Heritage Headlines Magazine Spring 2020

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Angela Vermilion is the AHG D.C. Metro Area Coordinator and has served with AHG for nine years. She has started two Troops in Virginia, VA0226 and VA5667. She currently serves as the Vice Coordinator with her local Troop. She is married to Tim and has three children. Her daughter Anna, received her Stars & Stripes Award last year and her daughter Megan is a Patriot. Her son Joel, 11, is a member of Trail Life USA.

We are battling against a culture that is tearing down the beliefs that we hold dear, and we can either be overwhelmed at the fearful realities around us, or we can choose faith. In all of this are wonderful opportunities to model how to choose faith over fear for our families and for our AHG girls. It is not an easy thing to do even as adults, but we can live it out in a powerful way for our girls.

in fun activities. As a fellow AHG leader once said: “Girls are all equal when they are out in the rain struggling to put a tent up together.” This can reinforce the lesson together they can counter the culture and grow stronger together.

In Matthew 14, Peter chose faith over fear. Peter chose to fix his eyes on Jesus and step out of the boat. As soon as he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. We need to point our girls to Jesus and help them lift their eyes off the circumstances of life and look to Jesus. Sometimes that will mean practically putting one foot in front of the other as they try a new badge or a new outdoor experience. Sometimes, it is stepping out of their comfort zone, as Peter did.

In my nine years with American Heritage Girls, I have discovered that there is a very fine line where girls might be afraid to try something new versus things that they are truly afraid of and might break their spirit. How do you know where that line is? How do you gently push them to conquer their fears and move into a victorious moment? One of the best ways to do this is to truly get to know your girls. It is important when planning your Troop calendar that you look for fun ways to allow connections with leader and other girls. When they are having fun and feeling connected, they talk. They will share their dreams and ambitions as well as their fears. Check out the Freida B. materials, plan a lock-in, a field trip, or an outdoor activity—create time for fun! When you know your girls, you will learn what things come naturally to them, and what things might be a challenge.

Girls will naturally choose what comes easy to them but by offering a full AHG Program, we will provide them with practical ways to choose to overcome things that are difficult and maybe even things that they fear. Join with them and try new things, talk to them about things that are hard for you. Lead by example. Encourage Troop Shepherds to share devotions with your girls on a regular basis. Offer opportunities for girls to earn Faith Awards. Memorize Scriptures together as a Troop. When we memorize Scripture, we build up a storehouse of verses that we can use to call to mind when we are afraid. It is these never changing truths that will help girls lean into Jesus in difficult times, times when they need to choose faith over fear. One of the greatest ways to have faith over fear is by calling to mind in Whom we have hope and Who we belong to. Social media is filling our girls’ minds with worldly values about what or who they should be. Reinforce who they are in Christ by reminding them that their Heavenly Father loves them, that they are daughters of the King, and that He holds them securely in His hands. Use badges like Daughter of the King to teach them these truths. Encourage them when you see them displaying a trait from the AHG Creed and remind them that God delights in them. You may be the only person that speaks this truth into their lives. We have an identity crisis in our country. Girls are being bombarded with falsehoods about who they are. We are called to help them overcome this. AHG meetings provide them with an opportunity to unplug from the world and come together with like-minded girls. Get them outdoors and involved 28 | AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS

Another fear that girls have is the fear of not measuring up. Level Awards and Girl Leadership positions can be very daunting to the girls. We need to cultivate an environment of grace. We all make mistakes and the girls will too. It is okay to be transparent with them and share the ways you have grown in leadership. Let them lead. Stand back and allow them the chance to do things their way. Believe in them, encourage them, and when they make a mistake, show grace. When you allow for grace and share these journeys with them, you dispel the lies of the world that they have to perform or measure up to a certain standard. We are looking for faithfulness, and integrity, more than ability. We are raising up the next generation of Deborahs and Esthers, they need to have a place like AHG to cultivate all that God has in store for them. We will never know the full impact of what we do on this side of Heaven, but take heart, choose faith over fear, live it out, and watch God do amazing things in you and through you.

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