Supervisory Board statement The Supervisory Board hereby presents the Annual Report of RAI Holding BV.
The annual report was compiled by the Executive Board and includes the financial statement for 2020. Deloitte Accountants BV has checked the financial statement and provided it with an approved audit statement.
Our supervisory role The responsibilities of the Supervisory Board include internal supervision of the Executive Board and the general affairs of the company. Throughout the year we fulfil our supervisory activities with several fixed agenda items, including:
Discussing the year to date (YTD) and shareholder report, two progress reports that monitor financial and non-financial goals with the Executive Board. Walking through a business update from the Executive Board that highlights the main developments related to events and clients in every Supervisory Board meeting. In addition to the fixed agenda items, the Supervisory Board tackles many specific subjects throughout the year, both during regular Supervisory Board meetings and at individual informal meetings and meetings with the Board. This was especially the case in 2020: from the start of the pandemic in March, the Supervisory Board and Executive Board had regular contact about the status of the company, the possible scenarios and how to survive the crisis.
The main issues as discussed by the Supervisory Board are listed below, with an indication of whether they were previously prepared in one of the separate Supervisory Board committees: the Audit Committee (AC), Selection and Appointment Committee (SC) or Remuneration Committee (RC).
Business and venue The status of the business as a result of the COVID crisis. Alternative revenue models. The scenarios for reopening the RAI (AC). Strategy The Executive Board’s four-track policy aimed at surviving the COVID crisis. The enhancement of the Masterplan 2030 for the shareholders. Financial The 2019 accountant’s report (AC). The 2019 Annual Report, discussed with the external accountant (AC). The decision regarding the 2019 dividend. The turnover development and cost savings (AC), based on the year to date reports, among others.