Destination Africa 2016

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Tabl e of Con ten ts N ew s: Ken ya An th r ax Attack


By: Gabe Labadie Lar vae Bu r stin g Ou t Of Sou th Afr ica


By: Celia Rom ano Caver s Fin d M or e H u m an An cestor s


By: Duke W ir th W al ty's Com pu ter for th e Fu tu r e


By: M am o N ash Ken ya Cl osin g Al l Refu gee Cam ps, Displ acin g Th ou san ds


By: N icholas Pr ovosty Tim el in e


By: Gabe Labadie Ch ar ts an d Gr aph s


By: Duke W ir th Activities


By: M am o N ash M u st See Destin ation s


By: Celia Rom ano

Vol u n tou r ism


By: N icholas Pr ovosty


N E e W w 4



Kenyan Government Foils Large-Scale Anthrax Attack By Gabe Labadie Kenya is no stranger to terrorist threats, being a former base for Al-Qaeda and current target of the Islamic State, more commonly known as ISIS. In a recent attempt to gain a foothold in Kenya an unnamed terror group with connections to ISIS attempted to "unleash a biological attack in Kenya using anthrax." This attack was said to have the potential to be as large as the Westgate Mall attack, a four day long siege in which 67 people died. Luckily Kenyan security services foiled the attack before it could do any damage. The police chief is quoted saying that "Kenya is working closely with other agencies in the region to ensure that the terror network is broken completely

and those behind apprehended."




International University in Uganda, and his wife's friend Fatuma Mohammed Hanshi. The police are still searching for two accomplices, medical students Farah Dagane and Ahmed Hish, with $20,000 bounties on their heads. The ISIS threat in Kenya is a very real one, at least 20 young adults, university students, have already left to join ISIS in Siberia and Libya.


So far three individuals are in custody, Mohammed Abdi Ali, a medical student with an internship in a hospital, his wife Nuseiba Mohammed Haji, a medical student at Kampala

Furthermore the attack happened just days after ISIS claimed responsibility for the their first attack in Somalia. Kenya happens to be East Africa's


Larvae Bursting Out of South Africa By Celia Romano An agonizing illness causing many burning

contributors have had much success, not only with

sensations of pain. What is this disease? Guinea Worm. Guinea Worm is caused by being in or drinking or being surrounded by contaminated water. A larvae then goes through your body. The larvae can live inside your body for up to a year. After a year of torment and misery, the larvae will burst out of your foot. But not all the way. The process of the worm coming completely out of you could take weeks, even months. The whole course can repeat itself while you still have the condition. The burning feeling causes you to want to stick your body in water for relief, but another larvae could and most likely would enter your body...again. If the worm inside of you is a woman worm, after a year when it bursts out of your foot, it will then have millions of babies. This disease spreads very easily in fact. Usually if one person is struck by the disease, a whole village will

this specific cause but with many in the past. Donald Hopkins and the owner of the Carter Center, Jimmy Carter. These partners helped fight Donald Hopkins and the owner of the Carter Center, Jimmy Carter. These partners helped fight this disease and there are only 2 cases currently in Africa thanks to them. The Guinea Worm cases now are severe, but the number has gone down so much. Currently, there are about two cases of Guinea Worm in Chad, Africa. The two were so upset when they found out that there were still cases of Guinea Worm. Carter and Hopkins had worked very hard to eradicate the disease, but unfortunately. it did not happen. Although Carter and Hopkins are the most successful and known helpers with this disease, there are many volunteers who also help. Nurses and hospitals in Africa help treat the disease but not all can help as much as

get it. Although Guinea Worm is not a deadly disease, it can cause extreme pain for months, even up to a year.

the victims want them to. Jimmy Carter actually visited the Savelugu Hospital in Ghana to help thousands of patients with Guinea Worm. These patients were mainly children. This shows just how much this disease affects communities. Since these children were infected with the disease, they are unable to assist their parents with money and jobs but also they cannot receive an education. Jimmy said, "I would like Guinea Worm to die before I do." He

"I would like Guinea Worm to die before I do."

Guinea Worm has been all over the world but is mainly focused in Central or South Africa. In the 1900's, there were over 30.5 million cases of guinea Worm in Africa and Asia alone. Some organizations assisted people and eventually attempted to eradicate the disease. They almost had success. Two of the


Cavers Find More Human Ancestors By Duke Wirth The Homo sapiens is the modern human and every ancestor was thought to be found until recently in within a South African Cave.. In late 2013, there was a group of cavers exploring a cave in South Africa named ?Rising Star,?and these cavers discovered objects that they never expected. The cavers found fossilized remains at the bottom of a hard to reach dungeon in the cave. 15 skeletons discovered and it included eight children, five adults, and two adolescents. Scientists claimed that it belonged to the genus Homo which means that this is an ancestor of the modern human race. The ages of the remains are unknown but all scientists could tell that this species lived a long ago.

very similar features to a modern day human but there were some primitive features. The species was given the name Homo naledi, naeldi meaning star in the local language, naledi meaning star in the local language. Homo naledi had a very small skull which means that the brain size is smaller than a modern human, and is about one third the size of our brain. The species had feet very similar to ours but had slender legs, and this allowed them to start to walk in an upright position. Homo naledi had a nearly identical hand structure except the fingers were more curved like an ape?s fingers. The arms were also more closely related to an ape since they were longer, and this allowed them to climb around trees for a while.

"It was a moment that 25 years as a paleoanthropologist had not prepared me for."

One of the main scientists in charge of the expedition for examining the remains was Professor Lee Burger who studies human evolution at the university of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Professor Berger has worked on human-like remains in the past and the remains that he worked on were found within this area. As a result of this the cave was nicknamed ?The Cradle of Humanity? since there have been findings of human ancestors in this cave. Berger studied the remains and noticed that it did have

One of the major questions that arose was how did these skeletons end up in a hard to reach area deep inside of a cave? No other animal remains found nearby so there couldn?t have been an animal that brought these bones into the cave or a predator that killed Homo naledi and ate it down in the cave. Burger started to wonder if the bodies were put there with a purpose. If Burger?s idea is correct, Homo naledi was capable of performing rituals and 10 possibly symbolic thought. These ideas were

Cavers Find More Human Ancestors By Duke Wirth

Walty's Computer for the Future By Mamo Nash Marco Attisani thinks that his 40-meter and 15 ton computer will change everyone in Africa?s life. This computer will have the power to clean dirty water, generate electricity, and give internet access to the people of Africa. The computer has already been tested in Ghana, and so far the effects have been very positive. ?This is an infrastructure solution for people without access to three fundamental pillars of civilization, We are (taking) people to the heart of the 21st century.?, Marco says. This computer will be getting all of it?s energy,to power it?s 140k watt battery, from solar panels that are attached to the top of it. The energy will allow the computer to

Everyday, this remarkable object will be able to create up to 5000 liters of fresh clean water per day. This is possible by using it?s graphene-based filtering process called ?vapor compression distillation?. This process has the power to separate water from anything such as sea salt and poisons. The Machine is predicted to last for an extremely long time, up to around 15 years. That would provide a whole generation with clean water which in the end will help with the future of the country. It would help by giving children more time to go to school and helping them in their childhood to develop better making the future generation smarter.

?This is an infrastructure solution for people without access to three fundamental pillars of civilization, We are (taking) people to the heart of the 21st century.?

create a wifi radius of up to 500 meters, and one computer will be placed on the outskirts of every large city or capital. All of the locals will be able to have wifi and they will also be able to go on the internet by using large screens on the side of the computer. In the end, they hope to set up at least 10,000 computers on the outskirts of many large capitals and cities inside of Africa once the project is done.



project has received tons of support from people all around the world hoping that this project will change Africa?s state. 1.4 million Euros from European Union's Horizon 2020 research funding program, this is equal to about 1,596,350 Million US Dollars. The only downside to this is that a single computer costs 453,000 dollars so that would mean at least 453,000 every 15 years in order to replace multiple computers. This is a negative affect because Marco does not know if


Kenya Closing Refugee Camps, Displacing Thousands By Nicholas Provosty

On May 6th, Kenya announced that it will be closing Many of these groups are disregarding the reasons all refugee camps. This includes Dadaab, the biggest Kenya has given for shutting their camps down. refugee camp in the world. Dadaab is home to more than 300,000 people on the Kenya-Somalia border. By closing these refugee camps, Kenya is Kenya has said that they will be shutting down these displacing more than 600,000 refugees. It is not camps due to "very heavy" economic, security and clear when the closure will begin. The Kenyan environmental burden. "Kenya, having taken into government has already shut the consideration its national security Department of Refugee Affairs down "I don't think I interests, has decided that hosting of which was a government run agency can go back to refugees has come to an end," said senior that worked with many humanitarian Somalia,I hear Interior Ministry official Karanja Kibicho. organizations for the welfare of the there is a Karanja Kibicho was referring to threats refugees. This decision has led to the government, such as the terrorist group Al-Shabab. anger of many people such as but a Al-Shabab is group affiliated with humanitarian groups. government al-Qaeda, and the group operates

that is bombed and attacked every now and then."

Many human rights groups were outraged over the decision. Liesbeth Aelbrecht is the head of mission in Kenya of the humanitarian group Medecins sans Frontieres. Aelbrecht said the move was an example of the ?blatant neglect of millions of refugees? around the world. Human Rights Watch has stated that there is no ?credible evidence? that connects Somali refugees to any terrorist attacks in Kenya. Muthoni Wanyeki is Amnesty International's regional director in East Africa. Amnesty International is also a humanitarian group. Wanyeki said ?This reckless decision by the Kenyan government is an abdication of its duty to protect the vulnerable and will put thousands of lives at risk.?


primarily in southern Somalia. The group is fighting an insurgency against the internationally recognized Somali Federal Government.

Kenya has been hosting refugees fleeing from radical Islamic conflict since 1991. The Kenyan government threatened to shut down their refugee camps a year ago after al-Shabab launched an attack on a group of 147 Christian students at a Kenyan university. However, Kenya now appears determined to shut down the camps. Kenya?s decision to turn down all refugees from entering their country is primarily directed at Somali refugees, who are coming from a nation with an active jihadist uprising being carried out by al-Shabab.

Kenya Closing Refugee Camps, Displacing Thousands By Nicholas Provosty

Africa Timeline By Gabe Labadie


Remains of Australopithecus, nicknamed Lucy, found 1974

Year of Africa 1960



Africa Timeline By Gabe Labadie


Charts and Graphs By: Duke Wirth Religions in Africa

Languages in Africa

The Diseases of Africa


Act i v i t i es By: Mamo Nash

1. G o r i l l a T r ack i n g E n j oy y o u r s el f on an ex ci t i n g t r ack i n g a d v en t u r e f ol l ow i n g o n e of the 700 m o u n t ai n g o r r i l l a s t h at a r e l ef t i n t h e w or l d .

2 . T h e M a s ai M a r a , Ser en g et i a n d K r u g er N at i o n al Pa r k T h es e n at i o n al p ar k s ar e o f f er a n a m az i n g a d v en t u r e al l ow i n g y ou to ad m i r e m a n y a m az i n g a n i m al s s uch as the L i o n s , E l ep h a n t s , B u f f al o , R h i n os an d L eop a r d s .

3. Z i m b ab w e N at i o n al M o n u m en t

T f L

V i si t s om e o f t h e ol d est r ui n s an d l a r g est r ui n s in the s u b - Sa h a r a .


T f L


1. So s s u sv l ei D u n es , N am i bi a The So s s u sv l ei D u n es in N a m i b i a h av e d ev el op ed ov er m i l l i on s of y ea r s an d i n cl u d es h i k es o n t h e d u n es m a d e o u t o f w h i t e cl ay .

2 . V i c t o r i af al l s , Z am bi a & Z i m b ab w e V i ct or i a F al l s is a b ea u t i f u l , m a j est i c w at er f al l w ith r ai n b ow s a n d r o ck s . T h i s w at er f al l f l ow s f a st er t h a n N i a g r a F al l s , al s o .

3. M ak g ad i k g ad i Pa n s , B o t sw a n a T h i s f i el d i n B o t sw a n a i s ac t u al l y ol d s al t f o r m ed f r om a l a k e t h at d r i ed u p .


Vol unt our i sm By:Ni chol as Pr ov ost y Y ou

c o u l d t r av el to C ap et ow n in So u t h A f r i c a , a n d v ol u n t eer at a san ct uar y f or d i s a d v a n t a g ed ch i l d r en .

Yo u c o u l d t r av el t o a p r i v at e B i g F i v e g a m e r es er v e in So u t h A f r i c a a n d v ol u n t eer al o n g si d e an i n t er n at i o n al t ea m a s si st i n g in v i t al c o n s er v at i o n w o r k .

Yo u c o u l d t r av el to C ap et ow n in So u t h A f r i c a , a n d em p ow er t h e w om en b y g i v i n g t h em equ al ed uc at i o n , h eal t h c a r e, an d i n c om e op p o r t u n i t i es .


Vol unt our i sm By:Ni chol as Pr ov ost y

A R 26



Souveni r s by Gabe Labadi e So ap st o n e st at u es a r e a t r a d i t i o n al T ab ak a

ar t

Hi ll



coun t r y .

T h e st at u es a r e m o st l y a n i m al

f i g u r i n es ,


c a r v es m en c a n b e h i r ed to

m ak e


sp eci al

d esi g n .

T r a d i t i o n al M a a s al b ea d j ew l er y

c o n si st s

i n t r i c at e


c o n n ec t ed

b ea d s t o m a k e n eck a n d ar m

p i ec es . B est

t h ey

s el l

f or



al l l ow

p r i c e o f $ 1 t o $ 10 .

B at i k

ar t

p op u l a r qui ck l y

f i r st


b ec a m e

Ug an d a sp r ea d

but to

N ai r ob i a n d K en y a . Som e of


m o st

f am ous

B at i k

a r t i st s

ar e

Sen k o t a ,

M ut y ab a ,

an d

L u k en g e.


Souveni r s by Gabe Labadi e

Af r i can Mov i es by Cel i a Romano

1. T h e L i o n K i n g T h e L i on Ki n g i s an a d o r a b l e ch i l d r en 's m ov i e a b o u t a y o u n g l i o n Si m b a an d hi s j o u r n ey to b ec om i n g the r i gh t f ul k i ng.

2 . A f r i c a U n i t ed A f r i c a U n i t ed i s a m ov i e ab ou t a g r ou p of t een a g er s w ho h op e t o p u r s u e t h ei r d r ea m a n d t r av el to sou t h af r i c a f r om n o r t h af r i c a t o p a r t i ci p at e i n t h e W o r l d C u p .

3 . Sa r af i n a ! Sa r af i n a ! i s a g r eat m ov i e w h i ch i n c o r p o r at es t h e s o r r ow o f i n equ al i t y a n d w a r b u t t h e j oy o f s o n g a n d d a n c e. W h o op i G ol d b er g p l ay s an i n sp i r at i o n al t each er t each i n g h er st u d en t s h ow f r eed om can be r ec ei v ed i f y o u b el i ev e.


Mi nd your Manner s By Mamo Nash A f r i c a , j u st l i k e i n al l o t h er c o u n t r i es , h a s m any s et s o f s o ci al ex p ec t at i o n s t h at y ou m u st a b i d e b y i n o r d er t o st ay a p ol i t e g u est . O n e t h i n g t h at i s v er y i m p o r t a n t i s t o m a k e s u r e t o l eav e a t i p j u st a s y o u w o u l d w h en y o u a r e a n y w h er e el s e.T h e st a n d a r d t i p i s ab out 10 % i n A f r i c a a n d y o u m u st t i p a n y t our g ui d es , h o t el p o r t er s , p et r ol an d

p a r k i n g at t en d a n t s . A n o t h er c u st om t h at t h ey h av e i s i n v i t i n g p eop l e t o d i n n er . Si n c e t h e w eat h er o u t si d e i s u s u al l y v er y b ea u t i f u l , a n i n v i t e t o d i n n er i s


v er y c om m o n . W h en ev er y ou ar e i n v i t ed to d i n n er m a k e s u r e t h at n ot on l y sh ou l d y ou

b r i n g s om e t o y o u r s el f but al s o a bi t f or ev er y o n e el s e. As f ar as p eop l e a r r i v i n g t o y o u r g et t o g et h er o n t i m e, m a k e s u r e n o t t o ex p ec t t h em

Kick Back at Cape Tow n By M amo Nash Are you looking for a family friendly vacation to the Sub-Sahara? Say no more, Cape Tow n has got you covered. Imagine, dazzling view s, amazing adventures, delicious delicacies, enriched history and beautiful art.

Take a relaxing ride on Table M ountain in a cable car. This fun ride gives you a breathtaking bird' s eye view of Table mountain, this view is something you do not w ant to miss. If this view is not enough for you and your family, do not fret. There is an adventurous hiking trail, the Hoerikw aggo Trail, w hich offers five days of bonding and hiking w ith your family in tents w hile taking in the mystical view s of the mountain.

many adventure craving families w ould love, allow ing you to view a diverse family of sharks. If your family is more of the

studious kinds, you cannot miss Robben Island and The District Six museum. Learn about the rich history of Africa' s most jubilant and most depressing times at Robben Island. You w ill be fascinated to hear about the times w here 60,000 Africans w ere ripped from their homes by the government' s oppressing rule and how in the end they w ere able to fix it all at The, aw ard w inning, District Six M useum.

For the more adventurous crew s, Cape tow n offers you a small take a dip in the ocean to admire one of the largest shark populations in the w orld. Cage diving, is a popular event that


Family dinners w ill be a breeze

Sightseeing Religious Scenes in Abuja By Celia Romano Abuja, Nigeria is one of the most

Some places for Christians include

know n cities that are very religious and

the National Christian Center. There

contains many interesting


are tours w hen it is non-prayer time.

sites that are w orth traveling for! It is

The Aba Nigeria Temple also is a place

know n for their different monuments

of Christian w orship. Some places that

and w orship places and their diversity

are sites for all religions include the

of religions. The religions that are

Holy Family Society w hich has different

w orshipped


activities and events for all families of

M uslim and Christian but also include

all religions. This helps families w ho do

other religions.

not have the chance to be as religious




Some popular religious sites in

as they w ould like to be included in

Abuja for M uslims are the Abuja

different religious events and activities.

National M osque w hich is for the

Another place for all religions is the

M uslim community but is open to

Abuja National System w here religious

non-M uslims during non-prayer time.

and cultural events are discussed and

Another site is the M aiduguri Central

celebrated. M any different

M osque. Also, there is the Aba Nigeria

and religions are celebrated here such

Temple w hich is a place of w orship for

as sports events and other religious

Islamics. This place actually had to be

and cultural events.





because someone

M any different areas in Abuja

reported they saw four men carrying

have different religions. Tow ards the

guns. After about a year, the temple

north, the religion is more M uslim and

w as reopened. There are many more,


but there are only a few named.

southern area, it is more Christian or


Tow ards




Sw akopmund Pumps Adrenaline of Thrill Seekers By Nicholas Provosty Sw akopmund is the best city in

traditional Sw akopmund sand board, or a

Africa for thrillseekers. Sw akopmund is a

snow board modified to be able to surf

port city in Namibia in the South West

dow n the giant dunes. To get the most

area of Africa. Sw akopmund?s Namib




offers great

opportunities for

running dow n




dunes board.



extreme sports. Sw akopmund also offers

Sw akopmund

the opportunity to have one of the most

headfirst can allow s you to reach up to 80

exhilarating experiences in your life w ith

kilometers per hour. Nothing beats racing

skydiving. Sw akopmund is a city that is

at high speeds on the side of a 120 meter

sure to get your adrenaline pumping.


The Namib Desert has some of the




dune. he Namib Desert also allow s for

biggest sand dunes in the w orld. The


Namib desert has a 1,066 foot high sand

addition to the thrill of revving up a quad

dune called Big Daddy, and this dune is

bike and riding it at high speeds, the

the 6th largest in the w orld. These dunes

Namib Desert offers beautiful sights such

are great for racing dow n on boards at

as valleys, plains, dunes, and canyons.

incredible speeds. This extreme sport is

The Namib Desert quad bike ride is sure

called sand boarding, and is best suited

to get your heart beat rising, and your





Sandboarding w ill be one of the



bike rides.

As an

pumping. final



most exhilarating experiences you w ill

Sw akopmund offers is the most, and the

have in your life. You w ill have to be


driven out of Sw akopmund, and be

Skydiving is an experience like no other,

driven to the Namib desert. There you w ill

and brings out the daredevil in all of us.

be able to race dow n some of the highest

Flying over the beautiful Namib Desert

sand dunes in the w orld on either a

dunes offer one of the most beautiful







Sw akopmund Pumps Adrenaline of Thrill Seekers By Nicholas Provosty

Travel Carefully When Visiting Rustenburg By Duke Wirth

Rustenburg, South Africa is a city

rhino, and buffalo. These five animals

w ith many tourist attractions, but it is

in specific do not necessarily cause the

w ell know n for being one of the most

reputation of the city to fall as a

dangerous cities in South Africa and

dangerous city, but they are know n for

Africa. The city by itself does not have

being very dangerous.

much criminal activity to make it a very

The animal that is the main

dangerous city, but there is still some

reason for this city being considered

criminal activity inside of the city.

dangerous is the local skorpion. There

Rusinsburg is one of the oldest cities

are over 150 different

w ithin South Africa w hich means that

scorpions living in the deserts around

there w ill be many popular cultural

this city, and each are very similar but

sites that attract tourists. There also

unique in many w ays. 20 of the 150

happens to be a volcano outside the

species of scorpion live in the sub

city, but the volcano is now inactive.

region of South Africa. These Large

species of

The city is considered to be one

scorpions are going to be venomous

of the most dangerous cities in all of

most of the time and if anyone w as

Africa because of the w ildlife that lives

stung by a scorpion and it turned out

around it, most of w hich lives in the














predators that do not live in the deserts

The scorpions have rough areas

such as the lion, leopard, elephant,

on the upper surface on part of their


Travel Carefully When Visiting Rustenburg By Duke Wirth

Zanzibar: A Romantic Paradise By Gabe Labadie Want





near coral reefs, jetskiing, parasailing,

honeymoon after the business of a


w edding? Well look no further than

located on an island, has plenty of

the luxurious Zanzibar!

Enjoy the

beautiful beaches w here you can go to

comforts of home w hile exploring the

enjoy sw imming in the crystal clear



sea. After a long day enjoy a nice

Tanzania. Whether you?re into hiking,

romantic dinner at La Taverna, an

diving, art, or just relaxing, Zanzibar

italian pizzeria in Stone Tow n. If you?d

has something for everyone.

rather a more casual meal take a stop




There are various activities to be done together such as enjoying a hike









Zanzibar Tow n.

along the M arangu route to M ount Kilimanjaro or visit the volcanic M ount M eru. Into history? Take a tour of the spice plantations or visit the shops of Stone Tow n, the w orld?s oldest Sw ahili coastal trading city and the birthplace of



M ercury. Visit


Feeling famous

Cheetah' s Rock w here you can look

Need a place to stay? Zanzibar

eye to eye w ith various animals such

has many resorts to offer such as the

as, you guessed it, cheetahs, zebras,

Essque Zalu Zanzibar. Essque Zalu

lions, and lemurs. Need to cool dow n?

Zanzibar has everything a new lyw ed

Enjoy sea sports such as scuba-diving

couple needs to unw ind. Relax at our


Region Festivals By Duke Wirth Within Africa there are a handful of

festivals that are focused on uniting the

regional festivals and it may be hard to

continent together, and if you enjoy

pick out festival that interests you but I

music festivals this is the one for you.

am here to help. In Ghana there is a

Oppikoppi a music festival celebrated in



the Limpopo Province of South Africa in

Theatre Festival? or ?Panafest? for short.

the proximity of a tow n named Northam.

This festival w as founded in the mid

The festival is an abbreviation of the local

1980?s and has been a big hit since, and

Afrikaans phrase ?op die koppie? w hich

in 2009 Panafest w as in full bloom to

means ?on the hill?. As you may have

celebrate the country?s 52nd year of

guessed, the festival is celebrated on the

independence. Panafest w as created to

hill but tow ards the foot of the hill.This

help enhance the ideas of Pan-African

festival w as started in 1994 and originally

culture and speed up the development of

only had 27 local performers performing

all African countries. Panafest hopes to

to a small crow d that came to this event.

establish the truth about African history

The festival originally started w ith rock

and many of the experiences that the

music but has now shifted into other

continent has had as a w hole. Panafest?s

genres such as jazz, w orld music, house

main goal is to unite every country

music, acoustic, hip-hop, hardcore, punk,

together making the African country

ska, folks, blues, drum ?n bass, big beats,

stronger. The festival attracts political

funk, kw aito, traditional, w orld music,



metal, indie and even some comedy. The

especially tourists. This festival is claimed

festival has really expanded in the last 20

to be the best festival in all of Africa due

years since it has started and it has jump


started the South African rock music in










attractions. Not

the late 90?s. everyone





These festivals are some of the



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