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ZibaMir-Hosseini (www zibamirhosseini com)is a legal anthropologist, specializing in Islamic law, gender and Islamic feminism, and a founding member of M usawah <www musawah org> She has held numerous research fellowships and visiting professorships (most recently at N YU Law School) and received the A merican A cademy of Religion?s 20 15 M artin E. M arty A ward for the Public U nderstanding of Religion. Currently she is Professorial Research A ssociate at the Centre for Islamic and M iddle Eastern Law, SO A S, U niversity of London She has published books on Islamic family law in Iran and M orocco, Iranian clerical discourses on gender, Islamic reformist thinkers, and the revival of zina laws H er latest book is Journeys Towards Gender Equality in Islam
(20 22).She co-edited Gender and Equality in M uslim Family Law (20 13),M en in Charge?
Rethinking A uthority in M uslim Legal Tradition (20 15), andJustice and Beauty in M uslim
M arriage: Toward Egalitarian Ethics and Laws(20 22) She also co-directed two award-winning feature-length documentary films on Iran:D ivorce Iranian Style(1998) and Runaway(20 0 1)
Booklet Design: Sabin M uzaffar

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Im age: Sara Shoghi