And they'd be wrong, paper and acrylic paint, 6x6 inches
Remnants, paper collage, 6x6 inches
I am an abstract artist located in Hillsborough, North Carolina. I came to art later in life. Sometime in 2018, I started creating art to help a friend create better posters for their band. First, it was a slow trickle, playing around with photographs, scissors, and tape to make collages on a photocopier. It quickly moved beyond that to include more photos and better tools. Then came the paint. It went from a trickle to an obsession. I am entirely unqualified and untrained, figuring out how images and colours fit together as I go along. I rarely come with a preconceived idea of what a piece will be. Whether I am painting or collaging, I allow fragments to begin speaking for themselves and react to the shapes, images, and colours they present. Trusting my instinct and relying on mood and snapshots of memories, I allow the work to unfold naturally, speaking to me as it builds. . Through various media and materials, I create abstract works focused on colour, imagery, and mood. Often the pieces feel very intimate as I feel myself sharing moods, memories, emotions, and secrets unconsciously. Each piece begins with a movement or image and builds so that the end result is a combination of individual elements and a whole greater than its parts.