Global Social Media CHech Up 2011

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The Global Social Media Check-­‐up 2011 #BMGlobalSocial



Methodology Facebook

Fortune 'ůŽďĂů ϭϬϬ ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ͛ hƐĞ ŽĨ͗ Twitter & Microblogs Facebook & Social Networks YouTube & Video Sharing Corporate Blogs


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dŚĞ ƐƚƵĚLJ͛Ɛ ƐĂŵƉůĞ ĐŽŶƐŝƐƚĞĚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ϮϬϭϬ Fortune Global 100 list. The sample breaks down as follows: о

32 U.S. companies


47 European companies


18 Asia-­‐Pacific companies


3 Latin American companies (Because of the small sample size, data from the three Latin American companies are included in the overall results, but this data is not broken out in the detailed analysis.)

The study looked at the Fortune 'ůŽďĂů ϭϬϬ͛Ɛ ĂĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐ ŽŶ &ĂĐĞŬ͕ dǁŝƚƚĞƌ͕ zŽƵdƵďĞ ͕ ĐŽƌƉŽƌĂƚĞ ďůŽŐƐ and other local microblogs and social networks around the globe. dŚĞ ƌĞƐƵůƚƐ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ƐƚƵĚLJ ĂƌĞ ĐŽŵƉĂƌĞĚ ƚŽ ůĂƐƚ LJĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ƵƌƐŽŶ-­‐DĂƌƐƚĞůůĞƌ ͞'ůŽďĂů ^ŽĐŝĂů DĞĚŝĂ ŚĞĐŬ-­‐up ϮϬϭϬ͕͟ ǁŚŝĐŚ ĂŶĂůLJnjĞĚ ƚŚĞ ƐŽĐŝĂů ŵĞĚŝĂ ƉƌĞƐĞŶĐĞ ŽĨ ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ ϮϬϬϵ Fortune Global 100 list. Results from the Global Social Media Check-­‐up 2011 study are charted in blue͖ ƌĞƐƵůƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ůĂƐƚ LJĞĂƌ͛Ɛ global study are charted in gray. While there was a slight shift from last year in the companies on the Fortune Global 100 list, this did not have a significant impact on results. Data was collected between November 2010 and January 2011.

͞ ĐƚŝǀĞ͟ ĂĐĐŽƵŶƚƐ ǁĞƌĞ ĚĞĨŝŶĞĚ ĂƐ ƚŚŽƐĞ ǁŝƚŚ Ăƚ ůĞĂƐƚ ŽŶĞ ƉŽƐƚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚ ϯ ŵŽŶƚŚƐ͘ Outliers have been noted. Data was collected by Burson-­‐DĂƌƐƚĞůůĞƌ͛Ɛ ŐůŽďĂů ƌĞƐĞĂƌĐŚ ƚĞĂŵ͘ B U R S O N ʹ M A R S T E L L E R E V I D E N C E ʹ B A S E D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 3

The Majority of Fortune Global 100 Companies Use At Least One Social Media Platform

There was a 6% increase in Fortune Global 100 companies participating on at least one social media platform, driven primarily by the 34% increase in Asian companies with social media accounts.

Global Companies Using At Least One Social Media Platform

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One-­‐Quarter of Global Companies are Active on All Platforms

Global Companies Using All Four Platforms

There was a 25% increase in the number of companies using all four social media platforms studied. This growth was driven by increases in Asian companies (32% increase) and in the U.S. companies (21% increase).

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Twitter Had Greatest Growth of the Four Social Media Platforms

There was an 18% increase in Fortune Global 100 companies using Twitter, followed by a 14% growth in YouTube channels and a 13% growth in companies using Facebook pages. Twitter is emerging as the predominant social media platform used by corporations, although corporate Facebook ƉĂŐĞƐ ŚĂǀĞ ŵŽƌĞ ͞ůŝŬĞƐ͟ ƚŚĂŶ Twitter accounts have ͞ĨŽůůŽǁĞƌƐ͘͟

Percent of Fortune 'ůŽďĂů ϭϬϬ ŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ tŝƚŚ͙

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The Number of Accounts Per Company on Each Social Media Platform Also Increased

Number of Accounts Per Company on Each Social Network

Regional/local offices and functional divisions added corporate accounts to share their specific communications with targeted stakeholders, which drove the increase in accounts per company.

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Tweet !

Tweet !

Tweet !

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The Percent of Companies With Twitter Accounts Grew 18%

The largest growth was in Asian corporate Twitter accounts (68% year-­‐over-­‐year increase). The proportion of U.S. companies with Twitter accounts remained flat.


of European corporations have Twitter accounts

Percent of Companies with Twitter or Other Microblog* Accounts

* &Žƌ ƚŚĞ ƉƵƌƉŽƐĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚŝƐ ƐƚƵĚLJ͕ ͞dǁŝƚƚĞƌ͟ ƌĞĨĞƌƐ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ĂĐƚƵĂů ƉůĂƚĨŽƌŵ Žƌ other similar microblogging platforms. B U R S O N ʹ M A R S T E L L E R E V I D E N C E ʹ B A S E D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 9

The Companies Participating in Twitter Also Increased Their Number of Accounts


increase in the number of accounts per company on Twitter

The average number of Twitter accounts per company increased from 4.2 accounts to 5.8 accounts.

Average Number of Twitter Accounts Per Corporation on Twitter

In Detail The number of accounts per company increased in the U.S. because of the large increase in IBM Twitter accounts (from 43 accounts in 2010 to 76 accounts in 2011) and Walmart (11 accounts Æ 39 accounts). The same increase was demonstrated by many Asian companies (i.e., LG: 12 accounts Æ 18 accounts, Sony: 5 accounts Æ 16 accounts, and Nissan: 2 accounts Æ 11 accounts.)

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Seventy-­‐six percent more ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ ƵƐĞ ƚŚĞ ͞Λ͟ ŵĞŶƚŝŽŶ to reference or direct tweets at other Twitter accounts. This suggests a much higher level of engagement by corporations, as they use Twitter to converse with others and not just push out their own messages. The highest growth was among European companies, with a 148% increase ƵƐŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ͞Λ͟ ŵĞŶƚŝŽŶ͘


of accounts use the @ mention

Percent of Accounts Using @ Mentions

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Corporate Outreach on Twitter

The @Samsungservice account is used primarily for customer service. Almost every tweet begins with an @ mention responding to customers in need of technical support.

' ͛Ɛ ΛĞĐŽŵĂŐŝŶĂƚŝŽŶ ĂĐĐŽƵŶƚ is used mostly for news and company updates, but it also responds to ƐƚĂŬĞŚŽůĚĞƌƐ͛ ĐŽŵŵĞŶƚƐ ĂŶĚ ƋƵĞƐƚŝŽŶƐ via @ mentions.

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Retweeting Also a Tool for Interacting on Twitter

Fortune Global 100 companies were much more active retweeters in the past year (78% increase). Again, this growth in retweeting was led by European companies(117% increase) and Asian companies (121%).



of European corporate accounts retweet

of Asian corporate accounts retweet

Percent of Accounts Retweeting

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Number of Twitter Followers Increased Radically Across All Regions

5,076 average followers per account

The average number of followers per corporate account increased by 241% in the last year. This growth in popularity was lead by Asian companies, which averaged an increase of 328%.

Average Number of Followers Per Account

In Detail The high average number of followers in Asia could be because many Asian corporations are in the electronics, entertainment and auto industries, which tend to lend themselves to more active social media participation due to active customer bases and the need for customer service.

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Companies Follow More Accounts

As the number of global Twitter accounts grew over the last year, the average number of accounts each corporate account follows rose by 154% globally. European corporate accounts showed the most growth (341%), while Asian corporate accounts on average follow the most accounts (2,635).


increase in number of accounts each account follows

Average Number of Accounts that Each Corporate Account Follows

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Most Twitter Accounts are Used to Keep Stakeholders Informed Percent of Accounts with Posts About General News/ Announcements/Updates

Percent of Accounts with Posts About Promotions/Deals/Contests

The majority of accounts focus on providing company news, updates and announcements to stakeholders. More than one-­‐ quarter (28%) of corporate accounts are tweeting to consumers about deals or contests specifically related to their products and/or services.

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News and Promotions via Twitter

@CreditAgricole uses its Twitter accounts for contests and offers, as ƐĞĞŶ ĂďŽǀĞ͕ ĂƐ ǁĞůů ĂƐ ĨŽƌ ͞d͛ ŚĂƚƐ͟ that allow them to interact with other Twitter users.

@BoeingCorporate uses Twitter for a variety of purposes, but most importantly for news and updates.

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Twitter Accounts are Also Used for Customer Service and Career Information

Percent of Accounts with Customer Service Tweets

Percent of Accounts with Career Information and/ Or Jobs Posts in their Tweets

Forty percent of corporate Twitter accounts engage stakeholders on customer service issues. Only one in 10 corporate accounts includes tweets with career information or job listings.

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Corporations Use Twitter to Connect with Stakeholders

@INGDIRECT mixes news and updates with customer service. The account often uses a casual, humorous tone to better connect with other Twitter users.

The @LGD_recruit account posts news about job openings, career advice and also seeks to answer the questions of prospective applicants.

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Eight Out of Ten Companies are Talked About on Twitter


of companies are talked about on Twitter

Percent of Companies Talked About on Twitter

The number of companies being talked about on Twitter increased by 90% over the last year (driven by a 118% increase in Asian companies and a 106% increase in European companies). The sharp rise indicates that a company is being referenced ďLJ ƐƚĂŬĞŚŽůĚĞƌƐ͛ ƚǁĞĞƚƐ ĞǀĞŶ if it is not on Twitter.

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The Percent of Corporations on Facebook Increased by 13 Percent

Asian companies demonstrated the largest percent increase (25%) in Facebook use, driving a majority of the global growth.


increase in corporations on Facebook


of corporations have Facebook pages

Corporations with Facebook (or Similar Social Network) Pages

In Detail Out of the companies who were on the Fortune Global 100 both years, there was an 18% increase in corporate Facebook pages.

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The Average Number of Facebook Pages Per Company Doubled

Asian companies average 5.8 pages per company on Facebook

Europe averages 2.8 pages per company on Facebook

Number of Facebook Pages Per Company on Facebook

U.S. companies showed a particularly large increase in number of Facebook pages per company (179%), while the average number of pages per company in Asia increased by only 18%. In Detail The large increase in the U.S. average Facebook pages per company is largely due to outliers Hewlett-­‐Packard and Ford, with 51 and 23 corporate Facebook pages respectively.

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dŚĞ ŶƵŵďĞƌ ŽĨ ͞ůŝŬĞƐ͟ ƉĞƌ Facebook page increased by 115% globally. Asian companies had the largest increase (406%), while European companies showed relatively no change ŽǀĞƌ ůĂƐƚ LJĞĂƌ͛Ɛ ĂǀĞƌĂŐĞ͘


increase in Facebook likes


increase in Facebook likes on Asian ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ͛ ƉĂŐĞƐ


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Companies More Actively Maintaining Facebook Pages


of pages have posts in last week

40% increase in

pages updated in last week

Eighty-­‐four percent of Facebook pages had posts made by the companies within the last week, demonstrating that the majority of pages are actively updated.

Percent of Pages with Posts in Last Week

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Companies Interact with Stakeholders via Facebook


Facebook fan pages allow administrators to select whether they would like for their visitors to be allowed to post on the ƉĂŐĞ͛Ɛ ǁĂůů͘ 'ůŽďĂůůLJ͕ ĂďŽƵƚ three-­‐quarters (74%) of pages allow for these posts. The U.S. companies led the way in Facebook interactivity, as 89% of ƉĂŐĞƐ ĂůůŽǁ ƉŽƐƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ͞ůŝŬĞƌƐ͟ (fans), and 72% of pages respond ƚŽ ͞ůŝŬĞƌƐ͛͟ ǁĂůů ƉŽƐƚƐ͘


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Companies Use Facebook to Connect in Innovative Ways

BNP Paribas has a Facebook page that is dedicated to a recruitment game that targets college students.

,ŽŶĚĂ͛Ɛ &ĂĐĞŬ ƉĂŐĞ ŚĂƐ ƉŽƐƚƐ ĨƌŽŵ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ ŝƚƐĞůĨ ƚŚĂƚ ŐĞƚ ŵĂŶLJ ͞ůŝŬĞƐ͟ and comments. What really sets it apart, however, is the posts it receives daily from ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͛Ɛ ĨĂŶƐ͘

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The Percent of Companies with YouTube Channels

While Asian companies increased their presence on YouTube by 26%, there was a slight decrease in the percent of U.S. companies using YouTube. Percent of Companies with YouTube Channels

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Companies on YouTube Average 2.7 Channels Each

The average number of YouTube channels per company on the video-­‐sharing site grew mostly because of the 192% increase among U.S. companies. Average Number of YouTube Channels Per Company on YouTube

In Detail The U.S. increase in YouTube channels per company was driven by IBM with 21 channels, GE with 12 channels and Ford with 10 channels.

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Asian Companies Average the Greatest Number of Views on YouTube

While each channel averages hundreds of thousands ŽĨ ǀŝĞǁƐ͕ ƵƌŽƉĞ͛Ɛ ĐŚĂŶŶĞůƐ lag behind those of Asia and the U.S. Average Number of Upload Views per YouTube Channel

In Detail Asian companies include Sony, Toyota, Hyundai and others in the electronics, auto and entertainment industries that have a ŚŝŐŚůLJ ǀŝƐƵĂů ŵĂƌŬĞƚŝŶŐ ĐŽŵƉŽŶĞŶƚ͘ /ƚ͛Ɛ ŶŽƚ Ă surprise, then, that these YouTube channels have more views than others.

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Companies Develop YouTube Pages that Reflect Their Unique Brands

Walmart branded its YouTube channel so it looks like Ă ƉĂƌƚ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͛Ɛ ŚŽŵĞ ƉĂŐĞ͘ /ƚƐ ǀŝĚĞŽƐ ĂƌĞ separated into categories that are meant to enhance ĂŶĚ ƐŝŵƉůŝĨLJ ǀŝĞǁĞƌƐ͛ ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞƐ͘

dŽLJŽƚĂ͛Ɛ zŽƵdƵďĞ ĐŚĂŶŶĞů ĂůƐŽ ŚĂƐ Ă ďƌĂŶĚĞĚ ƉĂŐĞ ĂŶĚ ǀŝĚĞŽ ĐĂƚĞŐŽƌŝĞƐ͘ /Ŷ ƉĂƌƚŝĐƵůĂƌ͕ ƚŚĞ ͞,Žǁ-­‐dŽƐ Θ ĞŵŽƐ͟ ĂŶĚ ͞ZĞǀŝĞǁƐ Θ ^ƉĞĐƐ͟ ƐĞĐƚŝŽŶƐ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞ ƚŚĂƚ could be useful to viewers.

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There Was No Dramatic Gain in Corporate Blog Use Globally

The percent of corporations with blogs increased by a negligible amount. Asian companies saw a 12% decrease in corporations with blogs, as many blogs became inactive. The U.S. companies saw the greatest increase (29%). European companies remained consistent, with slightly over one-­‐quarter (28%) maintaining blogs.

Percent of Companies with Blogs

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Increase in Number of Blogs Among Companies with Blogs

Number of Corporate Blogs Per Company that Blogs

While the number of companies with blogs was steady, those who blog increased their use of the platform. The growth in the average number of blogs per company was driven by the 63% increase in the number of blogs hosted by U.S. companies. In Detail The large increase in the U.S. average is due to Hewlett-­‐WĂĐŬĂƌĚ͛Ɛ ϴϯ ďůŽŐƐ ĂŶĚ / D͛Ɛ ϴϲ ďůŽŐƐ͘

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Companies With Blogs Make Creative Use of the Platform

ŚŝŶĂ DŽďŝůĞ͛Ɛ ďůŽŐ ŚŝŐŚůŝŐŚƚƐ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŵƉĂŶLJ͛Ɛ ƚŚŽƵŐŚƚ leadership and research development. Posts are written by various individual members of the China Mobile Research Institute. Over time, the blog has attracted loyal readers who are interested in its niche themes.

IBM is unique in that it has a database containing ŽǀĞƌ ϴϬ ďůŽŐƐ ƉĞŶŶĞĚ ďLJ ĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐ ;͞/ DĞƌƐ͟Ϳ͘ dŚĞ ďůŽŐƐ range in their scope and chosen topic, but they provide an informal way for employees to interact with stakeholders.

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Companies Are Starting To Leverage Social Media as an Interactive Platform

While the number of American and European companies participating in social media remained ĨĂŝƌůLJ ĨůĂƚ ŽǀĞƌ ƚŚĞ ƉĂƐƚ LJĞĂƌ͕ ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ͛ interactivity on social media increased dramatically across all regions. Companies are starting to get the sense of how to leverage social media to manage their brands and engage with stakeholders. Organizations are dedicating resources to better monitor and manage social media, and ƚŚĞLJ ĂƌĞ ůĞĂƌŶŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ŽƚŚĞƌ ĐŽŵƉĂŶŝĞƐ͛ successful strategies. However, the Fortune Global 100 still have a long way to go. Too many companies are broadcasting news content and not listening to what stakeholders are saying about them online.

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The Increase in Number of Social Media Accounts Per Company Allows Companies to Target Different Stakeholder Groups

The number of accounts in each social medium grew, as regional/local offices and functional divisions added corporate accounts to target their audiences. Companies will continue to have multiple social media accounts, so having a hub that lists the many accounts and channels can help direct stakeholders to the account that best meets their interests. However, companies should integrate their social media efforts to avoid disparate messaging and keep brand consistency.

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Twitter is the Most Widely Used Corporate Social Media Platform, But &ĂĐĞŬ >ĞĂĚƐ tŝƚŚ ͞>ŝŬĞƐ͟ ;&ŽůůŽǁĞƌƐͿ

Twitter is the most widely used corporate social media platform. However, corporate Facebook pages have exponentially more likes (an average of 87,979) than Twitter accounts have followers (5,076).

Twitter and Facebook websites have very different purposes. Twitter is growing quickly and is an excellent venue for companies to interact with stakeholders in real time. Facebook is effective for building communities among stakeholders. Companies must think strategically about their business and communication goals and use the right social medium for the appropriate purpose.

The Fortune Global 100 Use Me the Most!

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Stakeholders Demonstrate Increased Interest in Hearing from Companies

The interaction between companies and their stakeholders on social media is driven as much by consumers as it is by the companies. Not only has corporate activity increased on social media, but the number of followers and ͞ůŝŬĞƐ͟ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐĞĚ ƐƵďƐƚĂŶƚŝĂůůLJ on corporate social media accounts. When companies deliver relevant content and listen and interact with stakeholders in a meaningful way, social media can be mutually beneficial for companies and customers.

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Social Media Growth in Asia is Driven by Interest in Reaching Audiences Both at Home and Abroad Asian corporations were slower to join social media because of a perception that consumers only wanted to interact with peersͶand not companiesͶon social networks. However, the sheer growth in the number of users of these platforms, particularly in audiences abroad, is changing this perception. Asian companies are using social media tools to reach Western stakeholders through Twitter and Facebook and to reach local audiences on sites such as Cyworld, Mixi and Sina. Asian companies are particularly comfortable with Twitter as they tend to be most focused on building short-­‐term market share, using the tools for building awareness and reaching large numbers of people, as opposed to developing long term stakeholder engagement and loyalty. Asian companies will continue to grow their presence on social media because of the vast opportunity to connect with stakeholders both at home and abroad, as well as a keen ability to identify and emulate best social media practices. B U R S O N ʹ M A R S T E L L E R E V I D E N C E ʹ B A S E D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 42


Dallas Lawrence Managing Director of Digital Public Affairs Proof Integrated Communications T 202 530 4615

Daniel Jörg EMEA Digital Practice Lead T 41 31 356 7362

Charlie Pownall Lead Digital Strategist , Asia-­‐Pacific T 65 6671 3272

Cely Carmo Lead Digital Strategist, Latin America T 55 11 3094 2256

B U R S O N ʹ M A R S T E L L E R E V I D E N C E ʹ B A S E D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 43

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