Vision Newspaper - January 2019

Page 1


Issue 01 - 2019


Why Protoje or Etana should win Best Reggae Album at the 2019 Grammy Awards >>page 11

New Year’s Message from Prime Minister, The Most Hon. Andrew Holness >> page 2

Racism and Excessive Force By Police >> page 5 Advertisment

Caribbean News


New Year’s Message 2019 from Prime Minister, The Most Hon. Andrew Holness

This is the New Year that the Lord has given us and we who have been spared to see it, rejoice and are glad in it for we stand on the threshold of new possibilities and opportunities. As a country, we were able to accomplish much in 2018: – Our economy continued recovery and entered the growth phase – We have established a flexible exchange rate and recorded low inflation – Business and consumer confidence remained high – Record high levels of employment including youth employment – Reduction in absolute poverty – Rapid expansion in industries such as business process outsourcing, mining, tourism and logistics – Record number of infrastructure projects including the Mandela Highway Improvement Project, Constant Spring Road, Three Miles, Ferris to Mackfield and many more – Record number of housing starts and developments through the National Housing Trust and the Housing Agency of Jamaica – Major gains in improving safety and security in the country which resulted in a 22% reduction in murders for 2018. All these accomplishments were the result of the skillful implementation of a strategic plan to transform Jamaica into a modern, peaceful, and prosperous society. We cannot and will not slow our pace, much remains to be done. Peace and public safety continue to be an area of priority focus for the government. Last year, we implemented two Zones of Special Operations which made significant strides in crime reduction in the targeted

communities. By design; we placed emphasis on community development including infrastructure development and making government services available to the communities. This year we will increase the number of communities benefiting under the zones of special operations. We invoked emergency powers in some areas of Jamaica where crime was over and above the capacity of normal policing to address. These measures have yielded appreciable results. For the first time, in Jamaica’s history, the Government has deployed force without violence. Citizens have embraced the security forces and seeds of a new trust relationship between both have been planted. More than that, however, also, for the first time, the whole of government has been mobilized in a strategic framework to address issues of crime and violence. Today, the statistics tell us that murders are down 22% but ordinary Jamaicans tell me that the measures have saved the lives of their brothers and sisters and their children; more than 350 persons are alive today by virtue of these measures. The Government will continue with the strategic implementation of Plan Secure Jamaica using all resources, ways, and means, which are firmly within the boundaries of the law to continue reducing the crime rate. Our objective is to see a massive sustained decrease in murders bringing us below the global homicide rate of 6 per 100,000. For most Jamaicans, having experienced murder rates as high as 10 times the global average for such a long time, this may seem incredulous. Jamaica has the capacity to do it. We have proven what works. What we have learned from this last decade of crime fighting is that political unity around the proven measures and a financial commitment by the government are critical for successful and sustained outcomes. The Government this year will intensify its outreach to the opposition to build political unity around the crime plan. We will also

continue to make significant investments in the retooling, training and capacity building of our security forces. As we progress in our crime fighting and peacebuilding strategy, it is clear that greater attention needs to be paid to the socio-emotional considerations. Violence as a means of resolving conflicts has become far too accepted as the norm. A significant percentage of our murders are as a result of random acts of violence and domestic and intimate partner disputes. This month, I will name the National Commission on Violence which will be tasked with examining our culture of violence and making far-reaching recommendations to stimulate behaviour change. Violence is the cancer that has destroyed families and communities. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. On the economic front, in the upcoming fiscal year, Jamaica is projected to have a debt to GDP ratio of just below 100%; a significant reduction having been as high as over 140%. This will create the fiscal space for Government to undertake greater expenditure on human and social services. Additionally, the Government will be packaging and bringing to market several public sector assets for sale on the Jamaica Stock Exchange. The first of which will be Wigton Windfarm Limited. This is in keeping with government’s policy of creating an ownership economy, giving average Jamaicans the opportunity to own shares in some of Jamaica’s profitable enterprises. Another element of the ownership economy is assisting Jamaicans to acquire decent and affordable housing recognizing that the most important asset for any Jamaican is their own home. In addition to the work of the National Housing Trust, Housing Agency of Jamaica and private developers, this year the Government will begin implementation of the social housing component of the HOPE programme. Through this modality, the Government will seek to improve and regularize the housing stock and living conditions of the most vulnerable Jamaicans, assisting them to realize the value in real estate. As Jamaica recovers and grows; within the context of climate change and a globalized world; resilience building strategies must be mainstreamed in all Government endeavours so that we are better able to recover from crises, shocks and natural disasters. This is particularly the case considering that in November this year, Jamaica will graduate from its IMF programme. In this post-IMF era, the government will be

required to undertake greater forward planning, deeper analysis of policies and targets, greater assessment of risks and a greater commitment to discipline in the implementation of our programmes. Citizens of Jamaica can be assured that your Government will act responsibly and wisely to build on the gains made through years of sacrifice. Government is strengthening our central bank, establishing a Fiscal Council; and reducing the number of public sector entities to minimize exposure to fiscal risks. Equally, through creative financial mechanisms such as catastrophe bonds, we are ensuring a speedy recovery from natural disasters. More so, we are seeking to build resilience in our civil infrastructure in the capital works that are being undertaken throughout the country. As we place greater emphasis on environmental preservation; I believe in the old saying cleanliness is next to Godliness. This year, a key focus of the Government is to make Jamaica clean again. We have committed to increasing the number of compactor trucks for garbage collection. Importantly, aspects of the ban on plastics, which affects straws, single-use shopping bags as well as expanded polystyrene containers, start today. Later this year we will introduce the deposit refund scheme to tackle plastic bottles and unveil a plan to remove all old tyres from landfills across Jamaica. These are crucial steps to preserve our environment. Keeping Jamaica clean is not just the responsibility of the Government; it is the responsibility of every citizen, every household and every business. My Jamaican family great things are happening. There is a real sense of buoyancy, hope, and optimism; Jamaica is pressing ahead in the right direction. It is often said that the New Year is a time for introspection, reflection, and change. Let us seize the newness of this year to plant the seeds of peace and love, so that they may flourish as the year progresses. Let us turn away from aggression in our speech and actions. Let us be guided by the principles of care and compassion for one another. A new Jamaica is emerging. Let us build this new Jamaica that we can all be proud of. Together we can do it! I wish for all my brothers and sisters, a happy, peaceful and prosperous 2019

For advertising enquiries email: or call 647-386-3419 Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Exposing the talent in our communities. Editors: Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP,

Caribbean News



Former Senator, Cabinet Minister and Trade Unionist in the Jamaica Labour Party, JLP Administration Senator Dwight Nelson died the morning of Christmas Eve 2018. He was surrounded by family members and died at the age of 72. Dwight Nelson; the politician who commanded the gritty

national security portfolio when police and soldiers swept into west Kingston in 2010 to apprehend strongman Christopher Dudus Coke, walked off the political stage in May 2015. In 2015, Nelson, described his time in politics, from his first appointment to the Senate in 1983, as being oftentimes controversial but at all times, satisfying.

Jamaicans will not forget the moments when the late Senator occupied the witness stand for several days at the Manatt/Dudus Enquiry. During numerous exchanges lawyers for the People's National Party; who attempted to question him, found that his standard answer to most of their probing questions was the now infamous line "I CANT'T RECALL". Apparently, Minister Nelson couldn't remember much of the details of just about anything. He is known to have led 13 major unions in negotiations with [then] Minister of Finance Dr Omar Davis to the signing of the first public-sector Memorandum of Understanding. In addition, "I was deputy chairman of the Michael Manley foundation as a Labourite - a real nationalist" he declared.

Nelson figured prominently as National Security Minister in the high-profile extradition controversy surrounding Coke that precipitated the 2010 police-military operation that claimed the lives of more than 70 persons. A trade unionist by profession, Nelson also spearheaded the bi-partisan approach in forging the first social partnership pact with the public sector workers many years ago. Mr Nelson functioned in the capacity of senior vice president of the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union, then as a director in the Matalon Group of Companies and as Minister with responsibility for the public service in the Ministry of Finance. He leaves behind wife and a host of family and friends. [Contributed by Professor Colin O Jarrett]


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Caribbean News


Falmouth Emerging as an Economic Player

Rebel Salute is a Celebration of Reggae The Minister said “we had to fight” for this inscription, which is something that we must “never take for granted.”

ism Minister, Hon. Edmund Bartlett tells JIS News. “Not only does it have world-class attractions but it now also has a major high-end hotel in Excellence Oyster Bay and, certainly, the biggest and most attractive port in the Caribbean in the Falmouth Pier,” he notes. The town of Falmouth, famous for its Georgianstyle architecture and historic buildings, has been experiencing a kind of renaissance and is once again being hailed as a centre of major economic activities.

The town of Falmouth, once the epicentre for economic activities in Jamaica, is experiencing a renaissance, with port and hotel developments and attractions, and is being touted as a major location for tourism and other businesses. With world-class attractions such as Chukka Good Hope and Martha Brae Rafting, the town, famous for its Georgian-style architecture and historic buildings, has been transformed into a tourism powerhouse, where it is now competing with the traditional resort areas of Ocho Rios, Montego Bay and Negril. “Falmouth has been slowly emerging from the shadows of its more celebrated neighbours to where it’s now making a huge splash for itself in tourism,” Tour-

“Recently, we saw the opening of phase one of the Oyster Bay resort development, representing an investment of US$110 million and which saw some 1,500 persons gainfully employed,” he adds. Mr. Bartlett says that things will only get better for the parish, noting that in the pipeline are some 6,000 hotel rooms along the tourism corridor from Rio Bueno to Falmouth. Mayor of Falmouth, His Worship Colin Gager, tells JIS News that not only is Falmouth once again poised to “reclaim her economic and social importance” but is also uniquely positioned to become the tourism Mecca of the region. Source: JIS

The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, says next January’s staging of Rebel Salute will be a celebration of “the role played historically by Reggae music in the liberation of oppressed people across the world.” Minister Grange made the comment on Thursday (27 December) at the launch of the 2019 edition of Rebel Salute, which will be one of the first major Reggae music festivals in Jamaica since Reggae music was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the end of November.

Rebel Salute 2019, which will receive financial support from the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is one of Jamaica’s premier entertainment events. According to Minister Grange: “Among the signature features of Rebel Salute is its unabashed presentation of our Jamaican and African heritage. Tony Rebel and Rebel Salute understand the importance of presenting to our people the dignity and integrity of our African ancestry as represented by the Rastafari culture and ideology. It is about inspiring our people to stand proud in promoting our heritage.” Rebel Salute will be held on January 18 and 19, 2019 at Plantation Cove in St. Ann.

Education Minister Says Diaspora Poised to Play Dual Supporting Role choose Jamaica for educational seminars and academic research.

Education, Youth and Information Minister, Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid, says the Diaspora is uniquely poised to play a dual role of supporting education, while helping with the growth of tourism. Addressing the 24th annual fundraising scholarship gala and awards ceremony organised by Children of Jamaica Outreach (COJO), on December 1, at the Hilton JFK Hotel in New York, Senator Reid said members of the Diaspora should use their vast influence to encourage universities and companies to

“Conventions and seminars comprise a large chunk of the travel and tourism market and Jamaica is keen on getting a fair slice of that market,” he said. The Minister said members of the Diaspora “are key players in the thrust to educate our people to the highest standards and improve our economy to enable better living conditions, especially for the more vulnerable in our society.” He pointed out that as technology develops, knowledge has emerged as the world’s largest industry and “we believe that with our climate, our range of visitor accommodations and facilities, such as the Montego Bay Con-

vention Centre and the Jamaica Conference Centre in Kingston, we have the ideal conditions to foster intellectual discourse and creative exploration.”

ing gross domestic product, the Government looks to tourism for strong support in foreign exchange earnings and job creation,” he added.

The Minister identified initiatives on which diaspora support is being sought, beyond the traditional areas of support, notably the National Education Trust (NET) and its Pledge2build initiative, in partnership with the Jamaican Diaspora Education Task Force (JDETF), JN Foundation and the Early Childhood Commission (ECC) to raise funds for capital improvement of early childhood and primary institutions across Jamaica.

In that connection, Senator Reid said the island’s high schools are providing valuable human capital to the vital tourism industry, through the Jamaica Centre of Tourism Innovation (JCTI).

The Minister said that tourism, now the leading industry in Jamaica under the leadership of Minister Edmund Bartlett, is playing its role in helping the country to provide the level of care for children to foster their growth and educational development. “As the strongest pillar support-

Since its launch less than a year ago, the JCTI has certified some 450 hospitality workers, among them: hospitality educators, hospitality supervisors, chefs and culinarians. He thanked COJO, which since 2012, has given scholarships to deserving wards of the State totaling over $15 million. “Your support affords the recipients to lift themselves up, tap into their inner talents and excel as leaders in their chosen field,” he said.


Perspective: Racism and Excessive Force By Police of fact by a recent study. Racism

People of colour are 30 percent more likely to be shot by Toronto police with less than 11 percent of these victims having a weapon when attacked/shot by police. Black and other minorities are most likely carded in Toronto. Carding is illegal, but seems to be of little deterent to police to act decently or

within the law. Blacks make up approximately 8 percent of the Toronto population. Seventy percent of police fatalities by shooting is suffered by people of colour. Excessive use of force is disproportionately used by police against people of colour reported by CBC The National findings

This is no news to us as systematic racism has long been reported anecdotally. This new study proved what has long been suspected. The use of excessive force by police, appears to deep seated racism being acted out (by police). Black lives are not placed at the same level as white people. Whites had 11 percent more weapons when they interacted with police. They were less fatally shot. Interesting, eh!

dismissing the findings of the report, claiming it does not paint a true picture of the state of affairs. Good for them. Commentary The reality is the reality and there is no escaping this fact. This is our perspective. What is yours? Let us get your feedback. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is SIC for Vision Newspaper Canada.

We are calling on Premier Ford and PM Justin Trudeau to act on behalf of defenceless blacks who are systematically under attack. The police watchdog is

Jamaican-born professor in US concerned about high crime rate at home rented truck to mow down mainly women. Ten died in this single attack in Toronto. Intel is a hater of women. We have no such craziness in Jamaica. Gun is the choice weapon for homicides in Jamaica Jamaica Senior International Corespondent for Vision Newspaper Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie

We too are concerned about the value placed on black lives in North America. Especially the USA. Blacks are slaughtered like wild game when hunting. Racism and the proliferation of guns in the hands of bigots and state sponsored terrorists, posing as law enforcement officials is a real problem in the USA. Do come and lend you vast knowledge to help stem crime in Jamaica. Canada The police chief in their largest city is concerned about the record high crime rate there in 2018. In one incident alone an INCEL used his

In Jamaica the Andrew Holness led JLP administration must be commended for their resolute stand against all crimes, especially gun crimes. A special public safety unit was recently set up in our Police force (JCF). Our Government is doing something about our crime rate. Yes it is high due to the smuggling of guns into our beautiful paradise island. A form of conspiracy to keep us improvised. We know those forms of badmindediness, we cannot stop you but we can destabilize your society ... a well known strategy to foster dependency. They will not admit to such underhanded methods. It happens as it is in their best interests to so do. Their guns and

armaments get sold and we have to buy bullet proof vests, et al. Even used armoured trucks are shipped to Jamaica. We do not manufacture guns in Jamaica, yet our communities are flooded with them. Crime Down 80 percent in Montego Bay Methodology The tourist mecca of the world has seen gun homicides reach record levels in 2017 some 333. Today it is down 80 percent and falling. We are strengthening our detection capabilities by purchasing boats, small planes, tightening security at our ports of entry, improving surveillance of our extensive coastline. Recruiting and better training our law enforcement agencies. Imposing curfews and a limited State Of Emergency in for eg. in Montego Bay, our tourist capital. Crime nationally is down 22 percent based on police reports. PNP The Opposition PNP led by Dr. Peter Phillips has decided to not support the extension of the State

Of Emergency due to expire January 19, 2019, despite its success in reducing crime. Are they patriotic? Can they be trusted with future state power? You be the judge, as usual. Tourists Some 3 million tourists visit so far this year 2018 ... 40 percent of whom are repeat visitors. Crimes against tourists are minimal if at all. Jamaica is a very safe destination. Gang violence and turf war coupled with domestic violence is 10 percent of overall crime. Recently enacted Anti-Gang laws are reaping real rewards. Domestic violence or crimes of passion are real concerns to the government, church, social activists and social media watchers. Can anything good come out of Jamaica? "Come and see for yourself Mr Professor." We are strengthening our Early Childhood education to better prepare young minds to turn away from crime. Can you help? Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is a veteran journalist who is also a poet, satirist and keen watcher of International politics. He is SIC for Vision Newspaper Canada. Follow him on Facebook.



Statement from Michael Coteau, MPP for Don Valley East

Doug Ford Government making cuts to education on the backs of marginalized youth

Earlier this week, we learned that the Minister of Education has decided to cut $25 million from school programs that help marginalized youth, without any consultation. Just over a decade ago, Jordan Manners, a grade 9 student at C.W Jeffreys high school in Toronto, was killed. This tragic event brought attention to an issue that for too long had gone unaddressed, namely, the lack of school supports and

programming for low-income youth. Working alongside school boards, the Government took action and put in place a slate of targeted programs to help provide students with more opportunity to succeed. These programs are on the Minister of Education’s chopping block. I’ve seen first hand how these programs make a difference in the lives of kids they help. If Minister Thompson takes these programs away, it reinforces that institutions like government will let these youth down, instead of building them up for success. It’s clear this Government lacks any sense of compas-

sion, but more to the point, they display a lack of understanding towards the root causes of youth and gun violence. We hear the Premier talking a lot about preventing gun violence and keeping kids safe, but his government is tearing down programs that are doing just that. Our children’s safety should not be a partisan issue. We know these programs work, and we know how much students, parents, and educators rely on them. I call on the Minister of Education to reverse her decision, a decision that will result in real harm to Ontario students.

Trailer Driving in high demand in overseas markets and also a specialist who certifies drivers employed to the government as Articulated Bus Drivers.

HECOIN; with over 30 years in providing quality education to Jamaicans, offers programmes not only for Trailer Drivers, but for persons who wish to enter various international markets in health, business administration, hospitality management, skills training, theology along; with Chaplaincy. HECOIN Trailer Driving programme; which begins with a new cohort in January 28, 2019, will last for 12 weeks. The classes; which will primarily offer training on weekends, will cater to existing drivers of trailers, trucks or buses. The lecture presentations will be conducted by experts in the field with training and experience in the driving Trailers in the Army

Since the programme began in January 2013, many trailer drivers have applied to drive trailers in Canada, USA and the Caribbean and have been successful. Classes are conducted in Spring Village, Bushy Park, St Catherine, Jamaica West Indies with an area designated for trailer driving. Canadian Employers who are interested in employing Trailer Drivers from Jamaica can contact HECOIN at (876) 734-0540/708-5455/708-5020 or on facebook at HECOIN or Health, Education and Counselling Institute.


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What `’s On

Events No Name

ASAP Rocky

Trevor Noah



Rebel Salute

Danforth Music Hall Toronto, ON 01/13/19

Coca Cola Coliseum Toronto, ON 01/11/19

Sony Center for the Performing Arts, Toronto ON January 11 & 12, 2019

Seneca Niagara Resort & Casino Niagara Falls, NY January 18 & 19 2019

Rebel Toronto, ON 02/19/19

Grizzly’s Platinum Cove St Ann, Jamaica January 18 & 19 2019

Sincerely Tokyo

Ella Mai


Lil Mosey

A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie

The Mod Club Toronto, ON February 25th 2019

Danforth Music Hall Toronto, ON March 6th 2019

The Drake Hotel Toronto, ON February 20th 2019

Mod Club Toronto, ON April 2nd 2019

Rebel Toronto, ON March 12th 2019

Travis Scott

Scotia Bank Arena Toronto, ON 03/17/19

Your Event

To get your event listed please call 647-386-3419 or email

Your Event

To get your event listed please call 647-386-3419 or email






Music Two Sides to a Story, Reggae Soulful Singer ORieL Says "I'm Leaving" that she never said what she did, or why they broke up, hence 'I'm Leaving'. So I remade the original promise land riddim" explained ORieL. ''woman i'm leaving, can't stay in this house another evening ,cus woman yuh too lie yuh too deceiving''.

2019 Grammy Nominated Reggae Artist Etana Continues to Make History “The prestigious and powerful group of people on the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences acknowledged my work and thought it was worth being mentioned in the Best Reggae Album list. I’m excited because it’s my first independent project and in the Reggae category’ the doors are now open to females,” she said. New York , New York (December 19, 2018) To say 2018 was fruitful for Etana would be an understatement. The singer released her fifth album, Reggae Forever, toured relentlessly and capped the year with a Grammy Award nomination for Best Reggae Album. According to Etana, "It's been a year filled with hard work, determination and triumph." Reggae Forever was released in March by Tad's International Record. It went number one on the Billboard Reggae Album Chart and coincided with her extensive tour of the United States with J Boog and Jesse Royal. Her show, which launched the album in South Florida in July, was particularly successful. It drew a strong crowd of faithful fans to Krave Restaurant and Lounge in Fort Lauderdale, who witnessed a powerful 90-minute performance. What makes Reggae Forever’s appeal even more important for Etana is the fact that she was intimately involved in its production and marketing.

Reggae Forever is the first album by a female to be nominated for Best Reggae Album in 21 years. In the interim, pop music has seen women like Sheryl Crow, Beyonce, Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Amy Winehouse and Adele dominate the music industry.

Kingston, Jamaica (MPR Consulting) - There are always two sides to a story, and recording artist ORieL stirred by the soulful reggae artist Lila Iké single "Second Chance" tapped into his life experience to deliver his melodic response with "I'm Leaving". "The song isn't a dis or counteraction but the other side of the story so to speak that was inspired by the amazing 'Lila Iké's "second chance". The idea to do this song came to me when listening to her song, I noticed

There will be no letup in the new year. Etana and her management will be intensifying her presence in the US and European market, especially now that she is a potential Grammy winner. “I’ll be touring, recording, doing videos, releasing singles and doing spot dates. Tad’s Records, The Empire Agency and Freemind Music have so much already planned. I am grateful.”

As 2018 comes to a close, ORieL is still basking in the international success of his hit track "Lambada". The sexy sensual single song laced with rhythmic dancehall drum and bass fused with latin sounds of a spanish guitar and pianos, has received major airplay worldwide and stemmed sexy videos that have been shared via social media.

Raging Fyah.. The Journey Continues; Meet The Band's New Vocalist because it spoke to who I am. I always loved the band and the vibe, so to be the new lead singer, is hard to put in words. It is an honor, it’s a dream come through. Becoming a member of the band that I have always looked up to is very humbling, it’s also a big responsibility and I don't take it lightly." Journey.

With Reggae Forever released on International Women’s Day, Etana considers her nomination a significant breakthrough for ladies in the male-dominated Best Reggae Album category. “All the other genres include so many women. I am happy to see the Reggae category inclusive of women in this time,” she said.

Written by Afar Music Group CEO and producer Shem, and ORieL himself, the Afar Music Production, ORieL "I'm Leaving" is available on your favorite streaming platform and digital outlet at

Kingston, Jamaica (January 2019) - As 2018 is now behind us, GRAMMY-nominated group and Jamaica's Reggae Music Ambassadors Raging Fyah is fired up for the new journey ahead. Poised to have a busy 2019, the band is ready to deliver extraordinary performances as they reveal the new singer "Journey". Garnering attention from his participation in Jamaica's "Rising Star competition” Odean 'Journey' Ricketts will take the stage alongside his multi-talented band mates Anthony “Tonidrumz” Watson, Demar “Demz” Gayle Delroy "Pele" Hamilton and Nicolas “Grossy” Groskopf at the Bright Side Festival, January 6th-10th, 2019. "I have been a fan of Raging Fyah ever since they came on the scene. As an artist and musician that loves reggae and roots music, Raging Fyah was what I gravitated to

Speaking on welcoming a new member to the Raging Fyah family, Delroy "Pele" Hamilton stated "We are very upbeat and excited to be going into this next chapter with Journey as his energy, sound, and feel is ideal for the band. "Him jus' sound like a real rebel" - with a raw fire, yet a warm voice. Plus, his versatility will give our fans soul moving performances and have them wanting more”. His authentic sound mixed with his youthful exuberance and charisma will appeal to people of all ages. “Fans anticipation is at an all-time high locally and internationally, to see Raging Fyah with its new member. The band’s first performance for 2019 will be at the "Bright Side Festival" Jan 6-10 at Jewel Paradise Cove Resort and Spa in Runaway Bay. The show will also feature Rebelution and The Green from the United States.” Raging Fyah will thereafter travel to New Zealand for the first time where they will perform at the One Love Festival on the 27th of January 2019.


Rygin King


Duth Lamont

GO GO Gyal


Strong Woman


Sexy Bad


Uptown Boss



Cappa Flex


Dre Island ft. Popcaan

We Pray


Real Way

Busy Signal

Stay So


Weh Di Fire Gone


Moving On



Little Hero

Dont Ever Give Up

Sativa D Black 1

The System


/ 647-386-3419

Upcoming Albums

Julian Marley As I Am

Gregory Isaacs Cool Ruler (Delux Edition)

It has been close to a decade since GRAMMY award-nominated Julian Marley delivered his critically acclaimed “AWAKE” album, and while fans and music lovers have been clamoring for another musical offering, the reggae star has announced the January 25th release date of his fourth full length-album “As I Am”. Trodding on the footsteps of his iconic father Bob Marley’s message to voice the grievances of the downtrodden through the vibrations of music, Julian is inspired by life and spirituality, and while remaining true to his reggae roots, the crooner transcends musical genres. The latter self-evident in “As I Am”. Released by acclaimed label Ghetto Youths International & Zojak World Wide, the 17 tracks album boasts Executive Producers, and Producers Julian Marley, Damian Marley & Stephen Marley and Executive Producers Aaron Mahlfeldt & Zoe Espitia. “As I Am” features collaborations with some of his equally successful GRAMMY counterparts such as winner and 5 times nominated Shaggy, winner Beenie Man among a host of other impressive artists.

Once you love music, including reggae, then you will know who Gregory Isaacs is. He doesn’t need any introduction as a reggae star, probably one of the most popular and versatile reggae singers the world has ever produced. The smooth-enchanting voice of the Gregory, since from the seventies continue to steal the heart of ladies throughout the world until he succumbed to illness. Throughout the course of his prolific career as international reggae star, Gregory Isaacs produced classic reggae tunes hard to resist. He is known to record over five hundred albums, igniting the reggae world, including Britain, America, and Jamaica, his native country, although he lived in the United Kingdom in all his career

Jah Cure Royal Soldier

Tanto Metro & Devonte Reggaenometrist

This album was initially set for release in July 2018, then it was pushed back to 28 September 2018 now with hopefully not a further delay the album will be released on February 8th 2019. The Album has 17 tracks on it and features artists like Popcaan and Melani Fiona.

Tanto Metro (born Mark Wolfe in Kingston, Jamaica) acquired his stage name from working on the Metromedia sound system. He moved on to become part of Patrick Roberts’ Shocking Vibes organization and released the solo album Ratings in 1995 which featured guest appearances from Beenie Man and Dean Fraser. He subsequently established a working partnership with tenor-voiced singer Devonte (born Wayne Passley), and the duo had a major hit in Jamaica in 1997 with “Everyone Falls in Love”, which was followed by an album of the same name produced by Donovan Germain for penthouse Records; single and album also sold well in the United States and Canada (the album topped the Billboard Top Reggae Albums Chart and the single reached number 6 in the Canadian singles chart), leading to a deal with Epic Records. The duo were compared to the similar duo of Chaka Demus and Pliers.

Two singles from the upcoming album are now out. The first single and video Risk it All featuring Phyllisia Ross was released over the summer, followed by the August release Life is Real, a collaboration with Popcaan and Pardino



Buju Banton First Show On the Long Walk To Freedom Tour Announced was historic and anticipating his first concert. On March 16th 2019, Gargamel Music & Boom Energy in collaboration with Solid Agency and Rockers Island Entertainment Presents Long Walk To Freedom.

New York, New York (December 19, 2018) Upon his return home, Grammy Award winner Buju Banton albums began to soar in sales and generate high streaming numbers. Within 24 hours of his return home Buju had 10 albums on the top 30 U.S, reggae itunes charts, held the #1 spot on the Reggae album itunes chart in U.S, U.K and various European countries as well as reached over half a million instagram fans. To say the momentum for his return was 'big' may seem like an understatement, many are saying it

"Boom Energy Drink is honored to present the globally anticipated BUJU Banton homecoming tour, Long Walk to Freedom". It undoubtedly promises to be the biggest show in Jamaica and most memorable moment for Reggae music all year. Buju, like Boom, is authentically Jamaican and one of kind in giving you unmatched energy and vibes on the highest levels. As a fan we are also excited to see the great, iconic Gargamel on stage once more and as partner humbled to be able to share this experience with our Jamaican family and the world.", William Mahfood, CEO Wisynco Group Limited.

Long Walk To Freedom will kick off in Kingston, Jamaica at The National Stadium on Saturday, March 16th. The concert, will mark Buju's first performance in his hometown of Jamaica before any other performances on his tour. This will also mark the return of the Buju's 'Shiloh' band, who for the past month have begun their rehearsals for the Long Walk to Freedom concert in Jamaica and subsequent tour dates. In a recent interview with Billboard Magazine's Pat Meschino, Buju Banton's keyboardist and musical director Stephen "Lenky" Marsden, who began working with Buju in 1995 stated "Buju told me, Lenky, make sure you know all my songs. He told us to rehearse all of his albums, so we are working out the arrangements for every song he ever recorded. I know his sound from way back, so it's really up to me to make sure the sound is right, mainly, that the grooves that the (new) drummer is playing are up to par". Another key component for Buju Banton on the Long Walk to Freedom Tour is to tie in each show with

a local charity in each country he performs. Most recently, Buju has established his own charity on the island of Jamaica, called Buju Banton Foundation, which will focus on assisting at risk youths on the island of Jamaica. Part proceeds from the March 16th show in Jamaica will go to aide the efforts of his foundation and continue his contribution to assisting a younger generation. Tickets will go on sale January 16th 2019 via Buju Banton's official website Over the next few weeks, the website, will begin to share all the Long Walk to Freedom Tour dates allowing fans to know how to purchase the tickets to their destination of choice. In his most recent comment to his fans via his instagram, Buju Banton stated "It's truly been a long walk to freedom...but I give thanks for the outpouring of love and support over the past 9 years...I look forward to seeing and thanking you all on the Long Walk to Freedom tour beginning March 2019". Now with the date of the first show released, fans can begin to make preparations to see Buju Banton perform as well as more dates to be announced. Advertisment

Entertainment Why Protoje or Etana should win Best Reggae Album at the 2019 Grammy Awards

The nominations for Best Reggae Album at the 2019 Grammy awards are in. Etana is the first female to be nominated for Best Reggae Album in over two decades. All the nominees should be congratulated for their efforts. As The World Turns — Black Uhuru Reggae Forever — Etana Rebellion Rises — Ziggy Marley A Matter Of Time — Protoje Black Uhuru was the first group to win a Grammy for Best Reggae Album for their “Anthem” album in 1985, Shaggy has won one Grammy as well in 1996 for his breakout album “Boombastic”. Reggae outrider, Sting, has been nominated for 45 Grammy awards and has won 16 gramophone trophies. Ziggy Marley has won best album in the Reggae category

several times; in 1989, 1990, 1998, 2007, 2014, 2015 and 2017. Protoje and Etana are both first time nominees. The Marley elephant in the room; Speculations are already rife that once again the Marley magic will be a factor in the choosing of the winner. The Marleys together as a musical family have won the most Grammy awards. Rightfully so because they are the most organized company and family of artistes with an international network in reggae music and the Grammys are about organization. Their reggae brands have a full marketing, branding and management teams working to build multiple ventures around the world daily. Ziggy Marley, who is closest to the home of the Grammys, the Grammy foundation and Grammy Museum in Los Angeles seems like the most notable player. However, let’s be

true, another win on his shelf will do less for his career and for Reggae music than if a newcomer should win. If the Grammy win does nothing else for Etana or Protoje, it would offer them an improved and much-needed increase to their international profile. We need to push the Reggae culture beyond Marley Bob Marley’s legacy lives on, but isn’t it time for the Grammy voters and lobbyists to recognize other viable newcomers and heroes in the genre even if a Marley is on the cards? Some people say that if a Marley is nominated for a Grammy no one else can win regardless of the quality of that person’s music. Pushing the culture forward means recognising new artistes. Reggae does not have be luxury of having singles category in the Grammy awards. Do the voters embrace the idea of diversity


and do they know that the same country where Bob Marley made his music also turned out many other great musicians? Etana’s victory will be a signal of hope for Other up and coming female Reggae singers who take the time to put together quality albums in a time when YouTube Videos and singles are in fashion. On the other hand the recording academy is yet to acknowledge the young generation of reggae singers like Jah 9, No-Maddz, Tarrus Riley or Jesse Royal. Honouring Protoje with a Grammy is honouring the future of reggae music in its most authentic form. Donovan Watkis is the creator and Host of World Music Views on TVJ . email feedback to Follow JR Watkis and @worldmusicviews




New “HERO” movie takes on Toronto, then the world Toronto, ON ( December 5, 2018) - Inspired by the life and times of Mr. Ulric Cross, political activist in the 50s and 60s, filmmaker Frances-Anne Solomon’s acclaimed feature film, HERO, makes its Canadian theatrical premiere on Thursday, February 28, 2019, at the Royal Cinema, 608 College Street, Toronto. “Ultimately, the story is about us. About who we are as Caribbean people and as citizens of the world,” says Canadian filmmaker Frances-Anne Solomon. “In that spirit, we’re thrilled that Toronto’s Canadian premiere launches screenings across Canada and a cinematic world tour including Africa, the Caribbean, and Europe.” HERO had its festival launch on home turf at the Trinidad & Tobago Film Festival in September 2018, where it won the festival’s coveted Audience Choice Award and was met with rave reviews. Earlier that month, a sold-out special preview screening in Toronto had paved the way for HERO’s broader theatrical release to

come. The Toronto Premiere screening presented by Caribbean Tales Inc. will be followed by a Talk Back interactive session with the actors and the official After Party.

‘60s. The film boasts an all-star, international cast including Peter Williams (Stargate SG1), Joseph Marcell (Fresh Prince

“Solomon achieves a patina-ed narrative, patchwork quilting vignettes that go from Belmont, Trinidad, to Britain then Ghana, Cameroon and Tanzania...” - Christopher Pineiro, writer, artist, visionary. “Uplifting and informative, the film features Nickolai Salcedo, a superb actor who commands attention. HERO is a cinematic juggling act, and director Frances-Anne Solomon pulls it off with aplomb.” - T&T Newsday

About HERO Shot in Trinidad, Ghana, the UK and Canada, HERO is the story of Ulric Cross, who in 1941, left his small island home in Trinidad to seek his fortune, and become the British Royal Air Force’s most decorated West Indian airman. His life took a dramatically different course when he followed the call of history, and joined the independence movements sweeping Africa in the ‘50s and

of Bel Air), Fraser James (Resident Evil), Pippa Nixon (John Carter), Ghanaian superstar John Dumelo, and Nickolai Salcedo as Ulric Cross. Praise for HERO

HERO Listing: Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019 Location: Royal Cinema, 608 College Street, Toronto

“Frances-Anne’s work is heartfelt and powerful. It has and continues to play a vital role in carving out a space for underrepresented voices and important conversations.” - Tonya Williams, Reelworld Film Festival Advertisment



Minister Grange Hails Bunny Shaw on Footballer of the Year Award the ranks of world superstars Italian Fabio Piscane in 2016 and Spain’s Juan Mata in 2017.

The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, has extended congratulations to Reggae Girl Khadija “Bunny” Shaw, on being named Footballer of the Year by the Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom. Shaw is only the third recipient of the award and joins


Minister Grange said the award was even more significant since Shaw is the first female to cop the

Minister Grange said: “This is terrific news. Following the grand celebrations we had for the entire team recently, this award is another fillip in their caps before the Reggae Girlz embark on preparations for the 2019 FIFA Women’s World Cup in France.

“The world is taking notice of what is happening in Jamaican women’s football and this will serve as further encouragement to players at all levels, that despite their circumstances, with the right attitude, approach, and support they can make it on the international stage.”

football field with her league team the Lady Volunteers and her national team the Reggae Girlz. She has demonstrated the ability to rise above personal tragedy by keeping her eye on the ball. It must have been very difficult to have lost four brothers and still find the fortitude to pursue her dreams.”

The Guardian award for Footballer of the Year is given to a player who has done something truly remarkable, whether by overcoming adversity, helping others or setting a sporting example by acting with exceptional honesty.

“It gives me even greater pleasure in congratulating her knowing that she is from Spanish Town. I want young ladies across the country to look at her and the other Reggae Girlz and see what is possible in life.”

Minister Grange added: “Khadija has been a great role model not just on the Advertisment

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