Associa-Med Tunisia SCOPH Sessions |NM2017 Follow-up kit

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Follow-Up Kit SCOPH SESSION National Meeting November 2017 Not All that happened In the NM stayed there To find out more ----->

Table of contents SESSION DAY 1 -Covering the Bases SESSION DAY 2 - Being an asset to the team MESSAGE FROM SCOPH SESSION TEAM: -Message from NPO publication assistant : Salma Sahnoun -Message from member of LC Tunis : Eya Ben Nejma -Message from LC sousse : Imen Ben Brahim -Message from members of LC Sfax: Ranim Toumi Molka Ben Bey

DAY 1 Covering the Bases

Get to know each other

Ground rules Session team (Punishment coordinator, time keeper, Mr clean, reporter)

Ice breaker


BASICS: What is IFMSA ? What is Associa-Med ? What is SCOPH ? What is Public Health ?

NPO time !

Exercices: Find your soulmate, ‘Marche du pouvoir’

What’s Public Health, Global Health, International Health ? Social Determinants of Health Levels of intervention

4 PM ! Mental Health time by Cyrine Ben Said

DAY 2 Being An asset to the team

Energizer: Say what I say and do the opposite of what I Say

Session Reporter Punishment SCOPH TALKS : LPO TIME : Presentation of local programs

Climate Change and Heath by Ferid Bouothmani

Messages from SCOPH session team

Salma Sahnoun : National Team DAY 1 The first day of the SCOPH session , november 11th, was all about getting to know SCOPH . With a number of 25 participants, the session started with team building, ice breakers such as ‘say something that annoys you’ so that the participants get to know each other better in order to enhance the interaction between them. We also consented on certain ground rules that every participant should respect otherwise he will get a punishment . A severe one! After that, it’s NPO time . Our NPO Mrs Amal Abayed started with a mission and vision exercise and after that came the presentation of the national team and this year’s SCOPH program. Of course , no session could be sheered from Energizers. Ours were «Funky chicken »and «This is how we ride the Bunny»...

..The session was so useful to participants because they got a clear vision about many terms such as Global Health,International Health ,Public Health and established the difference between them. In addition to that, we did a «Marche du pouvoir» exercise which contained many social situations that we discussed. Eventually , we got deeper in the Mental Health issue with our trainer Mrs Cyrine Ben Said and it was really amazing the way she dealt with the issue. »THE CAT NUMBER 9»


November 12th , the day was divided in three parts : First part was explaing the meaning of «Levels of Interventions» by Mrs Amal Abayed and Mrs Eya Dorgham . The second part was dedicated to the LPOs , Mrs Leila Mhenni (LPO sousse), Mrs Nourhene Ben Hamed (LPO sfax) , Mrs Nawress Haddad (LPO monastir ), Mr Arbi bessghaier (LPO assistant) on behalf of Mrs Maroua Jemii (LPO tunis). Each one of them introduced their mission and vision, as well as their local program. The third part was about the Climate Change and Health. Thanks to Our trainer Mr Ferid Bouothmani, the participants had the opportunity to acquire interesting informations on the subject and asked questions to emphasize their comprehension. On no account can we forget the important Feedbacks about the session. Fortunately the positive feedbacks outstripped the negative ones but this doesn’t mean that we won’t stop progressing! The coming-up sessions will certainly be unforgettable too. We finally came to the end of the session, we took a group photo to remember the magnificent moments we shared together and then came the time to say goodbye!

Molka Ben Bey : LC Sfax If they ask me whether I want to repeat this experience again or not, my answer would certainly be a yes. I’m totally glad I’ve been there with those awesome people who showed mutual respect and shared mind-buggling ideas that were really beneficial to me. I was also amazed by the level of positivity and the amount of modesty within the group, the thing that encouraged me to leave my comfort zone and get involved into discussing topics I was afraid of being unqualified to discuss since i’m a first grader. I also admired the trainers and the National Team who did their best to make us at ease. We were like a freshly-shaped family. A family I would love to see as soon as possible. The last thing I’d like to say is that my only thing I regret is not being able to know each one of the participants in depth because of the lack of time; they’re absolutely beautiful souls we don’t get the chance to meet everyday.

Eya Ben Nejma: LC Tunis Je suis en PCEM1 et je participe pour la première fois au National Meeting avec la session SCOPH. Durant cette session, j’ai rencontré beaucoup de monde et ça a été génial même si on n’a pas eu trop le temps de bien faire connaissance à cause du programme chargé. Sinon notre NPO Mme. Amal Abayed a fait un excellent travail en passant le message voulu en toute simplicité et fluidité. Personnellement j’ai trouvé la partie qui portait sur la santé mentale de Mme. Cyrine et celle qui portait sur le Climate Change de M. Ferid très enrichissantes et j’aurais aimé qu’on aie plus de temps avec Mme. Cyrine. Finalement je tiens à féliciter toute l’équipe pour ce travail et merci !

Ranim Toumi: LC Sfax «I am so grateful and thankful for being chosen to be a part of this session. It was a wonderful and an unforgettable experience for me. I didn’t only get the chance to meet all these fabulous SCOPH heroes, to learn from their experiences and share their ideas, but also it was my first time to learn about ‘Mental health ‘ wich was an amazing training : it was so deep and heart-warming ... Cyrine is a good trainer that helped me in some way find the road to myself and listen to myself. And for sure I can’t forget about the «Climate change « training. It was so interesting and informative .. Ferid made us see it from another sight and thanks to him, we got motivated to work on it and we succeeded to discuss some solutions .... All I want to say is actually that it was a successful session. I am so happy that I was part of this groupe and I hope that I’ll get a second chance to be in SCOPH sessions. I am so excited to learn more about it and to get to know more about SCOPH people.»

Imen Ben Brahim:LC Sousse «La session était si éducative et interactive, j’ai admiré les exercices qu’on a fait. Personnellement, ça m’a appris que chacun d’entre nous peut faire une différence au sein de sa communauté. En plus j’ai aimé les sujets comme ‘climate change’ que j’ai appris au cours duquel que nous sommes tous concernés et que nous devons agir immédiatement. Le plus intéressant c’est ‘Mental health’ avec la résidente Mme. Cyrine qui m’a touché avec ses messages brefs et intenses .Je remercie également les responsables pour l’organisation de cette session .»




See you Nextime SCOPHEROES !

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