AHG Annual Ministry Report 2021-2022

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CONTENTS 3 Message from the Executive Director & President 4 AHG Mission Statement, Global Ministry Ends, & Oath 5 Ministry Highlights 6 AHG Program Emphases 8 Journey Through the Years 10 AHG at a Glance 12 Stories of Faith, Service, & Fun 16 Financial Information 18 Strategic Program Alliances 20 Thank You 21 Executive Team & National Board of Trustees 2


American Heritage Girls celebrates the freedom we have in Christ. We choose to LIVE FREE, to walk in the teachings of Jesus in the face of a confused and hostile society, knowing that it is only in Christ that true freedom is found. In that choice, we seek to come alongside those of like mind that we may help one another to be free in Him.

Freedom is at the core of the heritage shared by all Christians. Indeed, Jesus’ disciples are those who have freely chosen to follow Him wherever He leads. Freedom is also at the very foundation of our American heritage. This report will give you glimpses of the myriad ways that American Heritage Girls has fostered freedom this past year.

As we build women of integrity, we are keenly aware of the relationship between freedom and wholeness. Every girl, every parent, every family, every Charter Organization is facing pressure to conform to a world that rejects the freedom that God has promised and freely given to His children. From the basic tenets of our program to the words of encouragement in each Raising Godly Girls Minute, American Heritage Girls chooses to stand firm in our conviction that freedom is an essential part of each girl becoming the woman God intends for

her to be. Badge work, campouts, earnest conversations with peers, and all the relational opportunities and activities that make up AHG reflect the freedom we have to become more like Jesus.

Our commitment is no accident. We earnestly seek direction from the Holy Spirit, through God’s Word, through prayer, and through the wisdom of fellow believers. We humbly ask that you join us in prayer for our whole community and for our nation. Please pray that the AHG community would continue to LIVE FREE by submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit— that our staff, volunteers, and girls would be shining examples of what true freedom is and of the fruit that such freedom can bear, for “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17, NIV) . We thank you for your ongoing partnership in sharing the gift of God’s freedom with girls.

May the Lord richly bless you,



Building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.


American Heritage Girls exists so that girls in the program will experience spiritual and personal growth that will enable them to impact their world for Christ while fulfilling their social responsibility. Girls’ families, Charter Organizations, AHG volunteers, and AHG Staff will experience a positive impact in their respective world. All of this will be achieved at a cost that allows AHG to sustain annual growth.


I promise to love God, cherish my family, honor my country, and serve in my community.


The American Heritage Girls fiscal year runs from June to May of the upcoming year. This Annual Ministry Report displays the AHG Program Year from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022.


• Debuted AHGfamily, a data-management system for Troops and families.

• Hired 10 uniquely-qualified local and remote employees across several departments and completed successful virtual onboarding.

• Registered 6,406 girls for the AHG Pen Pal Program.

• Launched G.R.I.T. with Grace, a robust and Biblically-based girl leadership curriculum for girls in all Program Levels.

• Developed a national database of Preferred High Adventure Providers for Troops.

• Released The Raising Godly Girls Guide to Gender & Identity, a comprehensive resource for parents navigating difficult conversations with their daughters.

• Commemorated the LIVE FREE Program Year theme with three virtual Program Initiatives: FREE to Honor, FREE to Grow, and FREE to Discover

• Fostered nationwide ministry connection while training volunteers on complex Troop topics through AHGequip SPARK Discussions.

• Gained a 47% increase year-over-year in overall membership.



The AHG Program is built around six Program Emphases to achieve the mission of building women of integrity. These six key components create a balanced, Christ-centered program that progresses with the girl—increasing in challenge and skill as she grows in maturity and knowledge. AHG’s goal for a girl who completes the program is that she has learned to be a Christ-following servant leader who is honoring, relational, anchored in Christ, and competent: a woman of integrity.



Girls are encouraged to grow in their faith and relationship with God through the AHG Faith Award Program, prayer, fellowship, and service, which are woven throughout each aspect of the AHG Program.

Outcome: A Christ-follower who submits to Christ and seeks God’s will for her life.


The AHG Program is rich in leadership opportunities for girls of all ages. Girls discover their passions, acquire project management skills, hold leadership positions, and participate in leadership training.

Outcome: A servant leader who follows Jesus’ model of leadership by putting others first.


Girls will gain a better understanding of their identity in Christ through the AHG Program. AHG’s multi-level Troop structure encourages girls to create friendships with girls of all ages. This unique Troop structure allows for mentorships and learning

opportunities to occur naturally among girls. Girls learn to anchor their emotions in Christ in a caring and loving environment.

Outcome: A relational girl who invests in positive and loving relationships with others and clings to Christ when navigating emotions.


Nature reveals to us God’s beauty, glory, power, wisdom, presence, creativity, and, most of all, his loving care. Through the AHG Program, girls are encouraged to participate in outdoor activities such as hiking or camping several times a year. High Adventure activities are great times for team building, leadership, physical activity, and strengthening relationships with friends. The outdoors will educate girls about their natural world and the beauty God has bestowed upon them.

Outcome: A girl who values creation through outdoor experiences that display the glory of God’s creation.


The AHG Program provides girls with a deeper understanding of their country and heritage. Girls cultivate honor for their country by participating in patriotic events, flag ceremonies, serving in their community, and through badge work. Serving others and being active citizens with their Troop fosters a lifelong love for their country.

Outcome: An honoring girl who cares for her community as an active citizen through service and patriotism.


In the AHG Program, girls can step out of their comfort zone and try new experiences in a safe environment. Earning badges provides girls the opportunity to learn a wide array of life skills, inspiring them to become lifelong learners and doers. AHG’s six Badge Frontiers include: Heritage, Family Living, Arts, Outdoor Skills, Personal Well-Being, and Science Technology.

Outcome: A competent girl who enjoys mastering new skills and applies them to her life.





In 1995, a group of parents led by Patti Garibay founded American Heritage Girls. They desired to see a transformation in girl programming with Godly principles at the forefront. Frustrated with the way their beloved scouting organization handled matters of faith and culture, these parents joined around a kitchen table and envisioned something new and dynamic for their daughters.


Idea for a new scout-like program is born

First Troop Meeting takes place

AHG Oath is created

AHG incorporates in the state of Ohio

First Troop outside of Cincinnati

AHG Uniform is created Level Awards are created

First office space is donated

AHG Creed is written

The Stars & Stripes Award is developed

First paid Staff Members come on board

Charter concept added to Troops

AHG tagline Faith | Service | Fun is developed





National Day of Service is instituted

2011 Celebrates 100th Stars & Stripes Award Recipient Assists in the establishment of Trail Life USA

Holds 20th Anniversary Convention for two decade milestone

12 new Badges introduced, bringing total to 273

Memorandum of Ministry Alliance is signed with Trail Life USA

1,000th Troop is chartered


In just a few short years AHG grew exponentially, emerging as the nation’s premier faith-based character development program designed to strengthen girls to become women of integrity. Through AHG, girls are taught the life-changing power of committing to love God, cherishing their family, honoring their country, and serving in their community.

Today, AHG impacts daughters of the King around the world. Since its start in 1995 in West Chester, Ohio, AHG has grown from 10 Troops and 100 Members to over 54,000 members across 8 countries and 50 states.


First bound Girl Handbook is produced

Pathfinder Program is started

Operation Christmas Child partnership begins

Sports Pins are introduced






AHG Membership surpasses 10,000

AHG Troop Shepherd position is added


AHG transitions to a national fulfillment center to meet merchandising needs

Celebrates 500th Stars & Stripes Award Recipient

AHGequip LIVE! training event travels across the U.S. encouraging Adult Members

AHG moves into its first stand-alone building

Launches AHG Faith Award Program Publishes new Girl Handbooks Releases seven virtual Program Initiatives to support Troops

Hosts inaugural AHGequip VIRTUAL event, connecting and training volunteers in all 50 states

Raising Godly Girls Minute with Patti Garibay airs on nearly 1,000 Christian radio stations nationwide

AHG launches AHGfamily, a new data management system

Releases G.R.I.T. with Grace, a robust and Biblically-based girl leadership curriculum

Celebrates 25th Anniversary Year

Develops national database of Preferred High Adventure Providers for Troops



The 2021-2022 Program Year was a celebration of tremendous growth—of the ministry’s reach, of the girls and volunteers served, and of the impact on communities nationwide. After two years of pandemic precautions and suffering losses, the 2021-2022 Program Year ushered in a staggering 47% increase in membership. Join AHG in celebrating this growth along with other exciting achievements and advancements made during the LIVE FREE Program Year—all reminders of God’s faithfulness to the AHG Ministry.


Adult Members: 20,068 • Girl Members: 34,439




With the launch of the 2021-2022 Program Year came a new theme—LIVE FREE! Together, American Heritage Girls across the country learned what it means to experience true freedom in the promises of Christ. This year’s Program Initiatives (themed collection of activities, conversation starters, and Scripture to study) prompted girls to identify ways they can LIVE FREE as active citizens of heaven and the United States. Pictured here is Lubbock-area Troop TX0619, at their local Veteran’s Day Parade, where they celebrated the men and women who have served our great nation while completing requirements for the FREE to Honor patch.



Pathfinder Fanny Crosby Award: 1,802 Tenderheart Sacagawea Award: 2,168

Explorer Ida Scudder Award: 1,663

Pioneer Harriet Tubman Award: 889

Patriot Abigail Adams Award: 338


Tenderheart 14,399 5 hours/star = 71,995 hours

Explorer 14,501 10 hours/star = 145,010 hours

Pioneer 8,887 15 hours/star = 133,305 hours

Patriot 8,120 20 hours/star = 162,400 hours





A High Impact Volunteer is part of a team of volunteers that God has called to encourage and catalyze Troops and growth throughout a specific area. A High Impact Volunteer demonstrates dedication, commitment, and passion and exemplifies the AHG Creed words.

Arizona Colorado Georgia Idaho

Illinois Iowa Maryland Michigan

Minnesota Missouri North Carolina Ohio

Texas Utah Virginia West Virginia



Texas: 11 North Carolina: 8California:

6,680 LEVEL
France Germany India Italy 8
American Heritage Girls Trailblazer Program extends the Ministry of AHG remotely to dedicated military service families, missionary families, and girls in isolated areas or girls who are unable to join a nearby AHG Troop. Japan Kuwait The Philippines The United Kingdom 343 TOTAL TRAILBLAZER MEMBERS Adult Members: 130 Girl Members: 213 127 NEW TROOPS CHARTERED JUNE 1, 2020–MAY 31, 2021 11


The American Heritage Girls Program enables a girl to grow in her FAITH, cultivate a heart for SERVICE, and have more FUN than she can imagine!

The 2021-2022 LIVE FREE Program Year provided plenty of opportunities for girls nationwide to experience the promises of the AHG tagline.


“Although I had been in American Heritage Girls for many years, I did not become a Christian until 2020. Through various circumstances, I came to saving faith by God’s grace during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, I have been blessed to have many people and activities encouraging me in my walk with the Lord, AHG being one of them. Before I was a Christian, I still participated in various PRAY studies which challenged me to seriously consider important questions regarding faith and examine where I was in relationship to God. After I was saved, I began to appreciate the blessing and benefits of AHG more.

AHG is designed to help ‘put legs on your faith’, and I believe it has done so in numerous ways. I’ve learned the importance of Christ-like, servant leadership; how our strength comes from the Lord, and the value of humility. Through service projects, I’ve recognized how we may be a witness for Christ in our service to those around us, whether that’s in our home, community, or more! Furthermore, through what we learn in badge requirements, AHG has taught me how to serve God in [ways that] may seem ordinary.


Whether it’s baking a cake, creating a budget, or learning CPR, I have been equipped to serve. AHG has taught me valuable lessons and skills, and the significance of serving others.

In addition, AHG has strengthened me in my walk with the Lord by surrounding me with like-minded women and girls who support and encourage me and allow me to do the same [for] them. Through PRAY studies, Patriot Bible studies, summer camp, and just regular Troop meetings, I am so blessed to have been poured into and prayed for throughout the years. I’ve developed deep, meaningful friendships with girls my age, and witnessed older women faithfully trusting God in every circumstance life offers. It is so encouraging to be in a community of women serving God and those around them. They live out their faith in day-to-day life, and it has been a gift to see their example.

When I reflect on my life, I can declare nothing but God’s faithfulness, and that all glory and honor be to Him. Whatever I have accomplished has been through Him. While I’m not sure what my future will look like, I hope to continue living out the AHG Oath and Creed. I hope to further grow in my understanding of Biblical womanhood and what it means to be a woman of integrity. I pray that I continue rejoicing in the Lord, trusting in His providence and sovereignty, and serving Him, my family, my community, and my country.”

CA1271, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #953 13


As devastating wildfires continue to rage across the state of Oregon, thousands of Oregonians are losing their homes and businesses. Today, communities across the state are still working to recover from wildfire devastation and the tremendous loss they suffered due to the fires. Seeing these struggles in their own community, the girls of OR0001 in Eugene decided to step up. The girls got creative in their service work planning, seeking alternative ways to contribute to the local recovery efforts, what Troop leaders called a “Home-Grown Mission Trip”. “Normally our girls contribute 10% of their fundraising proceeds to charity. This year, they decided to turn their giving upside down and donate 90% to fire victim relief,” said Linda Sebring, Troop Treasurer. Using their generous funding, the girls served various families in need. One such family was an elderly couple and their 12-year-old granddaughter, who barely survived the fire that destroyed their Blue River community. “As they hurriedly left their house and drove down the mountain, flames jumped the treetops over their car and their tires were beginning to melt as they drove over hot coals,” shared Linda. The Troop bought materials and worked with the family to build a shed through the “Sheds of Hope” project to help them start rebuilding their home and their lives.


When the entire PI/PA Unit comes together for a Troop camping trip, you know earning badges together will be on the agenda! And what goes better with camping in the great outdoors than the Outdoor Cooking Badge and the Hiking Badge? Led by Curtis and Scott, two registered Adult Member AHG Dads, the Pioneers and Patriots from VA0428 set off on a three-mile historic hike around Prince William Forest Park. The National Forest, located just east of the banks of the Potomac River features preserved Revolutionary War paths followed by General George Washington and The Comte de Rochambeau on their way to the Battle at Yorktown. After their journey, the Pioneers and Patriots ventured back to the campsite with one thing in mind—food! After a quick rest in the campsite hammocks, the girls grabbed their tin foil, cast iron pans, and cooking utensils to whip up some tasty fare around the campfire for everyone to enjoy!



Income and Expenses for June 1, 2021–May 31, 2022

American Heritage Girls, Inc. is a non-profit corporation that is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3). All contributions to AHG are tax-deductible. AHG as an organization is committed to financial transparency and accountability.

As a 501(c)(3) organization, American Heritage Girls receives the benefits of being an ECFA member. The ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully prove compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising, and board governance.

Requests to view the current annual audit can be made in writing to the AHG, Inc. Office, attn: Controller

Form 990 is available for public inspection upon request. Annual audit performed by Barnes Dennig.





Income $2,412,232 Merchandise Sales $1,100,859 Donations $314,448 Government Grant $384,310 Miscellaneous $31,014
INCOME $4,242,863 EXPENSES Program $3,347,759 Management $369,897 Fundraising $5,071 TOTAL EXPENSES $3,722,727 NET ASSETS TOTAL NET ASSETS $3,776,082 17


Partnerships with like-minded organizations are essential for the growth and development of the American Heritage Girls Program.

Each year AHG is strengthened by organizations that partner to provide additional resources and benefits that support girls as they grow in their relationship with God.

There are numerous ways for AHG Members to engage with each AHG Program Alliance. Girls complete service projects with their Trail Life USA brothers, develop a Biblical worldview with RenewaNation resources, and learn about the dignity of every human life with the Radiance Foundation.

AHG would like to thank each ministry who partnered in building women of integrity during the 2021-2022 Program Year! Several AHG Program Alliances are acknowledged here. For a complete listing, visit americanheritagegirls.org/alliances



Thank you for being a part of the transformative ministry work of American Heritage Girls. Your prayers, support, and involvement have changed the lives of thousands of girls, volunteers, and families. Thanks to enthusiastic girls, dedicated volunteers, generous donors, and prayer warriors, AHG persevered through another unprecedented year for our country and our world. The AHG Ministry invites you to prayerfully consider how you may be able to contribute your time, talent, and treasure to AHG’s Mission of building women of integrity! We look forward to the year ahead, prayerfully hoping that each of us can LIVE FREE in the promises of Christ.

Your contributions are invaluable. THANK YOU! To donate to American Heritage Girls, visit americanheritagegirls.org/donate To read AHG’s recent publications, visit issuu.com/americanheritagegirls 20



Patti Garibay | Founder & Executive Director

Rachael Culpepper | Chief Strategy Officer

Lydia Mays | Chief Financial Officer

Elizabeth Besade Perez | Senior Director Of Risk & Compliance

2021–2022 BOARD


Rob Rye | President, Kalispell, MT

Mark Deems | Vice President, Central Point, OR

Nick Harshfield | Treasurer, Van Meter, IA

Marci Powell | Chairman, Frankston, TX

2021–2022 BOARD


Earl Blanks | Cincinnati, OH

Linda Grinalds | Cincinnati, OH

Larry Cunningham | Cincinnati, OH

Nancy Dendramis | Cincinnati, OH

Greg Schmidt | Anchorage, AK

Pat Garibay | Cincinnati, OH

John Wolterbeek | Duarte, CA

35 Tri-County Pkwy | Cincinnati, OH 45246 (513) 771-2025 To learn more about American Heritage Girls, visit americanheritagegirls.org 4002292

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