負育群帶聚落Collective Negative Space Village|建築之外 Beyond Architecture

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Beyond Architecture



Collective Negative Space Village



Concept Diagram



Introduction of“Beyond Architecture”International Forum



Site and Events



Brief History of TAF and Atlas



Interdiciplinary Collecting Team's Research



Team Members



Workshops Collaborators

活動預告 Event Advance Announcement


計畫概述 About ──────────────────────

負育群帶聚落 Collective Negative Space Village

空總創新基地(TAF)歷史上,曾是漢人移墾落腳的聚落,日治時代成為「工業 研究院」,國民政府治理後轉為「空軍總司令部」,並輾轉成為今日的「空總文化實 驗室」。這滿溢的革新動能,更涉及臺北城市即將產生的變遷。 「負育群帶聚落」作為一項實驗建築計畫,探問著建築的嶄新起點為何?「建築」 若不只是靜態的表現物,那它應是某種隨時可以更動、寫入、拆解、組裝的連結與

Taiwan Air Force was once a settlement for the Han people in the history. It became the "Industrial Research Institute" during the Japanese colonial period. After the Nationalist government reignited, it became the "Air Force Command Headquarters" and was transformed into today's "Taiwan Air Force Cultural Laboratory" The abundant innovative energy is highly related to the upcoming changes of the Taipei City. As an experimental architecture project, "Collective Negative Space Village" explores a brand new starting point of architecture. If "architecture" is not only a static representation, it should be a link and relationship that can be altered, rewritten, disassembled and assembled at any time. It is alive like the ocean, and we are not only the islanders of the world strung by the sea, but also the sailors involved in interfering and shaping the ocean. In order to realize this type of architecture, or at least open the field of thinking and experimentation, we proceed from the core of "education" and use "reversal, subversion, and challenge (negative)" as dynamic energy to find the "airline (collective)". Further mapping the basic appearance of the "maritime zone (village)". The starting point of the voyage begins with a relationship between Taiwan Air Force and the irrigation river that no longer exist, spreading to the scale changes in the "Taipei Basin", thus imagining the general orientation and role of Taiwan Air Force. This project cooperates with the three types of team: "Interdisciplinary Collecting Research", "Proposal Workshop", and "Experimental Architecture Team". It bypasses three sea areas of "Beyond Architecture", "Environmental and Ecology" and "Cultural Data" through the form of international forums, workshops, and experimental architecture. To think about a future of architecture that allows various forms and scales of learning, education, and cultivation to take place.

關係,就像海洋一樣,是活的。而我們不僅是被海洋串起的世界的島民,也是介入 與形塑海域的航行者。 為了實現這種建築──或至少打開思考與實驗的場域,我們從「教育(育)」這個 核心出發,以「翻轉、顛覆、挑戰(負)」為動能,來尋找測量串連、牽引、形塑社 群的「航線(群帶)」,進而繪製出(mapping)這片「海域(聚落)」的基本樣貌。航 程的起點從一條不復見的灌溉水圳與空總的關係開始,蔓延至「臺北盆地」,並以 此想像空總的定位與角色。 本計畫與「跨領域採集研究」、「提案式工作坊」以及「實驗建築團隊」三種類 型的團隊合作,並以國際講座、工作坊、實驗建築發表的形式,繞行於「建築之 外」、 「環境生態」與「文化數據」三片海域上,一同思考使各種形態與尺度的學習、 教育、培育活動得以發生的建築的未來。





概念圖 Concept Diagram



Tectonic Space



Culture Method







Nurturing History


Sound Public


Collecting Experimental Architecture

Plant Tea-make

Hydrology Ecology

Village Mapping













└ 【建築之外】國際講座介紹 Introduction of "Beyond Architecture" International Forum ────────────────────

方框之外的空間感知 Spatial Perception Out of the Box


Urban core cluster


Urban border belt

「建築之外」作為實驗建築計畫「負育群帶聚落」的首場國際講座,我們希冀以此 打開對「實驗建築」更多樣的想像,描繪「建築之外」的風景與路徑。 以「負育」為名,已經說明了我們對建築生產的基進思考意涵,這意味著比起實



Area outside the city

場、停車格、廣場等等的另類機能,來使得建築成為一種回應歷史、文化與土地的 思維,而非僅是機能性存在的框。 同時,這種建築也應該是一處使各種形態的學習、教育、培育活動得以發生的 場所,不論是引導我們去觀看、感知那些被遺忘、忽略、排除的事物,或是使空間




城市的生命與動能。 這次我們邀請了探究身體與空間關係、從事建築藝術的Didier Fiúza Faustino,關 注自然環境脈動與建築熱力學研究的ROEWU architecture,關注參數化設計、互動 設計、跨界解決問題的侯君昊,以及跨領域採集團隊中兩位建築領域的研究者廖惟 宇和蘇弘,共同以空總作為起點,來探究一項實驗建築計畫所需要的尺度視野、基

建築之外的田野 Field beyond Architecture

進思維、跨領域交會、研究方法、實踐技術等等,來重新認識這片滋養我們的臺北 城土地,重新定位人類置身其中的座標關係,衍生而出對未來臺北城空間的想像。



由城市核心群、邊界再到原野疆域,同心圓的帶狀分層與邊界交融 的關係,連續的水系織起帶狀與交界,溯水上游來到原始的曠野。




【建築之外】國際講座介紹 Introduction of "Beyond Architecture" International Forum ────────────────────

Ocean beyond Architecture 由城市核心群聚焦到邊界聚落,順城市水系 而下,陸地、大河到出海口,城市大陸的邊 界之外,展開大片藍海。活絡於各種邊界的 生命活動,匯流衍生豐富的文化層次。 From the urban core cluster zooming in on border villages, following the urban water system from land, river to estuary, the huge blue ocean is opened up outside the borders of land and cities. The variety of lives activity vibrantly existing around borders confluents dynamic and multilayer culture.

As the first international forum of the experimental architecture project "Collective Negative Space Village", "Beyond Architecture" aims to open up diverse imagination towards "experimental architecture" and to illustrate the scenery and paths "beyond" architecture. In the name of "negativity" it explains our radical thinking about architectural production. This means that we are more concerned with the development and the use of marginal negative spaces, such as streets, training field and courtyard that contain alternative functions, rather than with solid buildings. To make architecture a way of thinking that responds to history, culture and land, but not just the existing functional box. Meanwhile, this architecture should also be a place where various forms of learning, educational and cultivative activities can take place. Whether it leads us to see or perceive things that have been forgotten, neglected, excluded or to make space a collective verbs, it brings people together to innovate and dynamic energy of the city by continuously leading the gathering and streaming of various things. In this forum, we invite Didier Fiúza Faustino, who is engaged in architecture and cares about the relationship between body and the space; ROEWU architecture, who pays attention to the research of natural environment dynamics and architecture thermodynamics; Hou, June-Hao, who pays attention to parametric design, interactive design and cross-field problem solving; and two members of the interdisciplinary collecting team, Liao, Wei-Yu and Su, Hung, both researchers who are from the field of architecture, using TAF as a starting point to explore the scale, vision, radical thinking, interdisciplinary encounters, research methods and practical techniques required for the experimental architecture project. To understand again this piece of land that nourished Taipei City and to reposition the coordinates of human beings within, further derived the imagination of the the space for the future Taipei City.



城市邊界帶 Urban border belt 城市之外的疆域 Area outside the city 城市下游水系 Urban downstream water system 採集研究圈 Collecting and research filed



└ 講者介紹 Speaker ──────────────────────

【建築之外】國際講座 2018 年 4 月 29 日(星期日)╱ 地點:臺北空總中山堂(圖書館) International Forum – "Beyond Architecture" Sunday, 29th April 2018 at Taipei TAF, Taiwan


● 報到 ● Registration

↓ 10:00 10:00

↓ 10:10 10:10

↓ 11:00 11:10

↓ 12:00


↓ 15:00

講者 Main Speaker

侯君昊 Hou, June-Hao

● 午餐 ● Lunch 講者 Main Speaker

主題演講 Theme Speak

迪迪耶.弗薩.佛斯提諾 Mr. Didier Fiúza Faustino

Interdisciplinary Collecting Research Team Speakers



空間之間關係的建築師和藝術家。 1995 年從建築系畢業以後,他在藝術 作,從而發展多向度的工作方法,從裝置 藝術、實驗性藝術、視覺藝術,到多維度




與建築領域交疊之間展開了他個人的創 ● 茶敘 ● Tea time


絡吳工作室 ROEWU architecture

15:00 15:50


講者 Main Speaker

主題演講 Theme Speak



陳宣誠 Chen, Eric

主題演講 Theme Speak


Didier Fiúza Faustino 主持人 Moderator

引言 Introduction


迪迪耶.弗薩. 佛斯提諾

講者 Main Speakers

蘇弘+廖惟宇 Su, Hung + Liao, Wei-Yu

的空間創作以及移動機能的建築創作。 Didier 在倫敦 AA 學院教導了 6 年,亦 在 2015 和 2016 年於法國 CREE 建築設計 雜誌擔任首席編輯。他現在全職專注在他

綜合座談 Round Table

個人的建築專案(遍及墨西哥、哥斯大黎 加、比利時、葡萄牙和法國)、藝術裝置

● 賦歸 ● Farewell

和展覽,實踐範圍橫跨維也納、幾內亞、 里斯本、洛杉磯等地。

Didier Fiúza Faustino is an architect and artist working on the relationship between body and space. He started his own practice at the crossroad of art and architecture just after graduating in architecture in 1995. He has been developing since then a multi-faceted approach, ranging from installation to experimentation, from visual art to the creation of multi-sensorial spaces, mobile architecture and buildings. After teaching six years at the AA School in London (Diploma Unit 2) and being two years editor in chief of the French architecture and design magazine CREE in 2015 and 2016, Didier Faustino is currently fully dedicating his time on architecture projects (Mexico, Costa Rica, Belgium, Portugal and France) and art installation and exhibitions (Vienna, Geneva, Lisbon, Los Angeles). 建築之外


└ 講者介紹 Speaker ──────────────────────

講者介紹 Speaker ──────────────────────



ROEWU Architecture

Hou, June-Hao

絡吳工作室是一個國際的建築工作室。 由愛爾蘭籍建築師 Stephen Roe 和臺灣籍 建築師 Wu, Chia-Fang 所組成,工作室在 2004 年於美國紐約成立,目前設立於英 國倫敦。絡吳工作室在 2005 年贏得美國 青年建築師獎並且陸續得到不同競圖獎 項,並代表英國參與北京 2006 建築雙年 展。 工 作 室 並 重 實 驗 與 設 計, 目 前 在 臺 灣、愛爾蘭與英國進行不同案子。兩位主 持人都曾在美國紐約、俄亥俄州和英國建 築聯盟教授建築設計。創作哲學提出從自 然環境運作中學習,並運用材料、形式與 空間於都市環境中並重實驗、理論、實務 與設計的實踐。他們透過空間與材質,試 圖尋找氣候與建築的新連結,從關注身體 的感受,思考人與空間和自然能量──如 熱能、氣壓、濕度等之間的關係。絡吳建 築工作室對熱力動態的研究與作品並行, 陸續獲得許多競圖獎項的肯定,在宜蘭的 「竹森之屋」、新臺北藝術中心的「雲朵花 園」都是精彩的實踐成果。著有《建築氣 象學:氣候現形》。



ROEWU Architecture is an architectural practice with a global pedigree. Currently based in London, ROEWU was founded in New York City in 2004 as a collaboration between Stephen Roe (Ireland) and Wu, Chia-Fang (Taiwan). Since then they has won many awards including the Young Architects Award from the Architectural League of New York in 2005, First Prize in the Competition for Ephemeral Structures for the Athens Olympics in 2004, the Kevin Kieran Award from the Arts Council of Ireland in 2007 and represented the UK at the 2006 Beijing Biennale. They have recently published a book: Weather Formation, in which they explore the dynamic relationship between various human senses and spatial effects in weather phenomena. The partners have taught and carried out research at schools in the US, the UK and Asia focusing mainly on architectural materials, digital technologies and qualitative relations between buildings and their environments. Both partners were 2004-05 Emerging Practitioner Fellows at the Ohio State University and have also taught a graduate level Diploma Unit at the Architectural Association in London and they have also served as guest professors in universities in Taiwan.

Hou, June-Hao, MDesS & DDes of Harvard Graduate School of Design, is the Associate 博士,現任交通大學建築研究所副教授兼 Professor and Director of the Graduate Institute 所長。具備應用數學、視覺傳達、電腦輔 of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University. 助設計、數位媒體等背景。 He has backgrounds in Applied Mathematics, 教學與研究包括智慧生活、智慧城市、 Visual Communication, Computer-Aided Design, and Digital Media. 設計運算、數位構築、數學與設計、跨領 His teaching and research include smart 域創新設計、人機互動、資訊視覺化、資 living, smart cities, design informatics, digital 訊設計等。曾任 2014 歐洲盃太陽能十項 tectonics, math & design, innovative design, human-computer interaction, and information 全能綠建築競賽(Solar Decathlon Europe) visualization. He was the Innovative Director of 交大蘭花屋計畫創新總監、交大健康樂活 the Orchid House project at the Solar Decathlon 城(Eco-City)創意總監,以及新竹市智慧 Europe 2014, Creative Director of the EcoCity project at NCTU, and consultant for the 城市、都市發展、地方創生等顧問。 Hsinchu City Government in smart city, urban 在創作上多為數位設計、科技藝術跨域 development, and local placemaking. 作品,曾於兩岸、國際展覽和研討會中發 His works are mostly cross-disciplinary digital design and technology art, which are exhibited 表,並曾與瑞士聯邦理工學院、京都理工 internationally. He has collaborated with ETHZ, 學院、澳洲科廷大學、多倫多大學、紐約 Kyoto Institute of Technology, Curtin University, 帕森設計學院等校合作大型工作坊。曾擔 Toronto University, Parsons School of Design 任 2013 臺北數位藝術節數位設計專區策展 in numerous international workshops. He was the curator of the Digital Design Pavilion at the 人、2017 臺中數位文化地景共同策展人。 Taipei Digital Art Festival 2013, and Digital Culture Landscape Taichung 2017.




└ 採集研究團隊 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research Team ────

採集研究團隊 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research Team ────



Su, Hung

Liao, Wei-Yu

臺北人,中華民國高考建築師。建築師 事務所基層員工,參與集合住宅、小住宅、 ++設計顧問有限公司負責人。東海大 學景觀學系、文化大學建築及都市設計學 系兼任講師及助理教授。巴塞隆納高等建 築學院ETSAB建築碩士及博士班。 於景觀與建築之間、理論與實務之間進 行著空間探索:一種接近地方的嘗試。試 圖在自身所處時空中,既中性且有意識的 進行創作。從場域的觀察與解讀、到介入 與組構,透過空間,讓那難以言說的親身 感受重新回到生活經驗當中。是嚴謹的 研究也是熱情的探索,嘗試著接近一種狀 態:對地方做出熱切卻又疏離的詮釋。



++ Architect, Principal. Adjunct Instructor at the Department of Landscape Architecture of Tunghai University, Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of Chinese Culture University. Master degree and doctoral student in Architecture from ETSAB, UPC. Conducting space exploration between landscape and architecture, between theory and practice: An attempt of approaching the place. Tries to create neutrally and consciously in the current space-time. From the observation and interpretation of the field to the intervention and composition, through the space, let the inexpressible personal experience return to the experience of life. It is rigorous research that is also a passionate exploration, trying to approach a state: making an enthusiasm but detached interpretation of the place.

廠房、宮廟或其他增改建及競圖評估及規 畫設計,待過眾多公司、什麼雜事都做。 2008 - 2010 年同謝英俊團隊參與 512 四川 地震現場重建工作及威尼斯雙年展展場設 計及現場施作。2016 年完成「游擊造屋」一 書,由田園城市出版社出版,並於 2017 年 延續發表「到處存在的行動者,不存在的社 會性」一文於 TA 台灣建築雜誌。即席文化 團隊文字編輯。 擅長採用極寫實和紀錄性的書寫、訪談, 表達事物價值中難以描述的部分,將現實 性與理想性並置以呈現其矛盾或一體兩面。

Born in Taipei, an architect of higher examination, ROC. He is the staff of architects' firm, who has participated in the evaluation of design competition and construction planning of amalgamated dwelling, small dwellings, factories, temples, and other buildings, involved with many companies and ran all kinds of errands. From 2008 to 2010, he and the team of Hsieh, Ying-Chun participated in the 512 Sichuan earthquake reconstruction, the Venice Biennale exhibition site design and construction work. In 2016, he finished the book, "Guerrilla Housemaking" and published by Garden City publisher, afterward he released an article, "The actors that exist everywhere, while the social nature does not exist" in 2017 on TA Taiwan Architecture magazine. He is the editor in impromptu team. He is an expert at using extremely realistic and documentary writing and interviewing to express difficult-to-describe parts of the value of things, juxtaposing reality with ideality to present its contradiction or duality of the oneness. 建築之外




Site and Events

Brief History of TAF and Atlas

歷史作為敘事,是由一連串時空中 的事件銜接而成,這些事件有著各自的 場景或場所,裡頭的細節則是引人探入 的小道,也是透視之外的遐想空間。 場所與事件年表以「空總」作為起 點,並通過尺度的縮放來跨越邊界, 牽連起臺北盆地乃至臺灣島嶼的整體 思考。在年表製作上,我們分為兩個 部分來呈現,一為以空總為核心的內 部與區域變遷史,一為以臺北古城、 河川流域、都市計畫、文化事件所編 織出的多重事件史,在這種晶體性的 年表光譜中,敲響建築之外的樂章。

History as a narrative is made up of a series of events in time and space. These events have their own scenes or places, and details of scene lead people to explore, to go beyond the perspective space. The chronology of sites and events uses "Taiwan Air Force" as a starting point. Through different scales, we cross the boundary, involving the overall thinking of the Taipei Basin and even the Taiwan island. The chronology is divided into two parts. One is the history of the internal and regional changes with Taiwan Air Force as the core; the other is the multiple historical events weaved through the ancient city of Taipei, the river basin, urban planning and cultural events. The interweaved crystallized chronology initiates the movements beyond architecture.

空間在時間之流的轉化,在政治經 濟的框架之下,創造了人群聚活動的 歷史,現今為「空總文化實驗室」的前 空軍總司令部,在日治時期(西元 1921 年)被台灣總督府制定為「工業研究 所」,到了 1939 年中央研究所將之改設 置為農業試驗所、林業試驗所、工業研 究所與熱帶醫學研究所,空總位址即當 年設置的「總督府工業研究所」。 1949 年 國 民 政 府 來 臺, 因 以 國 防 優先考量,將此地轉為「空軍總司令 部」,其中戰情大樓更經歷美軍轟炸、 倖存而成為古蹟建築。2012年,因著 司令部搬遷,空總的活化利用成為議 題,後定案為今日的空總文化實驗室。 空總從領航臺灣工業研究的中心,轉 換到軍事戰略位置,再輾轉變為現今 的文化實驗之地。而空總延伸出去的 整個臺北盆地,透過時間軸輾轉可見 都市網絡的改變、水文的消長與歷史 城市的東移擴張,空總從臺北古都的 邊界到如今的都市中心,形成她與生 俱來獨特的空間氣息。



The transformation of space in the flow of time created a history of human activities under the framework of the political economy. "Taiwan Air Force Cultural Laboratory", which is the former TAF , was ruled as "Industrial Research Institute" by the Office of the Governor-General of Taiwan during Japanese colonial period (1921 AD). In 1939, it was changed into an agricultural experimentation institute, a forestry experimentation institute, an industrial research institute, and a tropical medical research institute by the Central Research Institute. The address of Taiwan Air Force was the "Industrial Research Institute of the Office of the Governor-General" . In 1949, Nationalist Government relocated to Taiwan, this place was converted to " Taiwan Air Force" based on national defense priorities. The Operations and Intelligence Center building also experienced US army bombing and survived becoming a monument building. In 2012, due to the relocation of Taiwan Air Force, the active use of Air Force became an issue, and it was later become today's Taiwan Air Force Cultural Laboratory. From the center of Taiwan's industrial research navigation, Air Force has shifted to a military strategic position, and then, turned into a place for cultural experimentation. The change of the urban network, hydrological growth and decline and the eastward expansion of the historical city can be seen through the timeline of the entire Taipei Basin, which extends from Taiwan Air Force. Taiwan Air Force, from the border of the ancient capital Taipei to today's metropolitan city center, has formed its unique space atmosphere.





清 朝

清光緒元年 西元 1895 年 明治 28 年

日 治 時 期

1897 年




史前時代,臺北盆地是凱達格蘭族的居住地,直到18世紀,漢族開始遷 入,建立起艋舺、大稻埕兩處聚落,以及1884年完工的臺北府城。 沈葆楨將臺灣總督府移設臺北並進行市區改正。古城壁全數打掉,





臺北舊城都市軸線定向 。

1907 年


1920 年

臺灣地方改制,實行街庄制,設「松山庄」,隸屬臺北州七星郡管轄,其中之中坡、五分埔、三張犁、 興雅等大致在今信義區轄內。

1921 年


1932 年


1939 年 昭和 14 年

4 月 28 日中央研究所撤廢,改設置為農業試驗所、林業試驗所、工業研究所與熱帶醫


1940 年 昭和 15 年 1945 年 昭和 20 年

總督府於大安十二甲購買三萬三千坪土地,預定本廳舍、貳號館、有機、無機、電氣、 發酵四座工廠/機械場,第二次世界大戰爆發,僅興建現存的貳號館,現為古蹟建物。

戰 後 臺 灣


二次世界大戰結束,日本戰敗。國民政府接管、遷臺, 成為「中華民國」。



1946 年


1947 年


1949 年







1950 年

改作國防部空軍總司令部,作為臺灣空防、作戰最高軍事指揮機關。1950 年代空總基 地興建ㄇ字型建物,當成第一進的辦公廳舍。

1954 年


1963 年

臺北防洪治本計畫修訂方案,國民政府為拓寬而爆破淡水河在臺北盆地出口最窄處的天然屏障「鳥踏 石」,適得其反,引起海水倒灌。總統府附近商業區改為行政區。

1965 年


1967 年


1968 年


1971 年

10 月 25 日中華民國被迫退出聯合國。

1972 年


1973 年


1974 年


1976 年


1978 年


1979 年


1980 年

中正紀念堂完工。 《中美共同防禦條約》終止,以《台灣關係法》取代。

1983 年


1984 年


1987 年

解 嚴


1990 年


1991 年

基隆河第二次截彎取直,在松山、內湖與南港等地段實行第二次的工程,以利基隆河洪水宣洩。 終止《動員戡亂時期臨時條款》、「萬年國會」結束。

1992 年

文化建設委員會推動「文化藝術獎助條例」,以及「社區總體營造」(1994)。立法院將臺北酒廠舊廠區 改稱「華山特區」,並做為新院用址,但因爭議不斷而作罷。

1993 年

成立臺北市政府都市發展局。 中華民國專業者都市改革組織(OURs)公佈《中華民國專業者都市改革組織章程》。

1994 年


1996 年


1997 年

亞洲金融危機。 由臺北市政府公告指定「寶藏巖」為市定古蹟。

1999 年 2000 年 2001 年 2002 年


公 共 啟 蒙 與 文 化 產 業 期

首次政黨輪替,由民進黨提名之陳水扁、呂秀蓮當選第 10 任正副總統。 臺北市政府將松山菸廠指定為第 99 處市定古蹟。 行政院發布六年經營計畫「挑戰 2008:國家發展重點計畫」,其中包括「新故鄉社區營造計畫」,以及 規劃利用公賣局舊酒廠閒置空間設置包括華山在內的 5 個「創意文化園區」。

2003 年


2004 年


2005 年 2006 年 2008 年

1月1日,因應《國防部組織法》修正,全銜改稱「國防部空軍總司令部」。 文建會推動「公共空間藝術再造補助計畫」。

第二次政黨輪替,由國民黨提名之馬英九、蕭萬長當選第 12 任正副總統。爆發「野草莓學運」。 文建會「藝術介入公共空間補助計畫」,後更名為「藝術浸潤空間計畫」。

2012 年



2014 年

因與中國「服務貿易協定」問題,引發大規模社會學生運動「太陽花學運」(又稱「318 學運」)。 臺北獲選「2016 世界設計之都」。

2015 年


2 月行政院決議全區現狀保留,在經濟部工業局輔導下,

空總轉為「TAF 空總創新基地」。

2016 年

第三次政黨輪替,蔡英文為台灣首位女總統。 大量美術館與博物館規劃法人化,引發討論熱潮。

蔡英文總統對社會住宅提出「政府興建」為主政策,8 年 20 萬戶的承諾。

2017 年 6月



Historical Events of Taiwan

Major Urban Plan of Taipei City

Cultural Events

History of Taiwan Air Force

Qing Dynasty In the prehistoric era, Taipei Basin was indigenous Ketagalan people's place of residence. Until the 18th century, the Han people began to move in, who established two settlements, the Monka and Dadaocheng and also completed Taipei City in 1884.

Japanese colonial period The first year of Guangxu Emperor of Qing Dynasty / 1895 AD ~ Meiji 28th year

Shen Baozhen ordered the transfer of Office of the Governor-General to Taipei and city renovation. All the walls of the ancient city were taken down remaining only four gate - Dongmen, Nanmen, Xiaonanmen and Beimen. Quing Dynasty was Defeated in the Sino-Japanese War, so that Taiwan entered the period of Japanese rule. Sanzhangli Road in Daan District (also known as Lujun Road, today's Xinyi Road) was extended for the operation of firing range.

1897 AD

Old Taipei City urban axis orientation.

1907 AD

Governor-General Sakuma Samata set up research institute in Saiwaicho, Taipei.

1920 AD

Taiwan has undergone local reorganization and has implemented the street-village system. The "Song-Shan Village" was established under the jurisdiction of Qixing County in Taipei. Zhongpo, Wufenpu, Sanzhangli and Xingya are roughly within the jurisdiction of today's Xinyi District.

1921 AD Taishō 10th year

Office of the Governor-General implements Taiwan Urban Planning and architecture legalization investigation. Office of the Governor-General established Academia Sinica, including "Industrial Research Institute", which is the predecessor of TAF.

1932 AD

Greater Taipei Area Urban Planning Division announced, and the relationship between road and park was planned and settled. Daan Park was planned as the reserved site of the seventh park.

1939 AD Shōwa 14th year

On April 28th, the Central Research Institute was revoked and reorganized into an agricultural experiment institute, a forestry experimentation institute, and industrial

1940 AD Shōwa 15th year

Office of the Governor-General made a purchase of 1,188,000 square feet land at Da-An 12 Jia, on which the main office, number 2 hall and the four factories / machineries

research institute and a tropical medical institute. The site of TAF was set up with the "Governor-General's Industrial Research Institute."

of organic, inorganic, electrical, and fermented were estimated to be built. However, due to the outbreak of the World War II, only the existing number 2 hall were built, and it is now a monument building.

P o s t w a r Ta i w a n 1945 AD Shōwa 20th year

Taipei was upgraded to Executive-Yuan-governed municipality. The end of World War II, Japan was defeated. The Nationalist Government took over and moved to Taiwan, becoming the "Republic of China." Taiwan Provincial Industrial Testing Institute took over and changed its name to "Industrial Testing Institute Daan New Site", also known as "Industrial Testing Institute Daan Branch".

1946 AD

First revision of Taipei street names. 1st of June, Air Force Command Headquarters was established and is affiliated with the Ministry of National Defense.

1947 AD

228 Incident broke out.

1949 AD

The site reserved for Daan Park was used as the site of the New South Camp of the Republic of China's Gendarmerie, Jianhua New Village, Yuelu New Village and International Schoolhouse. Kuomintang(Nationalist Party of China) retreated to Taiwan. In the same year, the Martial Law was issued and entered the period of martial law. The government of the Republic of China moved to Taiwan. The“Industrial Research Institute”was converted into Ren-Ai camp and Air Force Command Headquarters since considering national defense as priority.

1950 AD

It was renamed Air Force Command Headquarters of Ministry of National Defense as Taiwan's highest air defense and combat command agency. U-shaped buildings were built at TAF in the 1950’s as the first office building.

1954 AD

The Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty was signed with the United States. It is a military-based treaty of political, economical and social cooperation.

1963 AD

Amendment Plan of Taipei Flood Prevention Plan was amended. Nationalist Government burst the natural barrier "Bird Stepping Stone", which was at the narrowest point of Tanshui River's exit of Taipei Basin, in order to broaden the waterway, and yet caused counterproductively caused seawater intrusion. The business district near the Office of the President was changed to an administrative district.

1965 AD

Outline of Greater Taipei area Transportation Development Plan. The first river channel straightening project of the Keelung River.

1967 AD

Taipei was upgraded to Executive-Yuan-governed municipality.

1968 AD

Urban and Housing Development Committee (UHDC) of the Executive Yuan's Council for International Economic Cooperation has formulated the "Taipei Master Plan."

1971 AD

25th of October, the Republic of China was forced to withdraw from the United Nations.

1972 AD

Demolishing the U-shaped building built in the 1950s ,and reconstructing the foyer building linking the Number 2 Hall, becomes the current War Building.

1973 AD

Flood prevention plan proposal of Taipei Region.

1974 AD

Promoting Ten Major Construction Projects, improving infrastructure and industrial upgrading.

1976 AD

The government planned to build the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.

1978 AD

The Republic of China and the United States cut off diplomatic relations.

1979 AD

Formulating the "Ten Years of Economic Construction Plan" and listing machinery, electronics, electrical machinery, and transportation as "strategic industries".

1980 AD

The establishment of the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. Sino-American Mutual Defense Treaty”was terminated. It was later on replaced by "Taiwan Relations Act" appoved by the U.S. Congress.

1983 AD

The establishment of Taipei Fine Arts Museum.

1984 AD

Promote a series of "14 constructions" for large-scale infrastructure construction.

Martial Law ended 1987 AD

President Chiang, Ching-Kuo officially announced the abolition of martial law.

1990 AD

Street protest movements emerged. The "National Six-Year Plan" and "Promotion of Industrial Promotion Regulations" were announced to develop ten major emerging industries such as communications and information.

1991 AD

The second river channel straightening project of the Keelung River was carried out in Songshan, Neihu and Nangang sections to discharge the flood of the Keelung River. Announced the end of "Period of National Mobilization in Suppression of Communist Rebellion", and "10,000-year Congress (indefinite extended-term Congress)" was ended.

1992 AD

Council for Cultural Affairs promotes the "Statute for Encouraging the Development of Culture and the Arts" and the "Comprehensive Community Development" (1994). The Legislative Yuan renamed the old factory of the Taipei Distillery as the“Huashan Special Zone,”and used it as a site for its new hall. However, it was dismissed because of constant controversies.

1993 AD

The establishment of Department of Urban Development, Taipei City Government. OURs announced "Articles of Organisation of Urban Re's".

1994 AD

Taipei reorganized from a Yuan-governed municipality to direct-governed municipality. Daan Park is open to use.

1996 AD

The first direct presidential election.

1997 AD

Asia financial crisis. 5th of August,“Treasure Hill”was designated by the Taipei City Government as a city monument.

1999 AD

The 921 earthquake.

Period of Public Enlightenment and Cultural Industry 2000 AD

The first party alternation in Taiwan. Chen, Shui-Bian and Lu, Hsiu-Lien, nominated by the Democratic Progressive Party, were elected as the 10th president and vice-president.

2001 AD

The Taipei City Government designated the Songshan Tobacco Plant as the 99th Historic Monument.

2002 AD

The Executive Yuan released its six-year business plan“Challenge 2008 Six-Year National Development Plan”, which includes the“New Hometown Community Building Project”and planned to build five "creative cultural park" on the idle space of the old winery of Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation, including Huashan.

2003 AD

Huashan Arts and Cultural Special Zone was officially transformed into "Creative Cultural Park."

2004 AD

Treasure Hill is officially registered as a historical building and preserved in a form of village activation.

2005 AD

1st of January, its full title was renamed Air Force Command Headquarters of Ministry of National Defense, in response to amendments of the Organic Act of the Ministry of National Defense.

2006 AD

"The Public Space Art Reproduction Subsidy Program" promoted by the Council for Cultural Affairs.

2008 AD

The second party alternation. Ma, Ying-Jeou and Siew, Wan-Chang, nominated by the Kuomintang, were elected as the 12th president and vice-president. The "Wild Strawberries Movement" broke out. Council for Cultural Affairs announced“Art intervention in public space subsidy program.”Later, it was renamed "Art Infiltrate Space Project."

2012 AD

5th of October, Taiwan Air Force was relocated to Zhongyong base in Dazhi, Zhongshan District, Taipei City. The government proposed that the former site of Taiwan Air Force developed as "Midtown of Taipei City", imitating Roppongi, Tokyo.

2014 AD

Due to the issue of the "Cross-strait Service Contract" with China, the large-scale social student movement "Sunflower Movement" (also known as "318 Movement") was triggered. Taipei was selected as "2016 World Design Capital".

2015 AD

The Taipei City Government began to formulate "social housing" related policy. In February, the Executive Yuan decided to retain the status quo in the entire region. Under the guidance of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the whole space was changed to the "Taiwan Air Force Innovation Space".

2016 AD

The third-time party alternation, Tsai, Ing-Wen is the first female president of Taiwan.

President Tsai, Ing-Wen proposed a "government-construction" policy for social housing and a commitment of 200,000 households in 8 years. A large number of art museums and museums planned for being corporatization sparked off an upsurge of discussion. June, 2017 AD

The competent authority is transferred from the Ministry of Economy to the Ministry of Culture, establishing "Cultural Laboratory."





Erchong Floodway construction

The first river channel straightening project of the Keelung River.

Japanese colonial temporary airdrome

The second river channel straightening project of the Keelung River.

西元1945年 1945 AD

西元1967年 1967 AD

西元1976年 1976 AD

西元2010年 2010 AD







Major Urban Plan of Taipei City

Old Taipei City urban axis orientation.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall alteration

Daan Park alteration

Taiwan Air Force Cultural Laboratory

Xinyi Special District alteration

北臺灣地景構成 Landscapes of Northern Taiwan

山系地景 Mountain

水文地景 Hydrology

道路地景 Road

城市地景 水路 Waterways 國道系統 National Freeway System


盛行風帶 Prevailing Wind Belt

都市聚落群 Urban Settlement Cluster

空總文化實驗室 Taiwan Air Force Cultural Laboratory


跨域採集研究 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research ───────

Interdisciplinary Collecting Research

蘇弘 Su, Hung 建築創作│Architect

在視覺張狂的年代,人們往往忽略 了「不可見」的層次。 城市自成一格的吞吐氣息、島嶼座 標與風向流動、植物生態因地質水文 的脈搏生長出大異其趣的奇特姿態、 歷史隱而不彰的文化疊交、城市聲響 的此起彼落,這些不同丈量尺度,成 為另一種「觀看」的感受方式,也因 此,我們無法僅單獨思考空總而不看 見 臺 北 城 市、 臺 北 盆 地、 山 林、 水 文、城市發展與文化之間緊密的關係。 「負育群帶聚落」邀請六位(組)不 同領域的研究者與藝術家,組成跨領 域採集研究團隊,來將針對建築、植 物、聲音、文史來展開調查研究,建 立檔案資料,他們或是透過精萃雜草 的煮茶方式、或是以步行細聽臺北的 脈動、或是繪製虛實交錯的空總航線 圖,或是從荒蕪之中窺見靜謐的生命 力,而觸碰、探測、解讀這座臺北盆 地的生態經緯。



In the era of visual fanaticism, people usually neglect the invisible matters. The different measurement scales have become another way of "seeing"the distinctive rhythm of the city; the coordinates of the islands and the flow of wind; the variety of special shapes grown in the botanical ecology due to the interrelationship between geology and hydrology; the cultural overlapping in the history, and the raising and falling of urban sound. Thus, we cannot think Taiwan Air Force alone but not seeing the close relationship among the Taipei City, the Taipei Basin, the forests, the hydrology, the urban development and culture. "Collective Negative Space Village" invites six (groups) of researchers and artists from different fields to form an interdisciplinary collecting research team conducting investigations and studies on architecture, plants, sounds, culture and history, and to establish archives. They might be collecting weeds to make tea, listening to the undertone of the city, mapping physical or imaginary airplane routes, or uncovering tranquil vitality of a ruin in order to touch, explore and acknowledge the logical ecology of Taipei Basin.


++設計顧問有限公司負責人。東海大學景觀學系、文化大學建築及都市設計學系兼任 講師及助理教授。巴塞隆納高等建築學院ETSAB 建築碩士及博士班。 ───────────────────────────────────────────── ++ Architect, Principal. Adjunct Instructor at the Department of Landscape Architecture of Tunghai University, Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of Chinese Culture University. Master degree and doctoral student in Architecture from ETSAB, UPC.


"An untitled non-project" is an action for


dialogue and text, to create communication and

潛在的精神、觀察地方機能的狀況、探討現 地場域的沉浮以及採集場所深處的經驗。 漫遊者:漫遊於現場與傳說之間,在大庭 廣眾裡不隨波逐流,保有自己但卻完全墮入 場域之中。

impact. The purpose is to view the potential of environment, to observe the local functions, to explore the ebb and floating of current field and to collect the experiences deep in the field. Flaneur: Roaming between the site and the legend, not following the crowd in public, keep their own but completely fall into the place.


TA F a c t i o n : By s i x c l u e s w i t h o u t c l e a r


intentions, studying the non-defined field. Through

夢、猜謎、走迷宮般的經驗,形成一場場實 驗性的紀錄,嘗試著對地方做出熱切卻又疏 離的解讀。

the experiences like dream, guessing and labyrinth, making experimental documents and trying to project an eagerly but alienated interpretation of the place.



└ 跨域採集研究 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research ───────

跨域採集研究 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research ───────



Liao, Wei-Yu

Wu, Tsan-Cheng


聲音藝術│Sound Artist

場所觀察|臺北人,水泥叢林長大。建築師。 著《游擊造屋》一書。持續在建築事務所間流浪。

《台灣聲音地圖計畫》創作 ─────────────────────────────────────────────


Artist of "Taiwan Sound Map Project"

Born in Taipei and grow up in the concrete jungle. An Architect. The author of "Guerrilla House-making". Continued to wander among architectural offices.


Panorama of Slices


I have lived in the Zhengyi Public House next


to the Taiwan Air Force since I was a child. I have

的後期參與了空總搬遷,見證此地軍事用地 角色時期的結束。放假時,踏出營門兩分鐘 內就到家了。 由事件單元構成一幅切片全景圖,這是 我習慣的創作方式,也是自己能力所能及的

done my military service at the Taiwan Air Force, and I can look out to the balcony of my home in the camp. In the latter part of the military, I took part in the relocation of the Taiwan Air Force and witnessed the end of the period of military land use. During the vacation, I arrived home within two minutes walk from the camp.


The panorama of slices that is constituted by


event units is the way I am accustomed to create and

同時參與事件本身,所以視角和說服力相對 強。這次時間軸不再是主軸,而是人物、時 間、地點和事件的意義交織成的全景圖。

is also a way that I am capable of. I will do some interview and write it into paragraphs of a genuine and fictional chapters with my own perspective. The role of the creator is also involved in the event itself, so the perspective and persuasiveness are relatively strong. This timeline is no longer a main axis, but a panorama interwoven by the meaning of people, time, place and event.




In accordance with the implementation of the


Taiwan Sound Map Project, a random path and

的環境聲響變化,並以「一天」、「走路」、 「水」、「迴響」幾個關鍵字,作為第二階段 聲音採集的方向。

time and place are used to record the changes in the environmental sound of the city, and use the keywords "One Day", "Walk", "Water" and "Reverberation", as the second phase of sound collection.



└ 跨域採集研究 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research ───────

蔡宛璇 +澎葉生 Tsai, Wan-Shuen + Yannick Dauby 環境藝術│Environmental Art

回看工作室共同負責人 Yannick Dauby(澎葉生)是定居臺灣的法籍聲音藝術與錄音工作者。他遊走於自然、都會、 鄉間和工業環境間多年的聆聽經驗,並延展出各類形式的聲音創作實踐。 蔡宛璇,造型藝術工作者與詩書寫。出生澎湖,旅法數年,現定居臺北盆地邊緣。 ───────────────────────────────────────────── Yannick Dauby is a French-born sound artist and recordist, living and working in Taiwan, with twenty years of experience of wandering in natural, urban, rural and industrial sound environments, hunting-gathering sounds and assembling and sharing them into soundtrack for film, dance, or exhibitions, or into personal creations such as experimental music and audio documentaries. Tsai, Wan-Shuen, visual artist and poet. Born in Penghu archipelago, living and working in the edge of the Taipei Basin.

地景並不僅是一種環境,它意味著一個環 境的形變。 而,我們如何透過耳朵感知地景? 北投是臺北盆地十分具吸引力和有趣的地


(from Ketagalan people to the first settlements of Han

聲音,如何讓我們透過農業和都市化,來 感知北投的變化?我們又如何能夠把這個地 區現下的聲音,與北投的歷史及特點相關聯 起來……?

Beitou is a very attractive and interesting area of Taipei, it has a very long history of human activity



Therefore, how do we perceive a landscape with our ears ?




Landscape is not an environment, it is a transfiguration of an environment.

people), still hosts some traditional activities such as rice fields or religious presence, and has an intimate connection with the river and the mountain. How can the sounds let us perceive the transformation of Beitou, through agriculture and urbanism ? And how can we relate to the actual sounds present in this area as representing the history and specificity of Beitou ?



└ 跨域採集研究 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research ───────

跨域採集研究 Interdisciplinary Collecting Research ───────



Lin, Wei-Siang

Lin, Zhi-Yu

植物生態│Plant Expert

煮茶人│Tea-maker of Weed Day

植物人、生態農耕顧問、植物生態教育研究學者 農業耕地規劃、土壤生態系統改良、植物生態復育、植物生態工程相關授課 ─────────────────────────────────────────────

「雜草稍慢」煮茶人、藝術家、視覺設計師、青草藥製造職業工會會員。 ───────────────────────────────────────────── Tea-maker of Weed Day, artists, visual designer, member of Herbal Medicine Manufacturing Craft Union.

Ecological Farming Consultant, The Researching Scholar of Plant Ecological Education The teacher of Agricultural Land Planning, Soil Ecosystem Amelioration, Plant Ecological Rehabilitation, and Plant Ecological Engineering.

Picking grass and making tea to collect the flavour of the land. People go into wild to get close to nature, and





複雜性脈絡演進! 生態逆境的緩和者! 用其自身世代生命及肉體逐步建構環境

Life of plants nourish the complexity of the land, and evolves its veins !

長在身邊茂盛的雜草們,充滿生命力,慢 慢認識發現很多是青草茶原料,大自然就在

The lush weeds that grow around are full of vitality. Gradually, we found that many of them are raw materials for grass tea and nature is just around us. Each land has its own cultural landscape and grass flavor, and we collect weeds that grow freely

My mission is to let ecology back to the city.



How do they survive in adversity ?


of sunburn and wood-fire to make the herbal tea,


How to slow the deterioration of


the taste is unfathomably refreshing and mellow.


Taipei Desert Ecological Recovery

surround them.





nature gets close to people through the weeds that


artificial architecture ? How to silently improve this waste ?


How to help the people who is live in it ?


all over the country. Using the traditional method

Weed tea is the recipe given by the land. Recovering the kindness of land is to treat yourself well, as the concept of Body Soil Fuji. 建築之外


團隊介紹 Team Memebers

s 計畫主持人 P ro j e c t D i re c t o r

陳宣誠 Chen, Eric

淡江建築研究所碩士,2015年與建築師陳宣誠共同創立共感地景創作|ArchiBlur Lab 建 築團隊,實踐建築實驗精神。

He has engaged in the long-term exploration on body and landscapes in order to develop another redefined architectural scale. He also attempts to repeatedly perceive the most fundamental value of everything with the most authentic sensation, which enables buildings to become an environment for people.

Huang, Yen-Yi holds the master's degree from Graduate Institute of Architecture, TamKang University. In 2015, Huang and the architect, Eric Chen, jointly founded the ArchiBlur Lab to put into practice the experimental spirit of architecture.

鄭乘騏 Cheng, Cheng-Chi

s 專案經理 P ro j e c t M a n a g e r

陳旻慧 Chen, Min-Hui



He holds PhD in Art Creation and Theory of TNNUA. He is a space refiner who has been investing field re-producing and site constructing.

Born from foreign languages, literature and art. Wandering over film, art, event, words and office affairs.

s 策展人 C u r a t o r

邱俊達 Chiu, Chun-Ta (Yves)

s 駐地研究 R e s i d e n t R e s e a rc h e r

徐漢翔 Hsu, Han-Shyang



PhD. of Art Creation and Theory of TNNUA. Concerning about Research-based Art, indecisive dialectics and ontology of Adjectives.

A farmer, who rambles from city blocks to rural areas, making harvest from observing the currents and hard works in the fields.

s 策展人 C u r a t o r

蔡明君 Tsai, Ming-Jiun

黃彥一 Huang, Yen-Yi

長期探索身體與地景間另一種重新定義建築的尺度,用最真實的身體感,反覆體會事物 最根本的價值,讓建築成為關於人的環境。

s 策展人 C u r a t o r


s 共感地景創作專案經理 A rc h i B l u r L a b P ro j e c t M a n a g e r

s 駐地研究 R e s i d e n t R e s e a rc h e r

劉嘉 Liu, Jia



A nomad, who holds conversations and builds relationship with environment, people and space via art.

From analysing mise-en scene to space language, I got lost in the blurred line between reality and illusion of city.




└ 工作坊團隊 Workshops Collaborators ──────────────

工作坊團隊 Workshops Collaborators ──────────────



Netizen Productions

Bamboo Curtain Studio

群 眾 自 造 以 引 導 群 眾「 製 造 」 (Productions)為 主, 透 過 許 多 現 場 即 時性的行動,將專業群眾化,同時促 使群眾以專業觀點回應社會議題。我 們 是 社 會 期 望 改 變 的 傭 兵 部 隊, 針 對重要的國內外議題(設計外交、設 計改變)主動發起行動與挑戰,群眾 自 造 的 案 子、 做 的 事 情、 產 出 的 意 義, 鎖 定 在 策 略、 企 劃 與 社 會 視 野 的描繪與執行。團隊自2012年開始, 即以虛擬社群「cxcity」針對群眾跨域 建 築、 城 市 與 環 境 議 題, 發 展 群 眾 參與議題的模式,並於3年後成功引 領「OPTOGO外 帶 臺 灣, 前 進 米 蘭 世博」設計外交計畫,為世界首次民 眾自主發起(bottom-up)的世界博覽 會參展紀錄,而今年欲於世界衛生大 會(WHA)期間,於日內瓦策展「無 國界醫院」;為延續改變臺灣的社會 期 盼 與 能 量, 至 今 仍 營 運 多 項 長 期 計 畫「Taiwan ReDesign」、「Citizen of Tomorrow未來市民」、 「佰人事務所」、 「Open Design Day」,企圖指引出臺灣 未來的改變方向。



Netizen Productions guide the masses to make "productions". Through many immediate actions on the spot, Netizen Productions has made it possible to professionalize the masses, and at the same time has urged the masses to respond to social issues from a professional perspective. We are a mercenary force of the changes expected in society. We actively initiate actions and challenges in response to important domestic and international issues (design diplomacy, design changes). The cases, activities, and produced-meanings of Netizen Productions are focus on strategy, planning, also the visual depiction and execution of society. Since 2012, Netizen Productions has targeted the masses interdisciplinary architecture and urban environmental issues, developing the model for mass participation in the issues with virtual communities "cxcity". After three years, the team successfully led the "One Pavilion To Go, OPTOGO" design diploma project, which was the first time in the world for common people to initiate a bottom-up world exposition. This year, the team want to curate the "Borderless Hospital" in Geneva to during the World Health Assembly (WHA). To continue changing Taiwan's social aspirations and energy, a number of longterm plans are still in operation today: "Taiwan ReDesign", "Citizen of Tomorrow", "From One to All Foundation", and "Open Design Day, trying to guide out the changing direction of Taiwan in the future.

創立於1995年的「竹圍工作室」長 期以來觀察並以行動研究關注「藝術 村」、「閒置空間再利用」以及「創意 城市」三項議題,透過行動研究與國 際交流建構出一個微型的常態民間文 化智庫。 從「 樹 梅 坑 溪 環 境 藝 術 計 畫 」開 始,竹圍工作室越顯專注在環境與生 態的議題與行動上,發展出「亞洲綠 色藝術實驗室聯盟」、「永續藝術的合 創與想像」等計畫,持續透過與駐村 藝術家的合作,在環境生態與社群之 間構築對話的橋樑。以「參與過程」 為計畫核心,竹圍工作室希望能透過 藝術行動影響更多人,將行動的重心 放在「過程」而非「結果」,讓竹圍工 作室的藝術計畫與行動與參與者和環 境有了確切而實在的連結。

"Bamboo Curtain Studio", founded in 1995, has been observing and focusing on the three issues of "Artist-in-residence","Creative Programming in reuse of space" and "Creative City" for a long period of time through action research and international exchanges to construct a miniature folk cultural think tank. Star ting from the project "Ar t as Environment ¯ A Cultural Action at the Plum Tree Creek", Bamboo Curtain Studio focused more on environmental and ecological issues and actions, further developed projects like "Green Art Lab Alliance Asia" and "Collaboration and Imagination in Arts & Sustainability". The studio continues to build a dialogue between environmental ecology and communities through cooperation with residency artists. With "participation process" as the core of the project, Bamboo Curtain Studio hopes to influence more people through artistic actions and focus on the "process" rather than the "result". To establish the solid connections among the artistic movement of Bamboo Curtain Studio with participants and the environment.



【活動預告 】 Event Advance Announcement

s 國際講座 貳 I n t e r n a t i o n a l F o r u m 2

《環境生態》2018 年 7 月 "Environment and Ecology" July, 2018.

s 國際講座 參 I n t e r n a t i o n a l F o r u m 3

《文化數據》2018 年 8 月 "Cultural Data" August, 2018.

s 提案工作坊 P ro p o s a l Wo r k s h o p

未來社會事務所-2018 年7 月 10 月 Trans After Future - July / October, 2018.

s 提案工作坊 P ro p o s a l Wo r k s h o p

0→1→0:好生態,不合作嗎?-2018 年7月. 0→1→0:Why Not Cooperate? - July, 2018.



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