Vision Newspaper Canada (November 19th - December 2nd, 2015)

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Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

In Minneapolis, police shooting of unarmed black man stirs old tensions STORY ON PAGE 3

Q&A: Rick Ross talks new album, beef with 50 Cent and Meek Mill Wale drama >>page 07

Jelani Daniel


Thousands welcome Holness for JLP mass meeting in Munimar ALL CREDIT TYPES APPROVED Square Spanish Town, Jamaica >> page 04 Advertisment

Jelani Daniel




Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

The Caribbean Nephews of Venezuela first lady arrested in Haiti for allegedly trying to smuggle drugs to US

BOGOTA _ People briefed by U.S. law enforcement say two nephews of Venezuelan first lady Cilia Flores have been arrested in Haiti trying to negotiate a deal to smuggle 800 kilograms of cocaine into the U.S. Michael Vigil is the former head of international operations at the Drug Enforcement Administration. He says he was briefed by U.S. authorities about the undercover operation that resulted in Tuesday’s arrest of Efrain Campos and Francisco Flores. Vigil says the two travelled to Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on a private flight. Vigil says Campos claimed to be the son of Flores and stepson of President Nicolas Maduro. It’s unclear if the men remain in Haiti. Another person briefed on the case who spoke on condition of anonymity says the two will be arraigned Thursday in New York.


First, there were statues and portraits of Mandela; now there's a sculpture of his shirt The shirt sculpture in a garden at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is made of blue and white ceramic tiles that are joined by wirework. It was designed by students from the school of music, art and design.

JOHANNESBURG _ South Africa has celebrated Nelson Mandela by crafting numerous statues and portraits of the country's first black president. Now there's a sculpture of the late leader's signature shirt. A university in the city of Port Elizabeth last week unveiled a 10-foot-high (3-meter-high) sculpture inspired by the colorful shirts that Mandela, who died in 2013 at the age of 95, often wore in his later years.

University spokeswoman Roslyn Baatjies said Wednesday that the shirt sculpture captures some of the essence of Mandela, an anti-apartheid leader who led South Africa's transition to democracy in 1994 after being jailed by its former white leaders for 27 years. “Whenever you saw Madiba, you saw him wearing this type of shirt,'' said Baatjies, referring to Mandela by his clan name. The Associated Press

The Associated Press

Former Puerto Rico attorney for notorious drug trafficker sentenced in money laundering case

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico _ A former Puerto Rico lawyer who represented a man once known as the “Pablo Escobar of the Caribbean’’ has been sentenced to nearly six years in prison on money laundering charges. Attorney Ramon Negron Colon pleaded guilty following accusations that he tried to nullify his client’s conviction and sentence in late 2007 with a bribe of up to $3 million. Authorities alleged the money was drug trafficking revenue linked to reputed Caribbean drug kingpin Jose Figueroa Agosto. Figueroa was arrested in July 2010 in his native Puerto Rico on federal drug trafficking charges. He had previously escaped prison in the U.S. territory and became the Dominican Republic’s most wanted man for a decade after authorities said he built a criminal empire there. The Associated Press

Supreme Court turns away appeal over use of reggae star Bob Marley's image on shirts WASHINGTON (AP)_ The Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from clothing companies that claim they have legal rights to sell shirts with the image of reggae icon Bob Marley. The justices on Monday let stand a lower court ruling that said the merchandisers had used his likeness to sell clothing at Walmart, Target and other stores without permission from Marley's children. Marley's heirs control the rights to the reggae star's image through a company called Fifty-Six Hope Road Music. The company sued rivals A.V.E.L.A. and others in 2008, arguing that

The World Passing ‘Go’ in Cape Town: new version of Monopoly board game is set in South African city

JOHANNESBURG _ You can now pass ‘Go’ in a new Cape Town version of the Monopoly board game. The South African design was unveiled Friday, adding to the rich history of Monopoly, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year and is licensed in more than 100 countries. Properties for sale in the Cape Town Monopoly include Robben Island, where anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela was imprisoned; the University of Cape Town; the suburb of Camps Bay and landmarks including Table Mountain Cableway and the V&A Waterfront. Monopoly players seek to buy properties on the board, collecting rent from opponents. The goal is to drive other players into bankruptcy. A manufacturer called Winning Moves is making the Cape Town game under license from U.S. company Hasbro. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

5 judges in Dominican Republic accused of releasing prisoners in exchange for bribes

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic _ Five judges in the Dominican Republic have been suspended amid accusations that they released violent criminals from prison in exchange for bribes.

their sales of Marley merchandise violated federal trademark law. A federal court ordered the companies to pay more than $1 million in profits and damages. A federal appeals court agreed, citing evidence that consumers were confused about who endorsed the merchandise.

General Prosecutor Francisco Dominguez says the government took action against the judges after a yearlong preliminary investigation. Three of the judges have been suspended without pay. Dominguez said the judges are accused of working with lawyers, ex-judges and others to release criminals including those facing murder and drug trafficking charges. Authorities are now reviewing those cases. The judges rejected the accusations in an interview with a local radio station and said a political campaign was mounted against them. The order to suspend the judges was issued Monday November 16th.

The Associated Press

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Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Contributors: Christopher Miller


Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015


In Minneapolis, police shooting of unarmed black man stirs old tensions Monday night. Clark, 24, was shot in the head during a confrontation with two officers. Police said he was a suspect in an assault and was interfering with paramedics trying to treat the victim. Police said there was a scuffle, and Clark was shot. Some people who say they saw the shooting claim Clark wasn't struggling and was handcuffed. Police initially said he wasn't handcuffed, but the state agency that's investigating the shooting, the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, said one thing it's looking at is whether Clark was restrained. MINNEAPOLIS _ The fatal shooting of an unarmed black man by a Minneapolis police officer has pushed racial tensions in the city's small but concentrated minority community to the fore, with a police precinct besieged by a makeshift encampment and hundreds of protesters in recent days. Police have tried to improve race relations in recent years, and succeeded in some areas. But some community activists say racial disparities _ high unemployment rates for blacks, a disproportionate number of arrests for minor crimes and inequities in housing and the school system _ have been going on for so long that Sunday's shooting of Jamar Clark _ and the reaction from the community _ was no surprise. “We call Minneapolis a tale of two cities: The best of times if you're white, and worst of times if you're black,'' said Nekima Levy-Pounds, president of the Minneapolis chapter of the NAACP, and one of 42 people arrested when protesters shut down an interstate highway

The president of the Minneapolis police union, Lt. Bob Kroll, said Wednesday in an email that Clark was “disarming'' the officer and was not handcuffed. The officers involved in the shooting were identified Wednesday as Mark Ringgenberg and Dustin Schwarze, both with seven years of experience including 13 months with the Minneapolis department, but their race wasn't released because it's private under state law. Police in Maple Grove, where Ringgenberg worked before joining the Minneapolis force, said he is white. Members of the Minneapolis chapter of Black Lives Matter and other demonstrators want police to release video of the shooting, but the BCA has declined to do so, saying it would taint the investigation. The FBI is also undertaking a civil rights investigation. Tensions ramped up Wednesday afternoon

when police moved to clear protesters out of the vestibule of the 4th Precinct station where several had been sleeping since the shooting. They pulled down a pop-up shelter and doused a bonfire, prompting protesters to chant, “Shame on you!'' before relighting the flame. Chief Janee Harteau said police have to keep the vestibule clear for safety. She said police have no plans to pull down some 18 tents or stop protests as long as they are peaceful. The protests are the latest call for change by a community that has had rocky relations with police. The shooting took place on the north side, where the population is predominantly black and generally poorer than the rest of the city. The four neighbourhoods nearest the shooting are 53 per cent black, according to 2010 census data. The city as a whole is 60 per cent white. Chuck Samuelson, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Minnesota, said tension has risen as police have stepped up their presence in high-crime areas. An ACLU study earlier this year found black people are nearly nine times more likely to be arrested for low-level offences in Minneapolis than white people. “African-American males feel like they are targeted by police because, frankly, they are,'' Samuelson said. Levy-Pounds said several high-profile cases have increased mistrust of police, including the 2013 death of Terrance Franklin and the 2006 death of Fong Lee, both shot by police. Franklin, who was black, was being chased by police in a suspected burglary when he broke into a home. Police said he struggled with officers, grabbing a police weapon and

shooting and wounding two officers before he was shot 10 times. A grand jury cleared officers in his death, but Levy-Pounds called it “a case of murder of a young African-American man at the hands of Minneapolis police.'' In the case of Lee, a 19-year-old son of Laotian immigrants, the officer who shot and killed him in north Minneapolis said he feared for his life. A jury ruled the officer didn't use excessive force. Don Samuels, a black former City Council member who represented the north side, said there's a sense of wariness anytime a black man gets killed or shot by police, and people wonder if a white man in the same situation would have been shot. But he pointed to a growing effort by the city and police to confront racial issues head on, to bring more officers of colour on the force, and to create review boards to deal with police brutality. Minneapolis police Deputy Chief Medaria Arradondo said the department recognizes past grievances between the African-American community and police and is working hard to build trust. “Even in the midst of protests and demonstrations, we will continue to have important dialogue and conversations to keep moving forward,'' he said. By Amy Forliti THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ___ Follow Amy Forliti on Twitter: http://www.twitter. com/amyforliti. More of her work can be found at ___ Associated Press writers Jeff Baenen, Doug Glass and Steve Karnowski contributed to this report





Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

Thousands Welcome Holness for JLP Mass Meeting at Munimar Square, Spanish Town, Jamaica

citiczenship abroad or them saw the Audit report? We set our priorities which will be road, water …education and healthcare. CALL IT CALL IT …GOD BLESS YOU, I LOVE YOU.”

The old Spanish capital of Jamaica, founded 1534 was transformed into a sea of green as an estimated crowd of some (25, 000) green clad Labourites, waving flags and ringing bells, blowing horns with gyrating music belting party favourites adding to the carnival type atmosphere in Munimar Square, Central St. Catherine, 13 Kilometres west of Kingston the Capital city, Jamaica, W. I. The massive yet disciple crowd was in an upbeat mood as talk of General Elections constitutionally due 2016. With declining popular support and repeated scandals, PM Portia Simpson Miller is virtually under siege by civil society …. 19 babies killed/died in State care is the last straw. A number of speakers brought brief greetings cataloguing the many ills facing the Jamaican society since the PNP regained state power December 2012. They were the supporting casts as they await the triumphant entry of Party Leader & former PM Andrew Michael Holness, 43 years old. The Jamaican dollar moved from J$86 to J$126 for one US$ declared Matthew Samuda, President G2k. Keith Blake, the one JLP MP standing into Portmore, St . Catherine east declared that he planned to increase the number of seats held by the JLP. North Central St Catherine candidate Peter Abrahams, Angels Division, said “we have it going”. Candidate Alando Terrelonge, East Central St Catherine declared “… we gonna chaste the crazy PNP out of town …kick them out on Election Day.”

Candidate Newton Amos, North West St. Catherine said “tell Pickersgill, I will put him into retirement, you can count on me for that seat.” Pearnel Charles, MP, Clarendon North said “I have a short message for you ….this is the worse PNP government in the last 26 years …. they have been in for 22 years. One mosquito bite 1.5 million people get infected. We had the worse Riverton fire …a plague is on this land under this government … they call us John Crow, dutty labourite … when them come to your gate run them …. them know say mi a rock stone labourite. The plague will leave us one and a half years before its time. If a no baby, a rat mice then (in obvious reference to a statement made by discarded Health Minister Dr Fenton Ferguson that the premature babies were ‘not babies in the real sense’). ….55000 graduated last year, just 10000 got jobs …middle class being destroyed under this government.. Take up of the cross and follow us. God has given us a task …Andrew born 9 years after I join JLP. God has given us another chance”. Campaign Manager, Mike Henry took to the stage and declared ” I greet you in the name of Jah. Dec 10, I announce it already (in reference to the election date). The PNP has failed you. We will bring you from poverty to prosperity. Poor black lives do matter…. Portia parading on the road we started, Her Jeep can’t start …we make the train run again …. time is short. I man know what Pinnacle (first Rastafarian Village) is”, (in reference to the Rastafarians demands for their own piece of land and reparation to Africa). “…how could Patterson stay

there so long and not make us able to fly directly to Africa. Many rivers to cross, we will take back gov from PNP on December 15.

Ninga, a performer, took to the stage and performed “Roll Call” (this song has almost become the anthem for the JLP campaign). Olivia “Babsy” Grange, MP, St Catherine Central said “Me know what a baby is to carry…. the death of 19 babies could not happen under our watch …. never again will that happen again. When we return to power we will make it up to you. Those babies were real. We step aside for investigation to take place …Mike Henry started Jamaica Development Infrastructure Programme (JADIP)… them call it JEEP (Jamaica Emergency Employment Programme). Them no have no principles. Mike Henry stepped aside and was vindicated.” Shaw, Audley…”Them run the place for 22 out of 26 years yet Poverty reins supreme” …. declared former Finance Minister Audley Shaw, MP. …as he made his contribution to a JLP mass rally on November 8.. “Laborite river come down bank to bank”. “Don’t draw my tongue…. Shaw declared “I took my wife abroad ….. baby born 1lb 4 ozs. doctor in Jamaica planned to abort baby ….took wife abroad ….my wife stayed on her back for 3 and a half weeks …. they gave her steroids and water to put back lost fluid. Tell them no draw mi tongue.” “Tell mi why a senior Cabinet Minister had their baby abroad… is to get

Andrew Holness on stage …”I am from about here …grew up in Ensom City and went to St. Catherine High School …with my mother being a civil servant and my father a farmer. I was a normal boy, hunted wild fruits and got an occasional dip in Rio Cobre river. One day I nearly drown …. as me no fish (being a “fish” colloquial reference to being “gay” or homosexual. … to thunderous and prolonged applause as Jamaicans are believed to be defiantly homophobic). Free education and litaracy … .H1N1 came and there was no outbreak … as you can see ni naw speak from no paper….” (got on the platform and did 6 push ups). To thunderous and prolonged applause …. “They are liars, and hypocrites, they have increased school fees … increase it and call it auxiliary fees… we will lift you from poverty to prosperity”. (sustained applause) On the vexed issue of Crime Holness had harsh criticiems for his detractors. Hypocrite brigade “When the PNP is in power, crime increases. In 2010 there was a significant dent in crime … I met with then Opposition Spokesman on National Security Peter Bunting and wanted to get his co-operation on extending the then State of Emergency … as we did not have the votes in the House to do so alone. He said no. Bunting took a POLITICAL decision which has costed us dearly. … I refer to an article written by CNN ….they named the late PNP executive member and activist “bebe” his alias as the reputed Godfather of lottery scamming. I want you to know … to kill the lies. National Security Peter

Bunting PNP referred to the spike in crime as a”Bump in the road”, one year old, baby and his father are killed. Last week a 22 year old medical technologist student is killed walking home from university.” “The intellectual elites are hypocrites. I commit to you, that I will take your security seriously, respect you …we will create real employment, not two days of temporary work that takes thee weeks for you to get paid.” On project Implementation “The next JLP Government will set up an Apprenticeship scheme … students will be used to digitize medical records as we move away from paper-based record keeling …..universal accessibility of records. For example, if you are in Kingston and need to access medical services in say Montego Bay, a doctor can access your records and be able to peruse your medical history.” “Make business environment more efficient. Safe and secure environment …I will be a growth czar. Fast track investment and jobs and grow the economy.” Vote Buying “Election is in the air …them going to give you the money and ask you to vote for them, tek the money and ask for more ….. it is the money fi fix oonu roads ….. As you know vote buying is illegal but if dem come with the money,… nyam the money and vote them out. Tek the money, tek the money, tek the money” to deafening applause as he spoke to his supporters in local dialect or patois/broken English. by: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Senior international correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada


Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015


What ’s On


Family & Children

Big Sugar

Travis Scott


Vince Staples

Rap N Roll

Peter Pan on Ice

Venue: The Danforth Music Hall

Venue: Sound Academy

Venue: Sound Academy

147 Danforth Toronto, ON Date: November 27th, 2015

11 Polson St

Venue: The Tattoo Queen West 567 Queen St W Toronto, ON Date: December 4th, 2015

Venue : A different Booklist 746 Bathurst St Toronto, ON

Venue: Elgin Theatre Toronto, ON Date: November 29th, 2015

11 Polson St

JCA Annual Childern Christmas Party

Venue: Jamaican Canadian Assocation 995 Arrow Rd

Toronto, ON

Toronto, ON

Date: November 25th, 2015

Date: November 27th, 2015

True Black

Russell Peters/ Dj Starting From Scratch

The 10th Annual Boxing Day Ball

Sistah Fest


Fancy Nancy

Bubble Guppies Live


Venue: The Phoenix Concert

60 Interchange Wayl Toronto, On


Venue: Jamaican Canadian Assocation 995 Arrow Rd

Venue: Daniles Spectrum 585 Dundas St E Toronto, On

Venue: Lower Ossington Theatre 100A Ossington Av

Venue: Sony Center For Performing Arts

Toronto ON Date: December 26th, 2015

Date: December 19th, 2015

Venue: Sound Academy 11 Polson St Toronto, ON Date: December 15th, 2015

Toronto, ON Date: Nov 7, 2015 to Jan 31, 2016

Toronto, On Date: November 28th, 2015

Date: December 4th, 2015

Toronto, ON Date: Novemeber 21st, 2015

Date: December 4th, 2015

Toronto, ON Date: December 6th, 2015




Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

CeeLo Green says new album, 'Heart Blanche,' is a 'prequel' to catalogue of new music personal album yet?

ing this album?

Green: It's always personal to some degree, but much more introspective this time around _ more introspective than I've been able to be, had the opportunity of being, the pleasure of being, over the last five years professionally. The last time I did it to this degree was under the alias Gnarls Barkley.

Green: I've been recording this album for about three years. I did some recording in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, the Bahamas, Palm Springs, California. I've been all over the world recording this record. I'm proud to say that I was very proficient and prolific and I got an awful lot of work done. I have amassed a large amount of material, and I'll be able to use it in increments.

AP: Talk about the single “Robin Williams.'' LOS ANGELES _ CeeLo Green says “Heart Blanche,'' his first studio album of new music in five years, is only the beginning of what he has planned. Green is returning to the spotlight after a professional hiatus that began last year with his departure from NBC's ``The Voice'' following a felony drug charge.

rest of the music I want to release in the very near future,'' Green said in a recent interview. “(It's) the start of a new beginning.'' The 40-year-old entertainer, who recently revealed his year-old engagement and desire to return to “The Voice,'' talked with The Associated Press about his new album, to be released Friday.

Green: For this generation, Robin Williams' untimely and unfortunate death _ he's probably more synonymous with that than his actual life's work. So I'm going back to 'Mork & Mindy' and 'The World According to Garp' and 'Popeye' _ things I actually grew up with _ so I know Robin a little bit better.

The past few years have been a time of introspection and creativity, Green says, and ``Heart Blanche'' is among the results.

The remarks have been edited for clarity and brevity. ___

It wasn't meant to be a tribute to the extent of an obituary. ...I got to address my own empathy for him in a personal way, but also make it general and applicable to everyone.

“This album is a prequel to the

AP: Is “Heart Blanche'' your most

AP: What was your process mak-

AP: Did you always know you would be a musician? Green: I would say so. Elton John, for example. Or Earth, Wind & Fire, or KISS and Sly Stone _ these people who were _ like David Bowie _ these people who were iconic images (and) fashionistas, I'm cut from their cloth. I'm encouraged from their era of entertainment. I do feel like I represent that for a new generation. AP: Does the little kid in you freak out now that these artists are essentially your peers? Green: It makes sense to me and I'm cool around these people. I

get a chance to be with Prince and I'm cool around him. Because I feel like I know him. I feel like I grew up with him. They feel like extended family, like uncles and aunts. AP: How creatively satisfying has this new album been? Green: I'm content with the album but I'm not complacent with the album. I can do more and I want to do more. I want to first be reintroduced, and I want the people to be reminded of who I am in an artistic capacity, and they will see my generosity, because my cup just runneth over with song: with melody, with harmony, with sentiment and a sweetness for all. ___ Online: ___ Follow Sandy Cohen at APSandy . By Sandy Cohen THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


7 Music Q&A: Rapper Rick Ross talks new album, beef with 50 Cent and Meek Mill Wale drama

Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

ATLANTA _ For Rick Ross, it's been a juggling act for the self-proclaimed “bawse.''

AP: What do you want listeners to take away from 'Black Market'?

The Grammy-nominated rapper is set to release his eighth album, “Black Market,'' on Dec. 4, but his life is busy with more than just music.

Ross: 'Black Market' is the purest representation of me at my most comfortable form. The music is soulful and layered. It's sophisticated, but it's street.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Associated Press, 38-year-old Ross touches on several topics, from releasing music to his ongoing beef with 50 Cent to the issues between his signees, Meek Mill and Wale.

AP: It seems like you've found your groove musically.

___ AP: You've released so much music in the last two years. What has motivated you? Ross: I'm just reminding the culture, reminding the streets exactly the boss' position, and why I'm the biggest and will remain the biggest.

Ross: I'm in the most comfortable place in the music that I make. Depending on the moment, it determines the type of music that I make. This album was much more precise. AP: You've lost nearly 100 pounds. Are you still being healthy? Ross: Yes. I'm at my lowest weight right now as we speak. AP: How much do you weigh?

Ross: I'm right around 275. AP: You and 50 Cent had an exchange on social media recently. Why do you think he continues to attack you? Ross: You ever ask yourself that? AP: I thought the beef was a done deal, but it keeps coming up... Ross: Is it beef? AP: Yes. People still look at it as beef. Ross: Are you aware of his current financial status? AP: 50 Cent filed for bankruptcy this year. Ross: And when companies and corporations usually file for bankruptcy then, what? AP: You tell me. Ross: You do that when it's

over. It's called 'when it's over.' So rest in peace. R.I.P. Other than that, we are running around New York City (50 Cent's hometown) as we speak. The excitement in these streets for the new album, I'm dropping new remixes, I've been in the game since '06 and nobody has ever stepped on one of my sneakers. Not one, ya dig. That speaks for itself.

giving promotions, we're empowering people. We are not firing and tearing down. We're not chasing behind actresses. We don't get our booties licked. We live by principles. It's a certain code of ethics. As men in our position, there will be problems, there will be disagreements, but as ... kings, it's certain things we don't do.

There's a lot of talking and tweeting in this industry, but who really getting money? Don't ever get it twisted. You see Jay Z, you see Puff Daddy, and right around there somewhere, you see (Rick Ross) is in the starting lineup. We put new chlorine in the pool weekly. It's a lot of distractions that's meant to distract you from staying focused. In the majority of the time, the distractions aren't even worth it, especially when you have single-handedly torn something down that you've once respected and admired to the point where they are nothing. I think that's the testament to the MMG (Maybach Music Group) brand, as we continue to grow, sign new artists, create new ventures, our net worth has only tripled in the last three years. I think for young entrepreneurs, that is what's important. Not no flossing (stuff), but on some keeping your lights on long-term typeof-(stuff). Let's remain creative with no boundaries.

AP: There was some friction between your label mates Meek Mill and Wale. How is their relationship now? Ross: It came and went. When things have potential to (become) something that's a problem, then I may get involved. ...I know in 10 years, they will be the same executives, if they are no longer artists, giving the next generation the right input. ...My job is to make sure they don't take it (too far) ... which will never happen. I put my life on that. AP: There have been talks of your broken engagement with Lira Galore. Can you clear that up? Ross: This is what I'm going to clear up: I'm happy and I'm living. That's what it is. Rozay is so happy. That's what life is about, being happy. ___ Online:!all ___

It doesn't matter which state you are from, what gang you're in or country you are from. Let's put some big thinkers together and make something that'll last a lineage. That's what I'm about. My homies are

Follow Jonathan Landrum Jr. on Twitter: His work can be found at h t t p : / / b i g s t o r y. a p. o r g / c o n t e n t / jonathan-landrum-jr By Jonathan Landrum Jr. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (AP Photo/Isaac Brekken, File)



Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

Rapper Snoop Dogg helps deliver 1,500 free turkeys to people in need in Inglewood LOS ANGELES _ Snoop Dogg has helped deliver more than 1,500 turkeys to families in Inglewood. Mayor James Butts tells KNBC-TV (http:// that the rapper joined him for Thursday's giveaway at an indoor arena and that he took pictures with hundreds of people at the event.

RICK ROSS - POSITION ATLANTA (AP) _ With mixtapes, guest appearances and now a new album, it seemed like Rick Ross was everywhere for a while. Ross says that was just his way of “reminding the streets exactly the boss' position.'' Ross says he spent a lot of hours alone over the past year creating his new “Black Market'' album. He calls it “the purest representation of me and my most comfortable form.'' Ross also had a bout of inspiration to remix Adele's new song “Hello.'' He says he's always been fascinated with her voice and he hopes they will collaborate someday. “Black Market'' comes out December 4th

Officers seize assets of rapper Lil Wayne for $2 million court judgment over leased jet to satisfy the debt was not immediately available.

MIAMI _ Officers have seized assets from the Miami Beach mansion of rapper Lil Wayne to help pay a $2 million court judgment involving his lease of a private jet. Miami-Dade Police Department spokeswoman Marjorie Eloi says the court order was executed Tuesday. An inventory of what items were seized and will be sold

Will Smith says he will tour with DJ Jazzy Jeff and is working on new music

A judge last month ordered the rapper, whose real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Jr., to pay more than $2 million to Signature Group LLC over a leased Gulfstream II aircraft. Signature contended in court documents that Carter had stopped making the $55,000 monthly payments. An attorney for Carter declined to comment in an email. The total judgment includes interest and a $200,000 attorney fee. The Associated Press

NEW YORK _ Will Smith says he's ready to get back on the road. The entertainer told Ellen DeGeneres he's planning to launch a tour with DJ Jazzy Jeff. Smith said he really wanted to “get out there and do it for real.'' The Grammy winner also said he's been working on new music.

Smith made headlines last month when he appeared on a remix to Colombian band Bomba Estereo's song “Fiesta.'' He'll perform the track with the group at the Latin Grammy Awards on Nov. 19.

Butts says he suggested the rapper help pass out turkeys. The city passed out 800 turkeys at last year's event. (The Canadian Press)

MISTY COPELAND BOOK NEW YORK (AP) _ Dancer Misty Copeland is working on a health-and-fitness book. It will be titled “Ballerina Body'' and its due out in 2017. Copeland is the first African-American woman to become the American Ballet Theatre's principal dancer. She is also a member of President Barack Obama's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition. Copeland has written two other books.

Kevin Hart to host Rihanna charity event Dec. 10 in Santa Monica; Lionel Richie will perform The black-tie event benefits Rihanna's Clara Lionel Foundation, which promotes education and arts globally. The singer founded the foundation in 2012. It is named after her grandparents Clara and Lionel Braithwaite.

“I keep a stash,'' he told DeGeneres. “I have a couple new things.'' Smith said he never had a chance to tour because of the success of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,'' which launched in 1990.

This is the second year the rapper has helped Inglewood pass out the turkeys to families in need. Last year, the rapper asked the city what he could do to give back to the community, where his production crew is headquartered.

Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino will receive the Diamond Honors Award at the event.

NEW YORK _ Comedian-actor Kevin Hart will host a Rihanna charity event next month, where Lionel Richie will perform. The pop singer announced Monday that her second annual Diamond Ball will be held Dec. 10 at the Barker Hangar in Santa Monica, California.

Jimmy Kimmel hosted last year's Diamond Ball, which raised more than $2 million. Guests included Brad Pitt, Kim Kardashian and Ne-Yo. Rihanna said in a statement she “can't wait to celebrate with the iconic Lionel Richie and incredibly talented Kevin Hart at this year's Diamond Ball.'' The Canadian Press

Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

Music With Apple Music radio show, Mary J. Blige encourages a life with 'no more drama' Blige said in an interview last week. “If I can reach somebody and say, '... You're beautiful and I go through the same things, too, and right now I'm thinking the same thing' _ it means so much to them.''

NEW YORK _ R&B star Mary J. Blige is hoping she can offer love and support to those who “are sitting in their car in traffic about to jump out and kill somebody or kill themselves'' with a positive and inspirational radio show. The singer, who launched “Real Talk'' this month on Apple Music's Beats 1 Radio, said she wants to motivate fans with her show _ much like her songs have. “So many people out there are hurting and there are so many people out there that need to be reached, and there are so many people I wish I could ... give a word of encouragement to,''

during the making of the 'My Life' album and what I was dealing with,'' said Blige, who was battling drug addiction at the time. “Although I've come a long way and I've recovered and I'm strong and no one's going to hurt me again _ or I would hope that no one hurts me again _ just the feeling, just the nostalgia, just the memories are all very vivid and the same.'' Her next episode, debuting Saturday and called “Doubt,'' will include Demi Lovato, the 23-year-old singer-actress who entered rehab in 2010 to deal with an eating disorder, self-mutilation and other issues.

Blige, 44, added that if she “could have had Michael Jackson on a radio station back then, or had Janet Jackson talk to me when I was growing up, it would have meant the world to me.''

“It's really deep, it's really heavy, but it's really uplifting and inspiring. She speaks to a whole other generation that needs help, that's committing suicide every single day,'' Blige said. “Hopefully it helps someone.''

Each episode of her show will be named after songs by Blige, whose hits include “Not Gon' Cry,'' ''Real Love,” ''Family Affair” and ''No More Drama.”

Jimmy Iovine, who encouraged Blige to do the show, said when he worked with the singer at Interscope Records he thought she would be a great TV talk-show host.

Her first show, “My Life,'' looked back at her groundbreaking 1994 sophomore album of the same name. “It was special to me because I got a chance to express to people that didn't know exactly what was happening

“She's that girl. She's very powerful at articulating her truth and making people feel very comfortable when they're around her,'' Iovine said in an interview. “I feel that she's a natural for this and we love giving her the platform.''


On her show, Blige also tried to recreate her Beats 1 Radio commercial with Taraji P. Henson and Kerry Washington, which went viral after it debuted during the Emmy Awards in September. Blige said Washington was unavailable, but an episode with Henson will debut Dec. 6 (the show airs biweekly at 2 p.m. EST). “We're reminiscing and we're going back to her life in D.C.,'' Blige said of Henson, who stars on “Empire'' on Fox. “We're friends so it's hilarious. We're having a ball, and we got deep, too.'' Blige said more guests on her show will be announced at a later date. She said she's hoping to score an interview with first lady Michelle Obama. “I definitely want to do it with Michelle Obama _ if she will have me,'' Blige said. “That would be a dream come true.'' By Mesfin Fekadu THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ____ Online:

Upcomming Albums

Once A Year Mr Ring Ding

Flockaveli 1.5 Waka Flocka

A long cherished dream becomes reality: November 2015 will see the release of an entire album of Christmas tunes. Coverversions of traditional songs from different countries such as Germany, Poland, USA, France and England and some selfpenned songs to make the season bright - Ska and Reggae style! The album Once A Year will come out on the label Pork Pie.

Waka Flocka has made it abundantly clear that Atlantic Records is holding on to his latest album, Flockaveli 2, and that he wants to rid himself of all business with the label even if that means buying out of his contract. Just the other day, he posted Atlantic’s phone number on his Twitter and asked his fans to call the label and demand his release. As there is no release date in sight for the album that has already undergone significant delays, Waka has decided to bypass his label and release a free album: Flockaveli 1.5.


Empire Master P

Royalty is the upcoming seventh studio album by American musical recording artist, Chris Brown; set to be released on November 27, 2015 as the follow-up to his sixth studio album X (2014). Three singles, “Liquor”, “Zero” and “Back to Sleep” were released prior to the release of the album.

Empire is the upcoming 14th studio album by American rapper Master P. The album is scheduled to be released on November 28, 2015, by No Limit Forever and XLP Distribution. The album features guest appearances from Money Mafia, Lil Wayne, Krazy, Ace B & Fame-O.

Chris Brown



‘Luther’ and ‘The Wire’ actor musician Idris Elba to open for Madonna in Berlin

Jamie Foxx’s daughter, college student Corinne, to serve as Miss Golden Globe in 2016

Denzel Washington selected to receive Cecil B. DeMille honour at Golden Globe Awards

LOS ANGELES _ Jamie Foxx’s daughter is going to the Golden Globe Awards.

LOS ANGELES _ Idris Elba is co-starring with Madonna on stage _ not screen. The actor-musician will be the opening act during her “Rebel Heart’’ tour stop Tuesday at the Mercedes Benz Arena in Berlin, Germany. The “Luther’’ and “The Wire’’ actor is also a DJ, rapper and producer who has performed at several clubs and festivals in England and Ibiza. Madonna’s “Rebel Heart’’ tour launched last week in Europe and will make stops in 11 countries before returning to North America and moving on to Asia, Australia and New Zealand in 2016. . The Associated Press

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association announced Tuesday that Foxx’s daughter, Corinne, will serve as Miss Golden Globe at the ceremony in January. Corinne is a senior at the University of Southern California who recently shot a modeling campaign. Miss Golden Globe, traditionally the daughter of a Hollywood star, appears on the telecast and assists during the ceremony. Past holders of the title include Rumer Willis, Francesca Eastwood, and Laura Dern. Freddie Prinze Jr. and Michael J. Fox’s son, Sam Fox, have also held the post as Mr. Golden Globe. Jamie Foxx won a Golden Globe in 2005 for “Ray.’’ The Golden Globes will be presented Jan. 10, 2016. Ricky Gervais is hosting.

LOS ANGELES _ Denzel Washington will receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award at this year's Golden Globes for his considerable impact on the world of entertainment. Lorenzo Soria, President of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, announced the news on Monday. The two-time Golden Globe-winner and seven-time nominee will join the ranks of previous Cecil B. DeMille Award recipients such as Harrison Ford, Warren Beatty, Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, and Barbara Streisand, among others. The 73rd annual Golden Globe Awards will broadcast live on NBC from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Jan. 10. Ricky Gervais is hosting. The Associated Press

The Associated Press

Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

US Michelle Obama Broadway

WASHINGTON - Michelle Obama is hosting more than 40 high school students for White House workshops on acting, directing, singing and costume design. Among the entertainment figures working with the students are actress Whoopi Goldberg, producer Harvey Weinstein, actress Cicely Tyson, singer Gloria Estefan and theatre star Matthew Morrison, best known from “Glee.'' The lessons were ahead of “Broadway at the White House,'' an afternoon performance being taped in the East Room, which will air on the TLC network Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Obama also offered condolences to the victims and families of the Paris attacks, and urged the nation to keep France in their thoughts and hearts. The Associated Press


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Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015

Usain Bolt, Ashton Eaton and Christian Taylor are finalists for IAAF male athlete of year

Kobe Bryant says a chance at a 3rd Olympic gold medal in Rio 'would mean the world' to him

won his second successive gold at the worlds, setting a decathlon world record of 9,045 points and a world decathlon best of 45 seconds for the 400 metres.

MONACO _ Usain Bolt, Ashton Eaton and Christian Taylor are the three finalists for the IAAF's male athlete of the year award. Bolt, the six-time Olympic gold medallist from Jamaica, defended his titles in the 100 metres, 200 metres and 4x100 relay at the world championships in Beijing in August. He ran a world-leading time of 19.55 seconds in the 200.

Taylor won the triple jump at the worlds with a leap of 18.21 metres, the second-best in history. The American also won the Diamond Race title. Winners are usually announced at the IAAF's annual awards gala, but the ceremony has been cancelled amid the corruption and doping scandals rocking the sport. The Associated Press

Eaton, the American decathlete,

Tiger Woods to be vice captain at Ryder Cup next year in Hazeltine Woods had back surgery in September and a follow-up procedure. He said he faces a long and tedious recovery and has not indicated when he will be able to play again. Love said that Woods has told him he still wants to make the team _ and if does, he still wants to be a vice captain. ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. _ Tiger Woods will be at the Ryder Cup next year at Hazeltine. Still to be determined is whether he plays. U.S. captain Davis Love III said Wednesday that Woods, Jim Furyk and Steve Stricker will be vice captains for the 2016 matches in Minnesota.

Both teams can have up to five vice captains. Love previously named Tom Lehman as a vice captain, and he will name a fifth one later. By Doug Ferguson THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


career if he retires at the conclusion of this NBA season.

MIAMI _ Kobe Bryant says a spot on the U.S. Olympic team next summer “would mean the world'' to him. Bryant spoke with The Associated Press on Monday about the reasons why he wants to play in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, a tournament that theoretically could mark the end of his competitive basketball

The notion of Bryant on the Olympic team has been bandied about since August, when USA Basketball chairman Jerry Colangelo revealed that he had talks with the longtime Los Angeles Lakers star _ who previously said he wouldn't play in Rio _ about the potential of being on the team. Bryant says he feels like he could add value to the Olympic roster “from a leadership perspective'' and with his defence. By Tim Reynolds THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Pitcher Estrada happy to remain a Blue Jay

Public opposition seen as threat to Olympic bid

TORONTO _ It took Marco Estrada just one season to become a pillar of the Blue Jays' starting rotation. Toronto wanted him back and he wanted to be back. Estrada figured it was a win-win situation. The Jays agreed, signing him to a US$26-million, two-year deal that made sense for both parties.

TORONTO _ Toronto officials saw public resistance as the main threat to a possible Olympic bid and worried holding a referendum on the issue would “allow critics to overstate and inflate opposition'' to hosting the 2024 Games, documents reveal.Emails and briefing materials written by Toronto Mayor John Tory's staff _ obtained by The Canadian Press through access-to-information laws _ suggest a lack of public and government support were seen as the “greatest risks'' to a Toronto pitch.

The Canadian Press THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

The Canadian Press



Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

Spike Lee calls for greater diversity in Hollywood as he accepts honorary Academy Award also announced the academy's new five-year plan to improve diversity in its staff and governance. Isaacs opened the Governors Awards ceremony with condolences for France in the wake of the terrorist attacks. “All of us here stand in solidarity and support of France and the French people,'' she said. “Our connection with the film-loving French is especially deep.'' LOS ANGELES _ Spike Lee told an audience of entertainment luminaries that it's easier for a black person to become President of the United States than head of a Hollywood studio or network. Lee made the remarks Saturday as he accepted an Oscar statuette at the film academy's seventh annual Governors Awards dinner in Hollywood, where Gena Rowlands and Debbie Reynolds were also honorees.

“We need to have some serious discussions about diversity and get some flavour up in this,'' Lee said. ``This industry is so behind sports it's ridiculous.'' The filmmaker praised Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences president Cheryl Boone Isaacs for “trying to do something that needs to be done.'' Earlier in the evening, Isaacs called on the industry powers in attendance to take action toward “recognizing and embracing a broad cross-section of talent.'' She

Denzel Washington selected to receive Cecil B. DeMille honour at Golden Globe Awards

LOS ANGELES _ Denzel Washington will receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award at this year's Golden Globes for his considerable impact on the world of entertainment. Lorenzo Soria, President of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, announced the news on Monday.

The twotime Golden Globe-winner and seven-time nominee will join the ranks of previous Cecil B. DeMille Award recipients such as Harrison Ford, Warren Beatty, Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, and Barbara Streisand, among others. The 73rd annual Golden Globe Awards will broadcast live on NBC from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Jan. 10. Ricky Gervais is hosting. The Associated Press

Lee offered “peace and love to people in France'' as he received his award. Denzel Washington, Wesley Snipes and Samuel L. Jackson brought the filmmaker onstage for his Oscar. “Spike Lee has put more African-Americans to work in this business than anyone else in this business,'' Washington said in his introduction. Cate Blanchett and Laura Linney each paid tribute to Rowlands, calling her a trailblazer and inspiration. The

85-year-old actress, whose career spans six decades, received her Oscar from her son, Nick Cassavettes, who directed his mother in 2004's “The Notebook.'' He noted that the award was “the first Oscar in the family.'' Looking lovingly at the golden trophy, Rowlands thanked the academy governors for “introducing me to this fine fellow.'' “He's very handsome,'' she said. “You know, he's just so elegant... I think I'll take him home.'' Reynolds received the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. Jane Fonda and Meryl Streep introduced the 83-year-old entertainer, who announced Friday that she would be unable to attend the ceremony. Reynolds was recognized for her decades-long commitment to various charities, including the mental health organization she founded, the Thalians. Her granddaughter

accepted Reynolds' statuette. A live band played throughout the evening, and there were two musical interludes: Zooey Deschanel performed the Oscar-nominated song Reynolds sang in 1958's “Tammy and the Bachelor.'' Aloe Blacc sang “A Change is Gonna Come'' as part of Lee's introduction. Other famous faces at the starry dinner included Johnny Depp and wife Amber Heard, Daniel Craig and wife Rachel Weisz, Will Smith, Ice Cube, Mark Ruffalo, Quentin Tarantino, Saoirse Ronan and Michael Caine. Portions of the untelevised ceremony may be included in the 2016 Academy Awards telecast. By Sandy Cohen THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ___ Follow AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen at

(Rodney Choice/AP Images for TV One)


Nov 19th - Dec 2nd, 2015

Rihanna launches Fr8me, a new agency representing stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists

LOS ANGELES _ Rihanna is taking her love of fashion, hair and makeup to the next level: She is opening a beauty agency in Los Angeles, her spokeswoman confirmed. With managing partner Benoit Demouy, Rihanna has launched Fr8me, which helps stylists, hairdressers and makeup artists book editorial and celebrity jobs. The singer's makeup artist

and Taraji P. Henson's hairstylists and wardrobe stylist are already on Fr8me's roster. Rihanna said opening the agency was “an organic thing for me to do.'' The singer and Demouy are also establishing a photo agency called A Dog Ate My Homework. The Associated Press


Kirk Franklin shows brilliance after 4 year absence with 'Losing My Religion' doesn't miss a step on his new project, delivering a fresh take on often heard messages in a very well-crafted album from the first song to the 13th. Kirk Franklin, “Losing My Religion'' (RCA Inspirational/Fo Yo Soul) Kirk Franklin encourages Christians to accept the flaws of others rather than convict them on the title track of his new album, “Losing My Religion.'' The spoken-word album opener sets the tone for Franklin, who returns four years after his 2011 offering, “Hello Fear,'' which earned the performer his ninth Grammy Award. He

On “Pray for Me,'' Franklin expresses his imperfections and the power of prayer. He suggests that placing faith in God will create more harmony on the album's single, “Wanna Be Happy?'' Franklin talks about his need for Jesus Christ in his life, confessing that he could pray more on the enjoyable ballad “Intercession.'' And he takes a backseat on “When,'' allowing Kim Burrell and Lalah Hathaway to team up on

the impressive, piano-driven duet. “My World Needs You,'' featuring Tamela Mann, Tasha Cobbs and Sarah Reeves, is a praise and worship song that will uplift the soul. Overall, “Losing My Religion'' is proof that Franklin's music still has the ability to inspire those who lack faith. ___ Follow Jonathan Landrum Jr. on Twitter: His work can be found at By Jonathan Landrum Jr. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


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