Portfolio Architecture

Page 1


advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

page 33-36

page 37-44

page 45-47

spatial design

page 27-32

experimental architecture

page 20-26

design project 3

page 15-19

building design

page 9-14

page 3-8

design project 2

This portfolio shows an assortment of projects developed on the Leopold Franzens Universit채t in Innsbruck Austria. The order is chronological. These projects reveal my interests within the architectural education and my way of working. It is very important for me, not only to present the completed projects, but also the process of development behind them. 2

WS 2007/08

Prof. Patrick Schumacher Dipl. Ing. Michael Budig | Dipl. Ing. Robert Neumair


m design project 2


design project 2

building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

This project was about developing a design concept for the olympic park in London within the olympic games 2012. The concept should be created through computational parametric design. In that case, the aim was not only to design one project, but a field of different objects which are all build up through the same paramatric code. The concept for the park should include objects in a small scale, so we decided to design benches and pavillons which are placed within the building site.

in cooperation with Fischer David and Fritz Ferdinand.

>site plan the Spline/curve connects all the important places where a object / building should be placed.


design project 2

building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

We developed a few scripts within Autodesk Maya in order to build up a design process based on and controlled by defined parameter.

>script 1 The script creates a controlable amount of curves between two points on the spline from the siteplan. The form of these curves depends on the character of the spline between the two chosen points.


>script 2 This algorithm controls the design process of the objects. By choosing two out of the curves created in script 1, four points on these two curves can be controlled. (start_end_min1_min2).


Depending on the entered parameters, the script creates different objects to fullfill their function as benches, bars or pavillons.




end height2







min2 min2



min1 5

design project 2

building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>script 3 Through this script the created surface is subdivided by a controlable grid. Within this grid, a structure with a definable width is placed.

>script 4 This script generates the perforation of the created objects. Each element within the grid has a perforation. The size of it is controlled by this script. We marked interesting places within the building site, the script calculates the differences between these places and the orientation of the perforated elements. The smaller the deviation the bigger the perforation.

>script 5 Finally we also worked on a parametric controlled structure. Depending on the inclination of every element within the grid on the surface the structure was more or less deepened. The steeper the element the deeper the structural pattern.

pattern nearly unvisible if element is low-pitched

pattern clearly visible if element is sharply inclined


design project 2

building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

+2.50 +1.50

schematical section of the pavillon


design project 2

building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae


schematic section of the bench 8

Dipl. Ing. Ender Ursula

house for four SS 2008

building design


building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

The aim of the building design course is, not only to design a single family house, but to evolve understanding for structural engineering and to work out a project all the way to detailed construction drawings of the building. I designed a two storey single family house where the living room is uplifted to provide a higher and gorgeous room. Another advantage of the split level design is to mirror the light through small windows from the swimming pool underneath inside the kitchen area. In the ground level there is the kitchen and the dining area, a storage room, the home office, a toilet, the garage and an entrance area. The living room is uplifted half of a storey. In the upper floor there is a small relaxing area, two rooms for children, a sleeping room, a bathroom und a toilet. The facade is covered with Alucubond elements, the south east fassade of the building is a steel-glass construction. An outside shading prohibits too much of sunlight and insight into the private rooms. Within the building design course we had to work out the building design, the working drawings and detailed construction drawings.

design: section


building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

design: upper floor

design: ground floor 11

building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

building design: ground floor


building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

working drawings: section


building design

design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

construction drawings: section facade 14

SS 2008

Dipl. Ing. Robert Veneri


design project 3


design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>THILEIA This project creates a spiritual space, which could be used by everyone to calm down and to focus on themself. Based on the given program I began to work with the Klein Bottle, which became the basis of the whole project. According to this mathematical shape I developed following hypothesis: - The inside of the building should not be clearly devided from the outside - The space should be explored on a looped way - In the building the visitor should become the most important part and should be confronted with the surrounding architecture. Important attributes of the building are the natural lighning situation (the eye, the voids and the facade) and the different kind of spatial experiences. klein bottle

>klein bottle The klein bottle is a mathematical complex form. It consists of just one surface, that’s why it belongs to the group of non oriented surfaces. That means that there is no inside or outside, but only one face. The klein bottle is an object of study in topology, which is a major area of mathematics. Topology is concerned with new spatial properties beyond length, or other geometrical properties. These new properties are preserved despite of a continuous deformation of an object.


design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>eye vertical void through level 2,4,5. Transports light through the whole building and the water down to level 5.

glass roof - crystal


wooden pavillon


>voids in level 2 light comes from above. In level 3 the voids are made out of concrete, partly covert with reflecting material on the inside. Here, light is reflecting down to level 2.

level 03

level 04 level 02

level 05 level02 level 01 changeover bright - dark lobby

wooden facade

exploded view: parts of the building / path

path up path down level 02

changeover bright - dark

>facade system There is a glass facade were wooden fins are build on the outside of it. Depending on the area inside of the building, the fins are closed, open or rotated. lobby


design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

section AA

>impression Die SONNE geht auf . Thileia beginnt zu leben. DUNKEL und HELL beginnen zu verschwimmen, durchdringen Thileia wie ein Nebelschleier. Der KRISTALL funkelt, die abermals noch düsteren Gänge beginnen zu leuchten. Spiegelungen des WASSERS tanzen über die Wände. Betritt man Thileia wird man von ihr eingenommen. Sie steuert GEFÜHLE und GEDANKEN, leitet bewusst durch verschiedene Gefühlslagen - Unbehagen, Neugier, Staunen, Erleichterung, Spannung, Nachdenklichkeit, innere Ruhe, Frieden. Thileia vereinnahmt den Menschen, rückt ihn aber in den Mittelpunkt und lässt ihm Raum zu SEIN.




design project 3

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>physical model The model helps me do analyze the lightning through the facade and the voids.


WS 2008/09

Prof. Volker Giencke Dipl. Ing. Walter Prenner | Dipl. Ing. M端hlauer Alex

Bionic Lounge

experimental architecture


experimental architecture

>Program / System Bionic is a relatively new science in which processes happening in nature are analyzed and transported to a different field of science. According to that, we had to design a project which is based on a system in nature. Derivated from bacteria, we designed a modular system, which creates space through linear and horizontal addition of elements. The system is variabel und controlable. Out of the base form it is possible to create different kind of shapes just by changing the angle between the elements. Every strip of elements has the same length and each element is individually controlable and can be fixed at every position. The elements are connected mechanically, which is built rather massive to deal with the forces. The strips stick together magnetically.

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

case for the engine cog for angle adjustment cog for angle adjustment joint

in cooperation with Parth Ingo, Weirather Mirja, Fischer David

Curriculum Vitae

detail of the element

schematic ground plan

schematic section

diagram of the assembling

diagram of the connection between the elements 21

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>function The system can be transformed into several objects. These schematic drawings show a selection of possible solutions.

niched bench | bench

table with bench

two benches | small table

two benches | small table | seat

bar with benches

the system with magnetic surfaces and joints

playground for kids


experimental architecture

>site We decided to choose the rooftop of a building in Lissabon / Portugal as our building site. Currently the place is used as a skate park. We chose this place because our aim was to use the developed system as a lounge. Because of the beautiful panoramic view over Lissabon and the sea, the rooftop was the perfect place for our project.

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae






>lounge In this case, we used our developed system to create a club / lounge. The system is used to shape benches, seats, tables and a bar. The strips had a width of 30cm which was perfect for using it as furniture but also as steps to get to the upper level.


experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

floor plan


experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>digital model To create an accurate digital model we first evolved a parametric model of the form. Then we developed a script in grasshopper for Rhinocerus 3D to generate the strips with the elements. 25

experimental architecture

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>physical model For this last model we abstract the design to divided wooden loops. To create them we wrote another script in Grasshopper for Rhinocerus 3D and used the Laser Cutter at our university for manufacturing.


Prof. Gabriela Seifert Dipl. Ing. Eric Sidoroff

analysis “Steinhaus”

SS 2009

spatial design


spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>analysis of spatial design... The aim of this course was, to choose a building with extraordinary spatial qualities and to analyse it. The method of analysing was not determinated by the lecturer. We chose the Steinhaus of Gßnther Domenig in Steindorf / Austria, because of its radical, uncompromising handling of space. Hardly any other building is so much just about space and is situated between sculpture and architecture. Each of the other projects of Domenig has an impact on the Steinhaus. For over 20 years Domenig followed his visions and materialized them in this building. In our analyzis we decided to concentrate on the design process, analysing it and to interpret it for ourself. The most important part of our analysis was building physical models as an interpretation of Domenig’s design drawings. At the end of the course we made an exhibition of our work at our university. In cooperation with Fischer David and Fritz Ferdinand. 28

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

“Architektonische Zerbrechung” from the sketchbook of Günther Domenig

“Architektonische Zerbrechung 2” from the sketchbook of Günther Domenig 29

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

“Die Verzweigung” from the sketchbook of Günther Domenig

“Aufbruch” from the sketchbook of Günther Domenig

“Ansicht mit Felsen und Hügel” from the sketchbook of Günther Domenig 30

spatial design

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

“3. Schwebestein” level 2 level 1 lifted ground floor ground floor basement

diagram of paths and levels in the Steinhaus

“Huckepack” “2. Schwebestein” “3. Schwebestein” “hoher Weg” “Finger” “Käfig”

“Keil” “1. Schwebestein” most important compontents of the building

paths and components in physical model 31

spatial design

floor plan exhibition

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

perspective view exhibition

>exhibition The exhibition showed the physical models, photographs and two video installations we shot during our stay at the Steinhaus.


Gerd Gschwendtner

architectural object

SS 2009

advanced spatial design


advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>topic The content of this course was to think about and consolidate our specific point of view on architecture. The aim was, to be able to define kind of a guidline towards the essence of one’s architecture. In this process we wrote some essays, but also had to design a small object containing the acquired knowledge.

>klein bottle The klein bottle is a mathematical complex form. It consists of just one surface, that’s why it belongs to the group of non oriented surfaces. That means that there is no inside or outside, but only one face. The klein bottle is an object of study in topology, which is a major area of mathematics. Topology is concerned with new spatial properties beyond length, or other geometrical properties. These new properties are preserved despite of a continuous deformation of an object.

digital model of the Klein Bottle with the endless path on the non oriented surface 34

advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>complex spatial solutions - atmosphere In my designed object, the Klein Bottle showed my fascination for complex spatial solutions independent of the geometric form. I used “Fimo� to shape the Klein Bottle. In my opinion, architecture is neither just about form nor just about functionality. The most important part for me, is the emotional message, architecture transports to its user. I appreciate architecture which invites its user to think about it and stays in their minds for a longer period of time. According to that, views through, inside or outside the building, the connection of spaces but also the proportion of rooms and their relationship to each other are very important factors to control the atmosphere within a building. I think it is also very important to think about the path on which a user experiences the space. >genius loci Another element I wanted to add to the object was a piece of wood I found at a place which is important for me. The storys and the background of a location has a very great impact on architecture. Not only the form should fit in its surrounding, but also the concept and the idea behind the architecture should match with the building site.

Klein Bottle

wood - genius loci

>the user Architecture should be designed individually for the people using it. Hence I wanted the object to contain a mirror to see yourself while holding it. So, the object always changed and contained different properties for different people. mirror


advanced spatial design

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>object The thesis I mentioned above were integrated in this object. The Klein Bottle, made out of Fimo, the wooden branch and the mirror. The piece of wood was embedded in a silicon form.

top side Klein Bottle with silicon and wood

rear side Klein Bottle with mirror


SS 2010

Prof. Volker Giencke Dipl. Ing. Walter Prenner | Dipl. Ing. Verena Rauch

theater of movement

design project 4/5


design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>task The given topic of this design course was “Welttheater� - which means something like world theater, but not just refering to theater but also to global topics. Within all the possibilities this topic offers, I defined for myself to design a building as an urban public space according to my interests in staging public space. Within the public space there is an experimental theater, which includes six stages. There are no seats inside the theater. The idea was, to create a theater of movement in which people are following the spectacle from stage to stage choosing for themself which storyline to follow. >The public space In my opinion, public space is one of the most important tasks in todays urban design. Though Innsbruck is a rather small town, it also has to deal with a lack of public space. Ludwig Hilbersheimer’s vision of the skyscraper city shows the possibility to design a city in different levels. Asian cities such as Bangkok show this idea too by building different levels for different transportation systems or pedestrians. I used this thesis for my project by building a vertical public space.

>site My building site is next to the Franziskanerplatz in the center of Innsbruck / Austria. I chose this place because in my opinion it is one of the last public spaces and the one with the highest pedestrian frequence in town. Different types of people (tourists, locals, businessmen) cross this place, so it is a perfect match for my built public space and theater.

site plan 1:2000

staging the site


design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>looped path The idea of creating a public space and my vision of architecture as an experience leaded to design the way through the building as a looped path.

Inszenierter Weg ins Theater Bewegung vom Theater weg / Sichtbeziehungen zum ansteigenden Weg aber keine Kreuzung

staged path to the start of theater space continuum containing theater

diagram of the path


> polydrama Created by Joshua Sobol, this new form of theatrical experience gives the audience the possibility to create their own storyline. Each episode plays on a different stage and the audience move freely from stage to stage creating their own version of the drama. The polydrama leaded me to my idea of creating a space continuum with different kinds of stages inside the building which is enclosed to the public part of it. diagram / model of the space inside the building 39

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

>landscape Between and underneath the building, a landscape connects the Franziskanerplatz with the Angerzellgasse. Thus the public space is enlarged and a new important link within the inner city is created. schematic drawing with the landscape

>entrance Besides the main entrance from the Franziskanerplatz, there are another two entrances from important inner city places, which are connected to the building through underground paths. Light is reflecting down from the pavement above. Connected to the underground paths there are rehearsal rooms for rent for young bands. There is a connection the a parking garage too.

underground entrance situation 40

design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

exemplarily floor plan +23.00 m start of theater M 1:200


design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

exemplarily section M 1:250


design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

proscenium stage

same level

proscenium stage

vertical stage actor above tribune space stage

vertical stage actor above

space stage

vertical stage actors above

>stages Each of the six stages inside the theater is defined by a different relationship between actors and audience. All of them root in stage designs in the early 20th century.

There are also two vertical stages, one with the actors acting above the audience, and one acting underneath. Both stages are influenced by the vision of the “Kugeltheater” by Andor Weininger.

The proscenium stage clearly devides actors and audience, the actors are on a stage.

In the tribune, the audience and the actors are devided because of a slightly lifted audience area. It is influenced by the form of a classic arena.

At the second stage, actors and audience are on the same level and there is no disconnection at all. The space stage is influenced by the space stage This type is influenced by the “Podiumsklavier” deof Friedrich Kiesler. There are three connected stage signed by Werner Ruhnau. levels, the audience is spiraling outside of the stages.


design project 4/5

Curriculum Vitae

collage of the design on site


Andreas Glatzl

curriculum vitae

Curriculum Vitae


Curriculum Vitae 15.07.1985............born in Rum / Austria 1992 – 1996.........elementary school in Thaur / Austria 1996 – 2000.........secondary school emphasis on sports in Absam / Austria 2000 – 2005.........higher technical education in Innsbruck passed with honors 2005 - 2006.........Civilian service at the emergency medical services in Innsbruck 2006...................start of studying architecture at Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck 2000 - 2005.........internships at construction company Fröschl GmbH and at architectural office of Johann Obermoser since 2006...........During my studies further work for the architect Johann Obermoser (design,

competitions, building design, working drawings, physical models at scales from 1:200 to 1:50 for the “Kaufhaus Tyrol” and other projects) and for the “Wohnungsbaugesellschaft Tigewosi”. since 2008...........Tutor at the institut for experimental architecture / Studio 3 under Prof. Volker Giencke

>contact: Andreas Glatzl +43699 / 18722333 andreas.glatzl@student.uibk.ac.at Blog: www.andigl.wordpress.com Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/at_gl >adress: Prof. Stabingerweg 7 6065 Thaur Austria >language skills: german /english

>Awards: Eternit competition winner 2005 Pro Holz competition second place 2005

>Software: 2D...... Autodesk AutoCad basics Graphisoft ArchiCad

grafic....Adobe Illustrator CS3 Adobe Photoshop CS3

3D......Rhinoceros 3D with Grasshopper, TSpline and Vray Renderer basics Autodesk Maya with programming language MEL basics Cinema 4D with Vray Renderer

create a tender... basics ABK Bausoftware

Layout...Adobe InDesign CS3

operating systems....Mac OsX Windows

administration...Microsoft Office Software


Curriculum Vitae


>interested in

work well in a team physical models very good spatial understanding willing to work adaptive theoretical knowledge interest

architecture art culture travelling movies

photography music technology new media sports

>design method influenced by cognitive psychology diagrams mathematical complexity parametric design art and graphics

>conclusion Like I wrote already at the beginning, I did not want to show just the results of my projects but primarily the thoughts and the process behind the projects. I think, thats also very important for the whole architectural education: to develope concepts and to evolve a design strategy for myself. In my opinion, the resulting form of the project is not most important because a concept has the capability to lead to different resulting projects. I believe, that a strong spatial concept still remains when the project is already built. In my opinion, UN Studio’s Mercedes Benz museum in Stuttgart is such a building. Visitors get confronted with the spatial concept as soon as they start walking on the visitors path. I think, it is nearly impossible not to think about architecture and the concept behind the building while visiting this museum. That is something, I really want to achieve with architecture for myself. People should experience architecture, not just using it, or looking at it.


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