[Seminar] v0227

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[Seminar] 專題進度 蔡寧 v0227

Tricycle House and Tricycle Garden

WHY: The inability to own land is a fundamental condition in China unique from many western countries. The Tricycle House suggests a future where the temporary relationship and the public nature between people and the land they occupy is embraced.

MATERIALS: Translucent polypropylene, to ensure the interior is always well lit whether by the sun during the day or street lamps at night. (The plastic can be folded without losing its strength.) Tricycle.

FABRICATION: Welding and Folding. (It can be entirely open up to the outside, expand out like an accordion to increase space, and connect to other houses.)

( 一個被人力運輸著行駛的個人空間,並不適合於白天、人口稠密之處移動。)


折疊式浴缸開啟圖 ( 沒有排水?? )

a. 折出伸縮外殼

b. 焊接內櫃及固定板

c. 組裝

c. 固定至三輪車

d. 伸縮處銜接收尾

d. 完成

The Origami-Inspired Folding Bamboo House

WHY: It's intended to be used as temporary shelters in the aftermath of an earthquake. This shelter was easily produced, cheap and environmentally friendly and can adapt to respond to the needs of different situations. MATERIALS: Bamboo and renewable materials. FABRICATION: It utilizes a system of bamboo poles that are pre-assembled and can be folded easily into rigid geometric shapes. (The geometry of these forms provides each structure's integrity, allowing a range of lightweight modular structures to be quickly assembled in factories and transported to their destination.)

Tea House

CONCEPT: This breathing architecture is an attempt to approach the original Tea Room, aiming to oppose to the non-breathing 20th century concrete architectures.

MATERIALS: Technically, a membrane using a new material called Tenara was used to create a double membrane with air inserted in between. ( 高透明度,質地十分輕軟 )

FABRICATION: 使用氣動系統,啟動時,茶室膨脹。


PIPE COMBINATION_group&ungroup

人是種群體動物,從早期聚落發 展到村莊、社會,乃至整個國家, 皆仰賴群體的同心協力以及互助 合作達成向前發展的動力。然而 隨著文明的演進,人類的思考向 前進入不完全的本能性,行為模 式開始有了自我檢視,渴望除了 原欲滿足外亦有更深的達成自我。 於是部分人們脫開群體以求不受 干擾的自我探索,以孤獨的方式 追求更寧靜更全面更廣闊的思考, 然而人終究來自群體,儘管脫開 了人群,卻也仍然想念群體的支 持。 此次操作以空間表達人的雙面性, 既追求安定的生活,又渴想漂泊 的風景。而我們既不能始終如一 的伏身團體裡,亦無法完全的離 散,那便給予一種可單元組構的 方式連結生命。

01 以此空間裝置作為感知環境的媒介。

( 當你想保持周遭安靜不受打擾,此空間可提供不直接面對人群的隔離和包覆 ) ex.@ 河堤:於河邊尋找一平坦地面架構裝置,觀賞河景。 @ 大廈頂樓:架設裝置俯視城市。 @ 橋下空間


02 此 Group&Ungroup 的空間裝置除表達人的一體兩面外,亦探 討其於真實生活中可被置入事件中的實際應用。 ( 尋找生活中較臨時性、即時性的空間裝置 ) ex. @ 難民營:以模矩化方式作為單元,可極易快速展開使用並拼接。 @ 鬧區流動攤販 :可快速收納的裝置,方便於警察來襲時快速脫逃。 @ 市集:基於土地的需另作他用,收納和組構皆十分方便容易。

大誌販賣者 people who sells the Big Issue.

鬧區中隨時準備逃亡的流動攤販 vendors, always ready to escape all the time.

難民營 refugee camps, for those who lose their homeland.

徹夜排隊的粉絲 fans, line up for something or someone all night.

活動臨時服務台 the temporar y counter, for some of activities.

[SEMINAR SUMMERIZATION] Function: @instant pavilion @backpack transform to tent @space for architectural student 目前型式偏向 folding, inflated, stuffing. 移動性高。

機能較單純,可擺放展品 ( 可釘可掛可夾 ... 機能較單純,提供休息、暫止 ( 可坐可臥 ... 較複雜,提供架子可供收納 ( 可掛可擺 ... ex. 睡眠、梳洗、放空

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