Module Code: Module Title:
Student Name:
Andrea Hannah Cooper
Extended Practice Studio Brief Title: Brief 2 - The Importance of Play Synopsis:
A charity proposal which aims to bring arts, games and play into the curriculum of schools in rural Africa through foreign sponsorship, which would fund packs being sent to schools containing information booklets and equipment. The brief also contains welcome packs for the sponsor and a website homepage design.
List of deliverables Evidence (boards, resolutions, apps,etc)
(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)
Design boards exploring the concept, background, research, design development and products of the brand
Evaluation: Play is a brief I started researching and planning in late October/early November, and began the initial visuals for in November, however it has been the last one I finished as I kept putting it off and coming back to it. I initially enjoyed the beginnings of this brief and I had ideas of where to take it, yet once I started it I realised it was a bit more ambitious than I had originally thought. The end results I have produced are not anything like I had originally wanted to make but they were the best results I got within the time constraints. I found this brief difficult to design for as essentially it is a charity proposal, but every thing I tried within the brief seemed to be too much like charity design. I wanted this brief to showcase creativity and thinking outside of producing just charity branding so in some respects I do not think this brief was as successful as it could have been. However, within the style I have produced the products, I am pleased with the outcomes. I found this brief quite difficult to research and although I have tried to put it into context, it may not seem completely obvious to someone observing it for the first time. I did spend time considering the production methods of the different packaging pieces and the booklets so that they fitted in with the aesthetic and concept I was trying to push. If I were to do this brief again there are many things I would do differently in terms of the aesthetics and how the concept came across through the finished products. I do think that this brief was moderately successful but that it had a lot more potential.