Heritage Headlines Magazine Winter 2023

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VOLUME TWENTY FOUR | WINTER 2023 | AMERICANHERITAGEGIRLS.ORG AHG3292 Heritage Headlines Winter 2023 AHG3292 SERVANT LEADERSHIP FOR THE NEXT GENERATION AHG AT THE MUSEUM OF THE BIBLE: A NIGHT OF FELLOWSHIP & PRAISE IN OUR NATION’S CAPITAL HIGH IMPACT INSIGHT How Teaching Girls and Volunteers Servant Leadership Skills is Essential to the AHG Mission AHG IN THE NEWS Highlighting the Ministry on Some of the Biggest Platforms in Christian Media

Dear reader,

“Servant Leadership.” It is a term commonly-used in Christian circles. Specifically, the adjective-noun phrase is used to describe an aim of the American Heritage Girls–to develop servant leaders. But what exactly is a servant leader, and from where do we derive this concept?

Simply put, a servant leader shares power while placing the needs of others first. A servant leader helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

In Philippians 2:5-11, Jesus is by definition a true servant leader. He places the needs of His followers first, even with the full knowledge of His own death on the cross. As a leader, Jesus had a clear purpose and direction. As a servant leader, He understood each disciple’s giftedness, gave them work that aligned with their gifts, held them accountable, and helped them with their weaknesses. He always took time to explain, time and again, where He was going–giving the “why” behind the “what.”

Jesus knew the importance of His brief time on earth. He had to impart the Gospel to His disciples as the souls of generations to come were at stake. He equipped His disciples to solve problems and make decisions in view of His purpose. Under His tutelage, the disciples were to make believers of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

Christ showed that the position of humility (servant) coupled with an understanding of His mission (leadership) was timeless and powerful. Today there is no better model of a servant leader than Jesus, the Son of God.

Some of the most important lessons from Jesus on this topic according to the International Leadership Institute include:

• Serve from a place of humility. Jesus consistently takes a lowly position and provides care for an immediate need. From washing others’ feet prior to a meal, to speaking to the woman at the well, Jesus comes to the other ’s level, never from a place of superiority.

• Wow others with extravagant service. Back to the feet washing example. By serving at the lowest level of servitude, that of the person who washed feet before meals, Jesus shocks His disciples. Jesus consistently went above the “call of duty” and served others.

• Never abdicate your leadership authority. Jesus consistently states that He is the disciples’ “teacher and Lord.” Servant leaders don’t just serve, they lead. They are intentional in their influence and cognizant of their calling.

• Serve with love. Leading through serving is not about manipulating people into following us but loving people as an expression of our love for God.

By checking her heart posture and recognizing her influence, your daughter can reflect Christ’s love to a desperate generation. American Heritage Girls is here to help you along the way.

Serving Him,

The Girl Members of VA1904 with the 740 stuffed animals they collected for kids in need. The Smithfield Troop donated the plush friends to BackPack Beginnings, a North Carolina-based non-profit that outfits children with “Comfort BackPacks”: age and gender-specific backpacks full of comfort items such as blankets, stuffed animals, books, toys, socks, hygiene products, school supplies given to abused/neglected, homeless, foster, and refugee children.


8 AHG News

Sharing the AHG Program with audiences across the country on The Teach Them Diligently Podcast, The Epoch Times, AFA@TheCore, CBN News, K-LOVE, and more.

10 Service Stories

American Heritage Girls fulfill God’s call to be His hands and feet. Read about Troop service projects and their impact on local communities across the country.

12 Girl Stories

Troop activities, special events, girl leadership, and more! AHG gives girls the safe and Spirit-filled space they need to grow in their identity and abilities.

14 Badge Stories

AHG Badges allow girls to develop applicable life skills, grow in faith, and discover new passions.

16 Charter Organization Spotlight

The secret to a thriving AHG Troop is a strong, supportive Charter Organization. The Council of Catholic Women at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia is just that for the girls and volunteers of VA0128

22 Alumnae Spotlight

Meet Amanda Kuznicki, former Girl Member of OH0025, a public school educator and dedicated #boymom passionate about instilling character and developing leadership skills in the next generation.


Stars & Stripes Award Recipient Highlight

Meet Julia Stapleton, Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #967 from VA1776.

29 High Impact Insight

LeAnn Russell, Area Shepherd in Fort Worth, TX shares valuable insight on the essential nature of servant leadership training for AHG Members.

30 AHG, Inc. Updates

Exciting updates, changes, and news from the AHG, Inc. Office in Cincinnati, OH and Staff across the country.


But it should not be that way among you. Whoever wants to become great among you must serve the rest of you like a servant.

—Matthew 20:26, ESV



With tens of thousands of members across the country (not to mention the Trailblazer families in 8 countries abroad!), AHG relies on the generous submissions of Troop photographs to tell the story of the ministry. From amateur individual snapshots to fully-curated professional galleries, all 1MB+ photos of registered, media-released Girl and Adult Members are welcomed. Members are invited to share their Troop photographs and stories at https://ahg.pub/photosubmission

Looking to share this issue with friends, family, or someone you think might love the AHG Program?

Share the digital version FREE by visiting issuu.com/americanheritagegirls

Want an extra print copy for your daughter’s memory box or to give to a potential local Charter Organization?

Order today from the AHGstore by visiting americanheritagegirls.org/store


Sign-up for the Heritage Headlines subscription service!


Meet Libby! She joined AHG Troop MD1208 as an Explorer back in 2016. After her family’s move to the Buckeye State, she joined Maysville-area Troop OH1002. In 2022 she was recognized as Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #982, and today, a Heritage Headlines cover girl! Thanks to AHG, Libby has grown a heart for volunteering and leading with a servant’s heart. In her Spiritual Walk Essay, a requirement for all Stars & Stripes Award Candidates, she shared:

“Before AHG, I found it hard knowing exactly who my community was, what they needed, and how I could help. My dad proudly served in the U.S. Air Force, which required our family to move every two to four years, so my community was always changing. AHG helped me learn what it means to serve by offering many service opportunities within the Troop, through the leaders demonstrating and assisting with service, and explaining the impact our help was having in the community.”


AHG’s Adult Recognition Program acknowledges the incredible investment of time, talent, and treasure devoted volunteers give to the ministry.

Leaders can recognize their volunteers with Troop Level Awards and nominate their most devoted ministry supporters for an AHG National Level Award.

Learn more about National Level Awards and Troop Level Awards by searching “Adult Recognition” in AHGresource, AHG’s online resource library.


the desire to know





“Raising Girls In A Culture Of Loneliness & Isolation” [start listening at 38:00] afr.net/podcasts/afa-thecore/?id=72063

Faith Radio

“How to Thrive and Not Just Survive the 2022-2023 School Year” faithradio.org/programming/media-center/garibay-patti-american- heritage-girlsa-raising-godly-girls-guide-to-tackling-8-stressors-that-girls- face-today

The Stream

“American Heritage Girls: A Faith-Based Alternative to Girl Scouts That’s Reaching Gen Z” stream.org/american-heritage-girls-a-faith-based-alternative-to -girl-scouts-thatsreaching-gen-z

The Epoch Times

“Alternative Youth Organizations Benefit from Traditional Scouting Exodus”

theepochtimes.com/alternative-youth-organizations-benefit-from- traditionalscouting-exodus_4710139.html


“The ‘Lost Art of Letter Writing’ –Patti Garibay Encourages Girls to Discover Real Friends (+ interview podcast)” klove.com/news/positive-people/the-lost-art-of-letter-writing-patti-garibayencourages-girls-to-discover-real-friends-interview-podcast-36104

The Bill Martinez Show

“Patti Garibay: Why Curse the Darkness When You Can Light a Candle?” billmartinezshow.com/products-page/books/patti-garibay-why-curse-thedarkness-when-you-can-light-a-candle

Teach Them Diligently Podcast

“Raising Godly Girls in a Lonely, Anxious World” teachthemdiligently.net/raising-godly-girls-in-a-lonely-anxious-world-153

CBN News

“Girl ‘Power’ Because of God’s Power” cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2022/september/girl-power-because-of-gods-power

Whether it’s faith, service, or fun, communities across the nation are witnessing contributions of local AHG Troops.

Heritage Headlines, AHG’s quarterly magazine, seeks to spread those good news stories while encouraging other Troops to follow in their footsteps.


Patti Garibay


Rachael Culpepper


Michelle Beckham-Corbin


Erin Marco


Natalie Ambrose


Becky Lipps


Pat Garibay

LeAnn Russell

Direct all Letters to the Editor, address changes, or other correspondence to:

American Heritage Girls, Inc. 35 Tri-County Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45246 513-771-2025

news@ahgonline.org americanheritagegirls.org

was all over the airwaves this quarter! Check out the many interviews AHG Founder and Executive Director Patti Garibay participated in with news outlets all over the country:


Members from across the country celebrated AHG’s National Day of Service (NDS) by uniting around this year’s NDS theme: Serving Persons Impacted by Disabilities. Troop TX1274 served Peaceable Kingdom by Variety Texas, an organization that offers resources and organizes empowering experiences for children impacted by disabilities and their families. Girl and Adult Members gave Peaceable Kingdom’s Mini Golf course statues and signage a fresh coat of paint to help ensure the facility continues to function well and look inviting. Way to serve, Troop!

How did your Troop or family serve in honor of AHG’s National Day of Service?

“TX2237 had two opportunities: (1) was Play for All Abilities Park— we planted sensory plants in five boxes and (2) was Grace Place— an independent living residence where we helped the residents with anything they needed/ wanted outside—removing rocks, pulling weeds, trimming bushes, and more. It was a good day!”

“TX3115 served at Stable-Spirit (Non-Profit Organization), a horse stable that serves children with disabilities. It was great!”

“Way to go Troop TX1274! Our girls in Troop CA2000 painted and cleaned at NDR Therapeutic Riding. It was a wonderful experience for all!”

“FL2511 cleaned Veteran Gravestones at local cemetery. We already had our project in place before the theme was announced. We loved serving in our community while honoring our country.”

Share your Troop photos with the hashtag #ahgfun on Instagram for a chance to be shared in Heritage Headlines CELEBRATING AHG TROOPS ACROSS THE WEB SOCIAL CHANNELS Check out our social media channels for the latest AHG updates and happenings. FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ AmericanHeritageGirls INSTAGRAM @ahgfun PINTEREST www.pinterest.com/ americanheritagegirls THE JUMP www.thejump.com/ ahgcommunity LINKEDIN www.linkedin.com/ company/ American-Heritage-Girls YOUTUBE www.youtube.com/ AHGchannel TWITTER @ahgnews AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS | 9 AHGONLINE
@jenbravata @lauren_renea @countylineadventures @mymamalifebelike




Serving in a Troop’s community can make a big impact when the girls partner with a larger effort to do good in the world. FL1517 linked up with the Emerald Coast International Coastal Cleanup this fall to pick up a local beach. The Troop girls and parents teamed up to clear the beach of trash, waste, and debris. They even took their efforts a step further to serve a free pancake breakfast to the community after the cleanup. This service project involved the whole family—moms, dads, siblings, and all Program Levels of Girl Members worked together to live out the AHG Oath.



AHG, Inc. invited Troops to Serve Persons Impacted by Disabilities for the annual National Day of Service event in 2022. CA2000 creatively pooled their efforts and traveled to Norco, California to serve the NDR Therapeutic Riding equine therapy facility. The NDR facility works with special needs individuals to provide riding and therapy with the horses which aid in healing from trauma or developing new daily life skills. From cleaning to painting barricades for a revived new look, the Troop Girl Members got their hands busy. They were also able to receive a tour of the facility to learn about those who receive care from the organization’s practitioners.



When girls and leaders put their heads together, AHG Troops are able to combine service and fun in wonderfully creative ways. GA0413 had an incredibly innovative approach to this year’s National Day of Service! Their style of implementing the NDS 2022 theme of Serving Persons Impacted by Disabilities showed both the Girl Members and those they served the love and joy of Christ through a “Crazy Hair”-themed collective birthday party in celebration of AHG’s 27th birthday. The party included a cheering welcome for the Young LIfe participants with special needs, a devotional time about God’s beautiful handiwork in each girl, and finally birthday bags and handmade blankets for each participant. Party-goers chose from a variety of fun activities including crazy hair makeovers, a photo booth centering on God’s inward beauty, crafts, and a bingo game. Talk about a time to SHINE for Jesus! Well done, GA0413!





National Parks have reported a spike in visitation within the past three years, and it’s entirely possible that AHG Members comprise a large portion of that. AHG inspires girls to get out into God’s glorious creation! For OR0613, hiking started as badgework but quickly transformed into a regular way to deepen friendships while soaking in God’s beautiful forestry in the Pacific Northwest. Now, two years later, OR0613’s Hiking Club offers Explorers a regular time to gather, trek, and share laughter and friendships! The club’s organizer, Michelle Anthony, says the group is anchored by three main goals: “physical exercise, reconnecting with God in nature, and pushing ourselves toward big goals.”



This year’s D.C. Metro Area AHG Camporee theme was “God’s Girl Can”, a time for Girl Members in all Program Levels to make new friends, learn skills through badgework, and even trade SWAPS which is the beloved AHG tradition of trading trinkets with others in the group. VA0428 Tenderheart, Scarlett, had a lovely time at Camporee this October! She learned Team Building, worked on the Home Care and Repair, Daughter of the King, and Fire Building and Fire Safety Badges, and she did fun activities within the AHG Women’s History Patch Program. Highlights for Scarlett included learning burn first aid and the fashion show to conclude the Daughter of the King Badge. Scarlett will always remember the “SHINE-themed telescope […] to celebrate this Program Year’s Theme.” She loved Camporee because “There were so many fun projects and crafts. You get to do so much in one day!”


The AHG Program masterfully weaves together a girl’s Christian faith tradition with a variety of experiences and skills. At the heart of a Girl Member’s journey to earn each Level Award is the desire to develop her relationship with Jesus. With this in mind, each girl seeking to earn a Level Award must complete a component of the AHG Faith Awards Program. Sophia, an Explorer in TX1180, enjoyed her Ida Scudder Level Award experience, specifically working on the Deus et Patria Mea Catholic Faith Award. The Eucharist Adoration requirement inspires reverence in the hearts of even the youngest American Heritage Girls in Catholic Troops nationwide. During Eucharistic Adoration, a girl quiets her heart and mind in prayerful reflection upon Jesus and His crucifixion and spends time in Scripture. Sophia’s sister, Daniela, a Pathfinder also loves taking part in those moments of quiet prayer. Encouraging every girl in her walk with Jesus during her Level Award journey is just part of what makes AHG the premiere Christ-centered character-building organization that it is!




The goal of every AHG Troop is to provide girls with a balanced program, which progresses with the girl—increasing in challenge and skill as she grows in maturity and knowledge. Building on skills they’ve learned during their years

in previous Program Levels, girls can earn badges multiple times by working on them again at various ages. This balanced programming model provides an opportunity for a deeper understanding of valuable life skills. The AHG Program


The American Flag is the symbol that represents the United States of America. Throughout history, it has been a source of inspiration for Americans from all walks of life. Although it has changed in appearance over the years as our country has grown, it still stands for freedom and represents America to the world today. We show respect for our flag by learning its history, its proper handling, and demonstrating due respect to its colors.

AHG holds a deep reverence and respect for our country’s flagship symbol, the American Flag. That is why AHG not only has a badge dedicated to its history and appreciation, but it is also a requirement to receive the Joining Award. LA1943 trained their youngest Troop Girl Members on folding, presenting, and the history of the American Flag—a great way to complete those requirements for the Our Flag Badge and to help the girls receive their Joining Award. These Pathfinders and Tenderhearts will forever hold a special place in their hearts for Old Glory!

offers girls 93 different badge options in six Frontiers of skill—Heritage, Family Living, Arts, Outdoor Skills, Personal WellBeing, and Science & Technology.


Our planet is teeming with life, making it easy to overlook its vast variety. The “animal kingdom” is just one of the five kingdoms of living things. Zoology is the name for the scientific study of the animal kingdom. Growing in our knowledge of all animals leads to a respect and appreciation of all creatures.

For the girls of OH3722, hands-on learning proved a great way to complete the Zoology Badge! The girls learned about rabbits, ducks, and chickens from guest presenter Nancy Taulbee from One Hope Farm: A Celebration of Creation. The Troop’s Tenderheart Assistant Unit Leader, Abby Riley, even introduced the girls to her family’s bearded dragons and Guinea pigs during the meeting. Girls combined their badgework with the Free to Discover Patch Program thanks to some clever planning. Girls learned about animal classification, enjoyed some giggles during an exercise where Tenderhearts mimicked how different birds eat, and discovered how locally-produced honey helps fight against area allergens and sweeten foods. The girls even finished the night with a sweet snack of honey and crackers!



Recreational boating on an ocean, river, or lake is a great way to spend a day in nature with family and friends. The key to an enjoyable boating experience is choosing the right watercraft, understanding the basics of watercraft operation, and being familiar with boating safety. Whether you choose whitewater, open water, or flatwater, boating is an adventurous form of fun and transportation.

There are certain badges that lend themselves to a more adventurous style of learning. The Boating Badge is great for this, especially when a Troop’s geographical location allows them to put their skills into action! The girls of VA1904 tapped into the expertise of their local sailing facility to gain some experience-focused learning to complete their Boating Badge. Troop leaders, Explorers, Pioneers, and Patriots traveled to Mill Creek, an enclosed body of water near the Chesapeake Bay, where they received training on rope tying, capsizing drills, wind instruction, sailing a personal dinghy vessel, and derigging the boat after docking. The girls enjoyed three and a half hours of high adventure fun!




This issue,

ARGUABLY THE MOST IMPACTFUL FORCE IN THE WELL-BEING OF AN AHG TROOP IS THE CHARTER ORGANIZATION. Every Troop is owned by a Charter Organization, which is typically a church, school, or similarly-aligned Christian organization. Without the support of their Charter Organization, an AHG Troop would not exist. When the Charter Organization and Charter Representative are involved beyond simply providing meeting space, the AHG Ministry can have an incredible impact on the outreach of the organization.

AHG is excited to shine a light on the Council of Catholic Women at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, home to VA0128. Charter Representative Margaret Matarese and Troop Coordinator Maureen Siegmund reflect on 12 years of chartering an AHG Troop at their parish and the significant impact AHG has had on their faith community.


At a time when so many core values seem lost, and what it means to be a woman, let alone a woman of faith, seems so difficult, the St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church in Fredericksburg, Virginia Council of Catholic Women (CCW) invests their time, talent, and treasure in our girls. The goal of the CCW is to support the parish and its teachings and missions, via charitable work, social events, and valued traditions. All women in the parish are considered members, thus the charter relationship was a natural fit. The CCW set out to ensure that the faith and character of our girls are formed and nurtured in a way that supports our common faith but also challenges the girls to actively claim and live their convictions and beliefs. The ladies of the St. Mary’s CCW and the girls of VA0128 frequently work together in common cause to support our parish and community…and we have a wonderful time together doing so!


VA0128 is celebrating our 12th anniversary this year!


With the CCW’s support and our amazing and experienced Charter Representative, Margaret Materese, we have weathered storms and come out stronger. Our Troop has grown and is seen as a vital and active ministry in the parish. The CCW has seen its future to help impact the next generations of young women of faith, and we frequently work together on parish service and social projects.


AHG has given our girls in the parish and larger community the opportunity to live their faith in a natural and organic way. Both AHG and the CCW provide a means to form relationships built on mutual values, put work behind words, and deepen our faith life. The church is not merely a place we spend an hour on Sundays, rather it is a home and the hub of our parish family. We are called, young and old, to be active and engaged.


Do it! Chartering an AHG Troop gives you an amazing opportunity to truly invest in girls. Go further, though. Don’t just write a check and sign the yearly form, rather, invest your time and talents into these girls. They will gain so much from your wisdom, experience, and interests. But you will gain so much more in hope, joy, and enthusiasm.

The ladies of the St. Mary’s CCW work with VA0128 on social and service projects, have volunteered to teach badges, and are treated not just as honored guests but practically as our Troop’s own grandmas! We love them! The reason VA0128 was started by the St. Mary’s CCW has remained at the core of our relationship over the last dozen years: both groups desire to build and be strong women of faith and integrity, serving church and community.

For more information on the chartering process, visit americanheritagegirls.org/start-a-troop/charter-organizations

Margaret Matarese Charter Organizations serve a crucial role in the AHG Ministry, as they own and operate AHG Troops. Though volunteers implement the AHG Program, the Charter Organization is able to customize their AHG Troop to best accomplish their ministry goals.

Our culture tells girls that leadership is moving up and getting ahead, climbing over others to make it to the top. It’s often about bossing others around instead of serving them, and love is rarely mentioned within the context of leadership. But today’s world requires leaders who are resilient, empathetic, unshaken, and gritty. Leaders with vision, values, and heart. As the members of Gen Z complete high school, college, and establish themselves in the workforce, it’s Generation Alpha American Heritage Girls that now require a tailored lesson in servant leadership.



We hear phrases like “servant leadership”, “shepherd leadership”, and “lead like Jesus1” shared in ministry circles. But what do all those terms mean? As always, we can turn to Scripture for wisdom. 1 Timothy 3:2-13 provides a very descriptive list of the characteristics of a good leader. He says a leader is to be: above reproach, faithful, selfcontrolled, respectable, hospitable, a peacemaker, of good reputation, one who seeks honest gain, of a clear conscience, kind in speech, trustworthy in everything, and one who serves well. Notice how Biblical leadership doesn’t rest its laurels on power, control, fear, glory, or fame. It’s not about being a #girlboss or scaring people into “your way or the

highway”. Are restless hustle and fear effective ways to gain control and get ahead? Sure. But Christ’s example calls us to a more loving approach.

Following Christ’s Example

The perfect example of servant leader qualities can be found within the person of Jesus Christ. The Bible says in Philippians 2:3-8, NIV, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature God, did not consider

equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!”

Jesus was the most influential leader this world has ever known throughout history. His followers replicated the example of leadership that He provided. This method, also known as “discipleship,” was instrumental in establishing the early Church. Over 2,000 years later, Christians worldwide still follow His teachings and lead others to do the same. With His perfect example in mind, Troop leaders, parents, and girls are all called to develop a leadership style emulative of Christ.

Pilots. Missionaries. News anchors. Military officers. Educators. Moms. Ministers. These are just some of the titles used to identify the hundreds of thousands of accomplished American Heritage Girls Alumnae. What’s one thing they all have in common? The knowledge, heart posture, and respect it takes to lead others in a loving, sacrificial, and Christ-like way.

Gen Alpha at a Glance

As we look back on the life of Jesus as our guiding principle, we also look forward to the next generation with much anticipation. With years of research and findings, we know a lot about the justice-minded, techsavvy, 90s nostalgia-loving Gen Z. But what do we know about Gen Alpha? Children born 2010-2025 are known as Gen Alpha. The title is a leap into the Greek alphabet naming system and a sign of forwarding innovation. Coined by researcher Mark McCrindle, Gen Alpha is the fastest-growing generation in a life of significance is about serving those who need your gifts, your leadership, your purpose.

– Kevin Hall

recent times—researchers project that by 2025 there will be nearly two billion Gen Alphas, the largest generation in the world’s history2. The same researchers found that this generation will live longer, have larger spending power, and be more culturally diverse than any other previous generation. We also know that Gen Alpha had more formative time at home due to global lockdowns, while screentime is up among these youth, so is time spent with parents3—a hopeful statistic when you consider that parents are the driving force in youth evangelism4

As “digital natives”, that is, people with technology at their fingertips since birth, Gen Alpha seeks authenticity above all else. Thanks to countless hours online, they know when a person is being genuine or when a company is just giving lip service to a cause. Since the internet and social media have always been present factors in their worldview formation, Gen Alpha knows the impact every individual can have on the world. Developing leadership skills in Gen Alpha is, at its core, a heart issue. Together we can develop a generation of girls who genuinely care deeply for those around them and live out the gospel through their service. A generation who love like Jesus, hold their values and beliefs in high priority, and know that good leadership starts with humble service to others.

Humility Redefined

The world defines humility in a vulnerable, oftentimes negative context. But Galatians 5:13, NIV defines the act of being humble differently. “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” As believers who are free in Christ, we are called to submit ourselves to the service of others—an act of humility. The world tells a girl to focus attention on the “me”—how she feels, thinks, interprets, decides, and wants. But Scripture guides a girl to eliminate the ego of self in order to submit fully to the humble path of service God calls her to walk.

While Gen Alpha is still navigating childhood, researchers found that Gen Alpha’s leadership style and preferences are already taking shape. They look to their leaders to take on a “Co-Creator” role, while they often lead others in an “inspirational” style5—put simply, they’re willing to sacrifice the “glory” for the good of the group. What we have learned is that Gen Alpha places great value on ideation, collaboration, and most importantly, relationships. So what does this mean for AHG Troop leaders? To instill values of servant leadership in our young girls, we must first authentically exemplify the behavior and invite them to the table. Servant leadership must become our lifestyle if we ever expect it to pass on to our girls. A Troop leader can take on the “Co-Creator” persona by listening to and executing girl ideas. Girl Leadership positions give girls the chance to put their people-first leadership style to work. The goal of this inspirational style is communitybuilding and emotionally-attuned guidance. A servant leader takes the relationship a step further, seeking ways to humble and sacrifice her time, talent, and treasure to benefit those she leads.

Leading Leaders

Ultimately, the goal of a servant leader is to support and develop more capable leaders. Leadership is, after all, influence. Jesus carried out this model of legacy through his disciples. Jesus not only led with compassion, confidence, character, and consistency, but He also empowered His apostles to carry out His work when He was gone. Jesus cared for them, taught them, and gave them everything they needed. He also took time to prepare them for any task ahead. He always lovingly corrected them to build them up and help them. Jesus genuinely commanded respect without having to demand it. During His entire life of leadership on Earth, he exemplified humility through His obedience to God the Father.

As a servant leader, give the girls in your Troop a chance to try, fail, accomplish, and succeed. Give them roots through equipping, and then give wings by enabling. When appropriate, learn to relinquish control and allow them to connect with one another. When you allow them to provide input, you will quickly learn that there is more than one way to accomplish the same goal. Parents and Troop leaders can empower every Gen Alpha girl with the space she needs to do things in her own way—allowing each girl’s unique talents and leadership abilities to SHINE this Program Year.

1 kenblanchardbooks.com/book/lead-like-jesus 2 mccrindle.com.au/article/topic/generation-alpha/generation-alpha-defined 3 poole.ncsu.edu/thought-leadership/article/meet-the-mini-millennials-generation-alpha 4 barna.com/research/children-faith-formation 5 https://generationz.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/GenZGenAlpha.pdf



Since 1995, the Mission of American Heritage Girls has been to build women of integrity

While the AHG Program targets those in girlhood, the sincerity and faith-filled spirit that is nurtured and grown through AHG continues as girls develop and mature into women.

Educator. Leader. Mother. AHG Alumna.

Amanda is letting the light of Christ SHINE through her as a public-school educator, showing her students (and her son) that God created each of us with purpose, for a purpose. It is her heart for Jesus that fuels her Christian walk, and the skills she learned through AHG carry her through her everyday life leading in the classroom.

Amanda joined AHG when the program first began back in 1995. With her mother as a Troop volunteer, Amanda was part of OH0025, a Troop chartered by some of AHG’s flagship members who carved out the original path of what the national ministry has become today. In fact, OH0025 has one of the longest-running Troops in all of AHG’s nearly 30-year history. Amanda tracked with the AHG Program for 10 years (1995-2005)— from Explorer up through Patriot, even achieving her Stars & Stripes Award. Since the organization’s founding in 1995, Amanda recognizes that much has changed over the last 27 years. She recalls that in the early days, “It sounds a bit cliché, but times were a bit simpler [for us in AHG].” But the experiential moments of her AHG years remain a foundational credit to the program today—from FatherDaughter Dance events to tours of a state capitol building as part of the Citizenship & Government Badge.

During her decade of AHG participation, Amanda enjoyed the badgework for the Fire Safety & Fire Building, Outdoor Skills, and Camping Badges. Her favorite AHG activities surrounded campouts making Amanda a true outdoorswoman! A campout at Potter’s Ranch still holds a special place in Amanda’s heart because they slept in teepees and rode horses. At this same campout, she also conquered “a huge fear of heights” by climbing a rock wall for the first time. She says, “I saw all my peers doing it, and I thought, ‘I’m here. I’m going to do it!’ and I did—I did it!” As a well-balanced Girl Member, Amanda also loved the Cooking Badge—an experience that later inspired her to open her own in-home baking company. Amanda also praises “the opportunities I had in AHG to explore leadership roles” as very impactful for her in her professional life as an adult. Amanda was a Stars & Stripes Award Recipient from the early years while the award process was still taking shape. She says the communication skills and confidence she gained through that process directly prepared her for job interviews after high school.

The Faith emphasis of the AHG Program still remains near and dear to Amanda’s heart. “AHG gave me an opportunity to be

around like-minded girls who also were walking in their own relationship with Jesus. It allowed us to have conversations and build good friendships through a wholesome program.” Thanks to social media, Amanda is still connected with some of those AHG girls (now AHG Alumnae), so they can continue to encourage one another in their faith walks.

Upon graduation, Amanda attended Bowling Green State University majoring in Middle Childhood Education. That valuable leadership development AHG had instilled in her tracked into her college education years as well. Amanda now works as a fifth-grade teacher, affording her the opportunity to “spend every day with 10 and 11-year-olds!” This is where God’s direct influence on Amanda is multiplied. While guiding the education of elementary students, she also employs the skills AHG gave her to manage a group of people, which, if you know what a normal workday is like for a teacher, is vital! In many ways, Amanda’s influence on children’s lives is faith-formative, since she is open with her class that she is a Christ-follower. One can look at her leadership role on the Lighthouse Team for her school district to see God’s plan in action. Through “Leader in Me”, a program designed to teach character and leadership development to public school kids, Amanda uses the AHG skills and lessons she learned 25 years ago in her professional landscape of today. The same core values AHG instilled in her, Amanda now imparts upon her students— especially through showing them grace in times of training or discipline, trying to understand their perspective, and showing them the gentle leadership that she was offered as a girl. “It is important to me that my students know that they are cared for and that somebody loves them,” says Amanda with joyful conviction about her place in each student’s journey.

Amanda is also a committed mother of a happy six-year-old boy. When asked about him, her face lights up with abundant joy! She says, “We do everything together, and he’s become my best little friend.” As a boy mom, she recognizes that she is in the process of raising up a young man of faith—a role as necessary as AHG’s Mission of raising Godly women of integrity.

Recently, Amanda experienced a fullcircle AHG moment. A student invited Amanda to see her sing in a talent show… a night of fun planned by the student’s AHG Troop! “I was so tickled

and couldn’t wait to tell her that I, her teacher, was once an AHG girl. It was a special moment to share that with her the next day… it really made my heart happy to see the program flourishing years after my involvement with it.”







: Cincinnati, OH
High School Alma Mater: Sycamore High School
Town: Findlay, OH
Siblings: One sister—Sarah (Moore) Conway Pets:
Book: Cages by Peg Kehret
Movie: “Home Alone” Favorite
Favorite Bible Verse: “I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” –Philippians 4:13, NIV
Favorite Social Media Platform:
Food: Sushi
Flavor of Ice Cream: Peanut Butter Chocolate
Sport: Football
Color: Purple
AHG Badge
Alumnae often report back on how much the AHG Program has benefitted their lives. These young women are making a remarkable difference in the world around them. AHG is looking to connect with its alumnae and create some exciting opportunities for them to reconnect with old friends and learn how they can share their leadership abilities!
to update your contact information and share what you’ve been
up to!
STARS & STRIPESAWARD RECIPIENT RECIPIENTS AT A GLANCE (2nd Quarter reporting for the 2022-2023 Program Year) 2022-2023 Program Year Recipients: 66 Benefiting Organizations Served: 66 States Represented by Stars & Stripes Award Recipients 36 Creed Word Most Used in Writing: Compassionate Total Service Hours: 16,935 Average Service Hours per Project: 257 What Stars & Stripes Award Recipients Like Most About AHG: Making Friends #1 Thing Girls Learned: Learn to work through difficult things Total Number of Stars & Stripes Project Advisors: 22 24 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS JULIA STAPLETON VA1776 STARS & STRIPES AWARD RECIPIENT #967 Benefiting Organization: SOAR365 @ CAMP BAKER Location: Chesterfield, VA Project: Built a fire pit and benches Total Supervisory Hours: 10 Overall Service Hours:126


Undecided. Recently earned the Emergency Medication Technician Certification


The purpose of Camp Baker is to give individuals with disabilities a real summer camp experience in a safe and accessible environment. One of my expectations was that I wanted my project to be something that I could be truly proud of. I also wanted my project to be different and to be meaningful. I expected that this project would have difficulties and setbacks, but I knew that with careful planning I could meet these expectations. I also really wanted the campers at Camp Baker to be able to safely enjoy themselves. I learned that being a leader is not very easy. It means doing things you do not particularly enjoy sometimes and making sure every little detail is handled. But it is also very satisfying to see the final product of all your hard work.


Every Stars & Stripes Award Candidate is required to write a Spiritual Walk Essay, a personal reflection on faith, detailing her walk with Christ during her time as an American Heritage Girl.

Service has also been a very large part of my AHG journey. Through AHG, I have been involved with many different service projects such as painting benches, cleaning, Christmas caroling to shut-ins, collecting Christmas gifts for a local nursing home, raking leaves for the elderly members of my church’s congregation, and, of course, my Stars & Stripes Award project. Because of AHG and my parents, I have learned the importance of serving others like God calls us to in Matthew 5:16, NIV, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” AHG has helped instill the importance of service in my Christian life.

“I thoroughly enjoyed watching the project become a reality. Julia did an amazing job of researching and planning the project, and the result is really wonderful. The fire pit has been used every single week during our camp season (June 13-August 19) by both the counselors and the campers. Julia demonstrated exceptional leadership ability as she planned the project logistics and coordinated the installation. It was very much a pleasure to work with her and her family!”



TOGETHER with Ignite the Family, American Heritage Girls welcomed Grammy-award winner and longtime friend of the Ministry, Francesca Battistelli, for a night of praise and music at The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C.


The event, held on November 4, 2022, was open to families from across the D.C. Metro area, gathering together AHG families, TLUSA families, and those not yet familiar with the ministries for a night of praise and music.

Concert-goers also had a chance to visit The Museum of the Bible

and discover the fascinating history behind the Word of God. Maeble, a Tenderheart from OH3130, attended the event with her mom, Rachael Culpepper, AHG’s Chief Strategy Officer. After a weekend of representing the AHG Ministry across the capital, the pair met up with several girls,

volunteers, and families from the D.C. Metro area at the concert.

AHG is grateful for the success of this event hosted alongside these influential, like-minded organizations.

To learn more about Ignite the Family, visit ignitethefamily.org

To learn more about the Museum of the Bible, visit museumofthebible.org




See more every Tuesday at Facebook.com/AmericanHeritageGirls

First Baptist Church Delta / Delta Junction

AL0134 Summit Church / Foley

AL0256 Moulton Baptist Church / Moulton

AR2020 First Baptist Cabot / Cabot

CA1556 Rolling Hills Community Church / Danville

CA3126 Faith Community Church / Acampo

CA3435 Brentwood Bible Fellowship / Brentwood

CA4121 Redwood Baptist Church / Redwood City

CO1101 Providence Reformed Church / Grand Junction

CO2911 Core Christian Community Center / Peyton

FL1001 Church of the Little Flower / Coral Gables

FL1199 Vista Community Church / Orlando

FL3129 First Baptist Church of LaBelle / LaBelle

FL6455 Queen of Peace Catholic Church / Ocala


Compassion Christian Church / Savannah

GA3080 The Church of Joy / Williamson

GA4110 Christian Renewal / Brunswick




Cornerstone Baptist Church / Eldridge

Clarksburg Christian Church / Clarksburg

CrossPoint Church / Crown Point

IN9112 Dearborn Baptist Church / Aurora





Countryside Christian Church / Mission

First Baptist Church Wathena / Wathena

Faith Missionary Baptist Church / Madisonville

Grace on the Hill Community Church / Corbin



Faith Baptist Church of Livingston / Livingston

Covenant Presbyterian Church / Monroe

Saint John, Guardian of Our Lady Parish / Clinton MI0465 The Lennon Center / Livonia MI0810 St. Lawrence Catholic School / Utica MO0545 Hope Church Ste. Genevieve / Ste. Genevieve MO1214 Christ Foundation Church / Park Hills MO1230 St. John’s Lutheran / Arnold NC0226 Living Stones Fellowship / Huntersville NC1027 Christ Community Church of Mooresville / Moorseville NE0412 Holy Cross Lutheran Church / Kearney NY0518 South Westerlo Congregational Christian Church / South Westerlo OH2122 Woodsfield Church of the Nazarene / Woodsfield OK1914 Holy Family Cathedral / Tulsa OR1456 Newberg Church of Christ / Newberg PA0812 Slate Belt Nazareth Baptist Church / Pen Argyl PA1249 Bucks County Community Church / Langhorne



Harmony-Zelienople United Methodist Church / Zelienople SC0171 Awaken Church Columbia / Columbia SC5061 Jefferson Davis Academy / Blacksville SC8612

First Baptist Winnsboro / Winnsboro TN0317 Raising Arrows Homeschool Cooperative / Springfield


Twin Lakes Fellowship / Cedar Park TX2022

Rockin’ Country Church / Kemp TX2345 Christ Fellowship Church / Taylor TX4912

Calvary Baptist New Braunfels / New Braunfels


LeAnn Russell served as a PI/PA Unit Leader for over 12 years and continues to volunteer with the PI/PA Unit in her local Troop.  She is the Troop Shepherd for TX0407, and the new Area Shepherd in Fort Worth. She has created and implemented local PI/PA Multi-Troop events and Girl Leadership events for 10 years.

Servant leadership is woven throughout the AHG Program. The Pioneer Level Award namesake, Harriet Tubman, is a fitting example of a servant leader. Time and again she put others’ needs in front of her own as she led them. We see this same servant leadership in other Christian figures mentioned in AHG Programming, like Mother Teresa, Abe Lincoln, and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But the best role model for a servant leader is at the center of AHG, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the ultimate servant leader role model. And He must be at the center of our service and our leadership if we are to be successful. Truly, He is the very heart of service and of true servant leadership. We can turn to Scripture, specifically Matthew 20:25-28, to read His blueprint for humility and service.



Servant leadership is counter-cultural, it’s upside down to what the world says leadership is. Many things in God’s Kingdom seem upside-down to this world. The world says leadership is about authority, but we know it’s about influence. The world says it’s about dominance, but we know it is about service. Leadership is not about you as the leader, it’s about God who has placed you in service to bring glory to Himself. We’re called to live out the words of Matthew 5:16, NIV: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

A few years ago, AHG held the 20th anniversary Girl Convention with the theme “Upside-Down, Inside-Out”. We continued the counter-cultural lesson at our local regional summer camps with a similiar theme “The Upside-Down Kingdom” where we taught the girls the Beatitudes. Teaching kids about this upside-down kingdom is a great way to help them to see the dichotomy of the world’s kingdom to the Lord’s Kingdom. This world throws its culture, its beliefs, and its worldview on our girls all of the time. So, we, as the girls’ leaders need to give them ways to process the information, assimilate God’s Word into their lives, and look at things through this upside-down, Biblical Worldview. Want an exercise in counter-cultural thinking? Check out 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, now that’s an upside-down way of looking at things.

We as leaders need to fill our hearts with Jesus until they overflow into the hearts and minds of the girls we get to serve. Service for the Christian is not an option or the backup plan—it is mandatory. Jesus told us how the world did things, and then He said “Not so with you. Instead,” and then He went on to tell us how we are to lead and how we are to serve. We are to model ourselves and our service after Him. We are to ‘wash the feet’ of those we lead. Metaphorically. I don’t think He wanted us to literally wash each of our girls’ feet, though if He calls you to it, do it! I think He wanted us to serve them to bring Him glory. In doing this, we exemplify servant leadership in action—a natural model for our girls to follow. I know you have heard the saying “girl leadership is messy.” After all, letting girls wash the feet of others is bound to lead to a few spills, a few dirty rags being left out, and a few stinky feet being exposed—but that’s okay, it is a lesson in the upside-down. The heart behind that action and the mistakes made along the way lead to growth in the hearts of young servant leaders.

Recently, I gave a devotional at a Troop Ministry Team meeting. I promised to tell the leaders how they could keep Jesus at the center of their AHG Program implementation. I told them that we had a way to make sure that the girls heard about Jesus Christ and that He would make a huge impact on the girls. Of course, all the leaders wanted to know how to make this happen. The answer was not a new program you could purchase or a great new leader who was joining the Troop. The answer was simple: make sure you fill your cup, your heart, to full and overflowing and then come and serve the girls that the Lord has put in your path. You, with Jesus in your heart, serving the girls while leading them is the answer to this discipleship call. Servant leadership can be taught, but more often than not, it’s caught. Follow your servant leader role model, Jesus Christ, give Him the glory and honor, and He will work in the lives of the girls you get to serve… and in your life also.

She enjoys mentoring Stars & Stripes Award Candidates. She has three daughters: Jordan (24), a Dolly Madison Award Recipient, Sarah Beth (27), Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #72, and Hannah Ruth (18), Stars & Stripes Award Recipient #986.




Stars & Stripes Salute Magazine Celebrates Recipients

American Heritage Girls published the fourth annual issue of Stars & Stripes Salute that highlights the 147 Stars & Stripes Award Recipients of the 2021-2022 Program Year!

Inside these pages are inspiring examples of selfless community service, stories of American Heritage Girls growing in faith, insightful advice from volunteers who have seen countless girls through the award procedure,

AHG partners

JONI & FRIENDS to Celebrate


AHG’s National Day of Service (NDS) began in 2012 and is held annually on the third Saturday in September. This day is set aside for Troops across the country to join together in living out the AHG Oath in their communities. The date was selected to fall around the time of AHG’s birthday and can serve as a celebration as a Troop gives the gift of service to its community. This year, AHG announced an initiative to unite AHG on a national scale around one theme for NDS–Serving Persons Impacted by Disabilities. AHG partnered with longtime Program Alliance Joni & Friends to provide resources for Troop leaders to educate their Troops on topics such as disability awareness and disability etiquette. Once again, AHG Troops showed up and showed out for NDS, making incredible connections and change in their communities nationwide by serving those in need.

SHINE was the theme for this year’s autumnal celebrations across the country. VA1024 used the verse and lantern design as inspiration for the community outreach Trunk or Treat event at their Charter Organization, The Heights Baptist Church.

Troops Across the Nation SHINE for Jesus in their Communities

these pages are sure to inspire and inform those who may not know the full scope of the immense honor that earning the Stars & Stripes Award provides.

Magazines are available for purchase in the AHGstore.

With every new Program Year comes a new theme for Troops to embrace. The 2022-2023 Program Year, SHINE, was met with incredible excitement. Troops across the country have expressed great love for the theme, sharing how their girls have engaged and enjoyed the theme Patch Program activities, devotionals, playlist, and more. The AHGstore confirms these warm sentiments—the SHINE Program Year Theme Patch continues to sell at a record-breaking rate! The AHG Curriculum Development Team is thrilled to hear how girls have been developing in their ability to bring Christ’s light to their communities, all while enjoying faith, service, and fun with their Troops.


In so many areas of life, successful strategies have roots in Biblical Truth. Such is the case with servant leadership. Many businesses and non-profits view servant leadership as the model to embrace. There have been many books written on the subject, so a short dissertation must get directly to the point. One of the key attributes of a servant leader, and the one to focus on herein, is a humble attitude.

Thoughts on leadership, whether viewed from the top of the corporate ladder, the halls of government, within your family, or perhaps even your Troop, often come from the perspective of directing and ensuring goals are achieved—an autocratic or hierarchical approach. “I am in this role, so listen to me!” Servant leadership, in contrast, stems from a humble attitude seeking what others need first.

Scripture provides direction on how to be a servant leader. Paul states:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. (Philippians 2:3-4, NIV)

Wow! Do nothing out of selfish ambition! In other words, don’t seek your own glory. Servant leadership seeks first to understand—what do others need? How will decisions impact them? Servant leadership involves others in decisionmaking and is strongly rooted in caring behavior.

God calls us to servant leadership: in our families, our volunteer work, our vocations. How do we do this? Here are some practical steps that can help check our motivation as we work to humbly lead our families and Troops:

LISTEN. It is hard to pause and truly listen to our spouse, our children, or those with whom we are building the Kingdom. Listening is the beginning of understanding others’ interests and needs.


How long have you been working at AHG? Three years

What do you do in your position?

PRAY. Prayer will help us remove our own self-ambition from the equation. It’s very difficult to be vain while in prayer to our God. Ask for His guidance in learning to be humble.

SHARE DECISION-MAKING. Being actively involved in making decisions helps others see the big picture. And, while this may take time (especially with children) the thought process of being involved in making important decisions helps others feel valued. Additionally, such a decision will not only be a better solution than we may have determined ourselves, but it will have the support of others.

AHG is built upon teaching young girls to serve others, following Jesus’ example. As a leader, a parent, a spouse… are you humbling yourself? Demonstrating a humble attitude for the girls will reflect how we are to live as Christ calls us and help build community in your Troop.

Read all of Philippians 2 with a prayer that God would lead you to “do everything without grumbling.”

(Philippians 2:14, NIV)

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain (1 Corinthians 15:58, NIV).

As the Marketing Specialist for American Heritage Girls I have the privilege of sharing the ministry with the world. I create and curate content for AHG’s social media accounts, posting and engaging with our followers and the public on these channels. (If you ever Direct Message AHG on Facebook or Instagram, that’s me!) I plan and implement campaigns to market and communicate AHG’s projects like new AHGstore merchandise, Patch Program launches, End-of-Year Giving, and more. I also lead AHG’s event marketing efforts by selecting events to exhibit at and making the necessary preparations to help ensure they are successful.

What’s your favorite part of working at AHG?

I absolutely love the ministry’s Mission! Marketing is a tough role if you do not believe in the product or service that you are marketing. AHG is easy to market because I believe in and align with the ministry’s Mission and values. I also love the AHG Staff culture! My coworkers are incredibly inspirational individuals, and the leadership team that guides us is made up of intelligent and selfless individuals.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58, NIV)

What is your favorite part about visiting or being involved in a Troop?

Visiting my church’s Troop refuels me. It reminds me why I am doing what I am doing; they exemplify the incredible impact that the Ministry of AHG has on the lives of girls and entire families.

A NOTE FROM PAT GARIBAY, AHG National Board of Trustees Member | Cincinnati, OH
Donations contribute to equipping girls with the FULL ARMOR OF GOD. americanheritagegirls.org/donate

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