Module Code: Module Title:
Student Name:
Andrea Hannah Cooper
Extended Practice Studio Brief Title: Brief 10 - D&AD WPP Synopsis:
A conceptual campaign to get people to do something about climate change, including a social network inspired app and website design (website functionality shown through walkthrough video) (collaboration with Creative Advertising student Alex Goddard) List of deliverables Evidence (boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Design boards explaining the concept, background, research, campaign and website/app D&AD submission boards and website walkthrough video
Evaluation: WPP was a very demanding brief to work on from start to finish, although this brief and working with Alex (Creative Advertising student) on it helped me to take a step away from graphic design briefly and see the concept side of advertising. I learnt a large amount from Alex through this brief as to how copywriters and art directors approach a campaign and build on their initial ideas. What we produced for this brief in the end was a drastically different outcome than what we began with as we decided to change to what we thought was a more obvious response to the brief. The way in which Alex and I worked together on it was also an influence on how we took the brief. I let her build the concepts and copy and I took the role of creating the visual side. Although a little risky for the D&AD competition, I think what we produced concept wise was very strong but visually was lacking. However, the D&AD brief stated clearly that the response to this brief should be concept over craft. One downside to this brief was the way in which we were both incredibly busy in the run up to the D&AD deadline and the final submissions were rushed and perhaps did not show off the amount of development and conceptualisation we had put into the brief. I have learned a huge amount from this kind of working and I think that has become evident in the briefs I have completed since this one as I now spend a bit more time considering the conceptual side of a brief as opposed to just the visuals. The thing I would have done differently with this brief would have been the way in which we presented the concept. I feel as though the type and layout could have influenced the way the information came across so much more although it does seem to convey the message.