Vol.4 2019.08.05 Mon.
[Plenary – Presentation of Candidates]
Content Supervisor | Yi-Wei, Sun Yu-Ting, Huang
Night Tour· · · · · · · · · · · · · · 2
Editor | AM19 Taiwan News Team
Nmo Management Sessions· · · · 4
Designer | Bîng-Hàu, Tsiā
Rex Crossley Adwards · · · · · · · · 5
Yu-Chia, Chang Photo Credit | AM19 Taiwan Photography team
Regional Sessions·· · · · · · · · ·6
Vol.4 2019.08.05 Mon.
Night Tour
Night Tour
Unveil the city with the eyes of AM! What a beautiful night! Finally, all delegates were provided the chance to stretch their bodies by exploring the city on foot and experiencing the city with the companion of the OC and delegates! With 5 routes encompassing versatile features, containing architecture (the ancient and historical buildings of Bopiliao along with the mysterious Longshan temple), food (a Taiwanese essential, the night market), and so on. Thanks for your participation, and we hope that the night tour has satisfied your urge of taking in the scenery of traditional Taiwanese temples and gorging on Taiwanese street food!
by AM19 Taiwan News Team
Vol.4 2019.08.05 Mon.
NMO Management Sessions
NMO Management Sessions Have fun and Learn!
by AM19 Taiwan News Team NMOs, the National Member Organizations, encompasses all members of the IFMSA. In the world of IFMSA, we are not merely given the opportunity to cooperate and interact with medical students from all over the world, but are as well offered the chance to upgrade ourselves and get fully equipped for all kinds of challenges in the future. The NMO Management Sessions provide strategies and lectures for delegates focusing on systematic managements and methods of administrating. With enjoyable and interactive games, we will improve day by day in the family of IFMSA!
Vol.4 2019.08.05 Mon.
Rex Crossley Awards
Rex Crossley Awards by AM19 Taiwan News Team
Every year, the Rex Crossley Awards is held for IFMSA members who have long paid effort in improving and changing the gloomy phenomena observed around themselves. Recruiting medical students all over the nation and integrating diverse resources, putting dreams into practice by transforming a vision into countless trivial but vital steps, negotiating, trying but fail‌these are the realities behind one and every of the projects, but it was amazing that all of the outstanding participants were able to stand still in the devastating tide of reality, and face the obstacles in a courageous but practical approach. The projects were versatile both in content and in means of dissemination. All kinds of topic are included, such as lifestyle campaigns, sexual education, to name a few; utilizing methods such as collaborating with prestigious organizations, holding campaigns, teaching in schools‌ Thanks to the Rex Crossley Awards and all the participants who have been changing the world not for fame, but propelled by passion and compassion, could we be encouraged that we, medical students, could actually change the world!
(for further information, please check our fb posts!)
Vol.4 2019.08.05 Mon.
Regional Sessions
Regional Sessions
by AM19 Taiwan News Team
Dividing countries into regions is a mean of separating the planet geographically, simultaneously classifying people by similar living styles, languages and religions. During regional sessions, we are capable of exchanging perspectives with neighbor countries, having the most efficient and united discussions along with the best outcome in company with one another.
“20 countries have only one medical school while 6 countries have no medical school.” Africa is facing the problem of lacking educational resources and came up with feasible strategies correspondingly. Additionally, several issues were in heated discussions, especially HIV, human rights in war areas, fund insufficiency and current medical education in Africa. During a speech, “Good Governance”, the extremely praiseworthy interactions between the lecturer and audience was impressive, with plenty of methods and advices exchanged. On the other hand, the regional session of EMR (E le c tro n ic M e d ic a l R e p o rt) s ta rte d w ith a discussion over the IOG (Institute of Gerontology) proposals and the EMR RD Candidate Debate. Delegates asked the two candidates about their thoughts toward EMR and discussed over the external updates, such as IPSF EMRO (the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation) and so on. As for delegates from all around the U.S.A, a variety of issues were discussed including local health care system, drugs, medical education and so on. What worth-mentioning was that the issue “Climate Change” was paid a good deal of attention, and delegates proposed a lot of different viewpoints in order to figure out solutions. People around the world are all faced with different difficulties and issues; however, we are willing to show our enthusiasm and passion to seek for ways that work out thoughtfully and positively!
Vol.4 2019.08.05 Mon.
Regional Sessions