What Do Physicians Think of O&P? Survey indicates physicians have generally positive opinions about contributions of O&P professionals
o, you really want to know what physicians—your referral base— think of O&P professionals? To answer this question, we conducted a survey of a couple dozen surgeons and physiatrists. According to respondents, O&P professionals generally receive about a B+ rating. Of course, the survey is not large enough to have real statistical validity, but perhaps you’ll recognize a few results as comparison points—and identify areas where others in our profession, and maybe even yourself, might improve. In large measure, the physicians in our survey recognize the O&P professional as an important part of the care team—88 percent, or 15 of 17, agreed with this statement. There also is good continuity of care; one physician said, “I often escort patients into their office to describe what I am looking for.” Another noted, “Prosthetists accompany patients to their ortho clinic appointments.” Participating physicians were asked which diagnoses they were most likely to refer to an orthotist for orthotic intervention. The most common responses
O&P News | May 2018