Lifestyle magazine May 2017

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1 0 9 I S S U E MAY 2017

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22-23 May Book tickets NOW

29th June Finalists announced!

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I've been in the news recently. Every time something pops up about holidays in term time I am a spokesperson for the national media. The subject of taking children out of school in term time is something I am very passionate about. It is about the entitlement to go on holiday. It is about the principal of not being so outlandishly ripped off by holiday and flight companies who quadruple the prices when the kids break up. It is about the principal of being able to make educated decisions about the upbringing and welfare of my children without being dictated to by the government. The decision by the Supreme Court to criminalise decent hard working parents for taking them out of school in term time is wrong and not thought through. This has been a smokescreen to hide the fact that not only is this a tax on families but the ruling was a political decision to save egg on the face on the government who would have had to fork out millions un compensation to those parents already fined. My children are well travelled and received the highest accolades in their report, they consistently attain high grades in class, one of my kids was personally selected by the head teacher to represent the school in a presentation in front of the Chief of Police and Lord Mayor. My children are widely acknowledged in the community as being extremely polite and respectful and teachers hope that they are placed in their classes as they go through school. Their attendance is on average 98% One or 2 days off throughout the year is not going to dumb down education. Why are parents being punished for the sins of a very small minority of delinquent parents who are not interested in the welfare of their children. Deal with them individually. Children are blessings, not possessions or accessories. Most countries except my homeland accepts this. Only in the UK are our offspring discouraged from taking them out in public until they are 18. "Snotty kids, troublesome teens". Stop blanket labelling everyone under age. Stop this negativity You can learn a lot from children and indeed my eyes have been opened since I have brought up my children and I have learned new things, such as overcoming a fear of climbing a real mountain. We, as families are not cattle to be herded on holiday when the government dictates and then shuffled back to our sheds out of season. May I suggest that those who criticise me and say my children are a " lifestyle choice" study evolution and the meaning of life. Breeding is inherent to the survival of our species. Everyone benefits from the younger generation, who see the world through fresh, untarnished and enthusiastic eyes. If you are fortunate to grow old and don't have children to assist you who will be looking after you in your care home? Who will be treating your ailments? Who will you be calling to mend your light fitting/boiler? Who will be protecting our country? My children's generation. Summer is around the corner and I look forward to seeing children playing outside, in the parks and sat in restaurants with their parents. They should be seen and heard. Life is for living, stop telling everyone how they "should" be. Have a wonderful day, a wonderful week, have a wonderful month Amanda x

Lifestyle monthly MEET THE TEAM Managing Editor Amanda Moss 07916332469 Business Development Director Simon Moss Sales 07930289246 Lance Whittaker 07736806026 Designed by ASL Heswall 07788510868 07894445436


CONTENTS 8. Kaiser Chiefs at Aintree Racecourse 10. Police warn of a new telephone scam


11. The Open Hospitality 12. It's time for Lightnight 13. Liverpool Sports Clinic keeping you doing what you love 14. The Open returns to Royal Birkdale 17. Liverpool's bid to host the Commonwealth Games 18. Wowfest 22. What makes me happy


24. Dr Hilary Jones 27. HC-FIT Personal Training 28. When Active Wear goes too far



30. Victor Carpio to showcase his collection at Manchester Fashion Week


35. Unity Theatre unveils re-opening programme 36. Reece Witherspoon 39. Pete Price 40. Ten Tonnes on Tour 41. Sgt Pepper celebrations 42. Martin Quirk Column 43. Tanya G 44. Gardening Style 45. Craig Phillips

42 40

46. Business Column 47. The Workshop 49. Bridal Season by Emma Lampkin 50. Samantha Foley enlightens us 52. Liverpool Travel Blogger 54. Join the party on Fred Olsen Cruise Lines 56. Seaside Festival 58. Everton in the Community 61. The National Trust celebrating 50 years



You guys are back here again this year playing the Jockey Club Live shows and you’re coming to Aintree. What keeps bringing you back to play the Jockey Club? It was surprisingly good. So when we first got an offer, it was quite a few years ago now. 2014 I guess, maybe ’13 to play in York at the races and we thought, okay, it might be fine, we’ll see how it is. Y’know what I mean? And then we turned up and I think there was like 27,000 people there or something crazy, it was like a festival but only we were playing, so we loved it. So we did some more the year after I think and then the year after and we’ll do a couple more this year. I think everyone has a good day out and it’s just a different thing. I think we’re lucky as a band actually that we can do lots and lots of different things and our fan base is kind of diverse enough so we can play Glastonbury and we can play a traditional rock festival or whatever that is. And then we can also play at a racecourse to loads of people. Do you approach the racecourse shows any differently to your normal kind of tours? It’s more like a tour than it is a festival I think because obviously when you play at a festival there’s loads and loads and loads of bands and loads of things going on and this is only us basically, supported by some horseracing! So we just sort of try and put on a good show for everybody really. At the end of the day everyone’s had a good time, hopefully they've won some money and they've got drunk so then we just try and put on a good show to sort of end it all off really. Play some hits, get everyone there bouncing and loosening their ties and kicking off their high heels. With so many huge songs to choose from and obviously your new material from the new album. How do you go about choosing your set list? I don't know really, it’s got a little bit harder. I sort of, generally write the set


list and I think it sort of writes itself, really. There’s songs that everybody wants to hear and then we’ll play some new songs from the new record and then we’ll try and dig out a couple of things that maybe are a bit unusual which I think keeps us interested and some of the people who come see us a lot obviously will be there as well so we play a little bit of that but y’know, just try and… As you say, we’ve got quite a lot of songs that everyone knows so it makes it quite easy. Is there one or two songs that you just dare not leave out of the set? ‘Dare not’ is an interesting question really. One of the things about our band and I think it’s kind of unique in a way is that we are a band really where we like to play a gig and we want everyone to have a good time. I think y’know, not playing big songs is sort of a bit selfish really for the people who have got tickets to come see us. So I don't think we’d ever do it. I don’t think it’s a matter of not daring to, I think we feel like we’ve written some songs, some great songs that everyone likes and we love the reaction to y’know, still when we play ‘I Predict A Riot’, ‘Ruby’ and other songs the reaction is still amazing, do you know what I mean? Even for those ones that are quite old now y’know. We love that reaction, so why would we not play them? And what song do you think does get the best reaction? Over all the years with all the songs that you’ve played, is there one particular one that just stands out that you can just see the crowd going nuts for it, loving? I think there’s a few obvious ones really. I think different places, different things. So when we go into Europe, ‘Ruby’ was a much bigger song than anything else really in sort of like Germany or places like that. That’s our number 1 biggest hit. I think in the UK ‘I Predict A Riot’ is our sort of like our trademark and then also ‘Oh My God’ ‘cause we finish with that so that’s one with a great reaction.

I think in the UK, the song we play and we absolutely know that it’s gonna be fine is ‘I Predict A Riot’. You guys are now a proper permanent fixture on the British music scene whilst so many of your contemporaries have kind of long since called it a day, why do you think you as a group of friends from Leeds have succeeded whilst so many have not? Is this something that you think about? We don't really think about it too much. I mean like, the album’s called ‘Stay Together’ and I think one of those things is we have stayed together and we are all still all very keen to be in a band. Y’know even when Rickys been off doing tele y’know, people go and do other things, we always sort of, get back together and it feels like the thing we’re meant to do. I think that helps really and we’ve always said y’know, I think we’ve had a few ups and downs but on the whole try and write some great songs that we like, the people like, that connect to the audience and play great gigs. I mean, I think one of our strengths, even probably more than the albums is just the fact that I think people come and see us live and they know they’re gonna have a good night y’know. And I think, we've played a lot of festivals before and get booked for festivals that y’know, maybe people don't buy the ticket perhaps to come see the Kaiser Chiefs specifically at I don't know, Glastonbury or Leeds and Reading or whatever festival we’re playing at, but they know if they can come along and they know they’re gonna have a good time and they’re gonna know the songs and they’re gonna sing and run around and Ricky’s gonna be entertaining, so I just think it could… Sorry, I’m gonna answer the question now! I think being a good live band and being a good group of friends and I think still wanting it and still doing it after all these years. I think that’s the reason that we have managed to stay around.

So she didn't suddenly go off on a nice holiday did she or something? No, probably not. I think my dad probably pocketed it. No, definitely she had a very good day out at the races, so yeah. Lots of friends and family have come and I think it’s sort of more what its about isn’t it? It's a bit more, it’s just a day out really isn’t it, a big day out and I think the races have always officially been sort of everyone get dressed up and go for a day out and I think that adding music to the end of it is a really, really great idea because

you’ve got a load of people and they’re all in the mood in a similar way to a festival. Like, you’ve got a load of people who are there to have a good time basically. I guess it makes our job, what’s the word for it? Easier ‘cause they’re already sort of, ready. You’re saying that your mum has been quite lucky before. What about yourselves? Anyone in the band have a little flutter on the days and done quite well? We’ve all done well and we've all done badly I think is the answer. I think the first time we played the first ever gig, I think me and Peanut put money on a horse and won our first bet ever of the Jockey Club Live events and since then we've been trying to have another winner. You don’t really study the form too much, you just go basically on name. It’s not very scientific. This year you’re going to be playing Aintree which is the home of the Grand National obviously just outside of Liverpool. Have you got an interesting story at all of just playing in the north-west or Liverpool at all? We’ve played Aintree before, but it was quite a long time ago. Played Liverpool, Manchester quite a few times. Actually, one of our favourite ever, ever Kaiser Cheifs gigs was in Manchester at the arena there on a Saturday night in about 2007, where it just sort of, I dunno, just seemed to click. Everyone’s football team had played, everyone’s

football team had won. It was just the best gig ever in terms of the crowd reaction, it was just phenomenal. Like I said, last time we played up there we were playing a Jockey Club Event at Haydock. Alex Ferguson was there. Did you get to meet him? No, we just booed him. Are summer holidays a thing of the past for you now you just play festivals in the UK and Europe throughout the summer? The people in our band who have chidlren, which is not me, definitely definitely hate the fact that fundamentally, summer holidays they do not get to be at home or go on lovely vacations with their children. I just said to another guy who was fairly disbelieving of this fact. Apart from I think it was like 2010 when we had a year off, we have played festivals every single summer since 2004. The first one was a little on the light side, but after that, we play about I dunno, 20 or 30 between summer festivals y’know.

Tickets are on sale via

These shows, the Jockey Club events are very much for friends and family to come and watch an early evening of racing and then party the night away with acts like yourself. Have you guys over the years when you have been doing these shows, have you brought any of your friends and family along to them just for a day out? Yeah, definitely, yeah. My mum and dad have been. Everyone’s mum and dad have been and lots of friends. I mean, I feel guilty… Actually, I don't feel guilty. Whenever my mum comes and my sister as well yeah, they always go home. Last time my mum came to a gig, I can’t remember which one it was, she won. She picked the winning horse in every race but one in which it came second. I can’t remember what she did, she wasn't betting much, which is a shame. I’d of doubled or quadrupled her money. Very lucky, she’s a lucky person

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LUNCHEON 18th May In the private dining rooms of

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MERSEYSIDE BUSINESSES WARNED NOT TO FALL FOR NEW 'POLICE' PHONE SCAM B usinesses in Merseyside are being warned of a

new telephone scam, which is currently targeting offices throughout the UK. PR Call Blocker, makers of the best selling call blocking device in the UK, is urging businesses in Merseyside to hang up if someone claiming to be a local police officer phones encouraging you to make a donation to a community cause you have allegedly supported in the past. The scam involves a business receiving a call from a person (usually a male) claiming to be a local police officer. He begins by asking for a company director by name and then asks a series of questions about whether or not there have been any problems with anti-social behaviour in the area lately. This is a tactic to build a rapport with whoever answers the phone and display a level of knowledge of the local area to make them appear genuine. After lulling businesses in to a false sense of security with a seemingly sound knowledge of the area and the names of the company directors, the call then takes a sinister turn. The caller goes on to ask whether or not the business will be continuing to support a local police community publication with a small donation, just as they have done in the past. An apparent "colleague" of the caller then calls within ten minutes of the original call asking for payment. Yet when challenged to provide a telephone number so he can be called back, he claims to have forgotten his number.

Kris Hicks of CPR Call Blocker is urging businesses in Merseyside to be wary of unsolicited calls asking for donations: "The issue with this type of scam is that people in businesses could easily be tricked in to thinking that they have supported a cause like this in the past. As many local businesses often give back to their communities through charitable donations, scams like these can be easy to fall for. However, the police will not ask for money over the phone." "We would advise businesses in Merseyside to be vigilant against these types of calls and suggest they never make a donation over the phone to an unsolicited caller without verifying the caller. This can be done by asking for their full name, job title and telephone number so you can check it out. We would also advise businesses to be aware of all the causes that they have supported in the past so that they cannot be fooled in to donating to fake causes."

The Open Hospitality

is teaming up with Liverpool FC legend Kenny Dalglish to offer a very special experience at The 146th Open at Royal Birkdale from 20-23 July.

Those lucky enough to secure places within The Hillside Club will not only benefit from over 10 hours of fullyinclusive hospitality at one of the world’s greatest sporting events, but will also enjoy Kenny’s company when he hosts all four days at this exclusive facility. Kenny’s involvement will see The Open donate a share of the revenue to the Marina Dalglish Appeal, a charity established by the Dalglish family aimed at supporting the lives of cancer sufferers. When guests purchase a place at The Hillside Club for The 146th Open, they will be supporting Merseyside charity, The Marina Dalglish Appeal. The partnership will make a valuable contribution to their most recent project, Larks, a breast cancer support centre where cancer

patients are offered emotional support and holistic therapies proven to ameliorate their overall wellbeing. Former Liverpool Manager and avid golfer Dalglish said, “Marina and I are delighted that The Open Hospitality has shown such an interest in the work of the Marina Dalglish Appeal and that we will receive the support of The Open when it returns to Royal Birkdale this summer. Hillside Golf Club is a great venue and I look forward to welcoming guests to The Hillside Club in July. On behalf of Marina and our family, thanks for your support.” Book your place at The Hillside Club at and help raise funds for the Appeal while enjoying a wonderful day out at The Open. 11

IT’S TIME FOR LIGHTNIGHT Over 100 arts organisations come together for Liverpool’s “culture crawl” as the full programme is released Liverpool will come alive for its eighth annual LightNight on Friday 19 May with over 100 free cultural events at venues across the city.

Liverpool Parish Church is amongst the new venues taking part, playing host to Liverpool Biennial who will present new works by artists Frances Disley and Stephen Sheehan. Liverpool John Moores’ University LightNight’s principal sponsor - open up spaces across the campus staging special activities including ‘Time, Space and Climate Change’ at the John Foster Building, featuring experts from LJMU’s Astrophysics Research Institute and Department of Geography delving into the vastness of space, past climates and a glimpse into the future to look at the impact of climate change.


New Liverpool arts space Northern Lights will open artist studios late and stage the LJMU candle-lit labyrinth, live music, workshops and much more. In addition to the new venues opening on the night, there will be the usual vibrant mix of street drumming, theatre, puppetry and music along with light art installations at Metropolitan Cathedral, Victoria Gallery & Museum and FACT.

Both cathedrals will open their doors to music; with a mass singing workshop by Tracey Carmen and DJ Greg Wilson at Liverpool Cathedral and a special commemorative light art performance by Andy McKeown in collaboration with the cathedral choir resulting in a profound and breathtaking collision of old and new.

Venues opening late into the night will include Tate Liverpool, Merseyside Maritime Museum, Bluecoat, Black Lodge Brewery, FACT, Liverpool Cathedral, Dorothy, LJMU John Lennon Building, Everyman Theatre, Constellations, Liverpool Town Hall, Baltic Creative and many more.

Liverpool Philharmonic will open up the main auditorium for the first time on LightNight alongside the Music Room space staging a full night of performances from Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Choir, guitarist Craig Ogden, Rubber Duck Orchestra and more.

Western Approaches, a 1940s nerve centre of wartime Britain will be opened up with ‘Impropriety’s Journey to the Unknown’ 30-minute theatrical and comedic tours.

For the intellectually curious there will be a talk on time by a master horologist at Liverpool Medical Institute, and a talk and panel discussion on the philosophy of time at Liverpool Town Hall by Dr Michelle Bastian.

As festival organisers Open Culture release the full line up for this year, it’s revealed over 100 arts organisations are coming together to stage the free late night festival, with more than 900 artists and performers taking part to respond to the theme of time.

A number of new venues will throw open their doors for the 2017 festival, including Unity Theatre which will reopen to the public on LightNight following a £845k redevelopment marked by a special series of mini-commissions and a ‘reawakening’ ceremony.

behind the scenes tour and a glimpse into the past of this unique vessel.

The National Oceanography Centre on the Liverpool University campus will open to the public to give visitors the rare opportunity to see the intricate analogue tide predicting machines alongside new work by artist Pamela Sullivan. The Daniel Adamson boat at Albert Dock will open for the first time inviting audiences on board for a

The night comes to an end with the LightNight after party at Constellations, a future-Polaroid / AV installation meets club project, presented by artist Sam Wiehl and soundtracked by Andy Votel (Finders Keepers). Tickets available at and all proceeds go towards LightNight 2018.

The full line up is available at


Once of the most unique settings for a game of golf. Play 9 holes and have a taste of the challenging distance that the Grand National Horses experience during the world’s greatest steeplechase.

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You deserve to keep doing the sport you enjoy so we have a team that can look after you. Liverpool Sports Clinic is a full service sports clinic for private medical treatment to keep you doing what you love. From Sports Therapy to Orthopaedic Surgeon Consultation, our team can get you back outside and enjoying your golf. Whether you have a sports injury or health related issue, we can help. If you are new to the sports, our experienced team of experts will take you through all the necessary steps to keep you fit and free from injury. Golf is a great way to get outdoors and bask in nature. Studies have shown that constant exposure to green areas relaxes the body, reduces stress

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his summer, one of the world’s biggest sporting events returns to Royal Birkdale in Southport from 16-23 July. The 146th Open will bring together golf’s greatest players and rising stars who will battle to become Champion Golfer of the Year and lift the iconic Claret Jug trophy. Steeped in history, The Open is a sporting event like no other. First played in 1860 at Prestwick, The Open was golf’s first ever professional championship and has played host to some of the most unforgettable moments the golfing world has ever seen, many of which having played out over the magnificent links at Royal Birkdale. Past champions at this wonderful venue have included the likes of Arnold Palmer, Tom Watson, Peter Thomson, Lee Trevino and Padraig Harrington, who won The Open the last time it was played at Royal Birkdale in 2008. This year, Sweden’s Henrik Stenson will defend the title he won in unforgettable fashion last year, in one of the most memorable 14

sporting duels in modern history, beating American Phil Mickelson at Royal Troon. It’s been 25 years since an Englishman last lifted The Claret Jug, the last time being Nick Faldo in 1992. With many home players in strong form, could 2017 be the year? The Open has always been a Championship in which spectators have been able to get up close to their sporting heroes as they walk alongside on the historic links. At Royal Birkdale, natural sweeping dunes provide perfect vantage points and impressive backdrops, and thousands of free grandstand seats along with viewing platforms across the course ensure spectators have the best views of all the action. With plenty to do outside the ropes, The Open’s Spectator Village will offer a fun festival atmosphere with food and drink to suit all tastes. Comfy bean bag chairs and large screens provide a place to relax and take in all the action. Kids under the age of 16 go free to The Open, and there’s plenty to do for families, including free golf lessons, the Links Challenge where children can put

their golf skills to the test in a fun and friendly environment as well as a soft play area. Free camping accommodation is offered to all Youth ticket holders (age 16-25) in The Open Camping Village, and spectators can also purchase a place in this affordable accommodation solution for £40 per bed per night, subject to availability. High drama, historic tradition and sporting prowess all on Liverpool’s doorstep, no wonder it’s the fastest selling Open in history. The Spring Ticket Promotion is on now until 31 May, and fans can save £5 per ticket by purchasing with a Mastercard. Tickets are on sale now at

SIX SIX By Amanda Moss


By Amanda Moss


Available Availa Ava able to pur purchase urchase on

SPORTS EXECUTIVE BRIAN BARWICK IS TO CHAIR LIVERPOOL'S BID TO HOST THE COMMONWEALTH GAMES The 62 year old Liverpudlian – who is Chair of the Rugby Football League (RFL), Super League Europe Ltd, the National League and a member of the FA Council – will spearhead the city's drive to secure the event in 2026, or 2022 should the UK host the Commonwealth Games following Durban's recent withdrawal. The former head of BBC Sport, controller of ITV Sport and Chief Executive of the Football Association will lead 'Team Liverpool' - a group of world-leading experts with an unparalleled track record in successfully bidding for major sporting events, including the Olympic Games, the Commonwealth Games and the FIFA World Cup. Brian Barwick said: "Having worked in and around sport most of my adult life, the chance to lead the work for my home city of Liverpool to host the Commonwealth Games is a huge privilege. I am delighted to be involved in this project and clear that Liverpool, with such an illustrious sports history, will make the perfect host city for the Commonwealth Games. "I have already spent some time with the team and am very impressed with their enthusiasm and expertise." Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson said: "I am delighted that Brian Barwick has accepted my invitation to Chair the city's bid to host the Commonwealth

Games. He brings a wealth of experience both as a leader of some of the biggest sports organisations in the country and a successful career at the highest level in TV sport.

multi-disciplinary feasibility and bidding teams for Commonwealth, Olympic & Paralympic Games; Youth Olympics; European Games and Football, Cricket and Rugby World Cups.

"Brian's appointment, alongside a number of other highly respected advisors, sends out a powerful message that we are deadly serious about bidding for the games. We already have a first class reputation in putting on major events during and since our time as European Capital of Culture in 2008. I firmly believe we have the passion, belief and the ability to win and deliver a Commonwealth Games that can make the whole country and the Commonwealth proud.

Local sporting stars including heptathlon Katarina Johnson-Thompson, boxer Tony Bellew, gymnast Beth Tweddle and footballer Jamie Carragher have already backed Liverpool's bid. A budget of up to £500,000 has been set aside for Liverpool's bid. If successful, Liverpool would follow Glasgow -the most recent UK city to host the Games in 2014 - which estimated the event brought in £100 million to the city's economy.

"The Commonwealth Games has the potential to be a game changer in further driving forward the city's regeneration and renaissance, reflecting our growing confidence and attracting jobs, investment and profile that money simply can't buy, putting us on the world map. "The team of advisers now working with us is world class and over the coming months our priority is to put in place a compelling bid that will resonate with the Government, Commonwealth Games England and, ultimately, the Commonwealth Games Federation. These are exciting times for our city." Working with Brian and the Mayor will be one of the most prominent and respected women in sport Dr Denise Barrett-Baxendale who is a Director at Everton Football Club and an Executive Chair of Everton in the Community. Denise will be taking on the role of Deputy Chair of Liverpool's bid. Professor Barrett-Baxendale, said: "Liverpool has proven itself time and again as a natural home for world class events. I am incredibly proud to be part of Team Liverpool, working on a Commonwealth Games bid that will engage and excite the community in sporting activity." The advisors who will be working on the bid are: Strategic Advisors & Project Managers 4 global Consulting has acted as strategic advisors to Liverpool to date, helping the City understand the expectations of the Commonwealth Games Federation by developing a road map of work to be undertaken to enable delivery of a strong and credible bid. 4global senior team members have worked extensively in the major events arena for over 25 years and have a long and successful track record of advising clients and coordinating the work of

What they say: "Having worked all around the world on similar projects, I am so proud and excited to help the city I grew up in, win the honour of hosting the Commonwealth Games." Bernie Shaw-Binns, Brand Oath Founder and Creative Strategy Director "It is fantastic to be part of the team to bring the Commonwealth Games to Liverpool. We are passionate to celebrate the very best of Liverpool and deliver the best ever Commonwealth Games for the city and its people. It is an opportunity we are proud to be part of and we are determined to play our part in the strongest Liverpool bid. As a Liverpudlian, this appointment is extra special for me, when it's your home town it really counts, and it carries that extra bit of magic." Kevin Owens, Director of Wilson Owens Owens "We are thrilled to be working with the city in its bid to host the Commonwealth Games and looking forward to helping it create a compelling case to bring the event to Liverpool. The city is fast becoming a major player in staging sports and other events and its ambition to host the Commonwealth Games is a logical next step." John Zerafa, VERO Director Mike Kearney (Liverpool City Council's Head of Sport), Kate Cullen (WilsonOwensOwens) Kevin Owens (WilsonOwensOwens), Professor Denise Barrett-Baxendale, John Zerafa (Vero), Clair Ashley (Vero), Mayor Joe Anderson, Ron Odunaiya (Director of Community Services), Brian Barwick, Neil Wood (Deloitte LLP), John Moore (strategic technical advisor), Peter Mann (4Global), Bernie Shaw-Binns (Brand Oath)



1st – 26th May 2017 Events: May Day Parade * Time For Action * Tax The Robots * Food Revolutionaries * Indie-pendence Day * The Oompa Loompa of Doom and the Brexit Elephant in the Room * Punk Survivors * Rebel Women * Time to Rhyme 18


Highlights: The first round of guests up for revolutionary debate are writers China Miéville, John Rees and Kate Evans at ‘Revolution!’ on Wed 3rd May; comedy, music and verse from Henry Normal, Ian McMillan and Joanne Harris; revolutionary musical tales from Rough Trade founder Geoff Travis; festival favourite Phil Scraton returns; Chris Riddell, Children’s Laureate & Cartoonist for the Observer will be drawing and talking for children and adults; Dave Randall, guitarist from Faithless joins Peter Hooton to discuss his new book on

the political power of music at Leaf Café on 26th May. Madeline Heneghan, CoDirector of Writing on the Wall, says ‘ In these globally turbulent times, artistic production and creativity has a vital role to play: it can bring people together, really get them thinking critically and motivated for change. We are proud and delighted to present a programme packed with radical writers, outrageous comedy and crucial debates for WoWFest 2017.’ For full details of the festival line up visit




To celebrate the release of ‘King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword’ in cinemas May 19th, Warner Bros. Pictures and ODEON Switch Island offer you the chance to win an exclusive merchandise pack*

Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot are back for ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2’, in a cosmos-spanning adventure to try and track down Peter Quill’s mysterious father. They know he’s not human, but it’s not much of a lead to go on. And their search doesn’t go smoothly as a new threat rears its head – after all, the galaxy isn’t going to save itself. Get hooked on a feeling all over again for ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2’, which reunites our beloved space heroes and introduces new people to the team. Ooga chaka!

Fantasy Action Adventure. Acclaimed filmmaker Guy Ritchie brings his dynamic style to the epic fantasy action adventure "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword." Starring Charlie Hunnam in the title role, the film is an iconoclastic take on the classic Excalibur myth, tracing Arthur's journey from the streets to the throne. When the child Arthur's father is murdered, Vortigern (Jude Law), Arthur's uncle, seizes the crown. Robbed of his birth right and with no idea who he truly is, Arthur comes up the hard way in the back alleys of the


city. But once he pulls the sword from the stone, his life is turned upside down and he is forced to acknowledge his true legacy...whether he likes it or not. © 2017 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved 'KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD' is released at ODEON Switch Island and ODEON Liverpool ONE on 19/05/17 No online booking fees Book your visit with ODEON online and don't pay a penny in fees! - Remember to take advance of ODEON Switch Island's FREE PARKING! * T&C's - Merchandise items TBC

'GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2' stars Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper and is OUT NOW at ODEON Switch Island & ODEON Liverpool ONE!!

WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY Award winning holistic therapist and entrepreneur Tracy MacMahon talks about what makes her happy

Well, I was on holiday with my friend in vilamoura in Portugal and we were in the Hilton 7 spa in 2009, it took my breath away, and after my treatment I realised this is what I want to do, I felt amazing, just after an hour relaxation, so I said to my friend, “when I get home I’m going to college (as a mature student) and I am going to open a therapy centre called Buddha Therapies”, the rest is history !!!, and she always laughs now and says “tray, I’ll never forget that conversation x What is your favourite treatment? What I specialise in is creating “Individual Prescriptions”, this means that after you finish your consultation from written and verbal information, or continued treatments, that every treatment is different, so every treatment MUST be assessed differently. Your symptoms change and so does the body also my knowledge, I assess the body, organs, mind and emotions for weaknesses, and use a combination of traditional eastern Asian and western therapies and most importantly, my own intuition and energy to help any symptom or condition. Compassion, empathy, knowledge and active listening is all key to achieving this with optimum results. “The power of touch”. How does it affect your life? The positivity, changes and challenges it has on me as an individual is hard to put into words, when you treat at least 30 clients per week with so many problems, illnesses and personal


problems it puts everything into perspective and makes you realise, nothing is permanent, things will always get better no matter how bad it is right now. During my treatments I learn, the client learns how to cope with life’s stresses and the feeling it brings after I see improvements either physically, spiritually or emotionally makes my heart sing. I can also use everything I learn and give this gift to my children and the younger generation so they can find ease in life’s little struggles.

How did you get into holistic therapies?

This isn’t like a job for me it’s my passion so the time just flys

Talk us through a typical day At the clinic, I normally treat, each day between 6 – 8 clients, men, women and children from ages 4 90. When I see a client its different like I said every time, working on what problems they have and what needs addressing on the day. I tend to talk first, actively listen and advise on what is needed either from myself or what I advise the client to do to also help improve their health with nutrition, mindful and wellbeing advice, prevention is better than cure so using the knowledge ive accumulated over the 8 years I have been studying, and verbally

and physically putting it into practice. I will also select a combination of therapies to help with many symptoms and conditions such as cancer, fertility, spinal, migraines, acne, depression, stress, anxiety, injuries, insomnia, digestive issues plus much more . I tend to roll back to back throughout the day but the day goes so quickly as I just love what I do. This isn’t like a job for me its my passion so the time just fly’s. Why does it make you happy? There is nothing more rewarding than helping somebody who needs help, whether it be physically, spiritually or emotionally. Witnessing improvements in health, knowing you have lifted somebody’s spirit and helped them to create “positive emotions”, so they have the support they need to deal with life’s challenges, is one of the most satisfying thing you will ever do. My personal integrity is my passion, an affinity with people, nurturing them to recovery and growth often when they are mentally and physically depleted and my personal resilience I try to teach to others too, is your emotional and spiritual strength which enables you to enjoy life, survive pain, disappointment, and sadness. Why should everyone have holistic treatments? Holistic means “whole”. This means that when you get a holistic treatment you look at the “whole picture”, mind, body and spirit, aiming to balance all of the organs, and create a state of internal and external homeostasis. Everybody should experience a holistic treatment and my aim is to make it the “norm” for the “younger generation”, so our little ones have the understanding and the knowledge of how to help look after themselves, and learn how to practice selfcare every day.

What is your definition of a happy mind, body and soul? “Be carefree, have a positive mindset, let go of ego, worry less, smile every day, be generous, selfless, breathe and love everyone !!!” What do you think is the secret to your success? I feel bad answering this question because I am so passionate about what I do, but how successful the business is comes from studying, sacrifice, working very hard, from starting off renting a single treatment room, to a small clinic with 3 staff, now occupying a 3 story clinic with 7 members of staff and the expansion of 2 other businesses, “Buddha Therapies Academy” where we will be delivering courses on

holistic, complementary eastern and western therapies and “Little Buddha Wellbeing” which aims to shine rays of information to children, young people, teachers, parents and carers on the importance of mindfulness and holistic health. How do you feel when you give a treatment? Whatever is going on in my personal life or if I’m feeling under the weather, I switch off, tune in and just fly!!! 23

1. Lights out Night owls take note! Research shows that sleeping less than 7 hours a night is linked to poor brain health and memory loss, with studies showing that chemicals released during the deeper stages of sleep are vital for repairing the whole of the body, including the brain! Make sure you’re getting plenty of shut-eye by starting your bed time routine an hour earlier and leaving your phone and tablets out of the bedroom to avoid distractions that will hinder sleep.

5 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR BRAIN HEALTH WITH DR HILARY JONES Ensure you’re firing on all cylinders with my top tips for looking after your brain health. 24

2. Take a challenge Whenever we do something for the first time our brain builds new connections that keep it active and stimulated. A study with London cab drivers found that as they learnt The Knowledge – the huge task of learning the 25,000 streets and landmarks in central London from memory - they found that the cabbies had significant increase in the area of the brain that looks after memory and learning called the hippocampus. Taking up a new hobby could boost your brain health so why not learn a new language or take up a game like chess to keep your brain challenged. 3. Hearing is believing Did you know your hearing is not just down to your ears, it’s everything in between your ears too! Our hearing naturally declines over time, and studies show that straining to hear forces the brain to work harder. Overtime, this effort can take its toll and lead to an increased risk of dementia. Hearing loss can also stop your brain hearing the sounds it needs to hear, causing changes to the part of the brain which looks after language and memory. Going for regular

hearing checks is therefore crucial to ensuring your hearing is taken care of and you enjoy the pleasure of sound for a lifetime. 4. Healthy heart, healthy brain Exercise affects the brain in lots of positive ways – increasing the brain’s oxygen levels and supporting the release of hormones that help to create a healthy environment for the growth of brain cells. Exercise also helps to maintain the brain’s “plasticity” - its ability to change and reorganise itself throughout life by forming new connections between brain cells. Boost your activity levels by looking for an exercise that incorporates coordination along with getting your heart rate up, such as a dance class. Or if you prefer the gym, go for a circuits class which will not only give you a good cardiovascular work-out but keep your brain processing the next challenge too. 5. Food for thought! We all know that a good, clean diet rich in fruit and vegetables will improve all areas of your health, but eating healthily is also linked to slowing mental health decline too. Topping the list of brain-boosting foods are avocados which are packed with vitamin K and folate, a type of vitamin B which helps to prevent blood clots in the brain (protecting against stroke) as well as helping to improve cognitive function, especially memory and concentration. Beetroot, blueberries, leafy green vegetables, extra virgin olive oil and salmon are all brimming with powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols that not only improve learning and memory, but also reverse the age- and disease-related changes.




NOMINATIONS CLOSE 23 MAY Tickets £70+VAT, tables of 6 or 8 available For details contact #itsthelawtobeinfashion



Upper Floor 1 Birchall Street, Liverpool, L20 8PD

HC:FIT NinjaTraining is a brand new fitness and activity centre giving you the chance to try challenges like those seen on Ninja Warrior and obstacle races like Tough Mudder right here near the city centre. We’ve got over 20 originally designed obstacles including a full size 14ft warped wall and 6ft and 10ft smaller ones to practice on and get you ready to take on the beast! People can train to beat any obstacle, challenge themselves, improve their fitness and break through your limits. This is a whole new type of training making exercise effective, fun, exciting and rewarding. We have open gym sessions, you can train by yourself or in a group, or join one of the coached sessions and work with a Ninja Warrior UK semifinalist to gain the skills you need to beat any obstacle. There is something for everyone, people of all sizes, shapes, levels and abilities can come and have a great time! It’s a great group activity, great for team building, working together as a team to beat the challenges or compete against each other and see who’s the real ninja master. Owner Henry Cookey runs open sessions where people can come and train as they like, coached sessions for different levels and age groups, adult and kids parties, stag and hen do events, team building events and all kinds of activities to get people having fun while they’re improving their fitness.

"I also want to get more kids off their Xbox’s and Playstations and doing more exercise! I’m hoping I can spread NinjaTraining all around Liverpool and get more and more people involved and living more healthy and active lives.” he said before adding, "I love everything about this job! Now the hard work of setting up is done I get to spend all the time I want playing on the obstacles and training for the next season of Ninja Warrior! I really love seeing the change in people when they come in the gym, some people come in thinking they can’t do anything or they’ll be rubbish at it but after a few goes and a bit of encouragement they’re flying through! The look on some people’s faces when they’ve accomplished something they never thought they could do and the confidence it gives them is priceless! Both adults and kids, there’s a clear visible change in people when they leave from when they come in and that feels really good that we can give that to people." Why is now a perfect time to get involved? 1. Summer’s coming, it’s time to get fit and ready for the beach! 2. Ninja Warrior season 4 application is open so whoever fancies it has until June to apply and start training for it 3. It’s always the perfect time to have fun and get fit while you’re at it! and disease-related changes.

He said, “You don’t even realise how hard you’re working and that makes it a lot more appealing to some people that just lifting weights. I have to say since I opened this gym last month I haven’t lifted a single weight or stepped on a treadmill and I feel like I’m in great shape!" As well as give people the chance to do this kind of training here in Liverpool, Henry’s aim is to get people that wouldn’t normally exercise to be more active by making it more interesting for them, 27

• 65% of Brits will wear the clothes they would usually exercise in, even when they are not working out • 71% of Liverpudlians say they wear their workout clothes day to day THE TREND of Brits wearing gym fashion in everyday life has reached new heights, with many even opting to wear active wear to the office, according to new research. A survey of 1,017 UK adults, carried out by personal training course provider, revealed 65% of Brits will wear the clothes they would usually exercise in, even when they are not working out. Of those who do this, 72% say they wear active wear to go shopping, and 1 in 2 say they go for out for food in their workout gear.

19% of casual Brits say they would even wear active fashion to go to work, while 7% would go as far as to wear it on a date. Escalating the athleisure trend has seen collection launches of active wear from French Connection and Jordan Dunn for Missguided in just the past fortnight, and has even inspired a video that has gone viral on social media, mocking those who wear their gym clothes in social situations. When quizzed on the reasons for wearing active wear outside of the gym, 55% of respondents said it was comfort that made them opt for figure hugging leggings over jeans or otherwise, while 42% said they find wearing active wear more flattering on their body. The trend is also being fuelled by celebrities such as Charlotte Crosby, Ellie Goulding, Kardashian & Jenner sisters among others, who are often photographed wearing their gym kit running errands.


Simon Bubb, managing director of, said: "It's fascinating to see just how many Britons are embracing gym fashion in everyday life. In many situations, it can be a comfortable and breathable option but Brits need to judge the appropriateness of the situation before opting to wear their gym kit – in many cases, active wear it is not appropriate to wear in the office. "It's also interesting to see how many believe they look better in gym wear than they do in their normal clothes, suggesting Britons are embracing their bodies as they opt for more figure hugging fashion." Liverpool is the capital of gym bunny fashion, where 71% of locals say they wear their workout clothes day to day, closely followed by Birmingham where 69% say they do the same.


1 in 3 say they have been inspired to wear their workout gear outside of the gym, after seeing a celebrity do the same.

72% say they wear active wear to go shopping

RESEARCH Survey of 1,017 British adults

Debenhams Nine by Savannah Miller £20.00

GYM WEAR Accessorize ing Accessorize Lotus Floral Print Legg £ 25.00

Lipsy sportswear Topman Mens at Dune Tommen £140

£14 Red Herring Active at Debenhams

M& Co Training Zone Men’s Gilet £30

Gym bag, Primark £9

JOY 0 South Beach Danni Leggins £20.0

Accessorize 0 Accessorize T- Back Vest Top £15.0 Next Low impact sports bra £22


I believe that it is very important to never forget from where you came from. When we embark on the journey of life, our home is what defines what we take on our journey. The basis of all my actions is influenced by my Peruvian roots, my Peruvian parents taught me things which their parents taught them, so my foundation of right and wrong is moulded by these roots. To me this is very important because I see myself as a hardworking, respectful, well mannered, charming individual thanks to my roots. I was raised most of my life in England, I am very proud and thankful of this because it enabled me to extract traits and teachings from my origins to then modify and transform it to maximise my qualities. For example, Peruvians are strong believers in a greater universal power, A.K.A God, my background introduced me into this faith and I carry it with me in all I do, however my English upbringing has taught me to modify that faith, to also have faith in myself and my actions, if God has faith in me, then I can be confident to have faith in myself; self-faith is something which not all Peruvians have, but faith in God is a pandemic trait. I am incredibly thankful to be part of a deep, intriguing culture which has forged my beliefs and decision making. I am very proud to be British, it has let for something uniquely original to be created, this is very important for me and MAMA 30

MANCO as everything we do and create is channelled to be uniquely original. What influence has that had on your designs? All of our designs have this ‘never forget where you came from trait’. They have the British style of fashion but its interior essence and its reciprocal effects are dominated by its Peruvian roots. This allows our designs to stay clear from the traditional means of the Peruvian culture and instead use the Peruvian culture and teachings, modifying it to complement the English style of living. It is essentially a culture clash. This influence creates the latest fashionable clothing with Peruvian designs that constantly look through a European lens.

Tell us the importance of your Peruvian roots?

All of our designs have this ‘never forget where you came from trait’

Who is your target customer?

They are 18 – 30 year olds. The WOMEN of today, who are fascinated by culture and art,

learning and embracing from the past to modify the future and setting the trends of the present. These women are alternative, original, confident and keen on the latest fashion. What do you want someone to feel when they put on one of your designs? I want their sensations to vibrate, every feeling being enticed by our products in order to bring Peru across the Atlantic. When putting on one of our designs, all of the individual’s senses will be triggered as they smell the exotic flower, native to Peru, gripping onto the fabric of the apparel or inside the box of the product, with a smell so pungent they will be able to taste it; the touch of the high quality Peruvian materials running through their fingers as every smooth fibre tickles their senses allowing them to visualise the effort and the dedication put into the manipulation of these prime materials; all of which triggers the knowledge of us and our passion, alleviating the poverty and spreading the culture of Peru. In short, I want them to feel the presence of that country away from home, through the Andean fabrics with the loud colours, teasing scents and delicate touch which Peru offers. Who is your style inspiration? My style inspiration comes from a set of concepts of the women of today, those who practice comfort, beauty, are self-respecting and have abundant personality.

However if I had to pin it down to one person I would choose my wonderful grandma. Fashion cycles, so she is obliviously into the latest fashion trends which in her case have the Peruvian salsa, its strong colours and designs. In addition she is a workaholic, a practising doctor and DIYer across the house and so she’s constantly on the move, though most impressive of all is that she is always looking elegant whilst carrying out all this draining work. Therefore, her clothing needs to be comfortable and malleable which we take into account when producing our clothing; not forgetting to add the elegance to the practicality. Last of all, she’s uniquely original and her personality shines through, this is our most important factor in determining our style. Our clothes have tons of personality making each design an original. What are you looking forward to at MFW? People will forget what I did, they will forget what I said, but they will never forget how I made them feel and that is what I am most looking forward to at Manchester Fashion Week. I want to have first-hand experience of what my customer perceives and feels of MAMA MANCO. I am very excited for this as it will be my first time in this ever growing event, always hearing great things in terms of the welcome it gives to exhibitors. MAMA MANCO is a fusion of European and Peruvian culture and the excitement also stems from being able to display our products to our home. I am privileged to partake because I want to create history at Manchester Fashion Week, by unifying the world’s various infusions and hybrids of the emerging cultures and portraying them through our clothing at this large event. My objective is to try and reduce the distance between our two different continents, I am very thrilled to have a stage where I can bring together two worlds in one place; where better for these worlds to meet than in a vibrant city like Manchester.


Unity Theatre's Artistic

Director and CEO Matthew Linley has unveiled the opening season and "new artistic vision" for Liverpool's home of radical and contemporary theatre, which is currently in the process of its £845,000 Build Unity Better redevelopment project. Unity Theatre will reopen its doors to the public in time for Liverpool's one-night arts and culture festival, LightNight on 19 May 2017, with a 'ritual procession' and ceremonial 'awakening' of the building by artist Aleasha Chaunté of The Handless Project.

The public launch at LightNight Liverpool will take place as part of the summer season for the Liverpool venue, which, for Matthew, gives Unity Theatre the chance to show exactly why Build Unity Better was undertaken. He said "It may sound strange to say this, but Build Unity Better isn't really about the building – it's really about what it enables us to do. About what comes in and what goes out our new front door. Wherever you are from, whoever you are, why ever you are here, this is your place to dream."

The opening season draws on Unity's renewed focus on hosting, producing and championing edgy, political and challenging theatre. Matthew continues "The redevelopment for us is not just a matter of bricks and mortar; it will enable us to develop and present work simultaneously across two spaces, and use our new bar area for events. By developing our building, we'll also increase the amount we can take work out into the local community and also tour Unity developed shows nationally and internationally." The opening season reflects Unity Theatre's vision to support and present more new work in development. Red Ladder Theatre Company's new production of The Damned United, adapted by Anders Lustgarten will premiere at the theatre in May and Omnibus is an award winning play by Katie Mulgrew, which will be developed in collaboration with Liverpool's Royal Court. Horny Handed Tonnes of Soil by Lizzie Nunnery is Unity Theatre's contribution to the city's 50 Summers of Love celebrations inspired by the Mersey poets, and links with Hope Street partners, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall and Everyman on their shows; Summer with Monica and The Story Giant, respectively. The "new artistic vision" for the theatre includes being more open and reaching out to more diverse communities through Unity Theatre's work with festivals and community partners. The opening season including five festivals, three of which are new partners for Unity Theatre – LightNight, Physical Fest, Liverpool Fringe Festival,

Liverpool Pride and Liverpool Arab Art Festival. Accessibility and participation has prominence over the season, with Oliver in the Overworld, which features British Sign Language interpretation at the centre of the show, Home, by Frozen Light is a performance for children with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities, and Cartoonopolis is a show about living with Autism. Children's workshops, Saturday Splatterdays will return later on in July. For the first time this season, Unity Youth Theatre will perform as part of Liverpool Pride, presenting the show Borned, which looks at issues relating to being transgender. Gypsy Queen is also part of the programme for the weekend. Theatregoers can also look forward to shows by What We Did Next and OLC Productions and Naughty Corner Productions will re-visit the theatre to present two new shows as well as the sell-out Not the Horse, before presenting their triple bill at Edinburgh Festival. Tickets for the summer season are now available via Unity Theatre's website and by calling the box office on 0151 709 4988


REESE RETURNS Reese n is Witherspoo his back, and t in time, she’s control. “I want to be able to express myself – to create shows like this to show how important women are in our world,” declares a radiant Reese Witherspoon about her latest project – Big Little Lies – a new seven-part HBO series based on the eponymous best-seller by Australian novelist Liane Moriarty. Set in an affluent seaside town along the coast of California, the dramedy lifts the veil on the seemingly perfect lives of a group of mothers – revealing love trysts, lies and maybe even murder. “I feel like it was such a unique opportunity to have women at every age and of every colour talking about motherhood. That is the common denominator.” she says. As the mother of Ava, 17, and 36

Deacon, 13, – from her first marriage to Ryan Philippe – plus Tennessee, four, with husband Jim Toth, the 40-year-old is keen to promote an authentic and sincere portrait of women with children. “What was great about reading the novel for the first time is that I saw myself in different stages of motherhood all through my life,” chirps Witherspoon. “I was a mum at 22, I’ve been divorced, I’ve been remarried... they showed every spectrum and colour of a woman’s life.” So how does an A-list superstar go about casting a gang of gorgeous, glamorous women? By calling on her equally fabulous Hollywood pals, of course. Initially approaching Nicole Kidman to co-produce, it was decided at the request of writer Moriarty that Kidman and Witherspoon would both produce and star in the show, playing Celeste and Madeline respectively, along with Laura Dern, Shailene Woodley and Zoë Kravitz. “I’ve had so many conversations over the years with very talented actress friends, and I constantly see women of incredible talent playing wives and girlfriends in thankless parts. I’d just had enough... you can’t imagine the level of exasperation that comes

with having to compete for terrible parts in terrible movies,” she says, throwing her hands up. “For 25 years, I’ve been the only woman on set. They call it the Smurfette Syndrome: there’s 100 male Smurfs around and only one woman. But together with Nicole and Laura, we nurtured each other’s performances. It’s really a collective performance for all of us.” Despite her bright and bubbly veneer, Witherspoon has been deeply hurt in the past and has fought long and hard to stay on top, having struggled to overcome her image as the archetypal effervescent southern belle. Her very public divorce from Cruel intentions co-star Phillippe, after rumours of his repeated infidelity, also took a toll on her spirit and confidence. Eventually, salvation came from an unexpected place: Hollywood CAA agent Jim Toth. The handsome exec swept her off her feet and married her in March 2011. Witherspoon recalls: “Jim said, ‘I’m going to show you every day what a good partner is, what a good person is. I’m going to take care of you. I’m going to do this so much that you’re going to get used to it.’ I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’ I’ve never had anybody like that in my life!”


I want to be able to express myself - to create shows like this to show how important women are in our world


PETE PRICE M ay I start off by saying to you all

that I am not a shape shifting lizard ! The photographs and story has gone worldwide. It started 4 years ago on my radio show and has completely gone out of control. I am a normal human being from a normal family and in fact I don’t like lizards…so can we please put this to bed? If you have any comments about this ridiculous subject you can ring Sun – Thurs from 10pm on Radio City 2 & Radio City Talk




1) Andre Rieu – He is a violinist superstar and has the most amazing world wide fan club with a 50 piece orchestra its always a night to remember!


2) Ken Barlow - Poor old William Roache really is having a bad time on Coronation Street. Every one of his family don’t really like him. So every member has reason to want to see him out of the way. Im still Coronation Streets greatest fan! 3) Lulu – She is back on tour – its so long since I worked with her but she can still sing a tune!


Pete Price, 'Late Night City' Sunday - Thursday 10pm to 1am Radio City 2 & Radio City Talk. LIVERPOOL'S BIGGEST STAR. PETE PRICE ..... Inducted into 'The Radio Academy Hall of Fame' 2014

4) Pineau De Re – This was the winner of the National 2014 – I thought this year we showed the world once again how amazing Liverpool really is! 5) Sam Quek – She is such a wonderful ambassador for Liverpool with a personality to die for – so proud to call her a friend 6) Batman – I was minding my own business, having a coffee at the Hilton Hotel…and who joined me? The Caped Crusador ! I managed to get his phone number ! 39



New 'Born To Lose EP' follows on June 9th

Listen to lead track 'Silver Heat': Recently signed to Warner Bros. Records, TEN TONNES – aka Ethan Barnett – has unveiled the brand new track 'Silver Heat' which was produced by Hugo White of The Maccabees and recorded at the band's storied studio The Drugstore. This moment-in-time snapshot encapsulates his breezy and seemingly effortless ability to fashion earworm melodies alongside lyrics which brim with both youthful exuberance and a nostalgia for a recent past.


songs delivered with Barnett's ragged, character-fuelled style. Released on digital and vinyl formats on June 9th, the EP is now available to pre-order from

Barnett comments: "It's really just about looking back, to when I was about sixteen, and the feeling when a flashback hits you suddenly."

Mixing the ferocious energy and scintillating melody of contemporary garage-rock with a Sixties-tinged gift for harmony-filled hooks and a knack for wistful lyricism, newcomer TEN TONNES recalls the spirit of The La's' Lee Mavers catapulted headfirst into 2017.

'Silver Heat' is taken from TEN TONNES' new 'Born To Lose EP' which is completed by the title track and 'Love Me To Death'. Produced by White and mixed by Cenzo Townshend, it's a collection of twisted pop

Raised in Hertford to the sound of classic albums from The Beatles, Paul Simon, The Smiths and Bob Dylan, Barnett took up

drums as a child before switching to guitar in his teens. "I did that classic thing of standing in front of the mirror with my guitar, even when I'd only learnt a couple of chords, in the back of my mind there was that laughably naive thing of: 'I think I can give this a shot.'" Barnett dropped out of a music production course at university after just a year when the urge to do took a vital precedence over his interest in theory. It was a risk that soon yielded rewards, with 400,000 streams of tracks from his self-released debut EP 'Lucy' as well as sets at the Reading and Leeds Festival together with shows alongside Blossoms, The Magic Gang and Palace. TEN TONNES has been playlisted by Radio 1 Introducing and was recently highlighted as New Artist of the Week by Apple Music.

upcoming live shows includes:

May 6th

Liverpool, Studio 2

ROLL UP, ROLL UP AND BE PART OF SGT PEPPER CELEBRATIONS CALLING all musicians and entertainers! The team behind the incredible Sgt Pepper at 50: Heading for Home – a series of celebrations marking 50 years since the release of iconic album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band – are on the hunt for local musicians and performers to be part of one of the biggest and most ambitious events in the festival programme.

perform, or perform to, any Beatles track (not just those from the Sgt Pepper album) to Anyone interested in being part of this free event should log on to and fill in the online form which details what tracks can be performed, what instruments can be played, how may performers in your act etc. Key information: Performers must be 16 years or older, if not in a supervised or family group. Under 16s can still perform but must apply and attend as part of a supervised group e.g. Scouts, Cadets, Youth Orchestra, family group etc Performers need to stay for the entire program on Sunday 4

June – from artist registration at 1pm to the end of the show at 5.50pm Performers need to be as selfsufficient as possible i.e. bring own music stands, music, chairs, instruments – there will be no backline provided and no allocated dressing rooms There will be no opportunity to have access to power, unless previously arranged with the team The event will be performed mostly in the open air, weather permitting. If covered space is an essential you must let the team know when applying For further information please visit or email

Mr Kite's MUSICIRCUS! is inspired by the album track Being for the Benefit of Mr Kite and will see the largest ever musicircus take over Aintree Racecourse on Sunday 4 June. Musicircus is the brainchild of legendary American music experimentalist John Cage, and in its simplest form, sees a huge group of people come together in a large space, and play different extracts from different songs simultaneously – creating an unforgettable cacophony of sound. The Aintree spectacular will be completely dedicated to the Beatles, and so the team are on the lookout for musicians, vocalists, circus performers, dancers and poets who can 41


QUIRK and via


ow often have you heard somebody lament not learning how to play their favourite instrument when they were young? Well, be inspired by Superstar Boudoir and Sonic Yootha’s inspirational DJ, Tracy Wilder. I was lucky enough to DJ at

District in the Baltic Triangle recently when Tracy celebrated a landmark birthday. Ms Wilder bravely chose the occasion to mark her debut as a singer/pianist, after taking up ivory tinkling not that very long ago. A tattoo would have been so much easier, but before an assembled throng of familiar faces from across the wide spectrum of Liverpool’s many cultural scenes, as well as her entire family plus the odd living legend, Silk Tray proceeded to smash it … Big time. To everyone’s delight she sang and played a well-chosen set of leftfield pop standards, similar to the selections covered by kitsch stylists Nouvelle Vague and Richard Cheese, but using thirty years of DJing experience instead of formulaic convenience to give each song a simple, yet new and original treatment. Three decades of working with new and familiar recordings, changing musical formats and the results of their combined effect upon different dancefloor audiences have given Tracy a skill for stripping a song down to its basic components (melody, harmony, words and rhythm) and rearranging it with fluency and

purpose and working with it. Combining songs ‘mash up’ style is a particular strength, as you would expect from a DJ, but combining lyrics from Madonna to The Doors to Adamski with such powerful poignancy goes beyond that and the results are undeniable. Even Wilder’s technical naivety cannot hide an original sound and style; instead it rather compliments a ‘naïve’ and soulful charm. The recording potential is clear and hopefully doors will open for her. I really liked District a lot too; it’s a cool bar and a powerful live music facility ‘slash’ venue with a warm and welcoming atmosphere in an exciting part of town. Check out their Facebook page and keep an eye out for lots of cool stuff happening there later on this summer.

Tracy Wilder's debut watched from the wings by punk icon, Jayne Casey




n the late noughties, Indian-Irish singer/songwriter and dancer triplethreat Tanya G rose to fame in the dirty-pop girl group Fe-Nix after their take on Ghost Town DJ's My Boo went viral on BBC 1 XTRA, Choice FM and the UK club scene. Also following on from the success of the group, the Hackney garage singer/songwriter has already worked with some of the hottest names in UK production Skillz (Big Brovaz), Wideboys (The Saturdays & The Wanted), Sticky (Ms Dynamite), Paleface (Crazy Cousinz & Kyla) and many more. As well as performing alongside N-Dubz, Tinie Tempah, Pussycat Dolls, JLS and on TV shows, such as: Big Brothers Big Mouth and Pineapple Dance Studios. From the age of 11, Tanya took up songwriting as she established her place of serenity

where she wrote her mixed feelings and experiences into songs. Since then she has signed to and had several of her tracks feature on Universal Music Groups compilations, as well as many other compilations in the UK. Her debut release Can't Feel Your Love received massive support from BBC 1 XTRA, BBC Asian Network and many radio stations internationally. The single also entered the Music Week Commercial Pop charts as well as the Urban Charts, with a massive backing from Flavour Magazine, Asian Today, Desi Blitz and many other publications. Tanya's latest success, is her taking on

the challenge of modernising Gloria Gaynor's hit single I Will Survive and reinforcing the message of the single into an empowering female anthem for millennials with the help of South London producer DJ Kataku. The single took on further reconstruction from Gem Faria (mentored by Sticky), So Solid Crew and Urban Soul who jumped on the track with their own spin of the record; which lead to the single charting for 8 weeks straight and peaking at #6 on the Music Week Commercial Pop Charts. As well as Celeb Mix featuring Tanya on their site with a #7DaysofTanyaG segment highlighting her achievements in her career so far.


BRIGHTON in GARDEN SHED pastel colours £239 Cuckooland

TEAL LANTERN £7.99 HomeSense




DACHSHUND GARDEN SEAT £185 The Great Gift Company






S HIR A Z PA LACE N OW OP EN A NDRE W ESTATES 8 OPE NINGS IN 8 YE ARS With the recent launch of a newly acquired Bromborough branch, Andrew's Estates became Wirral's largest independent estate and letting agent. The organisation, headed by its managing director Andrew Smith, was established in 2009 and is now eight for eight, having opened a total of eight branches in eight years of trading. Andrew's Estates first opened the doors of its Neston office back in 2009. From those humble beginnings, the agency has now expanded to employ a team of 38 staff, across branches in Moreton, Prenton, Wallasey, Little Sutton, Bebington, Heswall and Bromborough, as well as retaining the thriving Neston site. The company's continued success is demonstrated by, amongst other things, the consistently high ranking it receives on Zoopla's market share statistics for Wirral. At the time of writing, Andrew's Estates is ranked as the number one independent estate agent for the area (ranked number three overall) and as the overall highest ranked letting agent in Wirral.

Shiraz Palace is the latest restaurant in Liverpool to open. Serving charcoal fired Mediterranean & Middle Eastern cuisine in a conemporary setting with a range of hot and cold meze, charcoal fired kebabs and grilled dishes, seafood, pizzas, fresh salads and plenty of vegetarian choices. The first Persian inspired venue opened its doors on Ranelagh Street facing the old Lewis’s building earlier this month. From the same team that own the smaller restaurant Shiraz BBQ (located on North John Street) the restaurant is set over 2 floors. With a unique interior and exterior the site has 142 covers in total and also has an outside area that seats another 20 plus for those wanting to watch the world go by and eat al fresco. The upstairs is also available for parties or corporate bookings with a seperate bar from the large bar based downstairs. Shiraz BBQ their other restaurant has been open since 2012 in the heart of the business district of Liverpool on North John Street and has been one of Liverpool's favourite cosy restaurants which is highly rated on trip advisor (many times holding the Number 1 position).

Andrew Smith, managing director of Andrew's Estates, said: Our brand is going from strength to strength, which can only happen if our sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants are happy with the services they receive. Clients tell us that our position as the largest independent agency in Wirral gives them confidence when asking us to handle their properties, whether to sell or let.”



Plans for a new residential development within Liverpool’s Pumpfields Industrial Zone have been given unanimous approval. The Metalworks, a project by developer Pumpfields Regeneration Company, will comprise two interconnected apartment blocks designed to elegantly incorporate industrial materials, creating an aesthetic in-keeping with the area’s routes in the metal fabrication industry. Completion of The Metalworks first phase is anticipated for quarter four of 2018. The development will house 314 units, made up of one

bedroomed apartments and two bedroomed duplex’s, supplying much needed city centre housing in an area where demand outstrips supply. Perfectly designed, by BLOK Architecture, for modern urban living, The Metalworks is elegant, efficient and stylish, as well as being well situated on Leeds Street, a key arterial route at the edge of Liverpool’s vibrant commercial district. The site is a short stroll from the city’s World Heritage waterfront location and the Liverpool ONE retail and entertainment complex.

THE WORKSHOP 47 Crosby Road North, Waterloo, L22 4QB 0151 329 2797 REVIEW BY Amanda Moss


am a firm believer in supporting businesses on your local high street and what better way than demonstrating this than a visit to your local restaurant. The Workshop has undergone a transformation since it opened two years ago and now boasts a fine wine service offering a selection of no less than 40 wines from their menu to accompany your meal or to enjoy without food. We went for lunch expecting it to be quiet but during our visit it quickly filled up. We were advised to have 3 tapas style dishes, so I chose the Lobster Mac (lobster, macaroni cheese and thermidor sauce), chicken schnitzel with fennel and cabbage sauerkraut and asparagus, mint and pea risotto. The portion sizes were enormous and two dishes would have been enough but I was hugely impressed with the fresh ingredients and individually prepared dishes. My hubby opted for king prawns in soy, ginger,

chill and ramen noodles, along with potted salt beed with apple and watercress salad served with wafer thin crisp breads. The food was outstanding, by far the best meal I have had in ages, so tasty and I let that quality, fresh ingredients were used. There is no specific children’s menu but the chef rustled up some home made chicken nuggets and potato wedges which were superb. My teenagers opted for the bacon and cheese burgers, beautifully presented and not a processed ingredient in sight. The Workshop offers weekly Carveries on Sundays where you can ring up and pre order your meats in advance to ensure they are cooked to your specification. The owners go above and beyond to ensure you are served with a five star service. This is well worth a drive out of the city and I cant wait to return, not only for the gorgeous food but also the live music and a glass of wine to enjoy on a summer’s evening. 47

LAURA TAYLOR HAIRDRESSING Creative Stylist 'L aura Taylor has built herself a reputation as a respected & passionate professional Hairstylist in the North West. Laura has travelled to various training academies to under their intense training programmes. This has given her the knowledge, qualifications & experience that she carries with her in her work daily. Never one to avoid hard work & a challenge Laura's drive & passion for hairdressing didn't stop there. She put herself forward to be a session-stylist at Clothes Show Live, working with the Backstage Team prepping & styling the hair of models,dancers & celebrities. Her skills proved to be outstanding & she was then invited back the following years Laura then realised she would love her future to remain involved in session styling which will start with her proudly heading the hair team for this years Manchester Fashion Week.’ COLOUR HAIRS




Email: 48


Laura Taylor Hairdressing






elcome to this months beauty column, following on from the last column being all about spring, this months is the wedding issue, since bridal season is well upon us and I have been fortunate enough to glam up over 500 brides in my career i wanted to share a few top tips when choosing your look and makeup artist. The most important thing is do your research, Pinterest and Instagram has tons of inspiration however many of them are heavily photoshopped or edited. Look closely at pics of your artists work up close, check reviews from real brides. If you normally wear a red lipstick day to day and are not sure about wearing it on your special day, I say just do it, as that is you and plus red lips are

a wedding day classic (see pic of Abi below rocking her Mac Lady Danger lipstick).Another important thing to take into consideration is to take a picture with a professional camera, iPhone/camera phone pictures will not show the quality of work or standard of work, I make sure to do this important step to show my "signature bridal look" on all my brides as shown in the photographs. And my final tip would be this, enjoy your planning as the day goes so quickly, soak everything up and don't sweat the small stuff! Should you need any further advice please don't hesitate to get in touch. Until next time. Emma@Emmaculate The Bridal Studio.

Emma Lampkin is an award winning celebrity makeup artist/business owner based in Merseyside. After starting her career over 10 years ago she now owns a successful business specialising in all aspects of makeup. As a skilled makeup artist this has landed Emma many fantastic opportunities inc Ok Magazine, Miss Liverpool, Liverpool fashion week and Manchester fashion week head mua, Hollyoaks fashion show to name but a few, and also runner up for the County Bride awards north west. Emmaculate The Studio 59 Market Street, Wirral CH47 2BQ 0151 632 1341



Samantha is owner of Simply Angels, a holistic healing service to help people in everyday life; stress life coach/mentor, divorce survival, domestic violence abuse with meditation, yoga, healing and she also offers personal angel card reading plus holistic therapies reflexology massage aromatherapy sound healing entity cleansing past life healing Reiki and angelic Reiki. How did you discover you had psychic abilities? I would play with the angels in my bedroom when I was little. My earliest memory is from about 18 months old. My mum thought I was scared of my jungle curtains but when I was older I told her I could see the angels behind them. I used to see them sat at the end of my bed at bed time with the deceased people and my American Indian guide shyloe. I would go on adventures with the angels in my dreams , flying around the universes. Then I would wake up for school feeling a little disappointed I couldn't fly to see my friends. Why were you drawn to angels and not other areas e.g tarot or mediumship? My experiences are for the highest good and my angels are like my body guards. When I was little I was an open channel. My bedroom of a night would be packed with people wanting to crossover,give me messages, it was so busy I would be so tired in school they kept me awake all night !!!!! Archangel Michael placed me on his blue light of protection to protect me fr9m unwanted spirits. I call on my angels to guide the messages 50

through. When I do my readings if loved ones come through it will be with the permission of my angels , which helps me focus on my clients. I do use tarot cards -mainly on myself for guidance. I find the tarot can reveal trouble!! The angel cards,I have loads of different ones give gentler energy and messages. People are usually quite vulnerable with readings and I aim to let the angels guide me to what cards they need which gives me the insight on how they are feeling. How do angels help people? Angels are absolutely EVERYWHERE. The more YOU ARE aware , the more you will experience . Every single person on this planet -mother earth is a miracle , every person on this planet is assigned at least 3 guardian angels .so for the 7 billion people on earth , there are 21 billion angels. We need them more than ever.It's all about vibration. If we choose to vibrate at a mundane level ie: ungrateful, life owes us , looking to the outside for answers then that what we will get zilch! When we choose to ask our guardian angels for help , guidance, answers. We meditate , we acknowledge even though life feels tough Right this minute, angels I surrender my fears and release them, I accept your loving guidance and support in all forms . Then step back and allow the miracles to happen. Remember ad we live in this gast western 21st century , angels do not wear watches. Patience is required. How does it fit in with your life? My passion just keeps on growing .Healing is my passion. I meditate , talk to my angels either in my head or driving in the car, my daughter is called angel because she is my miracle, to be honest I've never known life without the angels there. What do you say to people who are sceptical? Nothing that's their choice.i am very respectful of people's beliefs and opinions but I am also respectful of my own and tend not to mix my energy with sceptics. I ve had different experiences then they could

possibly understand but that's not their fault.sometimes it can come down to is your cup half full or half empty . I myself am a practising witch (I'm named after Samantha in bewitched) my church if you like is outside with mother earth , father sky and grandma moon and the stars . I am not rude to people who don't get me and I won't tolerate rudeness projected back to me . How reassuring are your cards to people? I would say they are healing with pictures . I can see where the client is in the card picture or somewhere near it or whether it is for someone they love. I protect and ground myself first then I ask my angels to channel the guided messages through me for the client. A lot of the time I don't remember the messages because they are not for me . Also I treat my clients with the care and respect they need as sometimes things that have not been dealt with inside for what can feel like eons surface when the client is ready to deal with and are ready for the answers. I have the tissues at the ready . Do you use them on yourself and does it help? I usually pick a card a day and meditate on the picture . This gives me great comfort. I also keep a gratitude diary and thank the angels and the goddess everyday for their help love and support Which in turn keeps up my vibration to stay positive and allow the miracles to work


A MOS S S I have a re A Y S : ading with who gave Samantha me great strength, suffering I was from lack of con and she to ld me I was fidence steering a a queen ship and I was to stan strong an d believe d in myself. angel card The s reflected th her readin g I have fe is and since lt very po about eve sitive rything in my life an d very grate ful.

Liverpool travel blogger Amy Trumpeter gives up teaching to pursue her dream of drivelling around the world 52

I loved being in the classroom with children teaching Religious Studies, despite the fact that it was a challenge at times! I suffer from epilepsy (secondary to frontal lobe cavernoma) and asthma. Then, I sadly got a diagnosis of severe Endometriosis on top of that, which meant that such a demanding career was too much for me. I wanted to be healthy and happy. I decided to continue my passion online with the ambition of educating through documenting my travel. Tell us about your RE teaching history and why you chose this subject? My mom inspired me with my initial interest in world religions, she did the same degree. I love to learn about other cultures and religions of the world, and photographing religious architecture. I wanted to teach Religious Studies to encourage children to have an open mind and eradicate racism. I'm very passionate about the next generation being tolerant. Tell us about your blog? My blog is and it is a travel blog with a focus on religious places of worship and pilgrimage. I approach this from an outsider or academic perspective, rather than being religious myself. I also like to encourage women to travel solo, and encourage them to visit remote and historical places. You recently visited Israel, why did you choose this country? Israel has been somewhere that I have wanted to visit all of my

life, due to it's religious history. It's one of those places that everyone presumes is unsafe. It's actually very safe at the moment for solo female travellers, so it was the prime opportunity to go! I have always wanted to visit Jerusalem, The Holy Land, as there are so many religious sites there including Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Western Wall of the ancient Jewish temple. I also got the opportunity to attend TBEX - the Travel Bloggers Exchange conference held in Jerusalem. What is your travel dream? My dream destination is Angkor Wat - a temple complex Cambodia that is the largest in the world.


Why did you give up teaching?

I love to learn about other cultures and religions


What adventures have you already done as a travel blogger?

I spent time Island hopping in the Philippines in October, which was amazing. I got to see some Spanish style Church architecture there, as it was once a Spanish colony. In the last 2 years, I've been sponsored to go to Morocco, Iceland and Barcelona as a blogger. I also spent time in the Balkans, including Serbia and Bulgaria. The Rila Monastery in

the mountains just outside Sofia was amazing. Have you any trips planned for 2017? My next trip will be to Paris to photograph Notre Dam Cathedral and Saint Chapelle in July. I've also been invited to Bucharest in Romania by a digital nomad Hostel in August. After that, I'd love to head to South East Asia. How do you feel being a full time blogger and what opportunities has it opened for you? I love being a full time blogger. It's opened up so many opportunities for me in freelancing and travel. It's also

allowed me to get paid work in social media management and consultancy, which has helped since I had to give up my teaching career. Any advice for other bloggers? I would recommend that you attend networking events and always learn from others. Attend conferences and meet with journalists and other bloggers to get your name known. Also, approach hotels and travel companies for sponsorship they may well give you a free trip in return for promotion (always declare this). You can set yourself up on a platform such as Awin, which means that you can earn

affiliate income from your blog. Basically, I partner with companies such as and Expedia, and then if someone books through my website link, I can earn a commission from that. My best advice would be to get a blogging niche or specialism, as generic solo travel blogs have been 'done to death' and are difficult to rank on Google. I started out initially with the blog, but when I went to my first travel bloggers conference, they told me to specialise, and Temple Seeker was born! You can follow Amy (@templeseeker) on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.


ake the most of the August Bank Holiday this year with a memorable ‘Summer Party Night’ aboard Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines’ Boudicca in Liverpool, on the evening of Monday 28th August 2017. Boudicca – one of Fred. Olsen’s most popular and friendly ships – will be in port during the city’s annual ‘International Beatleweek Festival’, taking place from 23rd to 29th August 2017, and Fred. Olsen is delighted to have secured one of the best-known Beatles tribute acts around – The Backbeat Beatles – to entertain guests live on this very special party evening. A feast of fun, food and fantastic entertainment awaits Fred. Olsen guests, as they are docked in the heart of Liverpool, in the shadow of the iconic Liver Building. Guests (over 18s only) will be treated to a taste of the Fred. Olsen cruise experience, with a

sumptuous five-course à la carte dinner, served by attentive waiting staff in the elegant surroundings of Boudicca’s Tintagel, Four Seasons and Heligan Restaurants. Entertainment for Fred. Olsen’s ‘Summer Party Night’ will include the world-famous ‘Backbeat Beatles’, and the hilarious Stan Boardman, Liverpool’s favourite TV comedian. A late-night DJ will continue this special Merseyside celebration into the early hours. After revelling in the evening’s festivities, guests can retire to their comfortable, spacious room for a restful night’s sleep on board Boudicca. The following morning, they can then enjoy a delicious full English breakfast, or a lighter Continental choice, with a wide selection of pastries, cereals and fruits, before disembarking for home and reminiscing on a great evening of fun and laughter. Prices for this very special Liverpool ‘Summer Party Night’ start from just £99 per person, based on two adults sharing a twin-bedded Interior Room, and include accommodation, all meals and entertainment on board, VAT and port taxes. Fred. Olsen will be offering a total of 10 sailings from Liverpool during its 2017/18 cruise season, starting with a 26-night ‘Bermuda & the America’s Cup’ adventure on 9th June 2017, which has been specially-designed to take in all the action and spectacle of the 35th America’s Cup in Hamilton, Bermuda. To find out more about Boudicca’s ‘Summer Party Night’ in Liverpool and how to book your place, please call Fred. Olsen’s Reservations Department on 01473 742 424 (Monday to Friday 8am – 8pm / Saturday 9am – 5pm / Sunday 10am – 4pm). For group bookings of 20 or more, please contact Fred. Olsen’s dedicated Group Sales Department on 01473 746169 or e-mail (Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm).


SEASIDE FESTIVAL SERVES UP A FEAST OF FUN, FROLICS AND FABULOUS FOOD AND DRINK The New Brighton Seaside Festival is fast approaching 27-29 May and has all the right ingredients for an amazing weekend. One of the highlights of the event will undoubtedly be the fabulous food and drink festival which promises to dish up cocktail of amazing street food, chef demos and fun foodie activities for little chefs to get involved in. There will be a hive of fun foodie activities taking place in the Chef's Theatre at Fort Perch Rock throughout the weekend. Saturday afternoon will see a Comedy Cook Off from 12noon to 12.45pm. Locally renowned chef, owner of Yacht Club Catering and one of the organisers of Global Scouse Day, Adam Franklin, will go head to head with Scouse stand-up genius Brendan Riley in this must-see session. This hilarious show will



mix cooking and comedy as Adam creates mouth-watering culinary delights whilst Brendan provides us with a good healthy portion of banter. The comedy capers will be followed by Food Foraging from 2pm to 2.45pm. It will be a case of on your marks, get set... go as a dash to the onsite producers' market provides top chef Adam with the ingredients to cook a fantastic tasty meal with only three ingredients foraged from the festival's onside marquee and all this against the clock! This exciting and fun session is sure to be a real crowd pleaser. Who doesn't like a good eating competition? Fancy yourself as the next hot dog scoffing champion or if that's not your style, how about showing your skills with a spot of oyster shucking? Then don't miss the Fun Food Challenger from 4pm to 4.45pm. Join the crowd or join in. Support your favourite contestant or put your name down to enter the lively programme of various challenges throughout the day. Sunday will host a feast of fun for the whole family all day long so bring your little Nigellas and Gordon Ramsays over to the Junior Chefs' Academy where they refine their culinary skills in a fun and friendly environment. Junior Chefs' Academy is a

leading provider of healthy eating workshops and food education event which works with schools throughout the UK to develop an active interest in how food is produced and prepared and deliver the healthy eating message in a memorable and fun way. There will be kids' cookery sessions running throughout the day under the theme of Pirates Food Preservation. Your budding buccaneers can learn how to rustle up Pirate Pineapple Creole and find out about food preservation – whilst discovering lots of fun facts about fungus! For more information about Junior Chefs' Academy visit Meanwhile, on Monday you can enjoy a superb platter of chefs' demonstrations from the Wirral's premier chefs including Heswall's critically acclaimed neighbourhood restaurant, Burnt Truffle who will be on hand to walk visitors through a masterclass in restaurant-quality food that's achievable at home. From 12noon to 12.45pm, learn how to make sourdough bread – from starter to dough – with Little Eye Bakery. Master baker Malcolm Williams has been baking sourdough bread for over 30 years and set up Little Eye in West Kirby in 2010 to promote excellent local foods and handmade breads.


and Niçoise cuisine. With culinary influences of the Côte d'Azur, their main goal is to make simple, flavour-packed food, all served in a relaxed environment for their guests. From 2pm – 2.45pm – chefs from Burnt Truffle, a neighbourhood bistro on Telegraph Road in Heswall will be demonstrating the best in fresh, humble bistro cooking. Burnt Truffle's food has a strong emphasis on provenance its chefs will be showcasing the best of Wirral produce. From 3pm – 3.45pm – meet Ben Mounsey, head chef at Lawns at Thornton Hall Hotel who has worked at some of the world's finest restaurants, as well as the 1 Michelin Starred Restaurant Fraiche under the tutelage of Chef Patron Marc Wilkinson helping gain the establishment's fourth AA rosette and contributing to the restaurant receiving the coveted Times number one Restaurant of the year. Now based at Lawns, Ben has built a team and menu based around an ethos of "passion is paramount."




From 4pm to 4.20pm and 4.40pm – 5pm – you can enjoy wine tasting sessions with Christine Downs from Cabovinos, a Mediterranean inspired wine bar and tapas restaurant which brings a taste of the Med to New Brighton. Cabovino holds regular tasting evenings hosted by WSET qualified team members and is looking forward to introducing you to wine tasting during the festival weekend. As well as demonstrations, there will be plenty of opportunities to sample the new spring menus from local chefs, restaurants and food businesses, as well as seasonal treats from a host of regional producers. Foodies can take their pick from a plethora of street food traders; including, Fat Sam's Kitchen, Nine Lives Vegan, Ank Marvin and Chaat Cart. Take a stroll over to the gin garden and artisan market or head to the undercover seating area and take a break in the shade, to sample some local craft beer or even dabble in a cocktail class or two. And if that's not enough to fill your boots, there'll be lots of live entertainment, family activities and a host of seaside-themed attractions – this exciting addition to the region's event calendar is not to be missed. The Festival begins at 10am each day from Saturday, May 27 to Monday, May 29. With a varied and interactive programme across three days, the weekend is guaranteed to put a spring in the step of family visitors just in time for the Bank Holiday break. A park and ride service will be available.

W H AT ’ S

Malcom will take a look at the different stages of sourdough – starting and keeping the culture/making a sponge/making doughs/slow rises – sharing plenty of practical tips on the way and homemade sourdough for visitors to try at the end. Next up, meet the chefs from Riviera Restaurant from 1pm to 1.45pm. Combining the best fresh and seasonal ingredients, Riviera's Chef team will offer an inspired yet simple and delicious interpretation of French Mediterranean, Ligurian

For more information visit Follow us on Facebook/NBseasidefestival and Twitter @NBSeasideFest Online at side-festival or telephone 0844 8000 410

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Christine Downs from Cabovinos Masker Baker Malcolm Williams Chefs from Burnt Truffle Adam Franklin Ashley Morgan

E verton’s Under-23s manager

David Unsworth was crowned the king of the kitchen at the inaugural Everton Ultimate Chef event earlier this month as over £5,000 was raised for the ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’ campaign. The former Toffees defender was up against Leon Osman and Peter Reid at the city centre Pullman Liverpool Hotel and took home the trophy when his beef main course was voted the best dish of the night by the diners in attendance. Everton captain Phil Jagielka was also on hand to meet supporters, along with Club Ambassadors Graeme Sharp, Graham Stuart and Ian Snodin, who dined with the sponsors for the evening, Tilney.

Ossie provided a starter of smoked haddock fishcakes and Reidy served up a vanilla cheesecake for dessert, as five members of the Premier League 2 title-chasing Under-23s squad acted as waiters for the evening. Joe Williams, Liam Walsh, Mateusz Hewelt, Morgan Feeney and Antonee Robinson looked slightly sheepish as they ferried plates and dishes around the restaurant, chatting to fans as they went! “It was a terrific night, great fun and we raised a lot of money,” said Unsworth after he’d been handed the Ultimate Chef trophy by AnneMarie Atkins from Tilney. “Ossie and Reidy have been brilliant all night and I can tell you it was quite competitive in that kitchen.” Ossie made third place on the night, with Peter as runner-up, however Snods felt the final decision was a 58

bit harsh on the junior of the three chefs. “Leon’s starter was the best for me,” he said. “And I’m not sure how much input Reidy had into the dessert to be honest, but that was nice as well. My congratulations, though, go to the man of the night, Unsy!” The evening, hosted by the Club’s Publications and Broadcast manager Darren Griffiths, was rounded off with a charity auction to further swell the coffers of the ‘Home Is Where The Heart Is’ campaign. All of the money raised will go towards amassing the £230,000 needed to fund and develop a supported living-initiative for young people in Liverpool, delivered by the Blue’s official charity, Everton in the Community. The funds raised will be used to purchase, and operate, a house close to Goodison Park, which will offer 16 to 23-year-olds who have fallen on hard times, or have perhaps fallen out of the care system, a place to stay in Liverpool. Aside from offering young adults a roof over their head in difficult times, the Club’s official charity will play a large part in their


Leon’s starter was the best for me

development by providing them with access to key services, including health and wellbeing support and assistance with education employment and training, as well as encouraging them to contribute to the local community through the NCS programme and volunteering. For more information about Everton’s work in the community visit:

RARE SPECIES SPOTTED ON THE WIRRAL RARE BECAUSE With many years experience working with blue chip clients such as Merseytravel, NHS, Thornton Hall, Sefton Council etc., Alan Strange Limited feel we have the perfect balance when it comes to looking after our clients needs. Supplying thoughtful and relevant design on tight deadlines and very often on tighter budgets.

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cared for 210 hectares of this special stretch of coast since 12 April 1967, when it was safeguarded through the Neptune Fund, set up specifically to purchase and protect coast around the UK. The stretch of coast at Formby is an area of great importance for its mobile sand dunes – some of the best in the entire UK - and the wildlife that lives here, including rare Natterjack Toads, sand lizards and red squirrels in the pine woods. It is also much loved by locals and visitors with its stunning views that stretch out towards Wales, the Irish Sea and the Lake District. Volunteers and staff marked the occasion by blowing out the candles on a 50th birthday cake created by local Formby-based cake designer Lisa Lill, who runs Cake Amour by Lisa and featuring fondant models of the iconic dunes, pine woods and wildlife. Justin Matthews, Ranger for the National Trust at Formby, commented: “50 years is a fantastic achievement and we are so proud to reach this milestone. We couldn’t do it without our dedicated staff and volunteers and the support of our local community who work so hard to

help care for the coast, managing it and maintaining it for generations to come. We’re looking forward to the next 50 years and hope that everyone will join in the celebrations by coming along to one of our events happening throughout the year or just taking time out to enjoy this special place.” 2017 is particularly significant because it marks Sefton Council’s Year of the Coast. It was also recently announced that the Trust is in conversations with the Council about the possibility of caring for an additional 204 hectares of land, currently managed by Sefton.

“With 2017 being the Year of Sefton’s Coast and the positive discussions taking place between National Trust and Sefton Council over the potential transfer of land in Formby, there is so much to celebrate. Here’s to the next 50 years as well!” Visit y/whats-on for a list of events

A spokesman for Sefton Council said: “We know how important the coast is and reaching 50 years in Formby is a significant milestone for the National Trust. 61

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