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SuchitraVijayan is an A merican writer, essayist, researcher and photographer working across oral history, state violence, and visual storytelling Born and raised in M adras, India, she is the author of the critically acclaimed book M idnight's Borders: A People's H istory of M odern India (M elville H ouse, N ew York).H er forthcoming book,H ow Long Can the M oon Be Caged?: Voices of Indian Political Prisoners, co-authored with Francesca Recchia, is a powerful look at authoritarian India through the experiences of political prisoners

H er essays, photographs, and interviews have appeared in The W ashington Post, GQ , The N ation, The Boston Review, Foreign Policy, Lit H ub, Rumpus, Electric Literature, N PR, N BC, PEN A merica and BBC. A s an attorney, she previously worked for the U nited N ations war crimes tribunals in Yugoslavia and Rwanda before co-founding the Resettlement Legal A id Project in Cairo, which gives legal aid to Iraqi refugees She is the founder and executive director of the Polis Project, co-founder of the Radical Books Collective, and teaches at N YU Gallatin


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