Ougd603 brief 5

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Module Code: Module Title:

Student Name:


Andrea Hannah Cooper

Extended Practice Studio Brief Title: Brief 5 - City of Copenhagen Synopsis:

A rebrand proposal for the Copenhagen tourism branding (shown through printed brand guidelines), which has been extended across a virtual tour guide mobile application, a trip planner website, digital and print advertising, and tourism souvenirs.

List of deliverables Evidence (boards, resolutions, apps,etc)




(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Design boards exploring the concept, background, research, context, design development, brand guidelines, mobile app, website, tourism souvenirs and print and digital advertising. Printed brand guidelines

Disc containing mobile app walkthrough video, website homepage walkthrough video and two short idents

Evaluation: This brief is not only the biggest and most substantial brief out of the module, but also by far my favourite brief that I have worked on to date. The amount that I have both produced and learnt through this brief is huge and working on this brief has been a motivation that has been reflected in the other briefs I have been working on simultaneously. I started this brief with a substantial amount of research which I undertook when I visited Copenhagen in January and over Easter where I pretended to be a tourist to try and uncover the Copenhagen that they see. This led the direction of how I took the brief and how I further developed the idea of introducing the Copenhagen that the locals know to the tourists. A difficulty I over came with this brief came when producing the app design. I wanted a way to present the tourist guide app I had designed which explained how the it functioned while showing off the different sections and design features. To do this, I taught myself to use After Effects in two very stressful days and managed to produce a video run through of how the app functions that I am very proud of. For this brief, I also created the set of brand guidelines before beginning designing the products and therefor worked properly to what I had set out rather than attempting to produce brand guidelines afterwards. Throughout the whole brief I kept trying to reinforce the concept of seeing the city how the locals do, and this even came into the brand in ways other than through the logo, such as in the colour scheme. The colours used were all picked out of photos of the colourful, local back streets of Copenhagen. Also, having developed an interest in iconography recently, I decided that as a large amount of the design I had proposed for this brief was digital, it was important to design a full set of icons that could be used across many different applications. These icons were all influenced and inspired by the extensive contextual research I completed for the brief which has also informed every other step of the process. I also have developed more of an attention to detail through this brief Overall, I am extremely happy with this brief and proud of what I accomplished in a short space of time, although if I were to do it again or even come back to it in the future, I would put more of an emphasis on advertising Copenhagen outside of Denmark as I have completed the products for use within Copenhagen but the areas of persuading tourists to actually travel there is lacking. I definitely feel as though this is my strongest piece of work to date and that I have brought what I have learnt in other briefs of this module into the way I produced this brief.

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