Stress and the Decision Making If you are facing stress and anxiety, it is not for you to make decisions as other normal people do. Before every decision you kind of need a complete therapy or mind counseling of your own mind. Life is a strange thing. It is so many different things for every individual in the world. For some, it is kind, beautiful, encouraging and for some, it is harsh, cruel and discouraging. What made up our life? Our life is a product of our decisions. And one wrong decision could turn around your life from one form to another. That makes decisions very important. Whenever you are taking a decision, analyze the situation, people and above all your heart and leave no stone unturned in reaching a choice that would make you happy. Do not take decisions to please other people. Take chances and risks to improve your life. Live for other people, but do not live on other people’s instructions. Do not be a puppet. Have courage and strength to be a better person. Do not be afraid of life, because there is a third form of life. The life of the individuals who struggle and create space for themselves. Who do not give up and wait for the tables to turn around no matter how long it will take. Do not underestimate it. As there are a number of people who gave up their lives instead of waiting. Be very careful, take rough and tough decisions, any road could lead you to life or anxiety and depression. And even if in the end, it never happens the struggle to live your life is the real accomplishment. Decision making for an individual who is suffering from mental illness or have anxiety and depression is not easy. Stressful situations can easily trigger anxiety. And to make a decision one has to look forward to all the advantages or disadvantages of a situation. But for an anxious person, it is not always possible. Anxiety impairs the power of decision making. It is a distraction and one cannot make logical decisions. Instead of going through the process of decision making, such people intend to make hasty decisions without any reasoning. There are several other factors that affect the decision making power. A person with stress and anxiety is almost always uncertain. You lost faith and belief in yourself. Your failures and deceptions make you believe that you are no longer good at making decisions because of your previous experiences. Another factor is that most anxious or stressful people lack the support of the people around them. They have no one to look forward to
being advised or supported in confusing situations. Another factor which actually causes more stress in a stressful situation is over-thinking. And it leads to over-analysis of the situation and factors that could go drastically wrong. There are things that we can do to help ourselves in a stressful situation and to make good decisions. First, whenever you have to make a decision, calm yourself and feel confident that you can make a choice. And this is anxiety and depression playing tricks on you so restore your self-esteem and believe that you can make a good decision. Previous Failures does not mean that you will always make the wrong decisions. Take your time and do not rush into making a decision. You feel impatient, anxious and want to get rid of these feelings, but hold on to yourself and analyze the pros and cons of the situation and then make a choice. Feel Positive about yourself and about your decision. Understand your instinct as well and follow your heart do not worry about the outcome. I understand it is not easy to go through such situations where you have to make a decision or choose between things it put pressure on your mind but relax and take control of your life. You will improve your mental state as well.