GOHS MBOS 2014 Program

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Classique Nouveau -A Bohemian Love Story

Save the Date: 01.JAN.16 Be a part of our world audience as the Spirit of Great Oak Band & Guard marches down the Champs-Elysees for the New Year’s Day parade in Paris, France! It will be tres magnifique!

The Spirit of Great Oak Marching Band & Guard ! Great Oak High School Temecula, California

Welcome and thank honored guests, jud you to our g attending alumni, bo es, coaches, os and the RCC Marchin ter families, g Ti so happy you’re here! gers! We’re

Band playing , J.P. Sousa’s 00 19 n, io sit Paris Expo ipes Forever” rt Hahn, “Stars & Str Stephen, Robe ne, Chuck, an Rothe; Flags, b Sto le Ca ke d Mi ft, Le , Phil Haines l Shapiro Wayne Nelson and Michae cellent Jim Goodrich , made an ex t on shoulder ha n, so nk Hi Brad monies. rner, Master of Cere lower left co e was out, in the an sh e t; ak m ha s ’ st ju One can rs on Becky Fleishm And although I e the feathe rshall at the Expo. at Gary Lock Grand Ma irm, I was certain th ll. nf we co as ’t y dn da di band that played in the

Dear Performers, Family, Friends and Fans,


The Administration, staff, parents and students of Great Oak High School welcome you to our SPIRIT-filled campus for our second annual Marching Band Open Series and specifically to our show, “Classique Nouveau - A Bohemian Love Story”.


We thank you for sharing your dedication, commitment, and talent. We have sincere admiration for the activity, and enthusiastically applaud your creativity, color, uniqueness, and musical performance that each group will display here throughout the weekend. We also thank you for providing a thrilling experience for the many faithful supporters and promoters in the audience.


The pride and hard work by our own Spirit of Great Oak Band & Guard members, our “Great Oak Academic Leadership Society”, and the many Band & Guard Boosters, is clearly evident as they host and participate in these rewarding and educational events.


I would especially like to thank our talented Coaching Staff whose efforts have developed and inspired our Winter Drum Line into being a first-class organization.


The entire educational community of Great Oak High School extends our gratitude to you for choosing to attend our event. We send our sincere, best wishes to each unit and hope that you have a rewarding performance. May your season be as memorable and edifying as today.


Sincerely, Mr. Jerry Burdick-Rutz Director

ak Great O f o it ir p , Dear S Clas s of 2015 s in e e c h t n rie and ur expe ou May yo G uard take y ght B and & ou never th ou r o y place s . T h ank you f le p o s s ib irit. your Sp Magnifiq ue!! C'e s t tz ick-Ru d r u B . Mr


reat Oak Spirit of G of 2015 and the Class igh School ak H c/o Great O rnia alifo Temecula, C USA Drum Major Jerry Burdick circa 1994


Middle Schools Gardner & Vail Ranch Sound & Guard’ Chapparal HS ‘Platinum al Alliance’ Mission Hills HS ‘Cardin rching Band & Guard Spirit of Great Oak Ma Emerald Regiment’ Murrieta Mesa ‘Marching rald Brigade’ Poway High School ‘Eme ‘Marching Tigers’ Riverside City College Award Ceremony



Patriotic Salute 5:45 6:00 Black Opal







SC 1

Black Opal Sapphire

6:39 6:52

SC 2





l o o h c S h g i Great Oak H Adresse


uveau” “Classique No ak

reat O The Spirit of G and Guard d Marching Ban urney with them jo to u o invites y perience a ex d to Paris an story. Bohemian love tz

y Burdick-Ru Director, Jerr ion Sapphire Divis

phot o © charles fr

ey. used by perm ission.

photo © charles frey. used by per mis sion.

G event! second MBjOS

phot o © charles fr

ey. used by perm ission.

! reat Oak is proud to host our

l o o h c S h g i Chapparal H Adresse


d and Guard Platinum Soun l High School ra a p p a h C m o fr eir 2014 field will perform th s: What Lies show “Fathom Below?” n Underwood Director, Ala ivision Black Opal D

! reat Oak welcomes you and

t. G enjoyable even wishes you an

Mis ion Hil s HS phot o © charles fr

used by per mis sion. photo © charles frey.


ey. used by perm ission.


The Mission Hills High School Cardinal Alliance will perform their field show “The Nightmare”. Onyx Division


Great Oak welcomes yo u and wishes you an enjoyable event.

S H a s e M a Mur iet Adresse


“Land of the F


g Mesa Marchin The Murrieta ent is proud to Emerald Regim ons’ military honor our nati s in time. ard through postc homas Garvin T r. D r, to c e Dir ivision Black Opal D

! reat Oak welcomes you and

t. G enjoyable even wishes you an

Poway High School phot o © charles fr


used by per mis sion. photo © charles frey.

y chan phot o by dann

ey. used by perm ission.


The Poway High School Emerald Brigade is proud to perf orm their show, “Bach for a New Millennium”, directed by Mike Cook, Sylvester Sybils ki, and assisted by Doug Crooks . Sapphire Division

Great Oak welcomes yo u and wishes you an enjoyable event.

GO KASSY!!! You!!! f o d u o r p o s We are .. We Love You..!!! ABY!!! THAT'S MY B 1 TBC - Thank u guys so much for being my best friyo en ds guys mean so much and family. You to me and I can’t tell you how much privileged I am toI love you and how have you as a section. Here's to an aw esome season!! Much lov e, Morgan

ician Ben, reat mus . You g a e r a on You nderful s and a wo uch talent and have so me are extremely heart. W accompany you lucky to urney. You are on this johine. Keep being our suns t! excellen

Ben m Love Mo and Dad

James! We are so excited experience another year of to James Phillips Marching Band with you! Celebrating your French her Love you! with "Classique Nouveau" is jusitatge Mom , Dad, Phil and Chris icing on the cake! We are so proud of you, trumpet man!

Dear Dad, test dad. We think you're the grea away but We miss you while you're . u do are so proud of what yo Happy Birthday!! d Jane Love Mom, Ben, John an

w Riel, ck on your ne u r l e t d en G oo as you love y e n r u o e j e hool. W high sc y much and w ! u r you ve y proud of yo are ver Love, m and Rein o Dad, M

I can't tell yo u how much fu n it has been wa tching you in each and ever y Marching Ba nd and Drum Line performance over these last four years. I am just amazed at your hard work and dedicatio n and I am so very proud of you. Keep smili ng and enjoy the rest of your Senior Year!. .. Pit Rules! Love you bunc hes!

Kati - We ar e so p Hope your senior roud of our Princess! year is all you w ant it to be. Love, Mom, D ad, Anthony and all the rest of us!

Nate “Chaz" Le yden Love Mom and Zach

Ann-Marie, you are simply amazing! Sparkle On… and we know….. it's all about that bass!

To my son, Hen Henry, it seem ry Casarez, raised your tins like just a little while ago yo the first time. Ty head and smiled at me for u want you to kn hough you are older now I the world is alwow the proudest mother in you, understan ays here for you to encoura you forever, I lod you and support you. I lovege I’m living, my ve you for always, as long as baby you'll be.

Here is to a fantastic year. Your show is going to be simply amazing. All of your hard work is going to pay off.



Hey there, Kayla and the Baritone Section!!


♡ Daddy, Mama, Angel & Gracie



be a r letting us fo , c n e p S u Thank yo ol band inute of r high scho u o y f o ed every m rt y a p jo n e e v a r friends . . We h ou and you ve y h experience it w rs a ha four ye g man you these past f the youn o d ollege. u c ro to p o l WE g ti We are so n u it a w d can't become an rever!!!! Love you fo ad Mom and D

r Reagan, for your senio d e it c x e so re ry We a e! We are ve in l m ru d in d year Have fun an . u o y f o d u pro reat year! make this a g Love, , and Taylor om M , d a D

My awesome sons C Matthew Klint, (ak hristopher & You both are an am a bari brothers)az express enough how ing pair and I can't happy I am to be yo ur mom. When I watc h you perform, my heart is filled with pr doing your very best, ide and joy. Keep no matter what, "Go enjoy the journey and Beast Mode!" Love mom.

Good luck Abby! Sorry we can't be there tonight but know that we love you and are proud of you! Mom & Dad

Mindy d of you and ou pr so re a e w y, d Min Mom and Dad ng om ki fr oo , L ve ! lo ts h en it m sh W li p your accom great forward to another with our flutie! n so a se S O B M Mom and Dad

Dear Lauren, You are doing such a great jo b your first year in marchin g band. We ar e so proud of you and lov e you very mu ch. - Mom, Dad & Evan

J.T. Smith... We smart, funny, haare in awe of how talented you a ndsome and kind and have re. You are caring, Texas. We are a heart the size of young man you'so proud of the another great ve become... Have best marching season with the band and color guard in the wor Great Oak Marcld... Go Spirit of hing Band and Guard.. Love, Don, Rob in and Becca

From a young age you showed wonderful talents for both music and performing. It has been such a blessing to watch you on "stage" all these years. Through your kind and giving nature you have not only made sure to boost those around you up and help them succeed but you have succeeded yourself as well. We are so very proud of all you have accomplished but more importantly of the young man you have grown to be

in front of our very eyes! As we leave this "stage" behind we will hang on to the memories of the band family we gained through you and your passion and look forward to making new memories on the road ahead. March on son! You've earned it! Love, Mom, Dad and Owen

To our drummer girls, Idalis and Marisol,


Continue to follow your dreams and ra i those standards and expectations. You bose never cease to amaze us with your talent th and drive. Love you more! Mami, Papi and Naty

oud of you and Kiana, We are so pr ts! Keep all your accomplishmen smiling! Good Skills! & Bella Love Dad, Mom, Gigi

ul, To our amazingly beaer. utifYo ur ght dau d nte tale & gifted d aze am ond bey are father and I your in nt tale and cess suc r you at all sed musical abilities. Youdauhavghte erbleswith at gre a g bein h us wit share. We are so such a big heart to ever ything you have of ud pro ly incredib We know d. ieve ach accomplished & do gre at things, to e tinu con l wil you future. r you in but not only now l and We love you endless.ly wil you t por always sup


on your first C ongratulat ions Rexof the Spirit of year as a member ing Band! You Great Oak March hard an d have have been work ing so are so proud of been so dedicated, we & Ryan you! Love, Mom, Dad

Heaven, source of You continue to be a g you a great pride. Wishin filled fun marching season best! with nothing but the

We are so proud of you Faith! It's so fun to see you performing in “Classique Nouveau�. Keep up the hard work, but have fun too! Go Nets!!!!!

Congratulations, Jordan, on your 4th year with the Spirit of Great Oak Marching Band and Senior year! Looking forward to an exciting 2015. Enjoy your senior year and have fun! Love, Mom & Dad

Faith Love you, Mom, Dad, Taylor & Spencer




! ! !



! on Display! Art !



! ! ive Music! L ! ! !


Thank You Great Oak PTSA Jackson PTA Pat & Oscar’s Chipotle Sprouts The Habit Menchie’s Jamba Juice Temecula Trophy Extreme Signs & Graphics Sweet Country Kettle Corn Denyse Wilson, Realtor Maui Wowie All-4-Fun Jumpers

Yogurt Island Butterfield Storage Let’s Get Personal Katiland Trains Stater Bros. Walmart Spirit Run for the Arts Tri Valley Entertainment and Productions Temecula Pizza Factory Mariposa Homemade Ice Cream Calhbey Creativity & Design Ideal Print & Copy

BINGO g r e a t 13DEC oak high 5pm s c h o o l



Cost includes: 10 game cards! 50.50 game, daubers, concessions, & raffle tickets are available for purchase at the event! Join us for a ton of fun! Anticipated payouts of $100 per game and $200 for game 10!

Spirit Bistro

$5 $2

Grilled Orange Chicken Bento Bowl with Rice or Noodles


Chili Dog Chili Cheese Baked Potat Nachos (variety of t o oppings)

Hot Dogs Nachos

Please visit our Jazz Band Bake Sale and vendors Sweet Country Kettle Corn and Maui Wowie for other delicious treats & drinks


Variety of Chips Variety of Candy and Candy Bars te Drinks and Hot Chocola

The Spirit of Great Oak

thanks you for attending our second annual MBOS event!

Bon Jour Avoir un ! ici à Grantdemps merveilleux bandes son -Chêne ! Les et je suis si t tous incroyable que nous a fier de vous dire meilleur sp vons réalisé notre Merci de m ectacle jamais ! Avec beaue soutenir ! Tout à vou coup d'amour , s

Marching Ban d Open Series

at Great Oak High School

Translation (thank yo that we perf ormed our beu, Google): Hello! Hav Interesting fa st show ing a w derf ul tim Band & Guact: All of the photoseviner! Thanks for suppon orti me! eWhere at Great Oak! T rd, or shared th is he bands are ith much love with us by ou program were takeng n by all amazing ,E r special VIP and I'm so pr guests, unleacsstual members, alumvenir yours. oud to tell yo , and boosters where noted (t u of The Spirit hank you, Fre of Great Oak y Photos!) H Marching ow awesome is that?

Saturday, Nov ember 1,


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