Heritage Headlines Magazine Winter 2022

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How Service Can Transform Your Girl This New Year

AHG National Awards Honoring Extraordinary Volunteers Who Are Making a Difference

AHG Reaches New Audiences Broadcast news, podcasts, articles,

High Impact Insight Fostering a Love for Service

AHG3221 - Heritage Headlines - Winter 2022



Dear friends, Welcome to this edition of Heritage Headlines which focuses on service–one of my favorite topics! It seems like just yesterday when my days and weeks were filled with planning, communicating, and facilitating an exciting program for the girls in my Troop. The work was difficult and challenging, yet this season was one of the most rewarding periods of my life. Thirteen years of volunteering with the Girl Scouts and eight years in an AHG Troop provided me with two decades of memories that have lasted my lifetime. I pray those same memories are fondly entertained by the dozens of girls whose lives were impacted by the service I provided. As AHG volunteers, you too are making an incredible eternal impact on the hearts and minds of the girls you serve by generously investing your time, talent, and treasure. Your legacy of service will be multiplied by the people in whom you have invested. Throughout my tenure as a volunteer working with girls, and now as a leader of volunteers who work with girls, one area remains constant: Girls love service. Girls grow emotionally and spiritually from serving. Girls become more compassionate and empathetic when they consider others’ needs. Girls feel like they are contributors to the greater good when they serve. They feel they are an active part of the solution rather than contributing to the problem. They feel great self-worth when they give their treasure of time to another. They often find their vocation and passion through gifts of service. The importance of service in a youth’s life is confirmed by research. According to studies conducted over the last two decades, youth experience the following when engaged in community service projects:

• Better overall health. Volunteers show an improved ability to manage stress and stave off disease • Reduced loneliness and depression • Increased sense of life satisfaction • Better grades and self-image • An increase in humility and selflessness • The ability to use their unique giftings • An ability to share Christ’s love in a tangible way

Couple these benefits with “placing legs” on a girl’s faith while advancing the Kingdom of God, and you will find that dedication to serving others has an incredible eternal impact on one’s life. When founding AHG, one of the primary ideologies that underscored the essence of the Christian faith was service. So important was this belief, that the idea of Service Stars developed even before the first badge was written. Now, AHG’s tagline “Faith, Service, Fun” still rings true 26 years later. May your year be filled with impact and with service. May God bless you richly as you serve Him,

Patti Garibay AHG Founder & Executive Director

Community clean-up with Troop VA0428

The greatest among you shall be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. –Matthew 23:11-12, ESV AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 3





AHG News Sharing the AHG Program with audiences across the country on The 700 Club, Florida Catholic, Ministry Watch, The Christian Post, Breitbart, and more.


Service Stories




American Heritage Girls are fulfilling God’s call to be His hands and feet. Read about Troop service projects and their impact on local communities across the country. 12

Girl Stories Troop activities, special events, girl leadership, and more! AHG gives girls the safe and Spirit-filled space to grow in their identity and abilities.


Badge Stories AHG Badges give girls the opportunity to develop applicable life skills, grow in faith, and discover new passions.


Charter Organization Spotlight The secret to a thriving AHG Troop is a strong, supportive Charter Organization. Calvary Chapel Festus in Festus, Missouri is just that for the girls and volunteers of MO3110.


Alumnae Spotlight Meet Ella Baldwin, former Girl Member of OH0702, faithful Christian, and artist.


Stars & Stripes Award Recipient Highlight Meet Lydia Musil, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #824 from GA1331.


High Impact Insight Becky Stone, Hometown Mentor, shares valuable insight on fostering a commitment to meaningful service as a Troop.


AHG, Inc. Updates Exciting updates, changes, and news from the AHG, Inc. Office in Cincinnati, OH and Staff across the country.


You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. —Galatians 5:13, NIV


BEHIND THE COVER Did you know that AHG publications, social media photos, and video content feature the smiling faces of real-live American Heritage Girls? Even AHGstore merchandise is worn not by models, but by girls, parents, and volunteers registered in the program! With tens of thousands of members all across the country (not to mention the Trailblazer families in 15 countries abroad!), AHG relies on the generous submissions of Troop photographs to tell the story of the ministry. From amateur individual snapshots to fully-curated professional galleries, all 1MB+ photos of registered, media-released Girl and Adult Members are welcomed. Members are invited to share their Troop photographs and stories at https://ahg.pub/photosubmission.

ON THE COVER: Sarah-Joy, who recently advanced from Explorer to Pioneer, and her mom, Heidi, Charter Representative from VA0428, donned AHG Class A Uniforms during a service project honoring fallen veterans at a local cemetery.

Looking to share this issue with friends, family, or someone you think might love the AHG Program? Share the digital version FREE by visiting issuu.com/americanheritagegirls. Want an extra print copy for your daughter’s memory box or to give to a potential local Charter Organization? Order today from the AHGstore by visiting americanheritagegirls.org/store! Don’t miss a single issue all year, signup with AHG’s new subscription service!



AHGNEWS RECENT MEDIA SPOTS FOR AHG, INC. AHG was all over the airwaves this quarter! Check out the many interviews AHG Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay participated in with news outlets all over the country:

Florida Catholic “Catholic scouting comes to the Diocese of Palm Beach” thefloridacatholic.org/dioceses/palm-beach/catholic-scouting-comes-to-thediocese-of-palm-beach/article_dcb60894-efd4-11eb-a3cd-4f9b558b77e3. html

CBN News—The 700 Club “Unapologetically Christian: Alternatives to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts See Big Membership Increases” cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2021/august/unapologetically-christian-alternatives-toboy-scouts-girl-scouts-see-big-membership-increases

American Essence “Praise the American Heritage Girls” americanessencemag.com/praise-the-american-heritage-girls-a-programwhere-girls-ages-5-18-can-make-a-difference-in-their-lives_956.html

Pure Flix “Exclusive Insider Interview with Patti Garibay” facebook.com/watch/?v=898141834418546

CBN News “‘Heritage’ is Crucial to Our Name” cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2021/september/heritage-is-crucial-to-our-name

Ministry Watch “Ministries Face Growing Need for Youth Protection Policies” ministrywatch.com/ministries-face-growing-need-for-youth-protectionpolicies

Moms for America Podcast “Episode #2112 American Heritage Girls” momsforamerica.us/get-informed/podcasts

American Family Radio—@The Core with Walker Wildmon Patti Garibay of American Heritage Girls joins Walker and Wesley discussing the birth and mission of AHG, Start at 18:00 afr.net/podcasts/afa-the-core/2021/october/patti-garibay-of-americanheritage-girls-joins-walker-and-wesley-discussing-the-birth-and-mission-ofahg

The Christian Post “Cultivating a Spirit of Thankfulness” christianpost.com/voices/cultivating-a-spirit-of-thankfulness.html

Breitbart “American Heritage Girls Weigh in on Transgender Movement: God ‘Created Men and Women Differently on Purpose” breitbart.com/politics/2021/11/01/american-heritage-girls-weigh-in-ontransgender-movement-god-created-men-and-women-differently-onpurpose


Whether it’s faith, service or fun, communities across the nation are witnessing contributions of local AHG Troops. Heritage Headlines, AHG’s quarterly magazine, seeks to spread those good news stories while encouraging other Troops to follow in their footsteps. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Patti Garibay


Rachael Culpepper



Erin Marco


Natalie Ambrose


Becky Lipps


Becky Stone

Direct all Letters to the Editor, address changes, or other correspondence to: American Heritage Girls, Inc. 35 Tri-County Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45246 513-771-2025

news@ahgonline.org americanheritagegirls.org




Check out our social media channels for the latest AHG updates and happenings.

GET FEATURED Share your Troop photos with the hashtag #ahgfun on Instagram for a chance to be shared in Heritage Headlines.

THE JUMP www.thejump.com/ ahgcommunity

PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/ americanheritagegirls @sniffen_ohana_adventures


FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ AmericanHeritageGirls

Three cheers for all of the AHG dads! Did you know that both men and women of God are welcome and encouraged to serve as Troop leaders? AHG dads play a big role in helping Girl Members to learn new skills and grow in their understanding of God’s care for His people. Ready to become an AHG volunteer? Find out which Troops are local to your area and looking to grow their team of leaders by visiting americanheritagegirls.org/find-a-troop.

“My husband has served with our Troop from the beginning. Over the past five years he’s been Treasurer, Security, Assistant Treasurer, Troop Secretary and an overall helper. Currently he is Security, helps set up and break down, crunches numbers with our Treasurer, and helps wherever is needed. I’m grateful for him and his dedication to our family and to our Troop!” –Kristine M. Malingowski “I LOVE being an AHG dad...and PA0423’s Stars & Stripes Mentor!” –Curt Savage



“Dads add another level of fun and girls get to witness good Christian men in action.”


–Julie Prescott Goodwin “We have three dads and one grandfather who serve on our leadership team! Awesome male role models to our young ladies!”



–Jennie Rose


“We LOVE our AHG dads!”

www.linkedin.com/ company/ American-Heritage-Girls

–Alexandra Lee Zimdahl Harden “We love our dads at Camp GTR!” –Kimberlie Brumfield


“Amen! We love our AHG DADS!” –Crystal Strand



www.youtube.com/ AHGchannel AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 9


FLORIDA TROOP VOLUNTEER EFFORTS TAKE FLIGHT When FL2545 began planning how they’d contribute to National Day of Service, an exciting ministry opportunity came to mind— Ministry Flights International. The ministry flys missionaries, cargo, relief supplies, mail, and more to the Caribbean nations, all requiring a copious amount of preparatory volunteer support. Girls served by cleaning and sorting empty used prescription bottles that doctors will use for medications, washing some of the vehicles, and packing school packs. The girls also took a tour of the facilities and planes and had a special time with one of the pilots, even getting to view the cockpit of one of the aircraft.


TROOP HONORS NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE WITH LOCAL RIVER CLEANUP The girls of IL2031 donned their AHG Class B T-Shirts and work gloves for a weekend service project to benefit their beautiful community. Hitting the Fox River Valley for a sunshine-filled autumn day of volunteering, girls participated in a cleanup of the Fox River in Yorkville, IL, in partnership with the Friends of Fox River. The Troop spent hours picking up everyday trash and fishing large items dumped in the river out onto the shore. Together, they collected everything for proper disposal, including old tires and even a children’s car seat. Thanks to their efforts, the river’s coastline was trash-free that day, protecting the tributary river (and by proxy the Illinois River) and its marine life from being filled with more harmful waste pollution.


The Faith, Service, and Fun Program Initiative encouraged girls to get to know the heart of AHG! Together, Tenderheart girls from Middletown, Ohio Troop OH3722 hosted a food drive to fulfill one of the Patch Program activities. Troop members donated food to the Towne Church Food Pantry. But before the items went to their deserving homes, the Tenderhearts decorated the food with Bible verses and encouraging notes. “We pray that when people receive the food that they will be blessed both physically and spiritually,” said Jenny Jackson, Tenderheart Unit Leader, pictured here with her two daughters, Ally (Pioneer) and Savannah (Pathfinder).


Submit your photos and project details to AHG via https://ahg.pub/photosubmission for a chance to be featured on social media or in a future issue of Heritage Headlines! AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 11


AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS MAKE MEMORIES ON CROSS-COUNTRY TRIP Lifelong friendships formed between fellow Girl Members and volunteers are a testament to the creation of a fun, honoring, and Spirit-filled Troop culture. When military family members of their Troop left Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and moved west to the U.S. Air Force Academy, the Patriot girls and leaders of Dayton-area Troop OH0413 planned a fun summer visit to reunite! The Unit enjoyed all that Colorado Springs had to offer, including: riding the cog railway to the summit of Pike’s Peak, exploring the Garden of the Gods and the Manitou Cliff Dwellings, braving the Royal Gorge Bridge, and visiting the headquarters of Focus on the Family, an AHG Program Alliance. Together, the girls and leaders exemplified how the AHG experience, and the friendship bonds that form, extend far beyond the walls of a Charter Organization!


MICHIGAN PATRIOTS ENJOY ONCE-IN-ALIFETIME DAY OF ADVENTURE Patriots from MI0138 (and one from MI0226) participated in a day rich with history and adventure. Girls, all who earned their Shooting Sports Badge, gathered at the Detroit Sportsmen’s Congress Clinton River Muzzleloader Range in Utica, MI. Led by Brendan Newell, MI0138 volunteer and certified NRA Muzzleloading Instructor and Artillery Range Safety Officer, girls safely learned how to load and fire a 1/10 scale (12 gauge) muzzleloading cannon using period procedures. Aiming at a plywood pirate ship, the girls practiced working as a team. In addition to learning new artillery skills, the girls learned of the history and heroism of Mary Hays, known colloquially as “Molly Pitcher”. Mary ‘Molly’ Hayes was a woman of the Revolutionary War who not only provided great service to the army as a water bearer, but took over loading a cannon when her husband was wounded. Because of her service, including service in combat, ‘Molly’ Hays was awarded a military pension, a rarity for women of her time.

TEXAS EXPLORER GETS CREATIVE WITH GIRL RECRUITMENT EFFORTS Angela, an Explorer in TX0210, combined her love of dolls and the AHG Program to create a unique way to ask girls to join her Troop! By being resourceful and using craft materials she had on hand, Angela channeled her creativity into making an AHG spirit wear t-shirt and Girl Handbook for her beloved doll. Complete with detailed badge instructions, Angela and her doll are ready to spread the word about all the faith, service, and fun that is AHG to other girls in her local community! Did you know the AHGstore sells perfectly-pint-sized AHG Uniforms for standard 18” dolls? Available in Pathfinder, Tenderheart, Explorer, Pioneer, and Patriot styles, girls can match their doll at any Program Level!


BADGESTORIES LEARNING LIFE SKILLS AND BUILDING CONFIDENCE The goal of every AHG Troop is to provide girls with a balanced and progressive Program Level experience. Building on skills they’ve learned during their years in previous Program Levels, girls can earn badges multiple times by working on them again at various ages. This progressive programming model provides an opportunity for a deeper understanding of valuable life skills. The AHG Program offers girls 93 different badge programs in six Frontiers of skill—Heritage, Family Living, Arts, Outdoor Skills, Personal Well-Being, and Science & Technology.

HIKING BADGE & OUTDOOR COOKING BADGE When the Pioneer and Patriot Units come together for a Troop camping trip, you know earning badges together will be on the agenda! And what goes better with camping in the great outdoors than the Outdoor Cooking Badge and the Hiking Badge? Led by Curtis and Scott, two registered Adult Member AHG dads, the 14 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS

Hiking is a wonderful way to spend time outdoors. It’s also a great way to exercise. There are many things to see on a hike. You can hike in the city or in a forest, searching for wildlife. Anytime you decide to hike, always plan ahead, dress appropriately, keep safe, and learn the necessary skills to have an enjoyable time. Being in the outdoors is a lot of fun. Cooking outside can add to the experience. You don’t have to eat boring food while camping. You can enjoy many foods you cook at home or create delicious recipes savored only in the outdoors. Learn some fun and tasty ways to have some great meals while you are away from the comforts of home. Pioneers and Patriots of VA0428 set off on a three-mile historic hike around Prince William Forest Park. The National Forest, located just east of the banks of the Potomac River features preserved Revolutionary War paths followed by General George Washington and The Comte de Rochambeau on their way to

the Battle at Yorktown. After their journey, the Pioneers and Patriots ventured back to the campsite with one thing in mind— food! After a quick rest in the campsite hammocks, the girls grabbed their tin foil, cast iron pans, and cooking utensils to whip up some tasty fare around the campfire for everyone to enjoy!

GEOCACHING & ORIENTEERING BADGE From stars to maps to satellites, people have always been dependent on various navigation techniques to find their way around this great planet. Two fantastic activities have grown out of the necessity for “getting from point A to point B.” Geocaching and orienteering have emerged as wonderful, familyfriendly activities. Geocaching has been called the hobby that uses multi-billion-dollar satellites to find plastic containers filled with treasures. Orienteering has turned map and compass knowledge into a competitive sport combining racing and navigation. Find your way around this badge and enjoy the thrill of the hunt in the direction called fun. Have compass, will explore! When Pacifica, an Explorer from CA0613, set out to earn her Geocaching & Orienteering Badge (formerly known as the Where in the World? Badge) she never could have guessed how much fun was in store! Using specific coordinates, Pacifica discovered small, plastic treasure troves around Los Angeles county. Using a compass, Pacifica discovered a knack for orienteering and earned a new badge from the Outdoor Skills Frontier for her Explorer vest!

ASTRONOMY BADGE Man has always wondered about the sky and the secrets it holds. For generations there have been stories to explain what we see when we look up into the night sky. People have raced to build bigger, better telescopes and space vehicles so they can be the first to see or explore the vastness of space. Yet, despite the technology we have available today, there are still many mysteries as to what exists far out in space. Friends and mother/daughter duos Elena and Christine and Raileigh and Desi from PA3031 planned a fall camping trip in northern Pennsylvania. The clear autumn sky over Cherry Springs State Park provided the perfect space to experience the beauty of our galaxy and earn the Astronomy Badge. Through the lens of the telescope, Pioneers Elena and Raileigh took in the many sights and learned about God’s celestial creation. “We were able to see so many stars and the Milky Way stretching over our heads like a huge rainbow. Through the telescope, our guide showed us Venus, Jupiter with its stripes and four moons, and Saturn with its rings. We were able to also see the Andromeda galaxy and several meteors zooming through the sky,” shared Christine, Troop Coordinator and Pioneer Unit Leader. The next morning, the girls completed the

rest of the badge requirements at the campsite and feasted on a delicious pancake breakfast cooked over the fire.




This issue, AHG is excited to shine a light on Calvary Chapel Festus in Festus, MO, home to MO3110. Charter Representative (and Senior Pastor) Scott Parker and Troop Coordinator Kelly Drinen reflect on nearly nine years of chartering an AHG Troop at their church and the significant impact AHG has had on their community.

ARGUABLY THE MOST IMPACTFUL FORCE IN THE WELL-BEING OF AN AHG TROOP IS THE CHARTER ORGANIZATION. Every Troop is owned by a Charter Organization, which is typically a church, school, or similarlyaligned Christian organization. Without the support of their Charter Organization, an AHG Troop would not exist. When the Charter Organization and Charter Representative are involved beyond simply providing meeting space, the AHG Ministry can have an incredible impact on the outreach of the organization.

Charter Organizations serve a crucial role in the AHG Ministry, as they own and operate AHG Troops. Though volunteers implement the AHG Program, the Charter Organization is able to customize their AHG Troop to best accomplish their ministry goals. 16 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS

WHY DID YOUR CHURCH DECIDE TO CHARTER AN AHG TROOP? Our AHG Troop began out of the desire of several members/parents to provide their daughters with a Christfocused, scout-like program that would develop character, leadership skills, project management, healthy friendships, and a love for learning and exploring the world that God created. Calvary Chapel Festus (CC Festus) has been instrumental in the health and growth of our Troop. The church sees AHG as a ministry of the church, providing leaders, volunteers, resources, and prayers for our AHG members and their families. Our Troop is diligent in reciprocating that generosity and love. We care for the church building after meetings and events; we schedule Troop updates to share with the congregation; and we encourage our Girl Members to share the new skills they’re learning at meetings as well as all that God has been doing in their lives

HOW MANY YEARS HAS YOUR CHURCH HAD AN AHG TROOP? MO3110 chartered in September 2013 and has 44 Girl Members. Our AHG Troop Ministry Team is comprised of 14 leaders and numerous volunteers.

HOW HAVE YOU SEEN GROWTH IN YOUR YOUTH/ FAMILY/WOMEN’S MINISTRY PROGRAMMING SINCE CHARTERING AN AHG TROOP? Chartering MO3110 allowed for a new outreach within the church for church members to become involved and serve with a unified mission. Women of all ages are encouraged to get involved in leading, teaching or serving behind the scenes according to their giftings and skills. Men of the church have also become an integral part of our Troop serving as ushers/security team members for meetings and events as well as skilled teachers of various badge topics and Bible studies. Calvary Chapel Festus has also recognized the steady increase in AHG families that become active members of our church fellowship as relationships are built during joint AHG/CCFestus community outreach projects and AHG meetings. The addition of AHG families to our fellowship is a tremendous blessing.

The Biblical foundation that they receive at Calvary Chapel is expanded and challenged by their participation in AHG, which in return, guides them to continue digging deeper to live out their faith daily. The Biblical leadership and servanthood of these young women is remarkable!

Scott Parker

HOW ELSE HAS AHG AFFECTED YOUR ORGANIZATION’S MINISTRY EFFORTS? AHG provides another avenue for the church to engage in the Great Commission of evangelizing and discipleship. It also provides an opportunity for the women of the church to carry out Paul’s command in Titus 2:3-5 to teach the younger how to become Godly women. AHG has given an opportunity to those outside our church to become acquainted with, and even become part of, our church family. The relationship between our AHG Troop and our church has become a vital ministry partnership, each supporting the other in various community and mission projects.

WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR OTHER POTENTIAL CHARTER ORGANIZATIONS LOOKING TO CHARTER AN AHG TROOP? Make the American Heritage Girls Troop a true ministry of the church. There are churches who see their role in chartering as only providing a place to meet, a building. This is unfortunate as a church’s oversight is a valuable component to the mission. In our experience, building the Troop’s leadership team from church members allows for an alignment of vision and direction. For example, when a church values Bible teaching, that is reflected in the activities and values of the AHG Troop. The role of the church is to make disciples and the Mission of American Heritage Girls is to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country—this alignment of purpose is undeniable. Seek God and pray for His guidance every step of the way to chartering a new Troop and then continue to keep God first as you guide your leaders and members to do the same each day.

One of the most wonderful areas of growth within the church has been the spiritual maturity of our young women. Within the last year, we have added many of our teen girls to our monthly women’s ministry Bible Study as it was the desire of their heart to study God’s Word more in depth on a regular basis. These teens are all young ladies that have grown up as members of MO3110 for the last five years. For more information on the chartering process, visit americanheritagegirls.org/start-a-troop/charter-organizations AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 17

“New year, new me.” It’s a mentality adopted around the world every January, typically met with fizzled results by month’s end. But we know there’s nothing magical about January— change only happens when we’re committed to making it. Resolutions that aren’t rooted in true desire and actionable ability are sure to be dismantled by our life’s daily habits. Wellness is the most-popular resolution adopted by Americans, including exercise and healthy eating, but as our society’s understanding of wellness grows, so too does our understanding of how to achieve it. Today’s girls are suffocated by feelings of anxiety, depression, and identity confusion. The pressures of society coerce them to reach for unattainable ideals, seek unhealthy validation, and live in a constant state of pressure. But Generation Z has tapped into something that recent generations have lost sight of—civic engagement, specifically in word and action for a deserving cause outside of our immediate circle, is an anecdote for self-centered, anxious thought. Volunteering is actually a gateway to mental wellness. Cultivating a Heart for Service While movies and television can lead us to believe that today’s adolescents are purely imageobsessed and self-centered, we know this is not the case. Truth to be told, girls love service because God designed humankind that way. The desire to serve is something He instilled in each of our hearts. We were created to live in God-honoring community, giving and receiving help, prayer, and support to one another. But service extends our care beyond our family and friends and reaches outward. Today’s youth 18 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS

are engaged and concerned for their communities, our nation, and our world. Young people sense a strong call to advocate and make change, and they are ready to respond. American Heritage Girls gives girls a chance to create meaningful change by serving in the community. American Heritage Girls of all ages are challenged to make a difference by putting ‘legs on their faith’ and often prove they have the hearts, skills, and creativity to serve others in a multitude of ways. From


WELLNESS RESOLUTION: How Service Can Transform Your Girl This New Year

Pathfinders to Patriots, these young women for Christ can teach our culture a thing or two about answering the call to live an altruistic life. Girls nationwide are answering God’s call to serve through their AHG Troop, allowing them an opportunity to develop compassion, empathy, understanding, and respect for others. Serving a Solution According to the Center for Disease Control, anxiety and depression affect millions of children in the U.S., and their prevalence continues to rise. Reported findings show that 4.4 million children in the U.S. have been diagnosed with anxiety, while another 1.9 million have been diagnosed with depression. Now, children face the possibility

...we each have the power to make the world a bit more joyful by answering the call of the gospel. As Christians, we’re called to altruism— unselfishly doing kind things for others, not out of feelings of obligation, but out of love.


of ongoing negative mental effects from their experience with the pandemic on top of this ongoing spike. In December 2021, the U.S. Surgeon General reported “a 51% increase in ER visits for suicide attempts by adolescent girls in the U.S. in 2021, as compared to the same period in 2019.” This shocking statistic once again confirms the need to come alongside our girls in fostering their mental wellbeing. While treatment for these clinical mental health disorders varies for every child, there are common methods of symptom management recommended to all. Healthy eating, daily exercise, getting enough sleep, and practicing some sort of relaxation method, like Christhonoring mindfulness and prayer, are all ways to calm the mind. Another way is to be of service to someone else. Science shows that ultimately serving others serves us. From lowering blood pressure in adults over 50 to creating “The Helper’s High”, a feeling of joy and delight caused by releasing dopamine in the brain, volunteering does just as much good inside the volunteer as outside in their community. For girls struggling with mild depression, especially after the lingering isolation of the pandemic, service opportunities are an important way to guide girls into developing a healthy relationship with re-entry and socialization with people outside of their “bubble”. Troops that are finding girls struggling with their mental health are encouraged to find a healthy balance among 20 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS

the faith, service, and fun that girls find in AHG. Adding an impactful service project to the calendar, one that leaves girls feeling like they made a real difference, is one way to create space for mental wellness. Better yet, invite girls to the planning table, welcoming their creativity and their interests to the conversation. With genuine interest comes strong buy-in, something that will only fuel the lasting effects of meaningful service work. For a Gen Z girl, the successful completion of a service project isn’t about the number of hours counted toward a Service Star, but rather an opportunity to see that she made a real difference in the world. Giving for the Greater Good We are faced with the problems of the world each time we open our phones, tune into the nightly news, or pass by the newspapers upon exiting the grocery store. Thanks to the information age, our girls are informed on issues, but that knowledge often comes with feelings of overwhelm. But in the face of these overwhelming problems, we each have the power to make the world a bit more joyful by answering the call of the gospel. As Christians, we’re called to altruism—unselfishly doing kind things for others, not out of feelings of obligation, but out of love. As the mid-century hymn based on John 13:35 goes, “They’ll know we are Christians by our love.” We are each called to bring God’s goodness through loving service into our homes, communities, and nations, revealing the power in loving our neighbors as ourselves.

Volunteering gives girls a sense of being part of the solution to the world’s issues rather than contributing to its problems. By shifting their focus to lending a helping hand, girls feel more confident, purposeful, and happy in life. Motivated by these feelings of fulfillment, girls often discover passions and abilities that lead them to discover their life’s vocation. Perhaps by serving a hot meal to those experiencing homelessness, a girl in your Troop may discover the desire to pursue social work. Or maybe a Stars & Stripes Award project could lead a girl to choose a year of service after high school to improve a community. Even a simple pen pal program with a local assisted living facility could spark the desire for more meaningful connections with a girl’s aging family members. This January, stay committed to a new wellness resolution through service. But just as a newfound dedication to exercise or healthy eating, don’t expect to see the transformational impact immediately in your girls. Scripture points us time and again to care for our fellow man, but it never said it would be an easy feat! It’s through regular service to others and learning why God calls us to serve that, in the long-term, volunteering develops more selfless, fulfilled, and happy young people. Offering regularly-scheduled service opportunities gives girls (and Troop volunteers!) a consistent model for living altruistically and experiencing the healing effects that guide them toward mental wellness.


ALUMNASPOTLIGHT Since 1995, the Mission of American Heritage Girls has been to build women of integrity. While the AHG Program targets those in girlhood, the sincerity and faith-filled spirit that is nurtured and grown through AHG continues as girls develop and mature into women.

MEET ELLA BALDWIN Artist, business owner, student, and AHG Alumna.

Ella, an 18-year-old AHG Alumna of OH0702, describes herself as “overcome with the splendor of Jesus”, and the more you learn about Ella, the more you’ll see God’s glory resonate through her unique life. When Ella joined OH0702, a long-standing Troop chartered in 2002, the Troop met at Center Pointe Christian. Today, the Troop is now a ministry of Tri-County Baptist Church in West Chester, OH. Ella joined AHG as a Tenderheart in 2010 at the request of a friend, and she quickly fell in love with the faith, service, and fun!


Ella shares that she overcame painful trials in her life but recognizes that God has remained faithful and guided her “every step of the way.” Those same trials inspired her to start a business. Was she hesitant due to her young age? Perhaps she felt that she needed more experience as a professional? Not at all! Growth through hardship defines the daily Christian walk, and Ella was not one to shy away from a Lord-led adventure. Using her middle name as inspiration, she opened MeLea & Co., a creative design business specializing in handlettered art, textile art, and more. Whether it’s a hand-lettered wall-hanging of 1 Corinthians 10:31 or a mindfully crafted piece of needle punch art work in a hoop frame, Ella uses the light of Jesus and her foundation with AHG as a way to tell her story. She also happens to have a talent for poetry, which she shares from time to time. Ella now sees the world around her ripe with opportunity to “minister to other women and girls in my community, support others in their walk with Christ, and to uplift and inspire others in their walk with Christ.” You see, Ella is not only a light for God’s Kingdom, she’s also a successful entrepreneur and business owner—creator, designer, and owner of MeLea & Co. Ella sells her pieces on platforms like Etsy and Bonfire, and in Cincinnati-local shops like Blume and Shoppe Smitten and popping up at events like Charm at the Farm. Ella gained many of the foundational skills she now uses in her professional life in her time with AHG. Girls in the AHG Program today can learn these same skills through facets of the Life Skills Program Emphasis, like the Creative Crafts Badge, Textile Arts Badge, Money Management Badge, Bible Basics Badge, and Daughter of the King Badge. An AHG environment rich in encouragement gave Ella the chance to work out her creative talents while also weaving a core foundation in her identity in Christ. Ella feels her work now is a form of daily worship and ministry in God’s Kingdom. And in the spirit of allowing God to mold her and guide her life, Ella has announced that her pursuit of an education in Graphic Design yielded an internship which has now become a career path! She still makes beautiful pieces with her hands, but God is expanding her influence through this path, and she’s all in to be part of a generation “fully surrendered,” a gentle challenge she issued via Instagram to those her age.

day with AHG Troop OH0702 as a Tenderheart to her days walking with Jesus creating one-of-a-kind art making its way into homes across the globe, Ella Baldwin shines on behalf of AHG and her Savior, Jesus Christ. Check out Ella’s Instagram feed @ella.melea to avail yourself of this gal’s word art too!

Isn’t that just the way of AHG girls who become lovely and capable women though? Each young woman, like Ella, has the opportunity to take handson skills like embroidery and needle art and form it into a way to offer the Good News of Jesus to those around her. Even down to her favorite Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11, Ella maintains that “Christ has wonderful plans for all His children.” From her first

AHG Alumnae often report back on how much the AHG Program has benefitted their lives. These young women are making a remarkable difference in the world around them. AHG is looking to connect with its alumnae and create some exciting opportunities for them to reconnect with old friends and learn how they can share their leadership abilities! Are you an AHG Alumna? Visit americanheritagegirls.org/alumnae to update your contact information and share what you’ve been up to!


National Awards


Without our girls, AHG would not exist. But without dedicated and talented volunteers, the ministry wouldn’t be successful!

The mission of building women of integrity is an incredible charge from the Lord given to American Heritage Girls. This task is textured with victories and difficulties, giving God a chance to show His beautiful ways of blessing the ministry with faithful and capable partners. AHG National Awards are a small way to recognize some of these incredible people and the outstanding work they do. AHG volunteers are invested in fulfilling the Mission of AHG, and without their partnership in building women of integrity, AHG’s impact on the lives of countless girls would not exist.


“Oftentimes, we think that honoring one another may seem showy or prideful. Scripture clearly tells us to be grateful and show gratitude because of the blessings God has given us (1 Corinthians 1:4). Showing gratitude is an act of submission asked of us by our Father. That gratitude springs from the love that He

has given each of us. Honoring the men and women who pour into your girls, your Troop, and the AHG Ministry as a whole is an important, God-ordained calling,” said Patti Garibay, AHG Founder & Executive Director. Since 1996, the AHG National Awards have grown in depth

and breadth offering volunteers a framework for establishing goals while providing a tangible pin of gratitude to display on their AHG Uniforms. In response to the Lord’s call for us to honor those who serve His Kingdom faithfully, AHG strives to follow God’s leading in this by honoring the dedicated people who

joyfully serve Him and His chosen. Each year, a selection committee of AHG volunteers reviews all qualified nominees and then casts their vote for the top recipient in each award category.

There are four categories of awards : AHG NATIONAL AWARDS




Community Partner Award

Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Award

Distinguished Alumna Award

Gem of a Leader Award

Pathfinder Unit Leader of the Year Award

Outstanding Alumna Award

Molly Pitcher Award Mustard Seed Award

Tenderheart Unit Leader of the Year Award

Jewel of a Coordinator Award Volunteer Pin Tenure Pin

Explorer Unit Leader of the Year Award Pioneer Unit Leader of the Year Award Patriot Unit Leader of the Year Award

Nominations for the 2021-2022 Program Year open March 2022. Nominate a deserving volunteer or alumna in your Troop and don’t forget to honor those who serve at the Troop Level with AHG Adult Recognitions!

“I felt so honored that my Unit and my Troop leadership felt I did something worthy of this honor,” said Amanda Cooper, Explorer Unit Leader of the Year 2020-2021. “I just do what I love to do. I love God and I love my Troop. I am still astounded by this recognition. I have since received a copy of one of the letters of recommendation from one of my Explorers. It was humbling. I had no idea that I did that much for her.”

To learn more about AHG National Awards, visit AHGresource, AHG’s online resource library. AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 25


STARS & STRIPES AWARD RECIPIENTS AT A GLANCE (2021-2022 Program Year to date)

2021-2022 Program Year Recipients: 72 Benefiting Organizations Served: 74 Creed Word Most Used in Writing: Responsible Total Service Hours: 15,989 Average Service Hours per Project: 216 What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients Like Most About AHG: Service to the Community

LYDIA MUSIL GA1331 STARS & STRIPES AWARD RECIPIENT #824 Benefiting Organization: HELPING MAMAS Location: Norcross, Georgia Project: Designed, constructed, and built three “Blessings Carts” to be used in the delivery of 12 “Crisis Kits” created for expectant mothers. Total Supervisory Hours: 11 Overall Service Hours: 200 FUTURE PLANS To become a pediatric physical therapist or a pediatric chiropractor.

#1 Thing Girls Learned: Prayer is essential


Total Number of Stars & Stripes Project Advisors: 20

I would advise girls to partially write up more than one potential project that interests them and to have a plan if neither is approved. For me, I wrote up two different projects anticipating that one would be approved, but both ideas interested me.


“Helping Mamas was thrilled to be chosen as the beneficiary of Lydia’s service project. Lydia created crisis kits and shelving units on wheels for our organization. We were blown away by the quality and care that went into each cart and kit. The carts were beautiful and functional. They have made a huge impact on the efficiency of our operations. The kits were immediately distributed to families in need in our community. We are beyond grateful for Lydia!” —Jamie Lackey Founder & CEO Helping Mamas, Atlanta


NEWTROOPS See more every Tuesday at Facebook.com/AmericanHeritageGirls AR1024


First ARP Church Gastonia / Gastonia

CA1314 Twin Peaks Community Church / Twin Peaks


Sandy Plan OFWB Church / Pink Hill


Calvary Chapel Modesto / Modesto


Excel Life, Inc. / Black Mountain


Agape Christian Church / Yorba Linda


Deeply Rooted / Cape May Court House


St. Verena Coptic Orthodox Church / New Port Richey

Trinity Grace Church / Rogers

GA0337 Brooklet United Methodist Church / Brooklet GA5667

Revival Baptist Church / Watkinsville


Real Life Ministries / Post Falls


New Baden United Methodist Church / New Baden


Immanuel Lutheran / Crystal Lake


The Pentecostal Tabernacle / Richmond


Duxbury Church / Duxbury


Church of Abundant Life / Braintree


Fellowship Chapel / Sterling Heights

MI2021 Trinity Lutheran Church and School / Utica

NJ1412 Somerset Hills Baptist Church / Basking Ridge NM1412

CAPE-NM / White Rock

NY3106 Yorktown Assembly of God / Yorktown Heights NY5375

Believer’s Chapel North / Mexico


Harvest Baptist Church / Wapakoneta


Fishcreek Nazarene Church / Stow


Trinity Gospel Church Alive / Vermilion


Hope Christian Church / Avon


Bethesda Evangelical Congregational Church / Schuylkill Haven


Calvary Baptist Church / Blunt


First Baptist Church Bethel Springs / Bethel Springs


Thrive Church / Highland

TX0147 The Park Christian Community Church / Dallas


First Baptist Church Anoka / Anoka


Abingdon Church of Christ / Abingdon


Child of God COGLCS / St. Peters


Emmanuel Baptist Church / Snohomish


Sonrise Baptist Church / Ozark


Family Life Christian Church / Kalispell

WI0777 Pleasant Prairie Baptist Church / Pleasant Prairie WI2913

Celebration Church / Green Bay



HIGHIMPACT INSIGHT ADVICE FROM DEDICATED HIGH IMPACT VOLUNTEERS Becky Stone’s journey in American Heritage Girls started in 2012 when, rooted in desire to provide a strong, Christian scout-type experience for her three young girls, she found AHG to be just the ticket. Never one to shy from a challenge, she chose to tackle the formidable job of creating and leading the first Troop she was a part of in Ohio: Troop OH0413. Her first Troop is still going strong, thanks to a tireless crew of women dedicated to serving our Lord and Savior. Since those early days, Becky has served as a Troop Coordinator, created a successful regional summer camp (Greater Than Rubies), served in various Troop capacities across three states, and has even been mentioned in a U.S. Senate Resolution recognizing AHG. She is currently an Explorer Unit Leader in her local Troop, CO2017, as well as serving her fourth consecutive year as a Hometown Mentor. As a military spouse, Becky has been part of AHG Troops in Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado where she currently lives with her husband, three daughters, and crazy husky. One of the characteristics that differentiates American Heritage Girls as the premier character development program is its emphasis on faith and service. Our heart for service is derived from the command to love our neighbors as ourselves prioritized only after loving God. This is evidenced in the fact that “service” is literally our middle name! As a group dedicated to the Godly development of women of faith, we intentionally seek out opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. In AHG, the word “serve” is a verb that requires action, and we strive to be authentic in seeking and responding to needs in our local communities. This dedication and drive to serve others is vitally important and desperately needed especially now to connect and lead those to a deeper relationship with each other and ultimately our Savior. To serve allows girls and adults a chance to look beyond the personal challenges they face and represent God’s love to those outside the church body. It helps us break that selffocused thought process and redirect our energy, attention, and care into the needs of others. I find it an excellent way to break free from the cycle of inward focus and shift to the empathetic and compassionate calling as a follower of Jesus. It is a practical, tangible way for the Lord to reveal my blessings as I am shown the challenges that exist for those I am serving. There is a spiritual, physical, and mental refreshment associated with serving, and I often reflect and think to myself, “who was really served today?” Through my experience working with a variety of Troops across America, I have been blessed to see the beauty of each Troop’s unique sense of “flavor” and outlook on the AHG Program Emphases. Yet, in visiting and talking personally with all those Troops, the heart and desire is always the same—building and strengthening our girls to love the Lord and impact their world for the better in His name. We impact the world for the better through intentionality in our actions and focus on God’s will. By learning to serve at all Program Levels in AHG, we create a group environment paired with individual heart that puts the needs of others ahead of our needs. It indwells an intrinsic desire to focus not on ourselves, but to identify external need and implement a plan to help. Serving becomes a part of what defines girls

and helps mold them into servant leaders that will transform lives for years to come. A common question is: “How can our Troop create a desire and love for serving?” Like so much in AHG, it is a deliberate, intentional, and progressive process. One can sprinkle and interweave service throughout meetings, camping trips, and fun events. If discussion on service is interspersed throughout the meetings, girls will begin to develop a routine to find ways to bless and serve others. By highlighting service to our community as service to God, our Troop members will begin identifying needs in their own community when they are out and about. Talking and brainstorming with girls and helping them identify needs in the community is a wonderful place to start. The next step is guiding girls and adult volunteers to identify their spiritual gifts and how they can apply those in service. Scripture instructs us to do just this: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms” (1 Peter 4:10, NIV). When a Troop has started to embrace service as a foundation of the Troop culture, the next step is finding out how to act on the desire or expectation of service. For example, you may be wondering: Where do we serve? Where do we start? Are the girls too young? Will organizations embrace service from minors or a group so varied in age? Pray to the Lord and seek His guidance. Ask for tangible ways the girls can serve to be revealed. Serving can be as simple as helping a leader carry supplies into a Troop meeting. More complex service is when a Pioneer identifies a need at her school and devises a plan to help. It is finding out what these girls are passionate about and channeling it to help others. It is living by example and demonstrating the importance of looking beyond ourselves. Serving is allowing the world to witness the Lord through our actions. Allowing the Lord to use us to impact and transform lives in ways that we may not even realize. Girls and adults will experience growth, confidence, and joy in seeing Him glorified through their servant hearts!









NEW STAFF SPOTLIGHT The AHG, Inc. Staff is growing! New Staff members come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, but all are called to share their talents with the AHG Ministry. It is AHG’s distinct honor to welcome four dedicated women to serve as the newest members of the AHG Staff.


LOCAL STAFF GATHERS TO MAKE A GLOBAL IMPACT IN CINCINNATI The AHG Staff took a Friday to honor an important AHG holiday—the National Day of Service! Local Staff members gathered at Matthew 25 Ministries, a Cincinnati-local ministry, to celebrate AHG’s 26th birthday by giving back. The team spent three hours in one of the ministry’s large warehouses organizing donated cotton products to be shipped all over the world to support feminine hygiene, wound care, and more for those in need.

AHGSTORE OPENS GIFT SHOP DOORS DURING HOLIDAY SEASON Rosalynd Turner-Parent, Fashion Merchandising Assistant

Natalie Ambrose, Content Marketing Specialist

Nicole Hust, Executive Assistant

Elizabeth Besade Perez, Senior Director of Risk and Compliance 30 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS

As a holiday service to AHGstore shoppers, the AHG Gift Shop opened to all during weekly shopping hours between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

AHG UNVEILS UNITING PLAN FOR 2022 NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE AHG’s National Day of Service (NDS) began in 2012 and is held annually on the third Saturday in September. This day is set aside for Troops across the country to join together in living out the AHG Oath in their communities. The date was selected to fall around the time of AHG’s birthday and can serve as a celebration as Troops give the gift of service to their communities. In 2022, AHG will celebrate NDS on Saturday, September 17 and will offer Troops the opportunity to try something new. Troops will be encouraged to join an initiative to unite around one theme for NDS–Serving Persons with Disabilities. This topic is

Located within the AHG, Inc. Office in Cincinnati, the AHG Gift Shop is filled with select Program Resources, Gifts, Spirit Wear, favorites from the past that can be exclusively found at the Gift Shop, plus the Cincinnati-only “Home of AHG T-Shirt”! This holiday, the AHG Merchandise Department stocked shelves with exciting merchandise any AHG girl, volunteer, alumna, or parent was sure to love—all without shipping costs!

near and dear to AHG Executive Director and Founder Patti Garibay’s heart. Growing up with a father with a medical condition that resulted in a physical disability taught Patti at a young age to serve with compassion and to see the value in every human life. AHG is partnering with Joni & Friends to provide resources for Troop leaders to educate their Troops on disability awareness and disability etiquette. AHG Troops will be gifted with immediately implementable resources, suggested ideas for honoring this theme during their day of service in their communities, as well as videos and activities to incorporate into their Troop meetings easily. “Jesus calls us to make disciples of all the nations and, that includes ALL of God’s children. May your NDS be the best ever as you seek to serve and understand those who are differently-abled,” shared Patti Garibay.


TROOP COACH SOUTH CENTRAL How long have you been working at AHG? Two wonderful years!

“Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.’ But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.” –Psalms 3:1-6, NIV

What do you do in your position? I walk alongside AHG Troops in AL, AR, LA, MS, OK, and TX by answering questions, problem solving, encouraging, and praying.

What’s your favorite part of working at AHG? I have enjoyed seeing the ways that God brings our stories together! While my life has certainly come with its share of challenges, it has allowed me to relate to so many of our AHG volunteers and girls. There is just something so special about connecting with a sister or brother in Christ, reminding each other we are on the same team working for His glory, and that even in the midst of incredible hardship, we are not alone. What is your favorite Bible verse? Psalms 3:1-6, NIV has encouraged my heart on many occasions: “Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, ‘God will not deliver him.’ But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.” What is your favorite part about visiting or being involved in a Troop? I love seeing the volunteers and girls have fun crafting! To see the girls trying something new and being proud of their creations is a treat! Often as adults we can feel self-conscious if we don’t get things done just right, so it is awesome to see how working with the girls can remind us to have fun ourselves. Anything else you’d like to add? My time at AHG has served as a powerful reminder that God seeks to redeem our “broken” pieces. If you are in the midst of a big life change or struggle, I want to encourage you that a glorious revelation in coming in this life or the next. No part of our past, present, or future is too untouchable for the hands of God. He does amazing work in the midst of a mess, because it is the perfect stage to showcase His power. You are created with a unique story that when lived to its fulfillment is a masterpiece pointing back to a God that loves and cares for you.


opportunity less than a year later to serve at the national level as a member of the AHG Board of Trustees. What a treasure it is to serve in both capacities for such a wonderful organization.

What happens when the goal to serve in a ministry and the goal to leave a legacy for one’s children intersect? You make long-lasting memories that not only have impact but can be passed down from generation to generation.

Now that Lucy is a Tenderheart and learning to serve, Raena and I volunteer to help cultivate her and other girls’ hearts for service through activities including loading food sacks for those experiencing homelessness and making encouraging Christmas cards for widows.

Even as a young girl, I felt a calling to ministry. I served where I could. As I grew up, married, and had children, I continued to serve in various ministries but was careful to make sure I was present for my children and family. I didn’t discover the American Heritage Girls Ministry until I had granddaughters, but becoming a volunteer and serving met both of my goals.

Marci, center, with her daughter Raena, left, granddaughter Lucy, a Tenderheart in TX2407, center, and granddaughter Halle, an AHG Alumna, right.

When my oldest granddaughter, Halle, was a Pathfinder, I occasionally volunteered alongside my daughter at AHG events. The following year when my daughter, Raena, gave birth to Lucy, she asked me to serve in her place at the San Antonio area AHG Winter Camp. Halle was a Tenderheart, so working with all the girls to help them earn badges was tons of fun! Little did I know that I would end up having the

I hope my story is an encouragement for parents and grandparents to volunteer to serve. Whether serving on the Board or at the Troop level, it is a joy to work in a ministry that not only has an immediate and long-lasting impact, but can form a heritage, an inherited tradition, that ultimately builds a legacy for generations to come.


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