Destination Mena 2014

Page 1

Destination Middle East and North Africa



6 Syrian Rebels Bomb Aleppo

News Section Arts Section


Recent Virus Outbreak Scares Many

10 Return of the Crucifixions 12 Judicial Court Slams Blogger with Heavy Sentence


Must-Do Activities


Must-See Destinations


Timeline of MENA’s History


Voluntourism Opportunities












Our creative team of editors have put together an elaborate collection of Must- have souvenirs, movies, Voluntourism Opportunities, and travel Dos and Don’ts that will help make your travel to the Middle East or North Africa all the more worthwhile!

Tourists taking a Camel Trek in the Saudi Arabia.


About the Editors Maici Williams (holding M) - Follow Maici on twitter and Instagram @Popeyeslover1234 Connor Page (holding E) - Connor is a male model for Calvin Klein underwear. Lauren Melchiode (holding N) - Lauren is a Jewish cultural expert who owns a ninja turtle yarmulke. She enjoys long walks on the beach and loves to hike while wearing her yarmulke. Jacques Reynoir (holding A) - Jacques is... well we really don’t know....



Syrian Rebels Attack Ancient Hotel in the City of Aleppo Lauren Melchiode


hat started out as a simple protest evolved into a long lasting and dangerous civil war between the Syrian government and Islamic Front. These rebels bombed an ancient historical site last Thursday when they dug under a historical hotel, the 150 year-old Carlton Citadel in Aleppo where the Syrian Government has been using the hotel as an army base. Aleppo is the third largest city in Syria and one of the bloodiest and destructive battlegrounds in the country. The Rebels put explosive bombs in the tunnels and damaged many surrounding buildings in the area. One explosion formed a huge mushroom-shaped cloud of dust above the city, which felt like an earthquake to the people on the ground. Many deaths occurred because of this explosion and it is too dangerous for children or any citizens to be in the streets during the civil war. The Islamic Front, which are Syria’s largest rebel alliance, continued with their dangerous and violent acts and involved local citizens in Syria. The Britishbased Syrian Observatory reported that 14 soldiers were killed, but the Rebels reported 50 soldiers dead and claimed they planted the bomb. The rebels are still a danger to the city. For example, recently the rebels placed bombs with nails in locals’ cars killing 100 citizens and released 70 of their hostages held by gunman


in various areas. Then, important political figures loyal to the president were assassinated by the fighters. Although 1,500 fighters have left the city since the bombings, soldiers continue to cause trouble by planting bombs on citizen’s cars and killing many people. The bomb was the second time the Rebels struck the Carlton hotel and it was very upsetting because President Assad of Syria had recently gained


They use tunnels like rats because they cannot face the Syrian Arab Army. -Syrian TV correspondent


control of Homs, a city in Syria, under a cease-fire agreement. But, that agreement was broken when the second bomb went off in the hotel. "They use tunnels like rats because they cannot face the Syrian Arab Army," The Syrian TV correspondent said. Also, the citizens said the explosion felt as if there was an earthquake because the noise was so loud. Many of the natives were extremely scared and confused about what was happening and had to get out of the city as soon as possible. Again, the streets of Aleppo are wa Type to enter text y too dangerous for anyone, mostly because rebels are attacking locals. The rebels need to be stopped, so they cannot hurt anyone else. Syrian Rebels are protesting for economic and democratic reform within their Syrian Government. But soon after these protests, the fight started turning into a civil war. Although the local television is reporting victory in Homs, stating that the rebels have left, it is clearly not the case and the conflict is on going. While it is true that the front lines have moved very little in the last 2 years, lately the rebels have made small gains. This shows that the fighting is far from over.


Recent Virus Outbreak Scares Many

the region.

500 people as of May 12th, and has taken the lives of 150.

The symptoms of MERS are coughing,

fever, and pneumonia. What does this mean? With no way to stop the disease for now, will it soon take

Jacques Reynoir

the lives of people by the thousands or even the

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, also known as MERS, is a deadly viral infection that is growing exponentially in infection rates. As of now, there is no way to prevent or cure the disease.

The disease has infected upwards of


the disease was founded in 2012, only in recent months has the disease has been given attention by the public through higher infection rates.


disease, which originates in Saudi Arabia, has been spread to 14 countries, some of which are outside

millions? With no way to stop it, what can we do? How can this affect our lives down the road? With many cases of MERS, many people wonder if it can actually cause significant damage to not only the economy, but the population. Scientists have researched MERS since it was first contracted by humans in September of 2012. With low numbers of people infected, there is is hope that MERS is nothing more than a scare, or has the recent outbreak been caused by a breach in prevention? Death rates, however, have stayed the same throughout, near 30%.

There has been no

evidence of a mutation that has caused change in the virus’s ability to spread, but if there was no change, why have infection rates grown so significantly? Since there has been a higher rate of infection in recent months, the attention given to MERS has grown. With more money given to find a way to prevent MERS, is there hope for people already infected? The MERS virus is classified as a coronavirus. A coronavirus is a RNA-containing spherical viruses of the family Coronaviridae, including several that causeacute respiratory illnesses.

With new medicines that would take years to develop and a lot of money, scientists have looked for another way to cure MERS. Scientists SEE OUTBREAK, PG


Lauren Melchiode

The Return of Crucifixion Connor Page A Syrian terrorist group known as ISIS, or Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, has begun to

"Indeed, the penalty for those who

use public executions and “crucifixion” as a

wage war against Allah and His

means of intimidation in the Northern Syrian city

Messenger and strive upon earth [to

of Raqqa. On Tuesday, April 29th, ISIS carried

cause] corruption is none but that

out seven public executions, including two

they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from

“crucifixions”. Neither of the two men that were

opposite sides or that they be exiled

displayed on crosses actually died from

from the land. That is for them a

crucifixion; they were both shot in the head before being staged on the crosses. This is not the first crucifixion

carried out by ISIS.

The crucifixions

began in March of

this year, when

the group executed

and crucified a

shepherd for murder

disgrace in this world; and for them i n th e H e r e a ft e r i s a gr e at punishment."


-Quran 5:33


local’s unwillingness to remove the bodies shows the fear of retaliation that ISIS has instilled in them. Most would find it wise to fear the group, as Sheikh Dr Usama Hasan told the BBC, “These

and A

reinstitution of

groups tend to be very harsh and unmerciful,

crucifixion in

Raqqa could lead to

which is why it is our contention that they are

other instances

of crucifixion in

extremely un-Islamic.” ISIS’ intended purpose,


controlled areas of

setting an example for the locals, appears to have

the Middle East

and parts of North

been accomplished.


According to ISIS, the crucified men

Africa. T h e

public executions

attempting to attack the group. One of the men


stagings were meant

had a sign tied around him that stated that he

message to the locals

fought against the group by detonating an IED.

not to fight

against ISIS.

The other man’s offense is unknown.

b o d i e s

remained on the

intended to set an example of the men by deriving

crosses until

three days after the

their punishment from a literal translation of the

and to






Quran. The book five, verse thirty three of the Quran states, "Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment." By staging the bodies on crosses, ISIS is conveying the message that they are messengers of Allah and that an offense against ISIS is equivalent to an offense against Allah.

Furthermore, by

informing the world of the the actions that led to the crucifixions, they have demonstrated the consequences of defying ISIS.

Horrified onlooker gawk at the body of a man executed by ISIS.

Due to the publicity that ISIS’ crucifixions received, it is

While crucifixion may not be popular with some

highly possible that other extremist groups will

of the larger terrorist organizations, other cases of

use crucifixion to set an example. It is unlikely

crucifixion have been reported in Yemen and other

that high-profile extremist groups such as al-

Middle Eastern countries. Although the number of

Qaeda will use crucifixion, as ISIS was originally

crucifixions are low as of now, some suggest that

part of al-Qaeda but was forced out due to their

crucifixion is a growing trend in the Middle East.

extreme views and interpretations of the Quran.


Judicial Court Slams Blogger With Harsh Sentence Maici Williams

Raif Badawi, a blogger in Saudi Arabia founded a liberal web forum, a forum for liberals in Saudi Arabia to express their opinions that differ from the ultraconservative nations’s strict laws about religion and speaking out against these strict laws. Consequently, Badawi himself was arrested, and charges with insulting Islam and criticizing the Prophet Muhammed. Badawi was detained without any explanation, and has remained in jail since. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison, 1 million riyals ($267,000 USD), and 1,000 lashes. This sentence definitely raised some question and concern among people within Badawi’s inner circle of friends and family. His wife, Samar Badawi, even expressed her concern about her husband, (words) . Human Rights Organizations such as Amnesty International have also expressed their outrage. Although many were outraged by this verdict, a multitude of people in Saudi Arabia were angered by Badawi’s actions. These people include the judicial court deciding the verdict, other practicers of Islam, and Orthodox practicers of Islam. The public prosecuter even said that Badawi ‘deserved a harsher sentence because of the enormity if the damage his actions have caused’, and ‘because he is a Muslim man attacking Islamic faith’ .Badawi was originally sentenced to 7 years, 3 months, and 600 lashes, yet he appealed to the judge for a less harsh sentence, yet the judge only sent a harsher sentence. Badawi’s lawyer, Waleed Abulkhair, was recently put on trial for undermining the image of the kingdom, or making the kingdom’s power seem diminished, and breaking allegiance with the king.

These decisions could have possibly have been rendered by Badawi’s previous lessons: Badawi was previously charged with apostasy, or the abandonment of one’s religion, which could have resulted in a death sentence, yet he was cleared of that charge. The judge has had the web forum closed down. The 1,000 lashes lashes part of the sentence was harsh, yet believable. Saudi Arabia has had a tumultuous history, especially in terms of silencing citizens and keeping citizens in order, and making sure they do not speak out against the government of Saudi Arabia. Some even believe that the Saudi Arabian government is trying to make an example of Badawi and others whom chose to speak out against the Saudi Arabian government, and their outrageous laws. Some people whom have even spoken out against the government before have made only a public apology, and have been acquitted of all charges, even death penalties. All in all, Raif Badawi was charged with insulting Islam, the national religion of Saudi Arabia, which is a ‘red line’ that should not be crossed’. His burdensome sentence was in retaliation to to his actions, which the government needed to regulate in order to keep citizens in order. Badawi has one of two options, to remain unapologetic, and accept his sentence, or he can make a public apology to the Saudi Arabian government and the Authoritarian regime, or appeal to another judge for a less harsh sentence. The next court hearing is on May 28th.


OUTBREAK, FROM PG look to medicine cabinets to find existing drugs that

Even with hope of finding a solution to

can be used to treat MERS. So far, scientists have

control MERS, many doctors still feel that a cure is

found a few promising options, such as drugs to

a long way down the road.

combat cancer, neurological disorders, and other ailments.

Virologist Matt Freeman of the

University of Maryland at Baltimore shared his thoughts.

Without a cure for MERS, scientists will continue to look through existing options to combat it. Will it be soon for MERS to alarm the majority of the general public to take notice on how deadly

“Developing a new drug is time-

the disease is?

With death counts and infection

consuming and expensive. Candidates that work

rates rising, scientists will keep a close eye on

well in a test tube often do not work in living

MERS. Though it might be soon for doctors to look

cells.”And the ones that do, when you now take

for answers, how long will it be to find a safe way

them from a cell to an animal model of the disease,

to stop the disease. With little hope of the finding a

most of them don’t work. Drugs that are effective in

cure for a few years, scientists will keep an eye on

animal tests still need to go through three stages of

MERS, but with the disease still in its early stages,

clinical trials to be sure they help sick people

there is hope a cure does not need to be found and

without doing more harm than good.”

the virus can just die out.

Jacques Reynoir



‫صدق‬ make.believe

Type to enter text Jacques Reynoir

GDP per capita of Middle East and North Africa Jacques Reynoir

GDP Per capita is the average income of a person per year

Algeria: $5,001 Morocco: $3,162 Bahrain: $23,410 Oman: $21,681 Egypt: $2,922 Qatar: $97,967 Iran: $6,260 Iraq: $3,306 Israel: $32,298

Saudi Arabia: $19,890 Syria: $3,050

Jordan: $4,542 Kuwait: $46,461 Lebanon:

Tunisia: $4,593 Turkey: $10,666 UAE: $66,626

$10,474 Libya: $10,873

Yemen: $1,460 15



Book a trip and get a travel agent at

Maici Williams


Romanticizing Morocco by Maici Williams

Ranked among the most romantic cities in the world, Marakeech, Morocco is adorned with bazaars, an extravagant nightlife, and a romantic aroma oozing from its alluring ancient history. Whether you’re a younger couple on your honeymoon, or an older couple seeking to spice up your marriage, Morocco is the place for you. If you travel to Marrakech, which happens to be ranked within the top ten most romantic cities in the world, you and your significant other can enjoy plenty of activities that would involve the each of you getting closer. For the Adventurous couple, you all can ride hot-air balloons with a birds eye-view of the perfectly painted Moroccan skyline, go on a camel trek across a local beach, and journey out into the enamored Moroccan streets and listen to the Guana musicians and belly dancers. For the couple seeking to relax, there are also plenty of activities for this type of couple. You can enjoy a Moroccan dinner in a Berber tent, watch he sun set behind sand dunes on the Sahara desert, or visit a the Koutoubia Mosque. A younger couple may actually enjoy dancing the night away in a local discotheque, as well.

Morocco has had an extensive history of being a tourist attraction for people of all ages, races, and ethnic backgrounds. Little is it known that Morocco also plays host to many couples seeking romance or an intimate vacation that would result in the unifying of the individuals in the relationship. Morocco is also a great place to renew wedding vows, or even get married. For a wedding, Hookah and Belly Dancers play an active part in the ceremony, which can get exciting! For renewing wedding vows, renewing vows on a beach as the sun sets is well-advised, or even getting renewing your vows inside one of Morocco’s eldest Mosques. Many people whom have reviewed Morocco on travel websites have always given a thumbs up to the exquisite Middle Eastern cuisine, which is also a point of interests for couples seeking romance, or tourists visiting the area. Plenty of street vendors would give any kind of traveler exactly what there taste buds are expecting: A taste of Morocco.


Holy Jerusalem Connor Page Whether you are a religious scholar or an average traveler wishing to learn about various religions, Jerusalem is the most sacred place you can visit. The Old City is divided into four quarters, each the home to at least one major religious shrine.

The Armenian Quarter

The Armenian quarter is the smallest of the four. The Armenians originally settled in the quarter during fourth century. This quarter boasts the St. James Cathedral, which is considered by some to be the most beautiful church in all of Israel.

The St. James Cathedral This elaborate cathedral was built on the ruins of the Byzantine church in the 12th century. In the center of this architectural masterpiece, there is a dome which The dome at the center of the rests on four huge pillars. The light is allowed to enter, illuminating the artwork cathedral hanging on the walls.

The Christian Quarter This quarter was originally settled by Christian pilgrims who were responsible for building over 40 churches, hostels, and monasteries in this area.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher This beautiful church is built on the most holy site in all of Christianity: the place where Jesus was crucified and buried. If you are in the mood for a little extra walking, and would like to follow the path that Jesus walked on the way to his crucifixion, you should walk along Via Dolorosa, which ends at The Church of the Holy Sepulcher. One of the stations of the cross located within the church

The Jewish Quarter

This quarter is the main residential area for Jews living in the Old City. The quarter contains many religious and cultural artifacts important to the Jews.

The Western Wall The western wall is the last remaining portion of the Second Temple that was destroyed by the Romans. This is one of the most sacred places in all of Judaism; attracting thousands of Jews who gather there to pray. A Jewish man prays at the Western Wall

The Muslim Quarter The Muslim quarter is the largest quarter of the city. Most of the residents of the quarter settled in the homes here after the original Christian and Jewish residents moved to newer neighborhoods. Because some of the original residents did not move, there are still some Christian and Jewish residents living in the muslim quarter.

The Dome of the Rock The Dome of the rock contains one of the most important Islamic artifacts: the rock on which the Prophet Muhammad took his night ride into heaven. This rock is also thought to be the one on which Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. The outside of the Dome of the Rock, above and in background


Low Budget Prices for a High Quality Experience Lauren Melchiode If you want to travel the world and see one of the most beautiful and culturally enriched places for little to no price, look no further because Cairo, Egypt is the place to be. Cairo is full of religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam. You can enjoy such amazing and romantic places with your partner for a cheap price. One exciting place to visit in Cairo, Egypt and for a couple with a low budget, visit the Coptic City, the oldest part of the city. The city contains many hidden alleyways and ancient churches, which happens to be very exciting to travelers. A recent traveler to Cairo says, "What I loved was the back alleys behind the churches where you can see the nuns housing […] you have to walk around and enjoy yourself.” Also, the city is very diverse includes churches, synagogues, and mosques that are very interesting and unique. The Coptic Church of Egypt is very

so no need to pay for a taxi, which are always available anyway. Another important place to visit in Cairo is Mohamed Ali Mosque, or the The Alabaster Mosque. This site is one of the most recognizable mosques in Cairo, and its interior is definitely something to take a look at. For example, the limestone walls, tin covered domes, gilded ceilings, shiny chandeliers, and the jaw-dropping brass clock tower. Travelers say, "You have to see it with your own eyes; it is beautiful inside.” You can visit this site on Thursdays through saturdays not including Fridays for $8 dollars per person with no additional cost. Though, you must be understanding of the Islamic customs, such as removing all shoes before entering and women must cover heads with scarves, cloths, ect.. Scarves will be provided to women if lacking one or anything to cover up. Cairo, Egypt is so beautiful to visit and a real eye opener for new-comers. Cairo is full of places of different culture, religion, and tradition, and can be appreciated at a cheap affordable price. Visit Cairo, Egypt sometime, you will not regret it.

beautiful and is in walking distance of the Coptic museum, which includes Christian art and ancient artifacts. The Ben Ezra Synagogue, where allegedly the Pharaoh’s daughter found Moses in floating in a

A romantic couple enjoying their time in Cairo, Egypt

basket. The synagogue is also next to the museum,


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Arabia, South Africa, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Zambia ****Advertisement not created by T-Mobile速, created by Connor Page of Trinity Episcopal School for 2014 Destinations project. Created for the express purpose of use in the 2014 Destination: Middle East and North Africa Magazine, not to be used for anything other than use in said magazine.

Connor Page

Istanbul Fun for the Whole Family By Jacques Reynoir Istanbul is a historic city in a unique location unlike any other and is a great location for a family to visit. One ideal place to visit is the Grand Bazaar, which holds over 5,000 shops under one roof, making it one of the largest shopping markets under a single roof. The Grand Bazaar opened in 1461 and featured items such as carpets (some of which might fly), jewelry, spices, antiques and

You don’t know what you can find at the Grand Bazaar (perhaps a flying carpet).

ceramics. Today, the Grand Bazaar also contains two mosques, four fountains, and two steamed

place of active worship, tourists cannot visit during

bathtubs. With a high variety of shops and other

the 5 times of worship, and you should plan your

attractions, this is a great place for the family to visit

visits accordingly. All visitors are also required to

for people of multiple ages.

take off their shoes and women must cover their hair

Another great place to visit is Blue

upon entrance to Blue Mosque. The mosque’s

Mosque, an early 17th century building that remains

design is what attracts many of its visitors. Blue

a place of active worship today. Because it is still a

Mosque contains 20,000 ceramic tiles and over 200 stained glass windows. Blue Mosque was built by Sultan Ahmet and is named after the blue tiles on the ceiling. Though it may not be as attractive for the entire family, older kids and adults will be able to fully appreciate the wonders of the Mosque. For anyone who travels to Istanbul, Hagia Sophia is a must-visit for any tourist, young or old. Hagia Sophia has served as a house of worship for

Hagia Sophia is one of the most recognizable buildings in the middle east and its history of many religions is evident

multiple religions over the years, giving it an identity unlike any other building. It was originally built by


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By Connor Page

the Byzantine Empire to be a Greek Eastern

named Constantinople after Constantine named the

Orthodox basilica and seat the Patriarch of

city as the Roman Empire’s second capital. This

Constantinople, Istanbul’s former name, in 537. It

later caused a split between in the Empire between

was later converted into a Catholic church in the

the Roman Empire, which collapsed, and the

12th century. The Ottoman Turks conquered the

Byzantine empire. After being the capital of the

Byzantine Empire in 1453 and the building was

Byzantine empire for about another 1,000 years,

converted into a mosque. The building remained a

until the Turks conquered the city and re-named it

mosque up until the building was briefly closed in

Istanbul. The city would remain the capital of the

1931. Hagia Sophia re-opened in 1935 as a

Ottoman Empire until WW1 and the Republic of

museum of its history of being a part of multiple

Turkey was established. The Capital was moved to

religions. Today, what was the largest cathedral in

Ankara where it stands today. Today the city has a

the world influences the design of Mosques today.

population of 13.8 million people, and such a

Apart from it’s historical landmarks, Istanbul was also a colony established by the Greeks by the

diverse city would be the perfect place for the whole family to visit.

name of Bosphorus in the 7th century BC. It was then taken by the Roman Empire and was later


Movies that take place in the Middle East Jacques Reynoir 1. Osama (2003) PG-13: Not to be mistaken for Osama Bin Laden, this Movie is about the Taliban, who are in control of Afghanistan, are oppressive toward women and are not allowed to work. The film focuses on three particular women, all of whom are widowed, who feel the struggles of being a single arab woman. 2. The Attack (2012) R: This film is about an Israeli Doctor who assists in a suicide bombing, but later finds out that the bomber is his own wife. He later searches for the people who encouraged her to go forward with the decision to attempt a suicide bombing

Osama is one of the most critically acclaimed movies in the Middle East

The actual Yacoubian Building was named a historical building in Cairo

3. Wadjda (2012) PG: Wadjda is a movie about a ten-year-old girl who wants a new bike so she can beat her friend, who is a boy, in a race. But in her culture, bikes are seen as a threat to a girl’s virtue 4. Paradise Now (2005) PG-13: This Drama film is about two Palestinians who are drafted as suicide bombers against their will. Both of them are committed to the bombing until the final night, when the two men have a change of heart. 5. Caramel (2005) PG: This movie is a romantic comedy that takes place in a beauty salon. The film is about 5 women and the various troubles they face all centered around the salon owner, who is heart-broken after a recent affair. 6. The Yacoubian Building (2006) Un-Rated: It is the most expensive Egyptian Movie ever made. The film takes place in 1937, when the Yacoubian Building, a housing crust in Cairo,is being constructed.



May 1964 PLO founded The PLO, or Palestinian Liberation Organization is founded with the intent of creating an independent Palestinian state.

Ethnic cleansing in the Ottoman empire The Ottoman empire (modern day Turkey) commits genocide during World War One, and kills nearly 1.5 million Armenians.

Christian Crusades A group of armed Christians travel to The Holy Land (Israel), to restore Christian access to holy sites. The crusades were ordered by Pope Urban II

May 14, 1948 Israel becomes a nation Supported by Great Britain, Israel becomes a Jewish state in the Palestinian territory.

July 15, 1958 Operation Blue Bat authorized The Marine invasion of Lebanon, code name Operation Blue Bat, is authorized by President Eisenhower

Tel Aviv is built A group of Jews looking for a quiet alternative to Jaffa, which was mostly Arab, build Tel Aviv.

1095 - 1291







THE YEARS November 4, 1979 - January 20, 1981 Iranian hostage crisis A group of Iranians seize the American embassy in Tehran and hold American citizens and diplomats hostage for over a year.

May 2 2011 Osama bin Laden killed Al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was killed by members of SEAL team six in a high-risk night assault on his compound in Pakistan.

June 1981 Israel bombs Iranian nuclear reactor In Operation Opera, Israel bombed the Frenchmade Iranian nuclear reactor, claiming that it would be ready to make nuclear bombs soon. The reactor was incapable of making nuclear weapons.

October 6, 1973 Israel invaded on Yom Kippur Arabs invade Israel on the day of atonement, the holiest day in the Jewish faith. The Arab soldiers were predominantly Egyptian and Syrian, but some other Arab countries aided in the attack.


1979 1981

December 17 2010 Arab Spring begins in Tunisia Although there is no official start to the Arab Spring movement, it is believed that the initial spark was Mohamed Bouazizi setting himself on fire in protest of government harassment.

December 21 1988 Pan Am flight 103 bombed Pan Am flight 103 was bombed in Lockerbie, Scotland by terrorist with connections to the Libyan government. The blast killed 270 people.





Exotic Food Trips in the Middle East and North Africa Lauren Melchiode Exotic Food Trips in the Middle East and North Africa are full of traditional dishes, restaurants great for anytime, and famous food markets everywhere you go.

A couple enjoying a meal and view of the city. A delicious Kafta dish.

The Citadel View Restaurant in Cairo, Egypt

Kafta in Lebanon

The terrace of the old city and the

Lebanese food is famous for its

Al Azhar’s gardens, and the

taste and freshness. If you are a

Citadel. Though the restaurant is

fan of lamb you are in luck French influenced the food b e c a u s e l a m b i s t h e m o s t is grilled Egyptian-style meat. abundant meat in Lebanon. For

The restaurant also includes an

example, the Kafta is lamb rolled

open buffet on weekends. The

in sausage shapes and is cooked

restaurant is a great place for a

either as barbecue or in the oven.

romantic dinner or a cool place to

This dish includes olive oil, enjoy a lunch.

Bagels stacked up at the Carmel Market.

Carmel Market in Israel Almost every city in Israel has an open market but the Carmel Market is the largest outdoor produce market. Carmel Market is located in Tel Aviv and is called a Shuk/Shok in Hebrew and Arabic. The market is located in the center of the city and a few booths past the electronics and t-shirts shops.

garlic, and lemons, which are

One of the more exciting and

essential requirements in a great

interesting parts about the market

Lebanese meal.

is the tables stacked with dozens of hot fresh bagels.


Activities in the Region Lauren Melchiode A Camel Trek Through the Sahara Desert Morocco Take a peaceful and calm camel ride through the Sahara Desert. Though A family taking a tour the Desert is pretty empty expanding over 3.63 million square miles, through the Sahara Desert. locals in the area will gladly give you a tour.

Snorkeling on the Turkish Cast Turkey The only DPVs (Diver Propulsion Vehicle) in Turkey will take you on an adventure you will never forget! Swim through the ocean and view the A couple taking a underwater landscape of the sea on the new torpedoes. underwater tour in Turkey

Extreme Mountain Biking Lebanon Enjoy a hardcore bike ride from Ouyoun Al simane to Zahle with an intense uphill and downhill course. Do you think you can handle it?

Standing at the edge of the world’’s largest Crater Yemen Come to Yemen and hike to the largest crater in the world and stand on the edge. The scenery is beautiful and the trip is a thrilling experience.

Man taking a hardcore bike-ride through the Lebanon forest A local looking at the view of the scenery in the edge in the crater.

Tour the Great Pyramids Egypt Take a private tour though the Great Pyramids, which are the oldest pyramids in Sakkara. Explore the famous and fascinating pyramids with an experienced Egyptologist as your guide.

A view of the Great Pyramids.

Tour Palmyra Syria Palmyra, known to locals as Tadmor, is a historical site containing temples and colonnades, which are very exciting to visit. The site has a jaw A view of the Palmyra. dropping desert scenery surrounding the area!


6 MUST-HAVE SOUVENIRS by Maici Williams

1) An Evil Eye from Turkey This charm that represents both good and bad luck,, is a well-known image largely in Turkey, and around the world. Hardly anyone still believes in the power of the Evil Eye, yet it is remains a wellcelebrated tradition.

2) A Cartouche Pendant from Egypt This historical golden pendant piece of Egyptian jewelry once worn by Kings and Pharaohs- a definite must have for the traveler desiring to learn more about Egypt. This pendant can also be personalized with your own name in Heiroglyphics!

3) A Henna Tatoo from Tunisia The henna tatoo is very well known across the Middle East, and it has been accepted around for cosmetic use as well as around the world as well. This beautiful body art is traditionally worn by Indian and Middle Eastern women.

4) Incense from a market in Yemen Incense is used for both Spiritual and Ritualistic use and it can also be used to illuminate your home with the smell of the Middle East.

5) A Kilim from Dubai Decorate your home with elaborate Kilims from Dubai! These fine rugs are known for their intricate detail and shockingly low price.

6) A Khajar dagger from Oman The Khajar is a traditional dagger worn by men in sheaths. This souvenir would make a great gift for the male figure in your life. ,



In Egypt...

For the traveler seeking to learn more about

1) Egypt’s history, and it’s current politics..

At 8:00 A.M. - Mosque of Muhammed Ali Start out at Cairo, Egypt. Next, head to the Mosque of Muhammed Ali, in the Cairo Government Quarter. The mosque, although commonly connotated with Islamic religion, is the primary working place of the President of Egypt, Adly Mansour.. Around 12:00 A.M. - Giza Necrepolis Next, head to Giza Necrepolis, the eldest of the Seven Wonders of the World. The pyramid in which the great King Khufu is buried, is amoung the eighty pyramids there.. At 7:30 P.M. - A Night Cruise on the Nile River Take another ‘Sleeper Train’ to Marriott Hotel Zamalek, Egypt. The hotel operates the sailing. The cruise will end in 2 hours, around 930:P.M. Enjoy!

In Turkey...


For the traveler seeking excitement in Turkey

Around 8:00 A.M. - Suleymaniye Mosque Start out at Istanbul, Turkey. Next, head to the Suleymaiye Mosque, one of the most well known sites in Turkey. This mosque was constructed using Ottoman architecture, which is a very popular structure used for most mosques in Turkey.


In Dubai...

For the Traveler seeking some metropolitan fun

At 8:00 A.M. - Visit Qasr al Hosn Staying in Dubai, in the Underwater Hotel is a great way to make sure your trip is memorable! While there, visit the Qasr al Hosn. This historical fortress once, and still does, serve as the foundation of the capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi. Visiting the site is recommended between February 20th and March 1st, which is when the people of the UAE have a festival celebrating the fortress’ history and culture.

Around 12:00 A.M. - Pamukkale Natural Site Take a train from Istanbul to the Denizli Province. From there, go to the Pamukkale, literally translating into ‘cotton castle’, a natural site, which serves as a great place to cool off ‘Under the Turkish Sun’.

12:00 A.M. - Visit the Tallest Building in the World, the Burj Khalifa From Abu Dhabi, head to Dubai. Dubai is pretty far away from Abu Dhabi, so taking a tram is advised. Take a visit to the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa. The building has 163 floors, At 7:30 P.M. - The Grand Bazaar and is 2,717 feet tall! Going to the top of the skyscraper is a great The Middle East is widely known for their way to get your adrenaline pumping! embellished bazaars and streets..Visiting the Grand Bazaar. Turkey, has a large market in Istanbul, called 7:30 P.M. - Visit the Global Village in Dubai the Grand Bazaar, which is a great place to find some From Abu Dhabi, head to Dubai. Dubai is pretty far away from Abu souvenirs to remember your stay in Turkey! Dhabi, so taking a tram is advised. While in Dubai, visit the Global Village in Dubai! This blend of culture, shopping, and entertainment is great for some family fun!


Mind Your Manners Connor Page When traveling to the Middle East and/or North Africa, there are a few tips that you need to know to ensure that that you are respectful to the native people and do not violate any cultural taboos.

Thumbs-up in Iran While in America, the thumbs up is a sign of our approval, it is considered to be extremely vulgar in Iran. In Iran, giving someone the thumbs-up sign would be the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger in America.

Eating in Egypt

Thumbs-ups are not a positive sign in Iran.

In Egypt, it is a sign of respect to eat everything on your plate. It is good to start with smaller portions to ensure that you do not insult your host by leaving food on your plate. It is respectful to eat everything on your plate in Egypt

The Right Hand Across the Arab world, the left hand is seen as “unclean�. It is important to shake hands, eat, give gifts, and touch with your right hand.


PDAs are frowned upon in MENA

Public displays of affection, or PDAs, are frowned upon practically everywhere in the Middle East and North Africa. PDAs include kissing, holding hands, cuddling, and hugging. It is best to avoid these while in public areas.

Always use your right hand in the Middle East.

Entering Mosques When entering mosques, everyone must remove his shoes and have his knees and shoulders covered. Women must cover their hair. Some mosques will provide coverings for those that need them, but others will merely deny entrance. The rules of certain mosques might differ, so it is better to be safe than sorry.

Respectful visitors remove their shoes before entering a mosque.

Sole of the Shoe

It is extremely important to refrain from showing the sole of your shoe, or pointing it at someone. The sole is the dirtiest and lowest part of the shoe, and it is seen as extremely disrespectful to point it at someone. Showing the sole of your shoe to someone is an extreme insult.


Volunteer Opportunities in the Middle East JACQUES REYNOIR

1. Love Volunteers Program in Palestine: 2. Love volunteers gives volunteers opportunities to participate in programs in the West Bank. 3. Live and Volunteer in Israel with OTZMA: OZTZMA is a ten-month fellowship for college graduate students, ages 20-26, which combines volunteering and leadership development while Volunteer for Peace also helps prevent fighting from helping others. different ethnic groups along with helping civilians 4. Volunteers for Peace in Turkey: Volunteer For Peace is a non-profit organization that offers can choose to be apart of their long-term or short3,000 service projects in over 100 countries. term projects. They aim to aid Turkey and their families. You 5. Livnot U’lehibanot, Volunteer program in Israel: Welcomes visitors from around the world to participate in community service projects in Israel, in cities such as Tzfat and Jerusalem. 6. Service learning in Egypt to orphans: Serve to Learn is a program that connects youths to orphans in Egypt. Volunteers conduct activities and share a journey with orphans that are not as fortunate. 7. Women and Children’s development with Karma Organization: Karma offers numerous volunteer opportunities to help Women and Children in Serve to Learn helps children in Egypt along with other impoverished areas of the world


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