Walking tour: Marineterrein

Placemaking: &
Ana Beatriz Stringhini, IreneTerezaki, Lina Degerth, Raquel González de laArada
Sense, Space
Ground zero analysis
Site visit Walking tour: Marineterrein

Walking tour:


Gym facilities that most of the people don't know they exist

Innovation & curiosity - project open with information
Interrupted route - the path that leads to nowhere
Tree as a gift

Contradictory informationinviting signage and board but inaccessible because of fence

Walking tour: MindmapMarineterrein

Keywords Insights:
. 15 minute-city | Walkable city | City for people . Permaculture city . Sensory spaces | Psychology of space . Wayfinding Walking tour: MindmapMarineterrein
Found information
Research Walking tour: Marineterrein

Oosterdok is the wider neighbourhood in which tocommunityworkingBureaucreativetoandinExpeditieMarineterreinissituated.Oosterdokisaproposalwhichnumerousinstitutionscompanieshavejoinedforcescreateaninnovativeandcityquarter.Marineterreinisalsooncreatingawiderwhofeelsconnectedthesitethroughthisproject. https://www.expeditieoosterdok.nl/
Expeditie Oosterdok
Walking tour: Marineterrein

Management model of Marineterrein
Diagram explaining the management for the regulations in the Marineterrein as a temporal development. It focuses on three key themes: maritime power, water park, and innovative workplace.
Walking tour: Marineterrein

Existing monumental or buildingscharacteristicthatwill be preserved and reused as much as possible.

A new route will be running through the park connecting the area with the NEMO and the neighbourhood.OosterdokThesouthwestsideofthesitewillconsistofaparkoneithersideoftheinnerharbour.

The quays will be largely open to the public. A continuous route will be made.
Walking tour:
Walking tour:MapsMarineterrein

Walking tour:
On the first site visit, we walked without and specific destination to get to know the area. With our route, we were able to understand which places are more or less interesting to define the walking tour.

Walking tour: Marineterrein
Green spaces
We mapped the main green spaces in the area to understand the potential of each location in Marineterrein. Despite the existence of a large green area, it is mostly underused.
Private area

This mapping included local facilities which made an impression on us during our exploration of the site. Also considering them as spaces which could be of value for a later intervention.

Walking tour:

Walking tour: EmpathiseMarineterrein

Walking tour:

Walking tour: Marineterrein

Walking tour: Marineterrein

. People usually avoid weekends because of the crowd;
. There are two types of users: those who are just passing by (walking their dogs, for example) and those who actually stay in the park to relax and .swim;Some residents are not frequent users of Marineterrein because they are not interested in the area or don’t know the opportunities of the space.
Walking tour: Marineterrein
. Most of the people like Marineterrein because it is a calm area that you can swim being close to the city center;
Interviews takeaways/reflections
Walking tour: MaterialsMarineterrein
Define phase

This activity helped identify our main topics and rephrase them as questions that possible solutions could address.

Walking tour:
The main problems and characteristics were: accessibility, unequal use of the space and unclear communication with the users.
Walking tour:
With the main problems pointed out, we started to define objectives and how they will be achieved. We recognized that our impact in Marineterrein is make the are welcoming and balanced, providing quality of space, interaction and feeling of belonging.

3. How can we encourage interaction between different users?
2. How can we connect the differing areas? How can we attract people to the less used areas?
Walking tour: DefineMarineterreinphase
1. How can we make users aware of their opportunities and rights to use the space at Marineterrein?
Possible solutions
Possible solutions
Walking tour: Marineterrein

Walking tour: Marineterrein

Possible solutions
Awalking art tour displaying the neighborhood’s creativity
Possible solutions
People in the surrounding residential area could donate their own artworks to the Marineterrein walking tour that will be displayed in an evolving exhibition in the form of nodes on a walking path. It would be focused toward resident engagement but would also attract other visitors that may be interested in viewing the collection of work. The artworks could spark discussion between viewers as well as communicate a message. As the artworks shown change, walking the path would still be an intriguing experience for re-visitors and at the furthest point of the path a permanent collective mural would be shown. The intervention could be hosted by the area development team in collaboration with local creatives in the community who collect, curate and compose the exhibition. The intervention would guide people to other areas of the Marineterrein that they have not explored before as well as create a sense of community presence in the area.
Walking tour: Marineterrein
Awalking art tour displaying the neighborhood’s creativity

An interactive drawing tour
Walking tour: Marineterrein
Possible solutions

An interactive drawing tour
The idea is to create a guided path with interactive artworks or drawings in order to stimulate visitors to walk through the less used area. By creating an interactive tour, the visitor will be guided to strategic areas to enjoy the landscape and also be invited to participate in the proposed activity. The defined path will lead to strategic points where people can sit and enjoy the view of the river, as well as having tables and materials to have their art exhibited on the walking tour. These exhibitions may have temporary themes so the artworks will always be renewed. Initially, it could be done by children of the school in the near neighborhood with the possibility to expand to any user who walks through Marineterrein. The motivation is increase the sense of belonging. By exhibiting their own work in the area, people will feel that they also contribute to the creation of that space.

Walking tour: Marineterrein
Possible solutions
Aplaying tour
Walking tour: Marineterrein

Possible solutions

Possible solutions
Walking tour: Marineterrein

A tour through playing that could improve the connection of the different areas by increasing the interest of different groups of people. By creating spaces to play, different generations are involved, increasing the possibility of interaction, movement, physical activity and enjoyment of the area. The idea is to introduce small interventions in the area that motivate people to play, generally placed in locations that would not be the regular site to find them. For example: trampoline beds located separately from one another, so the user gets curious to know if there are more, how many and where, and in this way explore the area, see people using others, etc. It is focused towards all the community, with activities that can be done by children by themselves and some requiring cooperation and interaction. The purpose is increase the possible interactions between all different users and neighbors in the area and increase the curiosity to see more and explore not only a specific site of the Marineterrein.
Aplaying tour

Re-Use Market

Walking tour: Marineterrein

Possible solutions

Possible solutions Re-Use Market
A temporary market in different areas of the Marineterrein to give the citizens a place where they can exchange things that they do not use anymore and get second hand products they might need or want. This solution could be organized either by volunteers from the area or by the Marineterrein Bureau, as a municipal project that can solve several problems, such as improving the connection from the Marineterrein to the rest of the city, or increasing interaction between the users. The idea is that most people in the community get involved in the process. Not only the neighbors of the area and surroundings, but also workers from the different companies located there can collaborate. The motivation is to create a tool and a space where these exchanges can take place, through applying circular economy concepts on a small scale, a neighborhood and increase interaction and communication between the different companies,the people in public spaces and the cafés and restaurants.

Walking tour: Marineterrein

Walking tour: Marineterrein
Thank you! Placemaking: Sense, Space & Strategy