Destination Europe 2016

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Dest inat ion Eur ope




T abl e of T S

Barcel ona By: Max 6 Sant orini: Travel t o a Honeymooner's Paradise By: Amel ia Pet ers 8 Spl it : Vent ure t o an Ideal Famil y Vacat ion By: Hampt on Gomil 10 An At t ract ive Cit y Endangering France By: Sophie 12 Say a Lit t l e Prayer in Rome By: Kamryn 14 Best Ways t o Remember Your Time In Europe By: Max 18 European Fest ival s By: Amel ia Pet 20 Wine and Dine at t he Finest Rest aurant s in It al y By: Kamryn 22 Europe Dances By: Sophie 24 Mind Your Manners By: Hampt on Gomil 26


Tabl e of Barcel ona By: Max 6 Sant orini: Travel t o a Honeymooner's Paradise By: Amel ia Pet ers 8 Spl it : Vent ure t o an Ideal Famil y Vacat ion By: Hampt on Gomil 10 An At t ract ive Cit y Endangering France By: Sophie 12 Say a Lit t l e Prayer in Rome By: Kamryn 14 Best Ways t o Remember Your Time In Europe By: Max 18 European Fest ival s By: Amel ia Pet 20 Wine and Dine at t he Finest Rest aurant s in It al y By: Kamryn 22 Europe Dances By: Sophie 24 Mind Your Manners By: Hampt on Gomil 26


by Hampton Gomila

BARCELONA, Do some sport s just not quit e sat isf y your need f or adrenal ine? Look no f urt her, Barcel ona, Spain has some of t he most exhil arat ing sport s t hat are cert ainl y not f or t he f aint of heart . From aquat ic sport s t o driving st at e of t he art aut omobil es, Barcel ona is t he cit y f or you. Many peopl e say t hat t hey t hink t he most enjoyabl e and ext reme sport is skydiving. Skydiving nat ural l y makes you f eel powerf ul , despit e t he init ial shock. Skydiving is not just f al l ing t hough t he sky, it s f l ying t hrough it ! Are you wil l ing t o jump f rom 4000 met ers above t he Cit y of Count s? Anot her t hril l ing sport of f ered in Barcel ona is kit e surf ing. Kit e surf ing is much l ike wake boarding onl y t he surf er is being pul l ed by a kit e. This sport is ext remel y dif f icul t t o mast er and t akes some hours t o get good at . Bet ween t he rush and t he waves, t his sport if one of t he most rewarding of t he aquat ic sport s of f ered. Barcel ona of f ers some of t he best bungee jumping in Europe. On a remot e bridge named Sant SadurnĂ­ d?Anoia, onl y 30 minut es f rom Barcel ona, you can f ree f al l f or f ort y met ers!


Have you ever seen a new sport s car model and t hought about how f un it woul d be t o drive it ? Wel l now is your chance, t ake t he opport unit y t o drive a l uxurious high speed sport ing car around t he beaut if ul cit y of Barcel ona.You can drive t he col orf ul st reet s or cruise t he beach. There are f ew experiences as l uxurious and l udicrous as humming down t he st reet s of Barcel ona behind t he wheel of a Ferrari.

Sant or ini:

TRAVELTO honeymooners' Paradise Just married? Looking f or t he perf ect romant ic get away? Prepared t o be swept of your f eet and whisked away t o Sant orini, t he epit ome of a romant ic honeymoon. From numerous spa t reat ment s t o wine t ast ing whil e wat ching t he sun set over t he Medit erranean Sea, Sant orini cat ers to every newl yweds? dream honeymoon. The f irst priorit y is f inding a pl ace t o st ay. There are t hree renowned hot el s t hat are known t o be t he most romant ic. The f irst hot el is t he Canaves Oia Hot el , t his hot el is l ocat ed in Oia, which is recognized f or it s amazing scenery. The

t he price changes depending upon t he season, but is t ypical l y 1,045 euros per night . The next hot el is Sant orini Kast el l i Resort . The resort not onl y is beaut if ul but al so of f ers guest s many act ivit ies t o do t hroughout t he day. From a t ennis court , pool , hot -t ub, bar, t o a f it ness cent er t he Kast el l i resort has it al l . The room prices range f rom 259- 456 euros per night . The l ast hot el is t he Vedema Resort . This hot el is el egant and prist ine, and known t o be a honeymoon hot spot due it s romant ic at mosphere. The hot el is l ocat ed in a convenient l ocat ion, making

"Somepeoplelook for abeautiful place, othersmakeaplacebeautiful" - Hazrat Inayat Khan

Canaves hot el is f amous f or it s breat ht aking views. The st af f is t hought to be incredibl y accommodat ing, and kind. The best room t o book whil e st aying here is t he Superior Suit e. This room f eat ures breakf ast , a privat e pool , and l iving room wit h a dining area,


rest aurant s, and act ivit ies easy t o access. The perf ect room f or honeymooners is t he Ol ympian Vil l a, which incl udes an exquisit e view of t he sea, as wel l as a privat e pool and jacuzzi. The price per night is around 828 euros.


Vent ur e t o an I deal Fam ily Vacat ion! By Hampt on Gomil a

If you are l ooking f or a t rip t o get away wit h your f amil y t hen Spl it , Croat ia is t he pl ace f or you! Spl it has t housands of act ivit ies t o keep t he kids busy, t he grown ups rel axed, and t he f amil y t oget her. The Bl ue Caves or t he Grot t o Caves are just a quick 30 minut e boat t our f rom Spl it . The caves barel y even seem real wit h t heir warm t emperat ures and exot ic bl ue t int makes t hem t he perf ect pl ace f or swim. Af t er a quick boat ride you and your f amil y wil l be rel axing in t he caves f or hours.


Pl it vice Lakes Nat ional Park is one of t he ol dest nat ional parks in Sout heast Europe, and t he l argest nat ional park in Croat ia. The park borders Spl it and is great get away f or an af t ernoon. If you go in Jul y, t he beaut if ul l akes wil l be right around a perf ect 80 degrees f ahrenheit and you and your f amil y can t ake rel axing dip af t er a day of hiking in t he park.

An at t r act iv e cit y endanger ing Fr ance Marseilles is a beautiful city in France? with a few problems. Marseille, as the French call it, is currently under attack from its inhabitants and they are wreaking havoc like never before. In fact, according to the SSMSI, la service sta tistique ministériel de la sécurité intérieure (Ministerial Statistical O ffice of Homeland Security), from 2012-2015 there were around 3.81 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants

robbing to hunting. That?s over 26 thousand people. Twenty-six thousand murdered. And that?s only from the most recent crime increase in Marseilles. It may look inviting but the beautiful paradise on the coast has a dark side. However, the questions that plague visitors, are ?Why is the crime rate so high?? and ?How did this happen?? According to the Independent, the

"Cor r upt ion has t aken ov er hal f t he cit y, at ev er y l ev el .? because of topics ranging from

- Annabel l e Dumais

city is experiencing a major drug war which makes it dangerous to be a young French male. However, the drug war alone cannot explain all the death surrounding the city. Annabelle Dumais even said in her fictional novel about Marseilles, Rose Sa ng, "Corruption has taken over half the city, at every level.? The city also faces many other types of criminal activity, like organized The pol ice search an abandoned buil ding crime, robbery, and driving while under the influence. in an at t ampt t o cont rol crime


say a l it t l e pr ay er in Rome Nowhere in Rome better shows the many parts of Rome's religious history than this fascinating, deeply rooted church. The ground-level 12th-century basilica sits above a 4th-century church, which, stands over a pagan temple and a 1st-century Roman house. Beneath everything are foundations dating from the Roman Republic. The Basilica of Saint Clement is a Roman Catholic basilica dedicated to Pope Clement I located in Rome, Italy. This ancient church was transformed over the


centuries from a private home and site of clandestine Christian worship in the first century to a grand public basilica by the sixth century, Reflecting the emerging Roman Catholic Church's growing power. Although the church has been around for a long time, its common names are Basilica di San Clemente, Basilica of St. Clement, San Clemente, and Temple of Mithras. The two main religions of Rome are Judaism and Christianity but many other religions were introduced as well.

Adidas Advantage Clean VS


By: Sophie Brewer

By Max Kean


Gre $6 4

Best ways t o r emember your t imein Eur ope

$1 ,6 5


Tur k ish Rug


$8 6

Gucci Pur se

Chanel Per f ume




Eur opea n Fest iva l s: MUSICFESTIVALS: Tomorrowl and

By : Amel ia Pet er s

is a very popul ar music f est ival in Boom, Bel gium, f eat uring EDM music. Known as one of t he most not abl e gl obal music f est ival s, It t akes pl ace f rom Jul y 22-24. headl iners t his year are DEADMAU5, Al esso, Mart in Garrix, and Gal ant is . Gl ast onbury is anot her wel l known music f est ival . It is l ocat ed in Pil t on, Engl and on a f arm. Gl ast onbury is t he l argest greenf iel d music and perf orming art s f est ival in t he worl d. It t akes pl ace f rom June 22nd-26t h, some headl iners are LCD Soundsyst em, Adel e, and M83. Roskil de is not as wel l -known, but is ext remel y popul ar in Europe. The f est ival is host ed in Roskil de, Denmark . It is a week-l ong f est ival bringing t oget her an int ernat ional audience. Al l prof it s f rom t he f est ival are donat ed t o charit y. Some headl iners are MO, Red Hot Chil l i Peppers, and Fut ure.


Wine and dine in ITALY's f inest r est aur ant s " I t al i a n f o o d i s al l a b o u t i n g r ed i en t s a n d i t 's n o t f u s sy a n d i t 's n o t f a n cy ." - W ol f g a n g P uck

by: Kamryn Thomas


Wine and dine in ITALY's f inest r est aur ant s

Eur ope Dances! By: Sophie Brewer

The Flamenco This gorgeous dance form originated from Spanish public performance in the 19th century, even though it was not very popular. It is a form of art that includes music, dance, guitar, vocals, hand clapping, and finger snapping.

The Waltz The Waltz originated in 13th century Germany and adapted itself in 18th century Vienna, Austria. This is a progressive dance that was originally a folk dance performed by peasants in the street and adapted to a ballroom dance form. The Waltz is one of the most popular dance forms ever.


Mind Your Ma nner s By : Ha mpt on Gomil a Be careful of these five actions that mean well... but may come across in the opposite way!

Don't al ways send f l owers! In some count ries it is common t o send f l owers on occasions l ike Val ent ine's Day and Mot her's Day. However, in Lat via roses are signs of a f uneral and in Germany yel l ow f l owers are a sign t hat t he host 's part ner is cheat ing. The point is al ways do your research bef ore sending f l owers.

Cof f ee is not as common? Al t hough, having a cup of cof f ee in t he morning may be accept abl e, having cof f ee at ot her can be rude. In It al y cof f ee is not even served af t er breakf ast . In Spain cof f ee cannot be ordered wit h any meal . If it is ordered it can be seen as a sign you did not enjoy t he meal .







G er m a n y : Fo c al Poi n t o f Sy r i a n A sy l u m i n E u r op e By Max Kean More t han 1 mil l ion immigrant s migrat ed to Europe in 2015. Wit h t his many immigrant s, Europe is deal ing wit h one of t heir biggest migrat ions of al l t ime. Bef ore 2015 Europe has onl y deal t wit h more t han Âź of t hat amount . In t he f irst coupl e of mont hs in 2016 135,000 peopl e migrat ed t o t he EU. They are l eaving t heir homes because of conf l ict s in Syria and Af ghanist an. They are pul l ed t o Europe by promise of bet t er l if e. More t han 80% of al l immigrant s originat e f rom Syria, Af ghanist an, and Iraq. In t hose count ries t heir human right s were abused and t heir work was expl oit ed. The most direct rout es f rom t heir homel and is guarded by t ight securit y. Most are f orced t o use smuggl ers and ot her il l egal means. In 2015, t here were mul t ipl e cases of boat ing or raf t ing immigrant s drowning in t he Medit erranean. One t erribl e case of a migrat ion gone wrong is when t wo boat s

carrying around 500 peopl e sank af t er l eaving Zuwara, Libya. Syrian immigrant s migrat e t o many dif f erent nat ions. They f l ee t o pl aces such as Egypt , Lebanon, Turkey, Sweeden, and Germany. Many count ries l egal l y t ake in l arge numbers of ref ugees t o t ry t o hel p t hem, but many al so il l egal l y migrat e. They hop on f reight t rains, pay smuggl ers, and t ake boat s and raf t s. When t he f irst Syrian immigrant s arrived in Germany, t he resident s were very wel coming. Since t hen t hings have changed. Most peopl e are st il l wel coming al t hough some say t he Syrians have creat ed a st rain on t he l ocal economy. Since t heir arrival , t here has been an 11% rat e of unempl oyment . The cit y of Oberhausen in Germany al one t ook in 3000 ref ugees just l ast year. That is 21% of al l German ref ugees.

T H E B R EX I T : T O L E AV E O R N O T T O L E AV E ? On June 23rd 2016 a ref erendum (t he Brexit ) wil l be hel d t o decide if Brit ain wil l exit t he European Union. The European Union is a congl omerat ion of 28 count ries wit hin Europe t hat have unif ied f or mut ual benef it s. As is t rue f or most pol it ical disagreement s t here are t wo opposing sides; one who is f avor of l eaving and t he ot her in f avor of st aying. The UK?s independent part y, as wel l as hal f of t he Conservat ive MPs are in f avor of l eaving t he E.U. They bel ieve t he EU is f inancial l y hindering Brit ain, t hey want t o bet t er cont rol Brit ain?s borders, prot ect t heir worl d st at us, and increase securit y pol icies. many rest rict ions and charges bil l ions of pounds f or membership, wit h l it t l e gained in ret urn. The E.U is al l egedl y inhibit ing Brit ain because it imposes t oo many rest rict ions and charges bil l ions of pounds f or membership, wit h l it t l e gained in ret urn. By l eaving t he E.U Brit ain woul d no l onger be obl igat ed to cont ribut e t he ext ensive f ees t hat t he E.U current l y demands.


Last year al one, Brit ain spent 13 bil l ion pounds on dues t o be a part of t he E.U and received a smal l monet ary benef it in ret urn. Furt her, Brit ain want s t o cont rol t heir own borders because t hey want t o reduce t he number of peopl e vent uring t o Brit ain f or job opport unit ies. Under t he l aws of t he E.U, Brit ain cannot ref use ent rance or job prospect s t o any one person f rom a membering E.U count ry. The number of peopl e immigrat ing t o Brit ain is excessive, wit h current l y 942,000 East ern Europeans , and 791,000 West ern Europeans residing in Brit ain.. Leaving t he E.U is t he onl y way f or Brit ain t o regain cont rol of t heir borders. The Brexit support ers bel ieve it shoul d be up t o Engl and t o est abl ish l aws about t heir borders. Anot her reason why Brit ain is pushing t o cont rol t heir borders is f or securit y reasons. Work and Pensions Secret ary, Iain Duncan Smit h says ?We are l eaving t he "door open" t o t errorist at t acks by remaining in t he EU. This open border does not al l ow us t o check and cont rol peopl e." Due t o t he t wo recent t errorist at t acks in Europe, many European count ries have t aken ext ra securit y precaut ions, most choosing t o cl ose of f t heir borders. But because Brit ain is a part of t he E.U t his sol ut ion is not an opt ion, posing a pot ent ial securit y risk.


L on d on : L o n d o n M a k es H i st o r y b y E l ec t i n g i t s F i r st M u sl i m M ay o r

By: Kamryn Thomas

By: Kamryn Thomas

T h e Fr a n ci s R ef o r m at i o n : I s Ch a n g e T o o M uch f o r t h e C at h ol i c Ch u r ch ? Pope Francis might seem t o be changing t he Cat hol ic Church, but is he real l y? Pope Francis has creat ed more rul es f or t he church and in doing so has kept most of t he val ues of t he Cat hol ic Church, but is t hat a bad t hing? Peopl e t hink of t he Cat hol ic Church as being st rict and out dat ed, and Pope Francis is one t he most open minded Popes t hat we?ve ever had. Many peopl e are sure t hat Pope Francis wil l change t he Church f or bet t er but he is st il l keeping out dat ed views. Pope Francis has writ t en in document s and made speeches t o del iver his news ? t he worl d is changing, and t he Cat hol ic Church needs


by: Sophie Brewer


I si s A t t ack s E u r op e By Hampt on Gomil a Recently, European countries have

Bataclan concert hall. French authorities

been terrorized by the terrorist group Isis.

said seven of the attackers died, and

The attacks on Paris, France and Brussels,

several more were arrested in Belgium.

Belgium claimed the lives of 140 people

"The Brussels attack marks the migration of terror from one country to the next. Suddenly everyone is saying: who is the terrorist, and where will they strike next ? the UK? Germany? The Netherlands?"

and left hundreds injured. The attacks have left people asking ?Why us?? and ?Who?s next?? as well as leaving millions affected. The first of these terrible attacks occurred in Paris, France. The terror started at 9:20 PM on the 13 of November 2015. There were six targets in the Paris attacks, though the two main targets, the Stade de France and the Bataclan concert hall. The soccer stadium had nearly 80,000 people in it, and there are reports that at least one of the bombers attempted to enter the stadium. The death toll, currently is 129, though officials warn that number might climb as 99 people remain in critical condition. More than 300 were injured by Friday?s attack. More than half of the deaths came from the attack at the

Quick Hist or y The United Kingdom declares war on Germany in response to France being bombed


World War II ends with the allies and Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles


Between 1933 and 1945 over six million Jews are systematically slaughtered by Nazi Germany

1933 1939

1908 1915 1917

At the beginning of the 20th century, the British forces reach the height of their empire


German born Albert Einstein publishes his Theory of Relativity

The Russian Revolution of 1917 sparks a wave of communist revolutions across Europe

Quick Hist or y

European St at ist ics By Hampt on Gomil a


\Six Must SIX Must -See -SeeDest Dest inat inat ions ions T

l T i t n c i

Th e Par t h en o n i s l o cat ed i n A t h en s, Gr eece. It i s a f o r m er t em p l e l o cat ed on t he A t h en i an A cr o p o l i s, i t w as d ed i cat ed t o t h e g o d d ess A t h en a. Th e Par t h en o n w as co n st r u ct ed i n 4 4 7 , at t h e r i se o f t h e A t h en i an Em p i r e' s p o w er .

Th e A l h am b r a is l o cat ed i n Gr en ad a, Sp ai n . It w as t h e p al ace an d f o r t r ess u sed b y t h e M o o r s w h en t h ey o ccu p i ed Sp ai n f rom 7 1 1 -1 4 9 2 . It w as co n st r u ct ed i n 8 8 9 A D, o n t o p o f Ro m an f o r t i f i cat i o n s. Th e Lean i n g To w er o f Pi sa i s l o cat ed i n Pi sa, It al y . Th e t o w er i s t h e b el l -t o w er of the cat h ed r al o f t h e ci t y o f Pi sa. Th e t i l t i n t h e t o w er w as u n i n t en d ed , i t w as co n st r u ct ed i n 1173.


T l T i t n c i

Vol unt our ism Tour ism

Budapest is a city filled with historical landmarks and rich culture. The city is naturally vibrant and has endless activities. This would be a good place to go if you enjoy adventure

Provence is a rural town in Southern France. It is quite beautiful and there are many activities to try, especially markets and countryside exploring. This would be a good place to go for some quiet.

Bruges is a city located on the coast of Belgium. This amazing city is filled with religious, interesting, and gorgeous landmarks that excite the area. All this culture at the low daily budget of ? 63 ($70).

Luxembourg is a city located in the center of Luxembourg. The gorgeous city is filled with rich cultural history and luxurious monuments. This city is one of the most expensive cities to travel to at ? 147.79 ($167) as a daily budget.





by: Max Kean



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