ALUMNASPOTLIGHT Since 1995, the Mission of American Heritage Girls has been to build women of integrity. While the AHG Program targets those in girlhood, the sincerity and faith-filled spirit that is nurtured and grown through AHG continues as girls develop and mature into women.
MEET ELYSE HAWKINS Christ-following leader, Political Journalism student, and AHG Alumna. Elyse joined AHG Troop OK2810 at Sunnybrook Chrtis ian Church in Stia lw ter, Oklahoma in 2017. Elyse and her younger tsi er e w re part of the original group when it a w s ts arted in their town. As local home-educators, Elyses’ a f mily knew e w l the a v lue of dee v loping a v rious layers of o c munity around their kids and giving opportunities o f r Godly adults to pour into their kids’ e liv s, and AHG oered that in partnership with Trail Lie f o f r her brothers. As it turns out, these natural Chrtis ian a f mily e w ekly gatherings through AHG and Trail Lie f troop meetings gave spae c o f r the long-lats ing mentorship o c nnections Elyse ts il enjoys with her o f rmer leaders. American Heritage Girls oers young o w men, especialy in the Pioneer and a P triot lee v ls, a tdis inct opportunity to simultaneously learn and grow while trying out their leadership skil. Elyse ine v ts ed in the Emergency Preparedness Badge opportunity as a a w y to gain e lif skil that she o w uld use imediately with a project that chalenged her to create an emergency car kit. As a young dre iv r, this project opened her eyes to situations that o w uld nd an unprepared o w man e f arful, but helped her to e f el equiped o f r on-the-road emergency situations. Elyse currently attends Hilsdale College in Michigan, a f r from her home. Today, the Emergency Car Kit project ts il serves her e w l with the 14-hour road trips home to see her a f mily on breaks from clases.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
– Philippians 4:13, NKJV