Brief 12 elmwood boards

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Brief #12 - Brand the Boring

Live branding brief set by Elmwood

Brief #12 Brand the boring - Produce a brand for a skip hire company including a brand logo and identity, tone of voice and applications of the brand

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

Brief, Deliverables & Concept

Brief #12 - Brand the Boring

Brief -

Concept -

Brand the boring - Produce a brand for a skip hire company including a brand logo and identity, tone of voice and applications of the brand

Many existing skip hire companies feature identities with make them appear to be simply what they are; skip hire companies. Generally, the identities have no connotations to leisure and luxury, which is something that could easily be used to promote a skip hire company. By hiring out a skip, the customer is saving themselves the extra effort of transporting unwanted waste anywhere under their own means - the skip hire company does just that for them.

Deliverables A brand for a skip hire company, including applications of the brand delivered in presentation boards submitted to Elmwood

Live branding brief set by Elmwood

One industry that promotes ease, relaxation and convenience is that of cruise ships. The idea of merging cruise ships with skips is a natural one to promote the way in which it makes a customer’s life easier and more relaxed, it is a service which is catering to their needs.

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

Contextual Research

Brief #12 - Brand the Boring

Live branding brief set by Elmwood

Contextual research Once I had decided to approach the brief in the way of comparing a skip hire company to a luxury cruise ship, I looked into the way cruise ships are branded to influence the way I branded the skip hire company.

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

Design Development & Brand Guidelines

Brief #12 - Brand the Boring

Live branding brief set by Elmwood

Background colour :

Logo colours :

C : 100 M : 100 Y:0 K:0

Logo typefaces:


C : 100 M:0 Y:0 K:0

C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0


Design development -

Brand Guidelines -

Originally, I was looking at creating the logo as a skip with a sail to symbolise the crusie ship connection, but after a crit with Stephanie from Elmwood, I decided to look into branding the skips as if they were cruise ships.

Brand Name : Cruise Liners Tagline : Luxury Skip Hire Tone of Voice : Appearing expensive but with a light hearted approach. Relaxed but sophisticated

Manifesto / Brand Values : Aiming to provide a luxury, stress free skip hire service. Showing that a company could simple place a skip outside of a customers house, let them dispose of things in it, then it will simply ‘sail away’.

Target Audience : Professionals, adults who need to clear out their house, construction companies.

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

Applications of Brand

Brief #12 - Brand the Boring

Live branding brief set by Elmwood

Skips & Uniforms The staff responsible for the moving of the skips will also wear a uniform which is consistent with the idea of being a cruise ship’s captain. The brand identity would be applied across many different products relating to the company, but they would also impose their identity in other, more unique ways.

The skip, once it has been parked outside a customers house would then have a sail that raises for the duration of the time it is there, and would then be lowered again when it is time for the skip to sail away.

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

Applications of Brand

Brief #12 - Brand the Boring

Live branding brief set by Elmwood

Promotion Fitting with the luxury image of the company, the head quarters / warehouses will look like ferry port terminals with the inside and outside designs creating a sense of the company being an expensive sought after brand, rather than simply a skip hire company.

Andrea Hannah Cooper - OUGD603 Extended Practice 2014

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