Australian National Construction Review

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Conergy Solar Solutions & Mars Sweet Solar Success Ballarat, Victoria Mars Chocolate Factory Solar Solution Leading confectionary manufacturer, Mars Australia, contracted Conergy to install a 210kW Complete Solar Solution. The large-scale rooftop installation will generate 280,000kW/h of power, and comprises a mixture of fixed solar panels and 2-axis tracker mounted panels, totalling 840 Conergy solar panels. This Conergy solar installation means that, even though Mars is continuing to grow their business, it is sustainable growth and not at the expense of the environment in which they operate. Mars is growing their business while actually shrinking their environmental footprint by putting in systems and technologies that help them meet their global target of eliminating the use of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions.

Scale & Thisstrength. solar photovoltaic financial installation will reduce energy consumption by 280MWh per annum, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 350 tonnes a year and provide net energy cost savings of $50,000 a year.�

This landmark solar project clearly demonstrates the ability and effectiveness of the Conergy Solar Solution to power the high demand, manufacturing sector. It delivers an innovative solution in reducing operating costs, keeping Mars competitive in the local market while continuing to produce the highest quality product.

Mr Duncan Webster, Acting General Manager for Mars Australia.

Conergy Quality Assurance: ISO 9001

Quality Management

Professional Members of: OHSAS 18001

Occupational Health and Safety Management

AS/NZS 4801:2001

Occupational Health and Safety Management

ISO 14001

Environmental Management

Mars Project - Breakdown

Mars Project - Key Installation Features


• Conergy German-made panels, providing high yields even in diffused light and positive performance tolerance of up to +4.99Wp, backed by a superior linear performance warranty term of 25 years.

Reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about

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$50,000 A YEAR

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PUBLISHER K.M. Hanson GENERAL MANAGER Michael Matthews GRAPHIC ARTISTS Stacey Olen, Jessica Southeren, Sean Dunlop SALES MANAGERS Alicia Charley, Chris Randles SALES Chantelle Butler, Mike Horbacz, Ben Newell, Lewis Fry, Michael Morgan, James Stuckey BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Sarah Giles ADMINISTRATION Jenny Bow, Leesa Edgar DISTRIBUTION Gordon & Gotch PUBLISHED BY Trade Media Group Pty Ltd ACN 118312404 t. 02 4322 1200 f. 02 4322 1400

Cover Image : Cbus' 720 BOURKE STREET Image by Stephen Wood

WRITERS Antonia Phipps, Angela Norval, Claire Cooper, Georgia Jarrett, Kylie Scott, Mary Abel, Cooper Jitts, Sarah Neighbour PHOTOGRAPHERS Rod Vella, Stephen Wood, Steve Bills, Gregory Gaudron, Mike Chorley, Brent Kingston, Steve Bull, Cameron Longshaw, Daniel Arnaldi, Jeremy Capodicasa, George Benedek, Laurence French, Brenda Strong, David Bailey, Paul Hotchkin, Mark Atkins COPYRIGHT All material in this publication is copyrighted to the publisher and/or its advertisers and contributors. No material or portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or part without the express written permission of the publisher. DISCLAIMER The Australian National Construction Major Project Review and the publisher reserve the right to alter or omit any advertisement, editorial, or advertorial. Advertisers and/or their representatives indemnify the Australian National Construction Major Project Review and the publisher in relation to defamation, slander, breach of copyright, infringements of trademarks of name of publication titles, unfair competitor or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights and privacy and warrant that their material complies with all the relevant laws and regulations and that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities against the Australian National Construction Major Project Review, its publisher, its servants or agents. The Australian National Construction Major Project Review and the publisher are not liable for inaccuracy in any advertisement or editorial and do not accept responsibility for any claims made by advertisers. Any material supplied to the Australian National Construction Major Project Review or the publisher are at the contributors risk. No responsibility will be taken by the Australian National Construction Major Project Review, its publisher, its servants or agents. Opinions published in The Australian National Construction Major Project Review are not necessarily those of the publisher or staff of The Australian National Construction Major Project Review. The Australian National Construction Major Project Review is not related to any other publication. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW



NEWS ······················································································································································· 06 ARCHITECTURE NEWS & ENGINEERING NEWS ···································································· 12 SPECIAL FEATURE - NSW NAWIC Awards 2014 ······································································· 14 CEO INTERVIEW - David Martin, Buchan Group ······································································ 16 SPECIAL FOCUS ··································································································································· 20

720 BOURKE STREET - CBUS ·········································································································· 38 Emporia Apartments - Kane Constructions ·········································································· 48 568 Collins street - Hickory Group ······················································································· 52 Foundry apartments - ABD Group ······················································································· 56 557 Little Lonsdale street - Maxcon ··················································································· 60 Istana Melbourne - Hickory Group ························································································ 66


SCG Development - AW Edwards ······························································································· 72 bullaburra east upgrade - Seymour Whyte ····································································· 84 Eliza apartments - Ceerose ······································································································· 90 Tintenbar to ewingsdale HIGHWAY - RMS ··································································· 98 Macquarie centre - AMP Capital ·························································································· 108 wrap tower - Probuild ··············································································································· 118 The park talavera road - Taylor Constructions ······························································ 12 4 toll ipec freight centre - Hansen Yuncken ····································································· 130 port macquarie base hospital - Health Infrastructure ············································· 140 Lober square - Lipman ················································································································152


gateway upgrade stage 2 - Main Roads ·········································································156 757 ann street - OPD ················································································································· 168 Logan motorway improvement - Seymour Whyte ··················································· 178 double one 3 apartments - Devine Constructions ························································ 186 calliope Crossroads - Golding ··························································································· 192 Rockhampton hospital - Hansen Yuncken ······································································ 198 The plaza APARTMENTS - Glenzeil ·························································································· 202 100 skyring - Charter Hall ········································································································ 2 06

• SA Regency tafe Mining & engineering - Hansen Yuncken ········································ 2 10 adelaide oval redevelopment - DPTI ·············································································· 218 • ACT quayside kingston harbour - Bloc ················································································ 222 canberra cancer centre - ACT Health ············································································ 230 • WA Great Northern hwy realignment - Main Roads ···················································· 236




EXTRA $15B FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IN NSW An extra $15 billion to infrastructure for the year ahead has been allocated in the New South Wales 2014-15 budget. The announcement takes total infrastructure spending in the state to $61.5 billion until 2017-18 – an unprecedented investment that is 30% higher than for the four years to 2009-10.

country. Funding totalling $265 million will help begin work on the CBD and South East Light Rail project, and $103 million will be used to finalise construction of the South West Rail Link. The budget also announced $400 million would be set aside for a light rail service in Parramatta.

The emphasis in the budget is on rebuilding the state, with significant projects such as the North West Rail Link securing $863 million for major construction works.

Large scale projects including the redevelopment of the Sydney International Convention, Exhibition and Entertainment precinct and Western Sydney roads to support Sydney’s second airport at Badgerys Creek will also receive funding and Commonwealth support. The government will invest $400 million in the NorthConnex project, and $3.9

The budget also allocated $398 million for construction of WestConnex, which it describes as the biggest road project in the

billion for water and waste water projects to service urban development across Sydney, the Illawarra and Blue Mountains. In health, the budget announced $4.4 billion would be allocated for hospital upgrades over the next three to four years. Upgrades will include the stage one redevelopment of St George Hospital, Westmead Hospital, redevelopment of Gosford Hospital and the expansion of Sutherland Hospital. School infrastructure will receive $1.3 billion over the next four years for upgrades and new facilities.

CONSTRUCTION WORKERS – HAPPY AND CONTENT A study conducted by TNS Social Research, shows that 92% of construction workers surveyed value mental health, with 63% of those believing their workplace is mentally healthy. Construction workers are among the most likely to say their workplace is mentally healthy, according to research commissioned by Beyondblue. This is in sharp contrast with results gathered from professionals in the agriculture, public administration and safety industries, with just 41% of them describing their place of work as mentally healthy. Results also vary according to locations, with Western Australia deemed to offer the most mentally healthy workplaces (62%) compared to Queensland (46%).

The research was conducted online with a representative sample of Australian workers. A total of 1126 interviews were conducted and of these, 85 were with senior leader positions while the remaining 1041 were a mix of lower management and baseline employees. The survey asked participants to respond to the following areas: • The importance of physical safety and mental health in workplaces, and an assessment of how their workplace performs; • Stigma around mental health; • Behaviour when personally experiencing a mental health condition or encountering mental health conditions in the workplace;

• Workplace •

support and practices to promote good mental health; Awareness of resources available to promote good mental health.

Beyondblue chairman Jeff Kennett said the research should help employers take action to improve mental health in their workplace and notably reduce impacts from poor mental health, including absenteeism, which was found to cost businesses $4.7 billion a year. The research was released to match the unveiling of beyondblue’s interactive guide, which allows businesses to create a free, tailor-made mental health plan at

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comment By Tania Crosbie Director Sustainablity at Work

Sustainable supply chains The construction industry leads the pack when it comes to improving the sustainability of its supply chains. Should this come as a surprise? The Ribbon - Sydney Harbour Foreshoe The IMAX building at Sydney’s Darling Harbour has long been a landmark in the precinct but is set to be replaced by an iconic new structure with the approval of Grocon’s $700 million IMAX redevelopment by the New South Wales Planning Assessment Commission. Known as The Ribbon, the 20 storey building will bring to life an office, retail and entertainment precinct on the site of the existing IMAX building. The project will include a separate two-storey structure, parking for 86 vehicles and more than 300 bicycle spaces as well as landscaped public spaces including a playground. “This is a major milestone in our journey to bring new life and renewed investment into a prized aspect of Sydney and the magnificent Sydney harbour foreshore,” Grocon CEO Carolyn Viney said.

“We’ve been working in partnership with a wide range of authorities and constituents for many months to ensure this project delivers a positive and lasting contribution to Sydney, its residents and visitors. “We’ve been working in partnership with a wide range of authorities and constituents for many months to ensure this project delivers a positive and lasting contribution to Sydney, its residents and visitors. “The Ribbon is absolutely an iconic landmark. It will be a place of significance because its design is bold and innovative and it’s an example of state of art design excellence. We’re really excited about the project and hope to be able to bring this investment to Sydney with formal development approval from the NSW Government”, Ms Viney said.

BVN DONOVAN SCOOPS ANOTHER AWARD BVN Donovan Hill has once again been recognised for its architecture skills, winning the Beatrice Hutton Award for Commercial Architecture for its work on 55 Elizabeth Street in the Brisbane CBD. The firm won the top prize at the 2014 Queensland Architecture Awards for its design of the striking 15 storey commercial tower. The judges found the building eschewed “the bright and shiny materials of many towers”. “The buildings earthy material palette sits comfortably in its context,” they added. “It is respectful of the adjacent heritage listed building and takes strong cues frowwm its proportions in articulating the facade.”

BVN Donovan Hill principal Phil Tait welcomed the award. “In the design process we took into account the important neighbouring heritage buildings and matched the materiality by incorporating prominent sandstone columns that define the lower third of the 15 level building,” he said. “In the middle third the materials change to solar glazing with vertical fins and on the final third that completes the tri-partite design – there are anodised sunshades protecting the upper western facade.” It is the third architecture award the firm has won in less than two months. The previous two relate to its work on ASB Bank New Zealand’s new North Wharf office in Auckland.

In recent interviews with sustainability specialists and supply chain managers from across 17 industries around Australia, I discovered that the construction industry is moving beyond sustainability compliance and risk management, and is beginning to see a sustainable supply chain as a competitive advantage and, in some cases, as philosophical approach to business. My research report, The Great Sustainability and Supply Chain Divide: Insights into the gaps, challenges and opportunities for Australian companies, found that the construction industry has accreditation processes to thank for its leading status. Reporting and accreditation systems – such as Green Star, LEED and BREEAM – have successfully driven behavioural change and transparency down to all levels of the supply chain. Supply chain partners understand that non-compliance may mean no further business relationship. As one sustainability manager told me: “for us to remain in the property sector, all of our jobs need to comply with Green Star and LEED” - even if they are not going for accreditation. Another one said: “We are a sustainable business, not just a brand.” The Great Sustainability and Supply Chain Divide unmasks some ‘best practice’ behaviours for the construction industry, from employing sustainable supply chain managers to enforcing sustainable procurement guidelines at tender time. The underlying message from the report is unequivocal. Companies are beginning to understand their responsibility to leave a sustainable legacy for future generations. Suppliers who don’t work with their partners, customers and the community to achieve more continues page 10 ANCR CONSTRUCTION NEWS


comment By Dr Bronwyn Evans Chief Executive Officer Standards Australia

Technical Standards on the Agenda With all of the thinking going on around infrastructure, resilience, precincts, cities and smart everything – it has never been more important to make sure that Technical Standards are part of these emerging agendas providing industry and governments with the tools they need to get moving.

Melbourne’s most complex building wins health & safety award The complete refurbishment of an iconic Melbourne CBD building vacant since 1994 is about to be completed by Built, whose outstanding safety performance at the site has just received the only Excellence in Health & Safety Award at the MBAV Excellence in Construction Awards held this month. With the largest scaffold works the city has seen to date, The William (corner William and Little Bourke Streets) is being transformed into the city’s newest luxury residential address, complete with room service and a concierge. The William - Melbourne CBD

But when I speak with government ministers, business and community leaders it is clear that Technical Standards (like Australian Standards) could easily be described as one of the most important business tools they don’t know about. And Australia is not alone in this. On a recent trip to Europe, the CEOs of the National Standards Bodies of France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN) and UK (BSI) made similar comments. But the good news is that this is changing. Through the efforts of groups like Standards Australia, ISO (International Standards Organisation) and those European standards bodies, there is emerging awareness of the economic benefits of Standards and the role of Standards as an alternative to regulation. As I wrote in a recent opinion piece in the financial press, sensible, measured, consensus based Australian Standards offer an alternative to regulation. Standards are of fundamental importance for the building and construction industry. Standards for this sector make up more than 20% of the overall Standards Australia catalogue of Standards. Technical Standards, such as Australian Standards, are voluntary consensus based standards that are developed by bringing together expert contributors from a broad range of stakeholders (eg users, consumers, manufacturers, regulators, professional associations, industry associations). Throughout continues page 10 8


Situated in a busy CBD location with tight access constraints, the project required demolition of every façade across two towers over 20 storeys high. Each tower had its footprint enlarged and extended by three storeys

to create 529 apartments, serviced apartments, a large office area, retail tenancies, gymnasium and an open roof top pool area. Scaffolding was approximately 83m high, equating to 23 levels. Built collaborated with WorkSafe to create a case study as part of their scaffold training course that demonstrated how to best erect a complex scaffold on a Melbourne CBD construction site. One key safety innovation was a modularisation concept for the balconies that allowed these components to be pre-fabricated off site. This method significantly reduced the number crane lifts required by over a thousand, and reduced the risks of working at height. The multifaceted demolition, hazardous materials removal and extension of the structure at height have presented project challenges that Built has managed safely for over1800 workers, with over 783,256 man hours completed to date without a Lost Time Injury (LTI). The William façade is one of the most complex currently in Melbourne with up to 12 separate faces being worked on at any one time. “The complexity of this project, and the unique high risk scenarios it presented, provides a worthy platform to recognise the success of our safety systems and culture,” says Peter Radovanovic, Built’s Construction Manager on the project. The William is due for completion in October with the majority of apartments already sold.

$550 MILLION FOR PRESTON MARKET REDEVELOPMENT A radical overhaul, cost half a billion dollars, has been slated for the Preston Market, one of Melbourne’s oldest traditional markets. Plans to build 28-storey apartment blocks on the market site, comprising 1500 new dwellings, have been lodged with Darebin Council, seeking an exemption to the current 10-storey height limit in the area. Developers Salta Properties and project partner Medich Corporation proposed changing building height limits in order to build residential towers “which will respond to the forecasted growth of the municipality, and will provide greater housing diversity and housing sustainability for the area”, according to documents prepared for the council. The plans for the revamped Preston Market include

a piazza, outdoor dining areas, and an office precinct as well as apartments to complement the current fresh food market. For more than 10 years, plans for redeveloping the market have been continually shelved but the latest request to amend 2007 plans suggests a renewed push for redevelopment. Paul Crapper, Darebin City Council’s director corporate and planning services confirmed the council had received a formal request to amend the Darebin Planning Scheme from a developer. The council will consider the application to change the height limit in early August. If the amendments are authorised, the community will have a one-month window to make submissions to the council.

LEIGHTON APPOINTS FOUR NEW BOSSES Leighton Holdings has appointed four new Managing Directors to manage the Construction, Engineering, Mining and PPP business units which are set to form the pillars of the group’s structure going forward. The company has announced current Executive General Manager of Leighton Contractor’s Infrastructure Division David Jurd will lead the group’s Construction unit whilst Theiss Managing Director Bruce Munro will lead Mining. Leighton Holdings Chief Development Officer Angel Muriel will lead PPPs and Engineering will be led by current Managing Leighton Contractors Director Craig Laslett.

Ian Edwards will continue to lead Leighton Asia, India and Offshore whilst Glenn Palin will continue to lead John Holland; and Mark Gray will continue to lead Leighton Properties. The new structure also follows moves by parent company Hochtief to assume greater control over Leighton and reflects efforts to simplify the business. Leighton has also announced the branding of the construction and mining businesses under the new structure, with the former to be branded Leighton Contractors and the latter to be branded Thiess.

Transition at the Top We are pleased to announce that, as part of DP’s planned succession strategy, Will Wright has been appointed Managing Director of Douglas Partners, effective from 1 July 2014. Will takes over the helm from Mike Nash, who has moved back to a full time consulting role after five very successful years as Managing Director. Will has been with DP for over 20 years and in recent years has been manager of our Newcastle Branch, as well as a director of DP. Will is an experienced geotechnical engineer with specialisations in the fields of groundwater and mine subsidence. Although he will now take on the responsibilities of Managing Director, he will continue to be involved in some project consulting work, as do all DP’s senior staff. As part of the transition process Will and Mike have been working together closely for some months to ensure a smooth handover. On news of the announcement Will indicated: “I am excited and honoured to have the opportunity to continue on from the great work of Mike Nash. Douglas Partners is in a very strong position, as evidenced by its continued growth and recognition from its clients in the BRW Awards. The focus going forward will be to stick to what we do best, and that is providing integrated practical solutions to clients across a range of geotechnical, environmental and groundwater projects, with a further emphasis on providing efficient, timely and cost effective services.” During Mike Nash’s tenure as Managing Director, DP has gone from strength to strength. Staff numbers have increased by 20%, company revenue has increased and DP has been involved in many interesting

projects. DP has also increased its footprint around Australia by opening three new branches and two new soil testing laboratories. DP’s range of services has widened to include some additional specialist areas, including hazardous material assessments and environmental risk assessments. DP’s commitment to providing unrivalled service to clients was formally recognised when the company won three prestigious BRW awards in 2013 and then six BRW awards in 2014, including ‘Best Consulting Engineering Firm’ and ‘Best Client Service in Australia’. Mike now plans to concentrate on his consulting work as a Contaminated Site Auditor and is very optimistic about the future. “DP is positioned well for future growth, with strong continuity of leadership and the opportunities offered by the proposed rollout of infrastructure projects around Australia, as well as optimism in the property sector. I would like to thank all our clients and staff for the role they have played in DP’s success over the last five years and I look forward to working on projects with you all in the near future.”

comment By Sarah Bachmann CEO National Precast Concrete Association

New standard to deliver widespread benefits After several years, the Committee responsible for updating AS3850-2003 Tilt-up concrete construction has completed its review and the changes may be the most important the Australian precast industry and its stakeholders have seen. If adopted, the revised AS 3850 will be named Prefabricated concrete elements. With a much wider reach than the 2003 version - which primarily sought to regulate activities associated with site cast tilt-up panels - the revised version will apply to all prefabricated concrete elements used in building and construction. It will not however, apply to civil products or small precast elements such as bricks, blocks and pavers. The revised Standard has been divided into two parts. Part 1 General Requirements, details requirements for materials, components and equipment used during the manufacture of elements. It will provide the construction industry with greater confidence that products and components used in manufacturing elements have been selected and tested in accordance with relevant criteria and comply with a higher standard than in the past. Part 2 Building Construction, addresses requirements to improve safety and quality of products and provides best practice guidance on design and documentation, casting, transportation, craneage and erection, temporary supports and incorporation of elements into the final structure. In parallel with the review of the Standard, Safe Work Australia has been developing ‘how to’ guidance materials in the form of a revised Code of Practice/Guides which will complement and reinforce the revised requirements of the Standard. Once released, the challenge will be to engage with the design and installation communities to ensure widespread adoption, understanding and application of the Standard.

Mike Nash (left) and Will Wright (right)

continues page 11 ANCR CONSTRUCTION NEWS


comment By Margie O’Tarpey Chief Executive Officer Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)

The importance of project management competency work based assessment. The Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) is the only National Association for Project Managers representing the Project Management sector in Australia. Part of the AIPM’s Charter is to exclusively support the International Project Management Association (IPMA) Certification, as the Certifying Body in Australia. Margie O’Tarpey (CEO of AIPM) commented that Global Corporations benefit from IPMA’s international presence and recognition as it enables them to use the same certification standards in all countries across the entire organisation. With IPMA Certification, she says Project Managers can keep up with the rapid progression of Project Management to remain competitive in the market. AIPM has taken considerable time to understand the value of competency based assessment with its own program RegPM, both AIPM Certification and IPMA recognising the importance of competence, symbolising contextual competency, technical competency and behavioural competency. Certification, both nationally and internationally, is considered by AIPM as an important part of Professional Development and the professionalism of the Project Manager and Project Management. In a competitive building and construction environment project management competency is becoming essential to infrastructure development both in private and government environments. Ms O’Tarpey noted this is particularly important for project scope, timing, quality deliverables and community benefit realisation. If anyone wants to learn more about AIPM’s Programs, Membership, and opportunities, please contact AIPM on 02 8288 8700 and continues over page 10


MELBOURNE’S 100 STOREY SYKYSCRAPER There is always great prestige in claiming Australia’s highest building and that honour is set to go to Melbourne with government approval of the Australia 108 skyscraper, the first 100-storey building in the Southern Hemisphere. Victorian Infrastructure Minister Matthew Guy said the building, which would be built at 70 Southbank Boulevard, will stand 319 metres tall once completed.

would house 4,000 people and boost the city’s urban density. “Melbourne’s central city area is vastly superior in its services, in its amenity and liveability and indeed potentially and particularly through trams, its ability to move people through our central city area,” he said.

“It’s 319 metres to the top from the bottom of the street, that compares 297 metres from the Eureka Tower,” Mr Guy said. “The spire at Q1 on the Gold Coast is 323 metres, the top of Q1 is around 275, so it is by far and away the tallest building to the roof line, anywhere in Australia.” “When completed Australia 108 will be the most striking building on Melbourne’s skyline and a great example of the strength of homegrown Melbourne architecture,” Guy said. The Government has also gave the go ahead to a 75-storey building on Elizabeth Street and a 54-storey tower on Queensbridge Street in Southbank. Mr Guy said the buildings would create 5,800 construction jobs and once completed

Australia 108 Skyscraper, Melbourne



By Tania Crosbie continued from page 7 sustainable outcomes run the risk of operating in an ever-shrinking market. Download a copy of the report from Sustainability at Work’s website: By Dr Bronwyn Evans continued from page 8 the process of developing technical standards, there are multiple avenues open for companies and individuals to be involved. These include: • submitting project proposals for new or revised standards projects (the next round opens on 11th August 2014),

participating on a Standards committee or Standards working group, submitting comments during the public comment phase (the full list of drafts open for public comment across all sectors can be found by visiting www.standards and clicking on Drafts for Public Comment link) signing up to be a mentor for the upcoming 2014-2015 Young Leaders Program (visit our website or contact Standards Australia at to find out more).

As our world gets ever more connected and consumers and customers become ever more demanding, consensus based Australian Standards will be one of the strategic business tools of choice.

By Sarah Bachmann continued from page 9 National Precast is already well advanced in its endeavours to develop suitable training programmes to facilitate the educational undertaking necessary to expedite the industry wide benefits envisaged to flow from the revised Standard. By Scott Brown continued from page 13 alike for years to come. This cutting-edge new building is a great example of what leading Australian universities are doing to significantly raise their worldwide rankings and profile to attract the best students, academics and research partners. By John Watson continued from this page I’m confident that through the support of business, industry and workers, this project will lead to improvements in safety and productivity in the NSW house construction industry and

comment support a faster return for injured workers to sustainable work For further advice on safety in the house construction industry, visit www.workcover. or call WorkCover on 131050. By Phil Schoutrop continued from page 12 10-day programme to stop trade, de-fit tenancies, move, re-fit and open, Re:START was recycled and reborn. The already successful project was repositioned like a transplanted tree – established and comfortable. Successful projects share a variety of elements. They are simple to understand, are responsive to the urban context, are commercially viable, and most importantly need to be “owned” by the user. If we apply more of these elements to our transitional container applications, and continue to use holistic urban planning to assemble the pieces more effectively, then I believe that the applications for recycled containers could be endless.

EXPANDED ENERGY SAVINGS SCHEME A WINNER, SAYS GBCA Improvements to the NSW Government’s Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) will help households and businesses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save money and boost productivity, says the nation’s green building authority. “We congratulate the NSW Government for its commitment to improving energy efficiency in households and businesses across the state,” says Robin Mellon, Chief Operating Officer of the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA). “Energy-efficient buildings – whether they are residential or commercial properties – are cheaper to operate, have smaller carbon footprints, are more productive, healthy spaces and are better long-term assets. Improvements to the ESS will encourage more households and businesses to take action to capture the benefits of energy-efficient buildings,” Mr Mellon says. The ESS encourages households and businesses to reduce electricity consumption and costs by installing, improving or replacing energy saving equipment. Changes to the ESS include: • New incentives for households to purchase quality and affordable energy savings upgrades to their homes, including high

efficiency heating and cooling, lighting, window glazing and draught sealing Incentives for businesses to purchase highly-efficient commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment Better performance standards for commercial lighting products to ensure customers receive high-quality and long lasting products and services Red tape removal to make it easier for appliance retailers and service providers to access and administer the scheme.

“The GBCA is committed to promoting sustainable building practices, designs and technologies, and we applaud supportive government policies, such as the NSW Government’s ESS. It is good to see positive, productive policies such as this being expanded amidst the collapse, cancellation and carnage of other policies, departments and initiatives around Australia.

“We need a coordinated approach to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and a range of complementary measures to assist the built environment to achieve its carbon abatement potential while saving money and resources, and creating places that are healthy, productive and efficient,” Mr Mellon concludes.

By John Watson General Manager, WorkCover NSW Work Health & Safety Division

Working to make the house construction industry safer Earlier this year I wrote that WorkCover NSW was developing an Industry Action Plan (IAP) for the NSW house construction industry after it had been identified as one of the state’s highest risk industries. In February 2014 the IAP was launched at Western Sydney Nirimba TAFE to employer groups, industry associations, industrial organisations, government agencies and students who have all committed to improving safety, productivity and return to work in the industry. The industry is one of the state’s most important, with the almost 9,000 businesses employing more than 44,000 workers contributing $37.9 billion to the NSW economy. And while house construction businesses know that a safe business is a productive and profitable one, unfortunately, WorkCover data shows that the industry has more than double the workers compensation claims for permanent disability than any other industry. The IAP outlines how WorkCover and industry will work together to improve safety and productivity so that fewer families have to experience the devastating impact of a workplace injury or illness. It addresses four major safety issues on house construction sites: falls through voids; unsafe movement of people and materials on-site; exposure to sun and delayed recovery and return to work. This will done by working collaboratively with industry to identify and promote ways to manage high risk activities on house construction sites through on-site support and advice, safety incentives, promoting the benefits of early recovery and return to work and, where necessary, supporting businesses that need to improve safety and return work outcomes to do so. continues this page ANCR CONSTRUCTION NEWS


comment By Phil Schoutrop Principal The Buchan Group

RECYCLING CONTAINERS: THE SITE SHED RE-PURPOSED The humble shipping container is functional, resilient, efficient and nearly indestructible. The perfect storage device. Over time the logical nature of these containers has given rise to low cost, functional and transportable commercial solutions. Previous applications like demountable accommodation, temporary classrooms and even the humble site shed have now been joined by a new wave of commercial solutions using the container in a range of highprofile situations. The modularity of containers means they can be stacked and arranged to suit the space around them – and then transported and reassembled to suit a new space much like the clicking together of Lego blocks. Successful applications use the blocks to frame useful, high-quality spaces, creating urban environments that can be greatly enjoyed by users, even if only for a short time. The functional interiors can then be related to a usable space on the outside. Form following function. In Christchurch, New Zealand the Re:START project used shipping containers to establish a temporary shopping heart for the city following the destructive earthquakes of 2011. Conceived by The Buchan Group and constructed in a very short timeframe, shipping containers became shops and and formed civic spaces to support the return of business, amenity and leisure back to the heart of the city. Designed as a temporary response to meet the needs for usable communal space for the people of Christchurch, the community embraced their “Lego blocks”. When the time came for permanent development, both retailers and the community were so attached to their containers that there was a call for Re:START not to be dismantled, but relocated. So the developer set about relocating the project onto an adjacent site as a permanent fixture. With a continues page 11 12



ON TARGET FOR 2018 GOLD COAST GAMES With four years to go preparations for the 2018 Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast are gaining momentum, with planning, design and construction progress across the 17 hosting venues. Architects were recently appointed to design the new $55 million Queensland State Velodrome and the hockey centre upgrade. Brisbane-based Cox Rayner Architects will design the velodrome, which will feature timber tracks as opposed to the concrete tracks found in the existing venue. It will be built at the Sleeman Sports Complex beside the SuperX BMX track, setting the area up to become a cycling hub. Bundall-based MODE was announced the preferred architect for the hockey centre upgrade in Keith Hunt Park. The project will include facilities upgrades as well as new synthetic pitches to meet international competition standards.

planning will deliver the remaining venues ahead of schedule. The $41 million redevelopment of the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre is due to be handed over to the Gold Coast City Council within the year. Works on the Games Village are well underway, with phase one of demolition complete and developer Grocon recently unveiling the project’s master plan. Grocon will develop 1270 permanent apartments, townhouses and a neighbourhood retail centre at Parklands. The project will house 6500 athletes and team officials during the games before being transformed into a residential, commercial and retail precinct for the Gold Coast. Construction is expected to start next year. The project will create 1500 jobs and inject an estimated $500 million into the local construction industry. QLD State Velodrome

MODE will present a concept design for the hockey centre later this year, with the upgrade slated for completion in early 2017. Across the other venues, Seeney said the government was on track to complete construction and refurbishments in time for the 2018 world sporting event. “We brought forward the Aquatic Centre and are delivering it on time and on budget,” he said. “We are confident that our strong

AUSTRALIAN ARCHITECTS ON WORLD STAGE Three highly innovative projects by BVN Donovan Hill have been shortlisted for presentation at the World Architecture Festival in Singapore. The pinnacle of architectural awards, the WAF will present projects from 30 categories and designed by architects from more than 40 countries. BVN Donovan Hill this year made the cut with three, already heavily rewarded projects built in Australia and New Zealand. At home, the Australian PlantBank at Mt Annan Botanic Gardens in Sydney’s southwest is a global centre for plant research and learning that houses the largest seed bank in the Asia Pacific Region. It recently received a Public Architecture Award and a Sustainable Architecture Award from the Australian Institute of Architects.

In New Zealand, the firm will be presenting ASB bank’s new head office on the North Wharf waterfront in Auckland, as well as the Christchurch Airport’s regional terminal. Both projects recently won awards, including the New Zealand Architecture Medal, the Beatrice Hutton Award for Commercial Architecture (ASB Bank), as well as commercial and interior architecture awards (Christchurch Airport). “Being shortlisted in the World Architecture Festival awards is a tremendous confidence booster for Australian architects,” BVN Donovan Hill national director James Grose said. The WAF will be held at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore from October 1-3.


TEREX RELEASE NEW BOOM BUSTER KIT The new Terex Boom Booster promises 90% more lifting capacity on CC8800-1 crawler cranes. Designed for heavy-lifting applications, with long-boom configurations such as petrochemical, wind turbine erection and power plant installation, the Boom Booster reportedly gives the CC 8800-1 up to 72m of lift-enhancing boom structure. The wedge-shaped, 11m long lower and upper adapters flare out to a 10m width to enhance the system’s structural integrity, which is nearly three times the standard 3.5m boom width. Transport wise, the kit can be disassembled and shipped in standard 12.2m open-top containers. In markets that limit container gross weight to 28 tonnes, Terex said the Boom Booster could be transported in nine truckloads. Where up to 40t containers can be used, only seven truckloads are required

to transport the full Boom Booster kit to a jobsite. “No other lift enhancing equipment on the market offers the balance of increased lifting capacity and low economical transport costs than the new Terex Boom Booster,” Terex Cranes product marketing manager Guntram Jakobs said. “This new Terex boom configuration option will give a big boost to the customers’ results in the field.” The Terex Boom Booster kit features a pin connection design that eliminates bolts and facilitates boom assembly onsite. Boom sections can be shipped to the jobsite partially assembled, to further advance assembly speed. The Terex Boom Booster is available with new crane purchases or can be retrofitted to existing CC 8800-1 crawler crane models.

SLR TEAM WINS ENGINEERS AWARD A dedicated acoustics team at SLR Consulting Australia has recently shared in winning the coveted Engineers Australia Colin Crisp Award for works completed on the Richmond Bridge. The Award is Australia’s premier award for excellence in Engineering Heritage projects and is awarded biennially. SLR was engaged by the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (DIER) and together with Tasmanian consulting heritage engineer Peter Spratt formed the submission which won the prize after implementing a neverbefore-seen permanent vibration monitoring scheme for the Richmond Bridge. The bridge is Australia’s oldest bridge, having been built between 1823 and 1825, and is still used today, but like many old masonry constructed bridges it is susceptible to foundation movements and cracking. The vibration monitoring system monitors vibration levels on the bridge’s four main arches using piezoelectric transducers, which are buried beneath the footpath. The technology is installed in a secure weather-proof enclosure which is pole mounted on the western side of the bridge, and consists of a data acquisition system and an industrialised computer running a customised signal analysis program. The system is configured to monitor vibration

levels in all four positions continuously and to record the maximum level every 5 minutes in a histogram function, providing a time trace history. When larger vibration events are experienced the system is triggered and a digital camera provides an image of the vehicle that caused the event. “The project presented a great opportunity to design an innovative and modern solution to monitor and protect one of Australia’s oldest structures,” commented SLR Principal Consultant, Gustaf Reutersward. “We were pleased with the outcome of the work, which highlighted that with the advent of wireless data networks, traditional vibration measurement technology can be evolved into novel remote real-time monitoring systems.”



By Scott Brown Director of Sustainability Waterman Group

New Technology at UTS The NSW tertiary education sector has undergone a transformational period in recent years seeing most of the major universities deliver high profile new developments. None more so than at the University of Technology, Sydney where I studied for my engineering degree. The exciting new home of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology has now been completed. The building is located on the northern side of Broadway, between Wattle and Jones Streets, redefining the southern approach to the Sydney CBD. Waterman’s Sydney office was engaged as Mechanical, Electrical and ESD engineering consultant for the project which comprised approximately 42,000m² of space. The building incorporates large open areas, lecture theatres, teaching and learning spaces, engineering and computer/IT laboratories, faculty offices, a data arena, eatery and other areas. The building was fully designed in BIM using Revit 3D. The building is designed for a 5-Star Green Star rating. The energy saving strategy is to deliver a 25% energy saving over benchmark tertiary educational buildings with similar functional spaces. Energy modelling was undertaken by Waterman’s office in Melbourne in close consultation with the design team in Sydney. As part of the overall energy saving strategy, the building incorporates an innovative solar thermal tri-generation system, which is believed to be the first of it’s type in the world. This system will be used for teaching and research purposes by the university. This is more than just another sustainable building, it is a live showcase of current and emerging engineering and sustainable technologies and will leave a legacy which will be used by engineering students and researchers

SLR Team accepting the Colin Crisp Award




INDIVIDUAL EXCELLENCE AND EXCEPTIONAL TEAMWORK CELEBRATED AT 2014 NAWIC AWARDS Individual excellence and exceptional teamwork has been recognised at the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) NSW Chapter 2014 Awards for Excellence. The awards, held on Thursday 21 August at The Star in Sydney, were established in 1986 to honour the achievements and encourage the advancement of women in construction in New South Wales. NAWIC’s NSW Chapter President, Sarah Hogan, says: “NAWIC’s Awards for Excellence program celebrates leadership, encourages women to take risks in their careers and helps them to establish important networks. “The awards also highlight the qualities that women in our industry need to succeed – qualities such as teamwork and tenacity, collaboration and creativity – and underscore the contribution that women make to an industry that is vital to Australia’s future.” Raquel Rubalcaba, Senior Project Manager at Laing O’Rourke, was presented with the prestigious Laing O'Rourke Crystal Vision Award. 14

Ms Rubalcaba implemented an industryleading 26-week paid parental leave and flexible working policy at Laing O’Rourke. The policy combines paid parental leave with a keep-intouch program, return to work coaching and flexible work options for all employees. “Raquel has encouraged meaningful change in her organisation that will support the careers of women in the construction sector. The judges were impressed by Raquel’s passion and drive to contribute to the industry in which she has been involved for 24 years. We salute Raquel as a role model for other women in the industry,” Ms Hogan says. A panel of industry experts selected winners based on strict award criteria. Other category and merit winners include: Master Builders Association & Clinton Recruitment Award for Team Innovation Winner: Davenport Campbell for the QBE Global Head Office Project Merit: Westpac Tenancy Fitout Team, comprising of Lend Lease and Geyer, for the Westpac Global Head Office Lend Lease Scholarship for Future Leaders Winner: Hannah Mahoney-Hayes, Structural Engineer, Taylor Thomson Whittling


DTZ University Scholarship Winner : Alissa Thivakon, University of Newcastle Brookfield Johnson Controls Tradesperson Scholarship Winner: Kristina Murray, Home Control & Audio MPA Award for Achievement in Construction, Refurbishment and Fit Out Winner : Jade Nicholson, Site Engineer, Brookfield Multiplex, for the Charles Perkins Centre Project at the University of Sydney, Camperdown Campus Brookfield Multiplex Award for Contribution to a Projects Development Winner : Miranda Kossen-Markezic, Senior Project Engineer, Thiess, for the Frederickton to Eungai Pacific Highway Upgrade Project Merit: Lucy Guerin, Jones Lang LaSalle, for her contribution to the Westpac Group Retail Program John Holland Business Woman of the Year Award Winner : Rachel Luchetti, Director, Luchetti Krelle AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW


Acoustic Logic Award for Contribution to Sustainability Winner: Esther Bailey, Better Buildings Partnership Manager, City of Sydney Now Careers Project Management Award Winner: Dominique Gill, Project Manager, Built Stockland Award for Innovation in Design Winner: Alex Wessling, Project Manager, MBMO Architects for the Sydney Adventist Hospital Stage 1 Redevelopment Project Sponsors Award sponsors include Laing O'Rourke, John Holland, Brookfield Multiplex, Brookfield Johnson Controls, Stockland, Now Careers, Lend Lease, Acoustic Logic, DTZ, Master Builders Association, Clinton Recruitment, MPA, CBRE Richard Ellis, Davenport Campbell, HASSELL and Cult. Each year, the NAWIC Awards for Excellence also feature an auction to raise funds for the annual International Women’s Day Scholarship. The scholarship is generously supported by Cult and its Managing Director Richard Munao. This year, Cult donated the fabulous Ro chair by Jaime Hayon for Republic of Fritz Hansen. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Established in 1995, the National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to raise the profile of women in the construction industry. NAWIC strives to create a world-class construction industry that achieves outstanding results through the active involvement and contribution of women. NAWIC hosts networking events and education seminars, runs an annual awards program, funds scholarships, and works with both government and industry to advance opportunities for women in Australia’s construction industry. See About NAWIC NSW Chapter The NAWIC NSW Chapter is a passionate group of women who volunteer their time and expertise to host and deliver a range of events aimed at furthering women in the construction industry. The committee and NAWIC members work in a variety of fields within the construction industry and the Chapter’s activities are designed to address the diversity of these groups. NAWIC NSW’s goal is to celebrate the achievements of female colleagues in the construction industry as well as to inform, educate and provide networking opportunities. For more information visit 15

David Martin the bUCHAN gROUP’S chief Executive Melbourne, Shanghai, London and Dubai 16



CEO INTERVIEW dAVID mARTIN - the bUCHAN gROUP’S chiEf Executive The Buchan Group is a global architectural group, recognised for its design excellence and depth of experience. It operates across Australia and New Zealand, with offices in London, Shanghai and Dubai. The Buchan Group is a multi-disciplinary design practice with expertise in architecture, masterplanning, interior design, graphic design and 3D Visualisation. GJ: How would you describe this point in time for The Buchan Group and what it means for your role as CEO for Melbourne, Shanghai, London and Dubai offices? DM: It’s most certainly an exciting time for The Buchan Group. I accepted the offer to take on the role as CEO because of the potential with in the business and the global market opportunity available. We want to build on the long and proud history, which is approaching 125 years since the opening of the first practice in Geelong in 1890.

We see our future as a global business in a global market. We’re well down that path, with a long list of projects completed and other exciting projects underway in UK/ Europe, Middle East, Asia, Australia and North America.

Our people have designed and delivered some amazing projects and have expanded our reach across Australia and internationally. Our clients have trusted in us to design outcomes that have helped to make them successful. All together it has seen The Buchan Group ranked 60th in the 2014 World Architecture (WA 100) rankings, including a ranking of 5 in the world for one of our specialist sectors in Retail, and 4th in Australasia across all sectors.

We know our clients regard us highly for our ability to deliver successful outcomes, particularly in the Retail sector. That reputation is built in the back of projects like Westfield London & Westfield Stratford City, Highpoint, Watergardens, Woodgrove and successive stages of Chadstone. But lesser known is our lead design role on some of these projects and others such as Chatswood Chase, Rundle Place, Burnside Village, The Star Sydney and the recently opened Emporium Melbourne and Sheraton Melbourne, as well as a strong portfolio of residential projects that amounts to some 5000 apartments over the past five years.

Our offices in Australia, Shanghai, London and Dubai mean that we’re well positioned to adapt with trends and offer local solutions using global insights. We want to continue to improve ourselves, to make advancements in our designs and to play a lead role in markets in which we operate. GJ: What then is the long- term vision and strategy? DM: That’s a very interesting question right now. I joined The Buchan Group in January and since then, we’ve been working through a process that included broad employee engagement, market analysis and client feedback to update our vision and strategy. That will culminate in the next couple of months when the updated vision and strategy are presented to the Board. It’s fair to say that we want to build on our history and ensure that we keep delivering project outcomes that our existing clients have come to expect. We also want to grow our business by providing the same quality and service to new clients and in new regions. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

GJ: What would be some of the things you are most hoping to be achieved in The Buchan Group’s future vision? DM: As I said, this is still a work in progress, but one of the areas we’ve already started work on goes right to the core of who we are and how we’re seen in the market.

I’d like the industry to see what we see internally, in that we have some amazing, creative designers who work with our delivery experts to manage projects through from master planning and concept to detailed design and construction. So, we’re running with an initiative our Associates created that involves highly interactive, collaborative and adaptive Design Labs that have generated some real excitement. We are already seeing progress that will strengthen our Design and Delivery capabilities and this will flow through to even better outcomes for our clients. GJ: What would be the main areas of business growth? DM: We feel that there are a number of opportunities for our business to continue to grow. First and foremost are our existing clients: we enjoy working with them and feel ANCR CEO INTERVIEW



we could expand our involvement to help them achieve their objectives. Despite the challenges faced in Retail, it remains one of the strongest property sectors. Our clients have continued to invest and achieve successful outcomes and we value our role in that. We would like to further expand our global portfolio of Retail projects and we are seeing improvement in regions such as the UK/Europe and the Middle East, as well as sustained demand for our services in Asia. We have a strong portfolio of residential work, and a number of Hospitality (Hotel and Casino), Transport & Aviation projects, and believe there is further room for growth in each of these areas. Our offering in each of these areas has traditionally consisted of Architecture and Interior Design, and we would like to expand that too. One area that’s currently getting plenty of coverage in the media is in Mixed Use, and that’s an area of strength for our business as most often it combines our Retail expertise with other market sector offerings such as Residential and Hospitality. The Vogue South Yarra retail and residential development is a recent example of this, as well as 27 Little Collins Street, Melbourne, with the Sheraton Hotel, apartments and some retail.

GJ: What would you see as some of the challenges to be faced in envisioning an increasing global approach to The Buchan Group? DM: Having been a part of global professional service firms in the past, I know the importance of a clear strategy to address the challenges and to capitalise on the opportunities that a global approach presents. It’s all about balance and collaboration, and I refer back to the phrase I used earlier regarding our desire to ‘offer local solutions using global insights’. To us that means ensuring the application of The Buchan Group’s systems and standards on which our brand is built, and doing so in a way that aligns with the local context and client expectations. To achieve that, we must collaborate internally and externally, by bringing to the table the best of what we and our partners have to offer for our clients. It is something we’ve achieved success with previously on projects such as Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City, where our London and Melbourne offices worked

collaboratively around the clock to achieve what others thought was impossible. It’s not without its challenges and requires commitment to a common goal from all involved. As our clients increasingly invest internationally, the demand to successfully apply our methodologies will increase too. GJ: What efforts does The Buchan Group make toward developments that can contribute in the most positive way to their context- that is, what can be seen as corporate responsibility? Could you mention a couple of examples? DM: We aim to create exciting buildings that enhance the lives of all who use them. That’s grounded in the practicalities of building use and construction; functionally efficient and visually compelling. We know that creativity and commercial outcomes are not mutually exclusive. In practice, that translates into designs that connect communities through function, social interactions and experiential leisure. Two current examples that represent this in different ways are Sheraton Melbourne and Emporium Melbourne. In the case of

GJ: What role does R&D have in the Buchan Group’s methodology? DM: Our clients face numerous challenges and as a trusted advisor, they turn to us for solutions. Hence, we’re continually exploring and making advancements that in turn will make our clients projects successful. For example, our Retail clients are being challenged by online retailing, so we are providing conceptual and technological solutions that can assist with the integration of online retailing with traditional bricks and mortar. One element of that relates to the experience and accessibility. In Retail and other sectors such as Residential, we are applying software developments that allow our clients to visualise and walk through designs, essentially bringing them to life. That’s welcomed by our clients and in turn their customers.




Emporium Melbourne, this was achieved by exploiting the laneway system through the retail core for a strong commercial solution. Importantly, this also provides a significant contribution to the fabric of the city by deliberately utilising the laneway scale and form in a modern interpretation to better connect the core from South to North. GJ: What do you think The Buchan Group demonstrates as a leader in your field? DM: Without doubt, we design and deliver solutions that make our clients successful. That builds trust and confidence, and in turn means that we’re given the biggest challenges. The ability of our people to provide creative and effective solutions reinforces our position of industry leadership. We’re not resting on our laurels and instead we’re determined to raise the bar by investing in our team, improving our processes and systems and deepening our understanding of our clients and the environment in which they operate. GJ: What are some projects that you feel are some of The Buchan Group’s best work to date?


DM: As you can imagine after almost 125 years of business and my being in the role only six months, that’s a tough question. Some of our long term employees talk proudly about design and delivery of Southgate which linked with the Arts Centre to become the catalyst for the formation of the Yarra Southbank precinct that has changed the face and the boundaries of Melbourne over the last 25 years. I’ll add to that a number of projects that I’ve heard most about, namely Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City and our long association with Chadstone. But I’d be remiss in not mentioning a host of exciting retail, residential, mixed use and hospitality projects currently underway including Eastland, SkyCity Adelaide, Imperial Doncaster, Marco Melbourne and Sovereign Square. GJ: How would you say your personal earlier career development has informed your management style? DM: I started with BHP Steel and was fortunate

to receive leadership training that I still apply today. I learnt a lot about working with others and about myself, including my strengths and weaknesses. Whilst progressing through roles in a mix of manufacturing, construction and professional services organisations (private and publicly listed), I completed a MBA and applied lessons from that in several challenging business environments. For me, it all starts with the right vision and strategy, and then it’s vital that the right people are in the right roles to implement that strategy. I love what I do, it’s my passion. When people see and feel that in me, and what they do, it becomes infectious. If everyone knows the contribution they are making towards a common strategic goal and they feel that their efforts are valued, then success is almost inevitable for them, our business and our clients. For more information contact The Buchan Group, 133 Rosslyn Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003, phone 03 9329 1077, fax 03 9329 0481, website



→ SPECIAL FOCUS Opposite From left Matthew Young, Kimberley Jong, Glen Evarts

Bring out your business’s best with Cordell Connect training Gaining a critical advantage over your competitors and transforming valuable information into business success is now a breeze thanks to Cordell Connect, Cordell’s ultimate lead generation and business development tool. Providing customers across Australia and New Zealand with tailored construction project information and leads, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Cordell Connect is the solution if you are looking to grow your business and increase market share. A critical focus for Cordell is ensuring that their customers are able to utilise Cordell Connect to its fullest potential. For customers, the capacity to use the program’s full suite of abilities translates into greater returns and business growth. A personalised training approach To ensure customers maximise the full benefits of Cordell Connect, Cordell has expanded its training team to provide an even greater one-on-one training approach. This training helps ensure customers can use Cordell Connect to their greatest advantage and help them drive a successful future for their business. Cordell Head Trainer Matthew Young, who has been a trainer with the company for over seven years, says his team’s priority is 20


to demonstrate to customers how to unlock the full potential of Cordell Connect for their specific business type, keeping in mind their business needs and goals. The expertise of Cordell’s trainers, teamed with the information that Cordell Connect provides, is a powerful combination to fast-track customers on the road to success. “The important thing our customers need to know is that we are here to help them use the program and to make sure they are using their subscription to the fullest,” Matthew said. “Our team goes all out to make sure the customer has the skills and ability to maximise the use of the program for their specific business goals.” The Cordell Connect training team provides a personalised training approach. This training is conducted over the phone, using a software program which allows the team, through a remote desktop application, to link their computer screen with the customer’s. The team will then ask the customer a series of questions to gauge their level of expertise. Any respective training is then targeted specifically to the customer’s needs and goals. “Before any training gets underway, the customer is provided with their login details and a basic manual which allows them AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW


to access the program, have a look around and try it out,” Matthew said. “Then once the customer has had a chance to have some time with the program, we will book in an initial training session. “Once the initial training is complete and the customer has had a week or two to practise and familiarise themselves with those features, we will follow on with additional intermediate and advanced level training if needed. Our aim is to guide them through the Cordell Connect experience, from basic to advanced level as efficiently and painlessly as possible.” Help is here The number of sessions required to learn and gain full use of the Cordell Connect is based on customers’ own IT skills and experience. “Some people may only require a couple of sessions, while others may need more. We will provide however many sessions are needed, whether it is three, five, six or more. Our number one priority is to make sure our customers are getting the absolute best use from the program,” Matthew said. “There is also ongoing support for our customers in the form of a helpdesk and a support line that customers can ring and ask questions.” WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Feedback from Cordell Connect customers who have undergone the training has been very positive, with customers reporting that the training has been extremely helpful in assisting them to maximise the full benefits of the program. “The program has a lot of information in it, but it is quite intuitive. We do try to keep our training simple and the feedback has been very positive,” Matthew added. Cordell Connect turns leads into income Whether you’re a large or small business, Cordell Connect is a powerful sales lead generation tool which not only gives your business a competitive edge and provides you with crucial industry insights, but also maximises your business’s exposure to the industry. Cordell’s Australia-wide research team, together with Pacifecon in New Zealand employ a thorough research process which ensures Cordell’s customers are equipped with the most reliable construction information across Australia and New Zealand. From the earliest stage of a project right through to construction, Cordell’s researchers continue to research and track projects to keep their customers informed of any updates in projects they ANCR SPECIAL FOCUS







are interested in. All information is fully researched, collated and verified before being entered into Cordell Connect, and the database is updated four times each week day. This ensures that the projects you are tracking always contain the latest details available, allowing you to make better business decisions. As well as having access to the details of over 100,000 projects at any one time, Cordell Connect also lets you pinpoint which projects are relevant for your business, so you can focus on them instead of wasting time searching through irrelevant projects. The program’s search function enables you to search against specific criteria, including a project’s name, category, construction stage, location, estimated value and more. Searches can be as simple or as complex as you like and you can also share information amongst your business’s other Cordell Connect users. It allows you to enter notes, set tasks and reminders around projects, analyse market trends and receive email alerts for projects or their tasks. The Cordell Connect program allows the user to search construction projects that are at various stages of the development cycle, including the tender stage. This allows businesses to be informed of what suitable projects are currently available for quoting and when the deadlines are for those quotes to be submitted. This can be invaluable in assisting you to prioritise, quote and win that next tender. Cordell Connect also provides downloadable tender documents where they are available, saving valuable time which you can put back into more important things! Implementing the Cordell Connect program into your business means you will have a valuable business development powerhouse at your fingertips, allowing your business to get involved in projects when it needs to, backed with the information and leads required. Greater understanding equals greater returns Matthew says that one of the most crucial aspects to your success using Cordell Connect is to learn how to search for the projects and information that are relevant to you in an efficient and effective way. “This is where training using the Cordell Connect program is crucial. The point of providing training for the program is to ensure our customers can get the information they’re seeking as efficiently and productively as they can,” he explains. “Our customers that are absolutely using the program to its fullest capacity are making money hand over fist using the leads in the program. They have realised the benefit of having a huge supply of pre-qualified leads. “It is vital that our customers understand that the training is here and that we are here to help ensure you get the most out of the program. “There is no additional cost for the training, merely time. The more training and more support you get, the greater benefit you will get from the program, which ultimately translates into greater business returns.” Find out about Cordell Information’s training solutions and how they can help you win more business, call 1800 80 60 60 or visit WWW.ANCR.COM.AU







In the know CF Group is an independent Geotechnical Contracting company offering a comprehensive range of Ground Engineering techniques, facilitated by state of the art installation equipment and an innovative approach to the construction of structural foundations, ground improvement and retaining structures. In addition to the conventional Geotechnical Contracting activities, CF Group undertakes a wide range of techniques to address environmental issues, in particular the stabilisation and containment of contaminants. Whilst covering a broad range of ground engineering techniques, much of the focus of the companies activities has been on the development of the Cutter Soil Mix (CSM) method of retaining wall construction and a “Turn Key” approach to basement construction and pile foundations. Cutter Soil Mix (CSM) Established in 2004, CF Group has concentrated its attention on the CSM method of construction for the installation of retaining walls to facilitate excavation for basement construction. The company pioneered this method in Sydney with most of its work carried out in the private development market. CF Group offers a comprehensive range of construction methods for retaining wall construction, from preformed elements such as sheet piles, to a variety of cast-in-situ piling methods and soil mixed diaphragm walls. Cutter Soil Mix Walls (CSM) is an emerging technique born from the development of cutter soil mix equipment manufactured in Europe and derived from the Hydrophraise equipment used in conventional diaphragm wall construction. The CSM technology of soil mixing is a departure from traditional soil mixing methods that involved paddles or augers rotating about a vertical axis and is instead based on a cutter/mixing unit comprised of a pair of cutter wheels counter rotating about horizontal axis, which create a rectangular shaped column of mixed soil. Listed below are the significant advantages yielded by the CSM method of wall installation, over other techniques:

• •

The appearance and finish of the exposed wall is superior to most other methods of construction. The construction technique involving secondary panels cutting back into primary panels facilitates watertight panel joints. A proportion of the in-situ soil is utilised as a component of the finished wall reducing the spoil quantities to be removed from site. Production rates are superior to most other techniques. The cutting unit is readily mounted on and operated from the company’s modern, hydraulic piling rigs. These high torque and crowd force piling rigs are capable of keying into rock and with their precision of adjustment and inherent rigidity; they eliminate the need for guide wall construction.

These factors make the CSM method of retaining wall construction an innovative and significant step forward for the industry. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU




Complete Basement Solutions In addition to the development of the CSM technology and the focus on basement construction, CF Group has pursued the Complete Basement Solution package with the aim of reducing the multitude of different trades associated with basement construction to a single contract. Irrespective of the method of retaining wall construction or piling system adopted, CF Group has, in house plant and equipment to enable it to cover these aspects as well as all other component activities of preparing a basement excavation for the structural take over. This process simplifies the planning of works, and by leaving the responsibility with a single entity, it eliminates the potential for disputes between different trades. Current Major Project 19-33 Kent Road, Mascot This development by Meriton Apartments is located in the Mascot Station precinct and covers a site area of approximately 3.15ha. The project incorporates high-density residential and commercial premises and includes a childcare centre. This inspiring project is currently the biggest single unit development in Sydney and one where the greatest number of CSM rigs were used on a single project. CF Group designed and constructed a CSM wall to serve the dual purpose of providing a cut off barrier against groundwater flow into the site footprint during basement excavation and construction, and to provide a retaining structure to facilitate excavation for





the basement car park which extended over the entire site area. Following the successful installation of the perimeter basement walls, Meriton undertook the basement excavation as a four stage process allowing access for CF Group to commence piling following excavation of stage one. Piling comprised of 600mm, 750mm and 900mm Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles for the support of the structures above.

because of the existence of a low permeability clay aquiclude at a relatively shallow depth below the basement excavation level which limited the zone of influence for each dewatering point.

This project demanded significant resources in order to meet the contractual deadlines; four installation rigs were used in construction of the CSM Shoring barrier/wall, and a total of five piling rigs for the installation of the foundation piles.

CF Group enjoys a successful working relationship with Meriton and this project is set to become a landmark building.

Issues that were addressed as part of the construction process included the sensitivity of surrounding premises to noise and vibration and managing the ground water regime. To facilitate the construction of the basement, whilst satisfying the concerns of adjacent property owners, the construction methods adopted were carefully monitored, controlled and managed through the application of sound dissipation equipment, and where appropriate, instrumentation and monitoring software equipment. The natural ground water surface, identified in the geotechnical report for the site, existed at a level above that of the proposed basement excavation level and temporary dewatering of the site was required to control the surface and subsurface hydrological environment to permit the basement structure to be constructed ‘in the dry’. The method adopted for the temporary dewatering was that of multiple spear points in rows around the site perimeter and across the site. This method was preferred to deep wells, despite the vast area to be treated,


As well as the clay aquiclude, localised layers of indurated sand created perched water levels which were more readily drained by close spaced spear points than would have been the case using wells.

Meriton is Australia’s largest apartment developer and has built 60,000 apartments in Sydney, Brisbane and the Gold Coast over the last 50 years. Founded by billionaire Harry Triguboff, who at the age of 81 is still managing director, the company has become one of Australia’s most trusted and respected builders. Meriton lays claim to Sydney’s tallest residential tower, World Tower, as well as Brisbane’s, Infinity tower. Its projects have changed the face of the city skyline in two of Australia’s state capitals. CF Group strives to provide creative solutions, seeking the optimum in foundation and ground engineering technology. The employment of appropriate equipment, rationalisation of concept designs and an approach to problem solving by thinking, “outside of the square,” are all directed to CF Group’s focus of providing economical and minimal risk solutions to clients along with delivering successful outcomes on all projects. For more information contact CF Group Pty Ltd, 26 Cranbrook Street, Botany NSW 2019, phone 02 9316 4012, email




Raising the bar in reinforcement cage assembly

Non Standard Cages

World leaders in reinforcement cage fabrication processes, Cagemaker offer clients, both locally and globally, the safest possible product in a timely and professional manner, from their state-of-theart facilities in Queensland and Western Australia. Cagemaker offer their valued clients the following services:

Cagemaker can also assemble square, rectangular, oval or triangular cages. Contact them to discuss your unique requirements, and Cagemaker will deliver.

Prefabrication From steel provided by the client, Cagemaker prefabricates the cages ready for delivery to site. Prefabrication services can also include: • Project management • Reinforcement material supply • Material supply management • Supply schedule management • Logistics coordination with a transport contractor and the onsite management team.

Cage Sizes

Round cages measuring: • 150mm-1800mm diameter, 18 metres in length • 1800mm-3000mm diameter, 15 metres in length 28


Welding All welding is performed to the client’s specifications, and where applicable, in accordance to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 1554.3:2008 and the Standard Specification DMR QLD, RTA – NSW, and the DMR – WA.

Storage Available by negotiation at Cagemaker’s premises in South East Queensland and Western Australia.

For more information please contact Cagemaker Equipment Pty Ltd, 65 Rotary Park Road, Alberton QLD 4207, phone 07 3807 0000, fax 07 3807 1133, email (General) prefab@ (Prefabrication), website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW


Specialists lead the way in work standards As specialists in air control, the CCS Group is known for its high standards in every element of the work the company undertakes. From planning to completion, the professionalism and personal commitment of senior management and site tradesmen ensure the delivery of high quality construction projects. Director James Kilmartin said it was thrilling to see how far this locally owned and operated business had come since its inception in Canberra in 2002. “Every member of the company is proud of the reputation we have gained in the industry for our attention to detail, problem solving and efficiency which are vital elements in our profession,” he said. The CCS group is in the business of planning, designing, construction, commissioning and maintaining of heating, ventilation and airconditioning systems in commercial buildings. CCS Group offers a full range of building service and maintenance solutions including HVAC, DDC Control, electrical and lighting. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

The exceptional standard of CCS Groups work can be seen on one of its most recent projects 28 Sydney Avenue. At the heart of the Nabers 5 Star energy efficient design is an elegant, well installed, commissioned and maintained HVAC system. In recent years CCS has delivered multiple buildings at the Australian National University notably completing the design and construct of the 6 Star Green Star Frank Fenner Building – Canberra’s greenest building. A similar HVAC design was commissioned by the ANU for its more recent Centre for China in the World project which was subsequently built by CCS. The complementary nature of the Construction, Engineering and Facilities Maintenance arms of CCS is apparent from the beginning to end of a building’s lifecycle. A commitment to their clients to asset manage and fine tune mechanical systems puts CCS group at the leading edge in the HVAC industry. For more information contact CCS Group Construction/Engineering, 2 Taubman Street Fyshwick ACT 2609, phone 02 6203 2444, website ANCR SPECIAL FOCUS



Louvreclad - Thinking Outside For Inside Performance After helping to create some of Australia’s most iconic buildings for the last 25 years, Lowline Group has launched a new chapter – rebranding as Louvreclad. Louvreclad spokesperson said the company’s louvres, screens, ventilators, balustrading and cladding would continue to be designed, manufactured and installed in accordance with the superior quality and standards the industry has come to know and expect. “We’re excited to offer the design and construction industry a refreshed and renewed approach to achieving their visions and delivering their projects, no matter the size, complexity, timeframe or budget,” he said. “Our name may have changed but we’re the same people with the same commitment to producing extraordinary exteriors. We’ll continue to innovate, strengthen and extend our range of highperforming products and bespoke solutions. Louvreclad’s products offer a range of clever benefits from privacy and weather protection to energy efficiency, natural air flow and smoke ventilation. “At Louvreclad, we are always thinking outside for inside performance”, he said.



“Our experience and technical knowledge leads the way in the industry. Our business is proudly built on architectural and engineering excellence to meet Australian standards, backed by certification and comprehensive warranties. “It’s our creative, outside-the-square thinking and customised solutions that make a crucial difference to a project’s success and a building’s overall comfort, safety and performance. We continue to set new standards for environmentally sustainable designs that boost energy efficiency and enhance Green Star ratings.” Louvreclad’s functional designs and durable products have a track record of delivering remarkable results for specifiers, builders and trade subcontractors, and creating exterior architectural solutions that stand out.

For more information about how Louvreclad can deliver upon your project needs and vision visit, call 1300 165 678 or email


GOOD SPORTS Kersulting Pty Ltd is a structural and civil engineering consulting practice specialising in the delivery of high quality community, institutional, sporting, recreation and education buildings. “We are a people and project focused practice based on the philosophy of delivering projects for our clients using high levels of communication to efficiently apply and utilise the vast knowledge won by our extensive collective experience,” said Nathan Grigg (Director). Kersulting’s recent projects include the Essendon Football Club, Richmond Football Club and CSL’s Privigen facility. Essendon Football Club at Tullamarine is a purpose built elite training facility, affectionately known as the Flight Deck. Kersulting were the structural and civil engineers responsible for the design, documentation and construction supervision of the training building, administration building, and new ovals. Kersulting were also responsible for the structural engineering design and documentation for Richmond Football Club’s new building, which includes an elite indigenous training academy and function room. Kersulting were the structural and civil engineers responsible for the design and documentation of the 6000sqm development for CSL’s Privigen at Broadmeadows. The complexity and expanse of the functional spaces in each project remains of singular importance to the ongoing operation of each facility. “This was made possible in each case by the dedication and diligence of Kersulting’s design team, in providing not just a long-span structure, but a structure that, in each case, truly performs and exceeds the client’s expectations,” said Nathan. The long-span roofs at Essendon utilised post-tensioned steel trusses. Kersulting not only designed the trusses to take advantage of the post-tensioning when resisting the significant wind uplift, but also ultimately designed and documented the detailed erection and stressing sequence. “At the core of our practice is our enthusiasm and the willingness to take on complex and challenging projects,” added Nathan. “Our extensive and widely varied completed project list attests to this. We have a very ‘hands on’ and friendly approach which we believe sets us apart.” For more information contact Kersulting Pty Ltd, 1/173 Burke Road Glen Iris VIC 3146, phone 03 9885 4335, fax 03 9885 0479, website WWW.ANCR.COM.AU




No Precast Task Too Hard Servicing the top end of the architectural precast concrete market, SA Precast offers their clients reliable, quality products and services at competitive prices. From their Adelaide office, they provide drafting, panel erecting and onsite project management for their clients, and offer the option of setting up small regi onal facilities to service specific projects. With projects ranging from small to largescale multi-million dollar developments, SA Precast provide high quality polished reconstructed granite, acid washed, sand blasted and off form finishes on precast concrete panels. They also have the expertise and equipment to undertake structural and pre-stressed precast concrete work. Recently, SA Precast were engaged by Richard Crookes Construction to manufacture the precast panels for the Wollongong College project. This consisted of 166 different shaped precast units with an off-from-board pattern finish, totalling more than 2700m2. Many of these precast were radiuses panels, with radiuses returns for windows and door openings. Included were eight freestanding wing walls, which consisted of 62 panels with the off-from-board finish on one face, and a light acid etch on the other face. The original design for the Wollongong College had called for the walls to be casted 32


insitu, but soon had to be changed to precast. However, this proved difficult to terms of maintaining the original architectural intent, as well as overcoming some structural issues. The main issue was the walls were load bearing and, due to the number of door and window openings, panel joints and panel connections had to be considered carefully for load transfer. After much discussion with the engineer, architect and builder, a suitable panel design was achieved. Another challenge that presented itself was the eight freestanding wing walls. The design requested no connections to these wing walls and the architect was adamant that this had to remain. Insitu this was an option, as the wall was made continuous, however in the precast design the wall had panel joints to cope with transport and manufacturing requirements. This was overcome by casting in VSL Ducts in to the panels to place stressing cable through the walls horizontally and anchor into an insitu column that was formed against the first precast panel that tied into the building structure. These stressing cables were than post tensioned, providing the strength required to create the freestanding wing walls. For more information contact SA Precast Pty Ltd, 72 Days Road, Croydon Park SA 5008, phone 08 8346 1771, fax 08 8340 1645 email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW


Specialists in their field Founded on over 20 years of experience, Faraday Pty Ltd designs, installs and tests Electromagnetic Shielding systems for major medical, commercial, industrial, and defence projects throughout Australia and New Zealand. Perth’s Fiona Stanley Hospital is one facility to benefit from the Melbourne based company’s expertise. For the project, Faraday completed a “suite of EEG, EMG rooms as well as two MRI suites for neurophysiological purposes”, Director Kingsley McRae says. Outside of the Faraday cages the company installed, “small pulse data, from an EEG for example, is much more likely to be corrupt or incorrect,” he said. “A factor that escapes the notice of many clinicians.” Another Melbourne project, Parkville Neuroscience Research Unit, highlights Faraday’s cooperative management style as well as its start to finish design, installation and testing solutions. Significant constraints on normal building work were posed by the installation of the project’s 42 tonne, 7 tesla strength research magnet one of the strongest in the world and the addition of a Faraday cage and massive magnetic shield. Faraday invested considerable time “working with everyone from the electrician to air-conditioning guy, to overcome the project’s design restrictions and requirements,” Mr McRae said. With specialist testing, Faraday profiles and delivers solutions for problematic sites. In one case it was the massive magnetic field generated by Melbourne trams, 50 metres from Peter Doherty’s Institute’s sensitive electromagnetic microscope. Faraday designed “a system of active compensation, generating a counter-veiling magnetic field, enabling the microscope to work in an environment it would not otherwise work in,” said Mr McRae. From Faraday Pty Ltd’s beginnings in 2002, the Director determined to have a national focus. “By employing 14 full-time Australian staff, we maintain quality control. We are proudly Australian owned and Australia based”, Mr McRae said. With few other Australian specialists in the field, the fact is vital for ensuring the quality services Faraday takes prides in. For more information contact Faraday Pty Ltd, PO Box 555, Bayswater VIC 3153, phone 03 9729 5000, fax 03 9729 9911, website:





AN ARTFULLY EXCEPTIONAL PIECE Only a unique piece of artwork could complement such a distinctive building as Infinity – a piece that was curated and delivered by Artfully’s Beth Jackson. The result is the large-scale suspended artwork Continuum by Brisbane-based artist Carly Scoufos. Located in the entry foyer at 43 Herschel Street Brisbane, the woven bronze wire piece has two major components – one swelling over the reception desk and the other hanging dramatically in the foyer’s void. “The work is remarkable for its scale and it is all handmade by the artist, so it has a beautiful intimate quality about it,” Beth said. “There is also rich shadow play across the walls. It fills the void in a stunning way.” 34


Beth, who has worked in public art for the past decade, founded Artfully two years ago. The company specialises in the curating, project management, policy and planning of public art. Artfully is currently curating and managing a major external façade artwork commission for The Milton development with Aveo Group (formerly FKP) in Brisbane. “Public artworks make buildings unique and distinctive, while also making them part of a broader creative place conversation,” Beth added.

For more information contact Artfully, phone 07 3399 5630, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW


Reputation for exceptional quality

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX A complex project requiring exceptional quality? Cubic prides itself on its ability to tackle complex projects and in its “reputation for exceptional quality”. Cubic is a Design and Build business specialising in the supply and installation of solid partitions, wall systems, balustrades, ceilings and glazed partitions for large commercial projects and educational, health and research facilities. The Charles Perkins Centre at Sydney University, NSW, is one of Cubic recent projects. Brookfield Multiplex, with whom Cubic has a longstanding relationship, completed the $220 million research and education building under a design and construct contract in time for the 2014 academic year. The 6 level, 46,700 square metres facility dedicated to researching the cause and treatment of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease can cater for 950 researchers and over 1,400 students. The 3 main sections of the building include an administrative section, a research section and a hospital section where people with obesity related illness come to be treated. “What sets this building apart is the incredible internal atrium with its curved balustrade and spiralling stairs,” said Robert Migliorino, WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Photo by Richard Drew - Slikpics

the Director of Cubic. Cubic did the detailed documentation of the internal atrium from the concept provided by FJMT Architects. The company then supplied and constructed the ceiling, stairs and balustrades. “Cubic take pride in doing the fitout for the entire building to a high standard of finishes within a very tight construction programme,” said Robert Migliorino. Cubic is a privately owned business, launched in 1995 with 100 employees including qualified architects, designers, WHS professionals, accredited estimators, contract personnel, project and construction managers and highly skilled tradespeople. Cubic takes pride in having recently obtained a IMS (Integrated Management System) certification which includes AS4801(Occupational Health & Safety management), ISO9001 (quality management) and ISO14001 (environmental management) and believes it sets them apart from their competitors.

For more information contact Cubic Interiors, Unit 4, 4 The Avenue of Americas, Newington NSW 2127, phone 1300 028 242, fax 1300 056 369, email, website ANCR SPECIAL FOCUS



KEEPING AUSTRALIA CLEAN Established in 1984 by Managing Director Ian Malouf, Dial A Dump Industries Pty Ltd (DADI) has a long-standing history within the Construction and Demolition Industry. Over the last 30 years we have innovatively expanded our services to meet the changing needs of our customers, focusing on unequalled service, competitive rates and strong environmental practices. DADI offers you a variety of services at convenient locations: 1. Alexandria Recycling and Landfill Facility (10-16 Albert Street, St Peters) 2. Genesis Recycling and Landfill Facility (Honeycomb Drive, Eastern Creek) 3. DADI Skip Bins - Servicing Metropolitan Sydney 4. Dial A Product - Recycled and quarried products for all landscaping and civil needs 5. Transport Division - contracted to remove large volumes of waste from all over Sydney 6. The Next Generation – Waste to energy plant. DADI’s state of the art resources include :

• • •

More than 40 late model Trucks 30 items of major Plant and Equipment Over 3,200 waste bins

The Next Generation NSW (TNG) is a local company based in NSW and we are proposing to develop Australia’s first Electricity Generation Facility at Honeycomb Drive, Eastern Creek, located within the M7 Business Hub. This facility




will dramatically reduce the generation of greenhouse gases and will help to solve the energy and waste needs of Western Sydney over the next 50 years. IT’S CLEAN AND IT’S GREEN The technology uses safe, reliable and proven technology to create green energy from waste that would otherwise go straight to landfill. Best practice accountable emissions monitoring technology to constantly demonstrate that there are no harmful emissions to the environment, air, soil or water. DADI employs approximately 150 staff including an expert, hands-on management team. Collectively they consult with clients on their waste management needs to find cost effective solutions and assist in the development of complete waste management plans. DADI is a member of the Green Building Council of Australia and Landscape Association NSW & ACT. For more information contact Dial A Dump Industries, phone 02 9519 9999, email, website




GREEN WITH ENVY DEVELOPER: Cbus Property BUILDER: Brookfield Multiplex CONSTRUCTION VALUE: $350 million COMPLETION DATE: Mid 2014 Building Surveyor - Mackenzie Group Architects - Hassell




Opposite 720 Bourke St. in Melbourne's CBD adds to the incredible architecture in the area

The $350M 720 Bourke Street comprises 16 levels of A-Grade commercial office retail offices as well as Australia’s first living façade. The latest commercial development undertaken by Cbus Property is located at 720 Bourke Street in Melbourne. The project sees the construction of a mixed-use development ideally positioned on the corner of Bourke Street and Wurundjeri Way, Docklands. 720 Bourke Street comprises of 46,500m2 of unrivaled office space, with a large majority (30,000m2) of the tenancy precommittted to Medibank Private. It is spread over 20 levels and includes 70 car parking spaces. The development also features a remarkable green façade along with terraces and urban spaces featuring organic themes, which capture Medibank’s aspirations, and embraces the concept of living and breathing better health. 720 Bourke Street is a highly sustainable investment targeting a 6 Star Green Star design and a 5 Star NABERS rating. It embraces leading energy and water performance; innovative technology; water recycling and due to its location, is able to provide sustainable transport methods. The most challenging, and rewarding, design element on the project was the living green façade. Everything from the selection of plant species through to the irrigation system required meticulous attention and planning to ensure the successful plant growth in a challenging climate such as docklands.

720 Bourke Street features central atrium which extends through all floors and provides an abundance of natural light. Other ESD features include recycled water use, a large storage tank for rainwater catchment, building management system, timer controlled mechanical and electrical systems and an under floor air distribution system. 720 Bourke Street is the first development to undertake façade planting of this scale in Melbourne and the development is sure to become a striking conversation point for all who come to visit 720 Bourke Street. Cbus Property is a unique property investor and developer with the company’s core business a reflection of Cbus’ philosophical commitment to investing in the Property and Construction Industry, which employs its members. Cbus Property has extensive experience as an owner, manager and developer of high quality properties in Australia. The company has a strong record of working cooperatively and successfully with many of Australia's biggest and most highly regarded builders, consultants and tenants. And because they are dedicated to delivering long-term stable returns to over 700,000 members of the Cbus Superannuation Fund, you can be sure they have a strong focus on commercial outcomes. Just as importantly, they are committed to environmental sustainability.. Their capabilities are extensive and Cbus Property has the expertise to meet all project needs. Their specialist teams of professionals have the skills to handle every aspect of an investment. From acquisition, finance, investment and portfolio management, contracts and planning, right through to design and development management, they can do it all. The company encourages creativity, responsibility and accountability and offers a vibrant and supportive work environment. For more information contact Cbus Property, Level 7, 550 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, phone 03 9639 0131, website




Right ASP were able to accommodate various floor finishes throughout 720 Bourke Street.

ASP Access Floors was appointed by Brookfield Multiplex to carry out the access floor works on the 720 Bourke Street development in Melbourne. The project involved base building and an integrated fit-out with the access floor component being 42,000m2, the majority using ASP’s Medium Grade Air Tight system at 600mm Finished Floor Height, and creating an underfloor air plenum. ASP incorporated the use of many accessories within the development including their patented Air Tight Stringer, zone baffles and bridging. The under-floor air plenum required regular coordination with other service trades to ensure correct airtight seals were installed in both base build and the integrated fit-out. The Air Tight requirements of the project were based around the BSRIA Guide. To ensure ASP’s Air Tight Systems compliance with this guide, a specific prototype was assembled and a NATA accredited organisation was employed to perform an air pressure test. This was witnessed by Brookfield Multiplex’s Service Coordinator and relevant consultants. ASP can be quite proud of the great success they have achieved on this project, with over one hundred zones tested and passing. In 2013, ASP introduced a new product to their range: the Calcium Sulphate Interlock System. This system was used in the Medibank project, throughout lift lobbies and amenities areas. It offers the builder an access floor that does not require a substrate when laying stone or tiles these can be directly adhered to the surface of the calcium sulphate panel without the risk of cracking. It offers a more cost effective solution by eliminating the need for a substrate. ASP Access Floors Pty Limited is a leading global company that specialises in the



manufacture, distribution and installation of access floors across Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and Asia. Their sole mission is to provide all clients with exceptional products and service Since conception, ASP has delivered some of the most effective solutions on the market. Through research and analysing current trends and problems that occur within the access flooring industry, they have already developed some of the most unique and effective products available today. These products are a unique ASP design and are patented worldwide. ASP prides itself on providing products that have a positive effect on the environment. Their product is made up of approximately 98% recycled content and the company is now a CarbonZero and CEMARS Certified organisation. ASP Access Floors has completed numerous high profile projects around the world. In Australia the following notable projects have been undertaken: • • • • • •

ANZ Head Office, Docklands - 25,000m2 1 Bligh Street, Sydney - 40,000m2 Commonwealth Bank, Darling Walk - 48,000m2 Brisbane Supreme Courts - 25,000m2 C7 Aurecon - 16,000m2 University of Technology, Sydney - 22,500m2

ASP Access Floors was proud to work in conjunction with Brookfield Multiplex to complete this high profile Green Star project.

For more information contact ASP Access Floors, phone 02 9620 9915, fax 02 9620 9918, email, website





Below Prima Architectural Joinery and Schiavello Construction delivered a large-scale, highly detailed workplace fitout for 720 Bourke Street, a new milestone Docklands development.

An inspired addition to Melbourne’s Docklands precinct, 720 Bourke Street is a showcase of the best in sustainable building and design, and an exciting evolution of the modern workplace. With Medibank secured as a major anchor tenant, the project called for a delivery team that could exceed expectations, and support the needs of a best-practices organisation. Prima Architectural Joinery and Schiavello Construction had the pleasure of working with Brookfield Multiplex on the project, building upon a long and successful partnership. Schiavello subsidiary Prima Architectural Joinery, and Schiavello Construction were engaged to deliver the joinery and interior construction for 14 levels of commercial office space; a large-scale, detailed workplace fitout that required close coordination under a tight timeframe. The team’s deep level of expertise was called upon to deliver highly detailed partitioning work, ceilings and doors. Prima Architectural Joinery, one of the largest joinery operations in Australia, delivered an immaculate array of specialised architectural joinery – from feature planter boxes on all levels, a 25 metre high timber canopy, golf ball-inspired walls, and unique timber elements that artistically reflect the city skyline of Melbourne. Heritage Glass 42


contributed to a grand “cloud” – a glass conference room that seemingly hovers above the skyline. Targeting a 6 Star Green Star design and a 5 Star NABERS rating, the new building features recycled water use, a 230,000 litre storage tank for rainwater catchment, building management system, timer controlled mechanical and electrical systems and an under floor air distribution system. The development boasts a central atrium which extends to all floors, delivering an abundance of natural light through the interior. Fast approaching 50 years of delivering inspiring and award-winning construction projects for many of the world’s most respected brands, Schiavello Construction continues to be a partner of choice. The company directly employs in excess of 300 qualified construction managers, cost specialists, contract administrators, safety, quality and sustainability experts, site managers, skilled tradespeople and labourers to provide clients with a comprehensive pool of in-house services.

For more information contact Schiavello Construction, 1 Sharps Road, Tullamarine VIC 3043, phone 03 9330 8888 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Huge developments such as 720 Bourke Street requires great attention to detail in terms of planning and PPM delivered once again.

Standing at the corner of Bourke Street and Wurindjeri Way, at the Gateway to Docklands commercial precinct, stands Bourke Junction. This iconic triangular development is the new home to both Medibank and the NAB Docklands 2 Campus. Developed by Cbus Property, these two marquee buildings deliver in excess of 160,000m2 of GFA. Both buildings have attained a 6 star Greenstar rating and NAB received a 6 star Greenstar Office Interiors rating. Project Planning and Management (PPM) has been involved with this site since 2007 when they were engaged to manage the entire development site for the consortium of Cbus Property, ISPT and EPC. In 2010, Cbus Property acquired the sole rights for the development. Cbus and PPM formed an impressive partnership that was successful in securing NAB for a 60,000m2 NLA commercial development for the north portion of the site. This project is known as 700 Bourke Street. Later in 2012, Medibank was secured as the anchor tenant for the commercial office tower on the southern site, known as 720 Bourke Street. During their seven-year involvement on the site, as both project manager and superintendent, PPM has successfully delivered an impressive fully integrated commercial office space to the value of $600 million. PPM provides professional management services to organisations that WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

need to develop property as a core business or to support and enhance their fundamental business. PPM delivers successful outcomes in terms of cost, time and quality. Their capabilities are listed below;

Development Management – identification and analysis of commercial opportunities, due diligence for acquisition, Planning and Authority liaison, financial modelling and feasibility studies, master planning, delivery studies and development options.

Project Management – consultant selection and engagement, project team leadership and motivation, design management, quality assurance, market analysis and tendering studies, risk analysis, planning and programming, budget management, contract administration, superintendency of D&C contracts, commissioning, planning and management

For more information contact Project Planning & Management P/L, phone 03 9699 5200, fax 03 9699 5077, email, website VIC PROJECT FEATURE 720 BOURKE STREET


Below Leaders in aluminium installation, Keystone, provided brackets, curtain walls, unitised panels along with the installation of subframing and balcony windows.

Keystone Installations specialises in providing high quality services to the façade installation industry. These services include: • Aluminium curtain wall installation and labour hire • Architectural cladding and specialised facade work • Windows, doors, shopfronts and atriums • Alucobond & composite panels Their highly skilled and experienced team consists of site managers, ticketed crane operators, dogmen, carpenters, labourers and first aid representatives ensuring best workplace methods are always in place. Keystone staff are fully ticketed to meet industry standards and practice. The team recently carried out work on the 720 Bourke Street development in Melbourne. Works included the installation of brackets, curtain walls, unitised panels along with the installation of sub framing and balcony windows. Keystone Installations was established in 1987 to provide professional facade installation contracting services. Keystone is recognised in Melbourne as leaders in commercial aluminium façade installations. Their work is known to be of a high standard and they have worked on many notable developments. Previous projects include: 44


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ANZ Headquarters, Docklands Myer Headquarters, Docklands Upper Westside Stage 1 BHP Headquarters, 171 Collins St. Melbourne CBW, 181 Williams St. Melbourne

Since inception, Keystone has contracted and managed some of the biggest construction projects in Australia. This innovative company offers adaptable solutions to meet their clients needs and stand by the following points: 1. Completive edge to suit client needs 2. Project quality and facade installation programs to meet builders construction needs 3. The latest machinery & facade installation techniques to suit industry standards 4. OHS plans and procedures to comply with Australian Standard and a highly experienced workforce For more information contact Keystone Installations, PO Box 297, Bundoora VIC 3083 Australia, mobile 0412 407 775, email AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Fytogreen have become industry pioneers with their pre-grown greenwalls and green façades.

Fytogreen was contracted for the design and construction of three “green” elements for the 720 Bourke Street project in Melbourne. The innovative works on this development included 520 pre-grown green façade modules (from Level 1 to Level 16), a 400m2 greenwall on Bourke St and 640m2 of rooftop gardens spread throughout different levels of the building. As with any inner city construction, space proved to be challenging at times along with access issues for staff and incoming materials. The team at Fytogreen worked hard to overcome these issues and maintain a seamless workplace. The pre-grown green façade technique used at 720 Bourke Street is a first of its kind for Australia. This system had to be installed from the outside of the building in a pre-grown form. Due to this technique being the first of its type, there was an eminent need to provide assurance to the client and builder. Fytogreen used their extensive horticultural experience to provide the reassurance and trust needed to undertake and deliver this eye-catching development. When it comes to inspiring roof gardens, vertical gardens and green facades, Fytogreen are the leaders. They provide the latest technology WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

and systems for greening the built environment, including design, construct and maintenance services for:

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Green roofs & Rooftop gardens Vertical gardens and Green walls Green facades & Living walls Amazing displays for trade shows, parties or property sales.

They also offer horticultural products for hydroponics, soil enhancement and amelioration and tree rootball anchors to the landscape industry. Their company is backed with 28 years of international research and growing experience modified and perfected to suit various climatic conditions around the world. Fytogreen are the largest supplier to the roof garden industry in Australia and New Zealand in component supply and installation, through to complete design, construction and maintenance. For more information contact Fytogreen Australia Pty Ltd, 3 Webbs Lane, Somerville VIC 3912, phone 03 5978 0511, website VIC PROJECT FEATURE 720 BOURKE STREET


720 Bourke Street, Melbourne, VIC




Below Eascom worked on the highly sustainable electrical, communications, lighting and lighting development on 720 Bourke Street.

Established in 2009, Eascom has successfully evolved to become a market leader in electrical contracting and maintenance works within Australia. Just recently Eascom have completed the electrical installation at the 720 Bourke Street Docklands project: a CBUS development. The Eascom scope of works on this highly sustainable development included Design and Construct of the electrical and communications infrastructure. This included all lighting and Dynalite DALI lighting control system. Eascom relied on their extensive knowledge to undertake the installation of 2 x 2250 kva standby generators for full power backup of the entire building, an 800 kwatt Tri Generation plant and 40kw solar installation. More than 75 staff were involved with this project and completed the project within budget and the scheduled completion date. Eascom is supported by a fantastic group of talented and committed staff who are dedicated to providing the quality service that Eascom is renowned for. The company also focuses on ensuring all projects are completed to deadline and within budget. The solutions provided to their clients are always centered on a holistic approach whilst providing innovation and environmentally sustainable outcomes. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Eascom has also been carrying out work on the following projects:

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GTV9 Pheonix Apartments The Grand Apartments South Bank La Trobe Health Science Bendigo Campus La Trobe Student Accommodation Dandenong Hospital

Eascom has worked on some of Australia’s largest construction management projects and are capable of delivering their services on developments of all scales. The management team at Eascom believes in working closely with their clients and understanding their vision. The company is particularly focused on providing a safe work environment along with educating and building quality staff.

ABN: 74769447411 REC: 20282 Unit 16, 28-36 Sabre Drive, Pt. Melbourne 3207 VIC PROJECT FEATURE 720 BOURKE STREET


form meets function at Emporia Apartments The Emporia is based in the heart of Prahran, Melbourne. It is an exciting contemporary apartment development with city views, stunning timber floors throughout, Italian kitchens, fully tiled bathrooms, 1-3 bedroom apartments. CONTRACTOR : Kane Construction PROJECT VALUE : $45 million (Design & Construct) COMPLETION : October 2014 ARCHITECT : Idle Architecture Studio Consultants : Property Development Analysis, Carr Design




‘Where form meets function, you find good design. And at Emporia, you find it everywhere.’ Emporia is the latest apartment development to grace the bustling inner city Melbourne suburb of Prahran. In a prime location opposite the Prahran Market and within a short stroll to the fashionable Chapel Street shopping precinct, Emporia presents a striking addition to the street scape. Avoiding Disaster Kane Constructions stepped in to the project after the incumbent head contractor hit financial troubles. Construction had commenced with the bulk earthworks and retention system 80% complete. Following an intense due diligence process, Kane entered in to a design and construct contract to complete the works. Moving quickly and achieving value management of the design resulted in the construction cost to complete being marginally lower, thus ensuring no adverse time or cost impact to the development. To aid a smooth transition at the coalface, some members of the previous construction team joined Kane and were supplemented by senior Kane managers. Key subcontractors were novated to Kane and the project financiers were put at ease by the strength of Kane’s balance sheet and previous project experience. Kane Project Director Richard Frisina led the due diligence process and has subsequently been responsible for the project delivery. ‘We are extremely pleased with the manner in which the transition occurred. Not a single production day was lost. A potentially disastrous situation for the developer was avoided.’ The building and ‘that façade’ Emporia comprises 140 apartments over nine levels. The free form shaped building sits on top of a four level basement with parking for 160 cars. The footprint of the basement encompasses the entire site. Retail spaces occupy the ground level along Commercial Road with communal spaces including an outdoor terrace for apartment owners are located on the north side of Level 1. A traditional retention system was utilised for the basement with BubbleDeck used for the car park suspended slabs and a WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Dincel wall system introduced to expedite program. Over $1 million of car stackers have been incorporated into the basement to enable greater spatial efficiencies. The balance the structure comprised post tensioned slabs, in-situ spine walls and precast cores with wet joints. Double height precast concrete columns were also introduced to aid cycle times. From an external perspective, what really sets Emporia apart from the pack is the façade. Comprising brilliant white precast concrete panels (including curved panels) and a unique unitised curved curtain wall system with horizontal blades, fritted double glazed glass and composite panelling – the façade is truly unique. The curtain wall element of the façade took nearly 12 months to design, procure and ship. Fabrication was undertaken in China and required detailed oversight from the Kane design manager and project engineer. ‘I have spent upwards of twelve weeks on and off in China overseeing fabrication, testing and assembly of the curtain wall’, says Ross De Gallo, Kane project engineer. ‘It’s been not without its challenges but the outcome is truly amazing.’ Logistical Challenges The Emporia is located on a corner site fronting busy Commercial Road (which houses tram lines). The Prahran Market is located to the north whilst the Cullen Art Series Hotel shares the small street to the east. Existing buildings are located on the south and west boundaries including multiple apartments. Detailed planning with council was required to approve the Construction Management Plan. The Kane team kept local residents, retailers and the hotel regularly informed of key construction activities – major pours, street closures for tower crane erection/ removal and the like. The result has been a smooth run project without the conflict that can easily arise through mismanagement and poor communication. Saving the client from potential disaster and delivering a unique inner city apartment building on a challenging site has been a fulfilling undertaking for the team at Kane Constructions. For more information contact Kane Constructions Pty Ltd, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121, phone 03 8420 1200, fax 03 8420 1201, website



PDA Australia Located right in the heart of Melbourne’s most vibrant inner city village, Prahran, Emporia’s superbly detailed apartments combine spacious, light-filled luxury with award winning design. An iconic new address for Melbourne, PDA Australia was an integral part of making this project a reality. Development manager Matt Walton said PDA was engaged by the landowner to undertake a review of the existing approved planning permit and identify any opportunity to further enhance the project outcomes. “The landowner could appreciate that based on our extensive knowledge and experience we were able to see the real possibilities that developing these apartments could bring to the area,” he said. “We carried out a detailed feasibility analysis and the decision was made to apply for a new planning permit that greatly increased the density and financial outcomes for the project. “PDA then proceeded to engage a new design team and through collaboration with local real estate agents and contractors were able to conceptualise and develop a new scheme, navigate the planning hurdles and proceed to acquire a permit for the current scheme.” With 140 quality apartments due for completion in spring 2014, residents will soon be able to enjoy residential living combined with shops, cafés and other retail possibilities, including basement car parking. As a development management company, PDA Australia continues to offer consulting services in many property related activities including site analysis and acquisition, project feasibility analysis, planning permit application submissions, project funding, project management and various property related negotiations. Begun by director Andrew Rice in 1998, through his clear focus and commitment, PDA Australia has become a well known name in the industry and continues to work on substantial developments, most recently 12 Queens Road Melbourne. “It is very important to me and my team that we follow through on every project right to the end to ensure that we achieve exceptional outcomes for our client,” Andrew said.

For more information contact PDA Australia Pty Ltd, 1212, 9 Yarra Street, South Yarra VIC 3141, phone 0418 395 121, website 50



Company towers above the rest for quality Stunning 360 degree views of some of Melbourne’s most spectacular areas including Port Phillip Bay and the Royal Melbourne Botanic Gardens are able to be beheld from Emporia Apartments. The height needed to make this remarkable project and the views from the property’s corner vantage point a reality during construction is no mean feat. An integral part of this was Select Cranes, one of the leaders in tower and mobile crane hire, operating out of Melbourne for over 10 years. Select Cranes project managers Peter Owen and Glenn Moulin said the company offered a diverse range of Tower Cranes. “Add to that our crane crews are committed to providing the best service in the industry, with never a compromise on quality,” he said. “For us to be working on projects of such significance as Emporia Apartments, the Geelong Hospital, Living Carlton Stage Nine, Smith Street Collingwood and Box Hill ATO with well respected construction companies as Kane, Hacer and Grocon show that we are experts in our trade. “It is clear; Select Cranes is a dynamic company that prides itself on hiring out safe and reliable cranes supported by friendly and skilled people.” Since its inception Select Cranes has continued to expand its services, starting out with one crane and now boasting a fleet of WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

diverse range of cranes to suit any construction site requirements. As well as professional crane crew, riggers and dogmen and mechanical services. The Emporia Apartments project saw four of Select Cranes 20 staff focused on erection of a tower crane which they continued to man throughout the project to ensure all safety requirements were followed through and dismantling on completion. There was also hire of a Franna Crane to assist with concrete panel rotation as this is the ideal crane for use when moving objects around a construction site. “It is vital on all projects to have our crane hire supported by our panel and tower crane erection crew as they are specialists in their industry and know how to best operate this machinery.” For more information contact Select Cranes & Rigging Pty Ltd, 8 Ganton Court, Williamstown North VIC 3016, phone 03 9399 5311, email, website VIC PROJECT FEATURE EMPORIA APARTMENTS


Collaborative approach for one of Melbourne’s tallest buildings MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Hickory Group CONSTRUCTION VALUE: $161 million COMPLETION DATE: Late 2014 ARCHITECT: Bruce Henderson Architects STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Meinhardt Group SURVEYOR: PLP Building Surveyors




The $161M, 568 Collins St. Project will be one of the tallest towers in the Melbourne CBD. It contains 567 units and first class amenities such as pool, spa, sauna, gym and includes many engineering innovations due to its compact 30m by 40m site. 568 Collins Street is one of the newest towers to grace Melbourne’s skyline. The 68-storey tower comprises of 567 apartments, spanning 51 levels, with retail tenancies and a ten-storey podium car park to house 266 cars. Residents can enjoy the first class amenities such as a pool, spa, sauna and gym. One of the tallest towers within the CBD, the $161 million project was extremely complex due to the compact nature of the site—a mere 30m by 40m. The project was overseen by Hickory Group, who worked closely on the design buildability with the client, design engineers and architects, resulting in a solution that is viable on a cost and design level, while delivering a transferfree structure through the apartment levels. Over a period of 36 months, Hickory have directly employed workers to undertake the construction of structure, façade installation and carpentry works, supplemented by a committed team of over fifty subcontractors. The development has utilised a core alternative to sheer walls for stability, linked at two levels to four large outrigger columns. The small 1200m2 site footprint is nearly completely occupied by the building, creating a very limited laydown area. Hickory overcame this challenge by negotiating with the property owner of the adjoining building, to construct a temporary gantry on the rooftop, providing additional space for construction and material movement. The site also required over 100 bearing piles, ranging from 450mm to 1200mm in diameter. Progress of this stage was hindered due the soil conditions, requiring the piles to be poured under bentonite. With 68 levels to navigate both materials and manpower up and down, Hickory implemented two external high speed hoists, one internal hoist within the lift core and a jump lift, as well as providing amenities located at various levels. Adjoining neighbour rooftops were both occupied by childcare centres.


Mutually agreed access times to these rooftops allowed Hickory to coordinate lifting on those elevations during non-access times. As an added safety measure for the childcare centres, six level safety screens were developed to allow external works, such as curtain wall installation, to occur behind them, providing a barrier between the buildings. Hickory also utilised their innovative new Sync Building Systems bathroom technology on the 568 Collins Street project. 794 modular bathroom PODS were manufactured offsite, complete with tiling, joinery, finishes and fittings. Falls and drainage were built into the entry-level slab base, so the PODS were simply positioned into place, with final connections made onsite. This process allowed for a more controlled environment that contributed to a higher quality bathroom, as well as reducing site works and congestion of bathroom activities. It also resulted in flow-on effects for workforce numbers, amenity requirements and reduced rubbish. This collaborative approach, coupled with Hickory’s expertise and innovations, has resulted in an iconic addition to Melbourne’s CBD skyline. Further outstanding projects that Hickory are also working on include Fulton Lane, Istana and Central South Yarra. Founded in 1991, the Hickory Group has evolved into one of Australia’s most outstanding construction companies. A nationwide group of construction, plant hire, crane logistics, formwork and manufacturing specialist, Hickory have over 450 valued employees who partner with their clients, subcontractors and suppliers to ensure the most efficient and effective solutions are met on every project. For more information contact Hickory Group, 101 Cremorne Street Richmond VIC 3121, phone 03 9429 7411, fax 03 9428 7376, email, website



IBuild have the job covered Within Ibuild’s three years of business, they have built a solid reputation and name for themselves within the window and curtain wall industry. Specialising in aluminium windows, doors, curtain walls and other façade items, the professional and experienced team of ten strive to deliver exceptional quality on every project. Having been previously contracted by the Hickory Group for window supplies of Travancore Stage 3, 101 Bay Street, and Bayside Park, they were again selected to design and supply the windows, doors and curtain walls for the 568 Collins Street project. A team of five from Ibuild worked on the job, delivering approximately 9000 panels in total. The project required an in/out curtain wall that spanned 12 floors as well as a snap-shut window system throughout the 69 storey building, which called upon Ibuild’s innovative engineering expertise. Ibuild’s quality of products, as well as their ability to deliver in short time periods, has also won them contracts on AIA, Fulton Lane and Tip Top. Ibuild are well-known for their efficiency and adaptability, which is due to their outstanding communication skills and relationships with their manufacturers in China. The communications and effort they put in from the design phase through to the procurement, production and logistics stages, sets Ibuild apart from their competitors. This results in faster turn-around, as drawings don’t have to be sent to China, and there is no long waiting periods for the goods to arrive. Having built a solid supply chain in China from High Performance Glass to Aluminium Extrusions. Ibuild are now the exclusive Australian agent of JinJing Group Co. Ltd, which is China’s leading, and largest, glass manufacturer. The ability, professionalism and work ethic of Ibuild’s suppliers in China, flows through to the timely delivery of the final product on projects within Australia. For more information, please contact Ibuild, 41 Ricketts Road, Mt. Waverly VIC 3149, phone 03 8555 9511, fax 03 8555 9510, email




Reinforcing the construction industry Mesh & Bar Pty. Ltd. has grown to become one of Australia’s leading independent reinforcing steel suppliers.

improving construction time and eliminating the need for additional work space on the site.

Operating out of Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Newcastle, Wollongong and the Sunshine Coast, Mesh & Bar supply the Australian construction industry with a wide range of concrete reinforcing products, including reinforcing mesh, reinforcing bar, concrete accessories, and various building products.

The 568 Collins St project was one with significant access constraints, and with a building footprint that occupied the entire site, it required a significant level of coordination with the site to meet crane times from two different site fronts.

With a team of skilled professionals coupled with the use of the latest plant and equipment, Mesh & Bar have experienced significant growth since they were first established in 1999, and their impressive skill set was called upon for the 568 Collins St project. Mesh & Bar supplied the materials to fulfill the reinforcing needs on the Collins Street project. They were able to offer the use of added value products and services, such as prefabricated cages to hasten construction. A scheduler from Mesh & Bar was part of the Collins Street team, to schedule and coordinate all the activities relevant to the reinforcing needs on the project. Mesh & Bar prefabricated various structural reinforcing elements including columns and pads. By manufacturing in-house in a controlled environment, safety and quality levels can be improved. Prefabricated elements are also ready to be delivered when called upon, greatly


Further projects Mesh & Bar are currently working on include The Icon Apartments, St Kilda; Eastland Shopping Centre, Ringwood; Multilevel Car park, Toorak; Grand 8 Apartments, Melbourne; and Fulton Lane Apartments, Melbourne, to name just a few. Mesh & Bar value their customers and listen to their needs, and they are both ISO 9001 and ACRS accredited and have a focus on continual improvement. Training and the further advancement of staff, equipment and processes are always reviewed and improved to keep up with a market that continues to move forward and whose demands continue to increase. Their experienced and innovative staff, many with over 10 year’s industry experience, are prompt, accurate and ensure quality is met and safety is at the forefront. For more information contact Mesh & Bar Pty Ltd, 396 Mt Derrimut Road, Derrimut VIC 3030, phone 03 8353 6500, fax 03 8353 6599, email



Bold and Breathtaking Stage One of the Metrowest major mixed use precinct is the $43M Foundry Apartments, this 8 storey unique geometric sculpture will comprise 119, large light filled one & two bedroom units and 13 shops with overlapping and intersecting light and dark ribbons of concrete, glass and metal on the exterior. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : ABD Group CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $43 Million COMPLETION DATE : July 2014 ARCHITECT : Carabott Holt Turcinov STRUCTURAL ENGINEER : O’Neill Group SURVEYOR : Checkpoint Building Surveyors




Foundry Apartments has been described as “bold and breathtaking.” The $43m project consists of a two-level podium and a six-level tower, with 119 apartments, car parking and 13 retail tenancies. Situated at the corner of Hampshire and Foundry Roads, Sunshine, 11 km from Melbourne’s CBD, the project boasts city views and is close to both public transport and amenities. ABD Group Pty Ltd is responsible for the design, construction and project management of the Foundry Apartment project. “When you build with ABD Group, you’ve made the choice to build better,” said Raffaele Aiello, ABD Group Owner/Director. “We are a leading builder in the construction industry with a strong reputation for offering a high level of intricate design management, innovative construction techniques, and competitive costs.” The building’s architect is the firm of Carabott Holt Turcinov Architects. The striking exterior design, with its overlapping and intersecting light and dark bands of concrete, glass and metal is eye catching. Victoria’s State Planning Minister, Matthew Guy turned the first sod on November 19, 2012. The apartments have proven popular, with over 83% sold before completion. ABD utilised some innovative approaches for the Foundry Apartments project to minimise disruptions to the building programme where the materials-goods hoist was strategically located at the end of the corridor to minimise defects and delays in completing apartments once the goods hoist was dismantled. The crane was strategically located outside the apartment tower to minimise slab infill disruption to apartment completion. Installing the façade, oxide coloured, precast panels was an achievement for ABD. These panels formed a snake of alternating colours from Level 2. Each horizontal panel was cast into the slab and each vertical panel had slip rods installed to allow a flexible connection between panels.


Another large scale multi-residential project ABD has been responsible for is the design and construction of Boulevard Apartments, Maribyrnong. This crescent shaped eight level building consists of 123 apartments, ground floor retail tenancies and two levels of basement car park. Boulevard Apartments offers the convenience of urban living and city views while surrounded by extensive parkland. Also on the Maribyrnong River is Block D of the La Scala Apartment project which is set amongst over 400 acres of natural parkland, 7 km from Melbourne’s CBD. The $20m project is a six level building with 62 apartments and a double-basement car park. Due to the challenging site access, a tower crane was not an option to assemble the concrete panelised structure. ABD used mobile cranes for assembly with great success. ABD introduced a new innovative wall system throughout the project, using a core filled cement sheet casing in lieu of precast concrete panels. This is a great example of how ABD Group applies innovation to solve on-site challenges. The $50m apartment building at Albert Street, Brunswick, Victoria is another design and construct multi-residential project currently under construction. The Albert is a five level building with 150 apartments surrounding a serene communal garden. The ground floor that faces Albert Street consists of retail suites while the tower consists of a textured facade featuring a geometric composition with contrasting colours. ABD Group takes pride in its record. “With a highly skilled team of over 120 personnel and over 390 projects completed to date, ABD has the necessary experience for efficient project delivery.” For more information contact ABD Group Pty Ltd, 73 McGregors Drive, Keilor Park VIC 3042, phone 03 8336 1504, fax 03 8336 1503, email, website



Aardvark Electrical Solutions

Aardvark Electrical Solutions have built a reputation of delivering large, complex commercial projects on time and within scope. The company’s services include design and construction projects, light and power, voice and data, and lighting control, providing a complete electrical installation. Their projects, valued between $50,000 and $3 million, range from factories, warehouses, offices, apartments and retail developments through to prestige housing.

A Bright SpAark Aardvark Electrical Solutions Pty Ltd is a specialist electrical and communications contractor. They installed the light and power, as well as the communications, access control and intercom system, MATV/Foxtel, NBN and FIP/EWIS (Fire Indicator Panel, Emergency Warning and Intercommunication System) on the Foundry Project. Kevan Jordan, Aardvark Electrical Project Manager, together with his team, enjoyed delivering the Foundry Project. “We worked closely with the builder, consultant and other trades at the Foundry to provide an incident-free project with a quality finish.” 58


Presently, their projects include the Marina Quay Apartments (104 apartments and 4 retail tenancies) in Wyndham Harbour, The Albert Apartments (150 apartments and 9 retail tenancies) in Brunswick, and Colonial Farms 10,000 sq m food processing plant in Broadmeadows. Kevan Jordan says “as demonstrated by the Foundry Project, the team at Aardvark Electrical Solutions will help you solve your electrical and communication needs”.

For more information contact Aardvark Electrical Solutions Pty Ltd, 174 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne VIC, phone 03 9682 8411, fax 1300 485 799, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

“No Job Is Too Difficult” Violet Town Concrete Industries Pty Ltd supplied and installed the concrete tilt panels for the Foundry Apartment project. “No job is too difficult,” said a company spokesperson. The company has been in business since 1982 and was a pioneer in the production of prestressed concrete fence posts. Violet Town Concrete Industries’ focus today is on the production of precast concrete panels. Its services include the supply and installation of standard concrete panels, structural panels, insulated sandwich panels, slimline wall panels (to replace internal brick walls), lift shafts and stairwells, columns, beams and the application of architectural finishes. Violet Town Concrete Industries has been involved in the building of apartment buildings, large private dwellings, townhouses, low cost and maintenance affordable housing. The company has developed its own domestic housing system. Some of the other projects Violet Town Concrete Industries has worked on in Melbourne include the four storey Face Apartments on the corner Acland Street and Carlisle Street, St Kilda and a four storey apartment building in Prahran as well


as apartment buildings in Box hill and Broadmeadows. The company has also worked on projects in rural Victoria as well as NSW. Violet Town Concrete Industries employs approximately 25 people with extensive experience and training. “An in house NATA registered laboratory and adherence to an internationally recognised QA System ensures product quality is maintained to industry standards,” said a company spokesperson. “The company’s new range of external insulated polystyrene filled sandwich panel walls has been developed to adhere to the R-rating required for modern housing specifications.” “We at Violet Town consider precast concrete panels to be the way of the future for housing due to their durability and ease and speed of erection,” said a company spokesperson. ‘We are dedicated to the pursuit of high quality, innovative products.” For more information contact Violet Town Concrete Industries Pty Ltd, 19 High Street, Violet Town VIC 3669, phone 03 5798 1660, fax 03 5798 1737, website



HIGH RISE RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SPECIALIST 557 Little Lonsdale St involves the design and construction of a single 26 level tower comprising 195 apartments and a single retail tenancy on the ground floor, with an average energy rating of 6 stars. Maxcon Constructions Pty Ltd is a Melbourne based, family owned and operated construction company which specialises in high-rise residential and commercial projects and prides itself on its client service, innovation and highly stringent ethical standards. The company was engaged to design and construct the recently completed apartment development, Metro Park West Apartments, at 557 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. The $35 million, 195 apartment project, designed by Bruce Henderson Architects Pty Ltd comprises a single 26 storey tower. The lowest storey, including a partial mezzanine level, is built to the boundaries of the site, whilst the next 7 levels are set back 2 metres from the street frontage and 5 metres from the rear southern boundary. Above the 6th level, the tower is set back another 2 metres from the street frontage. Two 3 metre by 3 metre light courts are located on eastern and western boundaries and extend from mezzanine floor level to the roof. A retail tenancy of approximately 100 square metres is located to the western side of the street frontage on the ground floor. The project structure comprises pile footings, precast external walls, in-situ core walls and columns (changing to pre-cast at Level 7), a mixture of traditional, Bondek and post tensioned slabs. The experienced team led by Anthony Elzain (Director), David Elzain (Senior Site Manager) and Peter Storey (Project Manager) takes pride in Maxcon Constructions’ ability to deliver a project to meet its client’s requirements, while overcoming several major design challenges. One of these design challenges was due to neighbouring buildings creating wind turbulence and the small footprint of the building. This meant that the core structure was unable to be designed to meet the accepted levels of building acceleration (shaking of the building) without affecting the size of apartments and voiding pre-sale contracts. To overcome this and reduce the effects of acceleration on the building, Maxcon Constructions redesigned the size and shape of the fire water storage tank on the roof of the building to act as both a damper and water storage tank. Traditionally damper tanks are built out of insitu concrete, however, to limit the weight of the damper tank on the roof structure, Maxcon Constructions manufactured a steel U-shaped tank, which was a new product used by the company. The development of a U-shaped damper tank shows that Maxcon Constructions’ project team were able to think outside of the square and develop new technologies to overcome difficult challenges. 60

VIC PROJECT FEATURE 557 Little Lonsdale Street

Another challenge was due to the limitations on the size of the site, the key for the developer in the design was to maximise the sellable area by reducing the common areas on each floor. This involved developing a complex fire engineering design utilising the lifts for fire evacuation and a single fire evacuation staircase. The Maxcon team, during the deign and development stage of the project, commissioned for its first time, a building design that was fully compliant with Australian Standards and the Building Codes this limited MFB involvement in the design compliance of the fire services in the building as all elements were code compliant and not subject to redesign by the MFB. Other apartment projects Maxcon Constructions are working on include The Hub at 4-16 Garfield Street, Richmond, Victoria (170 apartments, 2 buildings comprising 3 and 8 storeys and a landscaped common area), My Place Apartments at 10-12 Albert Street, Hawthorn East, Victoria (151 apartments, 7 storeys with 3 basements, 1 tenancy, common area facilities including spas and outdoor kitchens,) and 381 Cremorne Apartments at 381 Punt Road, Cremorne, Victoria (63 apartments, 5 townhouses, two tenancies, 7 stories with 2 basements). For more information contact Maxcon Constructions Pty Ltd, Level 1, 164 Flinders Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000, phone 03 9650 9580, fax 03 9650 9960, email,, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Main Construction Company : Maxcon Constructions Pty Ltd Project end Value : $35 million Completion date : June 2014 Architect : Bruce Henderson Architects Structural Engineer : Winward Structures WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

All U Want Building Supplies - one stop shop All U Want Building Supplies Pty Ltd (AUW Building Supplies) has provided materials to projects all over Melbourne including the 557 Little Lonsdale Street project. AUW Building Supplies offer an extensive range of top brand products at competitive prices to the trade and to the public.

including brands such as Makita, Festool, Protool, Dewalt, Ramset, Hitachi, Paslode, Position Partners, Stanley, Bahco, Marshalltown, Axis, Ox Group and Intex Group.

The products available at AUW Building Supplies include all types of timber such as structural pine, hardwood, LVL's, treated pine, plywoods, skirting and architraves, doors as well as fasteners, nails, abrasives, silicones, fibre cement products, plasterboard, render and texture products, polystyrene and insulation.

Staff at AUW Building Supplies offer “a professional and friendly service” and boast expertise in the products they stock. AUW Building Supplies offers a delivery service across Melbourne with “prompt delivery”. The company’s “one stop shop” is situated at the corner of Albert Street and Harrow Street, Preston, Victoria. It has easy truck access for picking up of orders and is open from 6.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 7am to 1pm on Saturday.

AUW Building Supplies stocks a range of top-quality fire rated cladding and metal systems (Quick & Tuff Panels, Studco Building Systems, Rondo Wall and Ceiling Systems). AUW Building Supplies also stock an extensive range of professional quality power and hand tools

For more information contact All U Want Building Supplies Pty Ltd, 80 Albert Street, Preston VIC 3072, phone 03 9470 2855, fax 03 9470 2866, email, website


VIC PROJECT FEATURE 557 Little Lonsdale Street


“A Business Built on Service” Ultimate Air Conditioning Pty Ltd is an air conditioning and mechanical services specialist. The company supplied and installed the air conditioning, toilet and rangehood ventilation, essential services and mechanical services for the 557 Little Lonsdale Street project. Ultimate Air Conditioning has been in business for 15 years and the company’s 14 employees take pride in the company motto, “a business built on service”. Ultimate Air Conditioning supply and install all leading brands of air conditioners as well as offer preventative maintenance contracts. “Mitsubishi Electric is pleased to have partnered with Ultimate Air Conditioning in this exciting project,” said a company spokesperson. The air conditioning system installed for the 557 Little Lonsdale Street project is Mitsubishi Electric’s unique, world patented, 2 Pipe Heat Recovery Variable Refrigerant Flow System. This system has been developed and manufactured in Japan and is marketed in the United Kingdom, United States, Europe, South Africa and throughout Asia and Australia. It ensures that each apartment has the capability of selecting individual temperature and mode timer functions. These selections can be made irrespective of the mode of neighbouring apartments or the primary WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

mode of the condensing units. With true “Heat Recovery” occurring, benefits in operating costs can be realised. In addition, Mitsubishi Electric’s COP’s (Co-efficient of performance figures) ensure highly efficient operation. For more information contact Ultimate Air Conditioning Pty Ltd, 84-90 Lakewood Boulevard, Braeside VIC 3195, phone 03 9588 2929, fax 03 9588 2939, email For more information contact Mitsubishi Electric Pty Ltd, Suite 2, 10 Compark Circuit, Mulgrave Victoria 3170, phone 03 9533 7800, email VIC PROJECT FEATURE 557 little Lonsdale Street


557 Little Lonsdale St, VIC


VIC PROJECT FEATURE 557 Little Lonsdale Street


Precision in Glass Precision Shower Screens & Robes Pty Ltd is a family owned Victorian Company manufacturing, supplying and installing custom shower screens, mirrors, coloured glass splashbacks and sliding robe doors for over 10 years.

Precision is committed to providing outstanding customer service and offer one point of contact from Tender to Installation. They believe in building strong, professional business relationships with their customers and suppliers which keeps them at the forefront of their industry.

Precision’s products have developed in response to the demands of architects, engineers, designers and builders, meeting the needs of the retail, trade and commercial industries. Precision offers leading commercial glass & wardrobe installation services for apartment and multi-unit developments across metropolitan Melbourne. Whether you’re looking for commercial glass installations to improve the image of your commercial project, or the installation of specialist glass products perfectly suited to your requirements, Precision can provide solutions to meet your needs.

Precision understands their clients needs for cost effective, consistent, quality outcomes completed on time.

Precision’s team of skilled glaziers are on hand to provide quality glass manufacture and installation services for your commercial property today. All commercial installations are backed up by a guarantee on workmanship demonstrating their commitment to the highest quality of service and satisfaction.

For more information on our full range of products contact Precision Shower Screens & Robes Pty Ltd, F2/57-59 Canterbury Road, Montrose VIC 3765, phone 03 9728 8100, fax 03 9728 5888, email, website


Precision Shower Screens & Robes Pty Ltd manufactured, supplied and installed the semi-frameless shower screens for the 195 apartments for the Maxcon Project at 557 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. Precision are Proud to be a Preferred Supplier for Maxcon Pty Ltd for the past 8 years.

VIC PROJECT FEATURE 557 little Lonsdale Street


Main Construction Company : Hickory Group Pty Ltd Project end Value : $91.740 Million Completion date : August 2014 Architect : C & K Architecture Consulting Engineer : The O’Neill Group Building Surveyor : Floreancig Smith 66



Building Melbourne’s skyline The $80m Istana Melbourne is a 25-storey, residential apartment featuring 320 units of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments as well as 4 two storey penthouses. When you’re working in markets as competitive as the construction industry in 2014, you need to be innovative. To say Hickory Group is innovative could easily be considered an understatement. The only construction group to make the BRW’s top 50 most innovative companies list in 2013, Hickory Group has gone from strength to strength since their inception in 1991. Further strengthening their presence in Melbourne, which is also the home of their national head office, they were awarded the construction contract for Istana Melbourne. The Project Manager appointed to the job, Rino Colaci, said that this was a sign of Hickory Group’s ability to facilitate end-to-end construction solutions for all sectors, not just commercial or major government projects. “We pride ourselves on being an integrated company,” Rino said. “By offering construction, plant hire, crane logistics, formwork and manufacturing all in the one business, we are able to deliver cost efficiencies for the client as well as bestpractice turn-key solutions,” Rino said. Istana Melbourne, a 41,000m2 development spanning 26 levels and offering 320 apartments with parking for 228 cars, is a building that embodies a progressive Melbourne of 2014. “Our brief was to produce a building that would offer quality, substance and something for the community to be proud of rather than just an asset to be cashed in quickly,” Rino said. With buyers becoming increasingly savvy due to online research tools, Rino said it was critical that the building use quality materials and offer public spaces as well as the actual apartments to be sold. “Buyers just can not have the wool pulled over their eyes or they will walk away,” Rino said. “We built public spaces into the project, outdoor areas and ensured every finish was WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

to the highest standards in order to facilitate the best possible outcome for the developer,” Rino said. Although a high-end development, it didn’t mean Hickory Group had the luxury of time to get the job done. A tight procurement process was required to ensure all deadlines were met, including planning, foundation work, construction and final works prior to delivery. “We also had an inner-city location to deal with and a relatively small site for a large group of sub-contractors and suppliers to base themselves from,” Rino said. “By placing a fairly heavy emphasis on the consultation and planning phase we were able to execute the actual build phase with minimal disruption to neighbouring businesses and residents,” Rino said. “The beauty of Hickory Group is that we are a Diversified business with 450 employees,” Rino said. “We are able to flex up substantially when the job requires it in order to meet tight deadlines while maintaining an extremely high level of build quality for our clients.” By utilising modular and best-practice building solutions, Hickory Group have been awarded a range of contracts as the industry becomes more competitive, meaning Istana Melbourne is just the start of the next bright phase for Hickory Group. “We’re proud of the achievements of all involved in the Istana Melbourne project,” Rino said. “The developer is extremely satisfied with the result and all stakeholders have delivered on time and on budget, but we’re also excited about our strong pipeline of work to come.” For more information contact Hickory Group Pty Ltd, 101 Cremorne Street, Richmond VIC 3121, phone 03 9429 7411, fax 03 9428 7376, email, website VIC PROJECT FEATURE Istana Melbourne


Suspended in Mid air As Australia develops at a rapid rate the demand for medium and high-density living, as well as higher-rise commercial spaces, is increasing rapidly. Although development of high-density spaces makes better use of available land, it means stricter engineering requirements and a range of needs in terms of the structural integrity of the building. Aus PT, leaders in post tensioning and concrete services, know this all to well, as it is a driving force behind Managing Director Andy Kiker’s decision to establish the business in the first place. With continued growth in this industry across Australia, Aus PT have been achieving results. “We saw the need for end-to-end concrete solutions for buildings that were becoming increasingly complex in their design and construct,” says Andy. Regarding Istana Melbourne, Andy says the project was well within their scope of expertise. “We’ve got about 75 years of industry experience between us and we’ve been working right across the East Coast on residential projects such as Istana, so it was a great job for us to get on board with,” 68


Aus PT have been responsible for both the construction of a range of suspended concrete slabs on the project and a post tensioning system. Andy says the concrete slabs they offer feature their post tensioning system, which results in reduced conventional reinforcement requirements, reduced depth of slabs and reduced material costs. “We’re seeing great results in the use of our systems on Istana Melbourne as well as other major developments and redevelopments across Australia,” Andy says. “This is because Aus PT are able to offer more strength and reduce build costs from the one solution – this is a dream result for developers.”

For more information contact AUS PT, 11 Technology Circuit, Hallam VIC 3803, phone 03 9702 4557, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

TIMBER FLOOR CENTRE Flooring specialists TFC Commercial delivered high quality flooring, fast to Istana Melbourne. The developers of Istana Melbourne have put a huge amount of effort into ensuring that every aspect of their building reflects the discerning taste of their clientele – inner-city dwellers.

Istana project, we have delivered above and beyond,” Mandy says. “Both the architectural firm involved and Hickory Group are over the moon with the result of the collaboration between Green Earth and TFC Commercial.”

This mandate has extended right throughout the interior of the apartments in the building, and particularly to the flooring systems that were utilised. Melbourne headquartered company TFC Commercial were awarded the project, and have outfitted each apartment with timber flooring that is not only hard wearing, but stylish as well.

Looking forward, Mandy says TFC Commercial have a huge pipeline of opportunities that they’re currently planning for. “We’ve been in business for over 17 years now, so we are able to offer a huge amount of expertise to our potential clients moving forward,” Mandy says.

Mandy Jin, Sales Manager at TFC Commercial, says that it is the extremely high quality of her products coupled with very realistic price points and great customer service that have seen them win so many contracts in recent years. “We’re certainly in a growth phase of the business,” Mandy says.

For more information contact The Timber Floor Centre, 6/200 Plenty Road, Preston VIC 3072, phone 1300 487 188 or 03 9484 2688, fax 03 9484 2655, website

“By offering a wide range of products including timber, bamboo and laminate flooring options as well as a range of flooring accessories, we’ve built a very large market share around the Melbourne region.” By ensuring every piece of flooring delivered lived up to the highest expectations of the developers, Mandy says she is confident the new owners will be happy, too. “By partnering with Green Earth, who supplied their Malaysia made Australian native species Jarrah and Blackbutt flooring for the



DESIGNER DOORWARE Melbourne developers are now building more multi-unit projects than houses. An increasing willingness to live in apartments and to sacrifice space for location has created an unprecedented demand for higher-density living. The Hickory Group is an industry leader in the future of Australia’s multi-unit urban development, specialising in the creation of “vertical communities”. The Istana is a 25-storey, single tower residential apartment block developed in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD. Designed by CK Designworks, Istana combines a creative concept, with cost efficiencies and environmental sustainability. The development comprises 320 apartments, four double storey penthouses, cafes and retail frontages in an area of over 27,000 sq feet. The need for robust, practical and aesthetic designs drew the Hickory Group to Designer Doorware’s door furniture for this benchmark project. Designer Doorware’s classic, minimalistic architectural door hardware formed an integral role, providing internal door furniture and joinery solutions that offered a seamless fit and punctuated the internal spaces. The timeless quality of classic, urban and minimal aesthetics in conjunction with superior access control solutions meant Designer Doorware was the obvious complementary and practical choice to 70


express the design vision. The highly developed master key system for the apartment entry doors was created with innovation, sophistication and ease of movement in mind. Designer Doorware’s unique design and supply process means they are able to design products locally with architects and builders and have these designs manufactured in their facility, before they are checked in the warehouse and door packed for delivery straight to the customer. This model enables delivery on time, first time and every time effectively for the most streamlined, innovative and advanced building companies in the industry. To enhance and simplify the selection process Designer Doorware have developed an online product selector ( au) where estimators and schedulers can create a fire rated and building code compliant product selection including special finishes. This project spec sheet book can be submitted for quoting directly or via Acconex at which point the hardware and keying schedule will be done for you.

For more information contact Designer Doorware, 14 Adams Court, Sunshine VIC 3020, phone 03 9300 8888, fax 03 9310 1866, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

LIQUID VISION PLUMBING GROUP Victoria’s apartment plumbing specialists took charge for Melbourne’s new icon. From the outset the strategy for The Istana Melbourne was to develop a building that is modern and simple, with an understated elegance that is as practical as it is stylish.

What really interested Liquid Vision Plumbing Group about The Istana Melbourne was the opportunity to coordinate with Hickory Group, who cared as much about the quality of the work as they did about the look and feel of the building.

It’s clear the design and development team have well and truly achieved this, but have you ever taken the time to consider what sort of standards the components that aren’t as immediately visible are up to?

“Everything we did on this project was put through strict quality checks and controls to ensure the internal workings of the building would reflect the quality of the externals of the building,” Philip said.

In developing The Istana Melbourne, Hickory Group were required to source a range of contractors, particularly in order to bring the project to completion on time. They also needed to focus closely on procurement and cost control to keep the build on budget.

“This ensures the building will become a long term investment opportunity for owners and occupiers – a great place to invest and an even greater place to live.”

Liquid Vision Plumbing Group, one of Melbourne’s most significant plumbing contractors, were called onto the job to analyse and deliver the required plumbing infrastructure. Philip Merambeliotis, Managing Director of Liquid Vision Plumbing Group, tells us that while the project was run under tight guidelines, the project was executed to the highest levels of quality, on time and within budget. “We have taken pride in our plumbing work for over two decades, and ensure we understand the project back to front before we step foot on site,” Philip said. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Liquid Vision Plumbing Group take pride in their quality workmanship and continue to stay passionate and up to date with the latest plumbing products and materials in the plumbing industry.

For more information contact Liquid Vision Plumbing Group, 37 Forster Street, South Yarra VIC 3141, phone 03 9827 5032, fax 03 8611 7994, email, website VIC PROJECT FEATURE Istana Melbourne


pITCH pERFECT The creation of a new Northern Stand at the SCG is the second of a series of major projects transforming the precinct into an iconic sports and entertainment hub within minutes of Sydney’s CBD. Sydney Cricket Ground Redevelopment / AW Edwards




Below AW Edwards led the construction of the SCG Development.

The completion of the Sydney Cricket Ground Stage 2 redevelopment by AW Edwards has transformed the sporting icon and further cemented the site as a worldclass sporting and entertainment venue. With a project value of $197.5m, the Stage 2 redevelopment involved the construction of the new MA Noble, Don Bradman and Dally Messenger Stands, including 13,360 seats and taking the ground’s seating capacity to 48,000. The project also included the installation of a 276m² video board, corporate suites and function rooms, kitchens, wet areas and back of house facilities. “We started here in 2012. Initially we were on an Early Contractor Involvement, so we were at the site for six months before the project began. The first hole was dug in August 2012 and the first slab poured on the 7 November,” AW Edwards Associate Director Matt Bourne said. Initial works saw the removal of around 21,000 tonnes of material. A total of 36,000m³ in bulk earthworks was removed from the site. Sporting and entertainment events continued to be held during the redevelopment, including the Ashes Test in January and two Major League Baseball matches in March. However, AW Edwards is certainly no stranger to working on active major venues. It completed the SCG’s Victor Trumper Stand (Stage 1 of the ground’s redevelopment) in 2008, the Sydney Showground Main Arena Redevelopment in 2012 and the GWS Giants Training and Administration facility at Olympic Park. “We had different milestones in our contract because we were working with a live venue and had to put in a lot of planning, which can be difficult and time consuming. However the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust had a commitment to its clients and their events as well as sporting fans,” Matt said. “Our major milestone was to release 13,000 seats by the Ashes, which we delivered. Then the baseball came up, which was a late addition to the program, however we had planned quite well for that and were able to open the seating up again.” WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

The company also had to plan around Rugby League and AFL games, but similar to the Ashes Test, had plans in place to ensure fans could cheer on their team. “Basically we would retract the site so it could be opened to the public, then, once the event had finished, we would go back again – so we did a lot of planning. We also have a good relationship with the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust and are used to each other’s expectations and standards,” Matt added. One of the other notable features of the redevelopment is its unique roof, designed by ARUP and roof sheeting supplied by Fielders. “The roof was a major one. It is a Fielders freeform roof sheeting product with each sheet individually rolled and made for each section. These were all rolled on site and put up separately – the roof is one sheet from start to finish,” Matt said. “The lining with its horizontal gantries looks as if the roof is floating. It is quite a unique thing.” To ensure the ground and the site’s infrastructure was not disturbed by scaffolding, two mobile platforms were developed to complete the roof. This solution and AW Edwards’ overall work and commitment to safety on the project, saw the company awarded the Master Builders’ Association Excellence in Construction Award for Site Safety. AW Edwards is continuing to work on a number of significant projects, including the new multi-million dollar Wollongong Private Hospital base building, the Children’s Medical Research Institute in Westmead and St George Hospital Accident and Emergency Department. It is also starting work on a number of schools. “We have quite a mix of private, public and sporting projects.” Matt added.

For more information contact AW Edwards Pty Ltd, Level 1, 131 Sailors Bay Road, Northbridge NSW 2063, phone 02 9958 1474, fax 02 9958 6208, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE SCG DEVELOPMENT


Below DME Engineering Services fabricated, supplied and installed the steel trusses and beams at the SCG Development.

DME was one of the major contractors commissioned to work on the new Bradman/Noble Stand at the iconic Sydney Cricket Ground. The company’s brief was to fabricate four hundred and forty (440) tonnes of structural steel trusses and beams and to then install this architecturallycomplex, curved steelwork to create the entire roof structure of the new stand. The stand is approximately seventy-five metres tall from ground level to the front edge – the team working at heights of up to 80 metres in places. The fabricated steel members were installed on to large vertical columns on either end and in the centre of the stand. These columns support the roof that “floats” over eighty-five percent (85%) of the stand’s seats. Some of the distances spanned were over twenty five metres long. The roof structure is approximately150meters long , 45 meters wide and up to 6 meters deep. Donald Earle, DME’s Managing Director described the job as particularly interesting as “the trusses themselves were designed as single-manufactured members, twenty metres long and six metres high. Due to the RMS transportation restrictions of oversized loads the fabrication work had to be cleverly re-engineered in order to reduce the size of the members without compromising the structural integrity. This also required a program of final fabrication and preassembly on site. We have a dedicated and highly experienced team at our large manufacturing facility located in western Sydney. The team of approximately thirty, relishes working with these types of challenges, they are continuously striving for the best manufacturing results for the client, in the most cost effective way.”

Project manager Darren Latham said “It worked extremely well and allowed our site team, which numbered approximately sixteen, to work independently, avoiding holdups and potential bottle necks with regard to the limited access and the lifting equipment that was based on site. It was always an exciting moment seeing our large steel trusses and beams being lifted into place and fitting together with relative ease. It is a testament to the quality and accuracy of our fabrication that there were 25,000 bolts fitted with no modifications required during installation”. DME Engineering Services is dedicated to providing a high quality, dependable and efficient service that exceeds their customers’ expectations. Its team of staff has experience across a wide variety of industries, meaning DME Engineering can provide the fast and efficient services its clients require. Specialising in structural steel fabrication and installation, boiler, pressure vessel and pipework fabrication and installation, DME Engineering also specialises in mechanical maintenance contracts, crane hire and logistics, engineering and drafting. DME Engineering Services’ comprehensive list of past major iconic projects demonstrates the company’s quality of work. This includes the SCG’s Victor Trumper Stand, B9 Botany Mill Expansion, ANZAC Bridge Pedestrian Safety Fence, White Bay Overseas Passenger Terminal and M2 pedestrian bridges. It also completed the manufacture and delivery of the Lucas Heights Nuclear Reactor, the pipework and structural steel for the Sydney Desalination Plant, the chemical recovery boiler for the Visy Tumut Expansion and the Sydney Harbour Bridge New Year’s Eve effects.

Another major challenge to overcome on this project was that access to the roof structure for the installation was logistically difficult. The concrete base, upon which the stand sits, was limited with regard to the access equipment that could be used. Therefore alternative access methods had to be pre-planned and engineered. The solution was to construct walkways and platforms, cleverly built into the structure, whilst preassembling the steel trusses and beams. 74


For more information contact DME Engineering Services Pty Ltd, 70 Peter Brock Drive, Eastern Creek NSW 2766, phone 02 9725 5720, fax 02 9725 1300, email info@, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW







Below Barnwell Cambridge designed and constructed the general, feature and outdoor lighting as well as relocated lighting towers 1 and 6 for the SCG.

With the ability and experience to deliver complete electrical, communications and IT solutions to meet their customers’ specific needs, Barnwell Cambridge has a proven track record when it comes to projects and ongoing services. Formed in 1988, Barnwell Cambridge, which has more than 125 full time employees, is a major contracting and engineering company in the electrical and data communications services. The Company has built a reputation of undertaking and completing projects that are complex, difficult and unique – which includes the SCG redevelopment. “The Company has held a long working association with venues such as the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust, which assists us in the level of experience and understanding necessary in completing and maintaining facilities of this nature,” Barnwell Cambridge’s Anthony Cambridge said. The extensive electrical works included the Design and Construction of general lighting, power, feature and external lighting, new roof sports lighting and relocation of sports lighting towers 1 and 6. Included was the installation of the new scoreboard power and communications feeders, services to new and upgraded video sight screens and a private high voltage substation (complete with 4 x 1600 kVA transformers). The communications installation included fibre and structured Cat 6 cabling, lift and escalator monitoring cabling, and CCTV and security installation. Barnwell Cambridge also installed outside and inside broadcast infrastructure, DAS infrastructure, PA and AV systems and lightning protection.

the finishes to these areas rivalling any high-end CBD establishment.” Ensuring the SCG remained operational throughout the redevelopment was essential. Two major sporting events took place during construction – the Ashes Test match and Major League Baseball’s opening game. “This created a major impact in construction, working through staged handovers, and ensuring BCA compliance for all events, whilst accommodating as many spectators as possible. While it was always in the construction program, the management of these events was a project in itself and took many hours of negotiation and review prior the event,” Anthony Cambridge said. “It was a credit to the whole team at Barnwell Cambridge, with site, office and management staff working around the clock at times to allow completion of areas that were not contracted, but necessary to ensure the spectators had the best possible venue at any time. Barnwell Cambridge is also currently working on various data centre installations, health, industrial, commercal and fit out projects for both the private and government sectors. They are also undertaking works on Fujitsu Australia’s North Ryde multi-level office fit-out. “At Barnwell Cambridge we pride ourselves on the work that we undertake, proof of our success is in the long-standing relationships that we have with our trusted clients,” Anthony Cambridge added. For more information contact Barnwell Cambridge Pty Ltd, 9 Subway Road, Rockdale NSW 2216, phone 02 9556 1666, fax 02 9556 1566, email, website

“The project was unique for a stadium grandstand due to the high level of finishes and Information Services requirements to meet the Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust’s brief and to ensure the new stand fitted into the feel and heritage of the Sydney Cricket Ground,” Anthony Cambridge said. “The Trust required the new grandstand to be one of the best on the world stage and to further enhance the playing and spectator experience. The new Noble Bradman Stand featured new member’s facilities including the exclusive Trustee Suite, Board Room and Dining Area – with WWW.ANCR.COM.AU



Below General Cranes provided their outstanding skills in crane works for the SCG Development.

When working on the SCG development, General Cranes used two Favelle Favco diesel-luffing cranes. Crane 1 was a Favco 1500 with a 16-tonne winch capacity and crane 2 a Favco M440E, which can be rigged to a 48-tonne lifting capacity. “Both cranes were chosen for the speed, performance and reliability that is associated with the Favelle Favco brand worldwide,” General Cranes General Manager George Micevski said. With a fleet of 85 tower cranes, General Cranes has one of the largest fleets of Favelle Favco cranes in Australia and is complemented by a range of leading European electric crane manufacturers, including Liebherr, Potain and Wolffkran. The company also took delivery of a new Grove 450 tonne all-terrain crane. “The Favelle Favco 1500 tower cranes in the fleet have recently gone through an upgrade and refurbishment which included replacing the older “noisier” engines to new quieter fuel efficient Caterpillar engines. The Favelle Favco M440E’s are the latest additions to the fleet from the recent acquisition of the LCR tower crane business in Sydney and Brisbane,” George said. Each crane took 12 hours to erect. The team included four riggers, a head rigger and a fitter. 78


General Cranes NSW Operations Manager Mark Farrell, explained that prior to delivery on site the cranes required extensive pre planning and pre service maintenance. The company’s QA required all pre inspections and maintenance to comply with Australian Standards and local authority regulations. Each crane had an experienced three-man crew, including two driver/ operators and a lead dogman. “One of our operators, who has been driving for 30-odd years was amazed at the amount of steel that went into the grandstand construction. We understand that some 400 tonnes of structural steel was involved with the roof construction alone,” Mark said. In closing, George commented, “AW Edwards are delivering a quality project to the Trust and its members, and General Cranes are proud to be part of that delivery.”

For more information contact General Cranes, 14B Hill Road, Homebush Bay NSW, PO Box 428, Altona North VIC 3025, phone 02 9748 8996, fax 02 9748 8819, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Townsend Group designed, engineered, manufactured and constructed majority of the SCG’s grandstand façade.

Inserts by Josh Hill Photography

The striking metal façade of the SCG’s new grandstand is not only testament to the experience and skills of The Townsend Group, but its ability to provide cost-effective engineering solutions for complex projects.

“Townsend Group has sought to provide a level of service that exceeded the client’s expectation from a material selection, material finish and installation standpoint.”

The company designed, engineered, manufactured and constructed the majority of the elements for the grandstand’s façade.

Founded by Mr CD Townsend as a metal spinning company more than 60 years ago, Townsend Group remains a family-owned and operated business. As an award-winning market leader, the company works on projects across Australia and internationally.

This consisted of general wall cladding (including the perpendicular fins), ventilation louvres, louvre blade screening for the members’ and public entries, and awnings above the food and beverage areas on Level 4. The façade’s prominent perpendicular fins were also adapted to float in front of the atrium’s glass curtain wall and the open central stairwell.

Its commitment to innovation, quality and customer service is emphasised by the Townsend 360 model, which focuses on the circle of services needed to drive client projects from concept to completion.

The project required 4400m² of standing seam and profiled sheet wall cladding, 8000LM of perpendicular fins and 600m² of awnings and louvres. The use of alternative products (not seen before in the market place) provided significant time and cost savings. “Townsend was proud to be selected as a specialist subcontractor in providing innovative engineering and products for this landmark project,” Townsend Group Managing Director Russ Hill said. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

The SCG Stage 2 redevelopment is one of a number of projects Townsend Group has worked on with AW Edwards. Previous projects include the Epping Chatswood Rail Link, Liverpool Hospital car park façade, White Bay passenger terminal façade and Nepean Hospital car park. For more information contact Townsend Group, 50 Barry Avenue Mortdale NSW 2223, phone 02 9533 4066, email website NSW PROJECT FEATURE SCG DEVELOPMENT


Below BKH Group designed and constructed all the formwork for the SCG Development, including the tiered seating.

Delivering a successful formwork package has a lot in common with a winning innings of cricket – it takes the right experienced team, superb skills, the best possible equipment and an ability to respond to specific conditions, as BKH Group demonstrated at the SCG Redevelopment. BKH designed and constructed all the formwork for the new grandstand structure, including the tiered seating works. The seating system required detailed formwork design, as did all the specific works areas within the grandstand structure. “Typical floors generally involved high strutting in the design with particular care required to provide safe working platforms within the shoring works,” said BKH Group Spokesman, Ben Geisker. “BKH implemented our 'Wexdek' table system and 'Wexplank' secondary deck system in combination with metal kingflor decking to allow safe and fast installation of shoring works. We also designed and implemented crane liftable box and shutter systems for all core walls to allow fast construction. “Resources and program have been key challenges on the project, with significant shoring equipment and overtime by our team to accelerate the program for AW Edwards. “BKH have created a good working relationship with our client (AW Edwards) by working closely together in providing engineering and program solutions to the project. We would like to thank the AW Edwards staff for their support and look forward to a valuable relationship into the 80


future.” BKH worked on the project from early stages in November 2012 until final completion in November 2013. They deployed a daily site team of up to 65 people, including three supervisors, a site engineer and full time project manager. With 18 years of projects to their credit, BKH bring considerable experience to construction programs and a level of engineering expertise which enables them to develop custom solutions for complex structures. By working with BIM and CAD technologies in conjunction with key suppliers and consulting engineers, they are able to resolve issues and construct effective and safe structure package solutions which meet specific project needs. The company undertakes projects across the East Coast and also South Australia, with current projects including the Wet N Wild project in Sydney, Adelaide Hospital, Barangaroo Headland Park and, what is possibly the most challenging formwork assignment in the country, the organically-shaped and remarkable Dr Chau Chak building at UTS designed by Frank Gehry. For more information contact BKH Group, 32 Tattersall Road, Kings Park NSW 2148, phone 02 9671 3071, fax 02 9671 2981, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Base Fire Protection designed and installed the fire systems for the SCG Development.

Offering a comprehensive service, Base Fire Protection Pty Ltd are the specialists when it comes to fire protection – including system design, installation, commissioning, servicing, certification and 24-hour maintenance. The company has a long history of working on successful projects across a range of industries, including health, retail, education, residential, commercial, recreational, industrial and special risk. It was Base Fire Protection’s expertise that was used on the SCG redevelopment, where the company completed the design and installation of the complete fire services. This project followed on from Base Fire Protection’s successful involvement in building of the new Victor Trumper Stand at the SCG. This included the fire sprinkler system, smoke detection and warning system, portable fire extinguishers and kitchen suppression system. Having been in the fire protection service industry for 10 years, Base Fire Protection has 50 employees all who have been selected for their extensive knowledge in their particular field of fire WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

protection. Several of the company’s managers and designers have had over 35 years of involvement in the fire industry Through its use of up-to-date technology and design, Base Fire Protection’s systems are always to the latest standards. Its personnel have also worked in the areas of special risk fire protections, including CO2, Novec, Inergen suppression systems, deluge and foam sprinkler systems. Major projects for Base Fire Protection include the Epping to Chatswood Rail Link for AW Edwards, Port Macquarie Hospital for Watpac Constructions and Deco – 155 Clarence Street in Sydney’s CBD for Probuild. It has also worked on several ARV nursing homes at Castle Hill for Lipman Construction, Chatswood Civic Centre ‘The Concourse’ for AW Edwards and the University of Sydney Law Building for Baulderstone/Lend Lease. For more information contact Base Fire Protection Pty Ltd, 2/13 Watson Road/PO Box 319, Padstow NSW 2211, phone 02 9764 5555, fax 02 9764 5559, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE SCG DEVELOPMENT


Below Langton Roofing installed the sheeting, trims and gutters of the roof on the SCG development.

Starting out as a small operation more than 20 years ago, Langton Roofing and Constructions’ reputation for quality workmanship has seen it grow into a company that now handles large-scale projects such as the SCG redevelopment. Langton Roofing’s main work on the project involved the installation of roofing sheeting (using Fielders freeform roof sheeting) and other accessories including gutters and trims. Langton Roofing also installed the skylights and structure for the ground’s scoreboard and speaker, and light niches as well as fibreglass nose cones to the perimeter of the structure. Patrick Langton of Langton Roofing said “In roofing, safety is the number one challenge on any project. This particular project, due to its unique shape and appearance, had many challenges, which were overcome with a combined and committed approach by all trades, personnel and AW Edwards site team.” “This particular project had a tight schedule and ran over the Christmas/ New Year period, this meant staff working overtime and weekends. Due to the size of some of the materials required, nighttime deliveries were required so this meant staff also worked into the night. “On average there were about 15 tradesmen on site at any one time supported by office 82


staff ensuring paperwork was up to date and materials were ordered and delivered on time to meet programme” Langton Roofing and Constructions had a number of other projects on the go while it was working on the SCG redevelopment. These included the HMAS Albatross at Nowra, Mackay Base Hospital, University of Technology Sydney at Broadway and University of NSW at Kensington. “We have also worked extensively on hospitals, shopping centres, arts centres, schools, universities, and television studios. We even put the roof back on the beautiful Hayman Island Resort after the devastating cyclone Yasi in 2011,” Patrick added. Langton Roofing also has the ability to weld on site and fabricate unique, job specific components as required. It also has trained and qualified staff to design and install Height Safety Protection systems. “We use only quality systems compliant to Australian Standards, backed by Engineers and well known reputable companies. We can also inspect and recertify systems to ensure installed systems remain code compliant.” For more information contact Langton Roofing and Constructions, 1 Watson Road, Padstow NSW 2211, phone 02 9792 4600, fax 02 9772 1408, email AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Neverstop Water installed the pumps, controls and irrigation equipment for the SCG Development.

Hurstville Golf Course

Working around sporting events and to an extremely tight deadline presented the biggest challenge to Neverstop Water on the SCG redevelopment project.

Neverstop Water has undertaken works for local government, sports organisations, commercial and industrial sites, golf courses, civil and landscaping contractors, schools and more.

Five Neverstop employees worked on the project, which involved installing the pumping, controls and irrigation equipment in the basement of the new grandstand development.

It is currently working on the Chifley Reserve Stormwater Harvesting and Irrigation Project for Statewide Civil and Randwick Council, Whitlam Leisure Centre Pool Backwash Harvesting and Treatment System for Liverpool Council and the Moorebank Unit Relocation Irrigation Stage 1.

“Due to the intensive watering requirements of the SCG during their peak sporting season, we only had a small window of opportunity to complete the bulk of the works with less than two days to decommission, relocate and recommission the equipment, which we were able to do,” says Director Renni Pitkanen. “There was a lot of preparation and fabrication prior to the scheduled relocation – about 10 days overall on site including planning the works and plenty of site meetings.” Specialising in water harvesting, irrigation and turf drainage projects, Neverstop Water Group of Companies (formerly solely as Neverstop Irrigation) has been in business for 10 years and has 21 employees. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Neverstop Water recently constructed the state-of-the-art irrigation/ drenching system for fire mitigation at the internationally acclaimed EucFACE Climate Change Facility for the University of Western Sydney Hawkesbury. It also constructed the new irrigation system and pumps for the Hurstville Golf Course redevelopment for Hurstville Council. For more information contact Neverstop Water Group of Companies, 10/32 Campbell Ave, Cromer NSW 2099, phone 02 9982 4553, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE SCG DEVELOPMENT


HIGHWAY TO SUCCESS The $75M Bullaburra East Upgrade consists of widening the existing two lanes into a four lane divided highway creating environmental and safety benefits, and includes revised turning facilities, carriageway, and an improved train station. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Seymour Whyte CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $46 Million ex GST TOTAL VALUE: $75 Million COMPLETION DATE : Late 2015


Seymour Whyte – Bullaburra East Upgrade is setting sustainability benchmarks Seymour Whyte Group, a company with a number of successfully completed and ongoing essential services infrastructure projects, is constructing the $46 million contract to upgrade the Great Western Highway Bullaburra East in NSW, for Roads and Maritime Services. Work on the Bullaburra East project began in January 2013 and is expected to be completed in late 2015. The project, which includes upgrading and widening approximately 1.6 km of the existing two lane Great Western Highway to a four lane divided highway, is successfully being delivered by the project team despite key challenges of the site. The project required the full undergrounding of all overhead power along the highway within the Blue Mountains World Heritage area. Seymour Whyte initiated a fast track staging plan for undergrounding, which had all overhead electricity wires de-energised four months ahead of the original schedule, providing the new network early, and removing safety hazards associated with plant contacting live overhead wires. Seymour Whyte has demonstrated stand out innovation around environmental management methods and techniques to increase overall efficiency and sustainability of the project. Before full earthworks and pavement construction could commence, construction of a main site sedimentation basin was required to capture all site runoff. As the outlet was in close proximity to the designated Blue Mountains hanging swamp, construction posed a significant risk of disturbance to natural vegetation. Modifications to the dissipater structure were undertaken reducing construction impacts and risks of disturbance within this highly sensitive area. The proposal was strictly reviewed by the client and local environment authorities were engaged throughout the process. Bullaburra is in an area of highly erodible weathered sandstone soils, creating a number of challenges managing and controlling soil erosion and sediment mobilisation. The team introduced the use of an emulsion product which can be sprayed over compacted surfaces, providing ground cover and WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

minimising erosion. The emulsion, acts as a binder to glue soil particles together minimising mobilisation in a rain event or high wind. This method proves advantageous not only for erosion control, however also has safety, cost and visual amenity benefits. Seymour Whyte also proposed design amendments which enabled the reuse of as much spoil on site as possible. The team redesigned an access track, leading to an additional 4500m3 to be utilised on site, rather than being removed and possibly disposal in landfill. This activity also removed approximately 260 trucks from local roads. Trials were undertaken by SWC on the re-use of existing Great Western Highway pavement material as a recycled product for use in new road construction. Trials on blends of milled asphalt, road base and insitu weathered sandstone at various ratios matched the strict pavement material properties required to meet client specifications. SWC are now planning to re-use all remaining former road pavement within the specified select material zone of the new westbound carriageway. This initiative will save the disposal and haulage of approximately 3500m3 of otherwise waste classified material. Short and long term sustainability on our projects is something that Seymour Whyte is passionate about. The Bullaburra East waste management strategy sets industry benchmarks with a 94.13% project recycle rate. Of the 165 tonnes of waste removed to date, only 17.2 tonnes has gone to landfill. Roads and Maritime Services have also engaged Seymour Whyte to undertake the upgrade of the Central Coast Highway at West Gosford. The $43.3 million contract is for the construction of roadworks, bridgeworks and associated activities. Seymour Whyte Group is on a path to growth expanding their service offering across the transport, utilities and resources sectors. Following the acquisition of Rob Carr Pty Ltd, specialists in micro-tunnelling and utilities services, the company now collectively employs more than 350 professional staff, with offices in NSW, Queensland, and Western Australia. For more information contact Seymour Whyte Group, Brisbane Technology Park, 12 Electronics Street, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113, phone 07 3340 4800 , fax 07 3340 4811, website

nsw PROJECT FEATURE bullaburra east upgrade


HEALTH AND SAFETY EXPERTISE Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd provides a comprehensive, high quality and cost effective risk management consulting service to both the private and public sectors throughout Australia, in the areas of occupational health and safety and environmental management. Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd was involved from the planning stages of the Bullaburra East Upgrade project to review documents, provide ways of communicating with local residents to alleviate their concerns about the removal of asbestos containing materials from their footpaths, to design removal procedures & provide advice and handson consultation to ensure the safe removal of all asbestos materials. Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd has been in operation since 1994 and combines expertise from a broad range of disciplines encompassing building and construction, engineering, science, risk management and occupational hygiene. The company’s services include; hazardous materials surveys, NATA Approved laboratory analysis, risk assessments, hazard control strategies, the implementation of hazardous materials risk management programmes, air monitoring programmes, project management of hazardous materials and asbestos abatement projects, mould remediation and environmental audits. Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd developed an asbestos awareness pamphlet to inform residents, within the vicinity of the of Bullaburra East Upgrade project, of upcoming asbestos removal works. The 86

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purpose of the pamphlet was to notify the community of the scope of the removal works being undertaken and provide information on the origin of asbestos containing materials, relevant legislation, health concerns arising and the controls being implemented to minimise the release of asbestos into the surrounding environment. Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd recommended procedures for the safe removal of the asbestos containing materials and conducted asbestos fibre air monitoring to assess the effectiveness of the measures. The company also provided asbestos clearance inspections and reports during each stage of the works. The Opera House, the Sydney Town Hall, the Art Gallery of NSW and Sydney University are some of Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd’ current projects in Sydney, NSW. “Our policy is to be the premium provider of professional risk management consulting services in occupational health and safety and environmental management,” said Operations Manager, Robert Gale.

For more information contact Hibbs & Associates Pty Ltd, Unit 48, 378 Parramatta Road, Homebush NSW 2140, Toll Free 1300 4 HIBBS, office phone 02 9746 3244, fax 02 9746 3266, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Land Clearing Specialists Plateau Tree Service Pty Ltd specialises in all aspects of vegetation management, from land clearing to landscape maintenance. Seymour Whyte Constructions Pty Ltd engaged the company to undertake the clearing and grubbing for the Bullaburra East Upgrade project. Plateau Tree Service was also engaged to provide tree crews to undertake works as required on site.

compact site was a major achievement which has helped us to cement our relationship with Seymour Whyte for the future.”

Plateau Tree Service has been operating since 1991. The company employs trained arborists and horticulturalists who offer a highly professional service. Plateau Tree Service operates both in the Sydney region and across NSW on residential, commercial and government projects. It boasts an extensive range of vehicles, machinery and safety equipment that its employees are trained and experienced in using.

Plateau Tree Service takes pride in its professionalism and safety record. “We’ve been awarded Best Practice certification for our quality, safety and environmental systems, and for our commitment to safety, customer care and customer satisfaction,” said a company spokesperson.

Plateau Tree Service is currently undertaking major clearing works for Lend Lease Corporation Ltd both at Cattai Creek for the North West Growth Centre and on the M5 for the M5 West Widening Project.

Bob Kennedy (Civil and Corporate Manager) led the skilled team on the Bullaburra East Upgrade project, with Andrew Davis (Senior Supervisor) controlling the practical works on site. “There have been major obstacles in terms of the restrictions of the site, works with traffic control and the additional hazards involved with working within the rail corridor,” said a company spokesperson. “Completing the works to a challenging program on a difficult and WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

For more information contact Plateau Tree Service Pty Ltd, Unit 2A, Winbourne Estate, 9-13 Winbourne Road, Brookvale NSW 2100, phone 02 9939 5350, email, website nsw PROJECT FEATURE bullaburra east upgrade


Retaining Solutions Retaining Solutions installed the retaining walls for the Bullaburra East Upgrade project. Retaining Solutions Design Construct Pty Ltd, trading as Retaining Solutions is a design and construct specialty contractor with experience and expertise in value engineering of site specific earth retaining structures. Other services include earthmoving plant hire (Plant Hire Solutions). Retaining Solutions has been in business for 10 years. Its personnel have over 50 years of combined experience in retaining wall construction and paving applications.

The experienced team at Retaining Solutions dealt with a number of major challenges. Heavy rain and flooding continually threatened the building programme. Traffic flow along the highway needed to be maintained throughout the construction period. The road was bound by the railway track on the north side and housing on the south side leaving a very narrow construction zone posing a number of challenges for backfilling operations and materials delivery. Retaining Solutions overcame these challenges to complete the work within the building programme and within the budget.

The Reinforced Earth TerraClass® retaining wall system was used for a number of the retaining walls on the Bullaburra East Upgrade project. In total, Retaining Solutions installed 1260 square metres of retaining wall. The cruciform shaped panel with horizontal rib and exposed basalt aggregate finish has been used extensively along the highway through the Blue Mountains and was thus an obvious choice. Retaining Solutions scope of works also included the installation of chimney drains, spreading and compacting select backfill material.

Retaining Solutions has been involved in many major retaining wall projects in NSW and Australia wide. One of the company’s current projects is the Majura Parkway, Canberra, a new road development that will connect the Federal Highway to the Monaro Highway. “Retaining Solutions is dedicated to providing the very best products and services to its clients,” said a company spokesperson. “At Retaining Solutions quality construction is our number one priority.” For more information contact Retaining Solutions Design Construct Pty Ltd, 57/5 Gladstone Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154, phone 02 9899 2111, fax 02 9899 2112, email info@retainingsolutions., website


NSW PROJECT FEATURE bullaburra east upgrade


Quality and Economy “Oberon Quarries for quality and economy” is Oberon Quarries Pty Ltd’s motto. Oberon Quarries supplies natural basalt products for all types of construction work. The company won the tender to supply the Bullaburra East project. The quarry, which is located 5 km east of the Oberon, NSW, has been in operation for almost 20 years and has reserves in excess of 81 million tonnes of the “highest quality” basalt. Oberon Quarries takes great pride in being an independent family owned quarry. The company has 22 employees. Both its production staff and fleet drivers worked on the Bullaburra East project. The natural basalt materials supplied to the Bullaburra East project were for stormwater drainage, subsurface drainage (10mm and 20mm aggregate) and gabion rock. Oberon Quarries produces basalt products to specification. Typical aggregate sizes used are 7mm, 10mm, 14mm and 20mm. Oberon Quarries’ aggregates conform to AS2758.1 – 1998 Aggregates and Rock for Engineering Purposes. The high quality of Oberon Basalt is confirmed by recent tests that show no silica rock, a Los Angeles Value of 15%, a Sodium Sulphate Soundness of 4.8%, a Wet /Dry strength Variation of 17, a Mean Uniaxial Compressive Strength of 71 mpa, and an Apparent Particle Density (AS1141.6.1) of 2.97(t/ m3) among the results. Oberon Quarries delivers throughout Sydney and the Central tablelands supplying concrete plants and construction projects. Local Government customers include Oberon, Bathurst, Lithgow and the Blue Mountains. Fulton Hogan, Roads and Maritime Services, SRS Roads, State Asphalts and Bagatella Bitumen purchase Oberon precoated aggregates. Special Jet Patch aggregates are purchased by Oberon, Bathurst, Lithgow, Blue Mountains and Wollondilly Councils. Road base is a product purchased by many customers, notably Roads and Maritime Services, together with Oberon and Bathurst Councils. For more information contact Oberon Quarries Pty Ltd, Hargraves Quarry Road, Oberon NSW 2787, phone 02 6336 0259, fax 02 6336 0258, email, website


nsw PROJECT FEATURE bullaburra east upgrade






Below Ceerose led the construction of the Eliza Apartments.

With only 19 apartments, the $75M Eliza Apartments development will feature a unique parametrically designed façade. The design features 2 & 4 bedroom units with panoramic park and harbour views, as well as a 3 storey penthouse with roof top pool & private elevator. Ceerose have transformed a small 280m2 site into one of Sydney’s most remarkable and meticulously crafted residential projects, the Eliza apartments. Ceerose have both developed and built Eliza, bringing to every stage of the project a keen sense of timeless elegance and quality, while also pursuing architectural innovation with a design by avant-garde architect Tony Owen. The 17-level building comprises 19 apartments and a high-end ground floor retail outlet, including eight full-floor four bedroom apartments, with an ensuite for each bedroom, plus a guest washroom; 10 half-floor two bedroom, two bathroom apartments; and a three-level, four bedroom, six bathroom penthouse with multiple living and entertaining areas, butler’s pantry, a rooftop glass-walled, mosaic tiled plunge pool and an outdoor entertaining area with cooking facilities. Below ground, there are six levels of basement car parking and storage. One of the most distinctive features of Eliza from the street is the curving, sinuous facade featuring sandstone, curved aluminium and glass balustrades, and expansive floor-to-ceiling glazing looking out over Hyde Park. The facade is slightly cantilevered outwards, and no two floors are the same in terms of their exterior façade or interior layout. Eliza is truly bespoke, and in terms of attention to detail, level of finishes and inclusions, it is a peerless achievement. “This is a very unique project,” said Ceerose Director, Edward Doueihi. “A façade of this type has never before been built in Australia”. “As the facade gradually steps outwards over 13 levels and then back inwards over the last 3, we had to construct from the top down, level by level. All elements of the facade were fabricated offsite, and then brought onto site and carefully put together – like a jigsaw puzzle.” Another aspect which complicated the facade construction was the site access, with very little room available for the crane, Alimak or loading platform, and time constraints of the CBD location which only permitted a work zone from 10am until 3pm, a five hour window each day for excavation spoil removal, pouring concrete WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

slabs and deliveries. “We had to stay on top of organisation, procurement and deliveries at all times as every minute was critical,” said Development Manager, Daniel McNamara. The interiors of Eliza are as breathtaking and distinctive as the facade, with no expense spared on materials and inclusions, and the highest level of skill and precision applied to every facet of the fitout. Every trade subcontractor on the project was carefully chosen for their ability to deliver the extremely high standard of quality required, and Ceerose dedicated a special finishes foreman on site to ensure every detail of the design specifications was executed perfectly. “The whole project was meticulously detailed, for example, the lobby features a beautiful curved sandstone wall to complement the exterior design, with carved niches and uplights,” said Edward.“People working on the project needed to be appreciative of the challenges.” Eliza’s truly magnificent interior spaces feature European designer fittings and beautifully crafted natural materials such as limestone floors for the kitchen and living areas, floor-to-ceiling stone accompanied by Calacatta marble benchtops in the bathrooms, Villeroy & Boch bathroom suites, extensive timber and fabric clad feature panelling throughout the living areas and bedrooms, and kitchens by Porcalenosa, accompanied by Calacatta marble splashbacks and benchtops. In the four bedroom apartments and penthouse there is also a gas fireplace and a private lift lobby. The carpets in the bedrooms are a luxurious beautifully woven wool and cotton viscose blend, and the bathrooms equipped with underfloor heating and heated towel rails. Appliances have been carefully chosen, including Meile laundry kits, ovens, rangehoods, dishwashers and microwaves from Gaggenau, fully integrated Liebherr refrigerators, Abey Piazza double-bowl undermount sinks and Gessi Rettangolo tapware. In the penthouse, the kitchen also includes a double oven, climatecontrolled wine cabinet and Gaggenau espresso

coffee machine. A Dynalight system controls lighting, ducted VRV air conditioning and curtains. Residents have the option of having their home Dynalight system interfaced with their iPad to enable control of all home systems from anywhere in their unit. All the lighting comprises energy-efficient and dimmable LEDs, with Dynalite switches, in a range of bespoke fittings including downlights, trough lighting, pendant lighting and a number of chandeliers in the penthouse. In the penthouse, a bespoke staircase with floating Calacatta marble treads connects all three floors, and when combined with 3.8 metre ceiling heights, creates a space which has a distinct sense of grandeur, complimented by the sweeping floor-to-ceiling views of Hyde Park and Sydney Harbour beyond. The project with all its challenges and complexities was completed with an impeccable safety record, a testament to the hands-on approach of the Ceerose project management team and the commitment and high standards of their subcontractors. Edward Doueihi said there is a real sense of pride for those who have worked on Eliza, bringing out the best qualities in everyone involved, and delivering for Ceerose a landmark achievement as testament to the quality of construction it can accomplish. “This is a brilliant project. I know I’ll be bringing my kids and my grandkids past it and saying, “Look, I helped build that,” said Daniel. For Ceerose, the lengthy and intricate process of developing and then delivering Eliza has been a crowning achievement. As an architectural statement, it has created a lasting legacy for the city skyline, and in its interior design and execution, it has redefined the concept of apartment living in Sydney’s central business district.

For more information contact Ceerose, 580, Paramatta Road, Petersham NSW 2049, phone 02 9571 9999, fax 02 9571 9900, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE ELIZA APARTMENTS


Below Danzaco supplied and installed oak flooring for the Eliza Apartments.

Creating hardwood flooring is an artform, and Danzaco displayed their mastery of it at Eliza Apartments. They supplied and installed approximately 700m2 of 130mm select grade white American oak flooring, meeting a challenging array of extra specifications and delivering a naturally stunning result. Danzaco’s team have experience in every aspect of flooring, from surface preparation through to final polishing. At Eliza, they first sealed the underfloors with moisture fix as a moisture barrier, then installed level battens on acoustic pads to achieve a flush finish with bathroom tiles, laundry tiles, lobbies and aluminium sliding doors.

The flooring timber was then installed using glue and secret nails, sanded and polished and finished with three coats of polyurethane varnish. The challenges began with the tight timeframe of only six weeks for the entire scope, which Danzaco achieved through using three teams, working concurrently and each delivering one part of the job – battens, flooring, and finishing. The project has set extremely high acoustic standards, and the acoustic engineer for Eliza specified that insulation had to be used between the battens, spaced at 350mm, in addition to acoustic pads under the battens. “The job had to be 100%,” said Danzaco Managing Director, Dany Zeydan.“There were no tolerances. The timber specified also had to be select grade, with no knots or cracks.” Danzaco achieved extremely high standards on the job, due to the experience of the tradesmen on their team and the diligence with which they approach every project. They take pride in delivering every project on time, and with zero defects. The company has a “passion for floors” and has a range of specialist hardwood flooring expertise including tongue-and-groove flooring, parquetry, timber decking with concealed fixing and staircases. 92


They also supply and install engineered flooring for internal applications, which offers a highly efficient way of achieving installation rates of between 1000-1200m2 of flooring a week. Danzaco have four qualified carpenters on staff, as well as two flooring installers and four labourers, who are also skilled in sanding and polishing. The company was founded overseas 22 years ago, and relocated to Australia 5 years ago. Since commencing operations here Danzaco have undertaken jobs ranging from small residential projects including Heritage renovations, through to major multi-dwelling apartment projects such as DNA @ Camperdown, another Ceerose project comprising 133 apartments for which Danzaco is currently supplying and installing blackbutt decking and engineered flooring.

For more information contact Zeydan Enterprises Pty Ltd trading as Danzaco, Unit 19 2-8 Daniel Street, Wetherill Park NSW 2164, phone 02 8720 2738, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Sampford IXL provided a variety of kitchen appliances for the Eliza Apartments.

Sampford IXL are the sole distributors of Neff and Gaggenau German kitchen appliances.

If an issue arose it was quickly rectified with minimal fuss, allowing the project to flow with ease.

The commercial team at Sampford IXL was appointed to provide Gaggenau kitchen appliances and refrigeration to each apartment at the Eliza Apartments complex.

Eliza Apartments is set to become one of the finest residential buildings in the CBD and will no doubt inspire fellow developers. Known as the home of premium brands, Sampford IXL is able to offer world-class appliances for projects of all sizes.

Gaggenau appliances offer uncompromising beauty along with outstanding performance. These eye-catching appliances feature timeless beauty and will no doubt compliment the fine details which have been incorporated throughout these exquisite residences.

For more information contact Sampford IXL, 421 Smith Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065, phone 1300 727 421, email, website

Eliza Apartments is a boutique complex overlooking Hyde Park and boasting 19 unique apartments. The building has been architecturally designed to embrace the character of surrounding buildings and landscapes. Sampford IXL found it easy dealing with Ceerose (the developer) and the project managers who presented in a professional manner throughout the project and were always courteous to deal with. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU



Below Stallion Elevators designed and installed the lifts within the Eliza Apartments.

For one of Sydney’s most covetable penthouses atop Eliza Apartments, every detail needed to be impeccable, including the private internal lift. Stallion Elevators, a division of Stallion Group, provided an elegant and sustainable solution, with a Maison lift by Kleemann. Stallion Elevators undertook the design and installation of the 1100mm x 1400mm lift which features a bespoke bronze stainless steel cabin and doors. The lift installation services two landings, and the key challenge for Stallion was the logistical feat of supplying the lift to the top of the building given the site’s restricted access and craneage. The company’s technical division will also be providing the ongoing maintenance and service calls for the lift, ensuring complete peace of mind for the Penthouse owner. The project relied on the combined talents of Stallion Construction Manager Robert Miranda, who has 22 years experience in the lift industry, and Stallion Business Development Manager, Brian Susman, who also has 22 years lift industry expertise. Stallion Elevator’s focus is on ‘Lifting You Up’ by delivering technological solutions which also provide considerable savings in a building’s energy consumption. No project is too big or too small as Stallion’s design team use superior European lift technology and components from ORONA and Kleemann to deliver the best solution for each and every project, including passenger lifts, car stackers and goods lifts 94


for restaurants and hotels. All Stallion lifts carry a Green Star rating, and the company is fully government accredited by DEEWR. Other recent projects include four lifts in Mortlake directly opposite the exclusive area of Breakfast point, four lifts in Marrickville at The Quarry, St Marys shopping centre, NBN Head Office and Tabernacle in Surry Hills, a conversion of an old church into a theatre. Stallion Group has a number of areas of expertise in addition to lifts, providing bespoke and leading-edge solutions for electrical and data cabling, electronic security, audio-visual systems and installation, and air conditioning. Stallion Group has a solid base of ongoing clients, including UTS, Westfield Shopping Centre, Louis Vuitton and Chanel, and has completed projects across the commercial, residential, retail, government and education sectors. By basing their approach on superior service and a ‘central point of accountability’ model, and investing in ongoing staff training in safety and technical product knowledge, Stallion ensure they provide solutions which deliver sustainability and long-term value. For more information contact Stallion Elevators Pty Ltd, 3/26 Wentworth Avenue, Mascot NSW 2020, phone 1300 555 363, fax 9700 9735, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Warmtech supplied underfloor heating systems in the bathrooms for the Eliza Apartments.

True luxury extends to every room at Eliza Apartments, even the most private ones, with Warmtech’s inscreed underfloor heating system making life very comfortable indeed in all the bathrooms and ensuites. Unlike other many other options, Warmtech underfloor heating requires no obtrusive or noisy wall-mounted radiators or heat pumps, and unlike ceiling mounted light-based systems, it delivers an energyefficient all-pervasive warmth. The inscreed system is a free running cable system, which can be laid in any configuration directly underneath the floor tiles. Warmtech also supplied and installed a thermal insulation board under the heating elements, and user-friendly thermostats which will provide Eliza residents with seven-day, fully programmable control over the heating. Underfloor heating systems have a very long working life and very low maintenance requirements. Warmtech offer a 10 year warranty on all inscreed and under tile systems, which gives owners at Eliza added peace of mind. There are other benefits too: Warmtech heating systems eliminate dampness, minimise drafts and condensation, and fill rooms with WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

clean, still air and radiant warmth. Radiant heating is recommended by health professionals for asthma sufferers. Warmtech underfloor systems are simple to install on either concrete slabs or timber subfloors, and under floor coverings including carpet, ceramic tiles, marble, porcelain, limestone, cork, vinyl, and polished and coloured concrete. It can also be very effective under wooden floors. This versatility makes it suitable for projects across both residential and commercial sector, including aged care, health, hospitality and offices. Other projects which Warmtech have provided their economical and environmentally-friendly underfloor heating systems to include the University of New South Wales , Channel 9’s ‘The Block’, St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill, Drift Apartments Cronulla, Coast Apartments Cronulla, Waterfront Apartments Canberra, Powerhouse Motel Armidale and Tamworth and Beaumont Wahroonga.

For more information contact Warmtech Pty Ltd, 20 Sunnybank Road, Lisarow NSW 2250, phone 1300 138 126, fax 02 9980 1803, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE ELIZA APARTMENTS


Below Korda Design created and supplied the carpets in the Eliza Apartments.

Beautiful design begins at the floor in the Eliza Apartments, which feature custom-created carpets and rugs by Korda Design. For the bedrooms, they designed and supplied 808sqm of pass-machine and hand tufted carpet, and for the lobby, two bespoke rugs. The designs were inspired by the building’s faceted interior structure fused with art deco glamour. The carpet features a linear pattern design using high quality wool and cotton viscose which is in keeping with the building’s luxurious style and feel, yet also is durable and able to withstand everyday family life. “We met with project leads at Ceerose and Tony Owen Partners in the early stages of the project to discuss the details of the build and the carpet requirements,” said Korda Design Managing Director, Kelly MacPherson. “We then went through the sampling process to ensure the colours work in perfectly with the rest of the palette. The finishes for the apartments and lobby furniture had already been finalized by the time the carpet was being sampled, so the copper and burnished metals played a major role. “The majority of the carpet supplied for the Eliza has been passmachine carpet. This method of production offers a hand tufted aesthetic, but as it is machine made, fits comfortably with budget allowances of a multi-residential project and commercial projects.” All the design work was created at Korda Designs’ Chippendale studio 96


and developed in collaboration with Rashna Shorapurwala, interior designer at Tony Owen Partners. “For Korda, it was great to be part of a project that has pushed so many architectural boundaries. It has been extremely rewarding to have our carpet add value to the creative vision the designers and architects had for this building,” said Kelly. “Korda Design makes the process of designing and supplying carpet easier as we manage and oversee the entire project including installation. Our attention to detail and genuine interest in the projects we work on have been the reason for our successful outcomes and ongoing client relationships. We pride ourselves on our collaborative approach to the design process and work hard to bring our clients vision of their space to life.” The creativity of Korda Design can be found around the nation and also internationally in projects ranging from high-end private homes through to apartments, commercial buildings and hospitality venues including hotels, cinemas, clubs and pubs.Other outstanding recent projects have included the Sheraton Noosa, Four Seasons Hotel at the Rocks and the Cronulla RSL. For more information contact Korda Design, Suite 2, 5-13 Queen Street, Chippendale NSW 2008, phone 02 9698 5788, fax 02 9698 5588, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below G & Z provided formwork for the Eliza Apartments.

Creating solutions for unpredictable situations is something G&Z takes pride in, and it’s an approach which enabled them to safely and efficiently resolve the multiple challenges of providing formwork for the Eliza Apartments project. The site was tight, with adjacent buildings including the upmarket Sheraton Hotel, and the geometry of the building non-linear and varying from floor to floor over 17 storeys. This required G&Z to apply a high level of skill and ingenuity to the formwork configuration for slab and structural concrete pours. Those solutions also had to be implemented quickly, with Ceerose targeting a slab pour every 10 days to maintain momentum. G&Z take a highly organised approach to their projects including developing a detailed program and cost assessment for each client. This attention to the detail of materials and staging before work commences expedites the process once concrete works commence, and ensures the company’s skilled and safety-focused site personnel stay one step ahead in terms of logistics. For projects with complex geometries, G&Z utilise a variety of specialised commercial moulding tools to achieve the required results, including curved walls, vertical elements and architectural details. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

G&Z can also develop complete structural packages including supplying and placing the reinforcing and concrete. Every one of G&Z’s projects is given the same level of focus and attention, with close collaboration between their project managers and the client ensuring requirements are met. Proof of G&Z’s abilities is the number of long-term clients who use their services on a preferred subcontractor basis. Completed projects range from luxury high-rise residential apartments, shopping centres, BER Schools projects, warehouses and medical centres. Some of their noteworthy major projects include a nine-storey Medical Centre at Mascot, Fisherman’s Wharf at The Entrance and the BOC Cylinder Testing Facility, which included the challenging construction of purpose built pits and load bearing floors for machinery. Adding value underpins G&Z’s business philosophy, using their 15 years of experience and high level of professional skill to engineer and implement a formwork package which is capable of adjusting to changing circumstances, delivers construction efficiencies and resolves buildability challenges. For more information contact G&Z, phone Charlie on 0430 315 358 NSW PROJECT FEATURE ELIZA APARTMENTS



THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD Featuring four lanes and approximately 17km in length, the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale Pacific Hwy upgrade will improve road safety, allow uninterrupted traffic flow & easy access on and off the highway for local traffic. Roads and Maritime Services has awarded a contract to Lend Lease to design and construct the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale Pacific Highway upgrade. This project is jointly funded by the NSW and Australian governments. The upgrade will provide about 17km of four lane, divided road, starting at the northern end of the Ballina bypass at Ross Lane, extending to the Ewingsdale interchange. It is due for completion in the first half of 2015. The Tintenbar to Ewingsdale Pacific Highway upgrade is designed to improve safety, traffic efficiency and increase capacity along the Pacific Highway, and was identified as a critical infrastructure project by the NSW Government. 98

Building the tunnels Excavation of the tunnels has been divided into three sections – heading, bench and invert. A drill and controlled blast technique is being used to excavate the hard basalt rock. During excavation, and in order to provide a safe working environment for tunnel workers, the tunnel is supported with steel rock bolts and shotcrete (sprayed concrete with reinforced fibres). The tunnels will mostly be excavated through high strength basalt rock which originated as lava flow from the Tweed shield volcano centred on Mount Warning about 20 million years ago. The breakthrough of the northbound tunnel on January 24 marked an important


milestone for the project. Breakthrough on the southbound tunnel is expected in March. The tunnel excavations have so far encountered the full spectrum of basalt rock, from very high strength basalt to weathered basalt and residual soil. Through the design process, the support types have altered according to the strength of the rock encountered, from 100mm of shotcrete and friction grip rock bolts in hard rock, to 300mm shotcrete, lattice girders, grouted bolts, and spiling bars for overhead support in more weathered rock and residual soil. With excavation progressing well, preparations are being made to start the tunnel permanent lining phase. To line the tunnel, two steel travelling tunnel forms have been procured from Austria. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

The travelling tunnel forms are capable of pouring a 10m long block of concrete at a time. The permanent lining will be smooth reinforced cast in-situ concrete, capable of withstanding a serious fire, ground and water pressure and be a minimum of 500mm thick with a design life of 100 years. A sheet waterproofing membrane will be installed for the full circumference of the tunnels to ensure they are water tight. Tunnel facts and figures The excavated tunnels are: • 434m long • 19m wide • 46m below St Helena Road • 12m high • Total face area of about 200m2 • Provide enough space for three lanes of traffic in each direction • Have a minimal height clearance of 5.3m The tunnels will eliminate the need for permanent cuts and visual impacts on St. Helena Hill. It will require 30,000m3 of WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

permanent concrete lining, over 40,000m2 of waterproofing membrane and contain more than 3000 steel rock bolts. It will also be provided with 32 reversible jet fans for ventilation and fire safety and will store 2.6 million litres in tanks to supply the tunnel fire deluge system The tunnels were chosen to minimise the footprint on the St Helena ridgeline and to maintain the scenic views of the area. To reduce impacts, where possible, infrastructure such as substations and deluge tanks has been located underground. Safety features of the twin tunnels include: • Three cross passages between the two tunnels for emergency exit, suitable for use by disabled people. • A fire suppression deluge system comprised of 12 kilometre of pipework, fed by buried water storage tanks at the tunnel control centre • A system of ventilation fans and monitors placed at intervals along the tunnels that will ensure air quality during tunnel

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operation and also vent smoke in the event of a crash or fire in the tunnel. Emergency warning and intercommunication system including an automatic incident detection system, public address system, radio re-broadcast system, emergency phones, fire hydrants, break glass alarms and emergency exits Breakdown bays outside of the tunnel portals CCTV cameras along the approach to and through the tunnel to allow monitoring from the Roads and Maritime Services control centres Tunnel lighting system Detailed signposting system including advance warning electronic message signs and variable speed limits.

For more information contact Roads and Maritime Services, NSW at



Reinforcing the way Concrete Reinforcement Services (CRS) are a civil construction company that specialise in bridges, roads, incrementally launched bridges, precast yard and culverts.

Concrete Reinforcement Services’ Director Nailer O’Neill said the company currently has 60 of its staff working on the tunnels. CRS is due to complete works at the site by Christmas.

Working meticulously on the recent Tintenbar to Ewingsdale project, CRS was responsible for all the reinforcement requirements for the bridges and tunnels.

“The project is 80 per cent finished and we are currently working 24 hours a day, completing two 12-hour shifts in both the tunnels,” he said.

In all, the company worked on 13 bridges which are located over a 25-kilometre stretch, as well as the twin north-bound and southbound tunnels at St Helena Hill. Each tunnel is 450 metres in length and are the biggest in situ tunnels ever built in Australia. The works also included the positioning of around 40 piers, which were prefabricated on the ground and then moved into place by onsite cranes.

As expected with a project of this calibre, the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale construction has provided CRS with a few challenges, including undertaking works across the project’s 25-kilometre distance.

CRS has been working on the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale project since 2012, which has seen the team produce more than 8000 tonnes of reinforcement material.



“The way we are building the tunnels is also new for CRS. We usually use a precast system, however for this project we are actually building the reinforcement itself, which is a first for us,” Nailer said. “Another challenge we are facing at the moment is that we are working 24 hours in the tunnels, so we have to make sure there are enough men and supervisors able to work the required shifts.”


The company, which employs 80 staff, is willing to work on projects anywhere across Australia. This is reflected by the major civil construction projects CRS is currently working on or has just completed. This includes the Frederickton to Eungai upgrade in New South Wales for Thiess, where CRS is working on 12 bridges for the 26.5-kilometre civil construction project, which includes a fourlane divided road and new interchange. CRS has also just completed works on the $1.7 billion Hunter Expressway for Thiess, a 40-kilometre freeway link between Newcastle and the Upper Hunter Valley. Last year, the company completed works on the Urban Superway Project in Adelaide, a 4.8-kilometre highway connecting the Port River Expressway to Regency Road. The $842m project includes a 2.8-kilometre elevated roadway and was a joint venture between John Holland, Macmahon Contractors and Leed Engineering and Construction. CRS has also just finished working on the 4.6-kilometre tunnel for Brisbane’s Legacy Way project, which is being constructed


by Transcity (a joint venture of BMD Constructions, Acciona Infrastructures and Ghella) for Brisbane City Council. Given CRS’s history of working on significant civil construction projects, the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade is certain to be another showcase development for the company, adding to its long list of successful projects.

For more information contact Concrete Reinforcement Services Pty Ltd, phone Philip Teeling (Supervisor) on 0424 500 530, Clive O’Neill (Supervisor) on 0410 715 206, Nailer O’Neill (Director) on 0410 699 006, email, website


one Standard the best CPTS Pty Ltd has secured a proud heritage and iconic reputation within the Australian geotechnical engineering industry. CPTS has been involved in over 20 highway upgrade projects in Northern NSW and Queensland including the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale, Glenugie to Devils Pulpit, Gateway Motorway projects and NARP at the Brisbane Airport. The test results achieved by CPTS are consistently of the highest quality and are delivered with unmatched efficiency and cost effectiveness. CPTS can access and test on:

• • • • • • • • •

Reclamation sites Tidal mud flats Tailings dams Highway Upgrades Dam walls Pre and post sand densification Slip failures Swamps and Construction sites, etc.

The variety of CPT rigs available include: Truck mounted, heavy tracked, low ground pressure tracked, mini tracked, fully amphibious, portable, and Australia’s only CPT rig capable of traversing liquid tailings, as well as a hoverbarge an airboat and a fleet of Argos. CPTS is committed to ensuring satisfaction for you and your client. They achieve this by delivering a top-quality service and by keeping you informed throughout the entire engagement and delivery process.




Testamonial "Due to CPTS's track record and competitive rates, Coffey Geotechnics selected CPTS as the specialist subcontractor for the Glenugie to Devils Pulpit section of the Pacific Highway upgrade. CPTS was responsible for CPTu, Vane Shear and Dilatometer Testing which formed important elements of investigating the soft soils. This project is about 71 km long, has over 10 km of soft soil and is the longest section of Pacific Highway Upgrade ever to be awarded by RMS�.

Yvo is available to conduct site assessments and provide advice on the most suitable of our vehicles to access even your most challenging sites.

"We are extremely pleased with the high data quality and production rate that CPTS has been able to achieve. We have and will continue to utilise their services on current and future projects". Dean Harris Associate Engineering Geologist Glenugie to Devils Pulpit Project Manager


For more information contact CPTS by phone on 0407 375 977, email, or visit our website


Strong and Civil AWD Civil was recently involved in the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade, which forms part of the Pacific Highway Upgrade Program. The team at AWD Civil were responsible for the construction of sub surface drainage infrastructure throughout the Northern, Central and Southern zones of the development. The scope of work also involved the installation of headwalls and precast concrete pits with pipe sizes ranging from 375mm through to 1650mm. As with all projects, AWD Civil provided a team of highly qualified staff to ensure the job progressed accordingly. For this particular project there were deep excavations involved up to 5m deep. AWD Civil were aware of the environmental impacts where habitats or areas of vegetation were to remain protected. This made traversing around in an excavator difficult but the team ensured there was no damage to the protected areas. Throughout the works, AWD Civil worked closely with multiple contractors’ onsite to provide a safe, open and progressive work environment. AWD Civil have used recycled crush material generated from other onsite areas and crushed onsite by the principle contractor. The company offers a diverse range of infrastructure services that are innovative, cost effective and high quality civil solutions. AWD Civils’ comprehensive services means they are able to offer solutions within both the commercial and domestic fields with clients extending from service authorities, large tier one civil companies and mining, through to small domestic projects and subdivisions. For more information contact AWD Civil Pty Ltd, Unit 30, 20-22 Ellerslie Road, Meadowbrook QLD 4131, phone 07 3200 5766, fax 07 3200 2490, email, website




Winning Awards Ballina Concrete Pumping was selected to carry out concrete pumping services for the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale project in New South Wales. The upgrade covers approximately 17 kilometres and is set to improve road safety and allow for easy access on and off the highway for local Traffic. Ballina Concrete Pumping have a reputation for paying close attention to time schedules and WH&S. They also feature wellmaintained equipment and ensure all operators are correctly licensed, dedicated and experienced. As a contractor of choice for all civil, commercial and domestic work, Ballina Concrete Pumping has won numerous awards, which support their renowned reputation, and keeps them ahead of their game. Some of the awards are listed below:

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Winners 2012 Ballina Shire Business Excellence Awards Workplace Health and Safety Winners 2011 Ballina Shire Business Excellence Awards Business of the Year Winners 2010 Ballina Shire Business Excellence Awards Corporate Citizen of the Year Winners 2008, 2009 & 2010 Ballina Shire Business Excellence Awards Trade Services

Ballina Concrete Pumping is a family owned business and has been operating for more than 10 years. The business can cater to projects of all types and sizes. The experienced team is always ready to provide a service which is stress free, and an end product which meets and exceeds expectations every time. The team at Ballina Concrete Pumping is also working on the Pimlico to Teven project, the Devil's Pulpit and various other commercial works, along with their regular domestic work. For more information contact Ballina Concrete Pumping, PO Box 7047, East Ballina 2478, Chris 0413 997 888 for pump bookings, All Admin 02 6686 5075, email, website



SHOOTing TO SUCCESS Jemna’s involvement in the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale (T2E) project started in early 2012 with the pre-construction trials of the equipment as well as the Shotcrete & Fibrecrete mixes to be used in the lining of the St Helena Tunnel’s, an integral portion of the T2E project. Further to this Jemna was invited to carry out trials for the spraying & methodology for the application of Shotcrete & Fibrecrete of all the open drains on the T2E project. The initial requirement of one shotcrete crew grew to three crews at various stages of the project as the weather took hold & pushed different areas into the critical path category of works. Logistically Jemna was faced with very rough terrain & varying access issues that lead us to having to push up to 120mtrs at times in excessive heat in order to complete some of the larger drains on the job. With the demanding specifications (Colour, reinforcement and 100 year life) on the design & product of the T2E project, Jemna has to date been able to successfully and safely deliver quality outcomes on all of the works carried out to date. Jemna’s is a ground support contractor specialising in the application & management Shotcrete & Fibrecrete. Whilst Shotcrete application



is their specialty, Jemna also offers specialty labour hire, pre-mix trial management, budgetary pricing, training, EFNARC certification, hand held rock installation, grouting, meshing & related services. A new addition to Jemna is the Road Registered Shotcrete robot, the “RoadRunner”, a 4 x 4 carrier that boasts a 20 metre boom, 400CFM compressor & concrete pump with chemical injection facilities for faster set times. The rig is capable of spraying Shotcrete/Fibrecrete up to 17m vertical off the ground & similarly on any down slope off the side of tight road ways as well as underground application. With elimination & engineering high on the priority scale of the hazard hierarchy this system brings optimum safety to an often otherwise high risk potential scenario. The “Roadrunner” is the only unit available in Australia to date & Jemna is very proud to be able to offer this high standard of SAFE, EFFICIENT & QUALITY system. For more information contact Jemna Pty Ltd, 611 Gold Creek Road, Brookfield QLD 4069, phone 07 3103 2021, mobile 0477 450 384, email, website


A fine fill Ramtech Pty Ltd began trading in 1981 and purchased Dunloe Park at Pottsville, New South Wales in 2001. An application to operate a sand quarry was lodged in 2002 with final approvals issued in 2009. Dunloe Park is a cattle producing property of 630 hectares of which 56 hectares is approved for sand extraction. Sand resources are estimated at 9,000,000 tonnes. The team at Dunloe Sands were chosen to supply Bed&Haunch and Washed&Fillsands for the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale project.

by the Department of Planning, Department of Environment and Climate Change and Department of Mineral Resources. The following high quality products are available to the construction industry:

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Washed Pit Sand Bedding Sand Brickies Loam Block-layers Loam Concrete Sand.

The Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade consists of approximately 17 kilometres in length starting at the northern end of the Ballina bypass and extending to the Ewingsdale interchange. The construction was approved in January 2010 when Baulderstone Pty Ltd were awarded the design and build of the project.

Dunloe Sands also offers specialised products to a vast range of industries including garden features, sporting grounds and golf courses.

Dunloe Sands operates with best practice measures at the forefront of their business procedures at all times. The company operates under both approved mining leases and extractive permit issued

For more information contact Dunloe Sands, Mooball NSW 2483, phone 0411 795 060, email





The $440 Million Macquarie Centre will be the second largest retail shopping centre in Sydney upon completion. This fabulous development will provide one of the finest shopping destinations with approximately 130 extra retail stores and a new fresh food market. AMP Capital is a leading investment house with over $142 billion in funds under management. AMP Capital Shopping Centres is a specialised team of experts, combining world-class experience and specialist capabilities in the management of some of Australia’s and New Zealand’s most successful retail centres. AMP Capital Shopping Centres was established in 1971 and has a portfolio of 26 centres across Australia and New Zealand generating over A$6 billion in annual sales. Macquarie Centre forms part of the AMP Capital Shopping Centres’ $2.8 billion development pipeline. AMP Capital Shopping Centres commenced the $440 million the Macquarie Centre redevelopment in November 2012. Macquarie Cetre is situated between Herring, Waterloo and Talevera Roads in the suburb of Macquarie Park in Sydney, New South Wales, opposite Macquarie University's main campus, close to Macquarie Business Park and Macquarie University Station. Macquarie Shopping Centre opened in November 1981 and houses Myer, Target, Big W, Woolworths, Event Cinemas and approximately 250 specialty stores. “Our plan is to develop Macquarie Centre into one of the finest retail and leisure destinations for the community it serves, said a company spokesperson. “The redevelopment of Macquarie Centre represents the most exciting retail opportunity in Australia— where local and international brands will collide to create a new and revolutionary retail experience.” The shopping centre will be around 138,500 square metres when completed. The redevelopment plan includes the introduction of a full line David Jones, a new 2 level mall linking the new David Jones with the existing centre and Myer, a new Fresh Food Market including Coles and WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

speciality Asian food stores, approximately 130 new specialty stores, two new substations and a further 1,050 car spaces. AMP Capital has built out through Macquarie Centre’s car parks for the expansion. Use is made of natural stone, timber, and sky light to create atmosphere in the redevelopment. Columns in the style of a “European colonnade streetscape” punctuate the newer parts of the centre. The skylight is 7m high in order to create a sense of arrival. The extension will place Macquarie Centre as the largest suburban shopping centre in New South Wales and one of the top ten centres by size in Australia. Macquarie Centre will open in two stages, the first staged opened on 17 July, with a major launch of the entire centre to take place in October, 2014. AMP Capital Shopping Centres’ is also currently working on Ocean Keys, a subregional shopping centre located in Clarkson, a northern suburb of Perth, Western Australia. Commenced in January 2013, the $105 million development of Ocean Keys will “evolve the centre into an exciting retail destination by the end of 2014”, with a range of retailers, a new dining precinct, new parking, new transport options and new leisure spaces for the community. Another shopping centre redevelopment for AMP Capital Shopping Centre in the pipeline, is the $670 million redevelopment at Pacific Fair, a major regional shopping centre located on the Gold Coast, Queensland. For more information contact AMP Capital Shopping Centres, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney NSW 2000, phone 1800 658 404, email, website


Allmen engineering STEEL STRUCTURES - ON TIME, ON BUDGET, TO SPECIFICATION Allmen Engineering provided detailed fabrication drawings, manufactured and installed 3000 tonnes in total of structural steel for the Macquarie Centre project. The company, which has been in business since 1997, specialises in custom steel structures and its services include structural design, detailed fabrication drawings, manufacture and installation. Allmen Engineering has worked on shopping centres, warehouses, railway stations, office buildings, staircases, awnings, spires, plantrooms, coal conveyors and shaft lining formwork. Its factory provides 4000 sqm of fabrication area. The design phase of the project involved detailed coordination with multiple building service contractors to ensure trouble free installation. The work involved underpinning and strengthening of existing structural elements, new mezzanine car park decks (including bondek formwork and shear studs) constructed within the existing concrete framed car park buildings and new multi storey steel framework for the retail upgrade works. As well, Allmen Engineering provided the façade steelwork for cladding support and the architectural steelwork, which included curved skylights, café structures, and entrance lobbies.


Working within an operating shopping centre was a challenge which required detailed planning during all phases (delivery to erection), to ensure the wellbeing of the public. The limited storage space on site was overcome by having every manufactured item, packed and delivered in sequence, to ensure that it was erected immediately when it arrived at the job site. All crane setups were methodically thought out. This included the installation of heavy transfer beams up to 30T in weight. Allmen Engineering managed multiple work fronts concurrently at all times, in order to achieve programmed deadlines and did so, without any injuries. Other projects Allmen Engineering is working on include Barangaroo (Lend Lease), Westfield Miranda, the Australian Defence Force Relocation project at Holesworthy (Laing O’Rouke), and the Royal North Shore Hospital (Brookfield Multiplex). For more information contact Allmen Engineering Projects Pty Ltd, Managing Director Rupert Henry mobile 0414 391 111, phone 02 9460 2000, website


Mmmore to offer Triple ‘M’ Mechanical Services Pty Ltd (NSW) designed, supplied, installed and commissioned the mechanical services installation for the Macquarie Centre project. Triple ‘M’ (NSW) is part of the Triple M Group, which specialises in all aspects of HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and fire systems across commercial and industrial sectors and is one of Australia’s largest building services providers. This includes design, drafting, manufacturing, construction, commissioning, defects liability management and ongoing maintenance services. Triple ‘M’ commenced trading in 1994 in Sydney. The company’s first project was the Sydney International Aquatic Centre, part of Sydney's bid programme for the 2000 Olympics. Today Triple ‘M’ has offices in NSW, Queensland and Western Australia and a staff of more than 400 professionals and tradespeople employed nationally, including duct installers, plumbers, pipe fitters and alarm technicians. Triple ‘M’ has some of the largest in-house ductwork manufacturing and pipe work fabrication facilities of any mechanical contractor. These facilities, in NSW and Queensland, have been enhanced by the integration of automated duct fabrication lines that increase the company’s ductwork manufacturing capability to over 150 tonnes per month, enabling ductwork to be transported anywhere in Australia. In excess of 40 employees from the NSW team have directly or indirectly been involved with the Macquarie Shopping Centre project. Other projects Triple ‘M’ is currently working on in NSW include the new IKEA Store in Marsden Park in Sydney’s west and the Headland Re-development for the Barangaroo precinct. For more information contact Triple ‘M’ Mechanical Services Pty Ltd, Level 3 Quad 2, 8 Parkview Drive, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127, phone 02 9763 6200, fax 02 9763 6201, email, website



PRACTISED PERFECTION IN PILING MGI Piling Pty Ltd designed and constructed the bored piled foundations for the Macquarie Centre project. MGI Piling is a family owned company that provides a range of piling services including heavy duty mobile rigs and restricted access piling.

alongside an existing culvert, through loose fill, waterlogged material and random rock. MGI Piling purchased new equipment specifically for this project – a Mait Baby Drill and Rippamonti down the hole hammer rig which was used to break up the rock.

The company employs 50 staff, consisting of qualified engineers, project managers, experienced supervisors and operators. Since 1997 MGI Piling has completed numerous projects on major civil works, including grout injection piling, bored piles, shoring piles, retaining walls, foundations for multi-storey buildings and bridge foundations for various rail and road projects.

“Overall we satisfied Westfield Construction’s requirements, but specifically just managing to construct some of the piles in the difficult locations was an achievement in itself,” said Director, Michael Isaac.

The experienced team at MGI Piling overcame many challenges on the project. One of these was the design requirement that the piles withstand the potential impact of a vehicle colliding with the column, supported on the pile, necessitating heavy reinforcing and a substantial socket into hard rock. Restricted spaces and low headroom required the use of small machines which created difficulties drilling through hard rock. Other difficulties arose because work was carried out within carparks that were in use and some of the work within the existing shopping mall was carried out at night. A further challenge was drilling 112 NSW PROJECT FEATURE MACQUARIE CENTRE

MGI Piling’s objective is “to provide excellent service to the construction industry as a specialist in the piling field.” The company is currently working on some other difficult access projects such as the Epping to Thornleigh Third Track rail project, the North Strathfield Rail Underpass project and the M2 Motorway Widening project.

For more information contact MGI Piling Pty Ltd, 9 Enterprise Drive, Glendenning NSW 2761, phone 02 9625 0160, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

INNOVATION AND CAPABILITY WHICH DELIVERS Two major retailers at the Macquarie Centre Redevelopment project, Coles and David Jones engaged Equilibrium Air Conditioning Pty Ltd to design and install specialised chilled water/hot water systems to suit their respective tenancy briefs. Equilibrium Air Conditioning was established in 1968 and offers industry service solutions and engineering expertise.

Equilibrium designed and installed an independent water cooled chilled water system to serve David Jones’ two level retail tenancy. Air Handling units were located in various plantrooms around the tenancy. The design of the smoke exhaust system was integrated with the Macquarie Centre’s main system

The company has over 40 employees, of which 12 are professional engineers. It has sought more effective and sustainable ways to deliver results by providing Design and Construct solutions in major commercial, retail, health and specialist projects.

The main challenge of the project was the installation of major equipment into a completed structure. This involved extensive horizontal movement of chillers and air handling units. Equilibrium completed the works within the tight building programme ready for fitout by the major tenants.

“By engaging with project teams early in the construction planning stages, Equilibrium offers a degree of innovation and capability which delivers required results” said Commerical Manager, Joe Maric. Equilibrium also has a modern service division that caters for all maintenance and small works project.

Equilibrium is currently involved in a number of prominent projects including Four Points Hotel at 161 Sussex Street, Sydney, the Sydney Adventist Hospital’s new Clinical Services Building, Wollongong Private Hospital, Mater Hospital in North Sydney, The Hospital for Specialist Services Norwest and Stockland Wetherill Park.

Equilibrium designed and installed a chilled water/hot water system specifically to Coles’ new requirements utilising Desiccant wheel heat recovery to reduce running costs. The layout of exposed ductwork was configured to suit the latest store design from Coles. A Variable Refrigerant Volume system was installed for the back-of-house areas.

If for your project you are looking for service solutions & engineering experts contact Equilibrium Air Conditioning Pty Ltd today, Unit 7, 38 Brookhollow Avenue, Norwest Business Park, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153, phone 02 9439 4822, fax 02 9439 4699, email, website



P & R Fire Services Pty Ltd has design and construct expertise in all areas of fire systems design for residential and commercial projects. At the Macquarie Centre Extension project, P & R Fire Services job included the detailed design, installation and certification of the fire systems.

Wet Fire Services), Wes Brown (Site Manager Dry Fire Services), Scott Manning, Daniel Olford and Phil Davis (Fire System Designers). They met the challenge of completing the works within the time restraint limits of the project, in the difficult environment of a trading shopping centre, during the extension and upgrade.

This work included the fire sprinkler system throughout the extension, fire extinguishers, fire sprinkler pumps and tanks, a smoke detection system and sound system for emergency purposes.

“Our design staff have extensive experience and produce economical and compliant fire systems to suit the individual client requirements,” said Peter Woodworth. “We are able to produce compliant designs in both AutoCAD and REVIT format.”

In addition P & R Fire Services did a major BCA fire system upgrade to the existing shopping centre. P & R Fire Services also inspected and tested the fire system installation to AS1851 (Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment). P & R Fire Services is an independent, owner operated business with 48 staff. The Managing Director takes a personal interest in all projects and is readily available for consultation with all clients. The members of the professional team that worked on the Macquarie Centre Extension project were Peter Woodworth (Manager), Lawrence Thorpe (Senior Project Manager), Steven Parrington (Site Manager 114 NSW PROJECT FEATURE MACQUARIE CENTRE

P & R Fire Services Pty Ltd is available to perform consultation, design, installation and certification of fire services within New South Wales, Queensland and the ACT. Some of the company’s other projects include Westfield Miranda and Westfield Parramatta in NSW, Westfield Carindale in Queensland and Westfield Belconnon in the ACT. For more information contact P & R Fire Services Pty Ltd, 44/24 Garling Road, Kings Park NSW 2148, phone 02 9622 0266, fax 02 9622 0366, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

ENERGY EFFICIENT SOLUTIONS “One of Australia’s largest thermal and acoustic insulation supply and fit specialists”, ee-FiT Pty Ltd, was chosen to assist in both thermal and acoustic insulation in the Macquarie Centre project. Specialising in energy efficient solutions, ee-FiT has been in business for 3 years and engages over 100 employees and contractors in NSW, ACT, Queensland and Victoria. Each state has an experienced team that includes sales staff, technical savvy commercial managers, residential managers and a dedicated contractor work force. Insulation correctly specified and installed, is one of the most critical products in improving energy efficiency. It can save up to 40% in heating and cooling bills. It is also commonly used to reduce noise transfer between commercial floors, rooms and dwellings. The range of services ee-FiT provides includes the full cycle of an insulation project. The company will undertake pre-project planning and specification, including technical support to architects and tender support through project design, pricing and undertaking energy assessments. When a contract is awarded ee-FiT works closely with its client to reach agreement on final specifications, safety requirements and a WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

project timetable. On project completion, ee-FiT will issue all project and warranty certificates. The company is committed to providing environmentally sustainable products. A team of twelve worked on the Macquarie Centre project including a consultant with over 15 years’ experience within the commercial under slab sector, and a sub-contractor with over 10 years’ experience. “We were able to support the builder with the numerous changes that occurred in the specifications,” said team leader, Matt Peisley (Manager NSW/ACT). “Due to our ability to use a variety of products we were able to ensure that all acoustic and thermal ratings were achieved”. Other projects ee-FiT is currently working on include Westfield’s Miranda and Woolworths, Double Bay in NSW and Hindmarsh Constructions’ Canberra Ave and the Commonwealth Building in the ACT. The vision for the business is to “safely deliver extraordinary value to our customers,” said a company spokesperson.

For more information contact ee-FiT (ACT) Pty Ltd, 3/218 Gladstone Ave, Fyshwick 2609, phone 1800 433 348 (FREE Measure & Quote), email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE MACQUARIE CENTRE 115

Macquarie Centre, NSW



SUCCESS STORY “At Carona Group Pty Ltd we can justifiably claim to be the industry leaders in barrier and door systems for energy and hygiene control,” says a company spokesperson. Carona, based in Lawson, NSW, designed and installed 4500 Series Thermal Traffic doors and Focus Glass Door Inserts for both the Coles and Woolworth’s supermarkets in the Macquarie Centre Redevelopment project. The 4500 Series Thermal Traffic doors allow access from the shop floor to back areas and Focus Glass Door Inserts display refrigerated merchandise. “With a project of this size, managing complex delivery is always a challenge,” said Theresa Lee. However, this is nothing new to Carona, who has delivered hundreds of projects across the country for major clients. “Our client appreciated the responsiveness and fast lead-times we were able to deliver,” said Drew Taylor. “Carona has a lean, efficient manufacturing facility with large stocks of product, so we were able to dispatch the doors and products made to the customer’s requirements in a very tight time frame”. Carona’s project team worked closely with the building team to ensure “on time delivery”. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

“The 4500 Series High Impact traffic doors represent the latest design in thermal efficiencies combined with extreme durability,” said Theresa Lee. “The urethane foam core combined with a polyethylene shell ensures this door is the leader in its field”. The Focus range of Glass Door products brings a high level of distinction to many major retailers so that their merchandise is presented in the most attractive way whilst maintaining temperatures and clarity of vision. Double or triple glazed heated glass ensures the effectiveness of this popular range. Carona’s doors strike a balance between presentation, energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The door types in the Macquarie project were customer-facing, so presentation was a major design consideration as were high insulation values for greater energy efficiency. Customisation is a key feature to Carona’s success story. Every project is carefully designed and managed to suit the requirements that are unique to each site. For more information contact Carona Group Pty Ltd, Blue Mountains Business Park, 40 Livingstone Street, Lawson NSW 2783, phone 02 4702 66 55, fax 02 4702 6650, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE MACQUARIE CENTRE 117



The $88M Wrap Residences is modern Melbourne living with over 42 levels of style & quality comprising 298, one, two & three bedroom apartments. Probuild utilised considerable engineering and logistical innovation to deliver the unique Wrap Residences project, working closely with all the interdependent trades and the consultant team to develop a methodology which was safe, buildable and efficient for the structure’s unique ‘Wrap Element’. The project comprises 289 apartments over 31 levels, plus a 10 level podium with 9 apartments, retail space, and common resident’s facilities, including a lounge, a bar with a full commercial-grade catering kitchen and a lobby area on ground level. The first four levels of the building have an existing facade comprising a warehouse facade. Probuild’s team developed a complex façade retention engineering solution to retain the façade when the rest of the pre-existing building was demolished. Aspects of this included the use of a retention gantry over the public footpath with counterweights during demolition and construction, and a permanent engineering solution including capping beams and corbels in the ground floor slab, and extensive ties and steel beams tying the façade to the suspended slab between levels 1-4. The site itself posed some issues, being only 1350m2 and surrounded by other high rise buildings. This limited access and caused unpredictable wind gusts which affected crane operations, challenging the critical path in terms of the installation of the Wrap Element sections and other program-crucial activities. In addition, there was the problem of undertaking excavation and piling for the project in contaminated soil (specifically, Coode Island silt, which is very soft, often high in acid sulphate and is found in pockets throughout Melbourne) with very low bearing capacity. The ground works encountered a number of soft spots, which required engineered fill to support the weight of construction equipment. 900mm continuous flight augur piles were constructed to an average depth of 41.2m, with the deepest pile 50.1m, which at the time of installation set a new piling world record. 118 VIC PROJECT FEATURE WRAP TOWER

And then there was the Wrap Element itself, fabricated from 6mm folded steel sheet, precast and in situ concrete; and finished with an International branded three coat Polysiloxane system. The original design was in glass reinforced concrete (GRC), which Probuild redesigned into a more efficient system to improve construction tolerances, strength, and durability during construction and installation. The dimensions of the wrap section were also altered to suit a single standard sized steel sheet, to minimise off cuts and wastage. Probuild engaged a 3D modelling specialist to prepare a fully coordinated 3D model which was used for creating fabrication shop drawings and rigging diagrams for lifting a complex geometry with differing balance points. Extensive as built surveying was undertaken and compared to the 3D model prior to steel installation, to ensure all fixings were prepared and in the correct locations. A system of pre-installation checks allowed for off-site steel fixing adjustments and minimised crane hook time delays. Working concurrently with the project’s structural engineers, Webber Design, Probuild also researched and selected an innovative fixture system, “Reid OrbiPlates”, to connect the steel members back to the structure. These fixtures allow for 360 degree movement in one plane to provide sufficient construction tolerances. Because the installation of the Wrap Element was on the critical path of the programme, the risk of delay was minimised by working behind encapsulated protection screens and installing the steel closely after the conrete pour for each level. This improved safety during installation, by minimising the risk of working on a ‘live edge’. The encapsulated protection screens covered five levels from the top of the live structure deck, allowing all the formwork installation and stripping, concreting, and installation of glazing to occur behind the screens. This edge protection system used a vertical lifting track and automatic locking system, which greatly reduced crane hook time and the risk of working on a live edge while ‘jumping’ the AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

screens as the building progressed. Other initiatives which minimised the structure cycle time included post-tensioned floor slabs, double-height precast columns, Peri reusable formwork pans and prefabrication of the roof elements to minimise hook time. Components were made to the maximum allowable road transport sizes to minimise onsite work at height. To ensure all the project’s subcontractors were up to speed with the complexities of the program, particularly in relation to installing the wrap steel, Probuild engaged a 3D animation consultant to produce a short video of the construction sequence which was presented to subcontractors to clarify key sequencing challenges. A “Target Zero Defects” Quality Assurance program was implemented, which incorporated the use of iAuditor and Aconex Field iPad applications. Probuild conducted a 300+ item audit checklist in each apartment to identify ‘Outstanding Work’ items and to minimise the risk of defects after practical completion. Using automatic and live electronic dissemination of outstanding work lists with ‘marked up’ photos, subcontractors used smart technology to view and close ‘Outstanding Work’ items. From first award of the Design and Construct project in November 2011, through to final fitout of the apartments and common areas in March 2014, the Probuild team dedicated approximately 28 months to the project. Their on-site team of 11 included Project Manager, Contract Administrator, Site Manager, Project Coordinators, Site Foreman, Graduates and Labourers. There were 43 subcontractor companies engaged on the project, with a total of 1,650 people inducted on site, which included members of the consultant group Plus Architecture, Webber Design, Murchie Consultants, Acoustic Logic, Thomas Nicolas and Gardner Group. Probuild’s expertise with demanding projects has given the company a stellar track record in delivering high-quality, iconic projects safely and efficiently. Other projects the company are currently working on include Eastland Shopping Centre Stage 5, South East Water Headquarters, Silver Skies (MY80), Swanston Square, Abode 318 and The Shrine: Galleries of Remembrance.

For more information contact Probuild, Level 10, 580 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC 3004, phone 03 9693 8222, fax 03 9693 8233, email, website WWW.ANCR.COM.AU


REACHING THE IMPOSSIBLE CGE Hire Pty Ltd creates access solutions and supplys the equipment and manpower required. CGE Hire Pty Ltd’s Access by Design Division supplied all external access requirements to the Wrap Tower project. The group offers specialist consultation, design and certification services as well as a skilled and varied workforce. “Reaching the impossible” is the motto that the company works by. “We have been specialising in external access to high rise constructions employing swing stages with custom designed and fabricated suspension systems since 1998,” said John Onley, the group’s Managing Director. “Having been involved in the heavy rigging trade for many years previously (boiler erection in the power industry), we are able to bring innovative solutions to this work and intend to bring more to the trade in the next twelve months.” The right access design for a project reduces the cost of scaffold and labour and reduces the time required on the job. CGE Hire Pty Ltd’s Access by Design Division used the Layher scaffold system to access the original Wrap Tower façade and provide a Gantry cover, as well as the complex atrium scaffold. One of the company’s GEDA 300 Z material hoists was used to deliver the scaffold equipment externally. Additionally, Access by Design supplied 6 swing stages to the high rise building to paint, caulk and clean the exterior.

The Layher system is used to undertake difficult and complex access tasks. This system is designed and fabricated in Germany. While stronger than the traditional systems used in Australia, it is 30-35% lighter, depending on design.“Our Access by Design division has rapidly become our biggest division, especially since the procurement of the Layher Scaffold System and its many capabilities,” said John Onley.

support a total of eight deck sections weighing from 27t to 38t each",” said John Onley.

“It is supported by exhaustive engineering and superlative build quality, giving us full confidence in its ability to perform as designed. Scaffold, bridging, roofing and staging equipment are all carried at our Pakenham yard, while we have made our first deliveries to the Gladstone market in which we intend to develop a part over the coming months.”

“We are proud to count among our present major clients such diverse groups as Brookfield Multiplex (Medibank Project, 720 Bourke Street, Melbourne), Pro-build Constructions (Abode Apartments), Thiess Balfour Beatty (Footscray Rail Station, temporary footbridge), Thiess (Sale RAAF Base), Siemens (Loy Yang A Turbines), Hitachi (Loy Yang B Turbines), Grocon (150 Collins St, Melbourne), Bovis (City West Police Complex), Kane Constructions (Owen Dixon Chambers) and Yuanda (Curtain Walls, BHB Building, 171 Collins Street, Melbourne),” said John Onley, of the company’s other most recent projects.

Another prominent residential tower project that CGE Hire Pty Ltd has worked on is Tower 5 at 90 Lorimer Street, Dockland (Mirvac). This project required a swing stage that could reach in some 2 metres from the wire line to get under the sunshade structures on the northern façade of the building. One of the infrastructure projects that CGE Hire Pty Ltd has worked on involved heavy duty propping, to build a shared use pathway over the Maroondah Highway, Ringwood, Victoria (Fulton Hogan). "We used six Layher all round heavy duty propping towers to

The section over the highway itself was completed over a two day weekend closure. By the Sunday night, towers were wound down leaving the bridge suspended to design. The towers were then dismantled and removed from the carriageways prior to opening early Monday.

For more information contact CGE Hire Pty Ltd, 120 Mary Street, Pakenham VIC 3810, phone 1300 799 845, fax 03 5941 7088, email or stevec@cgehire., website

CGE Hire’s work on Footscray Rail Station



CGE Hire’s work on Footscray Rail Station



BEAUTIFUL WORKMANSHIP FOR WRAP TOWER Quality joinery has built IJF Australia’s business into being one of the country’s leading firms, with the capacity to create beautiful workmanship for a project like Wrap Tower in Melbourne. IJF designed and manufactured all of the interior joinery for the 292 apartments, penthouses and common areas, including kitchens, bathrooms, shaving cabinets and vanities, laundries, front-frame wardrobes, storage. The luxurious lobby features their craftsmanship in the form of solid timber tables, the bars and the architectural light fittings. In keeping with Wrap’s distinctive aesthetic, a warm woodgrain laminate was used for the apartments and timber veneer for the penthouses. IJF Australia relied on its’ Adelaide manufacturing plant and its’ overseas manufacturing partners to achieve the bench mark joinery required at the Wrap and to meet the project’s timeframe from design through to installation. IJF is a family-owned company which is dedicated to producing excellence in all fitout items. Sustainability, integrity and skilful execution of design are the core of its’ approach to delivering items of lasting style and value for projects across all major construction sectors. Other recent projects have included Boheme at Bondi, the Fiona Stanley Hospital in Perth and Ilk Apartments in Melbourne. For more information contact IJF Australia, 41-43 Cormack Road, Wingfield SA 5013, phone 08 8349 7400 Tender Enquiries, email, website 122 VIC PROJECT FEATURE WRAP TOWER


paul webber and the webber design team Structural Engineers for the Wrap Apartments would like to congratulate PROBUILD AND THE CLIENT GROUP on their landmark project.

Mackenzie Tower Melbourne CBD

Lacrosse Apartments Docklands

RAPTL Burnley Street Richmond

Guilfoyle Apartments South Melbourne

Emblem Apartments Hawthorn

Art On The Park Melbourne

A'Beckett Tower Melbourne CBD

North Apartments North Melbourne Lower Ground Floor 15 Queen Street Melbourne VIC 3000 t. 03 9614 7155 f. 03 9614 7166 e.



THE GATEWAY TO MACQUARIE PARK The Park Project is a spectacular commercial building in Macquarie Park. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Taylor Construction Group CLIENT: Goodman COMPLETION : May 2014 ARCHITECTS : Nettleton Tribe Architects

Presented as the gateway building to the business precinct at Macquarie Park, “The Park’ on Talavera Rd is the fourth project, Taylor has been contracted by the property group Goodman. Designed to a four star green star rating, the building celebrates key design choices driven by the sites limitations and winning sustainable building priorities. Taylor won the design and construct contract for the base building, and also the intergrated fit-out contract. The project evolved when Goodman’s client, Canon came on board, resulting in a customer specific building design comprised of five commercial levels and three basement levels. The project team from

Taylor numbered six which included Charlie Licciardello as Senior Project manager, with nettletontribe as the architects and leading design consultant throughout the project. Key design features of the building have provided both an identity for the building and contributed to the green star rating. Features include a double height lobby that creates an expansive space due to the site layout, while both the glazing and shading across the facades have sustainability principles in their choice. “The aim of achieving the rating influenced a range of options, including the materials. The green star rating had particular influence


on types of materials, in particular the glass types for the project”, project manager Charlie Licciardello explained. “In achieving a certain rating, we had to get a certain glazing type - so we installed high-performance glass, namely CGU.” A challenge on this project was the dealing with site and the depth of excavation required for three basement levels. “It was a large excavation, and the majority of it was all rock. Some of the material was re-used and bought back as fill-in. We used a site nearby to store the material, and we have been bringing the material back as we required it.” AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

“We had to raise the perimeter area of the building, so that material has been used for all those perimeter works. This has been a nice component of the work done on this project.’ Charlie Licciardello explained. As a customer specific design, extensive open floor plans were part of the base building. Further demands for the client were items such as large loads on the floor plates and an over-sized lift. “There was a very specific lift that was required so that Canon can carry their photocopiers between floors. Due to the weight of the photocopiers, we had to increase the floor strengths to cope with the WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

loads. That increase in loadings was done through additional steel reinforcements and post-tensioning to cater for those loads.” Integral to a sustainable building are the installation of sustainable building services, highlighted in this project is the hydraulic design. “All the services contributed to the green star rating and we are integrating it between the base building and the fit-out. By integrating it we don’t have to change it, so that saves costs and obviously material.” There is extensive shading across the building envelope which contributed to the four star green star rating. “The curtain wall façade

was procured from China. Across the façade, we have extensive shading; there are external horizontal and vertical louvres on the project, to achieve the green star rating.” Taylor continues to build upon its successful working relationship not only with Goodman property group, but also with a wide variety of construction projects across Australia.

For more information contact Taylor, Level 13, 157 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, phone 02 8736 9000, fax 02 8736 9090, website


Indispensable Engineering of Energy Efficient Plumbing One of the contributing companies in the creation of the four star green-star building ‘The Park’ on Talavera Rd, Macquarie Park, is plumbing and engineering company, Morrell Plumbing. With energy efficient building design being a top priority in the building industry, companies such as Morrell Plumbing are indispensable for commercial and larger scale works requiring expertise in areas of top class hydraulic design. Established in 1974, Morrell Plumbing has evolved to be a go-to company predominantly for a range of commercial and institutional projects such as public and private schools, universities, commercial laboratories, and railway stations. Their contracted work can range from design and construct, to construct only, and also includes design consultancy for report writing and auditing. For ‘The Park’ project, Morrell Plumbing were the design and construct hydraulics contractors for the base building, and the construct only contractors for the fit-out for the tenant specific building for Canon. The design team consisted of one principal engineer and draughts people and report writers as required. 126 NSW PROJECT FEATURE THE PARK, TALAVERA ROAD

To achieve the hydraulics component of the four star Green Star target meant a range of design choices and systems to be installed. “Everything affects everything else; the amount of reused water for toilet flushing impacts on the environmental quality of the stormwater discharge”, says CEO and design engineer Dale Morrell. “It’s a question of optimization; there are many ways to achieve the design target, which one is best in terms of cost, buildability and maintainability?” Hydraulics design also involved all fire safety systems and equipment throughout the building, including the fire-hydrants and fire hose reels. All regular plumbing and drainage were part of the contract, and involved designing for tenant specific spaces. Morrell Plumbing is currently involved with construction projects with the University of Western Sydney (Lipman Group & Ichor Constructions), Metronode (Broad Constructions), Woolworths (Ichor Constructions) and Sydney Water (Ichor Constructions). They are also involved in facilities maintenance including for the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA). For more information contact Morrell Plumbing, Unit 3, 12-14 Norman Street, Peakhurst NSW 2210, phone 02 9717 2600, fax 02 9153 6527, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

The concept design for Talavera Roads ‘The Park’ originated from nettletontribe , a multi-disciplined architectural practice serving Australia and abroad. This 75 strong architectural practice has over forty years of experience in commercial, residential, retail, industrial, health, interiors and master planning projects. The Park houses 13,000m² of PCA A Grade office space with a 4 star GreenStar rating. The articulated facade features multi-coloured glazing panels, glazing fins and solid black elements providing interest in the streetscape for this gateway site to the Macquarie Park precinct. Horizontal and vertical shading respond to the building’s orientation. The expansive lobby bisects the ground floor and links the main road entry into the landscaped park and cafe. While the external design was resolved prior to a tenant being identified, tenant specific areas of the design did evolve. Bernard Waller explains, “We provided a penetration through one of the slabs for an intertenancy stair and some other tenant aspects in order to integrate the fitout into the building structure”. A range of considerations to do with concrete design were all lead by tenant requirements -including WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

recessed floor boxes, along with set-down areas in the concrete for their special floor finishes and polished concrete. Architecture is our passion and our profession - it is a part of everyday life. Our ideas from concept to detail impact on the way in which people live and work. Our architecture has acknowledged this responsibility. We strive to ensure that our current and future projects are driven by this desire to make a significant contribution to the urban landscape of our cities and the lives of our clients and the public. nettletontribe is a team spawned from a collaborative approach that combines architects with diverse skill sets into a single entity. It is this approach that allows diverse architectural responses in order to deliver on the unique challenges of each project. Our team approach values the relationships we hold with our clients, formed over the past 40+ years. For more information contact nettletontribe , Office 117 Willoughby Road, Crows Nest NSW 2065, phone 02 9431 6431, email sydney@, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE THE PARK, TALAVERA ROAD 127

A SOLID AND PROFESSIONAL TEAM Decades of experience and the best equipment for the job ensure Walsos Bricklaying NSW Pty Ltd can deliver excellent results for brick and block laying for any size of project. At The Park Talavera Road, their crew of fully trained and safety-conscious tradesmen and labourers provided builder Taylors with timely, efficient and self-reliant services. Walsos provided all their own scaffolding, using light-weight scaffolding developed by sister company Brickmart Australia, and tested, certified and registered with Workcover. All the metal planks are interlocked to avoid trip hazards and all Walsos personnel who erect and dismantle scaffolding have completed competency-specific training. All the company’s site personnel hold current White Cards, and weekly toolbox meetings are held at each site, including in-depth discussions on at least one facet of works such as mixing/handling mortar and safe use of a brick saw. Taylors was provided with a copy of signed toolbox documentation on a weekly basis. Across residential, commercial, retail and industrial projects, Walsos provide a professional, high standard service, building on 30 years experience to develop lasting working relationships with builders, contractors and property developers. ONE-STOP-SHOP FOR MASTERING MASONRY During his 45 years of experience in bricklaying and masonry the Managing Director of Walsos, Terry Hough, found that the materials and equipment he needed were almost always designed by people who were not familiar with the actual needs of the masonry industry. His response to such an obvious lack was to address it by opening Brickmart Australia in 1987. Brickmart is a one-stop-shop where bricklayers, builders and the public can obtain through sale or hire all the specific items required for any job involving bricks, blocks, scaffolding or masonry products. A sample wall built from a variety of different bricks from the company’s extensive list of suppliers makes brick-matching simple, and professional staff are always on hand to assist with advice. Brickmart has also designed and manufactured many new products such as the Lite A Scaffold, Three tonne Pallet Jacks, Trestles, Clamps and other specialized items. Being designed by people with hands-on trade experience, these products contribute to a project proceeding efficiently and safely. By both companies working in conjunction for projects like The Park, a highly reliable and streamlined approach to major project bricklaying and blockwork is assured. “We thrive on producing value for money for our customers along with good ideas and exceptional service,” said Terry Hough. For more information contact Walsos Bricklaying NSW Pty Ltd, phone 02 9907 1100, email For more information contact Brickmart Australia, phone 02 9939 5000, website 128 NSW PROJECT FEATURE THE PARK, TALAVERA ROAD



Leaving a legacy could be described as Auseco’s underlying business philosophy. As a tree removal company, their business has now embraced a whole new framework concerning the full recyclability for innumerable hardwood specimens that they remove from sites. Reusing, recycling and creating a new life for timber that would otherwise be turned to mulch, is now the driving ambition behind Ausecos work. Auseco's role on the commercial build with Taylor’s Construction for ‘The Park’, Talavera Rd, was in tree removal. With up to 5 employees at a time, Auseco was there to clear the site ready for the build. However, this was also an opening of relationships with corporate clientele for which the potential of re-using the timber for internal fit-outs, kitchens, or even reception and corporate meeting tables could be built from. The addition to Auseco's real estate of a timber mill is the solidity behind what they will be able to offer corporate clients into the future. For Arn, Auseco's CEO, it is all about using the timber as a resource rather than as waste. “I take any timber that we cut down and turn it into furniture such as corporate tables, bench tops, kitchens, picnic tables, planter boxes, building products, and any other specific requests we may get that we can make with the timber” WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

For the future vision, Auseco will be putting into balance the give and take from a site, and offering a new inspiration in sustainability for keeping things local while also giving a legacy to a trees life. As a tree removal service, they can act on an emergency or as a strategic part of a development, while furthermore designing ways to keep an important resource valued.

For more information contact Auseco Tree Recycling Pty Ltd, phone 1800 900 553, website


Australia’s Largest Parcel Sorting Facility The $64m project, situated on 18 hectares at Bungarribee Industrial Estate, Huntingwood, consists of a 47,000m2 warehouse.

Goodman Property Services engaged Hansen Yuncken to design and construct the new NSW distribution centre for Toll Holdings, a leading provider of express road freight within Australia. The $64m project is situated on 18 hectares at Bungarribee Industrial Estate, Huntingwood. It “is one of the largest freight infrastructure projects announced in Sydney in several years,” said the NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell, as he inspected progress in July 2013. The Toll IPEC Freight Centre, designed by SBA Architects Pty Ltd, will increase Toll’s parcel sorting capacity in Sydney by more than three times to 35,000 parcels per hour. The predominant materials used in its construction were structural steel, precast panels and metal cladding with office finishes being Alucobond, architectural louvers and glass. The project consists of a 47,000m2 warehouse with a 8,500m2 mezzanine floor and a 3500m2 main office. Also included are a drivers rest, gatehouses, fleet workshop, operations office, security room office, customer pickup office, staff entry building, pump rooms, switch room, substation, pallet office, car parking and external hardstand. 130 NSW PROJECT FEATURE TOLL IPEC FREIGHT CENTRE

Hansen Yuncken, one of Australia's leading, privately owned construction companies, operates nationally with offices in Victoria, NSW, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland and employs more than 650 staff. Hansen Yuncken’s project team for the Toll IPEC Freight Centre project consisted of Craig Thomas (Project Director), Ben Kilby (Project Manager), Carl Musolino (Industrial Administration Manager), Orla Kellehan (Contracts Administrator), Alex Hovy (Design Manager), Brendan Peera (Site Engineer), Phil Borg (Site Manager), Tim Redmond (Safety Officer); Syd Chappell, Mick Redmond , Jamie Kilpatrick and Milo Vukicevic (Labourer), Sam Hinton (Leading Hand), Thomas Maishman (Apprentice); Cameron Khan (Cadet) and Diane Mulhern (Site Secretary). “The most significant design challenge was the construction of the sophisticated conveyor system that operates throughout the warehouse on a dedicated suspended mezzanine floor”, said a company spokesperson. “Hansen Yuncken successfully achieved the specified deflection and vibration limits to ensure seamless operation of the conveyor system.” The project required integration of Toll supplied items including maintenance equipment for the truck wash and fleet workshop, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

MaIn Construction Company: Hansen Yuncken CONSTRUCTION VALUE: $64 million COMPLETION DATE: Mid 2014 CONSULTANTS: Costin Roe ARCHITECT: SBA Architects

a dedicated fuel filling facility, LPG filling area, weighbridge and access/ security systems. There was considerable design and construction coordination with Toll’s nominated communications contractor. Hansen Yuncken was also required to manage traffic passing through the site during the construction phase. Energy costs were an important design consideration. LED lights were installed throughout the warehouse to save on energy and maintenance costs.

The new facility will stand 30m above ground level to accommodate the production plant and equipment. Some of the industrial projects Hansen Yuncken is currently constructing include DB Schenker and Northline in Brisbane and Melbourne Markets Proximity Warehousing and BJ Balls in Melbourne.

Another project Hansen Yuncken has worked on at Bungarribee Industrial Estate is the Metcash Distribution Facility. This project of nearly 80,000m2 involved construction and delivery in 3 distinct stages. This project is the first industrial project in Australia to achieve a 4-star Greenstar design and as-built rating. In 2012 the project gained an ‘AIB - NSW High Commendation’ for commercial construction in the $50m - $100m range.

Hansen Yuncken has completed numerous landmark buildings across Australia and takes pride in both being at the forefront of innovation in the building industry and in exceeding client expectations. The Toll IPEC Freight Centre project “has been extremely successful due to the open and collaborative involvement of all stakeholders throughout the entire design and construction phases,” said a company spokesperson. “The pace and complexity of the project has presented numerous challenges but overall there is a high level of satisfaction in overcoming all challenges presented and faced.”

A recently completed industrial project is the Roche Diagnostic Facility for Dexus Funds Management Development Group. The $11.8m design and construction project, in Greystanes, NSW, consists of a 10,000m2 warehouse which includes a cool room, freezer, airlock, a single storey office, site infrastructure and a fit-out for Roche.

For more information contact Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd, Level 6, 15 Bourke Road, Mascot NSW 2020, phone 02 9770 7600, mobile 0434 187 620, email,website





Taking big steps Vusovic Steel Fabrication specialises in fabricating and installing steel products such as structural steel, steel staircases (including handrails and balustrades) and stainless steel balustrades. Vusovic Steel fabricated, supplied and installed about 49 steel staircases for the Toll Ipec Freight Centre project. The company also fabricated, supplied and installed staircases in the offices; an architectural steel staircase and a staircase with stainless steel stringers and glass panel balustrades. Vusovic Steel was started by Milovan Vusovic, in Wetherill Park, in the early 1990’s. At that time the company specialised in general steel fabrication. Twelve years later, Milovan moved to Smithfield to expand and his sons Zoran and Dragan started working with him. Over time Vusovic Steel has diversified into other areas such as steel staircases, structural steel and stainless steel and invested in new and more productive machinery to create a more efficient and faster production line. Currently, Vusovic Steel has 8 employees, all of whom workedon the Toll Ipec Freight Centre project both fabricating in-factory and installing the stairs on-site. The employees of Vusovic Steel with Zoran Vusovic as the production manager worked effectively as a team. “The best achievement is that we have not had to modify any of the steel stairs so it allowed us to push forward and move on to the next stages without delay,” said Zoran Vusovic. “Another great achievement is the good communication between Vusovic Steel and Hansen Yuncken when we worked together to gain the best and most effective solution for any issue.” Vusovic Steel’s projects include work in the commercial, industrial and residential sectors. They can work in structural steel up to 80 tonnes in weight including factory structure, mezzanine floors, awnings and crane rails. The company’s services and capabilities WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

include; working with all steel members and profiles, the provision of designs, shop drawings and engineering approvals, structural support for commercial doors and windows and marking out and inserting holding down bolts in position. The company provides general steel and sheet metal fabrication services. It can provide steel bollards, down pipe protectors, gates and steel fencing, wrought iron balustrades and staircases for prestige homes and Tig welding services for stainless steel and aluminium. Vusovic Steel manufactures and installs heavy duty steel staircases with steel treads, architectural steel staircases for offices and prestige homes, stainless steel stringers, handrails and balustrades (including glass panels) and spiral staircases. Vusovic Steel’s experienced staff can site measure and design a staircase according to what a client wants, provided it complies with Australian standards. Vusovic Steel current projects show their versatility and include steel decking on the roof top of Westpac Kogarah (Lend Lease Corporation Ltd), a structural steel canopy for Mt Ptrichard Petrol Station (Speedway Petroleum Pty Ltd) and steel crane rails to be installed inside a factory in Victoria St, Wetherill Park for Dallen Bay Pty Ltd. “When Vusovic Steel takes on any project, we like to work together with the builder to aim and achieve the same goal,” said Zoran Vusovic. “This includes resolving any issues and providing professional advice to solve problems. Vusovic Steel is a family business and is proud in its quality and professionalism in all the work it commits to and this is evident in the IPEC project.” For more information contact TDZ Engineering Pty Ltd T/as Vusovic Steel Fabrication Pty Ltd, 52 O’Connell Street, Smithfield NSW 2164, phone 02 9725 1758, mobile 0404 427 340, email


DOWN AND DIRTY AWJ Civil Pty Ltd was awarded the civil works contract for the Toll Ipec Freight Centre project.

site materials processing, bulk excavation, service reticulation and demolition. AWJ Civil has 100 employees.

The early civil works package involved bulk earthworks, demolition works, trunk stormwater and retaining walls. The main works package included internal and external pavements, stormwater drainage (including amending existing stormwater drainage to a rainwater reuse system), detailed excavation and slab preparation for service zone areas.

“The major attributing factor towards our company's success is the people within it,” said a company spokesperson. “Through them we are able to offer the highest degree of technical skill as well as vast practical experience.” AWJ Civil owns a diverse fleet of plant and specialised equipment that covers all facets of civil construction.

AWJ Civil, which began operation in 1987, is one of the prominent civil contracting companies operating in New South Wales. It specialises in project management, commercial and industrial subdivisions, roadwork, environmental remediation, stormwater drainage recycling,

The civil works for the EC3 Subdivision, a major new industrial estate located in Eastern Creek, was also a recent AWJ Civil project. The area involved was approx. 550,000 square metres. AWJ scope of works included land and tree clearing, 1.1million cubic metres of cut to fill, roadwork, stormwater, sewer, water, and electrical reticulation.


Another project AWJ Civil has worked on is the CSR Eastern Lands Subdivision, a 70 hectare industrial site at Erskine Park. The work required in excess of 1 million cubic metres of earthworks with stringent geotechnical restraints. Major stormwater and roadwork infrastructure was essential to cater for future growth areas. AWJ Civil was able to offer major time/cost alternatives on site stabilisation and road pavements. AWJ Civil takes pride in striving to exceed their clients’ expectations of quality, time and cost. For more information contact AWJ Civil Pty Ltd, 155 Newton Road, Wetherill Park NSW 2164, PO Box 6686, Wetherill Park BC NSW 1851, phone 02 9757 2999, fax 02 9757 1677, email, website


With “a team of consulting engineers that are second –to-none” Costin Roe Consulting Pty Ltd was responsible for the civil and structural engineering of the 53,000m2 Toll Ipec freight transport, warehouse and distribution facility at the Bungarrabie Industrial Estate, NSW. The company, a civil and structural engineering consultancy firm, has been in business for over 25 years and currently has a team of 28 employees with offices in Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Newcastle and Wollongong. The Civil Engineering Team consisted of Mark Wilson (Associate Director of Civil Engineering), Xavier Cure and Mitchell Cross. They worked on the earthworks, finished level profiles and stormwater drainage. They also met the stormwater management challenges of the project which required detailed hydrologic and hydraulic assessment, in conjunction with the Estate Design Consultants and local council. The stormwater management for the project required integration with the overall estate management strategy, which included provision of overland flow through the site and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) elements such as stilling ponds, artificial wetlands, gross pollutant traps and buffer zones. The Structural Engineering Team, headed by Grant Roe (Director), consisted of Phill Terrey, Dermot Nolan, Angus McDougall, Lloyd Lui and Barry Cameron. Work on the structural design of the WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

building, footings, internal and external pavements, retaining walls and other structural elements was kept to a very tight programme. This experienced team met the challenge of providing a non-symmetrical frame to the building with a 60+ metre internal span. Additionally challenging was providing the structure for the sortation/ conveyor mezzanine, including suspended structure from the 60metre span warehouse roof. Generally, a traditional approach and traditional materials were used for the structure; steel frame; fibre jointless floors, lightweight structaflor and composite concrete mezzanine floors. Costin Roe Consulting is currently working on 4A & 5B Bungarrabie Estate which includes a 25 metre high bay warehouse, a data centre and speculative warehouses. Grant Roe describes Costin Roe Consulting in the following terms “Precision, Communication, Accountability. It’s not just what we believe in. It’s what we deliver.” For more information contact Costin Roe Consulting Pty Ltd PO Box N419, Sydney NSW 1220 phone 02 9251 7699 fax 02 9241 3731 email website NSW PROJECT FEATURE TOLL IPEC FREIGHT CENTRE 135

NO BARRIER TO SUCCESS Metal Fencing Specialists Pty Ltd specialises in barriers and this has not been a barrier to success. The company has been in business for over 35 years. They specialise in supplying and installing the Uni-Fit hand rail system, all types of guard rail (including Rhino Stop and Spring Buffa), all types of bollards, security fencing and chain wire fencing. Metal Fencing Specialists supplied and installed 1300 lineal metres of Uni-fit hand rail system, over 1200 lineal metres of Rhino Stop impact barriers and 270 loading dock extensions for the Toll Ipec Freight Centre project. Rhino Stop is one of the latest innovations in modular car park barrier design. It is an energy-absorbing, semirigid crash tested impact barrier that exceeds the requirements of AS1170.1 for Light Traffic Areas. All of Metal Fencing Specialists’ 15 employees worked on the Toll Ipec Freight Centre project. The two major challenges on the project were working off elevated work platforms, and keeping ahead of trades following behind. The professional team at Metal Fencing Specialists met these challenges and complied with all statutory regulations. Metal Fencing Specialists Pty Ltd’s other projects include the installation of 1200 lineal metres of Rhino Stop crash barrier on all levels of the new North Shore Hospital Car Park. For more information contact Metal Fencing Specialists Pty Ltd, 7 Kenoma Place, Arndell Park NSW 2148, phone 02 9672 1971, mobile 0478 126 343, email, website 136 NSW PROJECT FEATURE TOLL IPEC FREIGHT CENTRE


simply the best Simple Interiors Pty Ltd specialises in commercial and industrial office fitouts.

composite aluminium cladding, internal doors and internal glass.

numerous projects in the Sydney area, as well as projects further afield.

The company’s services range from external composite aluminium cladding and compressed fibre cement cladding through to any type of ceiling and internal wall, doors, door furniture, graphics, glass, and sanitary fittings.

Kosta Nedeljkovic headed the skilled and experienced team that worked on the project. They found that the biggest challenge on the project was the installation of the mezzanine floor, due both to the height of the floor and safety concerns as it was difficult to establish a safe enough distance to install the sheets from the top. They met the challenge by installing the floor the unconventional way, from the bottom, using elevated work platforms.

“At Simple Interiors we pride ourselves on working together with our clients and in providing the best possible service on schedule and within budget,” said company spokesperson.

Simple Interiors installed the mezzanine floor for the Toll Ipec Freight Centre project. This involved approximately 7,000 square metres of 25mm Blue Tongue flooring. Simple Interiors was also contracted to do a complete office fitout which included stud walls, suspended ceilings, bulkheads, external


Simple Interiors has been operating in the Sydney area since 2005 and has completed

For more information contact Simple Interiors Pty Ltd, 19/29 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton NSW 2170, phone 02 9728 1184, fax 02 9728 1196, email, website




Ideal Metal Roofing With over 35 years experience, the Ideal Group are proud to be known as one of Australia’s largest metal roofing contractors. Specialising in the installation of metal roofing, roof plumbing, metal soffit linings and wall cladding including P.I.R insulated paneling and decorative facades, catering for all sizes and types of projects. Stephen Wills (Director) was a long standing president of the MRCA, and has been at the forefront of providing efficient and innovative work practices to improve the standard of safe installation of roof and wall cladding. Stephen was also actively involved in the revision and implementation of the Roofing Codes of Practices, providing his broad knowledge in all areas of the metal roofing industry.

Single Residential Building Refurbishment, Façade, and Wall Cladding. Ideal Roofing offer a comprehensive range of roofing services to builders and developers as well as direct to home owners. And we pride ourselves on quality workmanship, reliability and the use of high quality roofing products, to ensure a perfect finish every time.

When engaging Ideal Roofing you can be assured that you are working with a team that has your safety and those of its team at the forefront of every decision. And with a team of over 60 men are also committed to ensure production targets are met, and your project is completed on time and within your budget. The Ideal Group are members of the HIA, MBA, and the MRCA, in which we were recently awarded the following awards MRCAA Gold Award (Overall winner), Single Residential Building New Structure, WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

For more information contact Ideal Metal Roofing Pty Ltd, 65-67 Parraweena Road, Caringbah NSW 2229, phone 02 9525 2066, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE TOLL IPEC FREIGHT CENTRE 139

FUTURE HEALTH WITH FLEXIBLE SPACES Improving rural and remote community health services is a key objective for federal and state governments, with the Port Macquarie Base Hospital Expansion project part of this initiative. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Watpac CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $65 Million COMPLETION DATE : Mid 2014 ARCHITECT : Hassell STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEER : Enstruct MECHANICAL ENGINEER: Umow Lai


Jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments, the expansion of the existing hospital represents a strategic capital investment in health infrastructure, and provides a contemporary health care facility futureproofed for the regions’ forecast growth. Health Infrastructure Chief Executive Sam Sangster, commented the PMBH Expansion is in alignment with national infrastructure priorities for public hospitals in rural areas, and supports health gains already made in this region though implementation of the first NSW Rural Health Plan. “The $110-million Port Macquarie Base Hospital expansion will provide the Port Macquarie-

Hastings community with an expanded range of quality health services, increased capacity in priority areas and new ways in which services are delivered to best meet the changing and unique health care needs of the community”. “The design and planning of large hospital expansions is always a delicate task with a number of competing demands. We need to make maximum use of the available space and tie in and relate to existing building, while still minimising the impact on existing hospital operations during construction. The design also has to take into consideration and allow for growth, and potential changes in service demands”, Sam Sangster commented. The expansion project brings clinical priorities


to the fore, and includes an extra 70 overnight acute in-patient beds, a larger emergency department, improved medical and surgical inpatient services, additional surgical theatres with state of the art equipment, cardiac services, and other support services. The new four-storey clinical service building is located at the western end of the site, and therefore permitted minimal disturbance to the main hospital. In total, there will an additional 12,000m² of clinical floor space to the existing hospital footprint, currently at 18,000m². Level one includes a 24 bed critical care unit and cardiac service area, a new bulk store at 270m2, staff support areas, and ‘cold shell’ spaces allowing for unspecified future needs to be accommodated for. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW


Levels two and three offer new emergency areas, seven operating theatres and a number of flexible spaces that can be catered for needs as they evolve, with the mechanical plant on level four. Healthier buildings can assist in the health of patients, and to such an end, the PMBH sustainable building objectives were in alignment to the best outcome for a large buildings sustainable operation. “The priority for all health projects is to maximise the return for clinical health benefits and provide built form outcomes that are energy and water smart. Hospitals are used 24 hours a day 7 days a week, and efficient operation is a basic premise of Health Infrastructure’s design guidelines,” Sam Sangster commented. Health WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Infrastructure has managed the delivery of the project, including project planning, design, construction and facility commissioning. With a project of this scale, Health Infrastructure were aware of the huge need for transparent and ongoing communication between all parties to ensure the hospital’s day to day operations are not impacted. “This collaboration has been reflected in all stages of the projects planning including the early delivery of additional car parks at the eastern end of the site in order to free up the western end for construction; daily coordination of works at the interface between the existing hospital and the new

build, and in the detailed planning required to commission and handover the new building.” With completion of construction expected in mid 2014, the PMBH will soon be offering the region top quality health services in an equally healthy building. Following construction completion there will be an eight week commissioning period before the hospital is fully operational. For more information contact Health Infrastructure, Level 6, 77 Pacific Highway, North Sydney, NSW 2060, phone 02 9978 5402, fax 02 8904 1377, email, website


A totally concrete solution Contributing to new development in their local region, Total Precast Systems P/L have been able to demonstrate a level of expertise and commitment to getting a project done right with the new Port Macquarie Base Hospital Expansion Project. Involved in all the pre-cast concrete elements, specifically the structural façade, Total Precast Systems have played a key role in finalizing design briefs and skillfully managing the installation of the 230 façade panels. The Port Macquarie Base Hospital Expansion Project is a jointly funded Health Services Infrastructure investment with both Federal and State governments providing in total over $100 million. With the work now nearing completion, Total Precast Systems role extended for a period of around 11 months, a slightly longer than expected time frame however can often be the case for a complex project and inclement weather. The pre-cast panels wrap across the buildings elevations, while the design brief also included the fabrication of three aboriginal art panels that form part of the entry to the ambulance bay. Following a design brief from the architects, these large art panels demonstrate furthermore Total Precast Systems skills in concrete. One of the challenges for Total Precast Systems on this project was the installation. With the panels being of an immense height, it took a team of dedicated professionals to detail up the connections for the installation, and to carry it out safely. The company’s director Andrew Lawson commented, ‘It was a particularly complex design, which will look amazing when it’s complete. The challenge on this project wasn’t in the fabrication, but the panels were quite difficult to install. ‘‘The difficulty was because of the size, and the height, and the nature of stacking three

panels on top of each other with an elevation of up to 20 odd metres is quite complex.’ The design of the fire stairs is a distinctive element to the hospitals construction, and it involved a separate installation system. As Andrew comments, ‘The fire stairs are quite unique. Most installations with panels can be done from the inside of the building, but these fire stairs had to be done from external elevated work platforms.’ A company that specializes in customized structural and architectural pre-cast concrete elements, Total Precast Systems offers their services for a range of commercial and industrial building projects. In operation for only two years, Total Precast Systems has managed to fulfill a large number of briefs both in the Northern Rivers region and across the Eastern states. They can provide a complete and integrated service, from finalizing design briefs, marking up of shop drawings, through to the manufacture, transport and installation of pre-cast concrete elements. The companies staff numbers around 20, with all staff having years of experience prior to the formation of the company. Total Precast Systems are able to fabricate and install the whole range of precast concrete items, both external and internal elements. There are a number of new projects in the pipeline for this company, focusing on the Northern NSW and into Queensland states. One large project includes a twenty eight storey high rise building on the gold coast, which will again be pre-cast façade panels. In fact, that job numbers at over 500 panels for fabrication and installation. Another project closer to home job is the Armidale Court House.

For more information contact Total Precast Systems P/L, 30 Seelems Road, Coraki NSW 2471, phone 0415 833 401, email





Making space for increased patient mobility and safe patient handling For over 60 years, ArjoHuntleigh (Getinge Group), a medical technology company centered on mobility solutions, has assisted architects, nursing staff and experts on safe patient handling in their efforts to formulate guidelines for the construction and refurbishing of health care facilities. The company’s CEO Harald Stock outlines “We are acutely aware that a care facility is not only a place where efficient treatment and care is delivered, but that it may also be a location where patients and residents must be able to feel at home. It is also the place where caregivers are exposed to potential hazardous lifting, transferring and repositioning workloads.” ArjoHuntleigh recently worked alongside NSW Health Infrastructure and Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) to assist in the facility design and supply of mobility medical equipment for the Port Macquarie Base Hospital Expansion Project. Medical equipment related to mobility was supplied in separate contracts to both the builders and to Health Infrastructure for the hospital expansion. Health Infrastructure contracted ArjoHuntleigh for the wide range supply of patient handling equipment including mobility lifters, slings; bathing and hygiene equipment, including a hydrotherapy bath in pediatrics; 73 medical beds namely ‘the Enterprise 5000X One-Touch’, two bariatric beds, over-bed tables; therapeutic support systems along with support frames and other general accessories. The builder’s contract included the supply and install of 28 overhead ceiling tracks for the intensive care unit Maxi Sky 2, a recent product innovation. The supply of equipment is only one piece of working collaboratively with facilities. “We worked with MNCLHD to come up with a solution that is going to move the facility forward to meet future requirements, and reduce their risk of manual handling, providing care staff the equipment to assist with ongoing over bed transfers and hygiene products. It is a holistic approach with the objective of providing the best care, and a focus on optimizing safe patient handling – both in-bed and out-of-bed”, stated Paul Currey, NSW Business Development Project Manager at ArjoHuntleigh. ArjoHuntleigh’s aim is to provide optimised care, which prioritises the quality of life while promoting

the highest achievable level of independence and mobility. At the same time, these goals must be achieved without compromising the caregivers’ health. Working from the early design architectural phase, ArjoHuntleigh’s team consult and guide the design of the functional space, enabling best location of equipment and greatest mobility in the spaces for patient and carer. ArjoHuntleigh’s Positive Eight™ philosophy and Architects Planners Guide (4th edition, 2014) are patent, information rich resources for development and redevelopment projects. Sufficient space, proper aids and the correct working techniques are the three decisive prerequisites that must be in place to stimulate patient’s mobility and the key to the entire process of care. The principle is most easily demonstrated with two circles of the Positive Eight™ philosophy, which depict a set of eight steps to assist facilities in achieving a higher quality of care, as shown in the picture. Post-installation, ArjoHuntleigh commits to ongoing support, providing training and education to staff and the facility, and preventative maintenance and service to ensure equipment is kept in the optimal operating condition. “The key to success is installing state-of-the-art equipment matched to the facilities requirements, while also making it easy to use by care staff, to drive compliance achieving the best patient outcomes, and a flow on effect to reduce manual handling injuries. The medical beds in conjunction with pressure area care mattresses are an exceptionally good platform for pressure injury reduction and also general comfort while the patient is in bed”, commented Paul Currey.

the future, and reducing the incidence of preventable illnesses. ArjoHuntleigh is a part of the Getinge Group, a leading global provider of equipment and systems that contribute to quality enhancement and cost efficiency within healthcare and life sciences. They operate under the three brands of ArjoHuntleigh, Getinge and Maquet. ArjoHuntleigh focuses on patient transfer aids, bathing and hygiene solutions, VTE Prevention, medical beds, therapeutic surfaces, bariatric and diagnostics. They also provide strategic advice for care facilities, rental offerings, technical service and equipment and clinical assessments.

For more information ArjoHuntleigh Australia – Getinge Group, phone 1800 072 040, email, website, or request a copy of the ArjoHuntleigh Architects Guidebook.

ArjoHuntleigh have also worked recently on the following developments in NSW including the RPA Lifehouse at Camperdown, Rehabilitation Centre in Sydney, Mona Vale Hospital, Moruya SubAcute, Tamworth Base Hospital, along with a number of group homes and aged care across Australia including the major development Fiona Stanley Hospital Perth, Western Australia. Patients and healthcare facilities have different problems, different backgrounds, and different expectations for the future; ArjoHuntleigh aims to work closely to overcome the challenges of





opening doors for health Entrances and exits are moments in architecture that have both practical requirements but similarly an opportunity for dramatic and aesthetic interests. Specialists in commercial door design and installation, North Coast Commercial Doors have clocked up a number of years of experience in arriving at site and consulting on bespoke needs of client and project, then fabricating the required items for a what is generally a well satisfied client. This company’s history with Port Macquarie Base Hospital dates back to the installation of the original doors over twenty years ago. A testament to their commitment to projects and service to clients, North Coast Commercial Doors have remained as both the maintenance contractor, but furthermore for this project, have worked with Facilities Management to co-design a new anti-deflection metal doorframe. This design is now being fabricated and likely to be used at a number of other hospitals in the NSW north-west region. For Port Macquarie Hospital, North Coast Commercial Doors manufactured and installed over 500 doors ranging from fire- doors, solid-core, bi-fold, doors with 146 NSW PROJECT FEATURE PORT MACQUARIE BASE HOSPITAL

vision panel inserts along with all hardware and acoustic sealing. The enthusiasm of North Coast Commercial Doors staff to share knowledge of possibilities and best ideas due to their years of experience is what sets this company apart and keeps clients returning. North Coast Commercial Doors have been in business for 13 years as a manufacturer and over 28 years as an installation company. They currently employ around 17 staff members, and with their workshop at Wauchope, they have a range of state of the art equipment that facilitates high capacity work loads. Current projects cover the north west NSW region, including Tamworth Hospital, Les Christian Nursing Home, and Coffs Harbour Justice Precinct as well as fire-service inspection contract with Mid North Coast Health. For more information contact North Coast Commercial Doors, 10 Production Drive, Wauchope NSW 2446, phone 02 6585 3332, fax 02 6585 3302 , email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Elite Engineering The integration of the old and the new is a junction that can offer particular challenges in a design sense and also for technical procedures. For the Port Macquarie Base Hospital upgrade, Wood & Grieve Engineers were contracted as the electrical, ICT and vertical transportation consultants, and through the use of BIM were able to efficiently handle the range of challenges that occur in upgrade projects.

rooms throughout the hospital, while integrated IP-based telephony, CCTV and intercom systems were installed in the new building. These digital challenges were met by working closely with the suppliers of both the new and existing systems. Furthermore, WGE worked in close consultation with the local health department to ensure their operational requirements were met within budgetary restraints.

The scope of work for Wood & Grieve Engineers covered significant infrastructure works including the undergrounding of an existing 33KV overhead power line and provision of a new substation, main switchboard, standby generator and uninterruptible power supply. Fully documented in Revit, the project was detailed to a precision that could reveal any clash detection and issues of co-ordination between services old and new, and was particularly beneficial in designing services in areas that have limited ceiling void spaces.

Wood & Grieve Engineers specialise in a number of engineering disciplines, including Acoustic, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Structural to name a few. Their experience crosses commercial and education through to industrial sectors and urban development, with over 400 employees placed in offices across Australia. Current other hospital projects from WGE Sydney office include Parkes and Forbes Hospitals, Dubbo Base Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, and Hospital for Specialist Surgery, Sydney.

A key component then of this job was the integration of the electrical and ICT systems installed in the new building with the existing systems elsewhere on site. A digital integration was required in all operating

For more information contact Wood & Grieve Engineers, L6, Building B, 207 Pacific Highway, St Leonards, New South Wales, 2065, phone 02 8484 7000, website



MAQUET brings state-of-the-art medical equipment to Port Macquarie State-of-the-art medical equipment and technologies are facets to a new build like Port Macquarie Base Hospital that offer benefits for both staff and patients. The team bringing their expertise to the new hospital for the Northern Rivers regions is MAQUET, a company that has been providing solutions to clinical care in Australia for over 15 years, and internationally for over 175 years. With headquarters in Germany, MAQUET are a global company that design and manufacture a wide range of medical equipment, including operating lights, pendants, operating tables and theatre room machinery. For the Port Macquarie Base Hospital, MAQUET worked in consultation with key clinical personnel regarding a range of design decisions, ranging from orientation of the theatres, layout of equipment and choices of pendant light and monitor configuration. Integration of the equipment along with post-installation support is all part of MAQUET’s service. Close client consultation is an avenue of delivery that MAQUET pursue with vigour. On this project, MAQUET and clinical staff 148 NSW PROJECT FEATURE PORT MACQUARIE BASE HOSPITAL

remained in constant contact throughout the 18 months of its delivery, ensuring the end product was exactly suited to the clients requirements. As Project Manager Baden Leo comments, “MAQUET have a vast range of products compared to our competitors with what we can offer. We like to pride ourselves on being a solution-provider as well as a complete turn-key solution medical company that can offer a one-stop shop. And that’s not only on a local level but also globally, because we have the backing of our relevant factories as well as our head office based in Germany.” The next major projects for MAQUET include Wollongong Hospital, along with installation of theatres and equipment in Hornsby Hospital and in hospitals in Rockhampton and Lismore. For more information contact MAQUET Australia Pty Ltd, Australia Head Office, Level 2, 4 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113, Customer Service number 1800 605 824, fax 07 3339 3910, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Cost saving cLADDING SOLUTIONS Specialising in external cladding, Stane Industries continues to evolve as a leading sub-contractor for façade construction on a range of commercial and industrial building projects. Now with a history of over 20 years, this Sydney based company has a number of high-end clients that testify to professionalism and dedication in their delivery of top quality work. For the Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Stane Industries were contracted to design, fabricate and install the external skin of the building, comprised of pre-fabricated façade trusses and 4mm composite panels. Employing around 20 people in the company as a whole, around five employees were part of this project designing and fabricating the items in their workshop in Sydney. A unique aspect to this build was a full installation without scaffolding. With the size of the panel modules being at 2.7 x 7.2 metres long, Stane Industries set themselves a challenge of completing an installation with larger panels but requiring no scaffolding and less units. With WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

building challenges successfully achieved, it was also a win for the builders budget. The most important aspect to this challenge however was involvement of all parties at the early stage of design. As Project Manager Claus Maarschalk states, “I do think that in these kind of scenarios we can offer a builder good cost savings and faster installation if they get us involved early in the design stage. If they leave it to later, then its harder for us to give them cost-savings - they might have already put full scaffolding up, which is a huge cost. If we are involved in the earlier stages, then we can offer better buildability for the construction requirements.” Most recent other external cladding from Stane Industries includes The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at RPA, Wagga Wagga Hospital, and Charles Perkins Hospital. For more information contact Stane Industries (Aust), Unit 3, 13-15 Governor Macquarie Drive, Chipping Norton NSW 2170, phone 02 9723 6673, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE PORT MACQUARIE BASE HOSPITAL 149

Port Macquaire Base Hospital, NSW



Structural Steel Specialists For the Port Macquarie Base Hospital Expansion project, the use of steel for both structure and creating architectural features is integral to the new face of the hospital building. Tackling this large scale project is Belmore Engineering, the structural steel specialists who completed the fabrication and finishes of all steel members, defining the hospital as a landmark building for the region. With the amount of material coming to around 200 tonnes, Belmore Engineering fabricated steel items ranging from block wall stiffener posts through to architecturally featured awnings and stairs. Hot dipped galvanised steel was utilised throughout for structural members, while the entry canopies and stairways required a 3 coat finished paint system that was applied in house, and off site. Unique to this project was the fabrication of larger format RHS, including members of a size up to 450 x 250mm. Belmore Engineering has been in operation since 2000, and has specialised in structural steel fabrication and erection since 2004. With employees numbering around 45, they have established themselves as leading structural steel fabricators with their focus on handling large WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

scale projects across Australia, in industries such as retail, health and mining. This is facilitated by their 4000 square metre workshop at Tamworth, as well as their professionalism in keeping up to date with new technologies and equipment. One of Belmore Engineering’s biggest investments in technology has been the Voortman CNC Plasma Beamline machine. Providing Belmore Engineering with a competitive edge, this piece of machinery uses a full 8 axis movement to allow operations on all four sides of a steel member. Currently, Belmore Engineering are structural steel fabricators for numerous large scale projects for clients including Mainbrace, Richard Crookes Constructions, Hansen Yuncken, ABI Group and Watpac. For more information contact Belmore Engineering, 47 Showground Road, Tamworth, NSW 2340, phone 02 6765 9311, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE PORT MACQUARIE BASE HOSPITAL 151

Shaping independent living The $40m Lober square independent living and community hub will be the focal point for the whole ARV community comprising of a cafe, community building, bowling green, a health building with 2 swimming pools, 35 independent and 6 freestanding living units. lober square / Lipman PTY LTD

Lipman Pty Ltd is well respected, premium contractor in the New South Wales building market, specialising in commercial building projects, from office buildings, hotels, student accommodation, retail, education, industrial, sporting facilities and aged care. The company began on 15th March 1966 with its founder, Phillip Lipman’s vision of ‘co-operative contracting’. This vision continues today and has resulted in Lipman having a unique place in the Sydney market, widely respected by professional developer teams, the NSW Department of Finance & Services and Institutional clients and is regarded as a high quality building company 152 NSW PROJECT FEATURE LOBER SQUARE

that boasts a proud record of multiple MBA Excellence in Construction Awards.

living units, a health building including two swimming pools, a community building, café and bowling green and landscaping.

One of Lipman’s current projects is the $40m Anglican Retirement Village, Lober Square Development at Castle Hill. The project consisted of the demolition and removal of the existing buildings on site, trees and all other miscellaneous structures within the development.

Project Manager Angus Darling leads a very successful project team on Lober Square and noted that Lipman’s most valuable resource is it’s staff, because it is their performance that defines the results Lipman is committed to long term relationships and repeat business.

The construction stage involved the building of 35 independent living units in two, three storey buildings over basement carparks. Also included are six freestanding independent

“By empowering staff with ‘latest technology’ systems, Lipman ensures quality is never compromised and each member of the team strive to ‘add value’ through their creative AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

approach to problem solving.” Angus said. As a privately owned Australian group, Lipman aimed to be the obvious choice in construction. “We have a strong history of not only delivering projects on time every time, but achieving a defect free completion and continuing to exceed our clients’ expectations,” he said. “Lipman’s success is built on strong industry wide relationships that are founded on trust and respect, leading to our reputation as a top level service provider through a company wide commitment to creativity, integrity, cooperation and performance.” WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

“It is a testament to the exceptional standard of our work that we can go from a project such as Lober Square to refurbishment of canal warehouses at Huntley Street Alexandria, the UTS Haberfield Rowing Club, St John’s Retail and Residential development in Paddington, University of Western Sydney Anatomy Building and University of Wollongong Early Learning Centre.”

Successful relationships with staff and clients remain a hallmark of the Lipman experience and have led to many clients choosing Lipman for ongoing and repeat business.

Other stand out projects that Lipman has recently been involved in is the $70m Sydney International Airport Hotel and the $125m Wet ‘n’ Wild project at Prospect.

For more information contact Lipman Pty Ltd, Level 6, 66 Berry Street, North Sydney NSW 2060, phone 02 9955 7000, fax 02 9955 3166, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE LOBER SQUARE 153

Below Tower Group Projects provided formworks to Lober Square.

Tower Group Projects



Developed over three stages, Lober Square will offer its residents a new way of living with a community hub, independent living units but also maintaining some of the original structure with refurbished historical buildings. Tower Group Projects has been integral in the first stage which has seen Lober Square clearly taking shape through construction of formwork as well as all false work to develop all concrete works. This company has clearly become the foundation of many important developments throughout Sydney since establishing in 2011. Tower Group Projects Director John Habib said the company had come a long way in this very short time. “At Tower Group Projects we are clearly driven by a client focus approach, TGP Projects provides commercial and residential building services specialized in all sorts of formworks well as project management and project implementation services,” he said. “With many years of combined experience in construction, fit-outs and planning TGP management team focus on the key factors that are critical to successfully managing projects across a broad range of sectors. 154 NSW PROJECT FEATURE LOBER SQUARE

“We know that our services are second to none in the industry, both in terms of quality and efficiency.” It is this confidence and project success that has seen rapid expansion for the company and based on this, Tower Group Projects are currently seeking to further increase its client base in the industry. “We are able to take a simple or complicated floor plan and manage the project through to completion. “TGP has the knowledge and experience to design and construct both commercial and residential formwork spaces so that it reflects any individual brand's values or your desired quality objectives. “Given that no job is too big or small, Tower Group Projects provides the most competitive and efficient solution too many company’s needs because they can be assured that their project lies in capable hands.”

For more information contact Tower Group Projects, 22 Bellfrog Street, Greenacre NSW 2190, phone 02 9750 5553 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Below Coopers Fire installed 3 sets of Vii® Fire curtains on the Lober Square project.

One of the major hazards for people in any fire situation is smoke, and preventing the spread of it so people have a margin of safety for escape is vital. Leading fire and smoke curtain manufacturer Coopers Fire are experts at developing solutions which protect identified risk areas, such as lift shafts, which can act as pathways for fire spread and like a chimney channel smoke to other levels. At the Lober Square project, this risk has been mitigated through Coopers Fire installing three Vii® Fire smoke and fire curtains to protect the lifts on the lower ground, ground and first floor. These are a neat, compact, fully automatic motorised roller system, with a state-of-the-art high temperature stainless steel reinforced curtain which is concealed in a strong stainless steel casing above the lift opening. On being triggered by the smoke and fire alert system, the curtain descends and blocks smoke and fire from entering the lift or the lift shaft via the operational gaps between the lift carriage, shaft and internal drywall. The curtains also feature retract buttons to allow people to exit the lift safely should they be within in it at the time a fire alarm event occurs. This is a highly engineered and thoroughly tested system which can either be supplied with full sensor and alarm activation technology, or integrated with existing building fire detection systems. Coopers Fire Patented Gravity Fail Safe Drive, and the inbuilt obstruction detection and warning system make this an extremely effective and user-friendly form of protection. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Additional features of this cost effective solution include a fire brigade intervention emergency retract button and easy integration to upgrade existing lift openings that do not have adequate smoke leakage provision or rated doors. The Vii® Fire curtains have been tested as fire proof for two hours at up to 1000 degrees, giving ample protected time for a building’s occupants to escape a situation. A range of sizes are available to suit either reveal or face fix installation. Other projects where Coopers Fire are currently installing fire and smoke curtains for lift openings include DLA Piper fit out, DLTP Moorebank, 50 Martin Place, ADFA LSN Building and ACU North Sydney. When Coopers Fire products are chosen for a project, the solutions provided deliver a level of protection which sets the standard for the fire curtain industry. And for end-users like residents of Lober Square, in an emergency, these life-saving fire and smoke curtains could genuinely be considered one of their home’s most important features. For more information contact Coopers Fire Pty Ltd, 21B 1-3 Endeavour Road, Carringbah NSW 2229, phone 02 9526 3100, fax 02 9526 3111, email, website NSW PROJECT FEATURE LOBER SQUARE 155



GUSBUS: Gateway Upgrade South Stage 2B The upgrade includes the extention of the Gateway Motorway southbound on-ramp to the Pacific Motorway as well as upgrading connecting roads and the South-East Busway. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : ABI Group CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $96 Million COMPLETION DATE : April 2014

Construction on GUSBUS started in late 2012 and was completed in April 2014. The $96 million project extended and upgraded the Gateway Motorway southbound on-ramp to the Pacific Motorway, improving safety and reliability for motorists by allowing more distance and time to merge with through traffic. As part of Stage 2B works, the Queensland Government invested a further $36 million to extend the South East Busway from Eight Mile Plains to Rochedale (School Road) including provision for a future extension towards Springwood. The extension of the busway will allow buses travelling through Rochedale and Rochedale South to directly access the busway network. The completion of GUSBUS has provided allowance for future upgrades in a variety of ways from future extensions to the busway and the installation of temporary barriers ready for future motorway widening. For more information visit WWW.ANCR.COM.AU


Black Widow Civil ­— whatever it takes Specialising in road and rail upgrades and duplications, Black Widow Civil has been around for over a decade, starting out as a family-owned operated business. The company now has over 40 employees and continues to strive to maintain its family values while providing quality solutions for its customers. True to its motto “Whatever it takes”, Black Widow Civil is continuing to grow, aiming to become one of South East Queensland’s top earthmoving companies. This goal exists alongside the company’s commitment to maintaining a positive and healthy business culture, and a strong focus on safety. Using a new Posi Track with a grader attachment proved to be a winner for Black Widow Civil on the Gateway Upgrade South Stage 2 construction. “We’ve been involved in the whole Gateway Upgrade project from start to finish, from when it was a joint venture between Leighton 158 QLD PROJECT FEATURE GATEWAY UPGRADE STAGE 2

Contractors and Abigroup,” Black Widow Civil’s Lee Andrews said. “This includes working on the first bridge.” As well as works on the Gateway Upgrade South Stage 2, Black Widow Civil is doing earthworks and other works for the Gold Coast Rapid Transit project — a light rail construction due to be completed in the middle of the year. The Gateway Upgrade South Stage 2 and Gold Coast Light Rail are just two examples of the calibre of works undertaken by Black Widow Civil. The company’s track record working with significant construction companies is impressive. Among past projects on Black Widow Civil’s list are major road constructions. These huge projects include Brisbane’s Airport Link (Thiess), Port Connect (BMD Seymour Whyte Joint Venture) and the Pacific Highway Sapphire to Woolgoolga Upgrade (Leighton Fulton Hogan Joint Venture). AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Its rail projects include the S2K rail upgrade (Abigroup) and the Jilalan Rail Yard project (Coal Stream Alliance). A large fleet of equipment and various attachments, combined with a focus on Workplace Health and Safety means Black Widow Civil is more than able to take on such large projects. The business is proud of its reputation as one of the growing companies in the industry and constantly reviews its internal operations to ensure its employees deliver. Its dedication to ensuring it delivers the best results on projects sees Black Widow Civil continue to work with repeat and valued clients. A solid commitment to its customers and an ability to work in with them means Black Widow Civil can provide works that are on-time and to a project’s program. Delivering works to a client’s specific systems and requirements, and ensuring works are delivered safely, resourcefully and of the highest quality are also top priorities. The company also has an extensive network of contractors and plant suppliers, meaning they can quickly source and provide other items WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

of plant. These plant items come complete with experienced and qualified operators. Black Widow Civil also offers float moves of up to 22-tonne capacity. As safety and reliability is of high importance to Black Widow Civil, all its machines and attachments are regularly maintained to make sure they are in top working condition. The business is also committed to staff training, as well as accessible, visible management. With an exceptional dedication to clients and a successful track record in delivering works with the best results — whatever it takes, it’s no wonder Black Widow Civil is becoming one of Queensland’s most trusted names in earthmoving.

For more information please contact Black Widow Civil, 393, Rotary Park Road, Alberton QLD 4207, phone 07 5580 6866, fax 07 5580 6877,email, website QLD PROJECT FEATURE GATEWAY UPGRADE STAGE 2 159



Treescape – the vegetation management experts Specialising in the cost-effective maintenance of trees and vegetation, Treescape Australasia Pty Ltd offers its clients a range of services, including heavy clearing, plant healthcare, transplanting, asset management and powerline clearing. Owned and operated as part of New Zealand’s highly successful Treescape group, Treescape was established more than 30 years ago by directors Edward Chignell and Brandon Whiddett. The company has since grown from a couple of chainsaws to employing more than 350 trained staff across Australia and New Zealand. In 2006, the company successfully won a major contract with the power company Energex, which saw it expand into Queensland and now operates throughout the south east of the state. Today Treescape’s clients include councils, utilities, government agencies, construction companies, developers, corporations and private individuals. Major projects such as the Gateway Upgrade Stage 2 project form a large part of the company’s work. Around 10 Treescape staff worked on the Gateway Upgrade project, completing vegetation clearing, tree removal and stump grinding and mulching of the material. “We have specialist equipment that we use on commercial and industrial work,” says Treescape’s Business Manager Peter Tate. “For the Gateway Upgrade Stage 2 project, we used an LTC 210 stump grinder/vertical tree shear, which has a safer, low RPM and high torque hydraulic motor which is suitable for grinding in areas with high rock content.” Treescape prefers to use grinders to remove a stump rather than digging it out, which can often be costly, time consuming and difficult. The company has a number of grinders available, enabling them to grind out any size stump and its root system, from the multi LTC 210 for large sites, right through to manuallyoperated grinders and hand held units for access to smaller sites, such as the yards of homes. Treescape’s other specialist equipment includes vertical tree grabs for excavatorWWW.ANCR.COM.AU

controlled felling of trees, 4WD spray units (to access challenging rural areas) and a fleet of elevated work platforms (ranging from 18m reach units to short tail swing and compact units for working near traffic sites and small yards). The company also has a selection of wood chippers from 150mm, 24 hp to 600mm 275 hp and excavators with log grabs to feed chippers if required. Treescape Australasia Pty Ltd also has ISO 14001 (Environment), ISO 9001 (Quality) and AS/NZS 4801 Health and Safety accreditations. In addition to the Gateway Upgrade Stage 2 construction, Treescape is carrying out vegetation removal and bank stabilisation for a significant road upgrade with Queensland Main Roads in Toowoomba, and has just completed another road widening project with the organisation. Treescape is also carrying out works for GoldlinQ, Queensland’s first light rail system. The company continues to work with Energex, providing ongoing vegetation and tree removal for the installation of new infrastructure and ongoing vegetation maintenance of its powerlines. Treescape also provides arboriculture consultancy, and has a team of experts with a diverse range of vegetation and environmental backgrounds, providing advice on plant healthcare. The company’s specialist knowledge in this area has seen Treescape staff travel to Singapore to undertake consultancy for the maintenance and healthcare of historic trees, including a heritage-listed 140-year-old Johor Fig, owned by the Sentosa Leisure Group, a Singaporean Government agency. Treescape is also continuing work with Brisbane City Council on bringing 1100 trees (ranging from 1.5m to 6m in height) back to health after they were damaged during this year’s Australia Day storm. For more information please contact Treescape Australia Pty Ltd, 11 Quindus Street, Wacol QLD 4076, phone 07 3457 4300, fax 07 3271 3410, email, website


Leading Tunnelling and Civil Contractor Digs In With a long (and impressive) list of complex infrastructure projects throughout Australia, Rob Carr Pty Ltd continues to demonstrate why they are the leaders in water, wastewater and utilities infrastructure construction. Founded almost 25 years ago by CEO Rob Carr, the company has grown into the inventive and successful business it is today, employing over 120 staff. Brisbane’s Airport Link and major utility infrastructure projects in Toowong and Auchenflower, Gold Coast’s Beenleigh Merrimac Pimpama Alliance and Pimpama to Coomera Waterfuture Masterplan Initiative, Sunshine Coasts Northern Networks Alliance, Mt Isa’s Sewerage Augmentation project, Sydney’s Liverpool to Ashfield pipeline and Sewerfix Wet Weather Alliance, Halls Head and Port Hedland Infill Sewerage projects in Western Australia are just some of the major constructions Rob Carr Pty Ltd has worked on.

A Seymour Whyte Group Company

Up to 10 people worked on the project, which ran smoothly. Rob Carr Pty Ltd’s superior focus on safety also meant the company was able to implement new safety regulations that came in during the job. Among Rob Carr Pty Ltd’s current projects are the Alphington Sewer Replacement Project involving the tunnelling of curved 590m and 280m drives 1500mm in diameter in VIC, the Barneson Street Trunk Sewer project in Darwin NT involving 1.4km of sewer, Dawesville Infill Sewerage Project involving 14.5km of sewer in WA and 1800mm diameter stormwater project in Brisbane QLD. For more information contact Rob Carr Pty Ltd, 74-76, Union Circuit Yatala QLD 4207, phone 1300 883 602, fax 1300 883 605, website

Rob Carr Pty Ltd offers its clientele a complete service, with the Company able to undertake and provide in house, all forms of construction for water, wastewater and energy infrastructure projects. The company’s list of clients is equally impressive, including local, state and territory governments, water utility companies, major construction contractors and program alliances. The company’s equipment fleet includes over 50 hydraulic excavators, 160 sets of shoring systems, 34 microtunnelling machines as well as additional civil construction and transport equipment. In particular, its tunnel boring machines can install pipes ranging from 150mm to 2100mm in diameter through many types of ground conditions. For the Gateway Upgrade South Stage 2 project, the company tunnelled a 120-metre, 1200mm reinforced concrete pipe for drainage. The company self performed all civil and tunnelling components of work for its project including tunnelling under the motorway, detailed excavation works and construction of concrete structures including a Humeceptor structure.



Uni-span: Solution. Service. Simple. Uni-span Formwork Solutions Pty Ltd considered many factors when it was engaged to work on the Gateway Upgrade South’s second underpass. Foremost was ensuring Uni-span’s safety and incident-free record on the project was continued. To ensure they minimised all risks when supplying the craneable and moveable 6m high aluminium falsework for the underpass, Uni-span decided to construct it into two separate work areas, eliminating the need to work above the underpass deck. One was a 1m high falsework table, enabling the client to fabricate the table tops at an ergonomic working height. These tops, measuring 22m², were then lifted directly into position on top of the aluminium prop towers. Uni-span also designed and supplied Aluprop high-capacity props as towers, which were then craned into position. All 39 x 4m legged towers were then assembled by five staff within half a day. This process not only meant the second pour of the wall shutters could continue (due to a no work area directly underneath), this innovative design and method from Uni-span meant labour forecasts were reduced. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

In addition, the resulting finish on both walls and the struck falsework exceeded specifications. The creation of this process is an example of Uni-span’s competency in complexity and engineered solutions. These exceptional outcomes also means Uni-span is recognised as the supplier of choice. Specialising in the engineering, hire and sale of scaffolding and formwork equipment and being exclusive distributors of Ulma Formwork systems, Uni-span has been providing quality, cost-effective, efficient scaffolding and formwork solutions for over a decade. Further enhancing their service, clients are supported by an expert and innovative team of in-house engineers and designers. The company uses three words to describe its commitment and customer experience: Solution. Service. Simple. For more information contact Uni-span Group Pty Ltd, 28 Computer Road, Yatala QLD 4207, phone 1300 882 825, fax 07 3807 0546, email, website QLD PROJECT FEATURE GATEWAY UPGRADE STAGE 2 163

Kerb appeal Kerb & Co have been providing concrete slipform barrier constructions, kerbs and gutter, barrier walls, walkways and bikeways, and cattle feed bunks for 14 years. Priding themselves on their high productivity and standards, the company has constructed tens of thousands of metres of concrete barriers and kerbing for large-scale construction projects. Available for concreting operations 24/7, Kerb & Co’s slipform machines allow an uninterrupted concrete pour with a flawless finish. The company can also manufacture specialised moulds to suit a project’s requirements. Among its projects is the Gateway Upgrade Stage 2, where 10 employees worked on the construction. Kerb & Co provided extruded slipform barriers and kerb works, using a new Wirtgen SP25 paving machine. “One of the challenges on the project was ensuring concrete compaction around the four conduit arrangement,” Kerb & Co Director Joe Seovic said. “However, we were able to maintain 100 per cent compaction around all four conduits.” Kerb & 164 QLD PROJECT FEATURE GATEWAY UPGRADE STAGE 2

Co’s extensive experience and high standards means it continues to be contracted for significant projects. The company is currently providing concrete barriers for the Cairns Bruce Highway Upgrade Stage 2 and the Pacific Motorway Worongary to Mudgeeraba third lane extension. It’s also constructing concrete barriers and kerb for the TrackStar Alliance Richlands to Springfield rail extension and the Cardwell Range Alliance road realignment. Kerb & Co’s past projects is also an impressive list. They have supplied concrete barriers for the Springwood to Daisy Hill Pacific Motorway Project and the Bruce Highway Cooroy to Curra Bypass, as well as concrete barriers and kerb for the Windsor to Kedron Airport Link. They have also worked on kerb and channel for the North South Bypass Tunnel Project and kerb works for the Robina to Varsity Lakes Project. For more information contact Kerb & Co Pty Ltd, 55 Glade Drive, Gaven QLD 4211, phone 07 5665 9492, fax 07 5665 9492, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Tailor made bulk excavation and haulage solutions Specialising in bulk excavation, haulage and plant and equipment hire, Premium Plant and Haulage have been providing tailor made solutions since 2008. The company is experienced in all aspects of earthmoving - including operating a quarry, managing a tip site, bulk earthworks and operating a growing fleet of large plant machinery.

tonnes of material for Caterpillar at Yatala (CIP). Premium Plant and Haulage also hauled and disposed of material for the Queensland Children’s Hospital project (Delta Group), and supplied various truck combinations for Coal Connect for the Goonyella to Abbot Point Expansion Project (Leighton Contractors).

It is also an established waste operator, holding an ERA 57 (regulated waste transport) for 35 of its trucks. Premium Plant and Haulage’s extensive list of major projects is testament to its experience and service. This includes the Gateway Upgrade South Stage 2 construction, where it hauled spoil and provided a disposal site. The company also hauled and disposed of 200,000m3 of unsuitable material for the Gateway Upgrade South and South East Busway Extension in Rochedale for Abigroup.

It also supplied plant and truck combinations for wet hire for Liquefied Natural Gas projects for APLNG/QGLNG in the Western Downs region for Leighton Contractors, Carruthers and Probuild.

Premium Plant and Haulage also hauled and disposed in excess of 350,000m3 of unsuitable tunnel material to landfill, for the Legacy Way Tunnel Project in Toowong for Transcity JV. It sorted, loaded and carted over 90,000 tonnes of armour rock for the Hay Point Expansion Project (Bechtel), and excavated and hauled 350,000 WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

“Our Compliance Division also ensures that all relative legislation is adhered to and complied with,” Premium Plant and Haulage Director Andrew Ward said. “This includes OHS, environmental, Industrial Relations and transport.” For more information contact Premium Plant and Haulage Pty Ltd, Suite 5, 6 Cairns Street, Loganholme QLD 4129, phone 1300 889 704, fax 1300 889 716, email, website QLD PROJECT FEATURE GATEWAY UPGRADE STAGE 2 165

Quick to the core With locations in Queensland and New South Wales, and over 22 years experience in the industry, Quick Core and Cut are the experts when it comes to concrete cutting and drilling. Whether its core drilling, road sawing, wall sawing, expansion cutting or ring sawing, Quick Core and Cut has the know-how to make sure a job is done right and to the highest standards. The company also does major bridge demolitions over motorways, waterways and railway lines as well as road grinding and grooving, and runway grooving. Quick Core and Cut’s extensive experience has seen it work on a number of large road projects, including the Ipswich Motorway upgrade and the Gateway Upgrade Stage 2, completing road sawing, core drilling, ring sawing and expansion cutting. It’s also about to start a major road construction project for the Queensland Government.

Fror more information contact Quick Core and Cut Concrete Cutting Services QLD, 61 Peachy Road, Ormeau QLD 4208, phone 04 1886 5580, fax 07 5549 0606 , email


Established in 2003, Origin Fencing has sales and management staff utilising 60 years of collective experience in commercial fencing estimation, installation and project management. Origin Fencing also contract the services of over 20 experienced and WHS compliant fencing installers. Among the company’s significant list of major projects is the recently completed Port Connect Project and the Ipswich Motorway Upgrade. Our ongoing clients and scope of works include Main Roads and Rail Corridor projects, energy, gas and mining facilities, airports, noise attenuation, high level security facilities, local authorities, rural sector, sub divisions and residential. Origin Fencing is also the preferred supplier of Brisbane City Council, working diligently to maintain the rigorous compliance 166 QLD PROJECT FEATURE GATEWAY UPGRADE STAGE 2

and WHS requirements.Origin Fencing also have an established and expanding fleet of plant and equipment, including excavators, diggers, a vacuum extraction unit and mine specified transport. The Origin Fencing team also engages the latest technology in communication, navigation, documentation and administration procedures. Origin Fencing has established themselves as leaders in their field, providing excellent client service and cost effective and time efficient solutions on major commercial & infrastructure projects throughout South East Queensland and Northern NSW. To find out more about Origin Fencing solutions contact: Office: 07 3890 8633 Online enquiries: AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Always on your side With a management team that has more than 40 years’ combined experience in all aspects of scaffolding, rigging and rope access, Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services Pty Ltd is the key to your security. Founded in Canberra by company directors and brothers Tony, Jason and Michael Werahiko in 2002, Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services was originally established to service the mining, construction and housing sectors of the scaffolding industry. The success of Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services saw the company establish itself in the ACT, Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales.

Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services is also committed to providing the best cost-effective solutions to their clients — without compromising on their business philosophy “work smart, stay safe, have pride”. The safety of its employees, client’s staff or members of the community in contact with a work site is paramount to the company. For more information contact Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services Pty Ltd, 80 Basalt Street, Geebung, QLD 4034, phone 07 3265 5570, fax 07 3265 6313, email, website

In 2007 Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services moved to Brisbane, where it began its Queensland operation.Having expanded from a labour-only sub-contractor, Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services now offers its clients an extensive list of services. The company supplies its own comprehensive range of scaffold as well as labour hire in all areas of construction. Side by Side Scaffolding & Rigging Services brings to any construction project a wealth of experience and knowledge from a variety of industry work sites. This includes off-shore oil rigs, mine sites, high-rise buildings, housing estates and commercial properties from across Australia and in New Zealand.



NEW FOR THE VALLEY dEVELOPER : OPD Developers COMPLETION DATE : June 2014 ARCHITECT : Nettleton Tribe STRUCTURAL ENGINEER : BG Group Builder : Hutchinson Builders

757 Ann Street is a striking commercial tower with an ultra-modern design. Built to meet 5 Star Greenstar under the new version 3 criteria, comprising of an 11 storey building, and is constructed virtually column free with a side central core. OPD Developers (OPD) is the property developer behind the 757 Ann Street development. OPD was responsible for refining the building’s design, securing tenants for the building and coordinating the design and construction of the building with Hutchinson Builders and various consultants, on behalf of the owners of the land. OPD specialises in designing, constructing, leasing and selling 'turnkey' commercial developments. All of OPD developments are completed to the highest standards, to a fixed price and on time. OPD has developed in excess of 100,000 m² of commercial office space in South East Queensland. They are one of Queensland's leading office park developers, offering commercial buildings for lease and sale in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Their commercial buildings and office parks are strategically located in sought after hubs, allowing easy access 168 QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET

to the major road networks and are designed to incorporate extensive landscaping, which allows for a peaceful and natural setting. The construction of the 757 Ann Street building was fast-tracked to align with the expiry of Ventyx’s current lease, in the CBD. This required the project team to meticulously plan all elements of the construction program. The Ann Street building is a classic combination of pre-cast concrete and glazed façade systems. Aluminium sunshading elements, reinforced the strong horizontal lines of the façade, and are suspended from stainless steel rods. Nearly 2 weeks was lost in the early stages of the job, when during the excavation of the double-storey basement, the ground was found to be firmer than the geotechnical reports AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

initially indicated. Fortunately the project team made up this lost time through the structure and fit out stages. The location of the lift core within the tower needed to promote an efficient tower floor plate, and be delicately located so as to work with the constrained basement carparking and circulation. OPD used their skilled staff to ensure all elements of the project went ahead without any setbacks and all work was undertaken to the highest standard. The development team and design team were passionate about maintaining the integrity of the design of the façade through the construction phase. The façade has subtle changes of angle along its length to represent movement along Ann St. There are also subtle changes between certain floors to highlight the top, middle and base of the building. These changes of geometry both in plan, and in elevation, meant careful attention had to be paid by the site team and the design team, to ensure that correct alignments were maintained, and slab edges remained free from beam protrusions. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

This leading office development features the following attributes: • 10 levels of office space • Active ground floor retail space and double height entrance lobby • High quality finishes • 45 secure basement parking bays, plus 2 motorbike bays • 72 employee bicycle parking spaces • 72 lockers and 4 showers • 5 minutes walk from Brunswick street station • 17 minutes to Brisbane Airport via Air-Train Services • Close proximity to Brunswick & James Street which offers many cafes, restaurants and retail options • Close proximity to arterial roads connecting the Brisbane CBD to the Brisbane Airport, 12km drive to Brisbane Airport • Adjacent to McWhirters carpark For more information contact OPD Developers, Building 6, Garden City Office Park, 2404 Logan Road, Eight Mile Plains QLD 4113, phone 07 3340 5100, fax 07 3340 5119, email, website QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET 169

A Perfect FaÇade Hitec Glazing Pty Ltd are leading manufacturers of contemporary architectural window and door systems. The team have recently been working on the 757 Ann Street development in Fortitude Valley. Hitec Glazing supplied and installed the Glass Façade to the project. 757 Ann Street offers a premium address for business owners in the heart of Brisbane’s popular commercial precinct. The building is perfectly located to allow staff to live, work and play in one of Australia’s most sought after suburbs. Spread over ten levels, the commercial development offers 7,800m2 of premium office space along with secure basement parking, bicycle bays, lockers and showers. The glass used for this project was sourced from China, which was a first for Hitec Glazing. The Company went to China in early 2013 to view different glass factories and decide which factory was most suited to their needs. With innovation in mind, Hitec Glazing are constantly improving and sourcing the highest quality products available. High performing IGU’s were used for the 757 Ann Street development along with some new aluminium profiles which were designed specifically for this project. The team at Hitec Glazing can provide you with technical advice, design expertise and quality workmanship to ensure the highest quality products for your project. As manufactures of Aluminium Windows and Doors, they are proud to be associated with Vantage and AWS Commercial products, which are leading brands within the Australian Window Industry. The Vantage range of residential windows and doors have become the favourite choice of Architects and Building Designers with innovative performance and design features delivering outstanding outcomes in residential and architectural residential construction. The AWS Commercial range offers competitive and high performance architectural suites ideal for commercial, shop fitting or architectural residential applications. Architects and builders recommend aluminium windows and doors for their strength, durability, and lasting value. They offer versatility in design and function and can be uniquely configured into large combinations for maximizing views and enhancing lifestyles. Let Hitec Glazing work with you to select the ideal product for your next project and maximise the function, aesthetic energy and performance outcomes. The team can assist with both commercial and high-end housing developments. Head over to the website to view a great gallery of completed projects. For more information contact Hitec Glazing Pty Ltd, PO Box 1087, North Lakes QLD 4509, phone 07 3817 9300, fax 07 3204 9044, website 170 QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET




Perfect Alignment

Designed by Nettleton Tribe Architects, 757 Ann St is a remarkable commercial tower that is set to become a significant addition to Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. Justin Morgan successfully led the design team from Nettleton Tribe. Positioned on a corner site along Ann Street, and in the heart of Fortitude Valley, this 8,150sqm NLA commercial development is set to enhance the unique characteristics of the area. The building has been designed to meet 5 Star Greenstar rating under the new Version 3 criteria, along with a NABERS rating of 4.5 stars. Nettleton Tribe paid particular attention to the design of the base of the building along the proposed subtropical boulevard. The commercial development features a striking and highly visible façade, sustainable design elements, 2 levels of basement parking and end of trip facilities. The building offers ample ground floor retail along with a high quality lobby and entrance which is set to activate this inviting and enviable street frontage. The use of both raw and textured materials plus smooth and refined contemporary resources makes reference to the industrial heritage of the Valley and the new vibrant Valley. The aspiration of 757 Ann Street is to contribute one of the Valley’s significant and distinctive office projects that provides an innovative response with ESD initiatives in the fringe CBD market. The Valley has no one distinct style, size or scale but rather is an eclectic mix that has created a particular sense of place over time. An important aspect of the building’s design was to reflect this diversity of its precinct in its articulation. To this end, the building’s faceted form is vertically structured into basemiddle-top sections relating to surrounding heights and horizontally angled to its street facades to capture city views in different directions while maximising the building’s exposure to the oncoming traffic as seen from the corner of Ann and Morgan Street. At street level, the building’s 172 QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET

base has been manipulated to create implied two and three storey volumes defining the proportions of a streetscape that is to become a `Subtropical Boulevard’ in the Valley. Various projections and awnings address the human scale, the scale of neighbouring buildings and relate to the fine grain aspect of the Valley’s urban fabric. Throughout the design development due consideration was given to the vibrant pedestrian nature of the Valley. Therefore a retail presence wraps around both street frontages to activate the ground plane and is highlighted by the linking of retail opportunities with the main lobby. At the office levels the building core is recessed into the envelope with the resultant floor plate opening up towards the city and Newstead views whereby the structural column layout provides flexibility for various fit-out solutions. The team at Nettleton Tribe live and breathe architecture. They love applying ideas that will positively impact the way people live and work. They believe it is their role, as architects, to promote excellence in design and the creation of beautiful spaces and buildings that align with the urban environment. Nettleton Tribe has won countless awards during their 40 years of operation. A few recent awards include: • Lifestyle Working Collins Street - BPN Award • 53 Albert St: Queensland Architectual Awards • Brisbane Common Ground: Queensland Architectual Awards • APVC: Queensland Architectual Awards For more information contact Nettleton Tribe (Partnership) Pty Ltd, Level 5, 344 Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, phone 07 3239 2444, email, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Keeping it Clean Established in 2003, Waste 2 Resources Group is a Queensland owned business offering total waste management solutions to Construction, Demolition, Commercial and Industrial clients. The company is based in Queensland and prides itself on quality service and reliability. They specialise in providing a total waste and recycling solution through dedicated service, sound industry knowledge and innovative solutions. Waste 2 Resources Group are large enough to cater for any service requirement your business may need, yet small enough to provide exceptional customer service at a competitive rate.

partnered with a series of other preferred service providers to enable them to service all sites nationally, whilst managing the project through one point of contact. Specialising in the supply of superior services and equipment, Waste 2 Resources are able to provide clients with improved recycling options and lower environmental impacts. Their array of services include resource recovery skips and hook bins through to commercial recycling bins for Cardboard, Plastic and Timber along with Frontlift Resource recovery bins. Waste 2 Resources manage all site services from liquid waste and vacuum excavations through to hazardous waste, sanitary and washroom services and office recycling programs.

The benefits of dealing with Waste 2 Resources Group include:

• • • • • •

Focus on recycling options and reducing landfill Resource recovery services to reduce waste and costs long term. It’s better for the environment. Modern fleet providing high level services and reliability. Permanent on site call centre staff that can handle all requirements. One call, one contact and one Invoice for all service requirements Full fleet of company drivers and operators

Waste 2 Resources has over 45 employees and 30 direct service vehicles and plant supplying services across the Greater Brisbane area. They have WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Just recently, the team at Waste 2 Resources provided waste management and waste removal services for the 757 Ann Street project in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley. Waste 2 Resources provided over 350+ bin deliveries and pick ups with bin sizes ranging from 3 to 25 in tight and restrictive sites with no issues and on time service. For more information contact Waste 2 Resources, phone 1300 656 634, email, website, QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET 173

a preferred provider 757 Ann Street is a newly developed commercial tower designed with an ultra-modern style in mind. The towers floorplan allows for considerable flexibility and caters for both small and large business through the planned interconnectivity between floors. This was made possible by the virtually column free design with a side central core. Allpro Earthworks were responsible for the sewer, storm water and water connections for this large building project. Located in Mount Cotton, Queensland, Allpro Earthworks have formed a reputation as a leading service provider on difficult and challenging developments. For the 757 Ann Street project, all work was carried out at night and the development was treated with great delicacy. As always, Allpro Earthworks handled the development with respect and worked closely with all other utilities including optic fiber, electrical, water mains and other infrastructure. Allpro Earthworks has been established since 2003 and take pride in delivering a personal and professional service. Director, Dave Webb, 174 QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET

has more than 25 years experience in the industry and most of his work comes from client referrals. Some of the services offered by Allpro Earthworks include • Earthworks • Earthmoving • Dam Sinking • Road Construction • Site Levelling • Land Clearing • Subdivision • Car Parks • Complete Civil Construction • Drainage Works • Retaining Walls • Pipelaying For more information contact Allpro Earthworks, 1 Karingal Road, Mount Cotton QLD 4165, mobile 0409 607 329, email AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

NEXT-LEVEL ENERGY EFFICIENCY For the recent 757 Ann Street project in Queensland, KONE, a global leader in the elevator and escalator industry, supplied 3 KONE MonoSpace™ elevators to serve the 11 floors of premium office space and 2 basement car park levels. There are significant benefits to using KONE MonoSpace which include increased building space, lower construction costs and a wide range of high-quality, award winning interior finishes. With an increased focus on energy efficiency across the construction industry, KONE have demonstrated that their people flow solutions can lower a building’s carbon footprint and cut energy costs. In addition to supporting green outcomes in products, installation and maintenance services, KONE also pays close attention to the way services are produced and delivered to ensure that they create as little environmental impact as possible. To this end, KONE has succeeded in decreasing the carbon footprint of its operations relative to net sales by 3.5% compared to 2012. To further support this, it was recently announced that KONE has been ranked the world’s 12th greenest company by Newsweek. The 2014 Newsweek Green Ranking evaluates the world’s largest publicly WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

traded companies using eight metrics that collectively provide a transparent measurement of overall corporate environmental performance. In the list, KONE is the only company representing the elevator and escalator industry in the top 50. It is these collective credentials that made KONE the ideal choice for the 757 Ann Street project, which has been built to meet a 4 star Green Star rating and has targeted a NABERS rating of 4.5 stars. KONE provides industry-leading elevators, escalators, automatic building doors and integrated solutions to enhance the People Flow in and between buildings. KONE’s services cover the entire lifetime of a building, from the design phase to maintenance, repairs and modernisation solutions For more information contact KONE Elevators: Call 1300 362 022 Email: Website: KONE Elevators operate branches Nationwide – contact KONE for the location of your nearest branch QLD PROJECT FEATURE 757 ANN STREET 175



Strong History Team Rock Anchors carried out the temporary anchor drilling & installation for the 757 Ann Street project, along with the construction and spraying of the shotcrete walls. These works formed part of the overall basement retention system.The team installed 159 tensioned anchors and sprayed 836m2 of 32 MPa shotcrete. While the project progressed smoothly, working on a relatively small construction site saw tight access arrangements. With a commitment to high quality service and a focus on providing a stress free experience for their clients on every project, Team Rock Anchors specialise in the following areas: • ground anchoring and drilling & casing techniques • sprayed concrete and retention system design & construction • heavy-lifting and stressing • curtain and injection grouting • plant and equipment hire. Team Rock Anchors have worked with many notable builders and developers and are proud of their ongoing working relationship with Hutchinson Builders. For more information contact Team Rock Anchors Pty Ltd, 8 Andrew Campbell Drive, Narangba QLD 4504, phone 07 3888 6775, fax 07 3888 6114, email

757 Anne Street, QLD



A SMOOTH SUCCESS Staging the Logan Motorway Pavement Improvement Program (stage one) presented an opportunity for Seymour Whyte to demonstrate its capacity for professional work ethics, and focus on safety and community when conducting works of this scale. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Seymour Whyte CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $50 Million COMPLETION DATE : Mid 2014



The $50 million project involves pavement rehabilitation and auxiliary works for a 13km stretch of the Logan Motorway (westbound) between the Mt Lindesay Highway and Ipswich Motorway. This section of road is the first in a series of sections to be resurfaced across the Logan and Gateway Extension motorways, by Queensland Motorways Ltd. Reeves Civil Consulting is the project’s contract administrator. Scope of works for Seymour Whyte focuses on the western carriageway, and includes re-surfacing the mainline road plus on and offramps, shoulder reconstruction, guardrails, turn out bays, and upgrading all signage. As the company delivering the first package, it offers Seymour Whyte the chance to set a high benchmark for remaining works in following years, a position that Seymour Whyte is fully aware of. “Our project duration is approximately 14 months, and the other packages will be released by Queensland Motorways over the next seven years. There is a high level focus on us to demonstrate that the overarching Pavement Improvement Program is off to a good start in maintaining the flow of traffic, while also ensuring that major industrial businesses and local resident stakeholders are informed of the project and have confidence that it is being well executed, Project Manager Joe Barker explains. One of the highest priorities for this project is the continuous flow of traffic safely and easily through the worksite areas. As Joe Barker comments, “traffic management and the staging around that traffic management are key components to this job. If traffic staging isn’t set up well, then you instantly have problems. A simple thing, such as someone leaving a sign uncovered at the end of the shift, can have a direct impact on the flow of traffic through site, so it’s critical that we plan each shift very well, and all things are accounted for,” he said. Executing the shifts, traffic management as well as the movement of equipment, is planned down to the minute. “As we are building along very confined corridors, we may only have several metres to move all sorts of trucks and equipment and materials through it. We need to be able to plan our works to make sure we don't get left without room to get in or out. So working in those constrained spaces - that's one of the big issues.”

Liaison Officer as part of the management team, engaging with businesses in the area, and operating with an objective to minimise disruption for their daily operations, is all part of the planning procedure. “We are working in an industrial area with hundreds of truck movements crossing through the site, requiring daily access.” "In a section of re-build works, Seymour Whyte completed mill and fill activity under a major weekend closure where westbound motorway traffic was detoured and over one kilometre of motorway was reconstructed at half the carriageway width and the full depth. With multiple detours and traffic staging, a detailed communications strategy was successfully delivered to facilitate these works,” he said. Working five day and night shifts per week, with a labour force totaling around 60, Seymour Whyte remain committed to reviewing each work day’s safety operations, and considering what can be improved upon. “Along with the safety of motorists, we also have to consider in our staging the safety of our workers operating behind barriers, our site entry and exit points, and on and offramps. We spend a lot of time planning and monitoring, making sure these project components are operating well and are refined as we move forward,” he said. Seymour Whyte have a range of high-profile works currently in construction including the Gateway Additional Lane project (QLD), Toowoomba Range Batter Cut Remediation project (QLD), Central Coast Highway Upgrade (NSW) and recently awarded Smith Street/Olsen Avenue Interchange project (QLD). Seymour Whyte is also diversifying beyond its core civil construction business with the acquisition of Rob Carr Pty Ltd - leaders in underground pipe and service installations with specialist capabilities in pipe construction, microtunnelling, deep shaft and service installations. These capabilities, together with their established presence in QLD, NSW, and WA complement Seymour Whyte’s expertise in the transport, resources and utilities sectors. Find out more at

Community engagement is a top priority for Seymour Whyte, and this project is no exception. With a Community QLD PROJECT FEATURE LOGAN MOTORWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 179

solid Foundation of experience Preparation is the key to success, and a company that played their part in the preparation stage for the Logan Motorway Upgrade was Queensland’s SouthEast Profiling. Awarded the contract for full preparation of the surface prior to the new road being laid, this relatively new company continues to win jobs in infrastructure development due to their passion for making sure a job is done on time and to the best standard possible. The motorway upgrade was a challenging project due to it being a busy roadway in the South-East of Queensland. Reaching from Brisbane to Ipswich, this upgrade required traffic to be shutdown for an entire weekend with one side of the highway being used for all traffic, which then was swapped over. During that time intense weekend, SouthEast Profiling stepped in, prepared the surface for the new road to be laid down, which once completed, repeated for the other side of the motorway. “We were on a tight schedule to do that, as we came in on the Friday night, we dug 3,500 tonne of material, and they had to re- lay all of


that by 5am Monday morning, to open the highway back up. So it was a really tight schedule. Its just one of those jobs where you’ve got to go in, and everything’s got to work smoothly.” South East Profiling was established in late 2009, and has burgeoned from operating with one machine to 5 machines in 5 years, including Wirtgen Profilers, W100, W200 and W210. As owner-operators, the two establishing partners have over 40 years experience between them, with the other 6 staff have can similarly contribute years of experience. With experience in upgrades such as M1 at Springwood, numerous regional airports, and on-going contracts with asphalt construction companies, SouthEast Profiling will continue define quality work in Eastern states infrastructure developments. For more information contact SouthEast Profiling, 99 Kempster St, Sandgate QLD 4017, phone 07 3269 1956, mobile 0447 028 383 email


Hydrovac work down to earth Hydrovac Excavations offer a triple treat of services, covering Vacuum Excavations, Directional Drilling and Civil Construction. Awarded sub-contractor on the Logan Motorway Improvement Project from Seymour Whyte, Hydrovac Excavations delivered their Vacuum Excavation service living up to their reputation of reliability and safety first. Prior to earthworks activity, identification of underground services is required so as to prohibit any contact and possible disaster from damaging of service pipes and cables. For the Logan Motorway, Hydrovac Excavation’s contracted role was to locate and identify underground Infrastructure such as power, water and telecommunications, along the motorway route. The Hydrovac procedure was a simple effective plan of procuring all DBYD plans, location of all infrastructure with an electronic locator and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), then using specialised purpose built vacuum trucks, the excess spoil around a plethora of infrastructure was easily removed in a timely and efficient manner to allow Seymour Whyte to get along with their tasks. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

A standard that Hydrovac Excavations set themselves and demonstrate on every job is their commitment to safety first. Graham Povey, Vac Area Manager explains, “For us, safety is intrinsic to our job. We carry out all checks before going to site - all the work method statements are all done prior, our plant assessment risks are all done prior- so making sure we’ve got fire extinguishers on there, we’ve got our first aid kits, and once on site, we then prepare the way for the next party to come along and do their job safely.” The company’s contract with Seymour Whyte on this project is one of a number of previous jobs working together. Other current contracts for vacuum and civil works include the Defence Project at Enoggera Army Barracks, projects at Amberley Airforce Base and also a project at USQ, University of Southern Queensland. For more information contact Hydrovac Excavations (AUST) Pty Ltd, phone 07 5433 1811, fax 07 5433 1911, email, website QLD PROJECT FEATURE LOGAN MOTORWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 181

effective control Gatekeepers and wayfinders are dedicated to safe maneuvering of those in transit, and is a position that Queensland’s company Metro Traffic holds with responsibility. Concerned with the traffic control and safety on the Logan Motorway Improvement Project, the company engaged their experienced and highly trained staff for ensuring safe passage for motorway traffic and those through the work zone. With the improvement project having started in April 2013 and expected completion June 2014, Metro Traffic has been involved in the program since the beginning. Specifically they were sub-contracted to supply the traffic control plans, traffic control staff, traffic control vehicles as well as key equipment such as truck-mounted attenuators. Effective supervision involved precise scheduling and planning, with dedicated traffic controllers as part of day and night teams. ‘For us, it’s all about providing a safe passage for traffic through worksites. Keeping the workers safe, as well as the traffic is a high priority for Metro Traffic. This is in line with our ethos of Safe Traffic Flow. We specialize in highway work, controlling traffic at speeds of up to 110km. We are 182 QLD PROJECT FEATURE LOGAN MOTORWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT

a traffic control company that has clearly demonstrated the ability to manage high risk areas of traffic control.’ Large network projects are what Metro Traffic as a company is designed to cope with, and has been their focus since their inception in 2003. With their fleet of TMAs (Truck Mounted Attenuators) along with a range of signage equipment, infrastructure projects that cover large networks are well handled. Metro Traffic is involved in numerous other civil and construction works, including traffic control for Leighton on the South East Network and the Gateway Arterial Lane Extension at Deagon. Seymour Whyte is an on-going client for them, as is Boral, and they have involvement with other remote works going on at Mitchell, Charleville and Longreach.

For more information contact Metro Traffic, 3940 Pacific Highway, Service Road, Loganholme QLD 4129, phone 1300 731 431, fax 07 3805 8662, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

A NEW STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Clearing the way forward one may run into obstacles and heavy moving, or it can be a easy run. In either scenario, having the right equipment and force is integral to a job done with success. Powerclear is one company that has established itself in the area of vegetation management that can deal with all kinds of difficulties and requirements to shift what must be moved. Working through the night, Powerclear removed vegetation as required along the route of the Logan Motorway for the Improvement Project. Following the environmental plan, Powerclear utilized their equipment of a Whole Tree Chipper and Excavation combination to clear what was mostly light to medium vegetation. While the clearance work was on the lighter side, the issue of working at night required awareness and precautionary attitude in regards to shadowed areas and unseen danger spots. Clearing and grubbing includes assisting the rehabilitation works by mulching the cleared vegetation and keeping it on site. In this way, environmental concerns remain part of the process. Powerclear was established ten years ago, and has been a vegetation management company that concentrates on government and utility work, including road ways, railway, power lines, and council parks WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

and street trees. Personnel skills offer an array of services from Consulting Arborists, certified climbing Arborist crews, Industrial height access crews and fauna spotters. “Basically we can facilitate the vegetation works ranging from Level 5 consulting arborists right through to your large scale clearing and grubbing projects, for clients ranging from construction projects to government and utility projects” commented Campbell Brooke, the company’s director. With staff numbering around 90-100, Powerclear have depots dotted along the East Coast- stretching form Goulburn through to Brisbane and Sunshine Coast. Other current projects and clients include CMC Downer M1 Motorway upgrade, John Holland Devils Pulpit Pacific Motorway Upgrade, Lend Leases’ Tugun Bypass and Coffs Harbour Asset Maintenance Contract, Leighton Boral Amey JV and Downer Mouchel Asset Maintainance Contracts. For more information contact Powerclear, 27 William Banks Drive, Burleigh QLD 4220, phone 07 5568 0541, fax 07 5568 0638, email, website www. QLD PROJECT FEATURE LOGAN MOTORWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 183



SUCK IT UP PRINCESS Revealing the concealed is an area of expertise from Tipper Vacuum Excavations Pty Ltd, a vacuum excavation, locating and CCTV operations company working on the Logan Motorway Improvement Project in southern Queensland. Focusing on civil, infrastructure and utility works, TVE Pty Ltd offer their clients a range of services utilizing top quality equipment and highly-skilled workers, to ensure a competent and safe development throughout all stages of a project. The Logan Motorway Project required TVE to conduct thorough and unobtrusive vacuum excavation along the highway routes hidden service points. With the upgrade concerned with widening the road, TVE were sub-contracted to locate services and utilities buried under the ground so as to ensure no contact was made between the services and machinery. Working through the night and under traffic controlled conditions, TVE utilized their Locating equipment before exposing any services using high pressure water to liquefy the ground and high capacity vacuum to remove the soil and safely excavate around these services.


While the company’s history began mostly with vacuum excavation contracts, their expertise has widened to cover a range of excavation services and equipment. These cater for requirements ranging from locating using Radio Detection and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), CCTV with recordable footage for pipeline inspection and reporting, jetting and drain cleaning, with staff also qualified to work in confined space. A family owned company established in 2002 and located in South East Queensland, TVE has now evolved to employ around 11 staff and has on-going contracts with a number of councils and building companies. Other current operations range from large and small job scopes, with a major job focused on trenching and CCTV visuals at Enoggara Army Barracks, just west of Brisbane CBD. Other projects concerned with jetting and drain cleaning include developments at Yarrabilla and Delta. For more information contact Tipper Vacuum Excavations Pty Ltd, 66-70 Sylvan Road, Parkridge South QLD 4125, phone 07 3802 2229, fax 07 3297 0009, email, website


MaIn Construction Company: Devine Constructions PROJECT VALUE: $45 million COMPLETION DATE: Mid 2014

Life in the Fast Lane – Delivery of Brisbane’s Apartment Living The Double One 3 Apartments Project offers the ultimate inner-Brisbane lifestyle and comprises 111 one and two- bedroom apartments over 8 levels, with floor-to-ceiling windows, a rooftop terrace with BBQ area, ground floor retail shops, secure carpark, and CBD and river views from select apartments.

Contributing to the bustling energy of Brisbane’s apartment living developments is a project brought forth by Devine Constructions, namely DoubleOne 3, for their parent company Devine Limited and joint venture partner Investec. The design and construct contract locates the multi-level tower on Commercial Road, in Fortitude Valley, and adds to the impressive portfolio of quality residences from this company and its subsidiaries. A $29 million dollar project, is comprised of 111 residential apartments over 7 levels, 5 retail spaces, 3 basement levels for 112 car parks, and a sky terrace on the eighth level. Construction started in March 2013 and was handed over in June 2014, with the entire design, construction and completion achieved within the Devine Group of companies. As a Demonstration of Devine Constructions competency is that even though the project experienced unforeseen delays due to latent conditions and inclement weather, the project was delivered within the programmed time frame.


Site planning and logistics were a key element to the project; with two existing buildings built right up to the site boundary and an extremely busy road frontage to contend. There were also additional difficulties when a latent condition was discovered during the earthworks phase, this and led to the site being remediated prior to the main works commencing. “It was a very challenging site, we were building up to all four boundaries, with no areas for any material lay-down. We also had overhead power lines across the main frontage of the site, this restricted the type of machinery we could use, and affected site activities” commented Andrew Blore, Contracts Administrator. “With the constringe of the site we elected to use a diaphragm wall retention system and to eliminate the requirement for ground anchors we constructed part of the basement 1 slabs and with structural plunge columns to retain the diaphragm wall and ensure there would be no movement in the during the semi top down bulk excavation process. AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

It was a very tight 15 month programme for the construction. We had circa 25 working days lost due to inclement weather and a further month was lost due to latent conditions. However the project was completed on time.”, said Andrew Blore. To achieve this and to manage the site constraints, precast concrete panels were introduced to all vertical structural elements, which saved time and assisted with the lack of lay down areas on the site. Movement of trades and sequencing of materials through the site is crucial on a tight project; this was managed by the installation of a twin car hoist and the effective management of crane movement. The use of offsite offices and gantry amenities assisted in keeping the site clear for construction activities. Devine Constructions had a team of 8 direct employees on the project, ranging from Project Manager, Design Manager, Contracts Administrator, Project Engineer, Structures Foreman and Finishing Foreman, and safety advisors. Overall, There were WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

just over 30 subcontractors numbered just over 30 separate companies, and there was were over 1000 people inducted on to the project. Devine Constructions is a division of the Devine Group, and is a recognized for its strong track record in the delivery of multilevel, high density apartment and commercial projects across south east Queensland. Other residential tower projects the company are currently working on in Brisbane include ‘Alex Perry’, a 12 level tower on Ann St, and ‘Vida’ at West End, two 12 levels towers.

For more information contact Devine Construction, Level 1, KSD1485 Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton QLD 4007, phone 07 3608 6400, email, website




Connecting The Masses To The Grid Powering up new apartment developments sometimes means dealing with site constraints that require an investigative logic for best location and selection of device. A Brisbane-based company that strives to provide best practice in their electrical design consultancy, is Electrical Reticulation Design Services (ERDS). The company’s work on Devine Construction’s Double One Three Apartment Development is one example of the alternative idea generating process that is part of the company’s service. Taking on what is termed a large customer connection policy for the apartment complex, ERDS deduced that alternative ideas could actually provide a better solution and work best within the available space. “When we looked at the job it appeared as though it had been over-specified by the authority, so we were able to negotiate a change of required layout for the substation. Energex had requested that they put a chamber sub-station in the building and that it would have relay switchgear. When we saw where it was going to be located, we were able to negotiate that out, and get a pad-mount transformer installed instead”, commented Merv Roseler, owner and Managing Director of ERDS. “The beauty of the pad-mount transformer was that it could be built above the carpark basement. It was also going to save on the building space because it could be mounted outside the building. It also saved significant funds to the tune of about $100,000 for the developer because Energex’s policy is to supply and install the tpad-mount transformer, whereas if we had gone with the chamber substation, the developer would have had to pay for all costs.“ ERDS’s investigation further alleviated an aesthetic problem as well as accessibility issues for what was an extremely tight site, as Merv Roseler explains; “The substation was originally going to be put out the back of the building, which is against a laneway.

Unfortunately we couldn’t get any electrical supply through that laneway, because it was very narrow, with lots of other underground services already laid. So the decision was made that we were going to come from the frontage of the development, which is on Commercial Rd, allowing Energex access at all times’. In resolving new location logistics, a pit was required to be re-engineered to allow room for the electrical service in an area already containing services. Space saving ideas from ERDS meant that the existing foundation wall of the building could be utilised as the fourth wall of the new pit, thus saving around 150mm, and allowing enough room to safely locate all services. “The other thing was that we then had to run the cables through the basement at ceiling level, to the back, and into the pad-mount site. Whilst that’s not unusual, it had to be fire rated over that distance, and had to be put under a volumetric easement,” Merv Roseler commented. ERDS have been in operation since 1997 in Brisbane, and offer a number of service lines that deal with the industry as a whole across QLD, NT and NSW. Services range from designing for the distribution company themselves, traffic signal design using ITS- Intelligent Transport Systems, and road lighting for councils, the TMR and for developers. Their commitment is demonstrated in services such as construction auditing and offering training in various areas for people in the industry. Current other works include consulting on the reticulation and road lighting for the upcoming Commonwealth Games Village and work on the Logan Motorway upgrade. For more information contact Electrical Reticulation Design Services, phone 07 3899 6299, mobile 0403 048 668, email


The Painted View from Up High Painting the skyline is an artform well handled by Amalgamated Painting Services, with decades of experience in painted finishes for high-rise developments on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane. Their newest work is for DoubleOne 3 Apartments in Brisbane’s Teneriffe, an exciting 8 storey high-rise development with a range of interior and exterior colour finishes providing a fresh contemporary look. A key aspect to this company’s long-standing success is their interest in involving all parties in a discussion about product and desirable outcomes, resulting in the most suitable selection from the suppliers on-trend range. “We do develop a very close relationship with our supplier, they get involved with us on site, making sure that Q&A’s are being done properly, and we like their input,” commented Project Supervisor Mick Jolly. “We put the samples to the builder who then puts them to the architect for approval. Then we discuss with them what’s the best sort of specification and through this kind of conversation we came up with the product.” For DoubleOne 3, these discussions led to an alternative paint with a sand finish for exterior, namely Sedona from Dulux, which has been revealed as more suited to its location and is less formal in style. Internally all water-based paints have been used, including water-based enamel for doors and frames. This is sprayed on to get the best finish, while the ceilings have a stipple finish. Established on the Gold Coast in 1978 under the ownership of John Poletto, the company owns their own light scaffolding equipment, along with light electric beams, scissor lifts and in house abseilers, offering a complete painting and rendering package. Other current projects include Indooroopilly Shopping Refurbishment and Mt Gravatt Shopping Centre Extension. For more information contact Amalgamated Painting Services, phone 07 5597 6667, mobile 0418 759 899, email, website 190 QLD PROJECT FEATURE DOUBLE ONE 3 APARTMENTS


Cranking up the Height value Mobilizing heavy equipment and placing building components at heights is all in a days work for the South East Queensland crane hire company, Lindores Construction Logistics. Their expertise is in demand and was one of the awarded subcontractors for Devine Constructions DoubleOne 3 apartment development in Brisbane’s Teneriffe. The contract awarded was for the supply of a tower crane, a selection of mobile cranes, along with supply of their specialised crew. With space at a premium for this development, a number of factors went into resolving the placement of the crane on site. As the project was using a number of precast panels for the building components, there was a selection of crane-types from LCLs range to suit the precast components weights. The choice and location of crane took into account both the size of the pre-cast panels and the mobility on site. Furthermore, the placement of the crane was intricate to not obstructing any access or finishes to complete the building, specifically the external façade.


“The crane was placed out the back of the structure so it didn’t impede on any of the works to finish the building - it wasn’t in the middle or at the front where they couldn’t finish any external part of the building, so it was strategically placed out the back”, Chris Lindores, LCLs owner explains, LCL is a family owned business with industry experience over two generations and employs over 90 staff. Working on projects from all over the east coast of Queensland, LCL caters to small and medium developments through to multi-story buildings at heights up to 90 floors and beyond. Current projects underway in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast include Westfield at Garden City, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, BMPX. H.B Australia in Surfers Paradise, EastView at Coolangatta, and Glenzeil Plaza and Pure apartments.

For more information contact Chris Lindores, phone 07 5593 8440, email, website


GOLDING – BUSINESS WITH THE MIDAS TOUCH The $150m Calliope Crossroads is located approximately 2km east of Calliope in Central Queensland. The intersection links the Bruce Highway, port and industrial facilities in Gladstone, established agricultural areas of the Callide and Dawson Valleys and the developing Bowen Basin and Surat Basin coalfields. Credited with being one of the largest privately owned civil construction and mining services businesses in Australia, Golding has been a key player in shaping of the region over the last few decades. Beginning in 1942, Golding has demonstrated credentials in the successful delivery of larger and more complex civil projects, particularly in regional and remote locations, in addition to its reputation as a highly capable mining contractor. There are two sides to the Golding coin, the business has extensive experience in

providing all aspects of civil infrastructure as well as mining services to clients throughout Australia. In its Civil segment, Golding specialises in bulk earthworks, roads and structures, such as rail, bridges, ports and mine infrastructure, and operates across a range of client industry sectors, including public and private infrastructure, resources, energy, industrial and property. In its Mining segment, Golding offers a full range of mining services in the coal and metalliferous sectors, with a proven track

record in the Bowen and Surat Basins and other areas within Queensland. Golding has a long history in Australia with regional offices in Gladstone, Darwin, the Gold Coast, in addition to its corporate office in Brisbane. Golding’s horizons now also include other states within Australia and international markets. They have a blue chip client base across a range of industry sectors, including public and private infrastructure, resources, energy, industrial and property, with several client relationships spanning

MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Golding CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $150 million COMPLETION DATE : July 2014 PROJECT MANAGER : Grant Christensen Surveyor : Surveyors @ Work Pty Ltd



decades. Golding believes that its flexible, nimble and responsive approach to its clients and their challenges represents a key point of difference, with the Golding brand known for quality of delivery, reliability and cost effectiveness. Whilst the size of the workforce varies with the projects at the time, Golding has directly employed up to 2,200 people in recent times, with labour hire and sub-contractors in addition. In support of its civil construction and mining operations Golding has a complete suite of corporate led functions which are integrated through the Golding Management System to assist its project teams in delivering consistently successful project performance. Golding aspires to zero harm and its track record in safety is excellent on industry benchmarks. Contracted with upgrading the Calliope Crossroads, Golding enlisted the services of D & M Hose Pty Ltd, Rabco Plant Hire Pty Ltd, Strucmac Pty Ltd and


ST Concrete & Building Construction Pty Ltd, all Queensland based, to complete the job. The existing Calliope Crossroads was replaced with the new Calliope Crossroads Arterial interchange. This included two new bridges along with associated roads (access ramps, realignment of the Bruce Highway and the Dawson Highway) and drainage. The construction area for the new roads varied from cut sections to fill sections that were approximately 8m above existing ground level. Work began in July 2012 and the traffic was moved onto the final alignment in December 2013 with the remaining works completed by April 2014. The major challenge to overcome with the new Calliope Crossroads Arterial interchange was to construct it whilst keeping the existing Bruce Highway and Dawson Highway running, keeping disruption to a minimum. This was achieved by designing and implementing a number of traffic switches which kept traffic flowing.

There were minor traffic alignment alterations, but two main traffic switches: the first switch took place in September 2013, which involved diverting traffic on to the new access ramps allowing the existing section of the Bruce Highway to be removed and realigned. The second traffic switch took place in December 2013, moving traffic onto the final alignment. With the successful completion of the Calliope Crossroads added to their extensive list of accomplishments Golding is now undertaking the Gladstone NDRRA Stage 3 Restoration Work, Kogan Creek Mine, Bundaberg NDRRA Flood Recovery, Roys Road Interchange and projects at Mount Hopeful and Phosphate Hill, continuing to be a leading role in the maintenance and improvement of Queensland's construction. For more information contact Golding, Level 3, 8 Gardner Close, Milton QLD 4064, phone 07 3510 3400, fax 07 3510 3451, email


GENERATIONS OF EARTHMOVING Rabco was first started in Brisbane in 2000; beginning as an owner operator and flourishing over the years to now involve looking after approximately seventy pieces of plant, including some sub-contractors and twenty-five employees. Their specialty is civil construction work both wet and dry hire to which they bring a personal approach that looks after all needs, catering to what the client wants, adjusting their approach to suit the specific needs and demands of the job.

from underneath the old service station, and then they successfully reduced it to a road base product after the rio was extracted by magnets. They also brought some new equipment on this job, introducing a set of three Semi Belly dump trucks which Wayne Rabbitts, founder and owner of Rabco, was pleased to say have “been a great hit.”

Their other projects in the works currently are NDRRA (with Golding), Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal, Curtis Island GLNG and QCLNG local council projects, transporting quarry products, concrete recycling as well as smaller residential jobs such as house pads, retaining walls, swimming pools, etc.

Rabco’s involvement in the Calliope Crossroads project included wet hire, dry hire, bulk earthworks, suppressing the dust, detailed excavation work, transporting quarry products to and from the site and recycling of concrete. This was Raboc’s first experience recycling concrete, which they removed

Right in hands : The final product produced after Rabco Plant Hire recycled the concrete from the Cross Road Servo. It has been turned into a quality Road Base material.



Mr Rabbitts offered this statement to sum up his company and his passion for the industry: “We offer a complete service where one phone call gets results. Our broad range of plant has a diverse range of attachments and options e.g. rock breakers, augers, rock grabs, tree shears, tilt buckets, sieve buckets, pulverisers, crusher buckets, compaction wheels etc. We pride ourselves on quality people, plant and prompt service gets results for our customers with no hold ups. All of our plant meets safety standards to suit the construction and mining industries, with hand rails, battery/ starter isolators, dual ESTOP, UHF, beacons, reverse alarm, hose burst protection etc.” “I personally have over twenty-five years of experience in the earthmoving and construction industries, with approximately fifteen years as a plant operator specialising on detailed work and the last ten years as a manager. My father had an earthmoving business as I grew up so I got to


see firsthand what was involved and for some strange reason I followed in his footsteps! I have been fortunate enough to get a broad range of experience from subdivision work where we were involved in pipe laying including benching and shoring work, de watering and tunnelling work to road work construction to building tailings dams. That taste of construction work has moulded me to where Rabco stands today. We have worked in WA performing remediation work on a large remediation site in Belview, supervising a Bio Remediation site in the CBD of Adelaide where we built the largest tent in the southern hemisphere so we could have people and plant working inside the sealed tent with breathing apparatus and large scale ventilation to remove odours which allowed us to remove the toxic soils to be remediated without upsetting the surrounding business and residents.”

“I also feel lucky to have performed work the “old way” where we drove machines without enclosed cabins, no hearing protection etc and little regard for the environment, to where we are today meeting the toughest criteria for both Health Safety and Environmental, which is what Rabco strives to be at the leading edge in compliance with the changes and the supply of compliant plant and personnel. I am only as good as the people around me so it’s also important to keep your employees happy whilst also conforming to a constantly changing industry.” For more information contact Rabco Plant Hire Pty Ltd, 7 Matspen Lane, Beecher (Gladstone) QLD 4680, phone 0417 834 813 website


45 YEARS OF ASBESTOS SAFETY EXPERIENCE D & M Hose Pty Ltd were the demolition experts that worked on the Calliope Crossroads Development. David & Meryl Hose founded the company in 1969, they have forty-five years of experience in the demolition industry including the safe extraction of asbestos. On the Calliope Crossroads project, they were tasked with the demolition and removal of the old service station, fuels tanks and a motel consisting of brick units containing asbestos, which they completed to a high standard, ensuring the site was clear of all hazardous waste and safe for construction to begin. They believe there is “no job too big or small” for their dedicated crew of staff, which range from managers to labourers and everyone in between. Each person in the family owned and operated business has been a long time staff member and has years of experience in their field. Each worker is highly trained and qualified. 196 QLD PROJECT FEATURE CALLIOPE CROSSROADS

D & M Hose does more than just demolition and asbestos removal, they are also proficient in other areas of construction with a long list of services to offer. They provide raising, restumping, earth moving, salvaging materials, which they can sell as recycled goods, they offer truck hire and much more. With almost half a century in the construction industry they have developed an array of skills and services to bring to each contract they take on. David & Meryl’s success in business has come from their philosophy of excellent customer service, the ability to follow a job through to it’s completion in a professional manner and to answer every enquiry that comes through their office regarding future works.

For more information contact D & M Hose Pty Ltd, 246 Ariadne Street, Maryborough QLD 4650, phone 07 4121 6644, fax 07 4123 2252 AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

STRONG BRIDGES & STRONG PARTNERSHIPS Delivering the bridge span component for civil infrastructure project Calliope Crossroads, is Queensland based company Strucmac. Building a reputation for consistent clarity and support in their conduct with clients, this company continues to gain its foothold in services for structural concrete, steel fixing and formwork, not only in Queensland but also interstate. For the Calliope Crossroads project, Golding Contractors appointed Strucmac as their bridge building experts. The Strucmac team was tasked with delivering 2, 64 metre prestressed bridges each with two spans to complete the upgrade of the Bruce and Dawson Highway intersection.

Since inception in 2009 by company director Miceal MacCafferkey, Strucmac have grown from strength to strength, with a returning client base ensuring momentum in their growth. Their approach of honest and open communication with each projects clients, along with a dedication to a timely completion within budget, facilitates working relationships that assist the company in its continuing and future success. For more information contact Strucmac, Director Miceal MacCafferkey 0423 989 936, website

Strucmac can deliver services ranging from supply and installation of formwork, placement of steel re-inforcing, placement and finish of concrete, supply of professional supervision and labour, stressing and grouting, scaffolding, pipe laying and light cranage including dogman. Current range of projects include • Cooroy to Curra Stage 2 concrete drainage work • Pacific Motorway Mudgeeraba to Robina 5 span bridge widening and 7 span bridge widening. • Strucmac are also currently engaged by Golding Contractors to deliver the 4 span bridge extension of Kerr Road across the Bruce Highway into Northlake’s in Brisbane.



A BEST-IN-CLASS FACILITY The $102M Rockhampton Hospital Redevelopment includes an Integrated Cancer Centre (ICC) Radiation Oncology Unit, two Linear Accelerator Bunkers, Structural Shell for Third, ICC Ambulatory Care Unit, ICC Offices, Non-Clinical Support Area and Medical Offices Facilities. MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Hansen Yuncken CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $102 Million COMPLETION DATE : September 2014 PRINCIPLE CONSULTANT : SKM SURVEYOR : Capricorn Survey Group STRUCTURAL & CIVIL ENGINEER : Aurecon HYDRAULIC ENGINEER : SPP PROJECT MANAGER : Building & Asset Services



Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd was appointed the Managing Contractor for Stage 2 of the Rockhampton Hospital expansion project in April 2011. The company had overall responsibility for the final design, documentation, construction and commissioning of the $102 million project. “The fact that Hansen Yuncken has been able to move into a location, where it has never worked before, demonstrates the quality of our organisation and the skills it has developed over the years,” said Queensland State Manager, Greg Baumann. “We have worked with the client, hospital staff, local authorities, subcontractors and suppliers to deliver a bestin-class facility, which will benefit Central Queensland in the years ahead.” The project was completed in September 2014. It consists of a seven floor building with provision for inpatient, Critical Care and High Dependency Units and a Regional Cancer Care Centre, which will give greater access to superior cancer treatment for the Central Queensland Region. The project also included plant and equipment, link bridges and site works. Hansen Yuncken commenced as a partnership between Lauritz Hansen and Otto Yuncken in Melbourne, in 1918. Today, Hansen Yuncken is one of Australia’s leading construction companies with an annual turnover exceeding $1 billion. It employs around 680 staff and operates in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland. The health sector is a significant part of the business, with over 100 completed projects. Hansen Yuncken has developed a significant capacity to successfully deliver large re-developments, complemented by numerous smaller scale expansions, upgrades and health facilities. “The $250 million Orange Base Hospital is a strong testament to our expertise in the sector and our ability to deliver PPP projects,” said Greg Baumann. “In conjunction with our joint venture partners, we are delivering the $1.85 billion contract to design and build the new Royal Adelaide Hospital.” In collaboration with the designers, SKM, and local subcontractors, Hansen Yuncken successfully dealt with several challenges presented by the Stage 2 project’s location. The building was required to act as a ‘refuge centre’ during cyclones (to Category 5) and the interior required protection from strong sunlight. Another challenge was the requirement of the Local Industry Participation Plan (LIPP) to source local WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

products which Hansen Yuncken embraced, resulting in the bulk of project inputs being sourced from Central and South East Queensland. There was also an opportunity to provide patients and staff with panoramic views. Providing windows that could withstand flying debris in a cyclone was a paramount issue. There was no locally-made product that could satisfy this requirement at the time. Hansen Yuncken worked with Central Queensland Windows, Viridian and SKM to develop a complying window/glass system. The company considered 6 separate wall system/shading combinations before a structurally sound and aesthetic solution was developed that achieved both sun-shading and views objectives. “Aside from the building envelope innovations we are pleased that we were able to convince our client that rather than using a paint-on-CFC system, with the problems of surface degradation due to the strong ultra-violet sunlight, it would be better to employ a prefinished composite aluminium panel cladding system,” said Snr Project Manager, Mike Curtis. “Consequently, together with Skypanel, our Brisbane-based subcontractor, 3-M and our façade consultant, Hyder, Hansen Yuncken developed a cladding system that is aesthetically pleasant, provides long-term durability and is capable of withstanding the ravages of cyclonic conditions.” Hansen Yuncken is also proud that it has worked with the client, Queensland Health, to procure equipment and fittings (FF&E) that are coordinated with the building design. “We are very proud of our capabilities in the area of FF&E management, due to its extremely important place in fitting out complex projects such as Rockhampton,” said Mike Curtis. “Clients have called on us to take on demanding projects, with the tightest programs and even tighter budgets, and find ways to build within those parameters,” said Greg Baumann, adding “We understand the importance of our role in achieving best value for clients through a process of meaningful collaboration, trust, transparency and fair dealings.” For more information contact Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd, Level 1, 120 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006, phone 07 3872 4000, email, website


Drilling down on challenges TEAM Rock Anchors is a specialist drilling and ground engineering company operating in Queensland and northern New South Wales. The company constructed the temporary shoring to the Rockhampton Hospital Stage 2 project basement. Its work included the drilling and installation of over 70 temporary ground anchors (including temporary crane base anchors) and the construction of over 400 sq m of shotcrete wall between existing bored piers.

“TEAM Rock Anchors was credited by the client with providing a number of cost saving construction alternatives,” says Projects Manager, Clint Sanford. “TEAM Rock Anchors management has a combined experience of over 100 years in drilling and ground engineering projects. This enables the company to provide cost effective, value-added and on-time drilling and retention solutions for civil infrastructure, commercial and residential projects.”

TEAM Rock Anchors overcame several challenges during the construction of the temporary shoring works, including “limited access to work areas” and “a changing design to accommodate evolving construction methodologies and challenging ground conditions.”

For more information contact TEAM Rock Anchors Pty Ltd, 8 Andrew Campbell Drive, Narangba QLD 4504, phone 07 3888 6775, fax 07 3888 6114, email, website



JOB DONE SAFELY, RIGHT AND ON-TIME The scope of works for the civil contract provided by Hansen Yuncken, the Managing Contractor, indicated that safety and the execution of works to meet the programme, were paramount. JRT Civil Pty Ltd took this on board, resulting in a successful outcome. The team from JRT overcame major challenges on this project, including rock anchorage for site stability, water seepage, extraction and removal of rock and excavation of a 6m trench for sewage works. JRT ensured fluid work flow and maintained a dry, workable and safe site.

“The one fact that sets JRT apart from other companies in the Civil Construction industry is its access to an extensive fleet of machinery and equipment”, says Jason Thomasson, the Director. JRT has available excavators (from 3t to 45t), Skid Steers, loaders, backhoes, articulated dump trucks, tip trucks with dog trailers, water trucks and even a float for ease of mobilisation. Dozers, rollers and graders are available for major earth works. To get the job done accurately, they have a range of modern laser leveling equipment.

JRT’s well established business boosts a large workforce of competent and well trained on site staff and supervisors with varied experience and expertise.The company has undertaken multiple major works in the Capricorn region including areas such as Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Gracemere, Gladstone, Mackay and further west. Contracts have varied from small hourly hire works to large complex residential subdivisions, in which they offered a full range of services including drainage, sewer, electrical and survey - such is the diversity and flexibility of the team at JRT.

“Since our company’s inception, civil construction and general earthworks have been the cornerstone of our business. Our long standing experience means our clients will save time and money”, says Jason Thomasson. “We get the job done safely, right and on-time”.


For more information contact JRT Civil Pty Ltd, 9 Cassam St Yeppoon QLD 4703, phone 07 4925 0101, email


Colour and Daylighting highlight Apartment's liveability MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: Glenzeil CONSTRUCTION VALUE: $40 million COMPLETION DATE: Mid 2014 ARCHITECT: Deicke Richards ENGINEERS: ADG




The Plaza Apartments comprises 168 luxurious metro-style apartments over 12 levels, commercial tenancies, gym, reading room, pool, garden terrace, and includes high quality finishes and fittings.. The Plaza South Brisbane is a new apartment development that settles well in its context, and offers South Brisbane an exciting contemporary architectural addition to its already vibrant scene. Awarded the design and construct contract from David Devine’s Metro Property Development was Queensland based construction company Glenzeil Pty Ltd. The tower project is comprised of mixed residential and commercial, totaling 12 levels above ground and 3 basement levels. There are 168 residential apartments, 162 car parks, with 3 commercial tenancies at ground level. Tower facilities include gymnasium and a reading room, with Level 4 containing both a swimming pool and garden terrace. The contemporary design is carried through from the external to the internal finishes, while the buildings structure is comprised of both insitu and precast concrete elements, and post-tensioned concrete slabs. The project design development commenced in July 2012, with Project Construction commencing in November 2012 and an expected completion date of late August 2014. ‘A particularly successful aspect to this project is the external façade. There is a return that steps into the building that provides a natural light source into the units and corridors. This works really well from a design and liveability aspect’, commented Joel Martin, Contracts Manager. “At the same time, the external façade brought up some challenges as well. The design added a great deal of complexity to the project. The light well returns, and solid precast balustrade spandrel elements created sequencing issues and added time onto the standard Deck Cycles.” In alignment with Glenzeil's company commitment to sustainable and green star practice, a Sustainable Management Plan was commissioned and completed by ESD consultant “Certis Energy”. Including this stage in the development strategy ensured building WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

compliance with the ESD measures prescribed under the BCC Development Application Approval. Getting in tune with Brisbane’s lively design scene is part of this projects aim and appeal. Various elements to the development contribute to this culture while also ensuring a dynamic internal life through considered penetrations in the buildings envelope for daylighting. Joel Martin explains, ‘Recesses in the structure provide natural lighting into internal bedrooms and corridors giving inhabitants a constant connection to external environments. There are also operable sunscreen louvers that run on tracks, so the tenant can adjust their location to customise their privacy or sun protection’. Glenzeil had a team of approximately 12 Design Consultants, 40 Subcontractors, and a handful of other suppliers. Current other projects being completed by Glenzeil include Serene on Tweed, and Pure Kirra residential towers. Established in 1990, Glenzeil Pty Ltd has established a solid reputation through projects built in both New South Wales and in Queensland. Glenzeil’s extensive experience in building construction, project management and cost planning enables them to offer services for any type of development, including retail, commercial, residential, institutional, medical, industrial and tourism projects. Glenzeil strives to ensure that their clients receive complete satisfaction on all matters throughout the construction process, and their commitment to providing a professional approach to building ensures excellence in quality and value are achieved. Their track record demonstrates clearly that projects are built safely, deadlines are efficiently met and budgets are stringently controlled. For more information contact Glenzeil, The Point @ Varsity
Level 2, 47 Watts Drive,
Varsity Lakes QLD 4227, phone 07 5555 3333, website QLD PROJECT FEATURE THE PLAZA APARTMENTS 203

LACK GROUP FIRST IN SAFETY Management of public movement around a construction site in any city is challenging and standardised by methods of precaution. Lack Group based on the Gold Coast are a labour hire, recruitment, traffic management and training company that has established itself as an expert in managing such responsibility, and remain committed to their vision of not necessarily being the biggest, but rather the best at what they do. For The Plaza South Brisbane apartment development, such statements remain a truth. Whilst the site itself contained no through public roads, its location in the CBD arts precinct of South Brisbane meant high numbers of pedestrians moving adjacent to the site and a high volume of motor traffic on the surrounding roads. For Deik Lack Group Operations Manager the focus for this project was to develop solutions that were relevant, practical and effective for both the project and the public. This included traffic management planning, design and construction of temporary pedestrian walkways, and a schedule of traffic control that evolves daily as the construction development progresses. ‘Whether it be work zones, footpath permits, temporary lane closures, contraflow, temporary walkways or whether we have to make special arrangements for disabled access, we are there to provide the appropriate arrangements for all precautions. We have to ensure everyone is safe – the motorists, the public, the bike riders and there are no major changes in their day to day route before any major construction begins’.



Another feature of the Lack Group service is their specialisation in labour hire. On this project, they were able to supply professional and competent construction staff in the likes of site foremen, carpenters and trade labourers in addition to any relief workers required, supplied under day labour arrangements. Established in 2004 as a 100% Australian owned and operated company, Lack Groups presence is based on their customers’ needs allowing for the provision of effective solutions from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland through to Bega on the NSW South Coast. Simply put “they are there when you need them”! With employees numbering over 400, Lack Group can cater for all scales of work in the construction and civil sectors. Recent projects include providing their services to Hutchinson Builders, Matrix, Mirvac, Lend Lease, Thiess and Adco Constructions just to name a few. For more information contact Lack Group Head Office: phone 07 5568 0708 or visit their website


looking to new heights Reaching heights swiftly and safely remain the objectives for Lindores Construction Logistics and their fleet of tower cranes, mobile cranes and hoists. Specialising in tower crane equipment and labour crews, Lindores have established much kudos for their involvement in projects in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast in residential, commercial and infrastructure developments. Working to a 60-week construction programme for their role, Lindores were contracted by Glenzeil to install pre-cast panels for the new apartment construction ‘The Plaza Project’ in South Brisbane. Lindores supplied the tower cranes, mobile cranes, man material, hoists and around 7 specialist labour crews. Working to a height of twelve floors for this apartment complex, the specialist crew showed their expertise by successfully wrangling the project’s larger- sized panels, coming in at weights between eight and eleven tonne each. Site to building ratio meant that there was limited space on the ground to locate the cranes and hoists, and allow a sufficient angle of movement for lifting the panels to the required heights. A credit to their experience in solving problems such as these, Lindores were able to negotiate space to place and then manoeuvre their equipment safely within the site boundaries. Such challenges are met efficiently by the Lindores team and ensure maximum utilization of both time and machinery. Lindores Construction Logistics’ success comes from experience in the industry that expands over two generations. Currently employing over 90 staff, their expertise and equipment can be tailored to suit any project in all sectors. While Glenzeil is a returning client, Lindores having previously worked on Code Apartments, other current contracts include BMPX William St, BMPX Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, Westfields Garden City Extension and McConell Dowel Light Rail Rapid Transit Project. For more information contact Chris Lindores, 07 5593 8440, email,


phone website


REACHING FOR THE SKY 100 Skyring is a 23,759m2, 12 level office building comprising large campus style floors of 2,200m2, designed for greater connectivity. With 1,056m2 of retail space, the development will bring an exciting mix of operators among nearly 20,000m2 of dedicated retail space.

With work increasingly being conducted outside of traditional office hours, businesses are foregoing the conventional office for spaces that foster work and play. 100 Skyring, owned and managed by Charter Hall, is a new campus-style workspace that responds to the growing demand for buildings that encourage a greater work-life balance. Forming part of the thriving Gasworks Newstead precinct on the fringe of Brisbane’s CBD, the $175 million, A-Grade, 12-level building will be home to the national headquarters of anchor tenant, BOQ, who will occupy 54% of the building. Only 1.7km from the CBD, 100 Skyring is the latest addition to the Gasworks precinct, and heralds the continued evolution of Brisbane’s near city office market as it attracts leading companies. Charter Hall Regional Asset Manager Belinda Kalinin says 100 Skyring is Charter Hall’s landmark project outside the Brisbane CBD, and



is recognition that businesses are seeking quality premises within the growing amenity of a fringe location. “A positive workplace environment and design aids employee motivation and performance. 100 Skyring’s 2,200m2 floor plates have been orientated to maximise natural light, and allow for campus-style offices that increase interaction, efficiency and collaboration,” she says. “We anticipate the growing appeal of Gasworks as a centre for business, and as a lifestyle and entertainment destination, will also draw tenants to the building.” The flexibility of 100 Skyring’s design allows anchor tenant BOQ to create a modern office environment that blends functionality with an added “Wow” factor. The internal staircase that connects each level not only provides workflow benefits, but also creates a five-floor atrium stair space capped by a “sky loft” on the top level, grounded by a landscaped deck and “garden space” on the bottom level.



“Apart from giving the building greater texture and visual interest, these ‘scales’ cleverly screen the building’s carpark. It’s an innovative solution that delivers a stunning talking point,” Belinda says. “Renowned Brisbane artist Daniel Templeman designed the piece and drew inspiration from the illumination of the neighbouring historic Gasometer frame and city streets. It connects and contrasts the site’s industrial past to the contemporary reinvigoration symbolised by 100 Skyring.” Since purchasing the site from FKP in March 2013, good planning by Charter Hall’s in-house development services team and Hutchinson Builders, the appointed design and construct contractor, had helped push construction of 100 Skyring three months ahead of schedule. “We have been able to deliver to our anchor tenant much faster than originally anticipated, which is testament to our capabilities as a property owner and manager,” Belinda says. “Our comprehensive, internal management team works closely with the tenant once they are in place. This has proven to be a strong point of difference in our service offering at both 100 Skyring and other assets we manage.” “100 Skyring’s design also allows for tenants on all floors to have an amazing view of the Brisbane River and CBD, thanks to an eastfacing, gently-curved façade,” Belinda says. “The building has been designed to positively interact with the precinct’s green space, cafés, restaurants and other amenities, creating an extension of the indoor/outdoor workspace.” Outside, 100 Skyring creates a prominent gateway to the Gasworks precinct, acting as a captivating focal point on Skyring Terrace and for people travelling on one of Brisbane’s major arterial roads. It prominently fronts the striking historic Gasometer – an industrial relic that has been given a new lease of life and transformed into a green, public plaza. A key feature of the facade is a 206m-long artwork that wraps around the two-level podium carpark. The artwork runs along three sides of the building and consists of approximately 2,000 interlocked metallic panels.


Everything from destination control systems on the lifts through to leading end-of-trip facilities have been featured in the building. Belinda says the strategy of quality building design in a desirable location is a key factor in 100 Skyring’s success. “With few new major office buildings of this calibre planned for the Brisbane fringe in the short term, 100 Skyring offers the perfect opportunity for savvy businesses looking for a work and lifestyle location.” “With office space still available for lease on the upper floors, 100 Skyring is expected to further attract prominent tenants to the CBD fringe location that is already home to Energex, Leighton Contractors, Bechtel, Virgin Airlines, AECOM, Macquarie Bank, the Australian Agricultural Company and the Tatts Group.” For more information contact Charter Hall, phone 02 8651 9000, fax 02 9221 4655, web or


PIPing greener solutions There is a lot to consider when it comes to the design, engineering and build of a tower, particularly one with as much significance attached to it as 100 Skyring. With the development of a new precinct around the tower itself and a range of green and environmentally initiative processes in place to ensure the project is cemented as significant in the region, Charter Hall were sure to engaged commercial contractors that had similarly high levels of quality expectation, output and experience. In light of this, ReadiPlumb Services have been on the project since early in the build, providing contract plumbing and gasfitting as well as plumbing consultation and materials supply. Nigel Read, managing director of ReadiPlumb Services, has been in the commercial hydraulic services industry since



1978, having incorporated Services in 1982.


“Since once inception we’ve seen a huge array of commercial building trends come and go,” Nigel said. “But none have had momentum the way the current green initiatives have.” With government and industry both rallying together to produce greener buildings around Australia, it was clear from the start that best practice techniques and products were going to be needed on the 100 Skyring project. “We have worked closely with ADG and Hutchinsons on the project as much as we’ve been undertaking the physical installation of the Hydraulic services,” Nigel said. “This is to ensure a flawless finish as the project is a long term investment for the developer – it needs to deliver for tenants year in, year out without causing unnecessary maintenance and upgrade costs.”

Although 100 Skyring has been the focus of their attention in recent times, ReadiPlumb Services has been working across larger scale residential, retail, government and industrial projects since inception. “We were always well within our means on 100 Skyring and there’s nothing we’ve been unable to deliver for the client. This is largely thanks to our experience right across the large scale construction industry in Queensland,” Nigel said. “We are a family owned business so we work cohesively to achieve the design, estimating, project management and delivery objectives of any client,” Nigel said.

For more information contact Readiplumb Services, 60 Boyland Avenue, Coopers Plains QLD, phone 07 3274 6021, website

LIGHTING THE SKYRING 100 Skyring is a significant leap forward for the Greater Brisbane community, and for Queensland in general. Its design, construction and finishes are all the most technologically advanced available today, and as such, the contractors appointed to the project needed to share the same level of enthusiasm and excellence as Hutchinson Builders does. In Light of this, Brisbane based S.D.F Electrical were appointed to design and construct the electrical requirements for the building. Having been established in the Queensland industry for over 21 years, Steve Flanagan and his team are no strangers to commercial projects. Having now completed eight large scale Green Star and NABERS rated A grade office buildings, WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

they understood the complex needs of the team at 100 Skyring. “Quality and the most energy efficient technologies were certainly two driving factors around the job,” Steve said. Having been involved in the project since early 2013, S.D.F Electrical have become integral in the rollout. “We’ve been on site for some time now, and plan to be for some time into the future,” Steve said. “Every job we undertake must be managed carefully to ensure a quality finish and full compliance with the clients expectations. The Electrical Services Design has had a strong focus on Energy efficiency in order to achieve a five Star Green Star rating and 4.5 Star NABERS rating. Providing the building with 100% standby generator capacity has also been a

stand out feature of the electrical services contract, which consisted of four 900kVa roof mounted generators, a 10,000L inground diesel fuel tank and a sophisticated control system,” Steve said. S.D.F Electrical has an extremely broad service offering that includes design, automation systems, electrical contracting, solar work, switchboards, voice and data and security, all under the one roof. “We find customers are focussed on procurement efficiencies, and we’re generally able to offer them by bundling multiple services within the one company,” Steve said. For information contact SDF Electrical, 163 Jackson Road, Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109, phone 07 3345 6566, email, website, QLD PROJECT FEATURE 100 SKYRING 209

A new school of thought The $36M Regency Tafe Mining and Engineering industry training centre will provide South Australia with a centre for training excellence and involves the upgrade of approximately 17,000sqm of existing space, the creation of a new 1500sqm high bay facility, a 1,500sqm covered vehicle and teaching aid storage area, and a new student car-parking area.

MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY : Hansen Yuncken CONSTRUCTION VALUE : $36 million COMPLETION DATE : June 2014 ARCHITECT : Greenway Architects ENGINEER : Wallbridge & Gilbert surveyor : 3D Surveys

The Regency TAFE Mining, Engineering Industry Training Centre in South Australia is helping to ensure the future of skilled labour within the state. Funded by the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST), the new facility at TAFE SA’s Regency Campus provides a centre of training excellence in the mining, engineering, advanced manufacturing, defence and transport industries.

With a construction value of $36m, the three-stage project comprises the development of new facilities and refurbishing existing buildings. In addition to upgrading around 17,000m² of current trade and training workshops, the project also incorporates a new 1500m² high bay for heavy vehicle training, a 1500m² covered vehicle area and teaching storage, as well as additional parking for students. With Stages 1 and 2 already complete, the final stage, which started in early December


last year, is due for completion in the middle of 2014 — weather permitting. “Stage 3, which we’re working on at the moment, is mainly refurbishment,” Hansen Yuncken Project Manager George Doudakliev explained. “There are three buildings that need refurbishment. All existing services, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection and various gases (oxygen, acetylene, etc) are partially removed and modified to meet the requirements of new AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

stage requiring the three new buildings. Stage 1 and 3 were very big.” One of the biggest challenges was working within the existing facility – particularly when it came to the demolition side of things. “The demolition was very complicated and dangerous, and our priority was to make sure no one got injured. We had to identify all existing services, electrical in particular, and also developed procedures to make sure that nobody gets electrocuted during demolition,” George said. “However, because it is an industrial facility, it was not actually a difficult site overall. “One of the challenges was to keep the TAFE operational throughout the project,” George added. “We made sure we worked with TAFE SA on the co-ordination of any site issues that would impact on them.” Hansen Yuncken also worked closely with Greenway Architects, who project-managed the site on behalf of the client, and South Australian Government agencies including DFEEST. As well as the mining industry, the new school offers a broad skills set to add to South Australia’s labour force. “The school provides skilled labour for the construction, automotive and mining industries – it’s a huge site. Most of the students will end up in the automotive industry or construction. Some will go into mining,” George said. “They are training people to become skilled tradesman – that’s what we need.” TAFE teaching programs,” he said. “There will be, when finished, new computer suites, hydraulics, CNC machining, mechatronics, heavy and light fabrication, heavy and light welding, pneumatics, vehicle body build, panel and paint workshops. “The new teaching facilities also have state of the art chassis and engine dynos, spot repair and spray booths. The dynos are a complete computerised diagnostic tool and teaches students how to WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

check a truck’s performance, including its temperature, oil and fuel consumption.” Around 90 sub-contractors continue to work on the site every day. At peak times, numbers on the site rose to around 120. According to George, the first stage of the project was vital. “Stage 1 technically was the most critical, because all the courses were booked in. We had to finish on time, otherwise there could have been huge implications for TAFE, including financially,” he said. “Stage 2 was probably the easiest one, as it was a smaller

For more information contact Hansen Yuncken Pty Ltd, PO Box 330, Kent Town DC 5071, call 08 8229 7300, or visit


Surveying Accuracy across all levels Using the latest technology and innovation has allowed specialist construction surveyors 3D Surveys to overcome any possible challenges on the Regency TAFE project. “As we were engaged from day one on this project, we gave it dimensional accuracy before the project came out of the ground. This in turn ensured that all components of the project went together easily,” 3D Surveys Managing Director Adam Spencer said. “We also utilised the latest in robotic total station technology, allowing for one-man surveying and setout, saving both time and money. “There are always challenges on any construction site, but with the cutting edge technology and innovative techniques that we use, it allows us to quickly adapt and overcome any situation,” he added. Established in 2010, 3D Surveys provide surveying services to many industries across Australia including building, earthmoving, engineering and architectural. The company is continually striving towards becoming the benchmark standard for construction surveying in Australia, including using the latest software and equipment available.

“We are able to accurately capture the as-constructed site and provide working models in the 3D environment.” Its continually growing team of full-time Surveyors, in-house Draftsmen, support staff and contractors have been involved in many landmark projects. “We are currently working on the Adelaide Convention Centre, have just finished the Eastern Grandstand roof and structural steel at Adelaide Oval, and handled the intricate structural steel flower columns at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI),” Adam said. The company has an unwavering dedication to customer service, consistency and accuracy. The team also prides itself on using their specialised knowledge and experience to help clients deliver their projects on time, on budget and with ease. It is this dedication that is certain to see 3D Surveys achieve its goal of “setting the benchmark” in the industry. ’

“We are also BIM ready with a range of High Definition Scanners (HDS) suitable to many services and situations,” Adam explained.

For more information contact 3D Surveys, Innovation House, 50 Mawson Lakes Boulevard, Mawson Lakes SA 5095, phone 08 8185 3099, email,



a Reputation for engineering excellence The structural and civil consulting engineers for the Regency TAFE project were national consultants Wallbridge & Gilbert. Wallbridge & Gilbert’s head office is in Adelaide and with a company vision statement of Technical Excellence, Innovation and Professionalism, Wallbridge & Gilbert have been providing excellence and innovation in engineering solutions for more than 30 years. Supported by 160 employees, the company offers structural, civil, maritime, mechanical, heavy lifting, traffic and transport, geotechnical, water management and environmental engineering. The company’s solid reputation for producing high-quality project solutions has been demonstrated through its work on the state-of-theart Regency TAFE project. Under Principal Stephen Inglis and Senior Civil Engineer Colin Hill, the company provided full civil and structural engineering design and construction supervision. A number of engineering innovations are evident throughout the project. From the heavy vehicle workshop with its coloured precast concrete walls and truck tyre tread pattern imprints, to the 1500m² covered vehicle compound and storage area with its long-spanning Aramax roof sheeting. “These roof sheets spanned an unsupported distance of 12 metres on to structural steel trusses, with a further four-metre cantilever beyond the truss line to the lower end of the roof slope. The structural steel trusses supported on cantilevered SHS columns typically spanned two 13.5-metre spans with a further four-metre truss cantilever beyond the column lines. One support frame was also required to be column-free WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

for the entire 27-metre span of the Block M compound, plus four-metre cantilevers at each end. The entire 1500m² compound area required only 11 support columns, enabling maximum vehicle storage space and manoeuvrability,” Wallbridge & Gilbert’s Stephen Inglis explained. The company’s work on the Regency TAFE development is just one example of the extensive variety of successful projects it has undertaken during its three-plus decades in business. Wallbridge & Gilbert were the structural designers for many of the notable buildings around Adelaide. This includes the Adelaide Airport Terminal, the National Wine Centre and the new Royal Adelaide Hospital, which is currently under construction. For more information contact Wallbridge & Gilbert, 60 Wyatt Street, Adelaide SA 5000, phone 08 8223 7433, fax 08 8232 0967,, SA PROJECT FEATURE REGENCY TAFE MINING AND ENGINEERING 213

Adelaides first choice Just two years since it was founded by its owner Scott Morphett, Adelaide Central Electrical has established itself as one of Adelaide’s leading electrical companies. The company’s vision is a simple, yet important cornerstone of the business — to be the first choice electrical contractor in South Australia through building a “professional reputation through hard work and good service”. Its 72 employees work across five specialist areas of expertise — mechanical services and refrigeration, commercial construction lighting and power, switchboards, electrical design and estimation, and commercial service and maintenance. It was this expertise that was utilised on the Regency TAFE project. Adelaide Central Electrical installed all the mechanical electrical wiring. It maintained the existing building while upgrading to the new standards and requirements.

to then to install,” Hugh said. “This was the case with the Regency TAFE project.” Adelaide Central Electrical’s estimation department also provides a complete, professional pricing and estimation service. Hugh explains that the company is now in a position to further expand into other aspects of electrical systems including communication and security. It’s currently working on Adelaide’s new Mayfair Hotel where as well as electrical power, the company is carrying out security and communication works. The business also has trusted sub-contractors providing a range of services including voice and data structured cabling, security/CCTV, audio visual, lighting control systems and nurse call systems, and more. “We manage everything to do with cables — if it’s electrical, we’ll do it,” Hugh adds.

Adelaide Central Electrical’s Hugh Jackson explains that the company offers a complete electrical package, including electrical design, be it for an entire project or one element. “If a customer puts forward an idea, then our drafting department can design this concept for us

For more information contact Adelaide Central Electrical Pty Ltd, Unit 2/4 Adelaide Terrace, St Marys SA 5042, phone 08 8276 9318, fax 08 8276 2887, email, website



Alien Roofing – always on top Working on the roofing for Stage 3 of the Regency TAFE project posed several challenges for Alien Roofing Contractors. “The total project was inclusive of about 10,000 square metres of roof areas – some new and some existing. We also had an important commitment to provide an incident free workplace,” Alien Roofing’s Manager, Craig Marshall said. Included in the overall space was a 1,500m² covered vehicle and storage compound area, which used versatile ARAMAX FreeSpan cladding supplied exclusively by Fielders. Matt Lloyde, Fielders General Manager of Sales, Marketing & Engineering, explains the advantages of using this particular roofing profile. “ARAMAX is bolder and deeper than other steel cladding profiles and was able to deliver large spans of up to 20 metres without the use of purlins or girts required in conventional structural framing. Given the unique V shape, it added a modern and cutting edge component to the building’s design,” Mr Lloyde said. “One of the key advantages of ARAMAX, particularly in the case of the Regency TAFE development, is its unique ability to be rolled onsite using a mobile roll-former to significantly reduce the construction and installation time and improve project efficiencies,” he added.

After working through initial budgetary constraints with its client, Alien Roofing was marred by bad weather conditions at the beginning of the construction phase, with the company needing to act fast to find a solution. “The site had been weather damaged. Despite the challenges this posed, we overcame the situation by using larger machines to access the site from a greater distance,” Mr Marshall said. The entire Alien Roofing crew, at one time or another, worked on the Regency TAFE project (including stages 1 and 2). In line with the project’s criteria, the business also hired people with barriers to employment, including working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and providing on-the-job training. While working on the Regency TAFE development, Alien Roofing also maintained work on several other projects including the Parks Community Centre and the Myer Centre upgrade (both with Built Environs). In addition, the business completed office tower works for the Adelaide and Bendigo Bank building in Adelaide’s CBD. It’s currently working on Adelaide’s luxury Mayfair Hotel with Watpac Construction, James Nash House with Badge Constructions and undertaking re-roofing at Bolivar wastewater treatment plant with BluBuilt. For more information contact Alien Roofing Contractors, 473 Grand Junction Road, Wingfield SA 5013, phone 08 8347 0935, fax 08 8347 0563, email, website



THE SECURITY FENCING SPECIALISTS Fieldquip offers a wide range of fencing solutions from chainmesh, tubular and high security perimeter fencing right through to retaining walls. Fieldquip are the experts when it comes to high-quality fencing solutions. Catering to the civil, mining, government, commercial, industrial and school sectors, Fieldquip specialises in security fencing, retaining walls, balustrades and handrails. Fieldquip was utilised on the Regency TAFE project. The company provided all the security perimeter fencing, gates and automation, internal chain mesh fencing as well as internal pedestrian barriers. This well-established business has a dedicated management team and is committed to meeting clients’ expectations and providing complete peace of mind. Having been in the metal and wire industry for over 40 years, and specialising in security fencing and balustrades since 2003, Fieldquip offers its clients additional value when it comes to alternative solutions to best suit their projects. From design and tendering right through to supply and installation, Fieldquip’s vision is to ensure it delivers a prompt, professional service and quality products to meet your expectations.

With its in-house fabrication site in Adelaide, Fieldquip can also supply its clients with customised fencing solutions that are tailored to specific requirements to accommodate a project. With skills, knowledge and experience managing the most complex of projects, Fieldquip’s dedicated team of Project Managers and installers are also on hand to ensure exceptional and innovative fencing outcomes. As a market leader, the company’s expertise has been contracted on a number of large construction projects, including Wayville Station, Big W Cumberland Park, Churchill North Shopping Centre and the upgrade of the Northfield Women’s Prison. Fieldquip also supplied fencing for the Adelaide Desalination Plant Pump Station, Goodwood Rail Corridor, Inverbrackie Immigration Detention Centre, SA Super Schools project, Aldinga Waste Water Treatment Plant, BHP Olympic Dam and many more.

For more information about Fieldquip’s quality fencing solutions call them on (08) 8293 2299 or visit

2 Mons Avenue Edwardstown SA 5039 Telephone 08 8293 2299 216 SA PROJECT FEATURE REGENCY TAFE MINING AND ENGINEERING


Regency Tafe Mining and Engineering, SA




Short time frame still delivers quality results The $535 million redevelopment of this iconic and historic premier sporting and entertainment venue will deliver a world-class sporting stadium with a seating capacity of 50,000.

In what has been one of the tightest construction time frames in Lend Lease’s history, the 100-week construction period to build a world class stadium involved detailed planning and execution by the team and trade contractors. Delivered by the Government of South Australian, the Adelaide Oval Redevelopment project saw lead building contractors Lend Lease make Adelaide Oval’s operators, the Adelaide Oval Stadium Management Authority (AOSMA) a reality. Managing Director of Lend Lease’s Building Business in Australia, Murray Coleman, said the company was faced with a formidable time schedule to build a world-class stadium in 100 weeks.


“If you look anywhere in the world that’s unprecedented,” he said. The $535 million redevelopment was announced in late 2009 by the State Government with the view to deliver an internationally renowned, world-class venue for the 21st century. The 50,000 seat stadium included a peak construction workforce of more than 850 staff and contractors, with more than 2,300,000 hours worked. More than 280,000 tonnes of earth had to be removed to begin construction of the new Southern and Eastern stands and 60,000 cubic metres of concrete has been used to construct the new stands.


With construction taking place from March 2012 until March 2014, it was undertaken in six separable portions that included the Northern mound, the Levelling of the Oval, Sports Lighting upgrade, the Southern Stand and Entrance plaza, the Indoor Cricket Centre and the Eastern stand. Logistics and site management became key, considering the location of the project and the requirement to maintain the playing surface for the 2012 cricket test series, then returning the playing surface for the 2013 ashes test. Daily planning sessions were held, major activities were analysed from transport to erection and problems were workshopped until successful outcomes were achieved.


“Adelaide Oval redevelopment is one of those once in a generation projects.

project that will be enjoyed and celebrated by Australia’s future generations.

“We feel extremely fortunate to be afforded the opportunity to work on this landmark project, which has been one of Australia’s premier sporting and entertainment venues for more than 140 years.

“This is a great example of how business can work with the government to deliver a first class facility for the state of South Australia.”

“Most importantly, the team and contractors achieved an outstanding safety record – something we are extremely proud of with safety Lend Lease’s number one priority. “The Lend Lease team felt a great sense of pride to be involved in such an iconic


In concert configuration, Adelaide Oval can host up to 61,000 people and no spectator will be more than 40 metres from the nearest food or beverage outlet. There are five large replay screens: two on the Southern Plaza, two in the Southern pockets and one in the north. The stadium has three television studios, 11 radio booths and room for nearly 150 print media journalists.

Adelaide Oval is currently the only venue in Australia to achieve 2500 lumen per square metre, which fully complies with International Cricket Council World Cup requirements and will give Adelaide the opportunity to continue to host games at future World Cups. Adelaide Oval will be enjoyed by generations to come and attendances at the oval are forecast to increase by more than one million people a year. For more information contact Lend Lease, PO Box 5700, West Chatswood NSW 1515, phone 02 9236 6111, website


Design excellence makes all the difference to finished product Having played host to some of Australia’s most exciting moments in cricket and football history, the redevelopment of Adelaide Oval has helped maintain this iconic venue’s history while bringing it up to world class standards for the 21st century. With developers clear that they wanted the Adelaide Oval a major highlight on the global map for international and national entertainment and sporting events, the very best of new world wide design had to be present from the initial planning stages. For this reason it was natural to choose one of the last and only family owned and operated door companies in the country, which is Airport Doors. Project manager Michael Cassar said Airport Doors was Australia’s superior manufacturer of residential, commercial and industry doors.


“With an extensive product range, a wealth of experience and the ability to custom make its own products we are able to easily cover very large and detailed projects such as the Adelaide Oval redevelopment,” he said.

These doors were a mix of steel, aluminium as well as being fire rated, similar to ones that Airport Doors will use on other substantial projects including the Tonsley Redevelopment, Liebherr RF Facility - yet another exciting new project for the team at the RAAF base.

“Our continual research and development program along with ongoing control practices cements our position at the forefront of door technology. Our many years of experience and extensive skill set [in the door industry] allows us to overcome challenges such as installing shutters in non-conforming openings at the Adelaide Oval.

“By operating nationwide we have become not only renowned for our wide range of door products, but also widely recognised for our unparalleled excellence in the design and manufacture of special application doors which are specifically designed and manufactured to suit unique applications.”

“The beauty of this project was that we were able to work with the architect and the builder in the design phase, so that we got all the fine points correct when it came to the manufacture, supply and installation of over 140 doors.”

For more information contact Airport Doors Pty Ltd, 16 Krawarri Street, Lonsdale SA 5160, phone 08 8326 0466, email, website



THE MEANS TO DELIVER CHAMPION RESULTS Just like the sportspeople who play there, the materials used for the Adelaide Oval Redevelopment needed to have high performance qualities – which is why Rondo’s lightweight building solutions have been such a perfect match for the project’s needs. Following on from their supply of materials for the Western Grandstand project, completed in 2010, Rondo have been supplying all the materials for the external facade and internal walls and partitioning for the new southern and eastern stands. For the external façade, contractor Cladding and Roofing have been using Rondo’s top hat and externally designed Keylock® system. The interior fitout contractors, Laser Linings and Expo Conti, have been using a number of Rondo products including 64mm, 92mm and 150mm Stud; QUIET STUD® Acoustic Wall System in the corporate facilities areas; and Keylock®, DUO® Exposed Grid Ceiling System and Exangle® throughout. A fourth contractor, F&V Ceilings, used Rondo products for the media boxes on both western and southern grandstands.


“The works in the southern and eastern stands commenced in 2011. The time schedule has been tight, with many deadlines required for completion, such as getting the base oval functional for the Ashes test late in 2013,” said Rondo State Manager, Ivar Spanovskis. “The project has been extremely challenging for all involved.” Rondo’s combination of innovative highquality products, efficient supply, expert technical advice and experience in demanding projects enabled the facade and fitout teams to deliver excellent results and meet all the required milestones in a timely manner. A specific design was engineered by Rondo for the external wall applications, which resolved the challenges posed by crowd impact on walls. Other complexities included the acoustic requirements for the media boxes on both stands and for the corporate areas, and also requirements for the project’s fire-rated walls. Rondo has been designing, engineering and manufacturing innovative construction solutions since 1964, when they pioneered

the first suspended ceiling system. Today, Rondo’s products are used in some of the most prestigious projects around Australia and internationally including; the Middle East, Asia and India. The company’s technical team work closely with contractors, builders and architects to develop specific solutions for complex and demanding requirements. These talents were at the fore on another significant Rondo project, the SAHMRI. An unswerving dedication to quality and total compliance with all applicable standards is a core company value, with a Quality Management System certification from Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance to ISO 9001 held since 1993. This gives their customers – and up to 50,000 fans at Adelaide Oval – complete peace of mind that what Rondo products build will have a very long innings indeed. For more information contact Rondo Head Office, 57–87 Lockwood Road, Erskine Park NSW 2759, phone 1300 367 663, website


Quayside Kingston luxury Set on the enviable Kingston foreshore close to the Parliamentary Triangle, Quayside Kingston offers an exceptional lifestyle with a private residents-only level 4 podium landscaped area, commercial/office space and all in close proximity to popular restaurants and cafes. Set in a prestigious location on the Kingston foreshore and close to the Parliamentary Triangle, the $30 million Quayside Kingston Harbour development offers the latest in luxury living within Australia’s capital. Bloc (ACT) Pty Ltd was behind the delivery of the complex for progressive development company CIC Australia Limited. Construction began in December 2012. Bloc provided construction management services for the delivery of 100 apartments and 2000 square metres of commercial space, all over a single level basement,” Bloc Director – Project Manager Maurizio Rosin explained. “The commercial tenancies are located on the ground floor, with apartments from Levels 1 to 5. The apartments are a mixture of one to three bedrooms and there are four penthouses located on Level 5. There is also a private podium on Level 4, with a large open area with pergolas, barbecue and landscaped zones.” Centrally positioned in the Kingston foreshore precinct, the Quayside development is just one block from Kingston Harbour and is close to Manuka and Canberra’s CBD. Quayside residents will also be able to enjoy the area’s green open spaces, cycle paths and proximity to transport, while shopping, cafés, restaurants, entertainment and markets are all near by. Quayside Kingston

Harbour is also close to the National Gallery of Australia, the National Portrait Gallery and a stroll to Lake Burley Griffin. Adding to this exquisite development is its location just minutes from Canberra airport. Designed by Cox Architects, all of the Quayside apartments feature a spacious layout with quality high-end appliances, large balconies and secure underground car parking and storage. All of the apartments have a minimum 5 star energy rating ranging up to 8 star and also have double glazing, saving up to 30 per cent in heat loss.

222 ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour

Technology is also at the forefront, including high-speed communications infrastructure and multiple data outlets throughout all apartments. The development’s penthouses take this technology one step further and feature a C-Bus system, enabling residents to control the lights, air conditioning and floor heating from a touch panel. Maurizio added that delivery of the Quayside development had run smoothly. “The construction phase was relatively straight forward with good access to the site for AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Main Construction Company : Bloc Pty Ltd Project end Value : $30 Million Completion date : August 2014 Architect : Cox Architects Consulting Engineer : Sellicks Building Surveyor : Kleven Spain

materials handling purposes” he said. At the project’s peak, there were 120 people working on the project. “We also worked with key stakeholders including the client, CIC Australia, project superintendent Turner and Townsend, subcontractors, suppliers, as well as Local Government agencies. We also communicated with the surrounding neighbours.” Established in 2011, Bloc (ACT) is a leading residential and commercial design WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

and construction company. The business is a result of the amalgamation of Redwin Constructions and Space Developments ACT. The Bloc team has extensive experience when it comes to managing the design and delivery of commercial and residential construction projects. This is demonstrated by the comprehensive portfolio of projects, including a number scale residential developments projects for the Department

company’s successful of largeand office of Health

and Ageing, Department of Human Services and the Australian Taxation Office. As well as the Quayside development, Bloc is currently undertaking other projects in the Kingston precinct and is working on a number of other developments in the Canberra region. For more information contact Bloc (ACT) Pty Ltd, Unit 5/2 Trevillian Quay, Kingston ACT 2604, phone 02 6162 1673, email info@bloc., website

ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour 223

The best engineering solutions With a history as a geotechnical and geological consultancy spanning almost 30 years, ACT Geotechnical Engineers’ quality advice and efficient service has seen it gain a solid reputation within the construction industry. Originally founded in Canberra in 1985 as Peter J Burgess & Associates, ACT Geotechnical Engineers was formed 20 years ago. Today the company has a highly capable mix of young and experienced Geotechnical Engineers and Engineering Geologists who have a comprehensive understanding of the industry. ACT Geotechnical Engineers’ solid reputation also extends to its government and municipal clients. Having conducted geotechnical investigations for many of the sites at the Kingston Foreshore, ACT Geotechnical Engineers’ expertise was also utilised during construction of the Quayside Kingston apartments. “This included inspecting and certifying soldier pier footings, inspecting and certifying the foundations of pad and strip footings, and testing and assessing the modulus of the groundslab foundations,” ACT Geotechnical Engineers’ Jeremy Murray said. “We also carried out stability assessments and provided stabilisation measures to ensure safe and stable excavations, provided advice for groundwater control, and excavated material assessments for re-use.” With its head office based in Canberra, ACT Geotechnical Engineering not only provides its services to the ACT and surrounding region, but 224 ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour

also consults on projects across Australia. The company provides an extensive range of services including geotechnical site investigations and reporting, engineering geology, foundation engineering, dam engineering, embankment design and specification, and slope stability and risk assessments. It also provides pavement engineering, design and condition surveys, deep excavation support, footing and excavation supervision and certifications, slope/retaining structure analysis and design, and much more. A full list of the comprehensive range of services offered by ACT Geotechnical Engineers is available from its website

For more information contact ACT Geotechnical Engineers, Unit 5, 9 Beaconsfield Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609, phone 02 6285 1547, website AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

CIC Australia – making communities Specialising in land and apartment development and employing 60 staff across its offices in Canberra, Adelaide and Darwin, CIC Australia Limited is one of the country’s most progressive developers. Established in 1986, CIC Australia continues to be behind some of Australia’s most significant development projects, including the Quayside complex on Canberra’s Kingston Foreshore.

“Since that initial sales period we had 50 contracts, we now have 92 since the redesign went to market. So it has been well received,” Lindsay said.

Quayside is a Mixed Use development consisting of 100 apartments in 4 storeys above ground floor commercial space and a single level basement car park. The company managed the design team to the project’s Development Approval and Construction Certificate approval. It also procured the builder and is managing the Quayside project to completion.

Although CIC Australia’s core business is land and subdivision, the company continues to target built form opportunities as they arise. This included The Ambassador apartment development in Canberra’s inner-south suburb of Deakin – a landmark development on the former Embassy Motel site.

CIC Australia Built Form Manager (Canberra) Lindsay Hunter explains that the land for the Quayside development was originally purchased in 2007. The project hit a bump after the development’s initial planning approval was appealed to the ACT Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Following a redesign of the plans, the development was approved in 2011. At the time of writing, 92 out of 100 contracts had been secured and the development was on track to be finished by late July 2014. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

“The development also has 10 commercial tenancies – a total of approximately 2000 square metres of commercial space.”

It’s also working on the Googong project in the Canberra region – a major development that encompasses a new, masterplanned township. Built on 780 hectares and located just seven kilometres from Queanbeyan’s CBD, the township will include a town centre and five neighbourhoods housing up to 16,000 residents of all ages. For more information contact CIC Australia Limited, Level 3, 64 Allara Street, Canberra City ACT 2600, phone 02 6230 0800, fax 02 6230 0811, email, website ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour 225

Building great results with Eclipse A background in both commercial and residential construction has ensured Eclipse Building Solutions has a great variety of experience within the construction industry. It was this experience that saw the company produce a successful outcome when it was engaged on the Quayside Kingston project where it undertook the façade cladding package. This package consisted of BlueScope Steel’s Longline Cladding System as well as FC Cladding. Eclipse Building Solutions’ Director Tim Hunt says the project included the use of materials and design rarely seen in Canberra. “The Longline Cladding system is quite a rare system and has never commonly been used in the Canberra region,” he said. “The Eclipse team were also faced with details specified by Quaysides’ architects that had never been attempted before in Canberra. Taking this project on meant engaging internal engineering teams and architects. But in the end, Eclipse came up with an original design that had never been seen in Canberra before which led to the final product.”

ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour 226 WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

On average, Eclipse Building Solutions had 15 employees on site during the Quayside Kingston project. Priding themselves on a business consisting of a hardworking, talented and respectful team, Eclipse Building Solutions was established in Canberra three years ago by Tim and his fellow director Steve O’Neill. Its business direction mainly focuses on façade cladding and fit outs for commercial and unit developments. This business focus has already seen the Eclipse name associated with major projects. These projects include the HMAS Harman Naval Base, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare government building in Bruce and the Beaconsfield Business Park in Fyshwick.

For more information contact Eclipse Building Solutions Pty Ltd, 119, Lawrence Wacket Crescent, Theodore ACT 2905, mobile 0400 003 372, email


Quayside Kingston Harbour

Specialist Building Technology Services SLR Consulting Australia applies advanced technologies and innovation to manage risks, optimise opportunities and enhance the cost effectiveness of project solutions. Guidance is provided from planning and design through to compliance assessment and the ongoing operational stages of architectural, construction, industrial, minerals extraction and infrastructure development projects. Quayside Kingston Harbour, ACT combines 96 one and two bedroom apartments and four three-bedroom penthouses with double garages. Quayside also includes approximately 2000m2 of commercial/office accommodation and a restaurant. SLR provided a suite of environmental specialist building services for the project from the early concept design stage all the way through to completion. These included:

Assess the environmental impact of the proposed building with respect to Environmental Wind Effects • Conduct a Thermal Comfort Modelling of the proposed Building. • Consult and coordinate the Energy Efficiency requirements with the consultant team throughout the design and documentation period

Conduct a BCA Section J Compliance (JV3 verification method) for the commercial component of the project Establish cost effective solution while meeting the design aspiration for the project. Respond to queries and matters arising from the documentation and issuing any clarifications requested Inspect for defects and preparation of the defects list prior to the issue of a certificate of practical completion for the construction contract.

SLR’s services embrace both the engineering and financial aspects of implementing cutting edge building technology with guidance provided across planning, project management, concept and detailed design through to compliance assessment and ongoing operational stages. The integrated team of building technology, CFD and renewable energy consultants have earned a highly respected reputation for the services provided both here in Australia and internationally.

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Technical Disciplines: ·

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ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour 227

228 ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour


Riverina Safes & Locks – your key to security Getting it right the first time is vital when it comes to door hardware and locking systems – and getting it right is what Riverina Safes & Locks do. Specialising in the supply of architectural door hardware and bathroom fittings, and key systems, Riverina Safes & Locks has the security solution, whether it’s replacing a lost key or installing a complete lock system. Riverina Safes & Locks was engaged on the Quayside Kingston Harbour development to supply the development’s locks and door hardware. Working on the project was Mark Sawer and Brent Hathaway, who used Australian-owned Novas Door furniture and locks, while the door seals were from Kilargo, whose products are Australian-made and the company Australian-owned. Before setting foot on the Quayside development site, most of the initial work was done via the development’s plans. This ensured the proper preparation work was undertaken and any changes made prior to installation made it easier for the client to install the correct products to the highest standard WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

Although it’s been in business for almost 30 years, the family-owned and operated Riverina Safes & Locks has provided quality products, services and advice for more than half a century. The company has nine employees and has a huge range of locks, door hardware and seals, safes, security master keyed systems, security monitoring and much more. The company is also currently supplying GEZE TS 4000 electronic free swing doors. For those times when you have been locked out at home or work after business hours, it even has an emergency all hours number to get a locksmith to you. Riverina Safes & Locks is currently working on the Kinross Boarding School in Orange and the Doma Group’s Bruce complex in Canberra.

For more information contact Riverina Safes & Locks, 13 Berry Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650, phone 02 6921 3517, fax 02 6921 6768, website ACT PROJECT FEATURE Quayside Kingston Harbour 229

A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO HEALTH CARE The $48.7 million Canberra Region Cancer Centre is the largest project undertaken in the ACT government’s history. As part of the ACT Government’s Health Infrastructure Program, the wide variety of medical, nursing and allied health services which are involved with cancer treatment are being brought together in one location with the completion of the Canberra Region Cancer Centre. The $48.7 million project has been jointly funded by the ACT Government and the Federal Government, and comprises a five level building plus a basement on the Canberra Hospital campus, adjacent to the hospital’s current Radiation Oncology building. The new facility will improve cancer treatment and other related services in the ACT by drawing together and integrating cancer services including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, haematology, immunology, research and teaching programs. The Centre will allow full integration of cancer outpatient services currently available at Canberra Hospital into a cancer care-specific precinct. The Centre also features a lounge for family and friends, a resource centre accessible to patients and their supporters, and space for some of the key 230 ACT PROJECT FEATURE CANBERRA CANCER CENTRE

support and advocacy groups. Designed by local firms HBO + EMTB, the Centre comprises 5,300 square metres of floor space featuring a warm and welcoming palette and abundant natural light. Every chemotherapy treatment space has a window outlook with operable battens, so the patient can control the degree of light to that which is comfortable for them. The whole ethos of the design has revolved around a patient-centered model of care, and both cancer patients and staff were involved in lengthy stakeholder discussions which formed part of the design process. Construction commenced in late 2011, and was managed by Shared Services Procurement and PM IQON Construction Management, with practical completion achieved in July 2014. The layout of the Centre allows room for future growth, an important consideration given the number of patients has been growing annually, and the Centre provides services to people from beyond the ACT from Southern New South Wales. In 2012 ACT Health provided 60,852 cancer outpatient services, and that number continues to AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION REVIEW

Client : ACT Health Principal Representative : Shared Services Procurement Project Manager : Iqon Pty Ltd Architect : HBO+EMTB Structural Engineers : TTW and AWT Services Engineer : AECOM Building Certifier : Certis Geotechnical Engineer : ACT Geotech PROJECT VALUE: $48.7 million

Coordination; Canberra Region Cancer Centre Administrative Services; Palliative Care; and Cancer Psychosocial Service. The Plantroom is also located on Level 5. “This is the first time all ACT Health outpatient cancer services will be co-located in one building,” said Denise Lamb, Executive Director, Cancer, Ambulatory and Community Health Support. “We have additional treatment spaces as well as the opportunity to have support services and support groups at the Centre, and those groups will also be able to use the meeting rooms. “One of the aims of the Centre is that we will have strong partnerships with John Curtin Medical School for research, and be able to translate the research into practice at the Centre. “Co-locating services under one roof will create a more consistent patient experience and will enable a multidisciplinary team approach and cohesive service delivery. In addition, new initiatives will be implemented in the new centre that will also enhance patient care and outcomes. “For patients from outside the ACT, this enables them to come to Canberra and see all the relevant professionals, and cut down the number of times they have to come to Canberra.” The Canberra Region Cancer Centre has been designed along sustainable development principles, with a range of energy and water saving initiatives incorporated into the design, construction and building systems. Solar orientation to capture sunlight, the use of effective insulating materials for external walls and roof, and double glazing for all external windows give a high degree of passive thermal and energy efficiency. Energy-efficient LED lighting has been installed, and the design took into consideration appropriate lighting levels through zoning by activity and usage patterns. Sensor lighting controls have been installed, so room lighting automatically switches on when people enter a room and automatically switches off after a short preset time once they exit. The electrical installation also included DALI lighting dimming controls, a remote programmable central lighting control to dim lighting during preset night time hours for such areas as meeting rooms and corridors.

grow each year. The basement level (Level 0) houses the ancillary support services Level 1 is the main entrance, main reception and waiting area, and a patient information IT hub, which is located where the building adjoins the Radiation Oncology Department.

The Centre also has a high efficiency HVAC systems design with aircooled chillers, and a large array of solar panels on the roof for hot water, with gas boosting rather than electricity. Sub-metering of natural gas usage will allow monitoring and benchmarking.

Level two is the Consultation level, which will include Immunology, Medical Oncology and Haematology outpatient services; the ACT Pathology collection centre; Patient and Family Lounge; Patient Resource Centre; and the Support services area. The Oncology Pharmacy is moving to Level 3, which will also provide room for future development. Level 4 comprises the Clinical treatment areas including Cancer Outpatients Day Treatment; Clinical Trials; Day Haematology Unit, including Aphaeresis, Bone Marrow Biopsy and Stem Cell Transplant; Cancer Outreach Treatment Team (COTT); and, Rapid Assessment Unit and Phone Triage Service. Clinical office space is located on level 5, with services including the Medical Oncology Department; Immunology Department; Haematology Department; Nurse Care

Essentially, the whole focus has been on delivering an improved and integrated model of care in an environment which is conducive to wellbeing.


“The Centre is a warm, welcoming space which takes away the cold clinical approach. It features a lot of light, and quiet, airy, treatment rooms. We are trying to make it as calming as possible. It is a beautiful building.” “An important feature of the design is it allows privacy for increased patients whilst receiving treatment”, said Denise Lamb.

For more information contact ACT Health, website ACT PROJECT FEATURE CANBERRA CANCER CENTRE 231

COVERING EVERY BASE TO ENSURE SAFE, SUSTAINABLE SPACES When CERTIS undertakes the building certification for a project like the Canberra Cancer Centre, they do far more than simply tick the boxes on regulatory requirements. Instead, they bring a broad depth of understanding to resolving any issues, and work with clients, architects, engineers, builders and consultants to develop effective solutions which meet the required standards without compromising the budget or the design brief. The company’s involvement in the CRCC project began in 2010, which included a staged process. A regular schedule of inspections was also followed, to ensure each element of the project would achieve BCA compliance. “There was a lot of planning and design for this building due to the proximity to other buildings. Hospitals themselves have special requirements that need to be met on top of the requirements of the BCA,” said CERTIS Principal Building Certifier, Belinda Hyde. “There is an “atrium” area which had to be fire engineered. This space looks and feels great with a lot of light and texture. “The Fire Stairs are probably the most unique aspect of the project. Fire stairs are generally solid

concrete to achieve the required fire rating however, the architect designed the stairs with glass. This was done as an alternate solution and it has opened the building up and utilised the natural light through the stairs instead of a concrete shaft. It is quite effective.” Key challenges for the project included ensuring the protection of steel columns in the building, the size and location of the access stairs to the plant room, the separation between buildings, stair pressurisation, glazed fire stair and the methodology used to overcome issues around the protection of openings. Extensive liaison was undertaken with key stakeholders, including ACTPLA and ACT Health, the builder (Iqon), engineering consultant Aecom, and the architects HBO + EMTB. Another issue which CERTIS were able to resolve was the energy efficiency assessment for section J compliance. The 3rd floor of the building was partly vacant, which affects the energy efficiency of floors above and below, CERTIS’ Energy Consultant, Ray Argue, implemented a temporary measure to enable certification of the 3rd floor without insulating the ceiling below.


“The project has been a difficult one which has kept me on my toes. Most government buildings like this can be challenging as there are so many different requirements that the end client needs which have to fit into the realms of the BCA. This is a challenge in itself but this is what makes a building like this so interesting to work on,” said Belinda. CERTIS Building Certification is one of three divisions in the CERTIS Group. Together with CERTIS Energy Assessment and CERTIS Access Consultancy, the company provides developers, builders, agencies and consultants with informed expertise and advice to assist with meeting the various regulatory requirements and standards which apply to buildings across all sectors. CERTIS Building Certification provides practical and cost-effective solutions for ensuring fire and safety standards. In addition to undertaking inspection, compliance and approval processes, they also provide consultancy services for clients looking for a straightforward, value-adding approach to delivering designs effectively. The staff of the Certification division hold building surveying and fire engineering


qualifications, and work closely with clients to reduce the costs and bureaucracy involved in achieving compliance, through applying experience and knowledge of wide diversity of possible methodologies, materials and design alternatives. CERTIS Energy Assessment Consultancy operates as an independent arm of the CERTIS Group to provide impartial and professional advice on energy and compliance with Section J of the BCA. Their reputation is founded on many years of delivering high level services in the field of building surveying covering a range of disciplines related to the statutory control of buildings. The practical advice they can provide to clients includes meeting the Deemed to Satisfy technical requirements of the (BCA), and also the JV3 Verification Method where proposals do not meet the deemed to satisfy provisions in the BCA. CERTIS Energy Assessment Consultancy can also carry out energy modelling requirements for Green Star / LEED certification and the energy modelling protocol for NABERS Commitment Agreement, in addition to site energy assessment and identification of areas where efficiencies can be gained.


CERTIS Access can provide a comprehensive service aimed at providing clients practical and supportive advice with respect to designing for people with a disability. This includes meeting the broad principles of the Disability Discrimination Act along with the technical requirements of the Building Code of Australia (BCA), the Disability (Access to Premises –Buildings) Standards and associated guidance, in particular the AS1428 suite of guidance. In addition they can assist in developing “Alternate Solutions” where proposals do not meet the deemed to satisfy provisions in the BCA as well as broader Disability Action Plans, which can identify a package of measures including management responsibilities. CERTIS Access can also provide site audits, identifying barriers that may prevent a person with disabilities from accessing a service, as well as offering solutions to improve accessibility. By being able to identify these during the early stages of a project, potential barriers can be indentified and redesign carried out – thereby avoiding the need for costly rectification works. For retrofits, CERTIS Access can provide site audits of existing premises, and recommend methods of improving accessibility which

can be incorporated into a refurbishment program at little or no extra cost. Measurable results, reliable data and strategic advice tailored to each specific project are the methods by which CERTIS Group’s solutionsfocused thinking ensures buildings are compliant, safe, accessible and energy efficient by design, and throughout their life cycle. For more information contact CERTIS Group, Canberra Office - PO box 1977 Canberra ACT 2601, phone 02 6232 3000, fax 02 6232 3099. Head Office - Brisbane PO Box 1065 Milton BC QLD 4064, phone 07 3144 4600, email belindahyde@,


PROUD TO DELIVER FINE WORKMANSHIP For 24 years M & M Kitchens have been designing, crafting and installing high-quality joinery for projects across the ACT and surrounds. One of their recent showpieces is the Canberra regional Cancer Centre, where they supplied and installed all the building’s architecturally-designed joinery from ground floor to level five. Given the dual requirement of an extremely high level of finish to create a warm and nurturing feel, while at the same time ensuring impeccable levels of hygiene, the materials chosen needed to be aesthetically pleasing, durable, sustainable and ensure high levels of hygiene. For the main reception counter and bench tops throughout the Centre, DuPontTM Corian was used. Corian is an advanced blend of natural minerals, pigments and polymer, and is extremely versatile. In the lift areas, M & M installed iron bark veneer panels and solid iron bark kicks, giving a very classy and organic feel to the space. Cabinetry throughout was constructed using Laminex Structural HM REO, a product which has been awarded the Good Environment Choice Australia Mark. By using Planit’s Cabinetware software program, M & M were able to produce detailed plans and shop drawings before manufacture in the company’s technologically advanced workshop which is equipped with the latest CNC machining, edge bander and panel saw for efficient, accurate and high-quality results. M&M’s staff


comprises locally qualified tradesmen, who take pride in producing superior workmanship. M&M design and manufacture a wide range of joinery including whole kitchens, laundries, vanity units, wardrobes, linen storage, entertainment units and study and office fitouts. They have completed projects across both the private residential and commercial sector, with other recent major projects including the Jewish Child Care Centre, ATO Headquarters, Thrifty Car Rental, Holy Sheet, the Acute Mental Health Unit and numerous KFC outlets throughout New South Wales and Victoria. As part of their client-focused approach to their craft, M & M provide an obligation free design and quote service, including computer enhanced design and 3D perspectives. All cabinetry carries a 10-year warranty, with a manufacturer’s warranty on doors and benchtops. They source locallyproduced materials wherever possible, and have a wider supplier network which includes leading makers of fixtures and fittings. The result of this combination of skill and commitment is an end result which combines function, form and lasting style.

For more information contact M&M Kitchens and Joinery, 8 Barrow Place, Queanbeyan NSW 2620, phone 02 6299 2322, fax: 02 6299 7159, email mick@, website


A FUSION OF SKILLS ENSURES A FINE FITOUT Challenges such as those presented by the Canberra Cancer Centre (CCC) Project give Antos Constructions an opportunity to showcase their extremely high level of project management and design and construction skills.

Nick Antos has been in the construction industry for 21 years, and his training in architectural drafting has given the company a solid ability to interpret plans, refine specifications, accurately determine quantities, resolve detail issues and develop methodologies.

Their scope included all the ceilings, dry walls, bulkheads, door frames and partitions, tasks which were complicated by the specific requirements and specifications of this state-of-the-art medical facility.

“Many things which are easy to draw are actually hard to build. We like to look for simple ways of solving those problems,” said Nick.

Some of the ceilings, for example, featured specialist tiles which ‘reflect’ air-borne bacteria, delivering a level of hygiene which is crucial for patients whose treatment has compromised their immune systems. Antos Constructions imported these tiles from Denmark, and given the three-month wait time on procurement, effective organisation during the planning stages was essential. “There were numerous acoustic treatments we applied throughout the CCC, including some walls which were fully insulated from slab to slab. The acoustic requirements were really high,” said Antos Constructions Director, Nick Antos. “The most difficult part of the project technically was the SuperWood used in some of the feature ceilings. It is quite expensive, and relatively difficult and time-consuming to install, requiring a carpenter with more abilities than the average framer. “We had to be very flexible on this project, and vary the manpower from 40 at peak of works down to just key tradesmen and site supervisor. We also had to factor in unforeseen events. For us, it is really important to do the right thing in terms of quality workmanship, and to be able to walk away from a building knowing we have delivered something the client is pleased with.


The company’s staff includes a highly experienced project manager, site manager and foreman, a carpenter, a framer and a qualified builder with an A-Class Builders License. Antos Constructions has a regular, trusted workforce of tradesmen and labour to draw on for projects, who all adhere to the company’s high standards of skill, professionalism and safety. Antos Constructions have undertaken fitout projects across the residential, commercial, retail and health sectors around the ACT, such as the M Centre in Manuka, Equinox (both commercial fitout and the complete private hospital and doctors fitout), the ATO in Civic, and the complete fitout including FFE, services, electrical, floor coverings, walls and ceilings for the Cultural Mission of Saudi Arabia. In addition, the company develops and builds residential projects, with successes including an MBA and HIA award-winning complex of seven 50-square homes in O’Malley, and the Camerai Apartments in O’Connor, a 20-apartment project which won the 2013 ACT MBA Award for Apartments and Units up to Three Storeys and 2013 HIA ACT & Southern NSW region Award for best apartment complex of the year. For more information contact Antos Constructions, Unit 2/47, Tennant Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609, phone 0418 261 251, email, website


SizEable project to benefit the community MAIN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY: John Holland CONSTRUCTION VALUE: $260 million COMPLETION DATE: Mid 2014 LEAD DESIGN: BG & E Pty LTD SURVEYORS: Alliance Surveying TRAFFIC CONSULTANT: Millar & Associates

The $260M Great Northern Highway Realignment and Wallwork Road Bridge comprises approximately 8 kms of new road and a major interchange at the Broome turn-off, enabling uninterrupted flow for local traffic over Great Northern Highway. With work expected to be finalised by mid 2014, the Great Northern Highway (GNH) realignment around the Wedgefield industrial area in Port Hedland is a project that will provide significant benefits for the surrounding community. GNH Realignment Project Manager Andrew Pyke said this project will significantly benefit the community and industry, primarily in regards to safety but also transport efficiency. “The aim of the work is to separate the heavy commercial vehicles from the lighter commuter vehicles,” he said. “Prior to the GNH Realignment, the road network had several intersections where 53.5m road-trains were constantly crossing the travelling paths of commuter vehicles and had to manoeuvre on multi-lane roads with the substantially smaller commuter traffic. “The completion of these works will see safer and more efficient traffic movements for heavy commercial mine vehicles heading to the port as well as safer movements for the public moving between the residential and employment areas in Port Hedland, Wedgefield and South Hedland.



“In general, the works have recieved a high level of community support as all parties realise the improved driving experience that will be achieved once the works are complete.” The works were awarded to John Holland under a Main Roads WA Design and Construct contract and, whilst the company has had to endure a few cyclones and some unseasonal rain events during construction, Main Roads WA has been pleased with the performance and management of the works in order to still be able to meet the target date for completion. As an experienced and pre-qualified contractor with Main Roads WA, John Holland has successfully undertaken and completed several large scale road infrastructure projects with Main Roads WA in the past. “In view of the fact that these works required a contractor to work in a cyclone prone area, whilst building roads over tidal mud flats and bridges over operational rail lines, Main Roads WA knew from the onset that the contractor had to be resilient and flexible in their approach to planning and work execution", said Andrew. “We believe that the John Holland team that has been selected to complete the works has been able to meet this need extremely well.


“The John Holland team on the GNH Realignment works have collaborated with Main Roads WA staff on these works in respect to risk management, design, construction planning and the operation needs of the final product. “The synergy of the two parties has been a key issue in the execution of the works, which has been able to develop as a result of the John Holland’s flexibility on-site and the trust that has been established with all the site staff.” Andrew highlighted that due to the positive and mature attitude taken by all parties in the resolution of issues that have arisen the project has engendered some great working relationships. “The extent of collaboration and the development of good working relationships is always hard to pin down to ‘what or why’ they happened. In this instance the recognition and respect of each party's primary and core objectives for the project was certainly one of the reasons why things have turned out the way they have. “This has led to a number of innovative solutions, including the use of the Ecosol catchment drains instead of traditional large basins, the development of a blended basecourse material from an


unused mine product and the use of cloud computing facilities for document filing. “One particularly interesting new development is the early warning intersection system, which has been designed to warn approaching vehicles (mainly road-trains) that an intersection has a slow moving vehicle passing through it, thereby increasing the reaction time for drivers in large vehicles like 53.5m road-trains. “To the best of our knowledge, this has never been done. “Clearly, this was always a complex project with many risks and design issues, however in view of the level of experience and contracting maturity within Main Roads WA, we were able to confidently move into a suitable arrangement with a capable contractor such as John Holland to ensure a high quality outcome.”

For more information contact Main Roads Western Australia: John Holland Infrastructure West, 67 Walters Drive, Osborne Park WA 6017, phone 08 9482 2700, website




Combining experience, professionalism and drive With proven strengths in both large and small construction projects for the infrastructure and resources sector, modern engineering surveying company Alliance Surveying is a leader in its field. Director/Surveyor Stephen Marevic said the company stood out due to its staff who have many years of experience in these projects. “Our staff have the ability to provide efficient and comprehensive surveying services to our clients,” he said."The team at Alliance also provide good knowledge and support to different machine control systems from producing the relevant designs to technical support.” Alliance Surveying is a local success story developed by two surveyors with extensive experience in their field. After 12 years as employees of Macmahon Contractors, Scott Pollard established Alliance Surveying in June 2012. Then in March 2013, Stephen joined the company and over the next few months the company grew with new members joining the company. “Together Scott and I have the singular focus of being the best. Combining our experience, professionalism and drive, Alliance Surveying delivers the best to our clients by having both of us as director’s very hands on and taking each projects success personally.” Now Alliance Surveying supplies surveying services to several construction projects in Western Australia including the Great Northern Highway Realignment. As a $220 million design and construct contract, this major project is designed to realign the current national highway network around the Western edge of the Wedgefield industrial precinct in Port Hedland.


travelling on the Great Northern Highway through Port Hedland. On this project everything has to be considered from access to various areas, new links, major drainage works, street lighting and even landscaping and revegetation. Given that collectively Scott and Stephen have over 20 years experience in rail, road and bulk earthworks construction projects in both rural and metro areas this project was perfectly suited to Alliance Surveying. “Alliance provides project support for clients for Main Roads WA Design and Construct Projects from the initial tender stages through the design phase and throughout the whole project until completion. This can be seen through the GNHR where I was involved since the tender phase and am still involved regularly on site.” From the initial tender stage of the project, Alliance Surveying was used to calculate quantities for the projects thus helping the estimators. As the design began to evolve and planning for the project became more in depth, comprehensive staging plans and temporary designs were created by Alliance to help plan the project staging. “Once construction of the project began we were able to provide all surveying requirements needed; from survey set out in the field to data and personnel management. Further strengths of Alliance Surveying on projects such as this are their collaboration with off-site designers in identifying and rectifying design issues.” As well as this project, the directors and personnel of Alliance Surveying were previously involved in a wealth of other substantial projects in Western Australia including the Tonkin Highway extension, Mitchell Freeway extension, Reid Highway extension and Great Eastern and Roe Highway interchange. Extensive road works is not the only strength of Alliance Surveying with their work also extending to rail construction projects.

With highlights including eight kilometres of new highway, four new bridges, a major interchange over the Great Northern Highway at the Broome turn-off and a new line to South Hedland via Hamilton Road, this project is schedules to be completed in mid 2014.

Alliance has the knowledge and experience to provide the surveying requirements for rail construction projects especially in the area of bulk earthworks, structural steel and concrete construction and rail line set out.

The project will provide uninterrupted traffic flow for traffic travelling between Port Hedland and South Hedland as well as for the traffic

For more information contact Alliance Surveying, PO Box 1006, Morley WA 6943, mobile 0407 198 643, website





BIG WHEELS KEEP ON TURNING When you are dealing with loads up to 55m in length there is no room for error and that is why it is vital to work with an experienced specialist for the substantial loads. As the name suggests WA Specialised Transport offers an experienced solution to oversize transport needs offering a range of services transporting loads that include concreted based houses, mine camps, complex units, tanks, frames, machinery and switch rooms. For director John Liddelow who himself has 20 years experience, this isn’t simply about getting products from point A to point B, it is providing a service that customers can not forget. John said being based in Maddington, Western Australian was ideal because the company was in the heart of many major projects including the Great Northern Highway Realignment. “This is an energised industrial area central to the north and south with easy access to major highways servicing the heavy haulage routes,” he said. “Given the size and importance of this project we decided to bring in some new equipment for delivery of the concrete tee-roff beams to Port Hedland from Perth. “These were the latest Faymonville Modular trailers with extendable deck sections which are ideally suited for the transport of particularly long or bulky loads. “This trailer is time efficient and cost effective because its lightweight design gives greater steering angle and the low loading platform height additionally guarantees optimum maneuverability with the highest possible payload.” It is this understanding of the latest products for the benefit of its clients that has seen WA Specialised Transport begin as a small business producing and transporting concrete slabs for transportable homes. Over the years as demand grew and as part of product support to customers the company has expanded in both equipment and expertise. The company’s transport abilities have even extended to hotel accommodation transport, Western Power

and Water Corporation substations and machinery and equipment. “It is as our name suggests, we transport freight outside the scope of general or standard heavy haulage that continues to allow us to work on jobs such as the Thyssen Krupp Stacker Reclaimer and McConnell Dowell Bridge Section for Wheatstone. “We have grown from having four trailers to being able to move 1500 tonne and by having the equipment that is most suited to our client’s loads we are able to increase delivery times and efficiency. “Based on my experience and the dedication of our team, clients can be assured that if the freight is outside the standard, we always have a solution.” Given the availability and reliability of the company’s work, past and present customers of WA Specialised Transport include BHP, Rio Tinto, Lend Lease, CSI, Thermal Comfort Homes, Austral Construction, Plummers, Nomad Modular Building, Alco Building Company, Westwater Enterprises, Ausco Modular, ABB, Transglobal, Fleetwood, McConnell Dowell, IHI Engineering and Western Power. “Our operation employs experienced staff of whom are valuable assets to our team because each member of our staff brings their own expertise and knowledge to the business from many years of experience in their particular field. “In our service we always offer a complete solution including loading and unloading, arranging all required permits, traffic warden escorts, western power escorts and the use of our own accredited pilots. “We are also a Main Roads Western Australia Heavy Vehicle Accredited company and having documented procedures for loading and unloading and staff being Rio Tinto and BHP inducted, WA Specialised Transporters is focused on offering a professional and safe working environment. “It is this skill; experience and genuine love of our work that makes WA Specialised Transports stand out.” For more information contact WA Specialised Transport, 470 Bickley Road, Kenwick WA 6107, phone 0437 800 186, email


Dedicated professionals work towards company’s future To see how far Stable 17 has come since its inception in 1994, is a true credit to the drive and determination of director Matthew Dodd and a team of dedicated professionals. With a vision for delivering creative and decorative iron works, Matt drew on his architectural and drafting expertise and when developing the company, experience in the mining industry was definitely a bonus. “It was this as well as our common interest in fabrication and welding that meant we were able to recognise the opportunity within the market and hence Stable 17 was formed,” he said. “By being a smaller business we are able to share our passion with our clients through


personalised service, attention to details such as being on time and quality finishes and accurate work the first time around. “With major projects such as the Great Northern Highway Alignment that required steel support, we can appreciate that by simply being on time we can help the process flow a lot better and allow the client to reach their very necessary deadlines. “From sales to manufacturing and installation, our professional and friendly team aim to make our clients experience enjoyable from start to finish.” It is this commitment that has seen Matt flooded with testimonials from clients thanking them for guiding them every step of the way, going beyond the call of


duty within tight schedules and especially completing projects on time. While Stable 17 was established as a specialised blacksmithing company, it has developed its business to include site installation and medium to heavy fabrication with an emphasis on safety and quality. Moving forward, the launch of Stable 17 Engineering has seen that exceptional service continue with the inclusion of structural steel and a look to provide further service to all sectors of engineering from mining to water treatment industries. Already it regularly supplies worldwide company Rio Tinto with mechanical, structural and engineering pieces.


“As a locally based company our aim is to develop business relationships with companies so that repeat business can be established, while not loosing any of the emphasis on quality. “Our varied client based requires us to cover all sectors of engineering, giving us greater flexibility within our workforce and allowing us to provide an unrivalled engineering service. “Our workshop personnel are also multiskilled tradesmen capable of fabricating the most intricate pipework and structural steelwork, plate, platforms, walkways and general metal work in both carbon steel and stainless steels and other exotic materials. “We have invested in both the latest equipment and a high quality workforce to


ensure we can compete with and better any other mechanical contractor.” The Stable 17 workshop is well located in the Cockburn Commercial Park Southern industrial precinct in Perth, featuring a fully fitted 700sq m workshop and offices, with the possibility for further room if the project dictates. It is staffed by skilled trades’ personnel who are multi-skilled encompassing coded welders, riggers, pipe fitters, fabricators and boilermakers, who always make health, safety and the environment a high priority. Showcasing its commitment to the development of its workforce, Stable 17 has a defined training programme.

Stable 17 also has a full and comprehensive project management service to co-ordinate packages that include mechanical, insulation and painting works to offer a complete service. “Quality at Stable 17 encompasses every activity we undertake, from initial receipt of a customer enquiry through to contract completion.”

For more information contact Stable 17 Engineering, Unit 2/6, Bushland Ridge, Bibra Lake WA 6163, phone 08 9418 2233, website


Company focused on customer service excellence With significant milestones becoming a regular occasion on the Great Northern Highway Realignment, it was important that every member of the project team realised the importance and magnitude of their individual role. For the first of two of the major new bridges on this project, there was 2000m2 of mechanically stabilised walls, 10 concrete beams, temporary sheet piling and associated earthworks taking over 17 weeks to construct the 55 metre long structure.


Significant cranes were an integral part of making this project a reality safely and efficiently and Joyce Krane were eager to share what makes them one of the leading service providers for lifting, rigging, personnel and transport services in Western Australia. Director James Joyce said the company was able to provide an extensive range of lifting capabilities from six to 750 tons with some of the most experienced and hardworking individuals who offer the best customer service in the industry.


“Not only are we are family owned organisation, but having been operating since 1974, our roots are firmly in the Pilbara region, so through our years of experience and dedication we have built our reputation as the heavy lifting specialists,” he said. “Over the years we have implemented and executed some of the most challenging projects in the residential, mining, construction, maritime and petro chemical industry in the Pilbara region but we never stop striving to exceed our client’s expectations by providing the highest level of quality, utmost flexibility and best price for their logistical requirements.” As could be seen on the Great Northern Highway Realignment, Joyce Krane is able


to provide end to end solutions for every aspect of evaluation, implementation and operation at construction sites.

with well trained experienced personnel to manage any level of complexity of projects undertaken for our clients.

labour and equipment as soon as possible, even providing a 24 hour/seven days a week emergency response service.

By offering services including crane hire, consultation, maintenance, personnel hire and other logistic requirements, Joyce Krane appreciate that on projects of this magnitude it is vital that the entire process is efficient to ensure that there is little upset to service.

“Every worker and member of our team has national accreditation and certification of their skills and we provide rigorous training that facilitates them to perform their best in every project.

Add to this a strong commitment to the highest level of safety and maintenance requirements on every project.

The vast Joyce Krane fleet includes German Liebherr all terrain cranes, Japanese Kato and Tadano truck mounted cranes, American rough terrain cranes and Australian Franna pick and carry cranes.

“By having experience that spans over four decades we are able to provide customised solutions including all the lifting requirements along with site inspections, requirement definition, development of JSA’s and lift studies to provide a comprehensive support to our clients in their project.”

“Over the years we have added modern equipment and a top of the line fleet of cranes

Through having such a central location in Western Australia, Joyce is able to mobilise


“It is simple; our vision is to be the best crane hire company to work with, while our mission is to deliver the best products and services in the industry through our virtue of hard work, specialised services and a customer-centric approach to business.”


Earthmoving Technology On Call Facilitating a major infrastructure project, the Great Northern Highway Realignment, West Australian-based company Equiprent supplied equipment rentals to major contractor John Holland for the duration of the works.

that works in combination with individual experience and industry knowledge, giving reason for a returning client base. Servicing client’s needs is exemplified on this project with the company’s purchase of new equipment specifically for this infrastructure work.

Defining their market through both customer-driven focus and their top range of mobile earthmoving equipment, Equiprent has a track record of reliability in assisting major works get underway and are completed.

Established in 2005, Equiprent began by providing equipment to the mining sector, and have developed to provide services of equipment and operational staff for road infrastructure and construction sectors. In providing operational support or equipment, there is full compliance with a Safety Management System keeping safe work practices in all activity.

Awarded the sub-contract for the dry hire equipment on the project only, a selection from their sturdy and quality fleet was provided as required. The rental range included a new 8 –wheel water cart, a smaller 14-tonne CAT excavator, a D6T Swampy Dozer with GPS, a 980K wheel loader, a 25Tonne articulated water cart, and a 623 G-scraper. A client-focused company, there is acknowledgement that responsiveness is of key importance for an often under-pressure contractor on a project. The company’s 30-strong staff maintains a working culture of taking the initiative and fast decision-making,



The company’s major workshops are located both in Maddington and secondly in Port Hedland, a now large and well established branch of the company. Current other ongoing contract work reaches up through various locations across the Pilbara region, working with companies such as RIO and BHP. For more information contact Equiprent, 182 Maddington Road, Maddington WA 6109, phone 08 9452 3989, mobile 0429 968 374


Dedication to quality makes A difference Like many quality Australian companies, Rocla sprang from humble beginnings when friends Walter Robertson and Heaton Clarke registered the company in 1922. More than 80 years on the Rocla name continues to be associated with high quality concrete products.Western Australian area manager Craig Donaldson said Rocla was a leading Australian supplier of concrete solutions to the building and construction industry. “Rocla provides a uniquely comprehensive range of innovative engineered solutions for stormwater piping, pits, headwalls and Box Culverts, sewerage piping and access systems, stormwater detention and treatment, water storage, bridging and earth retention, as well as concrete poles, building columns, boardwalks and railway sleepers,” he said. “With strong capabilities in product design and development, Rocla can supply standard products, as well as value-added solutions to meet specific customer needs, while all products are designed for strength and durability which are the hallmarks of the Rocla brand.” This was seen through Rocla’s involvement in the Great Northern Highway Realignment where the company supplied and delivered precast concrete drainage pipe, pipe headwalls and manhole pits. Rocla uses the proven technol;ogy of the roller suspension method in the manufacture of the concrete pipes and manhole liners. WWW.ANCR.COM.AU

This is both an efficient form of manufacture and provides for high strength product with tight dimensional integrity.. “As with other significant projects we are supplying to such as the Acacia Prison, Metrpolitan Gateway and a variety of subdivisions, we are showing that we are able provide exceptional service by manufacturing the highest quality products and delivering them in a reliable and timely manner”. “Our real strength is our advanced engineering capabilities because a commitment to innovation and product improvement has helped Rocla achieve a leadership position by utilising the skills of experienced scientists and engineers in the field of concrete material applications.” “We are excited about our future and feel confident that a progressive attitude towards product development together with a focus on operational efficiencies and strategic management will enable us to meet the changing demands of our customers and harness opportunities for future growth and expansion.” For more information contact Rocla Pipeline Products, 3 Casella Place, Kewdale WA 6105, phone 131 004, mobile 0407 381 143, fax 08 9353 9802, email, website WA PROJECT FEATURE GREAT NORTHERN HIGHWAY REALIGNMENT 247

Bridges Built On Quality PERMAcast has further entrenched its position as WA’s Leading Precaster having once again been chosen as a key supplier of Precast Concrete bridge components for one of the states major infrastructure projects. PERMAcast supplied. pre-cast components for two bridge crossings on the $260M Great Northern Highway Realignment, a partnership project between John Holland and Main Roads Western Australia. This large infrastructure upgrade is the latest in a string of projects for the company, supplying products across the mining, oil and gas and infrastructure sectors on projects such as Woodsides Pluto, Chevron’s Gorgon & Wheatstone projects and the state governments SSWA desalination plant and ‘Gateway WA’ projects to name a few. Based in WA, PERMAcast boast well structured business management systems designed and implemented to mitigate risk for their clients. This is assured by their practice of adherence to their third party certified ISO9001 Quality Management System and their conforming HSE systems.


Specifically on the GNHR project PERMAcast supplied large 1500 x 3000 precast culverts and 2500 x 5000 skewed link slabs for the floodway and creek crossings of the highway upgrade. These items included: • Bridge # 1707 - 136 box culverts and 128 link slabs • Bridge # 1708, 72 box culverts and 64 link slabs PERMAcast’s in house experienced engineers provided ongoing design assistance throughout the project stages and ensured that the products adhered to strict durability and other project specifications. Established in 2006, the PERMAcast team has grown exponentially and includes inhouse engineers, drafters & QA engineers, allowing direct consultation with a PERMAcast project engineer for each client. Their capacity for quality work is defined not only by engineering and technical capabilities, but their capacity for production and storage made possible by their large state of the art manufacturing


facility and impressive 250000m2 of storage space. This over-arching capacity and provision for clients needs ultimately also provides cost benefits for PERMAcasts clients. PERMAcast are currently also supplying a wide range of precast and prestressed concrete products to a number of the states other large infrastructure projects including the New Childrens Hospital, Kwinana Freeway PSP and the states largest ever infrastructure project, the iconic $1 billion ‘Gateway WA’ to name a few. In doing so, the success story continues and PERMAcast further cements its recognized position as Western Australia’s Leading Precaster.

For more information contact PERMAcast, 394 Robertson Road, Cardup WA 6201, phone 08 9525 1380, email, website


The Great Northern Highway Realignment, WA







Employ the world leader LADY in BIM model checking CILENTO LEND LEASE’S

with just one click. HOSPITAL CHILDRENS



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Save time and money with Solibri Model Checker, a software solution that analyzes Building Information Models for integrity, quality and physical safety. The system offers easy-to-use visualization with an intuitive walk in functionality. With a single mouse click, the system X-rays the building model and reveals potential flaws and weaknesses in the design, highlights the clashing components and checks that the model complies with the building codes and organization’s best practices. For information on pricing or Solibri training courses, call Cadimage Group on 1800 172 893 or visit Mapei offers a wide range of high quality products for installing ceramic tiles, stone and mosaics, suitable for any application, anywhere.

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Mapei products are certified according to the most severe international standards, fruit of the commitment of the Group’s 18 R&D laboratories. They are formulated using innovative, recycled and ultra-light raw materials developed to reduce energy consumption and to contain very low emission levels of volatile organic compounds.





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METRO RESIDENCES CHATSWOOD Hutchinson Builders PACIFIC PLACE Mirvac AZURE BLUE CARINA Cockram Constructions EMBLEM APARTMENTS Charter Keck Cramer WALLACE WORTH BUILDING UNSW DEAKIN UNI BURWOOD Hansen Yuncken INFINTIY TOWER Meriton LADY CILENTO CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Lend Lease EVORA APARTMENTS Buildcorp LA TROBE For your chance to win a Solibri training course at one of our training centres, UNI - MELBOURNE BUILDING Kane Constructions THE IBIS HOTEL Hines Property PURE KIRRA Glenzeil GREEN SQUARE APARTMENTS ICON Constructions Australia CAIRNS BRUCE HIGHWAY UPGRADE BMD & Albem Joint Venture DFOvisit us at Booth 10, at the Revit Technology Conference in Melbourne May 29-31 2014. HOMEBUSH Mainbrace DNA @ CAMPERDOWN Ceerose Constructions BULLABURRA WEST UPGRADE Daracon LIVERPOOL RAIL TURNBACK John Holland Group WHARF 2 Toga Development & Construction MONACO APARTMENTS Westbourne Construction ZEN QUARTER Rapid Form Systems WOODFORD TO HAZELBROOK Lend Lease MARINA QUAYS Hutchinson AUS $14.95 (INC GST) Builders LEONGATHA HOSPITAL Kane Constructions HUNTERWATER TREATMENT &PRINT SHOALHAVEN CANCER CENTRE Solibri brought to you in Australia by Cadimage Group POST APPROVED

Mapei products are now available from all leading tile retailers and specialty hardware stores.

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MAPEI IS COMMITTED TO PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT WITH S. ECO-SUSTAINABLE ording to the most severe internationalCERTIFIED nt of the Group’s 18 R&DWORLDWIDE laboratories. SOLUTIONS FOR MORE tive, recycled and ultra-light raw materials sumption and 30 to contain very low emission THAN YEARS

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• Technologically advanced products for substrate preparation, waterproofing, tiling, sealing and grouting for both internal and external areas • Products that are easy to use, labour efficient and cost effective • Eco-sustainable products with extremely low VOC emissions that exceed the requirements set out by the Green Council of Australia and Green StarTM • Internationally and locally certified products according to the strictest testing standards








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CONSTRUCTION 720 BOURKE Employ the world leader LADY 8 CHIFLEY STREET in BIM model checking CILENTO SQUARE










Save time and money with Solibri Model Checker, a software solution that analyzes Building Information Models for integrity, quality and physical safety. The system offers easy-to-use visualization with an intuitive walk in functionality. With a single mouse click, the system X-rays the building model and reveals potential flaws and weaknesses in the design, highlights the clashing components and checks that the model complies with the building codes and organization’s best practices. For information on pricing or Solibri training courses, call Cadimage Group on 1800 172 893 or visit Mapei offers a wide range of high quality products for installing ceramic tiles, stone and mosaics, suitable for any application, anywhere.

Mapei products are now available from all leading tile retailers and specialty hardware stores.


WIN a 2-day Solibri Model Checker course


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METRO RESIDENCES CHATSWOOD Hutchinson Builders PACIFIC PLACE Mirvac AZURE BLUE CARINA Cockram Constructions EMBLEM APARTMENTS Charter Keck Cramer WALLACE WORTH BUILDING UNSW DEAKIN UNI BURWOOD Hansen Yuncken INFINTIY TOWER Meriton LADY CILENTO CHILDRENS HOSPITAL Lend Lease EVORA APARTMENTS Buildcorp LA TROBE For your chance to win a Solibri training course at one of our training centres, UNI - MELBOURNE BUILDING Kane Constructions THE IBIS HOTEL Hines Property PURE KIRRA Glenzeil GREEN SQUARE APARTMENTS ICON Constructions Australia CAIRNS BRUCE HIGHWAY UPGRADE BMD & Albem Joint Venture DFOvisit us at Booth 10, at the Revit Technology Conference in Melbourne May 29-31 2014. HOMEBUSH Mainbrace DNA @ CAMPERDOWN Ceerose Constructions BULLABURRA WEST UPGRADE Daracon LIVERPOOL RAIL TURNBACK John Holland Group WHARF 2 Toga Development & Construction MONACO APARTMENTS Westbourne Construction ZEN QUARTER Rapid Form Systems WOODFORD TO HAZELBROOK Lend Lease MARINA QUAYS Hutchinson Builders LEONGATHA HOSPITAL Kane Constructions HUNTERWATER TREATMENT & SHOALHAVEN CANCER CENTRE Solibri brought to you in Australia by Cadimage Group


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ording to the most severe international nt of the Group’s 18 R&D laboratories. tive, recycled and ultra-light raw materials sumption and to contain very low emission nds.


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• Technologically advanced products for substrate preparation, waterproofing, tiling, sealing and grouting for both internal and external areas • Products that are easy to use, labour efficient and cost effective • Eco-sustainable products with extremely low VOC emissions that exceed the requirements set out by the Green Council of Australia and Green StarTM • Internationally and locally certified products according to the strictest testing standards









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Mapei products are certified according to the most severe international standards, fruit of the commitment of the Group’s 18 R&D laboratories. They are formulated using innovative, recycled and ultra-light raw materials developed to reduce energy consumption and to contain very low emission levels of volatile organic compounds.


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