Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD505 / Design Practice 2
What Is Good? / Concept Crit
Concept: adding a competitive edge to art for older primary age children to place more of an empasis on the creative industries and careers.
Concept Many primary schools have competitions available to their students in the subjects of sports, maths challenges and science fairs, yet the subject of art is often over looked.
The concept is to bring art to schools by inviting older primary age students to workshops where they can be taught art skills, allowing them to produce work to enter into national ‘competitions’, and to be featured in art galleries.
Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD505 / Design Practice 2
What Is Good? / Concept Crit
Concept / Target Audience The target audience would be upper primary school aged children to influence them in choosing art at high school age.
Andrea Hannah Cooper / OUGD505 / Design Practice 2
What Is Good? / Concept Crit
Concept / Competition Element The competition element would award children with certificates for participation and for the best entries, contratulating the children for participating but also
encouraing the competitive spirit and element of the workshops. 3