Vision Newspaper (May 2018)

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Issue 05 - 2018



Saints & Sinners Season Three Premiere Becomes MostWatched Original in Bounce History page 12

Bill Today, Who Else Tomorrow?

page 4 Advertisment



JLP Retains Both Municipality Seats

UK Deporting Windrush People ... Jamaicans et al

Power Grab

In bi-elections held in separate Municipalities on April 27, 2018 the Jamaica Labour party won both divisions in Clarendon and the Yallahs division, St. Thomas. There was only about 19% voter turnout in Clarendon, but the one in yallahs St Thomas had 29 percent. Desmond McKenzie As you are aware The Chief Justice had ruled against the JLP because the sitting candidate there had been a civil servant at the time of his election to the parish council but most importantly there was a 10 seat council and the JLP had 5 and the PNP 5 ... the JLP got the Mayorship because they had gotten the popular vote so now that they had lost that seat based on the ruling of the Hon. Chief Justice Bryan Sykes it meant that the balance of power within the municipality would have shifted to the PNP. Local Government Minister Mckenzie was forced to clarify the rules.

The PNP did try through Dr. Angela Brown Burke, opposition spokesperson on local government to grab power. She was gearing for a power grab. The JLP held the bi- election hurriedly in an effort not to shift power to the PNP and therefore lose control of this municipality. This area in St Thomas is traditionally a known JLP area, but of late it has been swinging both sides. By winning the seat recently in Yallahs, they have retained control or power of the municipality. It will be interesting to see if the current mayor will be retained or they will have a new mayor, we will see what happens of course. The JLP for sure will hold on to the current mayorship position that it now has. Vision will post full details of both bielections, one in Clarendon and one in St Thomas as soon as the official count has been done and it has been certified by the electoral office that both seats have officially been retained by the Jamaica Labour Party. Commentary We congratulate the JLP on their victory. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International correspondent and photojournalist for vision newspaper.

been deported? These rescuers are being told they are illegal citizens in British. Shameful!

Windrush people who went by The Windrush Empire (boat) in June 1948 which took then Colonists to help rebuild the Motherland, Uk in the aftermath of World War 2. These rescuers have been used and now are being abused if not downright discarded. Windrush migrants based on agreements and understanding in 1971 were intended to have been granted full legal status or citizenship in Britain. We are now told that records were not kept by the British government and that they subsequently passed new laws that would render previous undertakings null and void.

"Windrush people contributed much to the development of Britain. Want to apologize to you today" declared an emotional, if not an under pressure, if not embarrassed Theresa May, British Prime Minister. For her to apologize for actions taken against the Windrush migrants is a big deal. Perspective It is our perspective that broken promises is not a joking matter. We are calling on Windrush migrants to get legal advice, stand up and fight to stay put .... if that is what you want. Do not allow, the possible racists, to push you around. These people have little scruples and cannot be trusted. We shall overcome!


What is your perspective? Send us your feedback. Please!

These Windrush people are now being rounded up and detained, preparing them for deportation. Some have actually

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada

St Thomas Voters Rebelled Against Bogle Constantine Bogle is now again defeated in this current by- election, so he's twice a loser The JLP chose a new candidate in the name of John Lee.

John Lee, Councilor-Elect, Yallahs Division, St. Thomas JLP.

The People's National party was hoping that by using the name Bogle the brand name and name recognition to the Morant Bay Rebellion of 1865, would have been able to gain political mileage in the by- election in Yallahs. However, this has proven to be not so, in fact

The St Thomas people in Yallahs, and this division in particular would give their candidate the nod. The recent mock trial of then Governor Eyre shows how they view certain players in that drama. You will recall that Governor Eyre was convicted in the recent mock trial of murder or negligence or something to that effect. Yes, was found guilty and as a consequence confirm the widely held view that he acted improperly with respect to his position as governor at the time in (1865). Let me ask a question: What's

in a name? Well a name is not just about anything, especially when it relates to stardom and the political upmanship. From my perspective the PNP had launched a legal challenge to remove Dean Jones, it really did cost the government a lot of money. The PNP was likely hoping that the court would have ruled in their favour by ruling against Dean Jones. Also that the court would have automatically handed the seat to Bogle on a platter ... but they were wrong, as the Chief Justice the Hon. Bryan Sykes who had ruled against the JLP had a different idea. Dean Jones was in fact a civil servant and therefore working for the government which would have made him ineligible to be a counselor or to serve in the municipality in St Thomas

Parish Council, as for the residency aspect of it he did not rule on that for he probably was quite satisfied that Dean Jones was a resident or had lived enough in the parish or slept enough in the parish to be considered a bona fide resident. Commentary What's in a name? The Bogle name did not make a difference. The voters opted for the better service game. A name proven and trusted ... the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP). For them that was their only game. A trusted name for service and dependability. And so it is and shall be. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.

For advertising enquiries email: or call 647-386-3419 Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Exposing the talent in our communities. Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP,

News Domestic Violence Is Complex ... 3 Dead violently, Jamaica W.I. disorders are oftentimes misdiagnosed. Source Hazeline Jemieson, clinical psychologist.

possible motive. Susan Smith Convicted

There has been many cases of multiple killings in human sexual relationships aka Domestic Violence. Spousal abuse is common in many places around the globe. Unfortunately children are in too many cases used as pawns in relationship disputes. In too many societies complaints by partners are frowned on as "it is their private affair" and external parties should not intervene. It is invariably when violence reaches levels that "disturb the peace or public order" that law enforcement gets involved. United States Of America etc. On both sides of the spousal fence children have been caught up in the virtual crossfire. Innocent bystanders who in many cases innocent children are used as weapons by the combatants. In the USA and UK and elsewhere women have been known to drown or otherwise harm their children. Why this madness?

Men are not innocent either. We are focusing on women in this segment of my article. A man in Jamaica W.I. has been arrested for killing his two children and pregnant spouse. In Jamaica .... 3 Dead A triple Murder in Hanover occurred by a father who accused his partner Ms. Adanique Cunningham 38 ... by (her spouse) Paul Coote 60 who allegedly used a machete to chop his two children Jeanna Coote 7 and Shanique Coote 4 and pregnant common law woman to death after an alleged argument about infidelity. It is alleged that Paul said the pregnancy of his spouse was not for him. On April 25, 2018 on this piece of Paradise in Green Island, Hanover, Ja. W.I., a father killed his two children and the Common-law woman/ wife of his children. We later learnt that he accused her of getting pregnant currently for another man. So jealousy/infidelity is the

In the USA the case one Susan Smith comes to mind, who was born in 1971. Susan had a troubled past with her parents divorced when she was 6. Five weeks later her father committed suicide. Some weeks later her mother remarried. Susan is reported as having slept with three different men. In 1994 Susan married boyfriend David Smith. They had two sons together Michael 3, & Alex 1. Their relationship was said to be rocky and they separated several times. Susan was diagnosed with Dependent personality disorder and major depression. She was convicted for murdering her two sons. What is Dependent Personality Disorder and major depression? These illnesses have been described as people who are unwilling to assume responsibility because they are unable to function and make decisions by themselves. Because of the dominance of a significant person in their life who may have been abusive either psychologically, emotionally or physically .... this may lead to helplessness and suppressed anger. Ultimately major depression. They may even deny this anger as they may be fearful they may lose affection and a feeling they may operate on their own.

Pawns Why are children being used as pawns in these domestic violence cases? Repeatedly children are being used as pawns. It is not fair, children are so beautiful, These innocent little babies are even used in custody battle cases where people even in Jamaica resort to this practice. Custody In a recent high-profile case a former Miss World was in a very public child custody battle with her spouse. Her child sadly got caught up in this custody mess. She even went as far as taking the child out of the country in an effort to try to spite her child's father or to have the child for herself ... thank God the law settled the matter ... it really was shameful indeed. Is she aware that this could lead to possible long term psychological scar on her child? Disturbed People like those must be mentally or severely emotionally disturbed to behave in such a manner. Unfortunate!


Domestic violence is complex .... it affects all classes. What is your perspective? This is ours.

The major depression is therefore an off shoot from dependent personality disorder. It should be noted that psychological and emotional

Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.




5.9 Million Traumatic Brain Injury Settlement




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Boycott Starbucks Coffee? The mayor has taken the moral position by distancing himself from the arrest of the black men and by extension the whole sordid incident. Good job, Sir. Boycott

A protester stands outside the Philadelphia Starbucks store where two black men were arrested while waiting for a business associate.

The arrest of two black men at a Starbucks Coffee shop is shameful, disgraceful and an affront to decency. Their only crime was to want to meet someone and use the bathroom. They were accused of among all things "trespassing." Coffee shops are where many hang out to meet family, friends, dates etc.

They are near bus lines, intersections and street corners. Easy to find and where all should feel welcomed. We note that the manager has since been fired ... the only appropriate action to have been taken. Wow! Mayor

Black people must stand up and show that we can make a statement that hurts their bottom line. We should frown at Starbucks and show them that as an economic block with spending power we can make a real difference. And we should not be messed with by anyone, including Starbucks. Standing Up To Racists ... In the USA Rosa Parks decided to take a stand

and and not go to the back of the bus. A similar act of defiance occurred in Canada by Viola Desmond who did not role over to die at the theatre, even as she was discriminated against. She stood up to the racists, even went to jail. Today in Canada the CA$10 note will commemorate her defiant stance (against the racists) with her image to be inscribed on same (in Canada). She is being honoured for making a difference by her action. Demonstrations We frown at the action of that manager who called the police to evict those two black men on the ground that they

were "trespassing", as stated above, who were waiting on someone and wanted to use the bathroom, but denied that basic human need on the ground that they had not done a purchase at the store. We note that there have been street demonstrations at Starbucks since that shameful racist action. Were the blacks being asked to behave like dogs and use lamp posts etc. to relieve themselves? What is your perspective? This is ours. Post a comment, please. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper Canada.

Bill Today, Who Else Tomorrow? to throw the baby out with the bath water. Warned

We are not here casting any blame as we were not in court and are not harmed with all the facts, but if our limited information is correct then we must ask the question. Who is the victim here? Settlement Our understanding is that as in the case of Stormy Daniels who got $130,000 as an out of

court settlement in her claim against Donald Trump, yet she is still talking. What is a settlement? I am not here judging this or any other case, that has ready been done by a jury or the court of public opinion. All I am looking at is the principle of what constitutes a so called settlement. Settlements are not illegal, are they? We must be careful not

We have long warned our black brothers to be careful not to shoot themselves in the foot. It appears that this white Canadian woman has finally trapped Cosby. From all we have been told a settlement $3.4 million dollars was made. We have to be all so careful of our deviant behavior behind-closeddoors. yes behind closed doors and later on say that whatever happened was consensual. These people cannot be trusted, they are motivated in many cases by greed ... I am not saying that in this case this white Canadian woman is motivated by greed ...I don't know,

but I'm really warning my black brothers to be very very careful as quite a number of them have been brought down. Tiger Woods and now Bill Cosby, Marcus Garvey, criminalized for mail fraud by FBI et al, and Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a plot. They tried at basket ball superstar Corby Bryant, but failed. Read Vision Newspaper's series "Trials of black men."

tions, in most cases are 14 years and older.

Justice System

What is your perspective? This is ours. The verdict is yours.

We are sad at this development. It should be noted that we respect the judicial process. This our legal system is not in question, it is how the system is being used and can be manipulated .... this is of some concern to us. These allega-

We wonder who else We are also saddened at revelations which were made public from the Cosby case Was that woman raped? Let us hear from you, please. All views contend her in vision newspaper. We will publish your views, as long as they are not slanderous.

Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie has a special interest in matters legal. He is also Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.



Of Confession, Probity And Insanity "Mi cannot come to mi senses, why mi kill mi pickney them" The suspect Mr. Coote, who is being accused of murder in the deaths of the two children and pregnant common law wife in Green Island, Hanover, Ja W.I, cannot understand why he killed his two children and pregnant baby mother. Coote cannot understand why he killed .... he seems dazed. He was being interviewed and this was aired on national television. The video shows an unshaven Coote answering questions being posed by an unidentified interviewer. he seemed to have been confused and said he had no idea what happened. We are wondering if he had, for a second instantaneously lapsed into temporary insanity? What could have led this senior citizen, a man of 61, to take a machete to harm his 7 and 4 year old daughters. and his baby mother/common-law wife who was very pregnant with a child.? Ethical

Was it ethical for CVM TV to have aired on National Television in Prime time an interview with the alleged murderer today. He has not been formally charged for the murder of his two children and his common law woman who was also pregnant as stated above? Boundaries It appears to me that possibly some legal boundaries may have been trampled on ... Is this just a new frontier in broadcasting that has been entered into tonight ... I can't recall ever seeing this before on local TV. Is it just a confession and therefore it is quite in order, I don't know? Rights Of Accused Interesting what kind of response will come from the legal profession. We will not judge in light of what has happened this evening on CVM TV with that interview with suspect accused of murder. We wonder if the rights of the accused

been trampled on irreversibly ... I really wonder because this is really very strange, in fact, most bizarre. It is rather interesting to know and I really have to talk to some legal luminaries to get their reaction to the publication. I am quite amazed at what happened. Will post reaction later. Not Charged It should be noted that Mr. Coote has not been formally charged for these alleged crimes. Presumption Of Innocence The last thing I'd want to see happen though is for the suspect based on our judicial system to be not presumed innocent. A person is presumed innocent until found guilty by a competent court of law ... we are not a Banana Republic and we do not operate a kangaroo court system here in Jamaica. Do we?

Dazed From my perspective having seen the video aired on national television of a confession of some sorts from Mr. Coote appears to me that he was quite dazed and I wonder if he will be competent to plead ... I don't know ... it is really all bizarre, trust me. Ratings From a ratings perspective it is really big for CVM but is that really what's important here? How do you draw a line between the rights of the accused and your wanting to be ahead of the competition in terms of ratings?. DPP Paula Llewellyn

As a veteran Journalist I have never seen so many boundaries hit in this game of journalism. Will the DPP Paula Llewellyn or a defense lawyer say the suspect has been denied a fair trial due to extensive pretrial publicity and throw out the case? Will the court be able, as a result of the above .... find it difficult if not impossible to choose an unbiased jury? We hope not. Was there probity in the publicity referred to above? Can the suspected murderer claim insanity? Based on the data presented, you my astute readers will have to decide. As usual the verdict is yours. What is your perspective? Over to you madam DPP. Paula Llewellyn. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie has a keen interest in matters legal, is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.

Denise Daley A Disgrace To Our Political System .... Ban Her ... system has been an envy of many internationally. Daley, by her utterances is bringing our political system into disrepute. Shameful indeed! Empty Headed

"Those wearing green should be run out of my constituency ... I do not like green." Asked to clarify: " There are colours you do not like, I don't like green" She boastfully said inter alia. Green is the official party colour for the JLP. Is this inciting violence against Labourites? The PNP's MP for St. Catherine, Eastern has disgraced herself. The Opposition PNP MP has brought shame on our cherished political system. Our political

Speaking at a rally in West Rural St. Andrew last Sunday, MP Daley failed to engage her brain before moving her tongue. The type of conduct associated with those described as light headed or simply put empty headed. Miss Daley, a second term MP and former Deputy Mayor of Spanish Town was likely intoxicated with crowd power and constipated with nonsense in her otherwise empty head. She proceeded to blast those who wore green and in the process incite those misguided followers of hers on her hate and disdain for her political opponents .... many of whom may take her seriously and render harm to JLP supporters. Reckless

It was a reckless way to speak and is unbecoming of a public official. Daley is a legislator, who at one point sat on up to nine (9) legislative committees including the powerful PAAC which examines into all expenditures in all areas of government. Not a simple under taking, to put it mildly. Background I have known Daley from 1989 in Linstead, St. Catherine. She along with her mother apparently operated a mash down dilapidated shop along King Street possibly #24. Her family appeared to have been very poor but her mother was a dignified woman. A real credit to womanhood. Why didn't Denise emulate her mother's fine quatities? Degrading Her mother would hang her head in shame to learn that her prized daughter was inciting violence. There is nothing degrading about poverty, I grew up poor also, yet I am proud of the

high standard of my values .... I emulated my mother. Ambudsman The Political Ambudsman Donna Parchment Brown has written to Denise Daley and has summoned her to a meeting. Dr. Phillips The Opposition leader still smarting from his recent apology for showing his middle fingers in Parliament last Tuesday has said Ms. Daley will issue a statement of apology. Denise Daley apologies Prior to her scheduled meeting with fthe Ambudsman, Ms. Daley has apologized. This is a welcome move. Why did it take her so long to do si. PNP The Brandon hill division where Miss Joyce Denise Daley was speaking is a known PNP strong hold. A farming community with many idle PNP activist whom

are known to resort to actions of an antisocial nature in the name of politics. So it does not take much prodding to incite them to violence. Denise should have chosen her words more carefully as she is a very experienced politician, even if empty headed. Lisa Hanna I have never associated Denise Daley with tribalism. Guess I was wrong. Lisa "Jezebel" Hanna has long been described as a "tribalist" by Honorable Olivia "Babsy" Grange, so it could be that this disease has now reached and contaminated Denise Daley.... or is it the other way around? Birds of a feather, eh! Criminal Daley should be banned from local representative politics. Inciting violence is a criminal offense. Phillips should force her to resign. Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.



Ontario Supporting Diverse and Inclusive Communities Over 420 Organizations Receiving Multicultural Community Capacity Grants This year, the Learning Enrichment Foundation is receiving support to create a Community Music Festival and a Multicultural Art Project for up to 650 people in Toronto's Rustic and Mount Dennis neighbourhoods. Other organizations are also receiving funding for projects that will:

Ontario is supporting over 420 not-for-profit organizations to help more newcomers and multicultural communities participate in the civic, cultural, social and economic life of the province. Laura Albanese, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, was at the Learning Enrichment Foundation today to announce the recipients of the Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program.

Increase intercultural awareness and understanding Enhance civic engagement and social connections Improve social and economic integration of newcomers and vulnerable groups such as refugees and newcomer women and youth Empower women by providing opportunities for leadership roles Improve access to services for newcomers and diverse communities To build on the success of the program, a new capital stream will help organizations plan

long-term initiatives that will improve services to Ontario's communities. Ontario is also supporting multicultural communities through the new Multicultural Journalism Fund, a three-year pilot project that will aim to increase coverage of local, regional and national issues from diverse perspectives. Supporting diverse and inclusive communities is part of the government's plan to support care, create opportunity and make life more affordable during this period of rapid economic change. The plan includes free prescription drugs for everyone under 25, and 65 or over, through the biggest expansion of medicare in a generation, free tuition for hundreds of thousands of students, a higher minimum wage and better working conditions, and free preschool child care from 2 ½ to kindergarten.

Quick Facts • Ontario is investing $6 million over two years through the Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program to support community projects. This year, the province is investing up to $3 million to support over 420 organizations. More information on these recipients will be published on Ontario Open Data in the coming months. • In November 2017, Ontario invested just over $3 million to support 465 not-for-profit organizations for programs that wrapped up by March 31, 2018. • Since 2017, more than 880 organizations across the province have been funded through the Multicultural Community Capacity Grant Program.

Province Supporting Black Parents, Caregivers and Families Community-Based Programs Provide Culturally Relevant Parenting Supports Development Centre in Scarborough. The centre is receiving funding to deliver workshops that will reach over 100 Black families. The workshops will be geared towards newcomer families and will help foster meaningful and positive interactions and build communication skills. Other initiatives receiving funding include:

Ontario is supporting innovative community-based programs designed to provide culturally relevant parenting support to help improve outcomes for Black children, youth and their families. Michael Coteau, Minister of Children and Youth Services and Minister Responsible for Anti-Racism, made the announcement today at the Heritage Skills

A culturally appropriate playbased literacy program for Black caregivers and kids. An app focused on improving maternal-child health, including postnatal and parenting skills. Culturally specific programs designed to support Black fathers. Supports designed to meet the needs of families, from online resources to peer mentorship, drop-in programs and counselling. This funding is part of Ontario's

Black Youth Action Plan, which supports 10,000 Black children, youth and families each year. Investments improve outcomes for Black youth by empowering them to succeed in school, post-secondary education and employment. Improving outcomes for Black children, youth and families is part of Ontario's plan to support care, create opportunity and make life more affordable during this period of rapid economic change. The plan includes free prescription drugs for everyone under 25, and 65 or over, through the biggest expansion of medicare in a generation, free tuition for hundreds of thousands of students, a higher minimum wage and better working conditions, and easier access to affordable child care. Quick Facts

• •

This year, Ontario is investing $1.1 million in 10 projects through the Innovative Supports for Black Parents initiative under Ontario’s Black Youth Action Plan. Programs will be available in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Ottawa and Windsor. Program locations are available on the Ontario Black Youth Action Plan website. Research demonstrates that culturally relevant and responsive parenting supports can lead to positive outcomes for children as well as parents and caregivers. Ontario’s Black Youth Action Plan is aligned with A Better Way Forward: Ontario’s 3-Year Anti-Racism Strategic Plan and Ontario’s Anti-Black Racism Strategy.


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Kalado takes on Europe added. Kalado, given name Eton Gordon, recently signed with New York based Donsome Booking Agency and is represented by Adrian "Donsome" Hanson.


New York, NY _ With approximately eight months remaining before international reggae superstar Buju Banton returns home from McRae Correctional Facility, worldwide anticipation is building. Last Friday the leading U.S. music industry publication, Billboard Magazine, published a feature on the mounting excitement surrounding Buju Banton's release, scheduled for December 8, 2018. Music lovers and fans from all over the world are sharing their admiration, love and excitement for the Grammy-winning recording artist who has toured the globe since the age of 19 and collaborated with international acts like Stephen Marley, Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley, Fat Joe, and Busta Rhymes. Throughout the article by music journalist Reshma B, Buju Banton's major influence on the worldwide music industry is highlighted, as major artists from Jamaica and America as well as leading industry figures express their admiration for him. A$AP Rocky calls Buju Banton "One of my favorite reggae rappers" while DJ Khaled stated "I love Buju so much. His music is like praying." "He was always touring, always

working. He started that work as a teenager, and he worked until he was decades into his career" says Pat McKay, director of programming for reggae at Sirius XM. "In that time he built a world community fanbase." The demand for Buju Banton's music remains high and the reggae fraternity is anticipating his return to the stage and the studio. "There is a big void without Buju Banton in the music" says veteran reggae singer Cocoa Tea. "We would like to see Buju free because Buju is one of I and I soldier."

Dancehall artiste Kalado is currently on tour in Europe. The tour which kicked off in early April, will come to an end in the first week of May. In a media release, Kalado spoke about the progress he has made so far. 'The tour is going smooth thus far. Promoting my music and enhancing my brand is very important to me, so when the opportunity arises for me to go out to the world, I try to capitalize on every opportunity', said Kalado. The tour will be making stops in countries including Finland, Germany, Austria and France. This is not the first time that Kalado has toured Europe. 'The fans in Europe have always been supportive of my career and I can't thank them enough for the love that they've always shown to me', Kalado columns/hip-hop/8275730/buju-banton-new-album-prison-release

Originally from the Maxfield Avenue area in Kingston, Kalado moved to Clarendon where he attended the Edwin Allen High school. After relocating back to Kingston, he pursued his musical ambitions and joined the Bounty Killer-led Alliance Next Generation. Among his chart-topping hits are Personally, Good Good Bring Life and Make Me Feel. His current singles are Carry On (produced by Kog Productions) and Castigate (a joint venture between Kog Productions and Budja Records).

I-Octane Readies to Celebrate "Love & Life" with Multi- East Coast Album Release Parties! out, even among Jamaica’s most versatile musical talent, because of his ability to inhabit different styles of music with ease. Love & Life showcases this aptitude, and when it is applied to such a diverse ethno-pop soundscape, the result is an album that appeals to the multitude of factions in Octane’s scattered global fanbase." - Dan Dabber for Reggaeville

“Buju Banton’s music makes bad people wanna do good,” says Jamaican soul man Beres Hammond, who has often collaborated with the artist and shared many stages with him. “We need people like him out here.” "Its a very exciting time. After 9 long years Buju Banton's redemption is at hand," states Jospeh Louis Jr of A-Team Management, Buju Banton's official representative. "Buju is looking forward to performing for his fans again and releasing new music. We are currently in negotiation with a number of promoters and sponsors in Jamaica and elsewhere."

'This is my first time signing with an agent. I think Donsome can do much on the international platforms, step things up and take some pressure off me. He's the person I heard of who's serious on his work and make sure things happen, not just sit and wait for artist to make it happen and then reap like others. I have known him for a while and he came recommended by a good friend of mine', Kalado shared.

International recording artist I-Octane is gearing to celebrate his third full length album "Love & Life" with several slated Album Release Parties, and Meets & Greets for his fans! Debuting at #3 on the Reggae Billboard Chart, the album has offered breakthrough tracks of all genres. "Love & Life explores vibes like R&B, soca, pop, latin, EDM, afrobeats, and hip hop, while staying grounded in Jamaica’s own reggae and dancehall. Octane stands

Taking place on his beloved island of Jamaica, and abroad, I-Octane's "Love & Life" Celebrations will kick off on April 27th in Orlando, Florida, and see the crooner perform such hits as "Pretty Loud", "Weh Di Fire Gone", "Let Me Love You" and more hit singles from the billboard charting album, and a few classics to delight his faithful fans. The latter will be paired with "Meet & Greets" where I-Octane will take the time to thank his fans, sign autographs and take pictures (dates and locations to be announced).


New Dancehall Female heavy weight Yanique Curvy Diva is continuing to cement her brand in the music industry with the release of more singles dedicated to her huge female fan base. After a year of dominating the industry with her 'Lifestyle' single followed by hits with Kymami Marley and IOctane; the diva recently turned heads with her controversial 'Carry Feelings' track produced by Renaissance Disco front runner Jazzy T, the single not only proved to empower females to walk away from toxic men but also showed the music industry that Yanique Curvy Diva was serious about etching a niche for herself in Dancehal. "Many persons thought this

was just a fun hobby for me because i was already popular and successful before becoming an artiste. l had to show everyone over the last few months that I intend to make a real impact on the international stage as a Dancehall brand, " Curvy explained An impact that female fans can be excited about as the Curvy Diva intends to release material to empower women overall. "I record songs that speak to a whole lot of issues really but female fans can be sure Curvy Diva is in your corner. Songs to make women feel powerful and beautiful and proud of their bodies is what you will hear a lot of going into the summer," Curvy Diva added Yanique has already delved head first into this direction when she teased a new single on her social media page called 'Pretty From Birth' which

has already caused an uproar because of its raunchy content and dynamic delivery.


Jahmiel Hits 10 Million Views With 'U Me Luv'

The track is set for official release this Sunday at the Curvy Divas Birthday party, Lifestyle Pool Party at the Constant Spring Golf Club in Kingston. 'Pretty From Birth is produced by London based Dancehall pace setter Stylo G for his 3 Beat Label. "Dancehall is raunchy at times yes and that's part of its appeal. Overall though whether raunchy or super clean I will always release music that uplifts females in every class of society. You are strong, you are independent, you are sexy and beautiful so own it," Curvy concluded The Lifestyle Pool Party will also feature music from Stone Love selectors- Randy Rich and Gugu Mental, Zj Liquid, DJ WhizKid, DJ Lank and Ikel Marvelous and Flabba Dabba as Team Shella. The event starts at 4pm and will include complimentary cocktails from major sponsor Rum Bar Rum Cream as well.

New York, New York. With a great start to 2018, Jahmiel continues to rack up accolades on his growing career. The most recent, is attaining 10 Million views for his video 'U Me Luv' on Vevo. Produced by Dunwell Productions, 'U me Luv' was released in August 2017, the single immediately appealed to a wider audience signaling to Jahmiel and his team that this single needed a special visual to accompany the growing demand.

With over a million views in 3 weeks, Jahmiel immediately reached out to RD Studios to capture the concept of the song and create a visual, which would resonate with not only his fans but a wider audience. Released in late September 2017, 'U Me Luv' video has racked up over a million views a month and currently have over 10 million views and counting. Jahmiel who is set to perform on several shows in the UK alongside Tarrus Riley and Cham also won the International Reggae & World Music Awards (IRAWMA) for Most Promising Entertainer. Also scheduled for some of the biggest festivals for 2018 Jahmiel has already confirmed a European summer tour, which kicks off ending of June 2018.

Full Line Up Revealed For 12th Annual Best of the Best Music Fest Miami, Fl (April 24, 2018) With much anticipation, Best of the Best Music Fest, (BOTB) has reveal the full line up for the 12th annual staging. In the first announcement there was huge buzz around the return of Mavado, who was unable to perform last year. Mavado is now accompanied by quite a few more heavyweights in soca, dancehall and afro-beat, which we can say will guarantee Best of the Best promoters some first timers to this years staging As one of the premier events for dancehall and reggae music outside of Jamaica and celebrating their 12th anniversary, Best of the Best Music Fest have become a staple event not only in the South Florida area but also in North America. Providing a platform for persons from all over to meet for one day and enjoy the great Caribbean lifestyle along with some of the best in Caribbean music. "This year we have some of the hottest talents right now, Bunji Garlin, Fayan Lyons and Kerwin Dubois have all kicked off the soca season for 2018

with a bang. Then there is the dancehall/ reggae line up, which people have told me they are looking forward to because when these artist touch the Best of The Best stage it is always different from any other show. So we tell the people get your tickets from early, plan to enjoy the entire day with friends, family, good food and great music" says Steve 'Jabba' Beckford promoter. The line-up, which consist of an array of acts, represents the current energy

and love for music globally. The dancehall, soca and afrobeat scene has grown so much over the past 3 years, for the first time Best of The Best Music Fest has added an artist from Ghana to round off their star studded lineup. Hood Celebrity, Shenseea, Ding Dong, Romain Virgo, Masicka, Richie Stephens, Ghost, Linky First, Stone Bwoy from Ghana, Bunji Garlin, Fayann Lyons, Kerwin Dubois, Aidonia, Capleton and Mavado make up the headliners for this years BOTB.

"We want to make sure the fans have the opportunity to enjoy each artist, enjoy the performances and stage management goes off with no glitches. Sometimes crowding the shows forces the artist to rush their set and the crowd not feeling satisfied. This year we nuh want none of that, everyone must rock out and full joy the show, from start to finish" says Steve 'Jabba' Beckford. For over a decade, BOTB Music Fest has developed a destination, funfilled getaway to Miami for persons to kick off their summer and enjoy great company, music and live performances. Fans of BOTB will not only enjoy a mega music festival on Sunday May 27, 2018, but they get an entire weekend dedicated to producing the "best" events during Miami Memorial Day weekend. Tickets are currently on sale now for Best of the Best, why not make this a fun filled getaway for you and your friends.



Bruno Mars' SelvaRey Rum Stages Major Asia Launch Ahead of Concert Tour SelvaRey already anticipates becoming the best-selling super-premium white and flavored rum in Japan in 2018.

WEST HOLLYWOOD, California, May 1, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- In conjunction with his sold-out 24K Magic World Tour, Bruno Mars has launched his award-winning SelvaRey Rum to major fanfare in Japan and the Philippines. During Bruno's four sold-out shows at Japan's Saitama Super Arena, the second largest indoor arena in the world, both SelvaRey White and SelvaRey Cacao were heavily featured with signature cocktails and bottles sold in exclusive tour packaging. Extensive lines wrapped around

the venue hours before showtime and both the cocktails and bottles sold out early each day. Surrounding the shows this month, SelvaRey amplified their presence with a series of high-visibility activations in Tokyo's legendary entertainment district of Roppongi. Specialty cocktails, promotions, tastings, pop-up bars and events filled the leading establishments in the upscale area renowned worldwide for its nightlife. Early results have far surpassed the brand's expectations and

The Asia launch continues in Manila May 3rd-4th at Mars' sold-out shows at the Mall of Asia Arena. The SelvaRey Cocktail Bar will highlight fresh, seasonal ingredients and top local bartenders. The brand will again showcase exclusive digital content, VIP activations, and bottles for sale in 24k Magic World Tour packaging. With Mars' well-documented Filipino heritage and the 10 million+ case rum market in the Philippines, SelvaRey anticipates making a substantial impact in the coming months and years. Hong Kong, Thailand, and Singapore are next, with targeted launches in prestigious hotel/restaurant properties and social clubs scheduled for later this spring.

About SelvaRey: SelvaRey White, a blend of three- and five- year-old rums, is made by one of the world's most renowned master blenders. Unlike many white rums, SelvaRey has been crafted with the distinct goal of being fine enough to sip on the rocks. Yet it makes a superlative Rum 'n' Coke, an extraordinary Mojito and is ideal in classic cocktails. SelvaRey Cacao, the world's premier, award-winning chocolate spirit, boasts a rich fiveyear-old Panamanian rum infused with natural chocolate. Most notably and unlike many other flavored rums, SelvaRey Cacao Rum can be sipped neat or on the rocks but also combines beautifully in coffee cocktails such as an Espresso Martini and creates a unique spin on countless classics. SOURCE SelvaRey Rum




City of Toronto celebrates new inductions to Toronto Sport Hall of Honour butions of all kinds to the social fabric of Toronto over the years and I'm glad to see this recognized today." The following are this year's Toronto Sport Hall of Honour inductees in each of 10 categories:

TORONTO, April 27, 2018 / CNW/ - The City of Toronto held its third annual Toronto Sport Hall of Honour induction ceremony recently at the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre, with Penny Oleksiak, Andre De Grasse and the Canadian Women's Olympic 4x100m Swim

Relay Team among the new inductees. "The achievements of this impressive group of inductees inspire Torontonians of all ages to get active in our city," said Mayor John Tory. "The sport community has made tremendous contri-

• Athletes of the Year: Penny Oleksiak and Andre De Grasse • Para-Athlete of the Year: Marissa Papaconstantinou • Special Olympics Athletes of the Year: Gohulan Rajalingam and Jeffrey Steiman • Team of the Year: Canadian Women's Olympic 4x100m Swim Relay Team • Coach of the Year: Ben

Titley • Builder: Bruce Kidd • Corporate Builder: MLSE Foundation • Sport Legends: Tom Longboat, Cindy Nicholas and Vicky Sunohara • Spirit of Sport: Justine Blainey-Broker • City of Sport Lifetime Achievement: David Ross The Toronto Sport Hall of Honour is a legacy initiative of the City of Toronto's Host City Showcase Program from the Toronto 2015 Pan Am and Parapan Am Games. Nominations for next year's Toronto Sport Hall of Honour are open until October 1. Advertisment



Saints & Sinners Season Three Premiere Becomes Most-Watched Original in Bounce History, Averages 681K Total Viewers, Delivers over Half a Million Households of African Americans. Bounce also aired Saints & Sinners marathons of season one and two on April 7-8 leading into the season three premiere and the marathons combined to reach 3.3 million total viewers.

ATLANTA, /PRNewswire/ -- The much-anticipated third season premiere of Bounce's hit original drama series Saints & Sinners on Sun. April 8 at 9:00 p.m. (ET) averaged 681K Total Viewers, an increase of +20% over the show's season two premiere, to set a network record as the most-watched original in Bounce history.

Bounce premieres new episodes of Saints & Sinners Sunday nights at 9:00 p.m. ET, with a primetime play for the west coast at 12 Midnight ET/9:00 p.m. PT. The season three premiere of Saints & Sinners reached 1.2 million unduplicated viewers across two initial airings on Sunday night.

The season three premiere was also up +24% in Household delivery (528K – also a network record), +14% in the delivery of Persons 18-49 (226K) and +23% in P25-54 (330K) versus the season two premiere.

Saints & Sinners was the third most-watched program on Sunday night (9-10 p.m.) behind only AMC (The Walking Dead) and Bravo (Your Husband is Cheating on Us) among all ad-supported cable networks in the delivery

Consumers can catch up on Saints & Sinners anytime on Brown Sugar, Bounce's new subscription-video-on-demand service. Saints & Sinners seasons one and two are available in their entirety with exclusive season three episodes being added every Monday. Brown Sugar features an extensive library of iconic black movies, all un-edited and commercial-free and is accessible on Amazon Channels, Amazon Fire TV, Amazon Kindle, Apple TV, Roku, Android and Apple smartphones and tablets and web browsers via Season three of Saints & Sinners sees all hell breaking loose in Cypress, Georgia. A vicious, no-holds-barred battle for Greater Hope Baptist Church erupts between the old guard, Mayor Johnson (Vanessa Bell Calloway) and Rex (Clifton Powell), and the young bloods Levi (Christian Keyes) and Jabari (J.D. Williams) while Kendrick (Tray Chaney) tries to survive a life-threatening predicament to expose his grandmother, Leona (Donna Biscoe) as a killer. Miles

(Keith Robinson) is once again caught between his wife and his one-time mistress, Christie (Jasmine Burke) as Tamara's (Demetria McKinney) wild allegations threaten to put Christie away forever. Detective St. Charles (Afemo Omilami) has his hands full with chaos and crime running rampant in Cypress in season three. Saints & Sinners is produced in partnership with Swirl Film's Eric Tomosunas (Undershepard, 35 and Ticking). Visit the Saints & Sinners media site here. Bounce (@BounceTV) airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage, and features a programming mix of original and off-network series, theatrical motion pictures, specials, live sports, and more. Bounce has grown to be available in more than 99 million homes across the United States and 95% of all African-American (AA) television homes, including all the top AA television markets. Bounce is part of The E.W. Scripps Company (NYSE: SSP). Source: Nielsen, NPower, Ratings Analysis Program Report/R&F Program Report, L+SD, Saints and Sinners season 3 premiere (4/8/18, 9pm) vs season 2 premiere (3/5/17, 9pm); Reach based on 1-minute qualifier Advertisment

Liesure & Lifestyle


Actor and Comedian Chris Tucker Partners With The Prostate Cancer Foundation During National Minority Health Month to Create Awareness About the Increased Risks for AfricanAmerican Men and Challenges Them to "Know the Numbers" the Numbers" by visiting knowthenumbers to view and download a series of important stats and vital information every man of African descent should know.

SANTA MONICA, Calif., / PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) announced today that actor, comedian and humanitarian Chris Tucker (Rush Hour) will join its National Minority Health Month initiative as a spokesperson to raise awareness about the significant disparities that exist between men of African descent and other ethnicities as well as raise awareness about risk factors associated with the disease. The PCF, along with Tucker, is encouraging men to "Know

Each year, three million men in the U.S. battle prostate cancer – one in nine will be diagnosed. African-American men are 74% more likely to develop prostate cancer in their early 50s and 2.4 times more likely to die of the disease. There are a number of factors contributing to this issue including access to quality medical care, issues of physician mistrust and genetic predisposition. Data also shows that black men are less likely to be advised about cancer screenings and less likely to undergo surgery or

chemotherapy. "It was shocking for me to learn that African-American men have the highest death rate and shortest survival of any racial and ethnic group in the U.S. for most cancers and that prostate cancer is the number one diagnosed cancer among veterans," said Chris Tucker. "It's imperative that the black community understand the risks and do as much as possible to increase their chances of surviving or even better, preventing the disease by making certain lifestyle changes." This is one of the most important problems PCF is addressing in global oncology," said Jonathan Simons, MD, PCF's President and CEO. "PCF is devoted to tackling these alarming disparities. We are doubling down on cutting-edge research and forging new partnerships to solve the most lethal

forms of prostate cancer and to identify causes of why African-American men are disproportionally impacted by aggressive disease." The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) is the world's leading philanthropic organization funding and accelerating prostate cancer research. Founded in 1993, PCF has raised more than $745 million and provided funding to more than 2,000 research programs at nearly 200 cancer centers and universities. The PCF global research enterprise now extends to 19 countries. PCF advocates for greater awareness of prostate cancer and more efficient investment of governmental research funds for transformational cancer research. Its efforts have helped produce a 20-fold increase in government funding for prostate cancer. For more information, visit Advertisment

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