Eur o pe By Nico Salas

10 Fu n F ac ts A bo ut E u ro p e By Barret Williams

Cur re n ci es in Eur o pe


By Barret Williams










By Nico Salas





Cornelius Gurlitt, son of

Adolf Hitler ’s favorite art dealer, died Tuesday leaving more than 2,500 paintings, prints, and sketches to the Bern museum in Switzerland. In Gurlitt’s will, he names the Switzerland museum as the “sole heir” of his collection which includes over a billion Cornelius Gurlitt

dollars worth of stolen art. Because the museum has no connection to Gurlitt


Lawyer Christopher

causing many problems in

whatsoever, the validity of his

Edel was appointed by the

Europe and is drawing lots of

will is being questioned. All of

Munich court to handle Mr.


the art pieces in Gurlitt’s

Gurlitt’s financial, health, and


collection were stolen during

legal affairs.

Even though

paintings after WWII has been

WWII from Jewish museums

these works of art were in

solved yet what to do with the

and galleries.

Most of the

Gurlitt’s possession at the time

paintings is still to be decided.

works of art were created by

of his death and have been

Gurlitt was caught last year

big name artists, such as

since WWII, the works of art

hoarding more than 1,400

Pierre-Auguste Renoir and

are trying to return to their pre-

missing works of art in his flat

Pablo Picasso, but have been

WWII owners because they

in Munich and the paintings

kept in poor condition and are

were stolen. Mr. Gurlitt’s will

w e r e c o n fi s c a t e d .

in great need of restoration.

may not be valid and the

paintings were returned to


The rightful owner of

Switzerland museum would

Gurlitt after he agreed to

the works of art is desperately

not be able to receive the

collaborate with German

trying to be found but is

works of art left behind by Mr.

causing difficulty due to the

Gurlitt. Because of Mr. Gurlitt’s

lack of documentation during

questionable will, this is

The mystery of the lost



PG. 5

been more fatal accidents than this one. While many migrants, some of which are illegal, are coming to By Will Reynoir Greece,there are calls to help control the numbers of migrants or On May 5, two criticism for not letting boats capsized off the migrants in. Due to all the coast of Greece and the recent migrants caused multiple deaths. coming into Greece, the There were 65 people on country has been asking the two boats combined. the European Union to Out of the 65 people, 36 help control their migrant of them were saved, 10 of numbers. They request for them are missing, and 22 this help because the more of them (including four migrants that come, the children) are proclaimed more accidents, such as dead. This happens very this one will occur. Also, frequently and their have in some cases, Greece has not let the migrants in and forced them to return to their homeland. They have received criticism from that, specifically The two boats that were capsized were a 30-foot from the U.N.


yacht (above) and a 6-foot dinghy.

refugee agency for not letting these migrants in. There has been many migrants that are showing up at Greece and Greece has sometimes not let these migrants in. When they do not let them in though, the country is greatly criticized. With all the rebellions in North Africa and the Middle East, many illegal migrants are trying to enter European countries. Greece is one of the major entry points for these people. This is because Greece is close in proximity and is easier to get to with the limited resources they have. Ever since all the rebellions, boats that migrants go on have been more and more overcrowded. Also, the rebellions have caused more migrant traffic in the Greece waters. These are the two main reason there has been more frequent and bigger ship wrecks. PG. 7

The overpopulation on the boats is due to the recent rebellions in North Africa and the Middle East and this is causing overpopulation in these boats. The wreck that occurred on May 5 was said to be


and even a cruise liner that are helping to search for these missing. Due to overcrowding the boats, this wreck had devastating numbers of deaths and missing.

regulation that allows all migrants to enter these coastal European countries or you may see regulations pass that will only allow a certain number of these migrants to enter.

More accidents have occurred recently due to the over population in these migrant boats. The recent wreck by Greece coast that killed 22 is a perfect example of how the recent rebellions in North Africa and the

one of the deadliest migrant boat accidents in Greek waters in recent years. - AP


Also, the weekend before the wreck, there was a total of 250 migrants saved in wrecks. Both of these example show the recent overpopulation of these boats. Although they saved 22 migrants, the nationality of the migrants is still not clear. With the ten people missing, a search team has been sent out to find them no matter what their condition is. There are two search helicopters, two coast guard ships, a navy vessel,

The two boats were found four nautical miles off the Greek island of Samos, which is close to the Turkish coast.

Middle East have caused chaos in the European waters. In the future, you may expect either a PG. 8


Earlier this week, Russian

president Vladimir Putin declared

! Law and order was beginning to fall apart, and more and more groups were fighting each other. - Sergei Karaganova

to have Russian troops stationed on the Ukrainian border retreat. Over the last several months, Russia has supported Ukrainian

insurgents in their efforts against the national Ukrainian government. Russian troops have entered Ukraine and helped the rebels in the past.

So far there

has been no evidence that this proclamation has been acted upon. Putin’s announcement led to Russian and Ukrainian stock gains but western countries are still skeptical. After


announcement, both Russian and Ukrainian stocks and the value of each country’s currency rose in value.

Russian stocks gained

3.4% and Ukrainian stocks and bonds rose in value. The ruble, Russia’s national currency, gained 1.4% against the dollar and 1.5% against the euro.

Investors are

confident that the lessening

in western Ukraine. The purpose

pressure on Russia’s border with

of Putin’s decision is to nudge the

Ukraine will diminish the chance

insurgents to postpone their vote

of sanctions being placed on

on further autonomy in western

Russia to negatively affect

Ukraine. Major political figures

Russia’s economy, specifically

in the United States are hopeful

their metal industry, which would

that the vote will be canceled and

drastically reduce the production

not postponed.

of military products.


action seems to be beneficial for

Putin’s words of peace have left a

Ukraine, many reacted with

positive mark on Russia and

major scepticism of whether or


not Putin will fulfill his promise.

Although, this

On Wednesday, May 7,

P u t i n ’s r e a s o n s f o r

Putin publicly made his

wanting to pull-back his forces

announcement for his decision to

might concern both Russia and

call his troops away from the


border with Ukraine.

This was

officials have increasing fear that

the beginning of his new, softer

Ukraine might split up into

approach towards the insurgents

multiple territories.

Putin and many other

There were PG. 9

news reports in Russia that “Law and order was beginning to fall apart, and more and more groups were fighting each other,” in Ukraine.

On the

contrary, in reality only 40 citizens were killed in riots.

Also, Putin

wants control over part of western Ukraine in order to shape it, and a war against Ukraine, although it would inevitably be won by Russia, would leave little money left over for Russia to put towards advancements in western Ukraine and possibly push the EU and the United States to side with Ukraine. Another contributing factor that might have led to Putin’s decision is the fact that the situation is politically risky for President Putin to get further involved in.

Russian troops remain stationed at the western Ukrainian border.

The economy in Russia

Ukraine to be moved towards

reacted positively to Putin’s

mainland Russia.


decision to loosen his grip on

suspicions on the validity of

western Ukraine.

It has also

Putin’s promise are the result of

affected Ukraine in the same

multiple denials in the past

way. However, there have been


no signs or evidence so far that

involvement in Crimea.


he has acted on his announcement in any way. U.S. officials have even said there have been no signs of preparation for Russian soldiers stationed on or near the border between Russia and western

PG. 10


The deadly Ebola virus is spreading through Africa, and is now headed for Europe.


dozen residents in West Africa illegally arrived in Pisa, Italy. All of the migrants were suspected of containing the Ebola virus. Although these residents were quarantined, this virus is constantly spreading.

Ebola is

one of the most difficult viruses to contain within a specific region because it spreads through human contact. It also may take weeks to identify the Ebola virus.

Four dozen migrants, all infected or subject to infection from Ebola, travelled to the shore of Pisa, Italy. They were quickly quarantined to contain the virus from Europeans.

Multiple numbers of cases have

have been exposed to infectious

on the death toll statistics, which

already been reported, and many

or contagious diseases, in order to

were discontinued to the public to

people are dying as a result of

try and contain the virus. While

“avoid causing unnecessary

obtaining the virus.

quarantined, patients receive

panic” according to officials. In

The Ebola virus has killed

medical help from organizations

an attempt to contain the virus as

142 people in the past couple of

such as Doctors Without Borders

much as possible, those infected

months, and the virus keeps

a n d t h e Wo r l d H e a l t h

or subject to infection from Ebola


The Ebola virus

Organization. After the migrants

are quarantined.

spreads mainly in areas where

were quarantined, Europeans

The main reason Ebola is

hospitals have poor infection

became even more worried that

so hard to contain is because it is

control. People who are infected

the virus will spread into the

spread through contact between

with the virus are quarantined, or

continent. Those who are killed

to isolate people or animals that

from the Ebola virus are placed


PG. 11


Taken, a 2008 movie, is about a retired CIA agent who travels across the seas to rescue his daughter, who has been kidnapped in Paris. Scenes from this movie were filmed in various locations in Paris. The locations include the Jardins du Louvre, Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Place de Clichy, and Studios Eclair. If you are planning on visiting Paris, this movie is an absolute must see to give you a little preview of what you will be see on your trip to Paris.

Ratatouille, a 2007 cartoon movie, takes place in Paris, France. This movie is about a rat who is an excellent cook and helps out a new chief at a fancy restaurant. Ratatouille accurately express a typical fancy restaurant in Paris. By watching this movie, you would learn about the culinary culture and what to expect when you go out to dinner in Paris.

Goldeneye, featuring Pierce Brosnan as James Bond, was filmed all over Europe, including St. Petersburg, Russia; Monte Carlo, Monaco; and Cambridgeshire, England. Watching this movie will give you an overview of three countries in Europe. Although this is a very fast-moving movie, there are many outdoor scenes where you can see beautiful sites in these three countries. SEE: FILMS, PG. 16

PG. 12


1700 1720

1707 - United Kingdom of Great Britain is formed England and Scotland join under one Crown and become the United Kingdom of Great Britain. T hey join both of their parliaments to create the Parliament of Great Britain. Many attempts were made to join the two crowns, but this attempt was the only successful one.

1740 1776 - American Declaration of Independence from Great Britain Great Britain's colonies in America declare themselves independent and start a Revolution against its mother country. T he American victory in the revolution against Great Britain sparks the French Revolution in 1789.

1789 - T he French Revolution T his revolution marks the decline of monarchies and churches in France. Democracy and Nationalism rise up after the revolution.

1815 - Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo T his battle was fought in Belgium near Waterloo. T he French army, which was commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte, was defeated by the Seventh Coalition. T his army consisted of an army under the command of the Duke of Wellington as well as a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von BlĂźcher.

1760 1780 1800

1807 - Great Britain Abolishes the Slave Trade T he Slave Trade Act was issued by the Parliament of the United Kingdom which abolishes slavery in the British Empire. T he act also encouraged British citizens to press other nations in abolishing slavery.

1859 - Origin of Species is Published T he Origin of Species was written by Charles Darwin and is the foundation for evolutionary biology. T he publication of the Origin of Species was very controversial when it was first published, but eventually people began to adopt it.

PG. 13

1845-1852- T he Irish Potato Famine During this period, there was mass starvation, emigration due to the lack of food, and disease. More than a million people died due to the lack of potatoes because of a disease called potato blight. In addition to all the deaths, about one million people emigrated from Ireland.

1884 - 1885 - Berlin Conference T his conference was held in Berlin, Germany and was led by Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. T he European powers attended along with the U.S. T he public purpose was to control the slave trade, but the actual purpose was to divide up Africa among the European power and avoid any bloodshed.

1944 - T he Normandy Landings (D-Day) T he allies invaded the beaches of Normandy in an attempt to take back the occupied France. T his invasion is the largest seaborne invasion in history. 1939 - WWII Starts with Germany’s Invasion of Poland Poland was invaded by Germany and the Soviet Union. T his invasion marked the beginning of World War II in Europe.

1840 1860 1880

1989 - Berlin Wall Falls T he demolition of the Berlin Wall officially started on November 9, 1989 but was not completely destroyed T he fall of the Berlin Wall marked the end of communism.

1900 1920 1918 - Armistice at Compiègne T his agreement officially ended the fighting in Europe that was referred to as World War I. Although this was technically not a surrender for Germany, it was considered a defeat. T his agreement marked a victory for the allies.

1940 1960 1980 2000 2014


organisms infected with the virus.

Therefore, the number of deaths

the Ebola virus illegally continue

Also, there is no cure, antibiotic,

caused by the virus is increasing.

to migrate from Africa to Europe,

or vaccine for the Ebola virus.

The common, everyday symptoms

cases may begin to start appearing

The Ebola virus was first

also do not help to easily and

in Europe, and many will start

identified in humans in 1976 near

quickly identify people with the

dying as a result of the virus.

the Ebola River in the Democratic

Ebola virus and quarantine them.

Republic of the Congo.

If migrants that are infected with


was first identified in animals. The virus still spreads from contact with animals as well as with corpses that were infected with Ebola.

The Ebola virus is

hard to identify because s y m p t o m s i n c l u d e f e v e r, headaches, sore throat, and red eyes, which are also symptoms of day-to-day illnesses. This is one of the reasons why Ebola cannot be easily identified, and why

Workers aiding patients infected with the Ebola virus must wear protective gear to prevent from being infected with the virus themselves. Â

anyone who may show signs of the virus are quarantined.


infected with the Ebola virus, the symptoms worsen. As a result of this, some patients experience symptoms such as internal and external bleeding.

Ebola is

extremely difficult to contain and identify because the symptoms are common, every-day illnesses.

is increasing the number of people infected with the Ebola virus.

By Nico Salas

Human to human contact


The Sound of Music is a fantastic movie about the Vontrapp family during the Nazi occupation of Austria and was filmed in 1965. Many scenes were filmed in the mountains of Austria and all over the city of Salzburg. If you are about to visit Austria, you must watch this movie and see all the scenes filmed in Salzburg.

The Godfather, a 1972 movie, was filmed in many locations, such as Sicily, Italy. You absolutely must see this movie if you are planning on taking a trip to Italy. This movie gives you the inside scoop on Italy before you take the trip.

Scenes from Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone was filmed in various locations across England and Scotland in 2001. Although this movie is fantasy, it is not a cartoon, so many of the filming locations can be visited on a trip to the United Kingdom.

PG. 16

Come Volunteer in Europe By Will Reynoir

Romania: Daycare - In the classic city of Brasov, work in at a daycare center, an orphanage, or a daycare for kids with specific needs in Romania. At these places, you will help them get dressed, play games with them, and teach them basic lessons such as reading and writing.

Moldova: Soccer - If you have experience with soccer, you can travel to Chisinau, Moldova where you will work alongside a UEFA licensed coach. With him, you will coach one of Moldova’s largest academies and be the assistant coach.

France: Teach a French Family English - If you can teach English and would like to travel to one of Europe’s most important countries, then this trip is perfect for you! You teach a French family English for about 15 hours a week and you will live with them for free. Volunteers are sent to many different regions of France, including Paris. PG. 17

Iceland: Help Restore the Environment Work with SEEDS (a volunteer organization in Iceland) and be placed at a work camp where you will work on environmental and outdoor issues such as removing invasive growth, building trails, cleaning the coastline, and more. These projects are based all around Iceland and will help with festivals, artistic culture, and sports gatherings.

Greece: Help conserve Loggerhead Sea Turtle - For this project, you will be sent to Kefalonia in Greece to help the natural environment there. One big part of this project will be helping conserve the Loggerhead sea turtle which is an endangered species.

Germany: Restoration and Rebuilding of century old houses Travel to Germany where you will work on restoring and rebuilding century-old houses that are starting to fall apart. You will work and socialize with many different people and will slowly start making the culturally rich houses look new.

PG. 18


first place. The Munich Court believes that Gurlitt should not have kept these works of art over the years. He should have made an attempt to return the art instead of hoarding them. Mr. Gurlitt’s The German

though the museum in

death and the discovery of

authorities are working to

Switzerland has been named

these works of art have posed

locate the origin of the works

the heir to all these

more of a problem then

of art and return them if the

magnificent works of art, they

German authorities would

owners are reached. The art

may not end up receiving

have liked but they have been

pieces that were discovered

them due to reasons such as

working very hard to return

were stolen by his father

an invalid will and the

the paintings to their rightful

during WWII and were never

paintings being stolen in the



returned after Germany lost the war.

According to

German law, Gurlitt should not be forced to return any of the works of art because of the events that occurred over 30 years ago.

After this

discovery, the paintings have been worked on to help restore them and return them to their rightful owner. !

Many paintings that

were created by artists, such as Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Pablo Picasso, have been lost since WWII but have been recently found. They were found stashed away in a flat in very poor condition. Even PG. 19

but the past is over,

our time is NOW.

By Nico Salas

Four years ago, our team went down,

Flags of Europe

Albania ~ Andorra ~ Armenia ~ Austria ~ Azerbaijan ~ Belarus ~ Belgium ~ Bosnia and Herzegovina ~ Bulgaria ~ Croatia ~ Cyprus ~ Czech Republic ~ Denmark ~ Estonia ~ Finland ~ France ~ Georgia ~ Germany ~ Greece ~ Hungary ~ Iceland ~ Ireland ~ Italy, Kosovo ~ Latvia ~ Liechtenstein ~ Lithuania ~ Luxembourg ~ Macedonia ~ Malta ~ Moldova ~ Monaco ~ Montenegro ~ The Netherlands ~ Norway ~ Poland ~ Portugal ~ Romania ~ Russia ~ San Marino ~ Serbia ~ Slovakia ~ Slovakia ~ Slovenia ~ Spain ~ Sweden ~ Switzerland ~ Turkey ~ Ukraine ~ United Kingdom ~ Vatican City PG. 21


By Will Reynoir and Nico Salas

Introducing the all new four door.

City Profiles PARIS Your Perfect Honeymoon Awaits PG. 25



MADEIRA Adventure Lies Unnoticed Off the Coast of Portugal PG. 27

KRAKÓW a Great Place for a Great Price PG. 31

Where Family Vacations Are Made PG. 29



PG. 24


Your Perfect Honeymoon Awaits

By Barret Williams

Paris is the perfect place to spend a romantic honeymoon, and after all, it is ‘the city of love.” Paris is easily reached by plane and you can fly into the Charles de Gaulle Airport, a 30-minute taxi ride from the city’s center. Traveling inside the city is also very convenient with Paris’s metro system. The metro eliminates any need to rent a car, but if you prefer to travel above ground, taxis are also an option. They can be hailed from the street or come with in minutes of being called. Transportation should not present an issue if you plan to spend your honeymoon in Paris. The most popular times for tourists to visit Paris is between April and May and September and October. During these months, the weather is most pleasant, but there are higher prices for hotel rooms and air fares. June through August is not a recommended time to visit because the city is overflowing with tourists. Many locals flee the city for summer vacation to get away from all the crowds. There are plenty of great luxury hotels to choose from. A great hotel would be Le Meurice, which is located across from Tuileries Gardens and La Louvre. Another option would be the Four Seasons Hotel George V. Paris, which is located near ChampsÉlysee. Renting an apartment is also an option and would be more affordable if you plan to stay longer. There is no shortage of sightseeing opportunities in Paris. Some of the must sees include the Louvre, the Musee D’Orsay, Notre Dame, the L’arc de Triomphe, Sacre Coeur, and the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is one of the top must sees in Paris. If you do not feel like climbing all the stairs or waiting in line for an elevator, you can alway bring a lunch and have a picnic on the beautiful grass in front of the Eiffel Tower. To really get a feel for Paris’s unique culture, you must The Eiffel Tower is a beautiful site that you visit local shops and walk down the small boulevards. Laduree and can see from almost anywhere in the city and the park in front of it is a great place to Pierre Herme is a fantastic shop to check out if you are looking to have a picnic.

PG. 25

The Lover’s Bridge in Paris, France is a popular attraction for the newly wed, as well as anyone who wants their love to be eternal.

try some traditional french macaroons and pastries. If you would like to try some fabulous champagne, Dilettantes is a great place to go champagne tasting. For all of the art lovers, impressionism can be found at the Musee de l’Orangerie. Modern art can be found at the Centre Pompidou and sculpture at the Musee Rodin. You simply cannot leave Paris without visiting the Lovers Bridge. You kiss, make a wish, and hang a padlock on the bridge to immortalize your love. Some final tips are to watch out for pickpockets. They are very common, so be sure to button up your pockets and zip your purses to keep them out. Also, gratuity is included in the bill so no extra tip is required. From gorgeous cathedrals and sights to little boulangeries and bakeries, Paris has it all for the perfect romantic honeymoon.

The Paris metro system provides a cheep, quick, and easy was to get around town without having to deal with traffic or walking.

PG. 26

Madeira By Nico Salas

Adventure Lies Unnoticed Off the Coast of Portugal

Located not far off the coast of Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean and just Northwest of the Canary Islands, an unknown adventurers paradise awaits.

This hidden treasure is Madeira, an island in one of

Portugal’s many archipelagos or group of islands such as the Canary Islands. Madeira is overflowing with a collection of activities suited for adventurous travelers from the avid climber to the exploring diver. Located in the south Tore-Madeira Ridge, the Tore-Madeira Archipelago consists of a series of oceanic volcanic islands that date back to 20 million years ago. The island of Madeira represents roughly 93% of the entire archipelago on its own. Throughout the island, there is a Mediterranean climate brewing producing few rainy days. The temperature only fluctuates a few degrees between months with an averagely warm temperature in the summertime and a slightly chilly average temperature in the winter time. Year round, there are an abundance of activities to take part in. For those who prefer to swim with the fish, big game fishing out on the ocean is regularly popular, not to mention that the area is known for worldrecord sized fish.

However, that is not all that is available.

Crystal clear waters make for excellent

swimming in addition to surfing, kayaking, sailing, and even wind surfing!

Now onto the land-sharks’

delights. With towering mountains of sheer magnificence right at their fingertips, one has the difficult task of choosing which extreme past-time to entertain themselves with first. Want to stretch your legs after a long flight?

Mountain trekking is

very popular for those longing for a beautiful view. Or go on a Madeira’s reddish brown mountain tops resemble the surface of mars at first glance.

Levada walk through the Madeiran forest along a portion PG. 27

Choupana Hills Resort and Spa lies peacefully on the mountain side.

of the 1,350 miles of irrigation aqueducts unique to the island of Madeira. Too slow? Feel the need for speed? Try mountain biking along trails on the peaks of Madeira’s mountains above the clouds. Countless courses wind through a stunning landscape offering quite the view to ensure you have a great time. Crave an adrenaline rush?

Madeira’s mountains are a climbers dream.

Both the novice and the veteran climber can have an

exceptional time while climbing the steep volcanic cliff sides in Madeira. After an action-packed day of activities, kick your feet up at one of the islands many hotels. If you are more accustomed to the fine life, stay at the Choupana Hills Resort and Spa and relax at their pool-side deck. If you are on a lower budget, you can stay at the Hotel Four Views Baía, which will still suit your regular needs. Make your way to the islands center and dine on Portugal’s national dish, Bacalhua, which is made from salted cod fish and has over 350 ways of preparing it. Overall, Madeira is a hidden oasis specifically meant for the adventurous vacationer that you should seriously consider visiting.

PG. 28


Where Family Vacations Are Made

By Adele Reynoir

London is said to be one of the most popular destinations in the world for families. London includes the typical tourist-hot spots, but also activities your kids will love. As Samuel Johnson once said,

“ If a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” Your kids will never be tired of London with all the fun activities they can do. The classic London Eye allows people to enjoy a breathtaking view of the city. The London Eye is the most paid-for attraction in all of the UK, and your kids will love to see the city in the air. From the top of the London Eye, you can see many sights, including the Big Ben. Just imagine how amazing the view would be from the very top of the London Eye.

One activity includes going to Madame Tussaud’s, a museum that has wax figures of many famous people. Such famous celebrities include One Direction, Adele, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Mo Farah, David Beckham, and even the Queen. Your kids will beg you to take a picture of them with their favorite celebrities. These people are posing with the Queen, Prince William, and Kate Middleton. PG. 29

Another kid-friendly place to go is the ZSL London Zoo.

With over 12,000 animals,

your kids will have the opportunity to see some of the rarest animals. Your kids will also have a chance to pet the animals. The zoo is home to reptiles featured in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. These kids are intrigued by the parrot in front of them.

Speaking of Harry Potter, London has multiple tours you can take to visit various Harry Potter sites around the city. Check out these kids enjoying a tour of Harry Potter’s house.

What would London be without its guards? Of all the attractions in London, the guards are one of the most popular. The guards perform different ceremonies throughout the year, so everyone can see them when they are in London. These guards shown here are marching in a ceremony.

Look at all of the activities your kids will be excited to see! Your kids will love you for bringing them to London and for planning the best vacation for your family. Both you and your kids will be satisfied...until they beg to go to London again. PG. 30


A Great Place for a Great Price

By Will Reynoir

Kraków is said by many to be the cultural capital of Poland and is a place where you will enjoy the longer you stay. There are many different places in Kraków such as Old Town where there is a main square called Rynek Glówny. There is also Kazimierz and Wawel Hill which is the home of the Wawel Cathedral as well as a couple historic concentration camps that are located outside the city. You can save money there by staying away from money-changers (use ATMs), traveling there in the and calling taxis instead of hailing them. Also, many young Polish people speak english which is a big help, but don’t expect to learn much Polish because the language is hard. Another thing is that when exchanging money, because their currency is strong, you will have less money than you would think. Recently, with all the tourism, the restaurant business has really improved. Just a heads up, the tip is an average 10-15% of the check and one of the popular tourists restaurants is Ancora which is located in Old Town. It also offers typical European buildings such as castles, town squares, cathedrals, etc. without the enormous crowds of people. It also has many cheap, quality hotels as well as budget hotels if you wish to have more money to spend on other fun activities.

The main square in Kraków has a wide variety of cafés, restaurants, and bars all for a outstanding price.

PG. 31

Another way to save in this beautiful city is to travel there in the winter. Although you may have to buy a jacket, the flight will be cheaper and hotel rooms will be cheaper.

Before you travel to Krak贸w, you might want to know some key information. You do not want to exchange your money at the Bureaux de Change in Old Town because of the high rates. There are also other actions to avoid such as hailing taxis as calling them is 30% cheaper, booking hotels too late because the rooms will fill up quickly, not starting to party too late as it might get very crowded early, and knowing that for bathrooms, triangles are for men and circles are for women. There are also some flaws such as a lack for telephone boxes, you must make sure antiques are not illegal to export, it takes a while to get there, and you do not have first class restaurant service. You will still find this place great though as there is good food. Also Krak贸w is one of the only places in Europe where you can get a pint of beer for under one dollar and it has the most drinking locations per square meter than anywhere in the world. Even though all this sounds expensive, you can vacation there for only $26.55 US dollars a day for each person. So, if you feel like visiting a classic, European city at a great low price, Krak贸w is the perfect place for you.

PG. 32

Do’s and Don’ts When Visiting Europe By Adele Reynoir

Europe in General: • While eating meals, the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right. • If invited to dinner at someone’s house, it is customary to send a gift, mainly flowers, the day of the dinner. • When meeting someone for the first time, a light handshake is usual. If acquainted with someone, it is normal to exchange kisses on the cheek, first the left, then the right. •Call a person by their title and their last name until invited by that person to be called by their first name, such as Monsieur Hadzor. •Do not begin eating or drinking until the hostess has begun eating or has made a toast. •Europeans are very judgmental. T hey will judge you based on your body language, ability to carry on a conversation, sense of humor, way you speak their language, and much more. •If you smell something foul, you instinctively hold your nose. In a fish market, this can come across as an insult to the merchant as expressing distaste in the products. So if ever in a fish market, you may consider b re at h in g t h ro u g h yo u r mouth. Spain: • In Spain, and other southern countries, signaling the “A-OK” sign with your hands is the same as giving someone the middle finger. T his is seen as very rude and disrespectful. Greece: • Showing someone an open hand with fingers spread out and palm facing outward, called the moutza, is very offensive. In ancient times, criminals were smeared in the face with cinder or ashes. Because of this, Greeks generally wave with their palms facing inward. Czech Republic: • In the Czech Republic, lunch is the most important meal of the day. On the other hand, breakfast is the most important meal of the day in France. PG. 33

By Adele Reynoir


Must See’s in Europe

By Adele Reynoir

Looking for " perfect place to travel to? monuments in 'fferent pa)s of Europ* Pa,s.

Fir&, let’s v+it " beautiful city of

Eiffel Tower -e


classic at

Check #t $ese six fanta&ic






allowing 3ectators to see a

magnificent view of Pa,s.

-e 1,665 &e4ed

tower was built by Gu&ave Eiffel.

Every year,

ab#t 7 million people v+it $+ magnificent sit*

Y# mu& see $+ wonderful European sit*

Of " $ree floors in

$+ tower, " second + said to be " best location for pictures.

Serving as one of " mo& popular a5ractions in " world, " Eiffel

Tower + an iconic establ+hment $at represents " city.

Colosse um


-e C olosseum ,


c a ll e d


Amphi$ eater, was " lar1& buil' ng of " Roma n Em pire a nd &a nds in Rom* to ente) -e C ain " olosseum public w was use i$ wres h um ans d tling m and an a t c hes and imals, fights b suc h as etween lions. Coloss -e s eum wa # $ern s destro yed by side o f an ea) " 1,934 hquake year-old in 847 buil'ng AD. + a mo -+ SEE: MUST SEE’S, PG. 39 nument y# do not wan t to m+ PG. 35 s.

Must Do’s in Europe By Nico Salas

The Gaelic Games in Ireland are fun activities at the heart of the Irish community. They involve a good mixture of history and competitive sports. Anyone can join in the games and play some of Ireland’s native oldworld sports such as hurling, which is similar to lacrosse.

A main attraction in London, the London Eye is a magnificent ferris wheel on the South bank of the River Thames. For a small fee of 7 pounds or 12 U.S. dollars, one can take a ride on this giant, which is currently Europe’s tallest ferris wheel.

Once the most common means of transportation in Venice, the gondola now has the purpose of taking travelers on a sightseeing tour through the city’s main waterway, the Grand Canal. Although a costly payment of $100 to $130 is required, it is well worth it and is sure to be a highlight of your trip.


PG. 36

Top Restaurants in Europe By Will Reynoir Grill: Roadhouse Grill - Italy The Roadhouse Grill is the first steak restaurant chain in Italy that serves a variety of steaks such as T-bone, Ribeye, and New York Strip. Not only do they serve great steak, they serve other grill regulars like hamburgers, chicken, and pork and lamb. This restaurant also has good value for the most expensive item is only $29.

Café: Café Gijón - Madrid, Spain This café is located on the main boulevard and it is placed in the center of the city. It is arguably the most culturally significant coffeehouse and one of the oldest restaurants in the Spanish capital of Madrid. They serve a variety of international cuisine, seafood, and traditional Spanish dishes that you will love.

Bakery: Le Grenier à Pain - Paris, France With more than 30 shops around the world, this delicious bakery that started in Angers sells food from bread, pastries, and cakes. Some of the popular dishes include cheese based bread items, croissants, and just their plain baguettes.

PG. 37

Dessert: Indulge Dessert Lounge - London, England Located in London, this dessert parlor serves desserts from milkshakes, brownies, smoothies, and more. They also have a waffles, pancakes, and crepes if you a breakfast person. Although the wait for this store is a little long, their great service and food will be worth the wait. High-End: Fischers Fritz - Berlin, Germany This Michelin two star restaurant is based in Berlin and serves gourmet dishes and special fish dishes. They also serve desserts such as chocolate pudding and pineapples with syrup, ice cream, and chocolate. If you do not know what the Michelin stars are, they are a symbol of fine, quality dining. Each restaurant is given 0-3 stars: • 0 stars - a good restaurant • 1 star - your restaurant is considered to be very good • 2 stars - excellent and is considered a first class restaurant • 3 stars - exceptional and is worth going to for special occasions, also has a huge wine list. All these places though tend to be expensive but anywhere you go in Europe, if you see a restaurant with one or more of these stars, the restaurant will have good, quality food. Seafood: KØDBYENS FISKEBAR - Copenhagen, Denmark This delicious fish bar that serves fresh and healthy food is all about seafood. This restaurant buys local items such as razor clams and tuna to go along with this outstanding variety of seafood. This restaurant also has great service, but it is a little pricy and you might get have a little trouble finding a seat. PG. 38


le t s a C in e t s n a w Neusch

mo& of " e n o ny and Germa n n&ein i e uschwa ca&l e d N e t i + " o& v+ -e m Europe of a n i s on top d action r e t 5 a a c o & le + l r t#, u + ca& popula wanga a. h e n sc h , o a v H a l in B eautifu it Ca&le " b s k agant o v o l a r r e t v x o e nd + so h i ll a te ca&le + to crea y e . n y + e v a ll lt D d Wa ic in3ire Mag y l n d o ne an ion $e o 3 mill . 1 r e Ov om. r, Kingd ch yea &le ea a c v+it " people $em. one of e b d l c# and y#

Keukenho f Gardens If y!’re looking for a sc enic view, " in " N K e ukenhof e#erland Gardens s $ y!r go-to des landscape tination. $ home &$ 70 to over se -acre v e n m illion fl u s u a ll y owers #a f ro m M t bloom a rc h u n t i l M a y. recommend & ed weeks r! g h " to v$it " nine g a rdens, 75 to observe 0 , 0 " incre 00 v$it (ble flow ors go ers.

PG. 39


opular mo& p d n o c e " s site, + l a c s once i g o te wa aeol i h s c r a + i, an Delph reec* G nd was n i reeks a site G l a c i y " log V+it ea)h b archaeo pollo. " A f d o o r G cente ed to " te d as " de'cat reek si regarde ent G i c n a e an i to se sun. Delph god of " , pollo for A as " built no6 k o s l a site + in -+ + wi$ d n a i D e l ph e of l c a r O city. e of " c n a & g ' walkin

Big Ben Big Ben, located in Lo ndon, + " lar1& bell in Great B,tain, having a 'ameter of ar#nd 25 feet. -+ 13.5 ton bell we ighs much more $an $e avera1 male elephan t. Spectators gaze in aw e at Ed mu nd Den+ on ’s ma gni fic ent des ign . -e lar1& bell in " Towe r has rarely failed to kee p correct time since its cre ation in 1858. If y# go to see Big Ben, y# can hear " bells ,ng on " h#r.

Now $at y# know more ab#t Europe, y# have " ability to plan " perfect vacation.

PG. 40

PG. 42


Take a tour through the home of one of Switzerland’s oldest chocolate brands. Situated in the village of Broc, the Swiss chocolate company, Cailler originated and has had their plant located here since 1898. You can even taste some of Cailler’s product in their tasting room. This is sure to be a delicious destination!

Take a stroll through the age-old roman ruins known as the Roman Forum. For centuries this ancient roman market was the center of commerce and trade in Rome. It is also a common tourist location. Nonetheless, it is sure to intrigue your historical curiosity.

Journey to the Kapitelplatz or Chapter Square in the center of Salzburg, Austria to entertain yourself with a game of street chess. The game consists of oversized chess pieces being moved around a chess board that is painted onto the street. It does not cost anything to take part and tourists as well as Austrian natives wait in line to give it a go.

PG. 44

10 Fun Facts About Europe


The tallest ferris wheel in Europe is located in England

The Statue of Liberty was constructed in France


The popular James Bond is a European film

The Piano and Violin were European inventions



Russia has 13,000 uninhabited villages

Monaco is the world’s richest country in terms of GDP per capita



Europe is home to the smallest country: Vatican City (.17 sq. mi.)

The Dark Ages in Europe lasted twice as long as the USA has been a country




Europe is the second smallest continent with roughly 4 million sq. mi Golf started in Scotland



ACTORS: • Liam Neeson ~ Ireland • Arnold Schwarzenegger ~ Austria • Sean Connery ~ Scotland • Gérard Depardieu ~ France ACTRESSES: • Emma Watson ~ France • Penélope Cruz ~ Spain • Judi Dench ~ United Kingdom • Amy Adams ~ Italy

PG. 46

Milan, Italy

By Nico Salas


CURRENCIES IN EUROPE •Albania - Lek •Algeria - Dinar •Andorra - Euro •Armenia - Dram •Austria - Euro •Azerbaijan - Manat •Belarus - Belorussian ruble •Belgium - Euro •Bosnia & Herzegovina - Marka •Bulgaria - Lev •Croatia - Kuna •Cyprus - Cyprus pound •Denmark - Krone •Estonia - Kroon •Finland - Euro •France - Euro •Georgia - Lari •Germany - Euro •Greece - Euro •Hungary - Forint •Iceland - Icelandic króna •Ireland - Euro •Italy - Euro •Latvia - Lats •Liechtenstein - Swiss franc

•Lithuania - Litas •Luxembourg - Euro •Macedonia - Denar •Malta - Euro •Moldova - Leu •Monaco - Euro •Montenegro - Euro •Netherlands - Euro •Norway - Norwegian krone •Poland - Zloty •Portugal - Euro •Romania - Leuz •Russia - Ruble •San Marino - Euro •Slovakia - Koruna •Slovenia - Slovenian tolar •Spain - Euro •Sweden - Krona •Switzerland - Swiss franc •Tajikistan - somoni •Turkey - Turkish lira •Ukraine - Hryvna •United Kingdom - Pound sterling •Vatican City - Euro PG. 48


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