Voices from Maycomb

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VoicesfromMaycomb Trinity Classof 2017

I Am UncleJack, TheKids?RoleModel By: Alex McCall I amUncleJack. I wonder why Atticuswill not teach hiskidstoshoot. I hear Scout and Francisfighting. I seeAtticusdealing with hard times. I want Atticustowin hiscase. I amUncleJack, TheKids?RoleModel.

I pretend tounderstand kids. I feel happy with Scout. I touch Scout?shand when I guideher through life. I worry about what will happen toScout when sheismadefun of. I cry when I seeour family being harassed for defending a Negro. I amUncleJack, TheKids?RoleModel. I understand that Scout isgoing through tough times. I say ?Scout, I don?t want tohear swearslikethat whileI?mhere becauseyou?rea lady.?. I dreamabout Atticuswinning thecaseand bringing justiceto Maycomb. I try tohelp Scout. I hopethat Scout will not beat anyoneelseup. I amUncleJack, TheKids?RoleModel.

I Am Miss Maudie, a Neighbor of theFinches By: Penn McCay

I amMissMaudie. I wonder what goeson in theFinch household I hear Scout and Jemshout I seechildren playing outside I want justicefor all I amMissMaudie, a neighbor of theFinches. I pretend tobedeaf when UncleJack askstomarry me I feel cold in thewinter I touch thesoil I worry about thedanger of my neighborhood I cry about my plants I amMissMaudie, a neighbor of theFinches. I understand theway of lifein Maycomb County I say, ?it?sa sin tokill a mockingbird? I dreamthat everyonewill oncebeequal I try tocomfort theFinches I hopethetrial doesnot affect thecounty for long I amMissMaudie, a neighbor of theFinches.

UncleJack and Miss Maudie Penn McCay and Alex McCall

Thekidslovetobewith me. Thekidslovetobewith me.

I ama neighbor of theFinches.

Thekidshavefun with me. Thekidshavefun with me

I teach thekidshowtoshoot a gun. I givegood advicetotheFinches

I seethemduring Christmas. I seethemeveryday.

I watch Scout and Jemgrow. I watch my flowersgrow

They arehappy when I seethem. I amhappy when I seethem.

I amnot married. I amnot married

They look up tome. Thechildren watch me.

I ask MissMaudietomarry me. I pretend I amdeaf when Uncle Jack askstomarry me.

I teach themlifelessons. I teach themvaluablelessons. Thekidsseemeat theFinch?s Landing. Thekidsseemein my garden. I ama relativeof theFinches.

I want Atticustowin thetrial. I donot careabout thetrial. I hear that Scout fightsthekids whotaunt her. I hear that Scout fightsthekids whotaunt her.

I hear that Jemstandsup with Scout. I tell Scout toact likea lady. I tell Jemtoact likea man. I likeour family. I liketheFinches. I havetotakecareof Francis, as well asScout and Jem. I havetotend tomy garden. I seeJemand Scout running towardsmeand hugging mefor comfort. I seeMad Dog running towards me. Our family relationshipsburn down, causing chaosin thefamily and community. My houseburnsdown, causing danger for my neighborhood. I spend most of my timewith others.

I spend most of my timeoutside. Scout and Jemlearn with me. Scout and Jemtalk with me. Scout and Jemenjoy being with me. Scout and Jemenjoy being with me. I amScout and Jem'srolemodel I amScout and Jem?sfoundation.


VoicesfromMaycomb TheDeceiver andtheVictim

I am Francis Hancock, a deceiver Emma Morton

I amFrancisHancock. I wonder why Atticusisa disgrace, I hear that heisdefending TomRobinson, I seethat heisout of place, I want otherstoknowthat thisisa sin, I amFrancisHancock, a deceiver. I pretend tobekind, I feel whoI aminside, I touch my cousins?lives, I worry they will seewhoI am, I cry out when they knowit isa scam, I amFrancisHancock, a deceiver. I understand that Atticusisdifferent, I say it out loud too, I dreamabout ending thetrial, I try but it won?t cometrue, I hopethat soon Atticuswill relent, I amFrancisHancock, a deceiver.

I am Tom Robinson, Victim of Racism By Mann Boughton

I amTomRobinson, victimof racism I wonder why i?mon trial I hear peoplemocking I seepeoplejeering I want thejury tobelieveme I amTomRobinson, victimof racism I pretend tobecalm I feel distressed I touch theidea of equality I worry about theverdict I cry about my family I amTomRobinson, victimof racism I understand thejusticesystem I say that i?minnocent I dreamtobefree I try toescape I hopetohavea normal life I amTomRobinson, victimof racism

Francis Hancock and Tom Robinson Mann Boughton and Emma Morton

I ama child. I ama man. A grandson, a cousin, a child. A father,a husband, a man. I only knowwhat my parentstell me. I only knowthat they believeme inferior. Anything they say, Anything they say,

say. I ama child. I ama man. Ignorant, naive, a child. A worker,a laborer,a man. I only knowwhat I?veheard. I only knowwhat I?veseen.

I agree. I must agree, for they aresuperior.

Anything they say, Anything they say, believearetruewords. I must believebecausetothem, I amlikea machine.

I only knowhowtodothingsmy way, I only knowhowtodothingstheir way.

I only knowdefending a black man isa sinful display, I knowthat defending someone likemeisa sinful display,

BecauseI ama child, just like BecauseI amoneof them, just they say. likethey say. BecauseI amlesser,just likethey BecauseI amnot oneof them,

just likethey say. I ama child. I ama man. A perpetrator,a bully, a child. A victim, a defendant, a man. I only knowAtticushasfailed his mission. I only knowthat I oncehad cheer. Anything they say, Anything they say, I knowthey alwayshave permission. I alwaysreply in fear. I only knowat theend of the day, I only knowat theend of the day, That I amFrancisHancock. That I amTomRobinson.

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheI gnorant andtheWise

I am Jacobs, Cecil, A Boy Who Realizes Everyone Should beEqual By : Emma Singley

I amJacobs, Cecil, a boy whorealizeseveryoneshould beequal. I wonder about African-American people? I hear about TomRobinson, hesoundsevil. I seeScout coming near me. I want totell her,?Your dad?snigger-loving, you see?? I amJacobs, Cecil. I pretend that Tomislethal. I feel not everyoneisequal. I touch my tearswhen I hear thenews. I worry when I put myself in Helen?sshoes. I cry when I realizeTom?slifewasnot peaceful. I amJacobs, Cecil. I understand that I waswrong. I say tomyself ?Howhasinequality been going on for so long?? I dreamthat Tomisfinally free. I try toforget about about thetragedy. I hopethat what happened toTom, never happenstome. I amJacobs, Cecil.

I am Jem By : LanieTalbot

I amJemFinch I wonder why peopleareagainst my father I hear they don?t likehimor what heisdoing I seepeopletalk about my family I want themtobeniceagain I amJemFinch I pretend all thepeoplelikemy father I feel sad becausethey hatemy father I touch my tears I worry they will hurt my father I cry becausethey hurt my feelings I amJemFinch I understand why they hatemy father I say that he?strying tohelp I dreamthey they will likehimagain I try toconvincethemhe?strying tohelp I hopeeverything will goback tonormal I amJemFinch

Cecil Jacobs and Jem Finch LanieTalbot and Emma Singley

I ama boy. I ama boy. I believeeveryoneisequal. I believein inequality.

I knowhe?sinnocent. I knowhe?sguilty. It?stheday of thetrial. It?stheday of thetrial. I hopeTomcan befree. I hopeTomislocked away.

I wonder what?swrong with Atticus. There?ssomuch wrong with Atticus. Tomisat thestand. Tomisat thestand. He?sjust trying todowhat?sright. He?sdefending a negro, howisthat I knowAtticuswill dowhat?sright. right? I hopeAtticuswill dowhat?sright. I try toignorethehate. I try toenforcethehate. I hear about TomRobinson. I hear about TomRobinson. My father sayshe?sgentle. My father sayshe?sabusive.

Keep Tomsafe. Lock Tomaway. AtticusprovesTom?sinnocenceto thetown. AtticusprovesTom?sinnocenceto thetown.

I hopethejury realizes. I doubt thejury realizes. I I I I

can?t believehe?s?guilty?. nowknowhe?snot guilty. still knowTomisinnocent. nowseeTomasinnocent.

I knewI wasright. I can?t believeI waswrong. My father hasalwaysbeen right. My father hasalwaysbeen wrong. At least noweveryoneknows. Well noweveryoneknows. Tomisinnocent. Tomisinnocent.

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheTeacher and theCuriousStudent

I am Miss Caroline, TheNew Teacher Sessions Hootsell

I amMissCaroline. I wonder about thecitizensof Maycomb I hear they don?t likechange I seesomekidsaredifferent than others I want tobecomea good teacher I amMissCaroline, thenewteacher. I pretend tounderstand thecitizensof Maycomb I feel likethey don?t understand me I touch themindsof my students I worry they won?t accept me I cry when nooneisnear I amMissCaroline, thenewteacher. I understand that I aman outsider I say, that I can bea good teacher here I dreamthat I will fit in in Maycomb I try my best asa teacher I hopethat I can succeed I amMissCaroline, thenewteacher.

I am Scout Finch, theCurious LittleGirl Celia Funderburk

I amScout Finch I wonder what BooRadley islike I hear hismidnight walksthrough my neighborhood I seehishouseevery timeI leaveminereminding meof my questionsabout him I want toseeand knowhim I amScout finch I pretend I donot hear thepeopleat my school makefun of Atticusfor hiswork I feel theneed toprotect hisname I touch thebook asmy father readswith me, even though Miss Carolinetold metostop I worry about my brother,Jem I cry for my brother when heishurt and lonely I amScout Finch I understand that my father isunder stressand criticism fromthetrial I say that heshould beabletodefend anyonehewants I dreamof TomRobinson being found innocent I try tocontain my anger astheverdict iscalled I hopethat oneday hewill befreed I amScout Finch

Scout Finch and Miss Carolone I amScout Finch I amMissCaroline

Celia Funderburk and Sessions Hootsel

I ama local girl of Maycomb, whosefather isa lawyer I ama wealthy teacher in Maycomb, Whogrewup in a big city I feel at homein Maycomb I feel left out in Maycomb I understand almost everything about Maycomb I understand almost nothing about Maycomb Thistown isa part of me, but I stand out becauseI don?t act or dressliketheother girlsmy age Thistown isnewtome, can I fit in I just don?t understand MissCaroline I don?t understand Scout, or any of thekidshere Why won?t sheunderstand us Why won't they understand me Shethinksour family traditionsarepointless I donot understand their hobbies MissCarolineyelled at mefor reading with Atticus Scout isbeing taught thewrong way toread Reading with Atticusisoneof theonly thingsI look forward tothesedays Doesn't shehaveother thingsshecan look forward to I didn?t tell Atticusabout what MissCarolinesaid, I amgoing tokeep reading with him.

I can't haveScout reading thewrong way, soI stopped her fromreading at home. Today our teacher looked likea fool Today my studentsacted foolish Shetried toget Burristocomeback toschool, doesn?t sheknowhowtheEwellslive? Why won't Burriscomeback toschool, I don't understand howtheEwellslive Sherealized themistakeshehad madewhen hestarted tocurseat her. I realised what heiswhen hecursed at me Hecalled her theworst names, and I felt bad for her I felt bad for him, I realized that hedoesnot havethesamelifeasme Walter Cunninghambrought wormsfor lunch today That boy brought disgusting creaturestoschool MissCarolinetried tooffer hima quarter,doesn?t sheknowtheCunningham?sdon?t accept anything they can?t return Hewouldn't takemy quarter,I donot understand why hewouldn't When I stood up for Walter all MissCarolinedid wasyell at me Scout disrupted theclassand madefun of her classmate I wastrying tohelp thesituation calmdown I had topunish her for what shedid Theschool year hascometoan end, and sohastheconfusion Theschool Year isover but Thereisstill confusion I amScout Finch I amMissCaroline

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheAlcoholic andtheUnaccepted

I Am Rachel Haverford, Dill?s Aunt By: Theo Taylor

I amRachel Haverford. I wonder why I had tobeborn a Haverford. I hear a black man hasbeen sentenced todeath. I seesnakesin my washing. I want tobemarried. I amRachel Haverford, Dill?sAunt. I pretend i?mnot an alcoholic. I feel lonely. I touch Dill asI hug him. I worry about Dill. I cry when Dill ismissing. I amRachel Haverford, Dill?sAunt. I understand my last nameisdisgraceful. I say ?I?mnot likemy relatives.? I dreamof being loved. I try tobea good family for Dill. I hopeDill will find a permanent home. I amRachel Haverford, Dill?sAunt.

I am Dolphus Raymond, TheUnaccepted One By: Alex Friedlander

I amDolphusRaymond, TheUnaccepted One I wonder when peoplewill except me I hear thecriticismof my choice I seea segregated society I want peopletohear my voice I amDolphusRaymond, TheUnaccepted One I pretend tobedrunk for otherstofind their way I feel thefriendship of my truebrothers I touch theidea of a newday I worry for theacceptanceof others I cry becauseI amsociety?sprey I amDolphusRaymond, TheUnaccepted One I understand why peoplechatter I say ?that I drink beer out of a glass? I dreamthat color doesnot matter I try tolet thecriticismpass I hopethat society?swaysshatter I amDolphusRaymond, TheUnaccepted One

Dolphus Raymond and Miss Rachel Theo Taylor and Alex Friedlander

I amDolphusRaymond I am MissRachel

But they arewrong. But they arewrong.

I ammisunderstood. I ammisunderstood.

I may never beaccepted. I may never beexcluded.

EveryonethinksI drink. NoonethinksI drink.

I represent theoppositeof society. I ama model of society.

I lieabout drinking for thesakeof I livein cruel society?sshadow. others. I aminvited toparties. I lieabout not drinking for the sakeof myself. I ama wealthy whiteman. I ama middleclassed white EveryonethinksI amdelirious, woman. intoxicated, and distant. EveryonethinksI amproper,sober, and friendly. I choosetolivewith my black mistressand mulattochildren. Why will nooneaccept howI want I choosetoliveby myself. tolive? Will anyoneever knowhowI truly I choosetolivethisway. live? I choosetolivethisway.

I heard a fellowman wasaccused of rape. I heard a black man wasaccused of rape. I wassick toseeTomRobinson treated that way. I wassick toseeAtticustreated that way. I gaveDill a different perspective. I wasworried for Dill. Thetrial wasunreasonable, unethical, and unlawful. Thejury wasimmoral, prejudiced, and biased. I never will respect theEwells. I never will respect theEwells. Just another exampleof society?s flaws. Just another unfair verdict. I nowhopepeoplebegin to understand all black peoplearenot bad.

Maybeoneday society will change. I ammisunderstood, for thebetter of society. I ammisunderstood, for thebetter of my reputation.

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheBrother andtheFather

I am Nathan Radley Heyward Parrino

I amNathan Radley I wonder why therearesomany rumorsabout my son I hear kidswhisper when I walk by I seepeoplestare I want tokeep my son away fromthem I amNathan Radley, thefather of Arthur I pretend not tolet thestoriesabout my son bother me I feel lonely I touch my gun asI shoot at shadowsin theyard I worry for my crops I cry for my wife?sdeath I amNathan Radley, thefather of Arthur I understand that Scout and Jemarecuriousabout Arthur I say good morning tothemwhen I walk towork I dreamof a better relationship with thetown I try tokeep a niceface I hopethat they will stop talking about my family I amNathan Radley, thefather of Arthur

I Am Atticus Finch MarianneVillere

I amAtticusFinch I wonder why everyone?sagainst black men I hear themtalking I seethemtalking I want tohelp I amAtticusFinch I pretend tonot let thecriticismget tome I feel theneed tohelp him I touch thepapersasI reviewhisfile I worry about hisfamily I cry for thecaseof TomRobinson I amAtticusFinch I understand why thejury doesn?t get it I say that it?snot fair I dreamtoget himout innocent I try todefend him I hopetodefend him I amAtticusFinch

Nathan Radley and Atticus Finch Heyward Parriono and MarianneVillere

PeopleknowmeasAtticus, a local in Maycomb. PeopleknowmeasNathan, an outsider in Maycomb. Peopleknowmeasrespectful, compassionate, and caring. Peopleknowmeasquiet, dismissive, and alone. AsI walk towork, I greet the townspeople. AsI walk towork, I try toavoid conversation. I amwelcomed homeby my beautiful children, Scout and Jem. I amwelcomed homeby my enigmatic brother,Boo. I teach my kidstohaveempathy, self control, and tobekind to everyone. I keep Booaway fromrumors, stories, and whispers.

I makesuretobeinvolved with the neighbors. I donot liketointeract with the rest of theneighborhood. I wish thechildren of Maycomb would stop bothering Boo. I wish they would goaway and stop disturbing us. My kidsgotoschool and play outside. Boostaysinsideand doesnot comeout. Oneday Miss. Maudie?shouse caught on fire. I watched themput it out. I ran insidetoquickly grab her possessions. I feel likeI could havedonemore. I feel likeI did my job.

Thetrial wasfinished. But I doknowwhereI did my job. On Halloween, my kidswent tothe I'mdonewith helping out. school pageant. On Halloween, Booleft thehouse. I gavemy best effort during the trial. Thenext thing I knowBoois I observed during thetrial. carrying my hurt children home. I watched Boowalk intotheir I defended a black man. house. Hedefended a black man. HisnamewasTom.

Hesaved my children?slivesfrom Bob Ewell. Booprotected thekids.

I donot knowwhy it?sshamed upon todefend a black man. PeopleknowmeasAtticus, a local Why would hedefend someonelike in Maycomb. Peopleknowmeas that? Nathan, an outsider in Maycomb. I hoped that Tomwould beproven innocent. Luckily, hewasproven guilty. I knewthat wewould loosethe trial, even though I gavemy best effort. Tomdidn?t havea chancegoing against a whiteman.

6 - WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheFarmer andtheMinister

I am Mr. Cunningham, thepoor farmer of Maycomb William Messersmith

I amMr. Cunningham. I wonder whowill help theworking man I hear someonehasraped Mayella I seeit isa black fella I want totakethelawin hand I amMr. Cunningham, thepoor farmer of Maycomb.

I pretend justicewill bedone I feel it may never come I touch Atticustomoveout of theway I worry what Scout may say I cry for a closer relationship with my son I amMr. Cunningham, thepoor farmer of Maycomb.

I understand that wemust fight I say toWalter Atticusisright I dreamthat thingswill changesomeday I try towalk therighteousway I hopethat God will guidemy hand I amMr. Cunningham, thepoor farmer of Maycomb.

I am Reverend Sykes, a Minister of God I an BendaĂąa

I amReverend Sykes. I wonder if Helen will bealright. I hear dissent among blacksand whites. I seean unjust trial. I want peace. I amReverend Sykes, a minister of God. I pretend that Tomisstill alive. I feel that thetruth did not prevail. I touch Tom?sgravestone. I worry that hisdeath wasin vain. I cry about thelossof a valued member of thechurch. I amReverend Sykes, a minister of God. I understand that thereisinjusticein theworld. I say, ?Society needstoreform.? I dreamthat blacksand whitescan coexist peacefully. I try toseethegood in people. I hopefor a better future. I amReverend Sykes, a minister of God.

Mr. Cunningham and Reverend Sykes I an Bendana and William Messersmith

It isa stifling summer night outside thejail house With a hateful heart, I seek It isa sweltering summer day revengefor Mayella insidethe courtroom. With a hopeful heart, I watch two talesemergethetruth and the outright lies. Weareamassof angry men moving toward thejail . Wearepacked insidelikesardines. HowhelplessAtticusseems! all alonein hisfight HowhelplessdoesTomlook! His I watch thestrugglebetween left hand iswithered likea prune. Atticusand themob. I watch Jemand Scout struggleto find a seat. Themob isdivided by justiceand revenge. Thecourtroomisdivided by color. I find myself standing in the middleof themob I find thema seat in theblack I watch Atticus'sdefensefor Tom section in full effect I watch as Atticus buildsa strong Atticusisall that standsbetween defensefor Tom themob and Tom Thetrial isa circuswith Tom I wonder if thetruth will prevail Robinson'slifehanging in the I wonder if thetruth will prevail balance.

I hopethat justicewill beserved I hopethat justiceiscolorblind I worry about what Scout will tell my boy at school. I worry about what Scout will see and hear. My verdict isthismob will not bring justice. The verdict verifiesmy belief that a whiteman'sstory prevailsover a black man'struth.

I watch Tomasall hopedrainsfrom him. Thenewsaround town will bethat themob hasfailed. Thenewsof Tom'sdemiseshakes metothecore. I hopeI can change. I hopefor change. I hopefor a day when thiscan all beput behind me. I hopefor a day when everyone getsa fair trial, black or white.

Prideescapesmy body when Scout questionsmy presenceat thejail. I hopefor a day when I can look Prideswellsin my heart asAtticus Atticusin theeyeagain. leavesthecourthouse. I hopefor a day when Helen will behappy again. I urgeScout toleavethejail and knowI should too. I amMr. Cunningham, just a I urgeScout tostand and show simpleman. respect for her father. I amReverend Sykes, a dreamer for reform. I watch Atticusstay strong so justicemay bedone.

6 - WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheLiars

I am Heck Tate Livy Nieset

I amHeck Tate I wonder why I arrested Tom I hear thevoicesof peopletalking about thecase I seea roomfull of peoplethat knowheisinnocent deep down I want thetruth I amHeck Tate I pretend that it isgoing tobeok I feel sad becauseI knowit isn't I touch my gun I worry for what thejury will say I cry for I ama coward I amHeck Tate I understand that I could havedonesomething tohelp I say that it isgoing tobeok I dreamthat thejury believesTom I try tohold back thetears I hopethiswill end soon I amHeck Tate

I Am Mayella Ewell Naylor Stone

I amMayella Ewell. I wonder howI havegotten intosuch a mess. I hear everybody in thecourtroomscreaming their opinions. I seemuch confusion in anger throughout theaudience. I want thistoall tobejust a bad dream. I amMayella Ewell. I pretend tobethevictimof a seriouscrime. I feel my father?sfistshitting my body. I touch my woundswhich still hurt. I worry that my father will never stop. I cry fromthepain of my beatings. I amMayella Ewell. I understand that I must liefor my father tokeep himout of jail. I say whatever my father wantsmetosay. I dreamfor oneday tobefar away fromMaycomb and thetrial. I try keep back my tears. I hopethat everything will goback tohowit wasbeforethe trial. I amMayella Ewell.

Heck Tate and Mayella Ewell Livy Nieset Naylor Stone

I had tobreak thelawbecauseof Bob Ewell I had tobreak thelawbecauseof my father

out what I havedone I amafraid that someonewill find out what I havedone

I amafraid of going back tothe I risked jail timeby throwing away placewhereBob died theknife I amafraid of going back intothat I risked jail timebecauseof my courtroom father I did thisbecauseI amafraid of what everyonewould think I did thisbecauseI amafraid of my father I did thissoBoowould besafe I did thissothat I will besafe I amafraid that I will losemy job if I tell thetruth I amafraid that hewill hurt me moreif I tell thetruth

Hopefully everything will goback to theway it wasbeforethetrial Hopefully everything will goback to theit wasbeforethetrial I amrelieved that nobody will be hurt anymoreby Bob Ewell I amrelieved that I will not behurt anymoreby my father I wish I had thecouragetotell the truth I wish I had thebravery totell the truth

I amafraid that someonewill find I wish I would havenot thrown

away theknife I wish I donesomething sooner

I worry that someonewill find out I threwaway theknife I worry that oneof themwill end up liketheir father

I wonder if anybody elsewasin thesamesituation asme I wonder if anybody elsehasbeen I hopethat I will realizewhat I did wasfor thebest abused likeme I hopethat my siblingsknowwhat hedid waswrong I wonder why Bob Ewell did this I wonder why my father had todo Luckily theEwell family won?t have thistome tosuffer any more Luckily my sibling and I won?t I wonder if Scout and Jemwill ever havetosuffer any more beabletorecover fromwhat hedid I wonder if I will ever beableto My yearsof hard work may come recover fromwhat hedid toan end. My 19 yearsof abusehavefinally NowI don?t knowhowI can forget cometoan end. about what I havedone NowI don?t knowif I will beable tolook after 7 children I hopethat oneday I will forget I hopethat they will beableto recover aswell

6 - WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheHonest andtheDeceitful

I am Walter Cunningham Austin Passler

I amWalter Cunningham. I wonder why my family ispoor. I hear about my family being poor. I seelittlemoney. I want tonot behungry. I amWalter Cunningham. I pretend that I amrich. I feel poor. I touch dirt. I worry that Scout will beat meup. I cry about my poverty. I amWalter Cunningham. I understand not tobein debt. I say not togivememoney. I dreamthat I will berich. I try tosavemoney. I hopethat my family will not gohungry. I amWalter Cunningham.

Burris Ewell, Not My Father Tirza Araya

I amBurrisEwell I wonder why my father abusesme I hear thefoot steps, I amafraid I seethehurt I cause, but I don?t stop I want respect and power I amBurrisEwell, not my father. I pretend that I ambetter than my father,but wearethesame I feel lost and alone, but I havenoonetolean on I touch my mother but sheisnot there I worry I will never escapethehorror I cry for help I amBurrisEwell, not my father. I understand I?mdifferent I say I will riseup tobebetter,but will I really? I dreamI will beliketheFinches I try toforget about thepain and thesadness I hopetobea successful man I amBurrisEwell, not my father.

Walter Cunningham and Burris Ewell Austin Passler and Tirza Araya

I amWalter Cunningham. I amBurrisEwell.

My mother ishere. My mother isdead.

I ampoor. I ampoor.

When you earn respect frommy family werespect you. I wish I had respect.

I ama young boy. I ama young boy. I gotoschool. I amforced togotoschool oncea year. I ambeaten up by Scout. I ambeaten up by Bob Ewell. I treat peoplewith respect. I treat peoplelikegarbage. TheFincheshavegiven mefood and helped my family. TheFincheshaveembarrassed my family.

I amhungry. I amhungry. I amsmall for my agebecauseof thelack of food. I amfragilebut act strong. I havebeen held back in school. I havenever been toa full week of school. My family isrespected in the community. My family isout casted in the community. Only oneperson in thecommunity

doesnot likeus. Everyonein thecommunity hates and pitiesus. My dad istherefor me. My dad discouragesme. I havea fewsiblings. I havea fewsiblings. My homeismostly insect free. My homeisinsect infested. I havefriendsat school. I amaloneand angry. I'msmarter than thosebeforeme in my family. I want tobedifferent than those in my family. I amWalter Cunningham. I amBurrisEwell. I smarter than thosebeforemein my family. I want tobedifferent than those

in my family. I amWalter Cunningham. I amBurrisEwell.

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheWidowandtheWife

I am Helen Robinson, TheWidow Henry Pipes

I amHelen Robinson, TheWidow I wonder why Tomlost thecase I hear Mr. Ewell?sinsults I seethepeoplewhoimprisoned Tom I want Tomtobefree I amHelen Robinson, TheWidow I pretend tobeokay I feel thepain I touch Tom?scoffin I worry about my kids I cry about thepast I amHelen Robinson, TheWidow I understand that Tomisdead I say I amfine I dreamabout thefuture I try toget over it I hopeI can recover I amHelen Robinson, TheWidow

I Am Alexandra Hancock, Aunt of Scout AndrĂŠDumez

I amAlexandra Hancock. I wonder what Atticusisdoing toraiseScout. I hear hethinksthat Scout isfine. I seethat Scout isnot a lady. I want toteach her tobemoreproper. I amAlexandra Hancock, aunt of Scout. I pretend that Scout wantstobea lady. I feel shewill not beelegant. I touch thememory of measa child. I worry theFinch namewill beruined. I cry becauseScout might not change. I amAlexandra Hancock, aunt of Scout. I understand that I amnot Scout?smother. I say ?Scout needssomefeminineinfluence?. I dreamI will havea positiveimpact on Scout. I try tomaintain thelegacy of thefamily. I hopeScout will agreewith me. I amAlexandra Hancock, aunt of Scout.

Aunt Alexandra and Helen Robinson Henry Pipes and AndreDumez

I ama woman I ama woman I amraising twokidsin a nice house I amraising threekidsin a dump

I amscared that Scout will not changeher ways I amscared that my children will starve I worry that Jemand Scout will be bullied about Atticusdefending Tom I amhappy that Atticusis defending Tom

I amcaucasian and I havesome money I havetoexplain why Tomlost the I amAfrican American and I am trial poor I havetoexplain why Tomlost the trial I livein a housewith a yard and furniture I say that Atticusisstill respected I livein a dump with trash I still respect Atticus I amtrying toteach Scout howto bea lady I amtrying toteach my children howtolive

I wastold that Tomhasdied I knowthat Tomhasdied

I havetomaintain a legacy for my I wonder howthiswill affect Jem and Scout family I wonder howthiswill affect my I havetoprovidefor my family children

Jemand Scout areplayful, happy, and fine My children areheartbroken, sad, and lonely Tom?sdeath doesnot affect me that much Tom?sdeath affectsmehorribly Lifeisthesame, I ama lady Lifeisharder,I ama widow I need help teaching Scout I need help with my children I hopeAtticuscan survivewith what happened toTom I hopeI can survivewith what happened toTom I hopethefamily legacy will not be harmed I hopemy family will not be harmed It ishard acting likea mother It ishard being a mother

I ama woman I ama woman

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheBusybody andtheObserver

I Am StephanieCrawford SophieDaly

I amStephanieCrawford. I wonder what rumorsarefloating in theair I hear many detailsthat I must share I seethechildren approaching thestreet I want toinformthemof a savory treat I amStephanieCrawford. I pretend that I aman innocent lady I feel asif mymethodsarerather shady I touch intopeople?sheart and bones I worry that I will never leavethemalone I cry out wordsand noonelistens I amStephanieCrawford. I understand that I havenever seen Boo I say I havebut that isnot true I dreamthat oneday peoplewill hear I try tostop but my wordswill not disappear I hopesomeday I will stop I amStephanieCrawford.

I am Calpurnia, Cook of theFinch House By: Lyons Cook

I amCalpurnia I wonder why Scout doesn?t act likea girl I hear peopletalking about theFinches I seeScout goestoher brother for help I want BooRadley tocomeoutsideof hishouse I amCalpurnia, cook of theFinch house I pretend tobea mother for Scout I feel sad for Helen Robinson I touch food all day I worry Atticus?court case I cry about Tom?scase I amCalpurnia, cook of theFinch house I understand Scout doesnot want tobelady likeand wantstobe likeJem I say, ?Scout and Jemaremy company ? I dreamthat Tomgetsfreed I try tohelp Scout and Jemgrowup I hopeScout stopsfighting people I amCalpurnia, cook of theFinch house.

Miss StephanieCrawford and Calpurnia SophieDaly and Lyons Cook

I ama lady I ama lady

I ariseevery morning ready togoto work

I labor away in my dead household, not a soul around I labor away at the Finch?s household

I see Jem and Scout coming home fromschool I see Jem and Scout coming home from school and entering their housewhereI await

I cook, dust, and mop as if I were I am ready to spill all the a slave delectabledetailsof booradley I cook, dust, and mop at the I am ready to hear from Jem and Finch?s Scout about their wondrous school days And after a long day's work, I I ama lady enjoy thepresenceof my man I ama lady And after a long day?s work, I return homewith noman I want to be recognized, so I spread lively stories I ama lady I donot want toberecognized and I ama lady even if I did, my skin color would not allowit I arise every morning ready to indulgein gossip

I make up rumors about Boo, Tom, I ama lady and Atticus I make up beds, put away clothes, I am destructed, destroyed, and and wash thedishes devastated by thetrial I am devastated, shocked, and in I attend the trial ready to discover disbelief by thetrial newinformation about thetown I do not attend the trial for I will I wonder why thisisall happening be rejected because of my race and I wonder why Atticus is defending gender Tom I ama lady I ama lady

I wonder what will become of the family I wonder what Scout and Jem I hope that the trial will not break think about thetrial apart Tomand hisfamily I hope that the trial will not break I ama lady apart Tomand hisfamily I ama lady I wonder whereTomis I wonder howTomfeels And howwill everything play out And howHelen isdoing I ama lady

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb TheParticipant andtheObserver

I am Dill, a Friend of Scout and Jem Wilson Engelhardt

I amDill. I wonder if I will ever seeBooRadley I hear that I ama part in Maycomb I seethat my newDad doesn't carefor me I want tolivein Maycomb I amDill. I pretend tobesomeonei'mnot. I feel that I ama part of theFinches I touch thegateof theRadley'shouse I worry about Atticusand thetrial I cry when thetrial isover I amDill. I understand that I don't knowmy father. I say that I don't I dreamthat I will havegood family I try tonot lie I hopethat I will marry Scout I amDill.

I am Mrs.Dubose, observer of Maycomb Parker Piacun

I amMrs.Dubose, an observer. I wonder when I will seeJemand Scout again. I hear therumorsaround town. I seethepeoplecometoand fromtown. I want tobeapart of them. I amMrs.Dubose, an observer. I pretend tobeopinionated. I feel lonely. I touch my camellia bushes. I worry about howsick i?mgetting. I cry when Jemand Scout leave. I amMrs.Dubose, an observer. I understand Atticus?schoicesregarding TomRobinson?scase. I say what I believe. I dreamtohavecompany. I try toput on a rough exterior. I hopetohaveJemand Scout stay aslong aspossible. I amMrs.Dubose, an observer.

Mrs. Duboseand Dill Harris Parker Piacun and Wilson Engelhardt

I ama young Boy I ama old woman I ama kid I aman adult

I don't want tostay in Mississippi I just want tostay alivelong enough toend my addiction I wonder if I will seeBooRadley I wonder if anyonewill seeme

I aminvolved with thetown and thepeoplein it I want Jemand Scout toalwaysbe I watch thepeoplein thetown from with me my porch wishing I was a part of it I want Jemand Scout tokeep me company I believeTomRobinson isinnocent I cry when thetrial isover I believenonegroshould be innocent I rejoicewhen thetrial isover I think Atticusisdoing theright thing by defending Tom I believeAtticusisan embarrassment tohisfamily name by defending Tom I amalwaysaccepted around people I amalwayslonely

I cry when I havetoleave Maycomb I cry when Jemand Scout leavemy house I just want tobeloved I just want toshowlove I dreamthat my family isgone

I dreamthat I had a family I think Scout isperfect theway she is I think Scout isunlady like I want toseetheRadleys I want toseepeoplewhowant to seeme I try tomakefriends I try tokeep friends I pretend tobesomeoneI?mnot I pretend tobeopinionated I pretend that peopledon't need me I pretend that I don't need people I touch thegateof theRadley's house I touch my camellias I just want tosee I just want tobeseen

6 -WordMemoirs

VoicesfromMaycomb ThePerpetrator andthePeace Keeper

I Am Bob Ewell, Father of Mayella Tori Thomas


amBob Ewell wonder why I ambeing accused of hurting Mayella hear therumorsthat my neighborswhisper seethefear in my children'seyes want my wifetocomeback tome amBob Ewell.


pretend that I sawTomhurting Mayella feel anger at my fingertips touch thebottleof alcohol worry I will beconvicted cry when theknifepiercesmy chest amBob Ewell.


understand thepain TomRobinson isgoing through say that ?I did not hurt Mayella? dreamtoberid of my sorrows try tostay angry and not facefear hopeMayella doesnot tell thetruthI amBob Ewell.

JudgeTaylor Leven Greene

I amJudgeTaylor I wonder who?sthegood guy I hear Bob curselikea sailor I seeMayella cry I want tobenot a failure I amJudgeTaylor I pretend tohavemight I feel likethereissomeonepresent I touched my shotgun that night I worry my company wasn?t pleasant I cry if my family ishurt in smite I amJudgeTaylor I understand TomRobinson?sfate I said Atticuswouldn?t scareher I dreamof oneday being great I tried not tojail her I hopethiscasedoesn?t escalate I amJudgeTaylor

Bob Ewell and JudgeTaylor Leven Greeneand Tori Thomas

I amBob Ewell I amJudgeTaylor

I will that thetruth isnot told I demand thetruth

I ama man I ama man

I havean addiction I havea problem

I haveeight children I havenone

An addiction that harmsmy family A problemthat involvescigars

My wifeisforgotten My wifeisalive

That I beat Mayella That I sworetoprotect her

I livein poverty I livein themiddleof society

I feel theanger build up insideof me I feel thefear of letting my family down

I ama victimof thetrial I affirmtheverdict I believeI aminnocent I believeBob isguilty I amviolent I amstrong-willed

I ammad I ammad Mad becausegmy daughter tempted a black man Mad becausetherewassomeone at my door

I want toruin TomRobinson I want toend Bob Ewell I tried tokill Scout and Jem I tried toprotect Tom I want tomakeAtticuspay for making melook guilty I want tomakeBob look silly I hopethat thejudgemakesthe right decision I hopethat I maketheright decision I amBob Ewell I amJudgeTaylor


VoicesfromMaycomb TheUpstander, theComplainer, andtheStranger

I am Mr. Avery, TheUnwanted One I an Yang

I amMr. Avery. I wonder about TomRobinson and hisfamily I hear theFinchesand their narrowarguments I seeMr. Finch?schildren?ssnowfigure I want toprovidefor my family I amMr. Avery I pretend toact fine I feel Tom?sworriedness I touch thefront porch every day I worry about Tom?sfuture I cry that I cannot fix myself I amMr. Avery I understand that I?vedonewrong I say that I?ll get through it I dreamthat I will overcomemy anxieties I try tosustain my figureand personna I hopeI can fix my problems I amMr. Avery

I am Mr. Underwood, a Silent Upstander. Gibbs Hooper

I amMr. Underwood. I wonder what todoabout Tom. I hear what'sgoing on. I seefromafar. I want tohelp him. I amMr. Underwood, a silent upstander. I pretend not tocare. I feel sorry for Tom. I touch my pen and paper. I worry about nothing. I cry about Tom?sdeath. I amMr. Underwood, a silent upstander. I understand Atticus'spain. I say, ?Had you covered all thetime, Atticus." I dreamof standing up. I try not tocare. I hopethat Tom forgivesme. I amMr. Underwood, a silent upstander.

I Am Boo Radley, TheAloneStranger By: LukeCharpentier

I amBooRadley I wonder what it islikeoutside I hear kidsplaying in my neighborhood I seethedarknessof my house I want tocommunicatewith outsiders I amBooRadley, thealonestranger I pretend tobeisolated I feel alone I touch Scout?shand when shewalksmehome I worry about what peoplethink of me I cry when I seekidsbeing hurt I amBooRadley, thealonestranger I understand thekidswant tomeet me I say ?will you takemehome?? I dreamthat thekidsaresafe I try tobea niceperson I hopethekidsseethereal me I amBooRadley, thealonestranger

Boo Radley, Mr Underwood, and LukeCharpentier, I an Yang, and Mr. Avery Gibbs Hooper

I amisolated I amisolated I amisolated

I watch froma distanceasdisputes unfold I watch froma distance, although ready for action I donot speak much but my roleis I watch froma distancethe children I sodespised vital I donot speak much but my roleis I ama bystander vital I donot speak much but my roleis I aman upstander vital I ama perpetrator I stay insidewith everything happening around me I stay in thewindowwith a gun in my hand I stay on theporch watching Maycomb

Most peoplenever seeme Most peopledonot noticeme Most children neglect me I domy best tostay away fromthe cruel world I domy best toalwayshaveothers backs I domy best tomaintain my frustration

I donot get involved with the conflictsoutside I donot confront theviscous perpetrators I donot stand for theselfish youth I ama upstander I ama perpetrator

I ama bystander When peoplearein troubleI have tostep in When peoplearein troubleI defend themin my paper When peoplearein troubleI almost alwaysstay out

I protect thepeople whoreally need it I protect theright people, but I don't need tobethanked I protect myself, with nooneelseto behad with

Bad thingshappen, I risk my identity Even when it meansI might haveto Bad thingsmay happen, but it's comeoutside worth it for thegood of thepeople Even when my articlescan offend Bad problemswill happen, and I others knowthereareotherswhowill solve Even when it meanssomething so them simple SometimesI wonder what people think of me Peoplethink I?mfrightening but I?ma lifesaver SometimesI wonder if peopleknow howi really feel Peoplethink I don?t care Kidsthink I?mignorant but I know SometimesI wonder if everything can change it?sonly theirsinstead I don?t want peopletothank me I don't get involved in theaction, but I speak up later I don?t get involved with most actions

Most timesI amsurethey neglect me Most timesI amsurethat they trust me Most timesI amsurethat they cannot

But something tellsmethat they donot really knowme But something tellsmethey don't understand howmuch i care But something tellsmethat wewill besafe And that oneday peoplewill forgiveme And that oneday peoplewill know howmuch I care And that oneday thecruelty and hatewill disappear And that Maycomb can restore itself again And that Maycomb can restore itself again And that Maycomb can restore itself again

6 -WordMemoirs

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