Upcycling Limburg, Samples of transition along the Coal Track

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of Centrum Zuid contaminates and puts a high pressure on the underground water that sinks on the sides., forming sludge pounds with a high concentration of chlorine and halophile vegetation.

stagnating water on the non-permeable schist layer

Aquafin nv - water purification Bionerga nv - waste mgmt, energy RD Recylcing nv - oil recycling van Gansewinkel nv - waste mgmt, collection, sorting

Introduction of trees of the closed and covered landfill


Foliage and fine roots Wood


Wood litter

R Respiration

Non-Wood litter and fast soil pools Slow soil pool Passive soil pool

Waste to Energy HOUTHALEN

C Assimilation

MAASMECHELEN 18 000 000 l. of water pumped each year = 12 000 000 l. to the network of drinking water + 6 000 000 l. of water wasted in the canal

1950’S - 1980’S Subsdience area SAND

FOREST on a former sand quarry / landfill

stagnating water on the non-permeable schist layer

CLAY non permeable soil


UPCYCLING LIMBURG SAMPLES OF TRANSITION ALONG THE COAL TRACK K.U.Leuven, Master of Human Settlements, Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning

Urbanism Studio (fall 2015), Central-Limburg, Belgium

MAASMECHELEN | the abandonned pine forests are not maintained anymore. Their carbon captation is negative. The soil is impoverished because of too much acidity and no sunlight.

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