Destination Americas 2014

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The Americas

Be There.

Brazil By Nathan Blancher

Table of Content ARTS SECTION Timeline...................................................................................................................pgs. 2-3 A Great Destination for an Adventurous 5 Surviving in Salvador 6 Family Fun to Explore in the Heart of 7 The Perfect 8 Safe 9 Top 10 Activities.....................................................................................................pgs. 10-11 Top Seven Northern and Southern Movies............................................................pgs. 12-13 Top 7 Cities for Food 14 Mind Your 15 Bring America Home..............................................................................................pgs. 16-17


Gold Mines in Colombia .........................................................................................pgs. 20-21 Protests in Venezuela Threaten Public Safety....................................................pgs. 22- 23 People Say Talk Is Cheap, But Is It?.....................................................................pgs. 24-25 Police Strikes in Bahia, Brazil..............................................................................pgs. 26- 27


THE AMERICAS 1492: Christopher Columbus discovers America.

1776: The Declaration of Independence is signed, and the U.S. becomes its own country.

1917: The U.S. enters World War I against Germany.

1861: The Civil War begins.

1533: The Inca Empire falls to the Spanish.


1941: Pearl Harbor is bombed and the U.S. declares war against Japan.

OVER THE YEARS by Michael Karl

1946: The Cold War begins.

1963: John F. Kennedy is assassinated.

1955: The Vietnam War begins.

1969: Neil Armstrong walks on the moon.


2001: On September 11, terrorists fly two planes into the World Trade Center towers.

2011: Osama bin Laden is killed by Navy Seals.

Travel 4

A Great Destination for an Adventurous Traveler By Spencer Chunn In Costa Rica there are many things for a tourist to

activities. There are surfboard

through the tropical forests. To

rentals and lessons for

take a break from these

do. Tamarindo has many

activities, you can visit the

attractions and has many

tennis facility, or the golf

things to do as a tourist and

course. You can zip-line

as an adventurer. Tamarindo

through the through the

is located on the west coast

forests which gives you an

of Costa Rica, on the Pacific

aerial view of the forest floor,

Ocean. For the adventurous

and all of this is just a few

traveler, Tamarindo is a great

minutes from Tamarindo

travel destination because of its

A view of the famous Tamarindo Beach.

many activities, restaurants,

minutes away. While you can enjoy all of these activities

bars, and different styles of

any beginners and if you are an

during the day, at night you can

lodging. In Tamarindo, someone

experienced surfer, you can surf

take a break and dine out at the

that is looking for an adventure

along the beaches. You can go

different variety of restaurants,

can do many things in the area,

on sailing tours of the beaches

go to one of the many bars, or

such as exploring the long

and reefs around Tamarindo.

go to one of the nightclubs all in

stretch of beaches, or doing

There is both diving and

the city and enjoy easy going

different water sports and water

snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean

times. For lodging, you can stay

along the beaches and exploring

at fine Bed and Breakfasts, a

reefs. You can also go

rental house, a hostel and all

offshore fishing by chartering

things in between. In

a boat for a day. On the land

Tamarindo, you can explore the

you can explore various

beaches, do a wide variety of

tropical forests and volcanoes

activities, eat at many

with tour guides. You can go

restaurants, and stay the night at

mountain biking, rafting, and

something that fits your budget.

go on ATV tours throughout

Overall, Tamarindo is a great

the area. In addition, there is

place to visit for an adventurer

horseback riding tours

because of its many activities to

A map of Tamarindo.



Surviving in Salvador By Nathan Blancher Salvador, Bahia, has one

Portuguese architecture. This is

This would be the ideal time for

of the most rich and vibrant

the area is where most car thefts,

a tourist to explore the historic

cultures in all of Brazil. The

muggings, and people using, or

side of the city.

north of Brazil is the “soul” of

dealing drugs would be. In fact

In lower Salvador, more

Brazil, and one of the most

the chance of safely walking

modern architecture, was

notable places in the north, is

home at night in upper Salvador

designed by Brazil’s wealthiest

Salvador. This city has rich

is only 1.79%!

citizens. This side of Salvador is


African and European roots that

filled with luxurious hotels and

are known for song and dance.

beaches, excellent Afro-Brazilian

Yet that same rich culture

cuisine, and a generally lower

sometimes has a negative effect

crime rate, this area is a good

on those who are not apart of it.

atmosphere for tourists. Lower

Occasionally, Afro-Brazilian

Salvador is also home to

people have been known to act

All Saints Bay. A chain of about

violently against cultures or races

One of the many upper class hotels of lower Salvador.

50 small islands great for a beach getaway, diving, horseback

that are different than their own. But this can usually be avoided

There are not many ways

riding, and wind surfing. One of

by trying to immerse yourself in

to stay safe, so if you plan on

these islands is Itaparica.

their culture.

touring upper Salvador, don’t

Itaparica Island is one of the

forget, Tuesday nights are Terca

places thought by the residents of

two different sides. Upper

da Bençao, or Blessed Tuesday.

island villages to be home to the

Salvador, known as Pelourinho,

This is a very good way to

fountain of youth. Many sick and

which is home to older, historic

immerse yourself in the culture.

injured people as well as those

Afro-Brazilian drummers take

who just wish to live forever,

over Pelourinho, with song and

come to drink from this spring.

Salvador is divided into

lead a procession of dancing

All Saints Bay and

tourists and locals through the

Pelourinho are definitely

city's center, depositing them

interesting places to visit. So if

into packed bars along the way.

you choose to venture into Salvador, remember, stay safe,

Historic Portuguese Architecture of upper Salvador.


and stay young.

Family Fun to Explore in the Heart of Peru By Michael Karl In Cusco, Peru, families

and Machu Picchu acted as a

can have a taste of historic

retreat for royalty to escape

Incan culture while still

to. However, in 1533, Cusco

enjoying modern festivities.

was defeated by the Spanish

Parents and kids of all ages will

and in 1572, Machu Picchu

enjoy this city at the heart of

was abandoned. Nowadays, the

Peru. It retains its culture from

city of Cusco is filled with

worth your time. The three

the Inca Empire, which is

Spanish influence, as seen in the

layers of walls are composed of

reflected in the art, architecture,

architecture. It is bustling with

giant stones, with many theories

and festivals. However, the

churches and temples, such as

about how the stones were

Spanish influence also

the Qurikancha. Also, the kids

carved. You can visit the Plaza

contributes to the culture,

will love the classic Peruvian

de Armas, where festivals and

especially in the cuisine. There

cuisine available across

ceremonies take place. Children

are many different ways to

different markets. The largest

and adults will also enjoy the

experience Cusco, and any type

market, the San Pedro market, is

Pre-Colombian Art Museum,

of kid or adult will love some

host to a variety of unique

where Incan artifacts such as

part of the unique culture.


ceramics, jewelry, and carvings

The ruins of Machu Picchu stand on a secluded mountainside next to Cusco, Peru.


now rest. In addition, you can

primary gateway into Machu

adventurous type, the

visit the Maras salt mines and

Picchu, which is considered part

Sacsayhuamรกn fortress is well

other, smaller ruins.

Firstly, Cusco is the



Cusco has an enormous

of the region. Machu Picchu is the lost Incan city from

amount of variety in the

hundreds of years ago. Its

activities available. For kids

ruins remain and relics

of all ages, there is

from hundreds of years ago

something to do. You can

lie. Your children will love

have fun whether your kids

to explore the untouched

our adventurous or

Incan ruins and learn about

conservative. If you plan on

the history of the Inca

visiting Cusco, bring the

Empire. Cusco was once the capital of the Incan Empire,

The Plaza de Armas has been host to many historic events and festivals for years.


kids and enjoy the activities that the city has to offer.

The Perfect Honeymoon By Jasmine Bellow Maui is a beautiful,

to Wailea Beach to go for walks

costs approximately $110.00 per

tropical island in Hawaii and the

and watch the sunset. Kapalua

adult. While this may seem

perfect place for newlyweds to

Beach and Waikiki State Park are

expensive, couples will

enjoy their honeymoon. This

beaches in Western Maui. Kite

experience the Hawaiian culture

gorgeous island was named the

Beach is one the most famous

include music, dance, and food.

second best honeymoon

beaches, in Northern or Central

Da Kitchen Cafe,

destination by U.S. News Travel.

Maui, for kite surfing.

Flatbread, Coconuts Fish Cafe,

After months of planning for the

Kitesurfing was first originated

Old Lahaina Lu’au, and Fabiani’s

big day, the couples could find

on Kite Beach. Also, there are

Pizzeria & Bakery are some of

lots of rest and relaxation by

many waterfalls, and the tallest

the most favored restaurants in

getting couples messages and

one is in Wailua.

Maui. Travaasa Hana, The Grand

watching the sunset on the beach.

There are many activities

Wailea Resort Hotel Spa, and

Approximately 2.2 million

couples could delight in such as

Fairmont Kea Lani are the top 3

people visit Maui each year. In

tours, hikes, horseback riding, art

hotels commonly used for

2010, the population of Maui was

museums, biking, dinner and a

honeymoons in Wailea, Maui.

144,444 people. The weather in

show, and parks. The number one

The best time to travel to

Maui is very pleasant and has an

attraction in Maui is a reenacted

Maui is during the months of

average temperature that ranges

performance of Burn’n Love by

April, May, September, October,

from 75 to 85 degrees

Elvis. Couples who are on a

and November.

Fahrenheit. Maui is the second

budget can take the bus instead

largest Hawaiian island and is

of renting a car and go to the

729 square miles. Maui has 33

ocean instead of renting a hotel

miles of beaches. Makena Beach,

room with an ocean view.

or Big Beach, has been voted to

However, no matter what

be the most popular beach in

is your budget, your visit

South Maui. It has orange sand

would not be complete

and blue-green water. Little

without attending a Luau.

Beach and Wailea Beach are a

The Old Lahaina comes

few other famous beaches in

highly recommended and

Southern Maui. Many couples go

lasts about 3 hours and


Voluntourism: A form of tourism in which travelers participate in voluntary work, typically for a charity. Safe Passage is an organization based in America, to help the children of Guatemala who live in poverty. Second Passage allows Americans to travel to Guatemala and participate in Voluntourism help these children.

These Children are deprived of schooling and homes. They usually have no other option but to live in bumps, or trash heaps.

Second Passage allows these children to experience things like listening to music and going to the zoo.

To help with the fight to end poverty visit


Top 10 Activities In Peru, explore the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu lies in the valley of many surrounding

mountains. Walk the Incan Trail and explore the surrounding area. If you are early enough you can watch the sun rise over Machu Picchu.

Also in Peru is an activity called sandboarding. In the coastal town of Huacachina there are desert tours and sandboarding is part of the tour. Sandboarding is riding down a on a board and is very similar to snowboarding. Easter Island, a mysterious island around 2300 miles off the coast of Chile. While at Easter Island you can view the sculptures of giant heads and other activities such as hiking and horseback riding. A little closer to the mainland, you can swim with the sharks at the Galapagos Islands. If visiting the Galapagos islands, there are various activities such as diving snorkeling and swimming with hammerhead sharks. If you fear large marine life, this is not the activity for you. New York City is full of things to do as a tourist. Take pictures around the Statue of Liberty, attend a Broadway show, look at the famous Manhattan skyline from a helicopter tour or from inside one of the massive skyscrapers. The Grand Canyon was formed over millions of years from the Colorado River carving its way through the rock. Taking a helicopter tour of this massive canyon is one of the greatest activities to do while in North America.


in the Americas After Exploring the Grand Canyon relax and experience the great city, Las Vegas. Casinos, Restaurants, Hotels, bars, nightclubs, Las Vegas has everything that a tourist could want. Las Vegas Strip contains many of the cities mega hotel-casinos and each one is very different. In Canada lies the famous Niagara Falls. Niagara Falls is

a massive waterfall on the border of the United States and Canada. Niagara Falls is one of the biggest waterfalls in the world and is a great destination for tourists to visit.

Yellowstone national park is the most well known national park in North America. Yellowstone is located on a giant hotspot under the Earth and this hotspot contains around half of Earth’s geothermal land features. Yellowstone has many geysers and hot springs. Yellowstone is a great spot for a tourist that loves the outdoors. Swimming with dolphins in Honduras is a widely known activity for people traveling to Central America. This activity is great for the tourist that loves swimming and is fascinated by different types of animals.


Top Seven Northern 50 First Dates (2004) starring Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler, is a romantic comedy filmed in Hawaii. Adam Sandler (Henry) is a veterinarian who falls in love with a beautiful girl, Drew Barrymore (Lucy), but when he sees her the next day, she does not remember him. Adam discovers she has short term memory. Everyday her memory is erased, and Henry is determined to get Lucy to remember him and to fall in love with him. It is a great movie to see!

Cloud 9 (2014), starring Dove Cameron and Luke Benward, is an action romance movie between snowboarders. Dove Cameron (Kayla) is a learning snowboarder with much potential who is underestimated by her coach, her father, and her teammates. She finds one person who believes in her and helps her show her potential, Luke Benward (Will.)

Are We There Yet (2005), starring Ice Cube, Nia Long, Aleshia Allen, and Phillip Bolden, is road trip comedy filmed in Portland, Oregan. Ice Cube (Nick Persons) must transport a woman’s, who he likes, children across the country to Vancouver.


And Southern Movies

Rio 2 (2014), starring Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg, Bruno Mars, and Jamie Foxx, is a American 3D computer animated musical adventurecomedy film. Jesse Eisenberg (Blu) and Anne Hathaway (Jewel) live in the forest with Jewel’s family and their three children. Although Blu tries to fit in, he struggles while facing a revengeful Nigel and his new father-in-law.

Pocahontas (1995), starring Irene Bedard, Mel Gibson, Christian Bale, Judy Kuhn, is an animated epic musical romance-drama film. Pocahontas falls in love with Capt. John Smith and they struggle to prevent an all-out war.

Up (2009), starring Ed Asner, Bob Peterson, and Jordan Nagai, is an American 3D computeranimated comedy-adventure film. Russell and Carl travel by a floating house to Paradise Falls unaware of the struggles lying ahead of them.

Motorcycle Diaries (2004), starring Gael Garcia Bernal, Jean Pierre Noher, and Mia Maestro, is a biography about 23-year-old Ernesto Guevara, who would several years later become internationally known as the ionic Marxist guerrilla commander and revolutionary Che Guevara.


Top 7 Cities for Food Trips By Michael Karl There are many ways to explore the cuisine of North and South America. Here are several cities that are a must visit for culinary experts and eager explorers. 1. New Orleans, Louisiana, is home to classic seafood, a variety of Southern spices, and many sugary treats. Whether you are enjoying beignets in the French Quarter, or having fine dining at Commander’s Palace, New Orleans’ “classic Creole cuisine” is right for you. Ceviche is a popular dish found commonly along the coast of Peru.

2. Lima, Peru, is the perfect spot to try ceviche, a dish composed of fish marinated in juices along with spices. Look for restaurants along the coast of Peru to serve this national dish.

4. Mexico City, Mexico, is home to fresh fish and seafood across many restaurants. Two such restaurants, Pujol and Biko, are fancy restaurants ranked among the best in the world.

3. San Paulo, Brazil is home to many delicacies, such as the pastel (dumpling filled with beef and cheese). Below the many skyscrapers, you can find small restaurants and food stands with enjoyable Brazilian food.

5. Chicago’s food offerings are some of the best across the U.S. With deep dish pizza and some of the top ranking burgers across the entire U.S, Chicago is a great stop for classic American food. 6. In Santiago, Chile, many of the ingredients for the food comes straight from local farms. One famous market, Mercado Central, has a variety of seafood with local spices. There is also a vast collection of wines. 7. Buenos Aires is a city known for its different meats, and is such called a carnivore’s paradise. Buenos Aires is a paradise for students who want to enjoy some classic cuisine.

A pastel is a stuffed dumpling found commonly in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Mind Your Manners in the Americas By Spencer Chunn When visiting foreign countries

In Brazil, personal space is very

in the left hand. You should keep

in North and South America be

small and when you meet for the

around an arms length of

sure to use the correct etiquette

first time, shake the other persons

personal space and try to avoid

and try not to offend someone by

hand. The people are loud and

body contact.

using the wrong gestures. Here

do not expect restaurants to be

hands in your pockets while

is a helpful guide to know the

quiet. While eating, always use a

talking, as it is considered rude.

customs of many of the main

fork and knife eve while eating

countries that tourists visit.

foods such as sandwiches. Again,

In Mexico greet others with a

yawning and stretching in public

brisk handshake. It is expected

is considered rude.

that you arrive half an hour late

In Argentina, do not back away if someone is to close. There is not

Do not put your

at social events.

Mexico has a

much room and they may take

In Canada, shaking hands with

slow paced lifestyle. When

this as an act of being un

eye contact is expected, but in a

paying at restaurants hand the


Restaurants open for

casual situation waving and

credit card or cash to the server.

dinner around 8 p.m. and for the

saying hi is okay. When showing

It is rude to put it on the counter

most part most people will eat

up for an event, arrive later than

in front of them.

around 9 p.m. Hold your fork in

expected to give the host extra

Mexicans will stand close. Do

your left hand and knife in right

preparation time. Canadians

not back away, it will be seen as

hand as usual, but do not put

accept both eating with the fork

either shy or rude.

your knife down when eating.

in right hand when the knife is

Yawning and stretching in public

put down and eating with the

is considered rude.

knife in the right hand and fork


In public,

Bring America Home,

1. Dream Catchers Dream Catchers are a large part of the history of the native people of North America. They are believed to catch bad dreams and stop them from getting to someone who is asleep.

2. Statue of liberty Snow Globe The Statue of Liberty is an iconic symbol of freedom and The United States. A snow globe is just one memento that can be collected.

3. I Heart NY Shirt New York is one of the most famous cities in The United States. An I Heart NY shirt shows that you have not only been to NY, but have embraced its culture.


Six souvenirs you don’t want to miss 4. Canadian Hockey Jersey Due to Canada’s location in the north, the climate is bone chilling cold. And one of the most famous sports in the cold weather is Hockey. If you drop into Canada make sure to pick up a hockey jersey.

5. Greda Greda is a rare type of clay that Native south americas make potter with. Greda gives anything that is cooked or stored in it a special flavor that can only be found in South America.

6.Peru of the Incas, Postcard

Peru is filled with beautiful scenery and the once powerful Incas are the native people of this land. Why not bring home a piece of this scenery.


By Nathan Blancher

Just a Touch Away... 18



Gold Mines in Colombia are Exploding With Activity, But Safety Issues are Arising By Spencer Chunn enforce the laws on gold mines

25 disasters since the beginning of

Recently an illegal gold

which allows for the criminal

2014; there will probably be many

mine in Santander de Quilichao,

gangs to dig hazardous mines

more because the criminal gangs

Colombia collapsed causing many

without proper support which can

do not demonstrate safe

casualties due to poor safety

causes major disasters both killing

procedures when drilling holes for

measures. The landslide occurred

and trapping many people.

their mines which will make the

on April 30 and 3 victims were

The criminal gangs in

supports buckle in the tunnels and

found the day of the incident.

Colombia sell gold because of the

will eventually trap and kill more

Since then nine more victims have

high income, but the mines that

people. In order for this to stop,

been found at the mine.

they run are not safe and can lead

the government and law

Throughout Colombia, there have

to major disasters for the people

enforcement needs to step in and

been many safety issues with

they are forcing to work in their

shut down all of the mines without

many of the gold mines because


licenses in order to keep the

many are not licensed and are

licenses for their mines and so

workers safe.


they run them under the radar so

have been a major industry in

they are not caught.

Since the

Colombia, but the government

mines are run by criminal gangs

mines are run under the radar, the

cannot prevent all of the criminal

that sell the gold for

owners do not keep a record of the

gangs from running mines without


This gives no way of

licenses because of the large

making gold the main export of

knowing how many people were

number of mines, and because

Colombia. The mines are not run

in the mines when an accident

small villages are dependent on

safely by the gangs which leads to


gold mines, legal or not, to

many disasters. There have been

have been 25 different mine

around 25 mining incidents with

disasters with more than half

The safety issues will

over half of the mines being

being from unlicensed illegal

continue to be present in many of

unlicensed and not following the


the mines in Colombia.

proper precautions when running

15,000 gold mines in Colombia

because the Colombian

the mines.

are illegal because the owners do

Government cannot contain the


not have permits to run them.

number of illegal gold mines

Colombian government does not

Because there have already been

which is why there will be many

Most of the unlicensed

times the price


around 20 cocaine,

The gangs use the

people and sell the gold.

The gangs do not have

In the past year there

Since about half of the

10 20

The gold mines

provide jobs to their families.

This is

disasters to come until they shut down unlicensed gold mines. Though gold mines bring in $33 billion each year in Colombia, the process of extracting the gold is dangerous and when the mines do not follow safety precautions they can become extremely dangerous. As long as

Family members watch as rescue workers dig through the earth to find any people left behind from the disaster.

the mines are operating, people from surrounding villages will work there to

though they are at a high risk of dying.

support their family even

Tabasco hot sauce, available at a local retailer, or online at 21

Violent Protests in Venezuela Threaten Public Safety By Michael Karl In Venezuela, violent

spread, the country is becoming

also allegedly shot

protests have occurred against

more and more stricken with

and detained unarmed

president Nicolás Maduro.


protesters. As a result of this,

Recently, there have been

The protests have occurred in

the people in the region are

allegations that police

public squares, and have started

starting to divide into two major

threatened and tortured

a danger to the public.

sides. Harsh conflicts between

protesters. Over the past few

Protesters have been in

the two sides have been a

months, some of the Venezuelan

possession of dangerous

danger to the public. To worsen

public has strongly disapproved

weapons, explosives, and illegal

the situation, the main

of the government. Protests

drugs. There have been a

opposition politician to the

have led to many deaths,

reported 243 arrests, 40 people

president was arrested. The

injuries, and arrests. The Human

killed, and hundreds of injuries.

Venezuelan public is starting to

Rights Watch believes that

In addition, the violent police

split into two groups, and a

many victims were treated

forces have been a threat to

“house divided against itself

harshly by the police and the

public safety in Venezuela. The

cannot stand”.

National Guard. However,

Human Rights Watch has stated

The first reasons for the protests

Venezuela’s government has

that “security forces employed

included inflation, growing

denied all allegations of abusing

unlawful force” against

crime rates, and scarcity of

the protesters. As conflicts

protesters after they interviewed

products. As of late, protesters

97 protesters.

have shown hatred toward the

The reports

president and the government.

have stated that

At first, protests were small and

the government

the reasons were minor. Protests

used death

even began to decrease until the

threats against

claims of abuse came about.

victims and, in

When allegations of police

the worst cases,

maltreating citizens arose,

used electric

protesters were angry.

shocks and burns. Police Police forces attack a protester in Venezuela.


T h e protesters are demanding “ l i b e r t y, democracy and sovereignty”. They believe that the police forces are infringing their A protester attempts to jump over a wall of riot shields.

rights through the


allegations. Protests have grown and will continue to grow due to the recent actions of the Venezuelan government. In addition, Venezuela has completely ignored the U.S. government’s threat to impose sanctions. The Venezuelan government has reacted worse

and worse to the allegations,

police force and that he will not

even insulting the U.S. for siding

admit to “false” allegations.

with the opposition. "It's hardly

T h e Ve n e z u e l a n

worth responding to the stupid

majority has become more and

things the imperialist elites in the

more affected by this hazard. The

north do. They can keep their

protests will continue to increase

threats and stupidities,” said

n intensity. Venezuela

President Maduro. He said that

is split and will struggle to stay

he will continue to defend his

undivided. In the future, Venezuela’s government will need to clear up the allegations and the protesters will need to become more peaceful. If this does not happen, more and more conflicts will grow. Venezuela is in danger of becoming a hostile country.

Ad by Spencer Chunn


People Say Talk is Cheap...but is it? By Jasmine Bellow There is an old saying,

their playoff game Saturday with

or privately is always appropriate

“Talk is cheap,” however, on

the Warriors, according to Coach

because once words are spoken,

May 1, 2014, Donald Sterling,

Rivers.” Never in the history of

they cannot be taken back no

the owner of the Los Angeles

the NBA has an owner been

matter how they try to fix it.

Clippers basketball franchise was

forced to sell his franchise

People will believe the first thing

fined 2.5 million dollars for

because he made inappropriate

they hear.

making racist comments about

comments. It is important for

Many news anchor

African Americans. Sterling was

people to be mindful of the

men and women and NBA

recorded making inappropriate

words they speak and who they

announcers addressed Donald

comments towards African

are saying them to.

Sterling’s racial remarks with the

Americans. Now, he might have

Sterling was having a

public and shared their views of

to sell his NBA franchise which

private conversation with V.

what is appropriate or

he has owned for 33 years. This

Stiviano when he made

inappropriate for his behavior.

event has created dialogue across

inappropriate comments about

According to, “Over a

the U.S. about race and racism.

African Americans. She was

dozen companies -- including

Since the recording by

recording the conversation for

State Farm, Virgin America,

V. Stiviano, his girlfriend, many

purposes not clearly known right

CarMax and Red Bull -- halted

powerful leaders in America have


their sponsorships with the

taken a stand against racism and

TMZ released an audio tape

Clippers over the remarks, CNN

discrimination. Adam Silver, the

recording of the conversation

Money reported,” they seemed to

N B A c o m m i s s i o n e r, f i n e d

between Sterling and Stiviano.

be satisfied with the action taken

Sterling 2.5 million dollars,

The audio recording has Sterling

by Commissioner AdamSilver

issued a lifetime ban against

requesting Stiviano not to bring

because they did not discontinue

Sterling from attending any

black people to his games and

their sponsorship for the LA

against Sterling from attending

not to take pictures with black

Clippers team.

any Clippers’ games or

people and post them on

Although Donald

interacting with the team on any

Instagram, which seems racist.

Sterling made racist comments

level, and is seeking to force

People should remember

about African Americans, it is

Sterling into selling his franchise.

choosing their words wisely and

unconstitutional to force him to

Also, “members of his own team,

carefully when speaking publicly

sell his business because he said

the Clippers, debated boycotting

6 24

something inappropriate.

Sterling asked “Am I

free speech, but people

person? Do I have any freedom

in leadership should

of speech?” In the U.S.,

choose words that are

Americans have a right to free

not offensive to those

speech, but people in leadership

they are leading. In

should choose words that are not

addition, it is illegal to

offensive to those they are

record someone without

leading. In addition, it is illegal

their knowledge,

to record someone without their

especially if the purpose is to get

knowledge, especially if the

them in trouble.

purpose is to get them in trouble.

Donald Sterling made inappropriate statements and now he is suffering steep


consequences and has become a social outcast. In the future, smart people will reconsider making inappropriate remarks. It is good that our nation is not afraid to confront Although Donald Sterling made racist comments about African Americans, it is unconstitutional to force him to sell his business because he said something inappropriate. Sterling

the ugliness of racism head on but it is unfortunate that it takes hurtful situations like this one to force us into dialogue. It is becoming more and more clear that talk is not so cheap after all.

asked “Am I person? Do I have any freedom of speech?” In the U.S., Americans have a right to


Donald and Stiviano at a Clipper’s game.

Police on Strike in Bahia, Brazil By Nathan Blancher Police strikes in Bahia, Brazil have led to a major rise in looting and murders. But this is not the first incident when police protests have broken out. The police originally went on strike in 2012 to raise their pay, but their offer was not accepted. Now the police are on strike again and do not plan to end their protests until their offer is accepted. During the upcoming World Cup, in which, Brazil is due to host 6 matches, there is concern that the attending fans of the event will be in danger, and possible not even come out of fear. The


Government feels that they have no choice but to send in their military to protect the citizens while the police are protesting. Bahia is already infamous for its crime, and during this crisis,

there is more danger that ever

they decided to take action.

before. The government realizes

Unfortunately, for the police, the

that football fans, that would

Brazilian Government does not

attend the world cup, are already

have the same perspective. In

intimidated by the general crime

fact the police’s plan to protest

of Brazil. The U.S. survey of the

may backfire and lead to criminal

crime rates in Brazil have gone

charges of anyone who

up since these protests. And the

participates in the strike, or in

murder rate recorded by The

any protests. The Brazilian

Brazilian Government has also

Government believes this will

gone up. Also schools and

deter the police, but the police

hospitals are being closed. With

force continues to defy their

the absence of police in an

government. Not knowing what

already, densely crime filled area

to do, the government concluded

there is a major affect to

the solution to their problem was

everyday life. If the police do not

to send 16,000, fully armed,

return to their jobs soon those

troops with sixteen armored

effects could be long lasting.

vehicles, in full combat gear, to

The police believe their

the streets of Bahia. The soldiers

salary is too low for the amount

were given a “collective warrant�

of work they are required to do,

to search the citizens and their

because the crime rate in Brazil

homes. This action was taken to

is so high, even compared to

ensure that the military can keep

other countries in South America.

the citizens safe. The police do

Because their request was denied

not plan to end their protest until their demands to raise their pay are met. With the world cup just around the corner, Brazil wants to end this strike as soon as possible, even if their methods are unorthodox.


The military police of brazil try to contain a local riot lead by police on strike



take to pay the police as much as

Government plans to keep the

they are petitioning for. If the

military in Bahia until the

issue is not resolved before the

protests are over, and they feel

2014 World Cup the effects could

that the citizens are safe. But the

be devastating to the fans, and to

military may scare away football

the gross income of each game.

fans just as much as the rise of the crime rate. The Brazilian Government wants to end this “situation� as soon as possible. But at the same time do not feel that they can handle the loss of the amount of money it would


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