Associa-Med Tunisia SRT | PHLT Survival kit Mahdia March 2018

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! t i k l a v i Surv

Mahdia Tunisia

IFMSA The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 136 National Member Organizations from 127 countries across six continents, representing a network of more than 1.3 million medical students. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future. IFMSA is recognized as a nongovernmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization; and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.




RAs (Asia pacific / Africa / EMR / Europe / Americas)




PHLT t i k l a v i v r u s

1. Welcoming Messages 2- SCOPH: History, Vision and Mission 3- Meet the Trainers 4- Introducing the workshop: AntiMicrobial Resistance 5- Training Camp Code of Conduct 6- Tunisian Training Camp 2018 General Agenda 7- PHLT sessions’ Agenda 8- Materials and methods sharing 9- Get Ready! 10- Abbreviations


Dearest SCOPHeroes,

Welcome to the PHLT in Mahdia, Tunisia!

Public Health Leadership Training is a workshop to empower healthcare students and public health enthusiasts to be leaders. You have a vision, you want to make a change, you want to do something; the PHLT is here to enable you to do just that. It provides you the skills and knowledge needed to be a Public Health Leader.

From realising one's’ own leadership and personality style to team dynamics, it will equip one with the skills to be work within an manage a team to work together for a common goal. With activity management skills from the basics to advanced the workshop enables one to practically implement their ideas. The unique aspect of this workshop is not only the content and knowledge but the actually practise during the workshop .It is about witnessing the skills practically unfold during teamwork and implementing the knowledge to compose and present wonderful projects by the end of the three days.

AMR is one of the most crucial public health issues of our time. More than 10 million people are dying because of it and the number is only expected to increase manyfolds. It is the irreversible damage that we, now, need to do something about. With the basics of Public Health and knowledge on AMR participants will be able to tackle and find solutions AMR variantly in their own countries and localities.

Atlast, what I want to say is it all starts with a vision; a vision for a better public health system; a vision for change and vision for healthier and happier communities and we are here to translate that vision into a reality together.

So keep those visions alive and passion burning and we as the current and future leaders will make a change for the better.

I wish I was there, I am sending you loads of orange love and hugs.

Wishing you a successful and memorable PHLT! :D

SCOPHly yours, Nishwa SCOPH-Director 2017/18

Dearest PHLT participants,

Welcome to the Tunisian Training Camp! My name is Amal Abayed, a 22-year- old medical student in the University of Medicine of Tunis. It’s a pleasure to introduce to you the Public Health Leadership Training (PHLT) Survival Kit.

Under the roof of the World Health Students’ Alliance (WHSA), Medical, Dental, Veterinary and Pharmacy students, coming from different backgrounds, are gathered in this workshop for one main cause: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). It’s high time we worked hand in hand, to tackle this public health issue that has started consuming the Tunisian society. Associa-Med has defined its vision and missions based on one main pillar which is medical students.

I read once

« The way to change the world is through individual

responsibility and taking local action in your own community. Bridges.

» - Jeff

Therefore, I strongly believe that equipping ourselves with knowledge, skills and values is capable of having both short and long-time effects. I invite you all to embark on this adventure till the end, to savour SCOPH special moments and become a SCOPHero: a motivated leader and advocate in the field of public health. I hope you will find this survival kit useful and would like to thank everyone for being determined to join us on this PHLT workshop.

‘It’s Public Health that brings us all together! ’ Make it special! Looking forward to meeting each one of you in Mahdia! On Behalf of the SCOPH National Team,

Orange love, Amal NPO 2017/18



The Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) brings together medical students from all over the world to learn, build skills, cooperate, explore and share ideas when it comes to addressing all issues related to public health, including global health issues, health policies, health promotion and education, activities.

History 1952

SCOSH the Standing Committee on Students Health

IFMSA Vision 1963

SCOH Standing Committee on Health


SCOPH Standing Committee on Public Health

A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally.

SCOPH Mission To follow the vision, the SCOPH works to empower future leaders, and to promote health on the Local and Global levels.




SCOPH General Assistant

Fun fact For the past 7 years I visit (climb if possible) at least 1 volcano per year.

Katja ÄŒiÄ? SCOPH Development Assistant

Fun fact

Tarek Ezzine

I have been a Metamorphosis Teacher on a Harry Potter website ! The job included writing courses, correcting exams, announcing the results and so on. It lasted 7 years!


Pr. Rim Abdelmalek

Infectiologist, Technical Committee for Combatting Antibiotic Resistance

Quote "Exige beaucoup de toi-même et attends peu des autres. Ainsi beaucoup d'ennuis te seront épargnés" Confucius


INTRODUCING THE WORKSHOP ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE Ever more we are tending on introducing a specific Public Health theme as a leading thread throughout the PHLT. This theme is chosen depending on regional but also national priorities, and individual strengths and areas of expertise of the facilitators. Based on the World Health Students’ Alliance (WHSA) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), we have decided to bring the alliance to a national level by working with other Tunisian Associations such as TADS* , ATEP* and IVSA* . Therefore, achieve a better impact on the Tunisian society through working on a large scale. This is the reason why we have chosen AMR, which is a very challenging Public Health area in Tunisia, as the theme of our PHLT. Tunisia as part of the EMR region, although it is not using antimicrobials for animals (farming, etc.) as much as other world regions, is still strongly affected by the global issue that AMR is presenting today. The main issue in our country is antimicrobial misuse : self-medication with antimicrobials (antibiotics in particular), being over-the-counter medications obtained without a prescription, or by irrational prescription by physicians.


In Tunisia, anyone can buy antibiotics from Drug Stores without a previous Medical Doctor’s prescription and that's usually what people do. Even Medical Students (Future Medical Doctors) aren't aware of the threat of misuse of antibiotics. We believe it's of our duty as a Health Organization to raise awareness of Antimicrobial Resistance.

All the mentioned factors are key contributors to Antimicrobial Resistance, which is increasing dramatically with multidrug resistant strains being more common throughout the world. Aim : This workshop aims to train SCOPHians and others to actively take leadership roles within the field of Public Health. Moreover, it will train participants in specific fields closely related to IFMSA and Public Health work, such as specifics on Activity management. Complementary to this, it will aim to aid the participants build knowledge about themes that are priorities to their Regions so they will be able to apply what they have learned not only on a ‘theoretical’, but also on a practical, local level. We are expecting participants from different organizations :





Tunisian International Association Tunisienne Association of Veterinary Students' des Etudiants en Pharmacie Dental Students Association


TRAINING CAMP CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PARTICIPANTS Dear Participants of the Tunisian Training Camp March 2018, Welcome to Mahdia! We hope you’re ready to live an unforgettable and enriching experience. The Organizing Committee wants to make sure that your stay as well as the others will be as good as possible. Thus, we have set a Code of Conduct. We hope that you’ll respect it to the letter in order to honor your NMO. We ask you to read it carefully during your check-in. Preamble: This code of conduct was created by the Organizing Committee. It aims to formulate the characteristics of the participants ‘behavior to: - Be conform to the principals and values of our training - Create a comfortable and safe environment and atmosphere for all participants of every cultural background - Achieve the best outcomes for the sessions Principals and values: We hope that each participant will be responsible and will act in accordance with the principals and values of this training. We hope that all the participants will treat each other with respect and promote tolerance, dignity and equality. Taking part of trainings should be a significant, amusing and safe experience. No form of discrimination, religious, social, racial, national, sexual will be tolerated from any participant to this training camp.

General rules and behavior All the participants should feel comfortable during their stay: Thus, we wait that each one follows these instructions: - Being respectful: make sure that everyone can and will feel comfortable to speak out. - Be professional in your speeches and actions and show respect to the ideas and opinions of others. - Take Care: Ensure the health, safety and well-being of yourself and other participants. - Be clean: Avoid unnecessary loss of resources. Clean your training’s room before leaving. - Speak no evil. Do not post, share or disseminate any form of media (including pictures, videos and/or messages) on any forum (including online) that could damage the image of a participant, the Organizing Committee or the Federation. All posts that contain threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, hateful, or otherwise objectionable content shall be removed and may lead to disciplinary action. - Be eco-friendly. Act in environment-friendly way with the capacities of the host (e.g. recycling materials) - Participate. Take an active role in the General Assembly program and contribute. You are responsible for getting the most out of the GA for yourself. You are a representative of your NMO within the spaces of the IFMSA and therefore it is important that you consider how to act and behave accordingly. Being here is a great honor. Be considerate of others and ensure that they are able to do the same. - Do not act in any way that may cause damage to the venue (breakages etc.) - Be on time and avoid causing distraction when entering a session that has already started

We prohibit: - Violence or threat of violence, intimidation or harassment to any party. - Discrimination towards any other person, sexual harassment, SOGI based discrimination or racist slur. - Consuming alcohol in formal meeting rooms. - Smoking inside any formal or informal meeting room (including during all social programs). Financial Liability: Delegates will be financially liable for any damage to equipment, facilities, constructions and environment at the Conference venue that should result from their actions. Raising concerns: If you have any concerns about the behavior of other participants at the meeting or violations to the code of conduct or any reclamation please approach any member of the OC or the information desk at the entrance. We wish all participants the best possible experience. We kindly ask you to bear the content of this Code of Conduct in mind at all times to help achieve this goal. I, the Undersigned, hereby accept that failure to conform to this code of conduct will be subjected to disciplinary action.






Please feel  free to join the PHLT Training Facebook group: /361821817635019 /?notif_id=1521586623014264& notif_t=group_added_to_group&ref=notif


GET READY Sleep Tight ! Bring your enthusiasm, motivation and SCOPH energy ! Bring your Orange T-shirt ! Be on time! Enjoy the PHLT!

ABBREVIATIONS SCOPH: Standing Committee on Public Health IFMSA: International Federation of Medical Students Associations GA / DA / RA : General /Development / Regional. Assistant WHO: World Health Organization (OMS) NMO: National Member Organization PHLT: Public Health Leadership Training LOSO: Liaison Officer for Student Organizations LPH: Liaison Officer for Public Health issues NPO: National Public health Officer LPO: Local Public health Officer EMR: Eastern Mediterranean Region IVSA: International Veterinary Students’ Association ATEP: l’Association Tunisienne des Etudiants en Pharmacie TADS: Tunisian Association of Dental Students AMR: Antimicrobial Resistance

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