A Few of Our Favorite Recipes

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Moomm y’usr Po A Few f O F atvat o roi tSealRad ecipes by Morgan, Seamus and Aidan Murphy and Family

Christmas 2010

Moomm y’usr Po A Few f O F atvat o roi tSealRad ecipes “These are our favorite recipes. Some of them are from our family and some are great recipes that we just really like - especially, Ina’s! But what make these recipes special are the memories we have of sharing the dish with family. That’s family time and there’s no better recipe for life than that.” Morgan, Seamus and Aidan Official Cookie Taste-Testers & Grandkids Extraordinaire

Moomm y’usr Po A Few f O F atvat o roi tSealRad ecipes Dedicated to our...

Nana, who makes the very best Pancakes, Strawberry Shortcake and Taco Casserole you’ll ever have in your life; and Grandpa, who is King of the bbq and grills a mean Teriyaki Flank Steak, and also happens to be a Master Mac and Cheese Chef.

We love you! Mugs, Moose and Princess (aka A.J.)

Christmas 2010

Mommy’s Spicy Hot Cocoa “I love Mommy’s hot cocoa because it’s creamy with all the milk and it tastes delightful! It isn’t spicy at all. Well, sometimes it is. But then I just put a big spoonful of ice cream in it and a squirt of whipped cream straight into my mouth. It’s the best!”

Aidan Murphy Candy and Sweets Expert

6 or 7 medium potatoes, washed and chunked (for “dirty salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes) 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minced

Spicy Hot Cocoa

1/2 small jar sweet pickles, p o rt a


dM & Salte


Ho w to . . . Make a double po t of the Hershey’s Cocoa recipe (yes, from scratch) Be generous with

the salt - use Kosh er

Whisk in two or th ree large tablespoo nfuls of a spicy mix - my favorite is Chuao Add just a skosh more vanilla than called for Whisk in about a ta blespoon of insta nt espresso Don’t boil, but defin itely get it to a ge ntle steam Okay, so here’s the

real secret...

On a piece of parch ment paper, drizzle caramel over a sm all bunch of mallows and sprinkle with coars e salt. Broil for just second s - WATCH it - until the mallows are toasty brown. Scoop with a spoon and top the hot cocoa! Nothing better! Well, you could use homemade mallows and top them with homemade vanilla whipped cream! To cool it down for the little guys, add a little vanilla ice cream!

Mommy’s Potato Salad “I like the potatoes cold and fresh. I really like the sauce Mommy puts in her potato salad because it tastes delicious. I especially love potato salad in the summer and on birthdays. Mommy remembers eating Great-Grandma’s potato salad when she was our age, and thought it was the best! It took a long time to get it just right, but now that she makes it, no one makes it better! Even Nana says that Mommy is the ‘Potato Salad Queen’!”

Seamus Murphy Potato Salad Taste-Tester Extraordinaire

6 or 7 medium potatoes, washed and chunked (for “dirty salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes) 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minced

Mommy’s Potato Salad

1/2 small jar sweet pickles, p o rt a


d Inspire

at Gr by Gre

M i x t o g e t h e r. . . 6 or 7 medium po tatoes, washed an d chunked (for “dirt y salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes), boile d, cooled and cube d 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minc ed 1/2 small jar swee t pickles, chopped (save the juice) 2-3 hard boiled eg gs, chopped 1 large can jumbo olives, sliced slice d or quartered but not chopped a big scoop or tw o of mayo, splash of mustard, one or tw o capfuls of vineg ar, a dash of salt and a long splash of sw eet

pickle juice, and a shake of pepper some chopped pa rsley a few scallions wi ll add flavor and color be sure to mix we ll and chill Mommy remembers having Great-Gran dma’s potato salad when she was our age, an d thought it was the best! It took a long time to get it just right, bu t now that she make s it, no one makes it be tter! Even Nana says tha t Mommy is the “Q ueen of Potato Salad”!

M o m ’ s H e a rt y S o u p “My mom used to make this soup on rainy days and when I didn’t feel good. I loved walking into the house and smelling ‘the soup’, I just knew that no matter what was going on, I’d feel better. On the days Mom made the soup, it’d sit on the stove all day long and whenever you walked into the kitchen you had a bowl. Everyone was welcome to it and there was always enough for anyone who wanted some. Just like my mom’s love.”

Matt (aka Papa)

6 or 7 medium potatoes, washed and chunked (for “dirty salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes) 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minced

M o m ’ s H e a rt y S o u p

1/2 small jar sweet pickles, p o rt a

om M From M


In g r e d i e n t s . . . 1 lb stew meat, bro wned in a little oil (I salt and pepper the me at and let it carameli ze before taking out of the Le Creuset pot - the bottom should be ve ry brown with all the drippings and flavo r!) When the meat is do ne, take it out and set aside. Add to the po t: 1 carton beef stock one 64 oz bottle of V8 2 or 3 cans of Spicy V8 one large can of Ve g•All one package Manis chewitz Beans & Ve gies a few “plops” of ke tchup and Worceste rsh ire sauce tarragon, basil, cilan tro and 2-4 bay lea ves Add a good couple dashes of salt and one of pepper.

Let the soup come to a mild boil, then simmer for an hour or so. Cut the meat into bit esize pieces and ad d to the soup so it can simmer and soften. This is a really heart y soup that smells delicious and fills yo ur tummy with good things... It’s even better the next day, so conside r making a double po t!

Aunt Kate’s Chicken Enchiladas “I never used to like chicken enchiladas but a while ago Mommy made them again - using Aunt Kate’s recipe. For some reason they just looked really good to me, so I tried them. They tasted yummy! So now when we have them, I always ask for more! I like that they’re sloppy, green, a little spicy but not too much, and just really Y U M!”

Morgan Murphy Chicken Enchilada Convert

6 or 7 medium potatoes, washed and chunked (for “dirty salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes) 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minced

Chicken Enchiladas

1/2 small jar sweet pickles, p o rt a

by K Shared


M i x t o g e t h e r. . . Cooked, shredded meat of 3-4 chick en breasts large handful (abou t 1 1/2 cups) shredd ed cheddar-jack chee se (more for plating) 1 can Campbell’s Cream of Chicken Soup, condensed - do no t add water 1 small can choppe d chilis 1 small can sliced black olives (anoth er for plating) 1 can of mild-mediu m green chili enchilada sauce

Spread a good-size d spoonful of the mi xture onto a flour tortilla cradled in your palm , sprinkle with cheese and roll up. Place in a 13x9 baking dish, lig htly sprayed and continue until the dis h is full. Pour the gre en sauce over the top of the enchiladas an d top with more cheese an d black olives. Bake for 20-30 minutes - un til the cheese is go lde n and bubbly. Top with your favori te toppings - we us e sour cream, cilantro, a sweet and spicy corn salsa, shredded lettuce and tomato.

Grandpa’s Teriyaki Flank Steak “I love Grandpa’s steak because it’s really juicy and when you takes bites of it there’s a party in your mouth. My favorite memory of having Grandpa’s steak is when we had it for my sixth birthday. Nana made little cakes for each of us. We were all still eating and then Aidan sat down right on her cake! It was so funny! Mommy had to wash Aidan in the little sink. I was crackin’ up!”

Seamus Murphy and Grandpa Steak Men

6 or 7 medium potatoes, washed and chunked (for “dirty salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes) 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minced

Teriyaki Flank Steak

1/2 small jar sweet pickles, p o rt a


d Inspire

at Gr by Gre

Ho w to . . . 1 flank steak Teriyaki Sauce

Marinade at room temperature for a few hours or in the fridg e overnight - be su re to turn at least on ce. Bring to room temp erature, if chilled, before grilling.


One of the most frequently requested side dish for the steak is another of Grandpa’s best... Teriyaki Gree n Beans. The simpli fied version is to fry and crumble some baco n; toss in blanched gre en beans, sliced almonds or pine nu ts and drizzle with honey, a splash of teriyaki and a pinch of salt and pepper. If you have n’t got the honey, ma ple syrup works just fin e!

The Contessa’s Angel Cake “I had never favored angel food cake until I tried Mom’s and fell in love. Turns out it was Ina Garten’s recipe - go figure. Everything she makes and shares is not only incredibly delicious, but easy to make. The Angel Cake we’ve included is Morgan’s birthday cake request several years running. We have the Contessa’s Lobster Cobb and Shrimp Scampi for the meal and then finish it with the Lemon and Raspberry Angel Delight. There really isn’t anything better. Or, as Ina would say, ‘How good is that?’”

Morgan and Mommy Angel Cake Connoisseurs

6 or 7 medium potatoes, washed and chunked (for “dirty salad” only peel 1/2 the potatoes) 2 - 3 stalks celery, washed and diced 1/3 red onion, minced

R a s p b e r ry L e m o n A n g e l C a k e

1/2 small jar sweet pickles, p o rt a

m Ina

ed fro Borrow

Wo r t h c e l e b r a t ing... Ingredients • 2 cups sifted superfine sugar, divided • 1 1/3 cups sifted cake flour (not selfrising) • 1 1/2 cups egg whites , at room temperature (10 to 12 eggs) • 3/4 teaspoon kosher sal t • 1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar • 3/4 teaspoon pure van illa extract • 1 1/2 teaspoons grated lemon zest (2 lemons) Directions Preheat the oven to 35 0 degrees F. Combine 1/2 cup of sug ar with the flour and sift together 4 times. Set asi de. Place the egg whites, sal t, and cream of tartar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment and beat on high speed until the eggs make medium-firm peaks, about 1 minute . With the mixer on mediu m speed, add the

remaining 1 1/2 cups of sugar by sprinkling it over the beaten egg wh ites. Whisk for a few minutes until thick and shiny. Whisk in the van illa and lemon zest and co ntinue to whisk until ver y thick, about 1 more min ute. Sift about 1/4 of the flour mixture over the eg g whites and fold it into the batter with a rubbe r spatula. Continue adding the flour by fou rths by sifting and folding until it's all incorporated . Pour the batter into an ungreased 10-inch tub e pan, smooth the top, and bake it for 35 to 40 minutes, until it springs back to the touch. Remove the cake from the oven and invert the pan on a cooling rack until cool.

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