[Seminar] v0220

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[Seminar] 專題進度 蔡寧 v0220

[Seminar]_case study

KISS THE FROG by MMW Architects

concept_ it's based on the fairytale, in which a beautiful, rich prince, after been thrown an evil spell on, is trapped within the shape of a frog. one day, when the princess kisses him, he is transformed back to the prince he really is, and they live happily ever after. ( 賦 予 " 青 蛙 " 一 有 機 形 狀, 詮 釋 跨 足 藝 術、建築、設計、流行文化領域。同時以 此 temporary art pavilion 作為過去 ( 老國 家畫廊 ) 與現今 ( 新的藝術殿堂 ) 之連結。)

the fabrication_ A self-supporting construction is erected by establishing a higher air pressure inside a space defined by a membrane, than found on the outside. It's fitted with 4 entrances – 1 main with 3 supplementary emergency exits. The exhibition concept is based on a pneumatic principal.The walls appear as concave planes growing out from the floor. The membrane used is a green colour, opaque PVC weave with a fire retardant layer. The inside has a white surface allowing projections of film, photo and digital sources to be displayed.

a 1500 sqm (16100 sqft) pneumatic textile structure. Based on the principles of a zeppelin, the weatherproof nylon fabric is kept up by the difference in air-pressure between inside and outside. A huge fan constantly supplies the inside of the pavilion with fresh air, which is then trapped inside the frog and maintains it inflated. The frog has no straight edges or lines, only curved walls smoothly transcending into a roof, and then to a wall again. A series of circular sections forms a path or walkway inside the structure. The fabric is supported by seven arches of circle shaped beams, evenly spread along the interior walkway.






Materials:Opaque PVC weave with a ďŹ re retardant layer.

pneumatic textile structure The non-pneumatic part 01 Cable 02 Parking(stage activities and dining 03

Revolving doors.(avoid decreasing the frog’s pressure.)


s t a g e activities and dining.

The non-pneumatic part.

Pneumatic textile structure.


Box Mobile Gallery

The ‘Box Mobile Gallery’ is a gallery responsive to various exhibition intentions and art media. The gallery consists of 12 panels soft-hinged side by side. Each of these panels features an art work fixed to its inside. The flexibility of the soft hinge system allows the spatial reconfiguration of the gallery, transforming one space to another according to site conditions, exhibition intention, and art media; from independent cells for an individual exhibition, to a common exhibition space for a group exhibition, often times with an introductory area or a court yard, and to a special exhibition space for various art media.

The Box also functions as a crate, Art can be packed within the gallery, with some pieces sandwiched between panels and some contained within individual cells. In its folded and locked state, the box becomes an art crate, ready for travel or for storage.

With this Installation, people could encounter unexpected daily events in a city to create a delightful urban experience as an urban transformer.

The different constitution.

One Sqm House


產生背景: 能從情感上和財力上感 到擁有一個屬於自己的 小天地的移動住宅,對 那些無家可歸的人來說 有多大的意義。 ( 它擁有生存所需的必 需品,它也是你冒險和 城市生活的一個棲身空 間,而不是一個偏遠的 藏身處。) http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Okqa7qdAPbo

基本建設材料:20 公尺的木板 (3.4 公分乘 3.4 公分,需約 300 美元 )、牆紙、200 個螺絲釘、4 個輪子、 1 扇壓克力玻璃窗、1 扇門


蛋殼居 產生背景:房價過高、出外年輕人無能負擔 材料:竹子、絕緣材、木屑和種子、麻布袋、 輪子、木板、釘子、木條、鋼條、防水帆布、 保麗龍塊、太陽能板 構法:骨架為木構。以 竹子編出「蛋殼」的雛 型,然後用各種絕緣材 質和裝滿鋸木屑和青草 種子的麻布袋覆蓋在外 頭,以鋼條、木條製作 底盤,填充保麗龍塊◎後 鋪上防水帆布,以木板 固定。底盤裝設滾輪可 移動。



產生背景:身處外地城市中,提供等待或暫時只求一可安穩休息空間之旅客。 材料:ash-veneered MDF ( 貼面中密度纖維板 ),金屬及玻璃塑料纖維 ( 增加強度 )

面積:4 平方公尺 為使需求者不需花費太多時間尋 找旅館。供應充電插座、電視、 網路,使其自成一小型辦公室。 設置地點: @ 機場 @ 車站 @ 住宿設施 @ 會展中心

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